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三年级下册英语一课一练Unit5 Do you like pears PartA∣人教

三年级下册英语一课一练Unit5 Do you like pears PartA∣人教
三年级下册英语一课一练Unit5 Do you like pears PartA∣人教

人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears Part A 同步测试(一)



① ________ A. grapes

② ________ B. bananas

③ ________ C. apple

④ ________ D. pears

⑤________ E. orange



A. a apple

B. an apple


A. a orange

B. an orange


A. some grapes

B. some bananas


A. some fruit

B. some fruits


1.This is ______apple. ()

A. a

B. an

2.I ______ hungr y. ()

A. is

B. am

3.I ______oranges. ()

A. like an

B. like

4.I eat some ______. ()

A. fruit

B. banana

5.They _____ yummy! ()

A. are

B. do



A. apples

B. grapes

C. pears

D. oranges

E. watermelons (1)I like ________. They're yummy!

(2)I eat ________. They're yummy!

(3)I have ________. They're sweet(甜的)!

(4)I don't like ________. They're sour(酸的)!

(5)I like ________. They're sweet!














【解析】【分析】当表示一个(份)的物体的数量时,用不定冠词a或an修饰名词。apple 是用于以元音音素开头的单词。故选an。




【解析】【分析】当表示一个(份)的物体的数量时,用不定冠词a或an修饰名词。orange 是用于以元音音素开头的单词。故填an。








【解析】【分析】fruit 是不可数名词,一般不加S。当表示各种各样的水果时,可用fruits。故选B。





【解析】【分析】当表示一个(份)的物体的数量时,用不定冠词a或an修饰名词。apple 是用于以元音音素开头的单词。故填an。








【解析】【分析】like:喜欢。句意:我喜欢……。此处指某一类食物。故用名词复数。an 表示“一个”,与oranges自相矛盾。根据题意故选B。




















(3)图片上是苹果。苹果:appl e。故选apple。


(5)图片上是西瓜。西瓜:w atermelon。故选watermelon。



八下英语课课练答案 21《与朱元思书》 (一)文学常识:《与朱元思书》一文的作者是,字,南朝(朝代)文学家。课文选自。 (二)重点字词: 1.风烟俱净 2.从流飘荡 3.水皆缥碧,千丈见底。 4.急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔 俱: 从:缥碧:甚:奔: 5.负势竞上 6.蝉则千转不穷 7.鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心 负:“转”戾:息: 8.经纶世务者,窥谷忘反 9.横柯上蔽 经纶:“反”柯: (三)《与朱元思书》主题思想: (四)翻译句子: 1.风烟俱净,天山共色。 2.急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。 3.负势竞上,互相轩邈。 4.鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心。 5.经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。 6.疏条交映,有时见日。 (五)赏析: (1)富春江的山水“奇”在哪?“异”在哪?

(2)文中“鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反”一句表达了作者怎样的思想感情? (六)选择题(共11小题,请用2B铅笔把方框内对应题目的答案标号涂黑。) 1.下面加线的词解释错误的一项是:()。 A) B C D 2.对下面加线的词语,解释不正确的一项() A.天山共色共色:同样的颜色。 B.水皆缥碧缥碧:青白色。 C.急湍甚箭甚箭:即“甚于箭”,比箭还快。 D.皆生寒树寒树:寒冷中依然葱郁的树。 3.下列加线的词语,意思相同的一项是( ) A. B. C. D. 4.选出加线词表示数量词“一百”的意思的一项是() A.一百许里 B.百千人大呼 C.千百成峰 D.赏赐百千强 5.下列句子的翻译,有误的一项是( ) A.争高直指,千百成峰:群山竞争着高耸,笔直地向上形成无数个山峰。 B.夹岸高山,皆生寒树:夹江两岸的高山上,都生长着耐寒常绿的树木。


Unit 1 Women of achievement Exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子. 1. Coming top in such an important exam is quite an a____________. 2. The ship is in no c_________ to make a long voyage. 3. Their b__________ towards me shows that they do not like me. 4. He was under o_________ by the police. 5. We’d better take time and money into c___________ when making the plan. 6. He is always ______(谦逊的) about his success. 7. Genius is 10%_________(灵感)and 90%perspiration. 8. The workers are on ________(罢工)for higher pay. 9. I was _______(资助)by my parents when I was studying at collage. 10. We have been told to show ______(尊敬)for our elders. 11. As a student, all her life is ____________(奉献)her students. 12. This settlement ______________(成立)in 1600. 13. Do you _________ (了解) Jack getting arrested? 14. You need warm clothes to _________ (保护) you against the cold. 15. I was ___________ (驱逐) the club because of breaking the rule. 16. The lost child was seen ___________(闲逛)last afternoon. 17. Tom, the top student of our class, thinks studying is a very ________(值得的)work. 18. With the Internet, people can ___________(交流)each other much

四年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 1 Jill's family∣牛津上海版(一起)(含答案)

牛津上海版(一起)2018-2019学年小学英语四年级上册Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 Jill's family Exercise 5 一、抄写单词、词组和句子 1.正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号 ①Wang Rong family beautiful see the sun watch the stars that man ②do you have uncles and aunts no I don't 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 2.What can he ________ (do)? He can ________ (run) very fast. 3.He's ________ (I) cousin. ________ (he) name is Wang Ping. 4.Can she ________ (dive)? 5.How many ________ (aunt) ________ (be)there? https://www.doczj.com/doc/0613689770.html,e and ________ (look) at these four ________ (photo). 三、应答配对 7.读一读,将字母代号写在横线上。 ⑴How do you feel? ________ A. I can skip a rope. ⑵How does your grandfather feel? ________ B. My name is Jackson. ⑶What's your name? ________ C. She's tired. ⑷How old are you? ________ D. I am tired. ⑸What can you do? ________ E. I am eleven years old. ⑹How does Kitty feel?________ F. He's tired. 四、填入适当的单词 8.阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给。 Who's that man? Let me tell you. He's my uncle. He's tall. He is s________ years old. He's only a student. He likes r________ and writing.He's my m________ brother. H________ name is Jack. I have two uncles. One is Jack. The other is John. John is 23 years old. He's tall, too. He's a p________ officer. He can swim and dive. He's my father's brother. 五、阅读理解


Unit one P2 1-8pronuciation aloud specific hard frustrated improve differently memorize 1-5 BCDDA 1-8To about with for in with by in P3 9-10 about by 1=8 easy, to understand, excited, unhappy written playing practicing frustrating 1-6 BACBDB 1-5 studying with a group sound the same take some grammar notes practice English ended up being friends 1-6 what about making helps it by studying too to improve by reading where to get 1-6 had fun at all ask for end up a little get excited P4 1-6 CCBADB 1-3 first of all makes mistakes begins with P5 4-9 look up take notes laugh at make up be afraid to later on DAGFC CCAA 1 C P6 2-6ABDBA Later on listening practice laugh at make up the group use grammar to make sentences memorizing the words of English songs 1-10 taking get quickly but laugh unhappy better angry what afraid 1 C P7 2-3 CD 1-8 Reading eating development excited frustrating sleeping Went by broke off with the help of regards as try our best compare to worry about complained about 1-7 BCABDDB P8 ACBACADC P9

三年级下英语一课一练Lesson 7 We are friends_冀教版 (含答案)

Lesson 7 We are friends 一、宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教 谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之 师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一 称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教 育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。 “教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间, 特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为 “经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师 为“院长、西席、讲席”等。选出所缺的字母。 1其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军? 尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。fr_____end 死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质

并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。A r B i C h D c 2 n ___ me A a B e C o D u 3 ani____ ____l A me B ma C mu D mi 4 t__ gether A a B o C u D e 5 pl___ ____ A ey B oy C ny D ay 6 li__ ___ le Arr B tt C dd Dkk 7bla___ ___ A cc B kk C kc D ck 8 Wh__ ___ ___ A ide B ike Cise D ite 9 b_____ ______d A id B ir C ie D ik 10 fami____ ____ A li B ld C ly D lb 11 farm___ ____ A er B ar Cdr D hi 二选择 1 We _______ friends A am B is C are D be 2 I ______ a dog . A have B has C had D haved 3 ______ name is Mimi . A His B Her C He D She 4 She _____ 3 little animal friends .


三、找朋友,给下列英语单词找正确的中文意思。 l. colourful() 2. expensive() 3. cheap() 4. pretty() 5. dress() 6. skirt() 7. shirt()8. T-shirt() A.便宜的B.短裙C.T恤衫D.昂贵的 E.连衣裙F.漂亮的G.色彩丰富的H衬衫 四、将下列字母重新排列,组成单词,并写出中文意思。 1. I, b, g 2. 1,o,g, n 3. o, s, r, h, t 4. m, s, 1, a,l 5. i, n, e, c 五、连词成句。 1.much, is, how, it,(?) 2. shirt, is, the, yuan, ten,(.) 3. I, help, you, can, (?) 六、选择填空。 ()1. is it? It’s brown. A.What time B. What colour C. How much ()2. It’s warm today.your jacket! A. Put on B. Wear C. Take off ()3. Can I wear my new shirt? A. Yes, I am. B. No, we can’t. C. Yes, you can.

()4. The shoes are your feet. A. in B. on C. under ()5. What’s the like in Shantou? It’s cold. A. sweater B. weather C. water ()6.你决定买下某件东西,应对售货员说: A. I want it. B. Look at. C. I'll take it. ()7. that dress. A. Look B. look at C. Look on ()8.你觉得小宝买的十元一个的书包不错,很便宜,应说 A. Very cheap B. Very pretty C. Very expensive ()9.假如你是某商场售货员,见到顾客时应说: A.Look at my clothes, please B.Can you help me? C.Can I help you? ()10.你问售货员一条裤子多少钱时说: A.How much are the pants? B.How many pants are there? C.How much is the pants?

四年级下册英语一课一练-Module1 Unit 1 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

四年级下册第一讲习题 一、补全单词。 1. ha__d 坚硬的 2. to__ch 碰;触摸 3. s__ft 柔软的 4. fe__l 摸起来;感到 5. thi__ 薄的;细的 6. youn__ 年轻的 二、按要求写词。 1. soft(反义词)_________ 2. thick(反义词)_________ 3. young(反义词)_________ 4. toy(复数)_________ 5. is(复数)_________ 6. have(单三形式)_________ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The four _________ (man) hear a noise. 2. Some toys _________ (is) soft. 3. I like _________ (play) football. 4. _________ (touch) this, Alice. 5. How _________ (do) it feel? 6. My teacher _________ (have) a pink coat. 四、选择填空。 ( ) 1. ---What is it? ---It’s _________ elephant. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. Come and _________ the watermelon. It’s very sweet. A. Touch B. taste C. feel ( ) 3. It is a _________ day. The students are under a tree. A. cold B. soft C. hot ( ) 4. ---How _________ the apples taste? ---They are sweet. A. does B. do C. are ( ) 5. I’m _________ on the chair. A. sit B. siting C. sitting


八下英语课课练答案 21 《与朱元思书》 (一)文学常识:《与朱元思书》一文的作者是,字,南朝(朝代)文学家。课文选自。 (二)重点字词: 1. 风烟俱净 2. 从流飘荡 3. 水皆缥碧,千丈见底。 4. 急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔 俱: 从:缥碧:甚:奔: 5. 负势竞上 6. 蝉则千转不穷 7. 鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心 负:“转” 戾:息: 8. 经纶世务者,窥谷忘反9. 横柯上蔽 经纶:“反” 柯: (三)《与朱元思书》主题思想: (四)翻译句子: 1. 风烟俱净,天山共色。 2. 急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。 3. 负势竞上,互相轩邈。 4. 鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心。 5. 经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。 6. 疏条交映,有时见日。 (五)赏析:

(1)富春江的山水“奇”在哪?“异”在哪? (2)文中“鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反”一 句表达了作者怎样的思想感情? (六)选择题(共11小题,请用2B铅笔把方框内对应题目的答案 标号涂黑。) 1 .下面加线的词解释错误的一项是:()。 A )B C D 2 .对下面加线的词语,解释不正确的一项() A .天山共色共色:同样的颜色。 B .水皆缥碧缥碧:青白色。 C .急湍甚箭甚箭:即“甚于箭”,比箭还快。 D .皆生寒树寒树:寒冷中依然葱郁的树。 3 .下列加线的词语,意思相同的一项是() A. B. C. D. 4 .选出加线词表示数量词“一百”的意思的一项是() A. 一百许里 B. 百千人大呼 C. 千百成峰 D. 赏赐百千强 5 .下列句子的翻译,有误的一项是() A. 争高直指,千百成峰:群山竞争着高耸,笔直地向上形成无数个山峰。

三年级下册英语一课一练Unit5 Do you like pears PartA∣人教

人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears Part A 同步测试(一) 一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。 看图,选择与图片对应的单词。 ① ________ A. grapes ② ________ B. bananas ③ ________ C. apple ④ ________ D. pears ⑤________ E. orange 二、根据中文释义,选择正确的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。 1一个苹果() A. a apple B. an apple 2.一个橙子() A. a orange B. an orange 3.一些葡萄() A. some grapes B. some bananas 4.一些水果() A. some fruit B. some fruits 三、选词填空,将词语的序号写在括号里。 1.This is ______apple. () A. a B. an

2.I ______ hungr y. () A. is B. am 3.I ______oranges. () A. like an B. like 4.I eat some ______. () A. fruit B. banana 5.They _____ yummy! () A. are B. do 四、看图片,选择适当的单词填在横线上,使句子完整。 看图片,选择适当的单词填在横线上,使句子完整。 A. apples B. grapes C. pears D. oranges E. watermelons (1)I like ________. They're yummy! (2)I eat ________. They're yummy! (3)I have ________. They're sweet(甜的)! (4)I don't like ________. They're sour(酸的)! (5)I like ________. They're sweet!


人教pep版小学六年级下册英语全册每课一练习题及答案 Unit 1 How tall are you ? Part A 第一课时 一、选择正确的答案。 ()1. That’s the ______ dinosaur in this hall. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ()2. —______ is it? —Maybe 4 metres. A. How tall B. How old C. How many ()3. It’s taller than both of us ______ . A. with B. together C. all ()4.You’re taller ______ your brother. A. than B. and C. more 二、连词成句。 1. the, that’s, tallest, this, dinosaur, in, hall (.) _________________________________________. 2. it’s, us, taller, both, than, of, together (.) _________________________________________. 三、就画线部分提问。 1. It’s 1.65 metres. _________________________________________. 2. She is 14 years old. _________________________________________. 四、从方框中为下列句子选出恰当的应答语。



八年级上册英语课课练答案 【篇一:八年级英语上册全册课课练】 s ok. ()1. —how ofte n does kate go hik ing? —. a. i guess she b. about an hour. c. once the week. d. twice a week. ()2. there are 50 students in our class. 75% students like going hiking. what does —75%|| mean? a. none of the stude nts.b. all the stude nts. c. most of the stude nts.d. some of the stude nts. () 3. they usually do some office work weekdays. a. in b. one. at d. both b and c () 4. i have time to have lunch. a. sometimesb. hard c. hardly d. already () 5. —do you go shopp ing? —every sun day. a. how soonb. how many times c. how much d. how ofte n 二、用单词的适当形式填空。 1. my father plays basketball ___________ (two) a week. 2. jodie ofte n ___________ (exercise) in the park. 3. maria is ___________ (act) at school. 4. he ____________ (watch) tv every ni ght. 5. —how ofte n does your mother exercise? —___________ (one) a week. 四、短文填空 a: hi, li lei. what are you (1) __________ ? b: i am read ing a letter (2) __________ my pen pal. a: how (3) __________ does she write to you? b: once a mon th.

八年级英语下册 Unit 1 lesson 46每课一练 (新版)冀教版

Unit 1 lesson 4-6 Lesson 4 I. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。(5分) 1. They have lived here for ____________(几乎)ten years. 2. Let’s go out to breathe the ___________(新鲜的)air! 3. You can find hundreds of beautiful flowers ____________(在任何时候)of the year. 4. Nothing can live without ____________(阳光)and water. 5. I went back to my _____________(家乡)last month. II. 根据句意及所给的首字母用适当的词语填空。(5分) 1. The t____________ outside is thirty degrees today. 2. There is p_________ of sunshine in Kunming. 3. In Kunming, I n________ gets too hot in summer. 4. The air today is c___________ and fresh. 5. We c_________ Kunming the Spring City. III. 根据所给的汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。(10分) 1. 你认为这个季节怎么样? What do you ____________ _________ this season? 2. 现在的天气感觉像是冬天一样。 The weather __________ _________ winter at present. 3. 每个人都盼望着成功。 Everyone ___________ _________ success. 4. 去年我们这里雨水很大。 There was ____________ ___________ water here last year. 5. 由于大雪,我们不得不呆在家里了。 We had to stay at home ___________ ___________ the heavy snow. IV. 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。(10分) 1. The sun has been up for a whole day.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________ has the sun been up? 2. How do you like spring in Beijing? (改为同义句) What do you ____________ _________ spring in Beijing?

三年级上册英语一课一练-Module 4 Unit 2 Exercise 2 牛津上海版(一起)(含答案)

牛津上海版(试用本)2018-2019学年小学英语三年级上册Module 4 The natural world Unit 2 On the farm Exercise 2 一、Look and write(根据图意,写出相应的单词,每线一词) 1.—What are________? —They're chicks. 2.Look at the________. It's brown. 3.The ducks can________in the water. 4.—What can you see? —I can see a________.

5.—How many________? —There is one. 二、Read and circle(读一读.根据图片选出正确的单词) 6. A. dog B. pig C. big 7. A. sheep B. dogs C. ducks 8. A. chick B. look C. duck 9. A. pencil B. pen C. ten 10. A. they B. he C. she 三、Read and choose(看图,选出适当的单词完成句子)

11.Look at the pig. It's . A. small B. thin C. big 12.—What are they? — snakes. A.They B.they're C.They're 13.—How many ? —There are two. A. sheep B. cows C. pigs 14.Look, the are small. A. chicks B. ducks C. hens 15.—What are they? —They're .

人教版英语八年级上册人教版英语八年级上册Unit 1 一课一练

八上Unit 1 一课一练 命题人:蛟头中学张海荣 Period One 一、根据首字母提示填单词。 1.-Where did he go on v____________? -He went to summer camp. 2.-Did you go C___________ Park? -Yes, I did. 3. How w_________ the beaches? 4. I v__________ a museum last month. 5. The weather was r__________ and we stayed at home. 6. What did these people t_________ of their vacations? 7. She went to the m___________ on vacation. 8. My parents w__________ to Shanghai last week. 9. We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant. The food was d__________. 10. The bus was too c________, so I didn’t have much fun. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Yesterday was a ________(sun) day. 2. She ________(stay) at home last night. 3. Please write a ________(reporter) on your interview. 4. On my way home, I found a little girl ________(cry) in the street. 5. The old man ________(be) ill and went to see a doctor. 三、句型转换。 1. He came here last month.(改为否定句) ________________________________ 2. They played football this morning.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) ________________________________ 3. They went to Beijing last year.(就画线部分提问) ________________________________ 4. Tom watched TV last night.(改为一般疑问句) ________________________________ 5. Mary does her homework every day.(用last night改写句子) __________________________________________ 四、根据短文内容,选择正确的单词填空,其中有两项是多余的。 A. went B. kinds of C. afternoon D. by E. happy F. sad G. fantastic H. lunch I. zoo J. were K. delicious L. river Last summer, my family had a trip. It was very 1.____. My father, my mother and I 2.____ to the mountain. We got to the foot of the mountain 3.____ bus. There was a 4.____. The water was clean. I washed my face with the water. It was warm. There 5.____ many fish in the river. There were different 6.____ flowers by the river. They were very beautiful. At noon, my parents and I had 7.____ under a big tree. The food was 8.____, and we liked it very much. After lunch, we went on our trip. At about 2:00 in the 9.____, we got to the top of the mountain. We were very 10.____. It was really fun.

三年级下册英语一课一练Unit 1 In class译林版(三起)

Unit1一Inclass Unit1一Inclass Ⅰ.听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语三 一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一 (一一)1.A.doorB.downC.do (一一)2.A.standupB.sitdownC.sorry(一一)3.A.openB.noC.the (一一)4.A.MissB.MrC.my (一一)5.A.busB.isC.classⅡ.听录音,给下列图片排序三 一一一一一一 一一一一 一 一 一一一一 一 一 一一一一 Ⅲ.正确抄写下列单词三 open一一一一Mr一一一一door一一一一please一一一一sorry Ⅳ.根据情境,选择合适的句子三 (一一)1.上午上课前,你和老师打招呼,应该说: A.Goodafternoon.B.Goodmorning.C.Goodbye.(一一)2.当你想表示歉意时,可以说: A.I msorry.B.OK.C.No,I mnot.(一一)3.当你想请别人关门时,可以说: A.Pleaseopenthedoor. B.Pleaseclosethedoor. C.Don tclosethedoor. (一一)4.上课前,班长通常说:一一一一来示意大家起立跟老师问候三A.Sitdown.B.Comein.C.Standup.(一一)5.当你想请别人进来时,可以说: A.Comein,please.B.Sitdown,please.C.Thankyou.

Ⅴ.看图,选出正确的句子三 1.(一一)2.(一一)3.(一一)A.Blackboard.A.Standup.A.Sitdown.B.Pleasecomein.B.Window.B.Standup.Ⅵ.判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)三 (一一)1.Closeyourbook,Joe. (一一)2.Goodmorning,mrLi. (一一)3.Comein,WangBing. (一一)4.Standdown,please. (一一)5.Bobhastwobigbooks. Ⅶ.按要求写句子三 1.Sitdown.(使用礼貌用语) 一2.Openthedoor.(改为反义句) 一

五年级下册英语一课一练-Module1 Unit 3- 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

五年级下册第三讲习题 一、词组互译。 1. 戴眼镜_______________ 2. 做运动_______________ 3. 不再_______________ 4. 擅长_______________ 5. 不擅长_______________ 6. 吃早餐_______________ 7. 迟到_______________ 8. 太多_______________ 9. 了解_______________ 10. 起床_______________ 11. take a photo _______________ 12. in the future _______________ 13. in front of _______________ 14. get tired _______________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Kitty ___________ (wear) glasses in the future. 2. My best friend ___________ (live) in Shanghai. 3. Will he ___________ (is) a teacher in the future? 4. She ___________ (take) a lot of photos in the park. 5. The little girl has beautiful ___________ (eye). 6. Tom ___________ (want) to know about his future. 7. I am good at English, but he___________ (be) weak in English. 8. She ___________ (have) no time for dinner. 三、根据句意及汉语提示写短语。 1. Will she __________ (戴眼镜)? 2. I don’t like to __________ (早起) in the morning. 3. He __________ (不擅长) table tennis. 4. We will __________ (努力学习) in the future. 5. I will not watch TV __________ (不再). 6. He __________ (迟到) for school. 7. My sister __________ (没有时间)for breakfast every day. 8. Bobby will read __________ (更多的书). 9. __________ (10年后), I will be a pilot. 10. He watches __________ (太多) TV every day.

2020人教版初二英语下册一课一练Unit 1 Section B含答案

Section B I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 l.There's something wrong with my right ______ (膝盖). 2.My arms ______ (受伤) and I can't carry anything. 3.She ______ (打) him on the head with a book and he cried. 4.My mother went to the supermarket and bought three ______ (千克) of rice. 5.There is a big ______ (岩石) on the way to the park. 6.The girl cried when she saw the ______ (血) . 7.You need to learn to ______ (控制) your feelings. 8.My mother is outgoing. She likes talking in many ______ (情况)。 Ⅱ,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.(2017山东邹城八中月考)You should ______ (drink) enough water every day. 2.(2017重庆江津实验中学月考)There are two ______ (knife) on the table. 3.I don't know the ______ (mean) of the new word. 4.She made a great ______ (decide) after graduation. 5.(2017山东邹城八中月考)The dog died two years ago. The dog's ______ (die) made him very sad. Ⅲ,单项选择 1.-Lily,could you please pass me the ______ ?I want to cut the apple. -Sure. Here you are. A.pen B.pencil C.book D.knife 2.-Not only the young but also the old are interested ______ WeChat. -They can communicate more freely. A.by B.about C.in D.for 3.(2017吉林名校调研月考) I felt ______ yesterday and decided to stay at home and have a good rest. A.excited https://www.doczj.com/doc/0613689770.html,zy C.sick 4.(2018四川南充实验外国语学校期中)There's ______ rain on the road, so she should drive carefully. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too 5.My uncle was ______ control of a small company. A.for B.in

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