当前位置:文档之家› 2016届广州市第二中学高考英语二轮复习素材:1完形share高考熟词生义考前必背





He looked at me in all absent way.(adj.茫然的,恍惚的)


She is quite a successful career woman,but actually she's much abused at home.(v.虐待)


He was aching for home.(v.渴望)

5. act(熟义:V.&n.行动)

It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)


It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.(vt.向……发表演说;


8. across(熟义:prep.越过)

The two roads cut across each other.(prep.与…交叉,与…成十字)


She asked for all advance on her salary.(n.预付(款))

Share prices showed significant advances today. (n.增加)

10. advise(熟义:vt.建议)

Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.(vt.通知)

ll. Against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰)

The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬) 12. age(熟义:n.年龄)

Worry aged him rapidly.(v.(使)变老)

13. air(熟义:n.空气)

Don’t air your troubles too often.(V.抒发;倾诉;播送)

There was a comfortable air about her room.(n.样子,神态,气氛) 14. alive(熟义:adj.活着的)

The streets are alive with people.(adj.充满(活的或动的东西)) 15. alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地)

The alone was able to answer the question. (adv.仅仅,只有) 16.amount(熟义:n.量)

The cost amounted to$200.(v.(t0)共计,达到)

What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.(v.相当于)


A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.(vt.显示,预告)


I appreciate that I may be wrong.(V.意识到(realize))


All stood up to welcome the new arrival.(n.到达的人或物)


The nurse attended to him day and night.(v.看护;治疗)



The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease.(vt.停止,阻止)


The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer.(a由.确切的) 23.accompany(熟义:vt.陪伴;伴奏)

Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain.(v.伴随)


Teachers should care for aⅡthe pupils alike.(adv.同样地)


This diet allows you one glass 0f wine a day.(vt.使可能)

26. all(熟义:全部,所有)

He drove some where once and he was all,”I love this car. It’s

like a rocket.”(口语:某人所说的,所做的)


Warm sunshine announces the coming 0f the spring.(v.预示着)


I approached him about filling the manager's job.(v.接洽;建议;要求)


I've arranged with the neighbors about feeding the cats.(v.商量)


Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease.(vt.阻止;中止)


a man with an impressive, aspect(n.样子;外观;外表)

32. ask(熟义:问)

When placing an ask, Be sure to specify a price and a time limit.(n. 最低出价)

33. available(熟义:adj.可得到的;可找到的)

The worthy professor i8 now available. (adj.(人)有空的)


34. balance(熟义:n.&v.平衡)

I must check my bank balance.(n.差额,余款)

The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects.(v.权衡)

35. bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)

Poor health may be a bar to success in life.(n.障碍)


Her new hat certainly becomes her.(vt.适于,适合)


The behavior 0f this computer is moderately good.(n.性能,特点)


The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.(adj.没表情的;


I call Pt think where I've left my umbrella;my mind's a complete blank!(n.记忆中的空白,遗忘)


His songs always make me feel blue.(adj.忧伤的)

40. beside(熟义:prep.在…...旁)

Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather


41. build(熟义:建设)

The athlete has a solid build.(n.身材;体形)

42. bare(adj.熟义:裸露的)

He likes to bare his heart/soul with his close friends.(vt.向某人袒露心声) 43.bear(熟义:vt.忍受;容忍)

He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the sears.(v.显示;带有) 44.bitter(熟义:adj.苦的;痛苦的)

Why was she so bitter against Mr.Smith?(adj.强烈的)


The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.(vt.以厚层覆盖)

46.build up(熟义:增强…的体质;建立)

The noise is building up until she could not stand it.(增高;加强)


The storm burst and we all got wet.(v.突然爆发)


Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children,(v.发展或建立信赖和亲切关系)


She is burning to tell you the news.(adj.感情等强烈的)


I don't like being desk—bound all day.(adj.受…约束的)



Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down.(adj.极严重的,根本的)

52. cause(熟义:v.致使)

We are struggling for revolutionary cause.(n.事业)


He celebrated her for her courage.(vt.称颂,赞扬)


We should check the spread of the disease.(vt.阻止,制止)


Some of his remarks are really choice.(adj.斟酌得当的)


He is a civil person.(adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的)

57. class(熟义:n.班级)

It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not. (n.阶级,阶层;等级).


The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting.(n.风气;思潮;倾向)


Who did is still remains cloudy.(adj.不明朗的,不清晰的)


She coached me in English.(v.辅导,指导)


His bravery commanded our respect.(v.博得,赢得)


The man was later contained by the police.(v.制服)

He is too excited to contain his laughter.(vt.抑制)


(1)There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers.(vt.包括)

(2)It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.(vt.有价值,重要)

(3)She was counted among the greatest dancers.(vt.以为,视为)


The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.(v.联合,连接)


The main course was a vegetable stew.(n.一道菜)


Don't be cross with him——after aU,he meant to help.(adj.生气的)


His rude remarks cut me.(vt.伤(某人的)感情)


There are three cases of fever in sch001.(n.病例;案例)


He was employed as a casual laborer.(adj.临时的)


TV must cater for many different tastes.(v.满足需要;迎合)


The teacher cautioned him against being late.(V.告诫;提醒)


I challenged him to a game of chess(v.强烈建议某人干某事)


She chanced to be in when he called.(V.碰巧)


Mother charged Alice to take good care o f the baby’.(V。赋予…责任或义务)


I clean forgot about n(adv.彻底地;完全地)


You may know a man by the company he keeps.(n.陪伴;作伴;伙伴)


He conducted himself far better than expected.(V.举止;表现)


I congratulated myself on my escape.(v:为成功或成就感到高兴,感到自豪)


The fire Boon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.(Vt.烧毁;毁灭)



He chimed $7000 damages from the taxi company.(n.赔偿金(复

数)=compensation) 81.dawn(熟义:n拂晓v.破晓,天亮)

The truth began to dawn on him.(v.开始明白)


He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.(V.抛弃,离弃)


Did you have the films developed?(v:冲印)

develop a disease/a habit(v.逐渐形成)

sure enough,most of the plants developed the disease(vt.患病;出现问题) 84.difficult(熟义:adj.困难的)

You must get the曲mission of your difficult grandmother before getting married.(aaj.难以取悦的,不易满足的)


He just laughed and dismissed,my suggestion as unrealistic. (v.拒绝



I paid $1000 down on the car.(adv.作为首期付款)


Hunger drove her to steal.(V.迫使某人(做不好或不快的事))


Only education Can deliver people from misery.(vt.解救;拯救;使摆脱)


You cann’t divorce science from ethical questions.(v.使分离;使脱离)


Patience and determination will do wonders.(v.创造)


What moral are we to draw from the story?(v.获得,取得,推断出)



She elected to become a lawyer.(v.选择(做…)

93. embarrass(熟义:、vt.使尴尬)

What embarrasses your making an early start?(vt.阻碍)

94.employ(熟义:v雇佣) .

The police employed force to open the door.(v.利用,使用)


A personal computer engages his interest now.(vt吸引)


He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world.(vt.怀有,怀抱)

97. even(熟义:adv.甚至,更)

The road wasn't even.(adj.平的,平坦的,平滑的)

Her teeth were white and even.(adj.一致的;同样的;齐的)

The score is now even.(adj.对等的;均等的,相等的)

The car went with an even motion.(adj.均匀的;平稳的)

She evened the edges by trimming them.(vt.使平坦;弄平)

Our team evened the score in the last minute.(vt.使相等)


The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors.(vt.激起) 99.excuse(熟义:n.借口v.原谅)

He was excused from piano practice.(v.免除某人的职责)


His express wish was that you should come here by air.(adj.明确的)

Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?(n.快车)

101.encourage (熟义:vt.鼓励;激励)

Good health encourages clear thinking.(v.促进,助长,刺激)


His name escapes me for the moment.(v.被忘掉;被忽视)


At the end of the third scene the actress exits.(v.退场)


I'm about to explode!He broke my violin.(v.勃然大怒;大发雷霆) 105.exploit(熟义:V.开发;开采;剥削)

You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.(v.利用) 106.extend(熟义:v.扩大;使扩展;使伸长)

He extended his hand to new employees.(V.伸展,舒展,展开(手臂或腿)) F


Our water supply failed.(v.不足;缺乏)

He is failing in health./His health is failing.(v.衰退,衰弱)

He failed to lend her a hand.(v.未能)

Words failed him.(vt.使失望;有负于)


He behaves in a peculiar fashion.(n.方式)


His tears fell fast.(adv.接连不断地;快速不断地) .

He's fast asleep.(He has a heavy sleep.)(adv.完全地)

109. fever(熟义:n.发烧,发热)

He is in a fever of her arrival.(n.狂热,高度兴奋) ’


His answer did not fill our need.(vt.满足)


The court found him guilty.(vt.判决)


There's a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words.(adj.微妙的) ’

The man will get a fine if he parks the car there.(n.罚款)


The extraordinary man fixed our attention. (vt.吸引)


He followed a legal career.(v.从事(某职业);遵循(某生活方式))


Fond parents will spoil their child.(adj.溺爱的)


The policeman forced the knife from the criminal's hand.(vt.夺取) 118.foreign(熟义:adj.外国的;外交的)

The subject is foreign to me.(adj.不熟悉的)

Telling lies is foreign to her nature.(adj.和……格格不人)


I call not form an opinion about it.(vt.想出)


Freeze!Or I'll shoot.(v.不许动)


The children flew to meet their mother.(v.疾驰;疾行)


Is the way free?(adj.无阻碍的;畅通的)


She is quite fresh to office work.(adj.无经验的)



Don't worry.My watch gains.We still have time.(v.(钟表)快)

The ear gained speed gradually.(vt.增加(速度,重量))


This information goes to prove my point.(vi.对…有助于)

It goes by electricity.(vi.机器运行;运转;工作)


He got excellent grades in exams.(n.等级,分数)

Eggs are graded from small to extra large.(v.分等级;给分数)


Greens are vital to our health.(n.(p1.)绿色蔬菜)


He has strong grounds for more money.(n.理由)


The sun glared out 0f the blue sky.(v.发出刺眼的光)


The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.(vt.影响;支配)


A warm friendship grew up between the two men.(逐渐发展;形成)



I hope I will get a handsome present at my birthday.(adj.(礼物,行为)出手大方的,慷慨的)


My father is a heavy smoker.(adj.超出一般规模、数量、力量的)

The traffic today is especially heavy.(adj.交通拥挤的)


In the height of the summer many people choose to visit the seaside.(n.顶点;极度)


The film Hero by Zhang Yimou is quite a hit of this year.(n.成功;红极一时的人或事)


His promise still.holds.(vi:适用,有效)


We're waiting for the hot news on the election results.(adj.最新的) 138.hunt(熟义:v.追猎;猎杀(鸟兽))

Please hunt the cat away from the garden.(vt.驱赶)



It's no good speaking ill of others.(adj.&adv.坏的/地)


Is there a post office in the immediate neighborhood?(adj.最接近的) 141. industry(熟义:n.工业;产业)

His Success was due t0 industry.(n.努力;勤勉)


Our family has an interest in the business.(n.利益;股份)

143. introduce(熟义:v.介绍)

The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.(v.初次投


He introduced his speech with a joke.(v.以……开始)



主旨大意题专练(三)——段落大意类 A [2019·济南高三模拟] Can I talk about salary at work? In a word:yes. As the HR company Insperity put it in a recent blog post: Can your employees discuss their salaries or wages with their co-workers? Yes. Even if you have a company polic y against it? Yes. The freedom to discuss your salary at work is a protected right under the labor law. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects your right to discuss the conditions of your employment, including issues related to safety and pay, even when you're not protected by a union. Talking about salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable, since there's such a taboo about discussing money matters, but it's an important step towards achieving equal pay for equal work. One barrier, however, stems from how we think of our own financial worth. Too many people I talk to wrongly consider their salary a reflection of their worthiness, a statement about their skills, experience, or value. At the end of the day, if we can all separate our sel f-worth from our salaries a bit more, it'll become easier to talk frankly with our colleagues. Asking about money outright can be tough, so one trick I've picked up along the way is to ask for your colleagues to confirm or deny. For instance, you might volunteer your salary first and ask “Does that sound right to you?” by way of comparison. Or, let's say you're interviewing for a promotion to become a manager. You might ask a fellow manager about the kind of salary you should expect by saying, “I'm se eing salaries for this kind of position ranging from $65,000 to $70,000 —does that seem accurate to you?” This way, even if your colleague isn't comfortable sharing their salary outright, they can help you identify if your expectations are appropriate. 体裁:议论文题材:社会生活主题:谈论薪金 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,讨论了是否可以在工作中谈论薪金的问题。 【熟词生义】volunteer 常用义:n.志愿者,义务工作者 例句:Schools need volunteers to help children to read.学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。 本句义:v.主动说出(某事)


高考常考熟词生意 1. absent adj.茫然的,恍惚的(熟义:adj.缺席的) She looked at the picture in an absent way. 2. ache v. 渴望(熟义:v.& n. 疼痛) Having left for ages,he was aching for home. 3. address vt.发表演说(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址) The president will address his speech at 3:00 pm. 4. against prep.映衬(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall. 5. attend v. 看护;治疗;陪同(熟义:v.出席;参加) The nurse attended to him day and night. 6. available adj.(人)有空的(熟义:adj.可得到的;可找到的) The professor is now available. 7. blank adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白) The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. 8. blue adj.忧伤的(熟义:adj.& n. 蓝色) His songs always make me feel blue. 9. cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的) Who will take his place still remains cloudy. 10. coach v. 辅导,指导(熟义:n.教练) She coached me in playing football. 11. count vt.有价值,重要(熟义:n.& v. 计算,数) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. 12. course n. 一道菜(熟义:n.课程;过程) The courses vary with seasons. 13. cross adj.生气的(熟义:v.跨越,横穿;n.十字) Don’t be cross with him—after all,he is a child. 14. desert v. 抛弃,离弃(熟义:n.沙漠) He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 15. develop v. 冲印(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制) Did you have the films developed? 16. disabled adj.有障碍的,失去功能的(熟义:adj.有残疾的,无能力的) One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the disabled vehicle. (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)


高考英语常见熟词生义500词例释 A 1. about:(熟义:关于) We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到处=(美)around 2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的 He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的 3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she's much abused at home. v. 虐待 4. accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受) Tom accepted her explanation.汤姆同意她的解释。 ②认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。 5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿 This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳 He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供 6. ache 熟义:v/n 疼痛 He was aching for home. v. 渴望 7. act vi.熟义:行动 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼 9. across prep. 熟义:prep. 越过 The two roads cut across each other. 与...交叉,与...成十字 10. advance 熟义:v/n 前进,推进 She asked me for an advance on her salary. n. 预付(款), Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加 11. add (熟义:加) “They don’t know.” he added. vt.接着说,又说;补充说 12. address vt.①称呼(熟义:地址,写地址) The president should be addressed as “Mr President.”统应称为“总统先生”。 ②直接向……说③向……发表演说 She turned to address the man on her left. 她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。 He is going to address the meeting in a minute. 他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt. 向...发表演说 13. admit vt.(熟义:承认) The servant opened the door and admitted me (into the house). 允许进入 The theatre only admits 1, 000 persons. 容纳 14. against (熟义:反对,违背) The picture looks good against the white wall.prep.衬着,迎着,靠着 15. age 熟义:n, 年龄 Worry aged him rapidly. v. 使变老 16. agree with (熟义:同意) Your story agrees with what I heard. 与……一致, Long plane trips don't agree with m. 协调,适合 17. air (熟义:n.空气) Don’t air your troubles too often.v. 抒发;倾诉;传播)不要经常发牢骚。 There was a comfortable air about her room. n. 样子,神态,气氛 18. alive 熟义:adj. 活着的 The street are alive with people. adj. 充满(活的或动的东西) 19. alone 熟义:adv. 单独地,一个人地 She alone was able to answer the question. adv. 仅仅,只有 20. amount 熟义:n. 量 The cost amounted to $ 2000. v. 达到,共计 What you have said amounts to a refusal. 相当于 21. announce 熟义:宣布 Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. vt. 显示,预告 22. appreciate 熟义:v. 欣赏,感激,感谢 I appreciate that I may be wrong. v. 意识到=realize We appreciate the danger ahead. v. 意识到 23. arrival 熟义:n. 到达 All stood up to welcome the new arrival. n. 到达的人或事物 24. at all(熟义:常与not连用,构成not at all:不用谢,一点也不。) If it is at all foggy, I shall not go out. 真的,确实 This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all.真的,确实 25. arm (熟义:n.手臂)


40个完形填空中的熟词生义 在历年高考中,考生总会遇到这样一种情况:见到一个词非常眼熟,就是不能立马明白它此时此刻的意思。众所周知,初、高中英语教材中的单词清单所给出的只是每个单词最基本和常见的意思,即“熟义”。然而,教材“熟词”在高考文章中却产生了“生义”,这便是人们常说的“熟词生义”现象。高考卷对“熟词生义“的考查总是十分热衷。 熟词衍生新义大致分为两类情况:一是词性不变,二是词性有变。接下来,小维将会列出40个完形填空中常见的熟词生义,并举例说明其生义的用法 1. accommodate 熟义:vi.住宿,留宿 生义:vt. 容纳; v. 准予,提供 This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. (容纳) He accommodated me when I asked him for help. (准予,提供) 2. admit 熟义:vt.承认 生义:vi/vt容纳 The theatre only admits 1,000 persons. 替代词有(seat; hold) 容纳

3. badly 熟义:adv.坏 生义:adv. 迫切 They wanted to win badly. (迫切地) 4. bear 熟义:vt. 忍受,容忍 生义:v. 显示,带有 He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. (带有) 5. blank 熟义:adj.空白的n. 空白 生义:adj.没表情的;空虚的;茫然的;没兴趣的 The professor could tell by the blank look in Mary’s eyes.(茫然的)6. blue 熟义:adj.& n. 蓝色 生义:adj.忧伤的 His songs always make me feel blue. (忧伤的) 7. case


高考英语必会的100个熟词生义例释及练习答案 高中英语熟词生义例释 《新课程标准》,《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明》中的词汇表是命题人的主要依据,而这个词汇表只提供了英语单词或短语的拼写形式,未有词性和词义。这就给命题人提供了广阔的活动空间,给他们减少了很多限制,但却给考生增加了数倍的难度。因为英语中的一词多义多性现象是非常普遍存在的。单选题如此,完形填空、阅读理解、阅读表达等题中熟词生义现象更是比比皆是。为了能使我们广大考生顺利通过考试,我们根据《新课程标准》、《考试说明》的词汇表所列词汇,按照字母顺序逐一解析高考及平时考试中屡屡遇到的,使学生感到极为棘手的熟词生义。 A 1.about:(熟义:关于) We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到处=(美)around 2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的) He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的 3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she's much

abused at home. v. 虐待 4.accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受) Tom accepted her explanation.汤姆同意她的解释。 ②认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法, 我只好认命了。 5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿 This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳 He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供6. ache 熟义: v/n 疼痛 He was aching for home. v. 渴望 7.act vi.熟义:行动 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼 9. across prep. 熟义: prep. 越过 The two roads cut across each other. 与...交叉,与...成十字10. advance 熟义:v/n 前进,推进 she asked me for an advance on her salary. n. 预付(款),

高中英语高考常考熟词生义汇总(用法 例句)讲义-2023届高三英语二轮复习

高考英语常用熟词生义 1.head [熟义]头,头部 [生义]首脑;负责人 [例]He is the head of that country. 他是那个国家的首脑。 2.brain [熟义]大脑 [生义]聪明的人;有智慧的人 [例]The company has some of the best brains in the world working for it. 这家公司汇集了世界上最优秀的人才为其效力。 3. feed [熟义]喂养 [生义]滋养;给……提供 [例]The exhibition will feed your mind. 这个展览会滋养你的心灵。 4. pick up [熟义]捡起;拿起 [生义](碰巧或廉价地)买到 [例]We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction. 我们从拍卖场买到了几件便宜货。 5. advertise [熟义]做广告 [生义]宣扬;张扬 [例]I didn't want to advertise the fact that he hadn't driven me to the airport. 我不想宣扬他没有开车送我去机场的事。 6. average [熟义]平均数;平均的 [生义]平常的;普通的 [例]Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. Freddy是一个普通的学生,但不是一个普通的人。 7. set [熟义]放,放置 [生义]安排好的 [例]Each person was given set jobs to do. 分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。 8. appetite [熟义]食欲;胃口 [生义]爱好;喜好

高考英语二轮复习专题精讲 第讲 高考词汇拓展1_01

语鹅市安置阳光实验学校第26讲 高考词汇拓展经典精讲(下) 开篇语 英语时文阅读理解词汇总结 Week One Thursday B 1.maintain 2.growth rate 3.major 4.economy 5.financial 6.figure 7.domestic 8.the authorities 9.boost 10.statistics 11.agency 12.manufacturing 13.revise 14.pick up 15.index 16.slightly 17.rate 18.analyst 19.reserve 20.remains to be considered 21.finance 22.current 23.financial 24.target 25.construction 26.output 27.promote Week One Friday A 1.a senior executive 2.stomach 3.knee 4.bend 5.totally 6.campus 7.a standing ovation 8.accountant 9.telemarketers(电话销售员) 10.various 11.take to one’s feet 12.debate 13.obesity 14.peak 15.revolution 16.long-term 17.pump 18.sensible(明智的;明显的) 19.cost-effective(划算的;成本效益好的) 20.strategy 21.neutral 22.posture 23.slightly 24.keyboard 25.tray https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619480125.html,p 27.position 28.promote 29.flow 30.occasionally Week One Friday B 1.love affair 2.automobile 3.exchange 4.increasingly 5.publication https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619480125.html,mute 7.dealership 8.general manager 9. consumer 10.appearance 11.domestic 12.brand 13.decade 14.resident 15.jam with 16.leisure 17.customer 18.infant 19.convenient/inconvenient 20.transportation 21.specialist 22.status 23.associate with 24.fantanstic 25.discouraged 26.astonished 27.subway 28.on wheels 29.symbol 30.a means of 31.burden Week Two Monday A https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619480125.html,anizations 2.activity 3.drama 4.description 5.opportunities 6.stage 7.smoothly 8.primary 9.focus


高考英语“一词多义熟词生义” 高频词汇总 1.average adj.普通的,不好不差的 (熟义:adj.平均的 n.平均数) Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. 2.back v.支持 (熟义:n.背) Many of his friends backed his plan. 3.badly adv.迫切,很 (熟义:adv.坏) English teachers are badly needed in our school. 4.behavior n.性能,特点 (熟义:n.举止,行为) The behavior of this new computer is good. 5.bare v.向某人袒露心声 (熟义:adj.裸露的) He likes to bare his heart/soul to his close friends. 6.bear v.显示,带有 (熟义:v.忍受,容忍) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the pain. 7.bar vt.禁止,阻止 (熟义:n.条;棒;条状物) The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match to keep their scores effective. 8.bend vt.专心 (熟义:vt.使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰 n.弯;拐角) You have to be able to bend a little in class so that you can follow your teacher. 9.blank adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白) Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about. 10.blanket vt.覆盖;掩盖 (熟义:n.毛毯;毯子) Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground and the whole field looks white. 11.blue adj.忧伤的(熟义:adj.& n.蓝色) He has been feeling blue all week. 12.cast vt.描述 (熟义:扔;投;掷) He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign. 13.cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的) Who will take his place still remains cloudy. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619480125.html,mand vt.控制 (熟义:n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握) Soon after the conflict, the police arrived and commanded the situation. 15.coach v.辅导,指导(熟义:n.教练) Dad volunteered to coach me in English before my English midterm. 16.condemned vt.宣判 (熟义:vt.谴责;使……处于不幸的状态) The man in his twenties was condemned to death for murder and later hanged. 17.count vt.有价值,重要 (熟义:n.& v.计算,数) Your habits count but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will. 18.course n.一道菜 (熟义:n.课程;过程) The courses vary with seasons. 19.cross adj.生气的 (熟义:v.跨越,横穿;n.十字) Please don’t get cross.Let m e explain. 20.decoration n.奖章 (熟义:n.装饰) The mayor presented him with a gold decoration for his bravery in the fire. 21.desert v.抛弃,离弃 (熟义:n.沙漠) The man had a bitter childhood, who was deserted for his disability. 22.determine vt.调查 (熟义:vt.决定;确定;下定决心) A team of scientists were sent to Wuhan after the epidemic to determine the cause of the incident.


精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用! 高考英语二轮复习考点讲解:动词及动词短语 知识点一高考常考的几组动词词义辨析1.injure,hurt,wound,destroy I didn't want to hurt his feelings. 我不想伤害他的感情。 He was wounded in the battle. 他在战斗中负过伤。 2.beat,hit,strike,defeat,win Our team beat the American team by eight. 我们队以超过美国队八分的成绩战胜了。 She hit him out of anger. 她生气地打了他一下。 The tower was struck by lightning. 该塔被闪电击中了。 He defeated all the other participants and won the prize. 他击败了其他参赛者,获了奖。

3.adopt,attach,adapt,adjust This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need; besides, it is not expensive at all. 这个桌子可以根据你需要的高度而调整,而且一点也不贵。 Recently, to maintain national balance, the Chinese government has adopted a policy of encouraging college graduates to take positions in rural areas. 为了保持平衡,中国政府最近通过了一项鼓励大学毕业生去农村就业的政策。 Parents attach much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. 父母亲都非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给予孩子们无价的馈赠。 知识点二高考常考的动词短语辨析 1.break break away from... 脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,强行进入 break into... 闯入……,破门而入 break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break through 突围,冲破,突破 break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 If you go on working like that, you will break down sooner or later. 如果你继续像那样工作,迟早你会累垮的。 2.bring bring about 引起,导致,使发生

2020高考英语二轮复习 专题三 完形填空 第一讲 词汇篇教案

第二板块语言知识运用 完形填空和语法填空二者共属高考浙江卷中的语言运用部分,二者虽题型不同,但宗旨都是考查考生在理解整体语篇的基础上具体运用语法知识和词语的能力。 年份体裁题材 考点分布 动词 (短 语) 名 词 ( 短 语 ) 形 容 词 ( 短 语 ) 副 词 介 词 ( 短 语 ) 连 词 代 词2019.6 记叙文 唤起对食物浪费的关 注 8 5 4 3 0 0 0 2018.11 记叙文解救学生的手指11 6 2 0 1 0 0 2018.6 夹叙夹议文充分利用时间9 5 4 2 0 0 0 2017.11 记叙文 Harvold救人的英勇故 事 12 6 2 0 0 0 0 2017.6 记叙文保护书籍的故事9 4 5 2 0 0 0 [考纲解读] 1.完形填空旨在考查考生的综合理解能力和语言运用能力: (1)要求考生能够领悟一篇有空缺的语篇大意,结合全文,推出“未知”内容,具有主观性测试和客观性测试的双重特点。 (2)既可以在语篇中考查考生的英语基础知识,即语法、词汇知识;又可以考查考生运用所学语言知识的能力;还可以考查考生的英语文化背景知识;同时,考查考生把握上下文行文逻辑和整个篇章结构的能力。

2.完形填空的每个选项的取舍要受层次语境的影响。完形填空的考点层次从低到高可分为:词汇层次、句子层次、语篇层次。 [命题趋势] 完形填空是测试考生综合语言运用能力的填空补缺式障碍性阅读。它以语篇信息为基础,以中心脉络信息为主线,多层面反复式信息为暗示,纵横向立体式信息相照应,给考生提供足够的解题信息。预计今后的高考中会有以下命题趋势: 1.综合考查考生的英语基础知识和语言运用能力,包括词汇运用能力、阅读理解能力、分析判断能力、逻辑推理能力和跨文化交际能力。 2.文章材料多以叙述为主,叙议结合。故事性记叙文仍会占主导地位,但夹叙夹议文会增多。 3.语篇层次设空增多,从而体现“突出语篇”的命题思路,测试考生对上下文衔接关系、行文逻辑等的综合理解,进而考查考生的思维能力。 第一讲词汇篇 高考完形填空主要是对考纲词汇的考查,重点考查考生在具体语境中准确理解和运用考纲词汇的能力。近几年高考完形填空对词汇在整体语篇中的灵活运用的考查尤为突出,主要涉及名词、动词(短语)、形容词和副词等实词的词义理解、一词多义的积累、熟词生义的推断以及近义词用法的辨析。没有掌握好考纲中基础词汇的词义是造成失分的主要原因之一,而不能弄清意义相近词汇的细微区别则成为拿高分的障碍。 考生要想得高分,准确掌握考纲词汇是基础,强化对多义词的掌握和对重难点词的积累是关键。 超重点1 词义理解——考纲生僻词汇强化记忆 [强化1]动词 动词及其短语的灵活运用是英语的特色之一,也是考生备考时的难点,因此每年都是完


高考常考熟词生义汇总 在高考英语试卷中,有些词我们明明很熟悉,但考察的却是我们不熟悉的那层意思,如果没有好好掌握词的含义的话,很有可能会丢分。那么如何防止分数的流失呢?很简单,小编特地为大家整理了高考中常出现的熟词生义,有很多还是试题中的考点呢。同时在后面为大家补充了其他一些比拟常见的熟词生义。牢牢地记住它们,高考中再出现的话就不怕不怕啦。 1. absent 熟义:缺席的 生义:心不在焉的,出神的 While doing a Watched-Pot Wait, we tend to get absent-minded. (2017 阅读) 考点✍ 译文:当我们做着类似于盯着壶水开这种等待的时候,我们容易走神。 2. address 熟义:地址;写地址 生义:解决;处理

The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless in the United States. (2011 阅读) 考点✍ 译文:解决无家可归人的需求 3. available 熟义:可得到的;可找到的 生义:(人)有空的 It’s important that you let them know when you’ll be available. (2017 全国卷补全文章 考点✍ 译文:当你有空时 4. blank 熟义:空白的;空白 生义:没表情的;不理解的 The professor could tell by the blank look in Mary’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. (2011 单项选择


高二英语:高考英语完形填空熟词僻义 WenHuinuan I动词僻义 一 serve (僻义:端上饭,菜酒等对……起作用 ) (熟义:服务) 【08四川】...Clearly I had made mistakes. I had started the evening wanting to have a happy time with my daughter but had allowed my desire to win to become more important than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win 34 me well. As a parent, I realized that it got in my way. So I had to change. 34.A. offered B. served C. controlled D. taught 【06全国】…A waiter appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to set the table and take their order, and then walked back to the loud cheers of the rest of his customers. Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went once more into the water to 50 the wine. The couple toasted each other, the waiter and the crowd… 50.A. change B. drink C. sell D. serve 【04全国】It was the night before the composition was due. As I looked at the list of topics (题目) , "The Art of Eating Spaghetti (意大利面条) " caught my eye. The word "spaghetti" brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien's in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 38spaghetti for supper. Spaghetti was an exotic (外来的) treat in those days. 38.A. cooked B. served C. got D. made 二run (僻义:道路,街道等延伸、延展) (熟义:跑) 三fail (僻义:辜负使……失望) (熟义:失败) 【08安徽】There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book in hand. Of course, we may study with our guide-books the history and special developments of a town and get to know them. But then, if we take out time and stay in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some questions, which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just like this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets 44 in this particular way, and not in any other why? Here even the best guide-book 46 us. One can't find in it the information about how a town has developed to the present appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) design of a town. 44.A. open B. run C. begin D. move 46.A. helps B. tricks C. fails D. satisfies 四wear (僻义:表露态度,表情) (熟义:穿,戴) 【08重庆卷】…She rode the rest of the way home 52 a happy smile, with the money she'd lost earlier forgotten. On the road of life, the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the journey will be when we make it a little smoother for others! 52.A. giving B. wearing C. taking D. forcing 五break (僻义:①撕裂……表面break the news把消息告诉某人;②间断broken English 不流利的英语) (熟义:弄坏) 【07 北京】…"I'm surprised." smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the result. "I really thought that only a few people wanted their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next task is to find a good band and line them up for the dance." Angela was all smiles and 54 the news to Amy and Daniel. "You're amazing" smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

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