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Mob-dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville.It contains plenty of symbolism.Understanding the symbolic meaning of the characters and subjects in the novel is important.This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel.Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty.Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil.In the whaling trip,we can see his bravery and patience,as well as his madness and stubbornness.The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane”that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world`s multiculturalism.Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures ,races.and environment ,in which we are always connected by our humanity.

Key words:symbolism;Moby Dick;Arab;counterpane





1851,Herman Melville had his novel Moby Dick published,which was not a stir at that time.However,a half century later,in 1920s,this book has been recognized as one of the most significant works in American literature. Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic.It is a naturalistic story of whale-hunting.The story tells that a captain named Ahab led his crews to hunt a white whale who sheared off his leg on a previous voyage.Finally all people on board drown,except Ishmael,who survives to tell the story.Moby-dick is so popular not only because of the exciting whale-hunting scenes and exploration of the internal world of human beings,but also the skillful use of symbolism.What does make him become a mater of symbolism?It relates to his life experience and culture background.

Herman Melville began working on his epic novel Moby Dick in 1850,writing it primarily as a report on the whaling voyages he undertook in the 1830s and early 1840s,Many critics think that his initial book didn`t contain characters such as Ahab,Starbuck,or even Moby Dick,but the summer of 1850 changed Melville`s writing and his masterpiece.He became friend,with author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was greatly influenced by him.He also read Shakespeare and Milton`s paradise lost.Their influenced lead to novel Moby Dick completed and published in 1851.Although ignored by critics after its release,Moby Dick took an important place in the world literature.

In Moby Dick,Melville`s imagination has achieved its great peak through employing every means and technique he can reach,among which symbolism is the most thought-provoking and well-studied one.The symbolism of the white whale can be interpreted in many ways.the paper concerns that Moby Dick is the symbol of God.Ahab,the captain of the ship,represents the league human with evil.He questions the fate that God sends upon him and wants to challenge him.The idea of “counterpane”is the third symbolic element,which is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world`s multiculturalism.

I、The Symbolic Meanings of Moby Dick

The white whale is one of the best known symbols in the novel.What it represents depends entirely on who is noticing.To Starbuck,it is just another whale while is more dangerous.To Ishmael,it suggests the demonism in the world.To others,the white whale symbolizes mysterious and powerful nature, but one significant question is what the white whale to Ahab is?According to the captain Ahab`s comments in Chapter 36,there,he says he sees Moby Dick as a “mask”,behind which lies a great power.It can be concluded,to Ahab,the white whale represents that power which limits and controls man.Ahab sees it as evil.Melville uses many other symbols to make the white whale a symbol of divine power.Moby Dick is thought to be immortal.He is the collective whale soul,the essential,eternal whale of which all other whales are only ephemeral manifestations.The sacred,special character of Moby Dick is indicated by his whiteness.His awfully severe beauty is godlike,as is his titanic power and his pyramid-like white hump.His color,white,has signified a special sanctify;Melville portrays Moby Dick in nearly human terms,endowing the great whale a sense of intelligence,strategy and grandeur.The whale is more than a match for Ahab,despite his dogged persistence,and in fact appears altogether unconquerable.Form the beginning of the novel,we are confronted with the image of the whale as the personification of power and strength.

II、The Symbolic Meanings of Captain Ahab

Ahab is the central character and the primary focus of the novel,despite his mysterious and long-delayed appearance.Long before Ahab actually interacts with Ishmael and the other characters ,Melville establishes him as an impressive and tragic figure,deserving of sympathy.Ahab is a very complicated man with heroic and evil qualities at the same time.What does he stand for?A hero fights against evil?Or an evil himself takes revenge on the nature or god?He stars with a noble intention to crush malignance of the universe.But he is out of control as he rants about attacking the force behind the mask of the white whale.He wants to kill the whale in order to reach that force,He seems to want to be God.He is,unfortunately,consumed by his consuming desire to destroy evil and finally turned evil himself.

Unlike the heroes of older tragic works ,however,Ahab suffers from a fatal flaw that is not necessarily inborn but instead stems from damage,in his case psychological and physical,inflicted by life in a harsh world.He is as much a victim as he is an aggressor,and the symbolic opposition that he constructs between himself and Moby Dick propels him toward what he considers a destined end.

III、The Symbolic Meanings of Counterpane

In Herman Melville`s Moby Dick,a symbolic element that makes the novel clearer and more real to his reader is the idea of the “counterpane”,or tapestry, of humanity which is woven through out the story as the symbol of the world`s multiculturalism.Melville develops the symbolism on at least three levels,proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures,races and environment.

On a great scale,Melville uses the sea as a metaphor for the world and mankind.There are many creatures that depend on the water and others who depend on the creatures that depend on the water.In order for everything to be balanced,people must learn to coexist peacefully when they try to meet all of the different needs they may have.The multiple ships that the Pequod meets at the travel represent different cultures of people.For instance,the Jungfrau [or virgin] is a ship from Germany,while the Rosebud is from France,and the Town Ho comes from

Nantucket.Not only are the different ships different in style and accent,but also their views on whaling and life are all greatly varied as well.There is also a great irony in the meetings of the Pequod with other ships.”Another homeward bound whale man,the Town Ho,was encountered.She was manned almost wholly by Polynesians.”Whales are not running the ship that comes from one of the most “white”places in the whaling world!The multiculturalism of all the different ships proves that we as humans are all connected by the idea that sometimes we will have to rely on people we would never expect.

IV、Analyzed from the Relationship between Human and Nature

Captain Ahab,is the emblem and embodiment of the pioneers engaging in the exploration of the great nature.He represents those challenging the mysterious nature fearlessly despite all the obstacles and hardship.Though confronted with many unforeseeable difficulties,Ahab never drawn back or ceased his expedition.As described in chapter 120,Pequod is caught in a terrible storm.Starbuck wants permission to furl a sail.But Ahab refuses,saying only cowards take down sails or back down on the purpose in bad weather.Ahab steadfastly continues to battle nature.He even mocks it,suggesting that the fury of the storm is nothing majestic,but a kind of gassy stomachache.

Moby Dick,however,is a complicated symbol.IT is depicted as an unexplainable and powerful force of nature.It is the combination of wisdom,beauty,strength,cruelty,malignity and annihilation.It is the awful mystery of the universe.Melville tries to convey to us such a faith :in the battle between man and nature we are inevitably confronted with such obstacles as Moby Dick,but in the long run,man will be the final winner.At the same time,man must follow certain principle,rather than doing irrational things like Ahab,who is obsessed with revenge.Ahab has no chance of killing Moby Dick,yet he engaged in his suicide plan to stab at the Pequod.He is responsible for the death of the crew.

On the other hand,Moby Dick represents the artistic beauty man`s tragic struggle against nature.The adventure reveals the tragic spirit of the ancient epics in western literature.Ahab ,the veteran captain who has been whaling for more than 40 years,is assaulted by a white whale and left one -legged.Confronted with such a fearful monster,Ahab acts like an epic hero in the Greek mythology.Yet,as in the epics,there is always a pervasive influence of fate in life.

Moby Dick in particular suggests hidden terrors and incomprehensible tragedy and fatalism in life.Symbolically,the actions are important on a national level,for the story can be read as an allegory of the risks involved in trying to subjugate nature to the will of man—a danger quite obvious to American in a century in which the annihilation of humanity has become a possibility.


The paper has discussed Melville`s symbolism in Moby Dick.As a master of allegory and symbolism,Melville develops a great deal of symbols to add beauty to his novel,and makes it become a timeless masterpiece.What remain to be pointed out are the symbolic meanings of Ahab,Moby Dick and counterpane.Ahab is viewed as the human with evil,Moby Dick as God,counterpane as the world`s multiculturalism.

However,what the paper has discussed about symbolism in the novel is just a little part of the whole.There are many other symbols in the novel.For instance,the voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery,the search for the ultimate truth of experience.”The Pequod is the ship of the American soul,and the endeavor of its crew represents ”the maniacal fanaticism of our white mental consciousness”.By far the most conspicuous symbol in the book is, of course Moby Dick,the white whale is capable of many interpretations.It`s viewed as God,an unstoppable force of nature and as simply a whale.It is apparent that he represents more.It symbolizes nature for Melville,for it is complex,unfathomable,malignant and beautiful as well.For the author,as well as for the reader and Ishmael,the narrator,Moby Dick is still a mystery;an ultimate mystery of the universe,inscrutable and ambivalent,and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search,not a discovery,of the truth.

Thus,people should nor be satisfied with learning from the ancient only.A more important thing for them for them to do is to develop more scientific and reasonable point of view about Melville`s symbolism in Moby Dick is still a mystery;an ultimate mystery of the universe, insrutable and ambivalent,and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search,not a discovery,of the truth.

Thus,people should not be satisfied with learning from the ancient only.A more important thing for them to do is to develop more scientific and reasonable point of view about Melville`s symbolism in Moby Dick.The use of symbolic art in Moby Dick makes its theme raise a higher level,the figures more distinctive and vivid,the character disposition more projecting,and this novel far-reaching significance.It is referred to as a “readers will understand arbitrary collection”.


1.Bloom, Harold, ed. Herman Melville`s Moby Dick. New York; Chelsea House, 1996.

2.Harriet, Told A.The Quest in the Works of Herman Melville. Amherst; University of

Massachusetts Press, 1996.

3.Heimert, Alan. Moby Dick and American Political Symbolism. Cambridge,Massachusetts; The

Eliot House Edition,1991.

4.Slade,Leonard A. Symbolism in Herman Melville`s Moby Dick; From the Satanic to the Divine.

Leviston,New York; Mellen Press, 1998.

5.Herman,Melville. Moby-Dick. New York; Bantam, 1981


7.常耀信,著. 美国文学简史.天津:南开大学出版社,2004

8.刘杰. 论《白鲸》中的象征主义,黑龙江. 佳木斯大学社会科学出版社. 2005.

9.曹琳. 《白鲸》中的伦理思想冲突[J]. 辽宁大学学报. 2003. 6.



外国文学名著简介:白鲸 美国著名作家梅尔维尔的长篇小说《白鲸》创作于1851年,小说描写一位捕鲸船长在在海上捕鱼时,不慎被白鲸咬掉了一条腿,他发誓要找到白鲸。船长航行了几乎整个世界,历尽千辛万苦,终于找到了白鲸。于是,船长命令船员们靠近白鲸叉死它,船员明知九死一生但不得不服从船长的命令,他们叉中了白鲸,受伤的白鲸凶狠地冲向他们的鱼船,鱼船被撞得粉碎,船上的人除一人死里逃生外,都与白鲸同归于尽了。 小说中称霸海洋的白鲸被写成一种强大可怕的、对人怀有敌意又难以制服的怪物。它是人类难以摆脱并深受其害的人间罪恶的象征。小说描写了捕鲸的艰难和捕鲸工人的智慧和勇敢,很有现实意义,有浓重的象征意味和神秘色彩。小说扑朔迷离、欲辩难言的意境在20世纪30年代引起欧美文学界强烈反响,成为浪漫主义的杰作。 梅尔维尔是美国浪漫主义小说家和诗人。青年时代当过水手,在长达四年的海上生活中,品尝了捕鲸船上的艰难与困苦。在南太平洋航行期间,他在一个海岛上的土著泰比人中间生活了一段时间。他初创作的小说《泰比》和《奥穆》都是以他的经历见闻为基础,描写异国风土人情的作品。作者把未开化的、未被近代文明玷污的人们的纯朴生活同资本

主义的文明相互对照,对资本主义制度进行了深刻的揭露。梅尔维尔是美国浪漫主义后期的代表人之一。作品带有一种神秘和悲观的色彩。代表作品长篇小说《白鲸》所表现的神秘和悲观的浪漫主义色彩引起当时欧美文学界很大的反响,并因此被尊为美国第一流的浪漫主义作家。 本片根据美国著名作家梅尔维尔的巨著《白鲸》改编拍摄。片中主人公亚哈由美国著名影星格里高利·派克饰演。 捕鲸船船长亚哈被一条叫莫比·迪克抹香鲸咬断一条腿。为了复仇,他利诱威逼船员们不顾一切地去追捕白鲸,既不顾船员们的生命安危,也不顾陆续出现的凶险以及袄教徒的不祥预言,他们像发疯似的在大海上与白鲸周旋恶斗,最后终于击中白鲸,他的捕鲸船也被狂怒的白鲸掀翻,船员们葬身海底,亚哈本人被缠结的捕鲸绳绞死,只有水手以实玛利一人死里逃生,成为悲壮故事的叙述者。


《白鲸》教学设计 教学目标 1、自主学会本课生字、新词。 2、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3、理解课文的主要内容,从中了解白鲸的特点,激发学生热爱动物、热爱大自然的美好情感。 教学重、难点 通过有感情地朗读课文,体会词句的意思,感受白鲸的特点。教学准备 教师:多媒体课件。 教学过程 一、导入, 师:孩子们,今天老师想提个问题考考大家,你们知道现在世界上最大的哺乳动物是什么吗?不是大象而是鲸。见过鲸吗?下面我们就来看看鲸的图片。 出示鲸图片 师:我们看到了鲸生活在海里,体型像鱼,所以鲸字的部首是鱼部,右边是它的声旁首都北京的京字,因此它的读音与北京的京一样是后鼻音“jing”。我们一起来读读这个字吧,一定要把这个字和鲸的样子一起牢牢地装进我们的小脑袋里。

师:孩子们,今天老师要和大家一起来认识鲸家族中既美丽又聪明的成员——白鲸。 出示课题,齐读课题 师:下面我们来仔细观察一下它们吧! 出示白鲸图片(师述:白鲸在鲸家族中体型较小,通体雪白,生性温和,聪明可爱。) 出示白鲸介绍,齐读。 一、初读课文,整体感知 过渡:孩子们,你们喜欢白鲸吗?想进一步了解它们吗?好,我们就一起来读读课文吧。选择你喜欢的方法,通读课文,要求:勾画出生字词,读准生字的音,画出段落,想一想课文围绕白鲸介绍了哪些内容,是按什么顺序来写的。 1、出示自读要求,生自由读课文 2、出示自学生字提示,学生自主学习生字词。 3、课件出示生词检查自学情况。 师:刚才我们读了课文,课文围绕“白鲸”写了哪些内容?是按什么顺序来写的。现在能回答吗? 4、交流:课文围绕“白鲸”写了哪些内容?是按什么顺序来写的。结合学生回答出示板书。


白鲸英文名句 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、伟大人物,刹那间所积起的深重痛苦,往往等于常人终其一生所经历的全部平淡痛苦。 Great men, the deep pain accumulated in an instant, are often equal to all the plain pain that ordinary people experience throughout their lives. 2、我愿意像一根火柴,去点燃我的目标。哪怕它是火药,我也在所不惜。 I would like to be like a match to light my goal. Even if it is gunpowder, I will spare no effort. 3、海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。海涛滚滚而去,仍旧寻常。一切都像是没有发生一样。 Seabirds hovered around the place, their voices were sad. The waves rolled away, still ordinary. Everything seems to have never happened. 4、它们在胸前划着十字,一边谴责同类的这种行为,一边乞求上帝饶恕他们。 They crossed their breasts, condemning similar acts and begging God to forgive them.

5、然而,我叫得越响亮,我的灵魂就越畏惧。 However, the louder I shout, the more terrified my soul is. 6、即使是牺牲自己,我也会照亮什么,我敢于这样做。我有这个决心。 Even at the expense of myself, I will illuminate what I dare to do. I have this determination. 7、对于本性阴险的海洋来讲,人类的这种态度无疑是对他的挑衅,所招致的也无疑是毁灭。 For a sea of insidious nature, this attitude of human beings is undoubtedly a provocation to him, and the result is undoubtedly destruction. 8、本来我可以静静地想很多,可是我的心和我的头脑始终剧烈地跳动,根本静不下来,而有时一旦静下来了,又像是被冻结了一般。 I could have thought a lot in silence, but my heart and my mind were beating violently all the time and could not be quiet at all. Sometimes once it was quiet, it seemed as if it had been frozen. 9、人类的疑虑往往是在他已成为局中人时最为强烈,可面对这无奈的局面,他自己却还要自欺欺人地加以掩饰。 Human doubts are often the strongest when he has become a player, but in the face of this helpless situation, he has to deceive himself to cover it up.


白鲸的简短自我介绍五篇范文 白鲸的自我介绍(一) 白鲸,学名:Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas,1776),一角鲸科白鲸属的一种动物。额头向外隆起突出且圆滑,嘴喙很短,唇线宽阔。身体颜色非常淡,为独特的白色。白鲸与其他鲸类相比,惟一明显不同的是:当夏季皮肤呈淡黄色的色调时,可以蜕换。 游动时通常比较缓慢,在海浪和浮冰中难以辨识。白鲸喜欢生活在海面或贴近海面的地方;潜水能力相当强,对于北极的浮冰环境有很好的适应力。 世界上绝大多数白鲸生活在欧洲、美国阿拉斯加和加拿大以北的海域中。几个白鲸集中的地区已成为赏鲸圣地,包括加拿大东部的圣劳伦斯河下游与哈德逊湾西部的丘吉尔河河口。 白鲸的自我介绍(二) 白鲸躯体粗壮,呈白色或黄色,头圆、喙短,没有背鳍。成熟 的白鲸整个躯体会呈现独特的白色,头部在比例上显小,上有额隆,喷气孔后有轮廓清晰的褶皱。

躯体表面常布疤痕,也可能有褶皱与脂肪褶层。背脊取代背鳍,位于上部中后位置,尾鳍后缘或呈暗棕色,中央缺刻明显,尾叶外突随年龄增长愈加明显。颈部可自由活动,能够点头及转头。胸鳍宽阔呈刮刀状,活动自如;唇线宽。雄性胸鳍上弯,随年龄增长愈加明显。[1] 身体大部分皮肤很粗糙。成鲸的白色皮肤有时会在夏季发情时稍带淡黄色调,但蜕皮后即消失。白鲸体色会随年龄而改变,从初生时的暗灰色转变成灰、淡灰及带有蓝色调的白色;当白鲸长到5至10岁性别特征成熟时,就会变成纯白色,而背脊、胸鳍边缘以及尾鳍终身都保持暗色调。 发声时额隆改变形状,并可能产生共鸣。齿式:16~22/16~18。 初生仔鲸长1.5~1.6米,重80公斤;成体约3~5米,重0.4~1.5吨 白鲸的自我介绍(三) 主要栖息于河道入口、峡湾、港湾以及北冰洋常年有光照的温暖浅海,夏季也会出现在河口水域。栖息地水温一般8~10℃。白鲸群进入河口迁徙目的地时显得十分兴奋,虽然已经进行了长距离迁徙,但似乎一点儿都不觉得累。除了用不同的歌喉不停地“交流”之外,还用自己宽大的尾叶突戏水,将身体半露出水面,

2019最新整理-(西师大版)四年级语文下册教案 白鲸 3

2019最新整理-(西师大版)四年级语文下册教案白 鲸 3 教学目标: 1. 理解课文内容,了解白鲸的几个特点。 2. 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3. 学会自己批注体会,学习作者把动物当作人来 写的写作方法。 4. 感悟作者对白鲸的喜爱之情,激发学生保护大 自然、爱护动物的感情。 教学重点: 1.理解课文内容,了解白鲸的几个特点。 2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 教学难点: 1.学会自己批注体会,学习作者把动物当作人来写的写作方 法。 2.感悟作者对白鲸的喜爱之情,激发学生保护大自然、爱护动 物的感情。 教学过程: 一、复习生字,导入新课 上一节课我们学习了《白鲸》这篇课文的生字词,那么现在老

师要检查一下,看看你们对生字词是否都已经掌握了。 出示生字卡片 二、自读自悟,理解课文内容 同学们对生字词都掌握得非常好了,接下来请同学们自由地朗读课文,读完后回答老师的问题。 作者向我们介绍了白鲸的那些特点? 从第一自然段中我们了解到白鲸是一种远游的动物,是一位地道的夏季旅行家,那么除此之外,他还有什么样的称号?为什么会有这样的称号呢?请大家自由朗读课文。 1.勾画出白鲸声音变化多端的句子,从这里你体会到了什么? (作好批注) 2.白鲸还有可能发出什么样的声音呢? 抽生模仿,点评 3.读一读“白鲸不停地‘歌唱’……也是同伴之间的一种交流 方式” 总结:是啊,动物是多么的有趣,虽然它们不能像我们人类一样说话,但是它们有自己的交流方式。 4.白鲸除了喜欢“歌唱”之外,还喜欢什么呢? ⑴快速的默看第三自然段,回答老师所提出的问题? ⑵勾画出体现白鲸喜欢“游戏”的句子。读一读 ⑶在这一段中,第一句是一个什么样的句子?起了什么作用? 5.白鲸一路上一边旅行一边玩游戏,当它游到目的地河口三角


The Scarlet Letter (1850), a story of rebellion within an emotionally constricted Puritan society, is an undisputed masterpiece written by Hawthorn. The Scarlet Letter reveals both Hawthorne…s superb craftsmanship and the powerful psychological insight wit h which he probed guilt and anxiety in the human soul. Hawthorne…s remarkable sense of the Puritan past, his understanding of the colonial history in England, his apparent preoccupation with the moral issue of sin and guilt, and his keen psychological analysis of people are brought to full display in this novel. So his dream is Thought, full of mental activities. Thought propels action and grows organically out of the interaction of the characters. With modern psychological insight, Hawthorne probe the secret motivation in human behavior and the guilt and anxiety that he believed resulted from all sins against humanity, especially those of pride. Hawthorne is a master of symbolism. The structure and the form of the novel are carefully worked out to cater for the thematic concern. By using Pearl as a thematic symbol, Hawthorne emphasizes the consequence the sin of adultery has brought to the community and people living in that community. As a key to the whole novel, the letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meanings as the plot develops. The ambiguity is one of the salient features of the work. Published in 1851, Moby Dick is considered a master piece by Herman Melville. Holding the thesis that ―all visible objects are but as pasteboard mask,‖ Melvil le strikes through the surface of his adventurous narrative to formulate concepts of good and evil imbedded as allegory in its events. Under Melville…s pen, Moby-Dick urns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the u niverse, a spiritual exploration into man…s deep reality and psychology. Melville uses symbols as representations of different ideas, and through facts and incidents to acquire universal meanings: the Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truths. The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes nature, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well. For the character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil; for the author, as well as for the reader and Ishmael, the narrator, Moby Dick is an ultimate mystery of the universe, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search of the truth.


博士论文开题报告范文 A 一研究目标 本研究试图在GIS和遥感软件支持下,综合野外调查、遥感及定位数据,结合 专家系统、数据库、多媒体和网络技术,引入可视化技术、交互技术和虚拟现实技术,建立多维的热带亚热带植被信息系统,探讨3S技术在不同组织层次植被研究 中的应用如森林群落的水平和垂直分析、植被的时空动态模拟和预测、以及森林景观的格局研究等。 二研究内容和研究方法 GIS平台为ESRI ARCVIEW 3.x及其扩展模块,遥感软件为PCI GEOMATICA (?), 编程语言为C ,图形处理用OPENGL。主要的研究方法参见表1。 1 种群 Population:以距离为基础的种群分布格局、种间联结、邻体效应、种 间竞争、母树-幼苗空间关系等。 2 群落 Community:以面积为基础的重取样技术、各种面积曲线、冠层分析 等。 3 生态系统 Ecosystem:以地图为基础的植被分类、生产力或生物量估算、植 被水平或垂直分布等。 4 景观 Landscape: 以DEM为基础的景观格局结构、缀块分析、生境评价、虚 拟3D森林等。 5 植被信息系统:构建多维热带亚热带植被信息系统(图1)。 三拟解决的关键问题 1遥感生物信息提取

遥感影象的光谱特征、空间特征、极化特征和时间特性是我们鉴别各种物体和现象的依据。如何从遥感图象中识别植被、昆虫种群、大型动物等生物信息,则是建立多维生物地理信息系统的基础。通常是用植被不同波段的反射率及其它因子的组合来获得植被指数(VI),并采用非监督分类或监督分类的方法,区分不同地物和不同植被类型,但只能用于较大的植被分类阶元;较小的植被单位如群丛必须结合实地调查和其它环境因子,能否直接利用遥感判断还有待于进一步研究。昆虫种群和大型动物的判定一般是根据这种昆虫的生境,也可以考虑标记和电子反射器的办法来定位。引入专家系统或者决策支持系统,模糊数学、遗传算法、神经网络理论,可以更加有效地和精确地进行识别。 2 时空数据模型和时空分析 传统的GIS面向的是只含空间维度和属性维度的SGIS(Static GIS),而能够处理时间维度的GIS则称为TGIS(Temporal GIS)。时间维度具有和空间维度不一 1 A 样的特点,如何将空间数据模型的概念和方法引申到时空数据模型,是当前GIS研究的热点和难点之一。时空一体化的数据模型必须具有时空二维的拓扑特征,才能有效地提高数据质量和分析效率,减少数据存贮的冗余(陈晋等,1995)。生物学中涉及了许多时空分析问题,也发展了时序分析和生物地理统计的方法,但这些方法的理论和应用都有待完善。而且,现有的GIS软件均不能很好地完成这些分析。 3 专业组件设计 现有的许多GIS软件并不包含生物学专业模块;建立独立的完全面向生物学的GIS费时费力,而且也不必要。因此,组件GIS是不错的选择。我们可以用各种计算机语言或GIS软件附带的语言,编写出适用于生物学的控件或模块,组合到现有的GIS软件中。

白鲸记 英文

Analysis of the symbolism of the Pequod in Moby Dick "Moby Dick " is a typical work of the most use of symbolism in American literature.The whaling ship named Pequod also has profound symbolic significance. Pequod, an Indian race eliminated by the white American, was one of the most tragic-fated Native American Indian nations. The name of Pequod itself indicated sinking doom of the whaling ship and the tragic end of the ship crash. Meanwhile,the voyage of Pequod was also a symbol of long-life misery journey. All the hardships of hard work was only for the end to perish, and the strong natural forces cannot be resisted by the great determination or perseverance as well as the ultimate fate of destruction cannot be changed.Although Pequod that was characterized by human wisdom played a significant role in the whaling process, the tragedy between the Moby Dick and human beings embodied nature and mankind cannot conquer mutually. Thus the stubborn confrontation will only bring disastrous consequences. In the novel, Pequod was portrayed as a company with all the shareholders, a floating factory at sea, which has the typical characteristics of capitalist industry in nineteenth Century. In the


博士论文开题报告范文 随着现代信息技术的迅猛发展,网络技术在教育中的应用日益广泛和深入,特别是Internet与校园网的接轨,为中小学教育提供了丰富的资源,使网络教学真正成为现实,同时也为中小学教育开辟了广阔的前景。陈至立部长在全国中小学信息技术教育工作会议上指出:“全国实施中小学‘校校通’工程,努力实现基础教育的跨越式发展。”“校校通工程的目标是用5年到10年时间,加强信息基础设施和信息资源建设,使全国90%左右独立建制的中小学校能够上网,使中小学师生都能共享网上资源,提高中小学的教育教学质量。”“校校通”工程的启动和发展,给中小学教学带来革新的机会,为学科教学信息化奠定了物质基础。如何有效地利用网上的资源,建构基于网络的现代教学模式是一个迫切研究的问题,而开展网络教学模式研究的重要理论基础之一就是网络教学的设计与评价。因此,开展网络教学的设计与评价的探索与实践研究有着十分重要的意义。 一、课题研究背景 (一)国内外的研究现状 1、网络教学的设计理论与方法的研究缺乏系统性 通过对国内外有关的学术刊物(如《电化教育研究》、《中国电化教育》、《EducationalTechnology》等)、教育网站和国际国内有关学术会议(GCCCE、ICCE、CBE等)的论文集进行分析,网络教学的设计研究主要是关于建构主义学习环境的设计和协作学习的设计等方面,缺乏系统的

研究。可以说,网络教学的设计理论的研究还处于初级阶段,还有很多问题需要去研究和探索。例如,在网络环境下如何利用网络资源进行主动学习、利用虚拟情境进行探究学习、利用通讯工具进行协商学习、利用工具进行创造学习的设计以及教师指导性活动的设计等方面,都值得我们去研究。 2、网络教学的评价研究才刚刚起步 随着Internet应用的普及,网络教学已成为一种重要的教学手段和教学场所。然而,与传统教学相比,网络教学的质量保证体系却显得不够完善、健全。如何保证网络教学的质量,建立一个行之有效的网络教学评价模型,已成为网络教学研究的一个重要课题。时至2000年,教育部批准全国31所高校建立网络教育学院,但却没有制定出如何保证网络教育质量的相关政策。美国国家教育政策研究所(TheInstituteForHigherEducationPolicy)于2000年4月也发表了一份名为“在线教育质量:远程互联网教育成功应用的标准”的报告,然而,这些文章(报告)也仅仅是描述性的定义网络教学的评价指标,而对如何组织评价、如何获取定量数据、评价数据如何促进教学等方面则很少涉及。目前,网络教学的支撑平台中的学习评价模块往往只含有测试部分,而缺乏相应的分析与反馈。 (二)课题研究的意义


白鲸读书摘抄 [标签:栏目] ,白鲸读书摘抄 1、最终的港口在哪儿,让我们不再远航?在哪一片穹苍下航行,能使疲惫者永不疲惫?弃儿的父亲藏匿在何处?我们的灵魂就像那些孤儿,他们未婚的母亲因怀他们而死去:身世的秘密埋藏在坟墓里,只有到了那里才能知晓。 2、你一向遨游海底。在海底,多少未曾留下姓名的人被遗忘,多少坚实的船锚锈烂在水乡,多少船队折戟沉沙,多少心底的希望泡了汤,多少雄心壮志被埋葬。在它那快船活动的天地间,在他那凶残野蛮的舱房里,有成千上万的淹溺者的白骨做了它的压舱物。那可怕的水乡是你最亲爱的故乡。你曾畅游于潜水器和潜水员从未到达过的地方,在那里你曾躺在水手中间与之共眠。在那里,你看到,母亲为了自己的孩子,宁可葬身鱼腹,你目睹够许多相爱至深的恋人紧紧拥抱着,从烈光熊熊的船上跳入大海心贴着心地淹沉在汹涌的波浪中,在上天赐给的不公和虐待中,他们却信誓旦旦,彼此忠诚。 3、他的眼睛的光芒就像是北天上的北极星一样,历经六个月,而光芒丝毫不减。相反,随着那个日期的到来,那火光更加炽烈,那星光也更加耀目了。 4、对于本性阴险的海洋来讲,人类的这种态度无疑是对他的挑衅,所招致的也无疑是毁灭。 5、《白鲸》简介 6、海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。海涛滚滚而去,仍旧寻常。一切都像是没有发生一样。 7、你享受多少幸福就要承受多少不幸,你经历多少不幸必将会得到多少幸福。 8、(亚哈叹)唉,我高傲的生命呀,怎么非要用一块骨头来支撑呢?就像是欠了谁的债一样,我这一生不会再还清了。 9、那正是我们先前碰到过的‘拉吉号’,船长正在为寻找丢失的孩子们而到处东奔西闯。他们没有找到他们的孩子,却找到了我——另一个失去了依靠的孤儿。 10、啊,年轻人,你们可要牢记啊,人类的伟大是常与人类的病态相伴相生


英语论文白鲸开题报告 2020-12-12 【关键字】认识、深入、现代、加深、发现、研究、分析、指导、教育、多方面、复杂性篇一:白鲸,开题报告 篇一:moby dick 白鲸开题报告 毕业论文开题报告 篇二:本库论文开题报告(二) 外国语学院XX届本科毕业论文 开题报告书 中文题目:论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义 英文题目:on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick 学生姓名:李世明学号:0751144110 班级:0322级本(2)班 指导教师:刘国栋职称:讲师 XX年11月 论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义 1 引言 2 文献综述 3《白鲸》中主题的象征意义 3.1 复仇主题的象征意义 3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义 4《白鲸》两大线索的象征意义

4.1埃哈伯与莫比.迪克线索 4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义 4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义 4.1.3 白色的象征意义 4.2伊西梅尔与捕鲸活动线索 4.2.1 伊西梅尔的象征意义 4.2.2 捕鲸活动的象征意义 4.2.3 皮阔得号的象征意义 4.2.4 大海的象征意义 5 结论 on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick ⅰ introduction ⅱ literature review ⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes 3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge 3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and nature ⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues 4.1 ahab and moby dick 4.1.1 the symbolic meaning of ahab 4.1.2 the symbolic meaning of moby dick 4.1.3 the symbolic meaning of white 4.2 ishmael and the hunting

白鲸简介 Moby-Dick

Hello everyone Today the story I am going to share is about a man----Capitan Ahab and a mammal---- white whale Moby-Dick. Maybe some of you are not familiar with this novel yet, so before entering the topic we can recall another novel first----The old man and the sea. Both as the well-known American novels Moby-Dick and The old man and the sea share a lot of similarities and difference. They both tell the story of man and nature, as well as sea hunting. But unlike the fortitude character Santiago, Ahab is cold lonely stubborn selfish and he is shaped into the embodiment of evil. With these first impressions of Moby-Dick, let’s start to read this novel. My presentation is divided into three parts: the synopsis; the author and the theme. First is the synopsis. I just choose a very very brief version today to help you to get familiar with this novel. You can find a more detailed version in our textbook, page 188. Captain Ahab, who, having lost a leg in an earlier battle with White Whale, is determined to catch the beast and destroy it. He and his sailors live a dramatic life at sea. They kill lots of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually, the white whale appears, and they begins doomed fight against is. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat, on the second it swamps another. when the third day comes, Ahab and his sailors manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod(the boat)alone with it to its doom. All on the board the whaler get drown, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the truth. Then is something about the author Herman Melville. Life Born in New York City in 1819, Melville’s childhood was very happy until he was 11 years old when suddenly his father died in debt. He dropped early and tried all kinds of jobs----banking, farming, clerking, and teaching. When all this failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea. There are three things which deserve to mention in his life and going out of sea is

【2018最新】博士论文开题报告模板-word范文 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 博士论文开题报告模板 开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料。这是一种新的应用写作文体,这种文字体裁是随着现代科学研究活动计划性的增强和科研选题程序化管理的需要而产生的。下面是小编为大家收集的关于博士论文开题报告模板,欢迎大家阅读借鉴! 论文题目:中国智慧城市建设问题研究 一、文献综述 智慧城市是伴随着新一代信息技术出现而提出的一个新概念,这一概念引起全球关注始于 201X 年。由于全球智慧城市建设刚刚兴起,相关的理论研究和实践活动都十分有限,主要是围绕智慧城市是什么、如何建设它来展开的,并且这些研究目前整体上处于起步阶段,实践进展也十分有限,尚未形成完整的体系。借鉴他方现有的理论和实践成果并为我所用,以促进中国智慧城市理论研究的不断丰富和实践探索的持续深入,是行政管理学者需要承担的重大责任。对于笔者而言,阅读和借鉴前辈们的研究和实践成果,是寻求自身研究方向和研究重点的依据所在。 (一)国内外相关研究状况。 1.信息技术与城市发展方面的研究。 2.智慧城市建设的目标、意义和应用领域方面的研究。 3.智慧城市建设的基本条件与策略方面的研究。 4.智慧城市建设的思路和路径方面的研究。 5.智慧城市建设的风险、效益和评价方面的研究。 6.我国智慧城市建设的案例研究。 (二)国内外实践发展状况。 二、选题背景与意义

(一)选题背景。 随着下一代互联网、物联网、云计算等新一代信息技术的出现和迅速发展,201X 年底 IBM 提出借助新一代信息技术建设“智慧地球”的设想,201X 年又提出建设“智慧地球”首先需要建设“智慧城市”的口号,希望通过“智慧 城市”的建设引领世界城市通向繁荣和可持续发展。虽然 IBM 提出的智慧城市理念具有明显的商业利益驱动,甚至可以将其看成是以 IBM 公司为代表的 IT 行业在后金融危机时代寻找新的利润增长点的一项重大举措。但是当政府和民 众面对接踵而至且日趋严重的城市病(如:人口膨胀、资源紧缺、环境污染严重、交通拥堵、公共安全隐患日增等)束手无策时,以智慧技术为代表的第四次浪潮的到来,让困顿中的政府和民众对未来城市生活有了新的憧憬,正是怀着这种 对城市可持续健康发展的憧憬,智慧城市的理念最终被政府和民众所逐渐接受 并推广。 1.城市的智慧发展理念将为解决当今“城市病”提供新的途径。 2.智慧城市已成为当今世界城市发展的大趋势。 3.相关研究的薄弱和匮乏是该选题的缘由之一。 (二)选题意义。 在现阶段对智慧城市建设的有关问题进行研究,具有重要的理论意义和实 践意义。 1. 对行政管理领域的改革具有重要意义。 2. 丰富智慧城市建设顶层设计理论。 3. 为我国新兴的智慧城市建设实践提供理论指南。 三、研究的主要内容 本文共分为绪论和正文两部分。 绪论部分阐述了论文的选题缘由、研究意义、国内外研究和实践状况、研 究思路、研究方法等基本问题。 正文部分共分为五章: 第一章智慧城市的理性解读智慧城市是城市发展的一个新兴形态和未来趋势,认识智慧城市应首先了解城市的起源、定义及发展历史,从而认识城市的 发展规律。在探寻城市发展规律的基础上,对国内外众说纷纭的智慧城市概念 进行总结归纳,并提炼出本文对智慧城市的概念界定和属性认知。在对智慧城 市这一核心概念进行充分解读的前提下,理性地分析了我国智慧城市建设热潮 兴起的动因。


白鲸英文名句 1、伟大人物,刹那间所积起的深重痛苦,往往等于常人终其一生所经历的全部平淡痛苦。 Great men, the deep pain accumulated in an instant, are often equal to all the plain pain that ordinary people experience throughout their lives. 2、我愿意像一根火柴,去点燃我的目标。哪怕它是火药,我也在所不惜。 I would like to be like a match to light my goal. Even if it is gunpowder, I will spare no effort. 3、海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。海涛滚滚而去,仍旧寻常。一切都像是没有发生一样。 Seabirds hovered around the place, their voices were sad. The waves rolled away, still ordinary. Everything seems to have never happened. 4、它们在胸前划着十字,一边谴责同类的这种行为,一边乞求上帝饶恕他们。 They crossed their breasts, condemning similar acts and begging God to forgive them. 5、然而,我叫得越响亮,我的灵魂就越畏惧。 However, the louder I shout, the more terrified my soul is. 6、即使是牺牲自己,我也会照亮什么,我敢于这样做。我有这个决心。 Even at the expense of myself, I will illuminate what I dare to do. I have this determination. 7、对于本性阴险的海洋来讲,人类的这种态度无疑是对他的挑衅,所招致的也无疑是毁灭。 For a sea of insidious nature, this attitude of human beings is undoubtedly a provocation to him, and the result is undoubtedly destruction. 8、本来我可以静静地想很多,可是我的心和我的头脑始终剧烈地跳动,根本静不下来,而有时一旦静下来了,又像是被冻结了一般。 I could have thought a lot in silence, but my heart and my mind were beating violently all the time and could not be quiet at all. Sometimes once it was quiet, it seemed as if it had been frozen. 9、人类的疑虑往往是在他已成为局中人时最为强烈,可面对这无奈的局面,他自己却还要自欺欺人地加以掩饰。 Human doubts are often the strongest when he has become a player, but in the face of this helpless situation, he has to deceive himself to cover it up. 10、布金敦正是人们所期望的勇士吧!他的努力不会白费的,他不屈不挠的搏斗会有回报的。勇敢起来吧,像布金敦那样振奋精神,勇往直前! Buckington is just the kind of warrior people expect. His efforts will not be in vain. His perseverance will pay off. Be brave. Be as energetic as Buckington. Go ahead!


博士生开题报告怎样写 开题报告是提高选题质量和水平的重要环节,它主要说明这个课题研究的意义以及可行性,下面是搜集整理的博士生开题报告写作指导,供大家阅读参考。 1开题与评审 着手写博士开题报告前,首先要明确写开题报告的目的:一是为自己,通过开题论证明确清晰的论文大纲,搭建基本研究框架,做好基础工作,为正式的论文写作热身;二是为开题报告评审委员会,通过评审听取其他专家意见,扩展思路,当然最重要的还是顺利通过评审,拿到正式开始论文写作的资格。 写给评审(国外是Upgrademittee,国内是评审专家)的开题报告目的是向考官们展示两个核心要素:一是我提出的研究问题很重要且很有意义;二是我有能力独立去完成对所提问题的研究。 具体评审的方式,国外高校以伦敦政治经济学院政治学系的博士培养为例,博士候选人在入学后的第一年年末,需要经过一个开题审核(Firstyearreview,也称Upgrademeeting),只有审核通过了才能算正式进入博士研究阶段。候选人需要提交三份材料:3000字左右的开题报告(Prospectus),一页纸的博士论文目录和内容摘要,和一篇10000字左右的论文(Onesubstantialpieceofwriting)。 国内高校以北大、清华为代表,有双重考核制度,在开题之前还有一个中期考核,规定书目笔试面试,通过之后才可以参加开题。

其他高校大部分目前仍然是单一的开题会评审制度,以南开大学文学院为例,在开题会上接受评审的是每一位博士候选人的开题报告,包括《选题报告评审表》和开题报告全文两部分,对字数没有明确规定,一般至少在2到3万字左右。 2结构与要点 回到开篇所提的开题报告两个核心要义,有意义的研究问题和作者的研究能力,开题报告要始终围绕这两点展开。接下来分为国外版(限定字数)和国内版(不限字数)具体来谈如何写作。 国外版以伦敦政治经济学院政治学系3000字的开题报告为例,首先是导言(Introduction),虽然只占15%左右的篇幅(400字左右),但却很重要,要把提出的研究课题放在一个理论和现实的制高点上。 这点说起来容易做起来难,当然也可以参考一些基本路数:一是尝试把研究问题放在正在热议的争论中(acurrentheateddebate) 或者既有的理论争论中(Theoreticaldebate)去考量;二是现有研究 成果的现实意义(Implication)。 第二部分是文献综述(Literaturereview),有些教授会提倡把文献综述放在导言中一起写,不管是哪种写法,文献综述的目的都是系统分析现有文献并从中找到研究所处的位置。 因为字数限制,应该集中讨论核心文献和研究课题共同关注的重要理论问题(Theoreticalpuzzleorissue),同时指出能给自己的研究课题提供什么样的理论视角和基础,以及存在着什么样的不足和缺陷是此次研究可以弥补的。

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