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Unit 1

焚书坑儒burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive

牛郎织女the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver or the Cow Herder and the Weaver Maid

封建礼教feudal ethical codes


Good will be rewarded with good and evil repaid with evil

《山海经》Classics of Mountians and seas

精卫填海Jingwei Determines to fill up the sea

Unit 2

饮食疗法dietotherapy or food therapy

色香味color, aroma and taste



Sweet in the south, salty in the north, sour in the west and spicy in the east.

中国四大菜系Grand Four Categories of Chinese Cuisine

八大菜系eight main schools of Chineses Cuisine

点心Dim Sum

鉴别诊断differential diagnosis

礼仪之邦land of ceremony and propriety

良药苦口Good medicine tastes bitter.

控制阴阳失调to conterbalance the Yin-yang disequilibrium

Unit 3

衣食住行clothing, food, shelter and transportation

曲裾curving-front robe

直裾straight-front robe

战国时期Warring States Period

男女授受不亲to avoid close contact of the male and the female

唐装Tang Costume

盘扣buttonhole loop

玉珮jade ornament

Unit 4

道家四象the four Taoist quadrants

风水先生 a geomancer

皇陵the imperial mausoleum

宗庙或祠堂the ancestral temple

天坛the Temple of Heaven


莫高窟the Mogao Grottoes

天人合一unity of Heaven and man

拙政园Humble Administrattor's Garden

卢沟桥的狮子数不清The lions on the Lugouqiao are uncountable

Unit 5

世界遗产名录List of World Heritage

金丝猴golden snub-nosed monkey

人间仙境Fairy Land on Earth

五岳Five Sacred Mountains


One who fails to recognize a somebody has been compared to a person unable to see Mt.Tai.

稳如泰山as stable as Mt. Tai


Only by ascending Mt. Tai will you find how dwarfish all mountains under heaven are.


I find it no longer worth my while to look at a mountain after visiting the five sacred mountains. No longer do I find it worth my while to look at the sacred five after returning from Huangshan.

四川大熊猫自然保护区Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries

云南三江并流Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas

国家风景区National seenic area

桂林山水甲天下The scenery in Guilin is unparalleled in the world( or topped all under heaven)

阳朔山水甲桂林The montains and waters in Yangshuo are even better than those in Guilin

Unit 6

烽火台beacon tower

天下第一关the World’s First Pass

故宫the Palace Museum(the Forbidden City)

秦始皇陵Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

《史记》The Historical Records

兵马俑Terra cotta legions


(皇帝)登基ascend the throne

腐败无能的政府corrupt and impotent government

天圆地方round Heaven and square Earth

Unit 7

春节the Spring Festival

元宵节the Lantern Festival

清明节Tomb Sweeping Day or the Clear Bright Festival

端午节the Dragon Boat Festival

中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival

重阳节the Double Ninth Festival

泼水节Water Sprinkling Festival

那达慕the Nadam Fair

火把节the Torch Festival

阴历the lunar calendar

公历Gregorian calendar

年糕sticky cakes

红包lucky money in little red envelopes

春联spring couplets

年画New Year pictures

舞狮Lion Dances

闰月an intercalary month

年饭the New Year feast

元宵glutinous rice dumplings stuffed with various sweet fillings

赛龙舟dragon boat races

粽子pyramid-shaped dumplings with glutinous rice

吉祥话auspicious messages

秋分the autumn equinox

月饼moon cake

《易经》I-Ching (the Book of Changes)

登高节Height Ascending Festival

赏菊enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum

中国生肖the Chinese zodiac

五行the Five Elements

算命fortune telling



相面face reading


红色等同于财富Red is synonymous with wealth.


避邪to avoid epidemies

七夕节the Double Seventh Festival

礼轻情意重 A gift may be insignificant, but it carries tremendous friendship

Unit 8

绢花silk flower

漆器lacquer wares

景泰蓝cloisonné enamel

青铜器bronze wares

唐三彩the Tang tricolor ceramics


司线戊方鼎Simuwu Quadripod


新石器时代the Neolithic Age



甲骨文tortoise shell script

青花瓷the blue and white porcelain

Unit 9

岁寒三友three friends of winter

君子四艺the four skills of a learned scholar to pursue

挂轴hanging scroll

工笔画gongbi or meticulous brushwork

山水画landscape painting

国粹quintessence of Chinese culture

小篆the Small Seal Script

隶书the Official Script

草书the Cursive Script

行书the Running Script

楷书the Regular Script

文房四宝four treasures of the study

花鸟图flower and bird painting

出淤泥而不染come out of the mire without being sneared Unit 10

《赵氏孤儿》An Orphan of the Zhao Family

《15贯》Fifteen Strings of Coppers

《空城计》The Ruse of an Empty City

《白蛇传》The Story of a White Snake

《贵妃醉酒》The Drunken Concubine

《岳母刺字》Yuefei’s Mother Tattooing His Back

《打渔杀家》Fisherman’s Revenge

《二进宫》Entering the Palace for the Second Time

《霸王别姬》Farewell My Concubine

《群英会》Gathering of Heroes

《乌盆记》The Story of the Black Basin

《宝莲灯》The Lotus Lantern

《智取威虎山》Takeover of Tiger Mountain

四大名旦Four Major Dan Roles


Unit 11

中医TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


闻auscultation and olfaction


切pulse feeling and palpation

经络channels or meridian

中草药herbal medicine






五行相生结构:金水木火土The Generating cycle

Metal produces water, water nourishes wood, wood fuels fire, fire makes earth, earth yields metal.

五行相克结构:金木土水火The Regulating Cycle

Metal can cut wood, wood can contain earth, earth can absorb water, water can extinguish fire, fire can melt metal

Unit 15

九歌Nine Songs

木兰辞the Ballad of Mulan

《西厢记》The West Chamber

《诗经》The Book of Songs

《离骚》Lament of Encountering Sorrow or Sorrow after departure

《孔雀东南飞》Southeast the peacock flies

《全唐诗》The complete Anthology of the Tang Dynasty

初唐四杰the four preeminent poets of the early Tang Dynasty

诗仙the Immortal of Poems

诗圣Sage of the Poems

山水田园诗人pastoral poets

边塞诗人frontier poets


If you have recited 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty, you will be able to intonate them even though you can not produce them.

婉约派the Soft and Tuneful School (the Delicately restrained school)

豪放派the Powerful and Free School (the Heroic and Unrestrained style)

《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marsh

《西游记》Journey to the West (Pilgrim to the West)

《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions

《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of Liaozhai

百花齐放,百家争鸣Let one hundred flowers blossom and one hundred schools of thought contend.

春秋时期Spring and Autumn period

乐府the Music Bureau

词Lyric Poetry


四级翻译:注意使用被动语态及其各种时态(第2版)——千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。《中华圣贤经》,山湖纪人,海天出版社,2006,P6 参考来源及说明:【王长喜2014年秋季】,指该例句来自王长喜四六级考试培训学校《2014阅读与翻译讲义》,预测翻译20篇;【星火2015年春季】,指该例句来自《星火版大学英语四级点评历年真题》(备战2015年6月),预测翻译50篇,陈幼平主编; 2014年6月三套题及参考译文选自王长喜四六级考试培训学校《2014阅读与翻译讲义》,其它选自《星火英语历年四级真题解析》 1. ……在中国,菜肴是被放在桌上让大家共同分享的。【2012年6月】 2. 随着旅行多了,……他们更为偏远的地方所吸引。【2014年12月真题,第1套 3. 美国网民更多的是受实际需要的驱使,用互联网为工具发电子邮件、买卖商品、做研究、规划旅程或 付款。【2014年12月真题,第2套】 4. 化妆品最受中国游客青睐,服装、皮革制品也是中国游客的消费热点。【星火2015年春季Test 13 5. 现在中国农村仍然保持着贴年画的传统,而在城市里很少有人贴年画。【2013年6月,第1套】 6. 假如他们没有在这个关键时期培养阅读的兴趣,以后要养成阅读的习惯就很难了。【2014年6月真题, 第3套】 7. 为此,我国正在推行一项前所未有的计划:用8年时间,在全国农村基本建立起新型的合作医疗制度, 以解决……【王长喜2014年秋季翻译1】 8. 国家大剧院由钛玻璃(titanium)和玻璃组成的椭圆形(ellipsoid)穹顶构成,四周环绕着一个人工湖。【王 长喜2014年秋季翻译7】 9. 最近,环境灾难引发的社会动乱令政府警惕起来。【王长喜2014年秋季翻译8】 10. 京剧剧目( repertoire)主要讲述前朝的传说和故事,其中包括重要的历史事件和王侯将相的故事。【王 长喜2014年秋季翻译9】 11. 一位帮助起草老年人保护法草案的教授说,立法主要是为了提高人们对于老年人情感支持需要的意 识。【王长喜2014年秋季翻译10】 12. 政府禁止对购买第三套住房的人发放贷款。【王长喜2014年秋季翻译17】 13. 在严重的雾霾天,人们被迫戴上口罩,学校和高速公路关闭。【星火2015年春季Test 2】 14. 如今野生大熊猫仅存活于中国中部的森林里。现在在云南己经绝迹。【星火2015年春季Test 10】 15. 京剧人物角色以性别、年龄、身份和个性为基础进行区分。【星火2015年春季Test 23】 16. 汉语在书写上使用象形文字(pictograph)和表意文字,即代表概念而非语音的符号。【星火2015年春季 Test 26】 17. 桥上的石头栏杆和柱子上雕刻着美丽的龙凤图案。【星火2015年春季Test 50】 1. 水稻和小麦等农作物都原产自中国。【星火2015年春季Test 16】 2. 饮茶在6世纪传到日本,……【2013年12月真题,第3套】 3. 皮影戏(the shadow puppetry) 在我国历史悠久,元代时还曾传到世界上很多国家,迷倒了不少国外戏 迷。【星火2015年春季Test 19】 4. 传说,印度一个叫作慧理的和尚来到杭州,被这里美丽的山区景色深深地吸引了。【星火2015年春季 Test 42】


大学英语四六级翻译常用词汇汇总1. 中国经济发展 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy


英语翻译重点词汇词组 fellow countrymen 同胞 militarist军阀 Chinese Communist Party 党组织 the Grand Canal (京杭)大运河Industrial Revolution 工业革命dawn to dark从早到晚 especially English 具有英国特征的cottage industry 农村手工业 Indian summer 最后的余辉 stock-raising 畜牧业 Homestead Act 宅地法 wild west 西部荒原 the gold rush 淘金热 basic occupation 基础产业Department of Agriculture 农业部门the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲 coastal erosion 水土流失Mediterranean climate 地中海型气候surveyor general 测量总监sovereign nation 主权国家aggregate output 总产量 coastal area 沿海地区 telephone connections 电话用户economic well-being 生活水平 two way trade 双向贸易 lucrative export market 出口市场

foreign exchange 外汇 sum total 总数 per capita 人均 GNP 国民生产总值 joint ventures 合资企业 net income 净收入 world investment system世界投资体系 the stock of foreign investment 外资存量 英语翻译重点词汇(2) major economy 经济大国 the stimulus, the technology and the funding 动力、技术和资金international trade and investment 国际贸易和投资 popular science 科普读物Arctic seas 北冰洋 vegetable oil 植物油 mineral oil煤油 internal combustion engine内燃机 warfare on land and sea 陆战和海战 minute sea creatures and plants 微小的海洋动植物 crude oil 原油 sedimentary rocks 沉积岩 pitch lake 沥青湖 superhighway 高速公路 living organism 生物体 applied entomology 应用昆虫学 environmental Law环保法 wildlife 野生生物


寒假翻译作业 要求:把前5篇中英文手抄一遍;第6篇为练习,要求同学们自己翻译;要求书写认真整齐。下学期第一次上课时上交。祝大家圣诞快乐! 1、中国一个幅员辽阔、资源丰富、历史悠久的多民族国家,每个民族都有其独特的丰富菜肴。地域菜系在地理环境、气候、文化传统、民族风俗和其他因素的影响下经过悠久历史的发展已经成形。最有影响力、最具代表性的是鲁、川、粵、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽菜系,这八种被人们称为“八大菜系”。中国的“八大菜系”是以多种多样的烹饪方法区分的,各有其长处。 China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation with a vast territory and abundant resources, and every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes. Regional cuisines have taken shape after long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and other factors. The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan,Yue, Min, Su,Zhe, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as “Eight Major Cuisines”. Dishes in the “Eight Major Cuisines” in China are charact erized by diversified cooking skills, with each having its strong points. 2、孔子(ConfUcius)是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒学(the Ru School)思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立在孔圣人(Master Kung)的教学上。冯友兰,中国思想史上20世纪伟大的的权威之一,把孔子在中国历史上的影响比作西方的苏格拉底。 Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history ofChinese thought, compares Confucius9 influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West. 3、京剧(Beijing Opera)是中国的国粹。作为一门古老的艺术,京剧的服装(costume)、脸谱(facial mask)更易被人喜爱。不同的服装类型反映不同的人物身份特征。富贵者的服装缀满精美的刺绣;穷困者的服装则简单朴素,少有装饰(elemental)。脸谱是京剧中塑造人物形象的重要手段,它是用不同的颜色在脸上勾画出来的。脸谱的颜色让人一看便知角色(portray)的善恶。比如白色代表奸诈(treachery),黑色代表正直不阿,黄色是骁勇,蓝、绿色多用于绿林好汉(rebellious fighters),金、银色多用于神佛(divinity and Buddhism)等。 Beijing Opera is the cream of the Chinese culture. As a tradi?tional art form, its costumes and facial mask are more popular with peo?ple. Different styles of costumes are used to reflect the status of different characters. There are more decorations in the costumes of nobles,while


大学英语四六级真题排名 TOP1:巨微英语 第一,解析的彻底性或者透彻性。以巨微英语的《四/六级真题·逐句精解》一书为例进行说明。该书针对绝大多数考生英语基 础(词汇和语法)薄弱的现状,对历年四六级真题一句一句进行彻底、无死角的精解,重点突出对词汇和语法的讲解,意在最大限度 的帮助考生吃透真题,一次性解决词汇和语法这两大基础性问题。 这种逐句精解模式,就目前市场而言,是史无前例的首创之举,并 无二例。 第二,高度的创新性或者突破性。以巨微英语的《四/六级真题·满分兵法》为例。该书第一次全面萃取百家之长,对迄今为止 各类辅导用书及培训机构所倡导的有效答题技巧进行了全面、系统 的梳理,通过“取其精华,去其糟粕”,为基础薄弱者提供独有、 实用和有效的方法论体系,是四六级英语满分答题技巧的第一个集 大成者。除此之外,该书在四六级的四大题型上均进行了突破性创新:在写作方面,首创了“模板范文+创新范文”模式;在听力方面:首创了“听前预测+听中解读”模式;在阅读方面,首创“答案定 位+选项表析”模式;在翻译方面,首创了“常规译法+升级译法” 模式;等等。 正是由于解析的彻底性和高度的创新性,得以使巨微英语当仁不 让地成为四六级真题图书当中最受好评的知名品牌。此外,该书还 配有《词汇超级速记特训班》《写作满分模板特训班》《阅读满分 技巧特训班》等视频,由一线名师详细解析解题技巧。

但是,巨微英语也有一些明显的缺陷:比如,由于解析十分详细,书籍的厚度明显要高于同类书籍,可能会给一部分考生带来压力;由于书厚,印刷成本较大,导致其无法在售价上形成优势;由 于投入时间较多,导致出版时间滞后;等等。从总体上看,瑕不掩瑜,巨微英语,的确是良心之作,推荐大家重点关注。 TOP2:华研英语 第一,注重方法。注重方法,曾经是华研英语图书的重要特点 之一。但是,自从巨微英语的“满分兵法”一书问世后,华研英语 的这一相对优势就丧失了。尽管如此,华研外语在答题技巧方面的 开创性贡献是不可抹杀的。客观地讲,在四六级英语答题技巧的总 结和提升方面,华研外语的系列图书是拓荒者,而巨微英语的《四/ 六级真题·满分兵法》一书才是真正的集大成者。巨微英语后来居上,在答题技巧方面具有集百家之长、进行创造性转化、形成自己 独有思想的特点。 第二,质量较好。比如针对写作中较好的句式、句型,设置同 义替换栏目,帮助考生多角度理解作文并扩展句式;分版块从听力、阅读、翻译与写作基础等题型设有专项训练;可在线做习题,检验 学习成果;考生可参加免费视频课,听名师讲解真题及应试技巧; 等等。但是,华研外语也有一些瑕疵,比如排版有些散乱,字号太小;文章解析中无词汇注释;部分题目解析稍欠火候;等等。从图 书市场的整体角度看,华研英语图书的解析相对详细。这个可以从 其图书的厚度、定价以及出版的速度等方面看出来。由于解析相对 详细,势必投入成本大、投入时间多,因此定价自然就高,出版时 间势必就长。巨微英语更是如此。从这个角度看,巨微英语和华研


四六级翻译——科技类词汇 1.科技园science and technology park 2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones 3.信息产业IT (Information Technology) 4.电器设备electrical appliance 5.电子设备electronic device 6.电子商务e-commerce 7.人工智能artificial intelligience 8.先进技术advanced technology 9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology 10.载人航天飞行manned space flight 11.发射成功successful launch 12.自然科学natural science 13.新兴学科new branch of science 14.科技成果research achievements 15.科学发展观concept of scientific development 16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education 17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development 18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure 19.专利,专利权patent 20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture 21.物种起源origin of species 22.生物工程bio-technology 23.基因工程genetic engineering 24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food) 25.技术产权technology property right 26.科技含量technology content 27.电脑病毒computer virus 28.黑客hacker 29.垃圾邮件junk mail 30.数码科技digital technology 31.虚拟社区virtual community 32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture 33.网民netizen 34.克隆cloning 激光laser 35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle 36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy 37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds 38.技术创新technological innovation 39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science 40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces. 41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology 42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific and technological inventions


1.Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。 43. I came to London when I was 18. 我18岁的时候来到伦敦。 44. It takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel. 宾馆到市中心需要花45分钟时间。 One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games. 奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育比赛之一 41. While she was waiting, her phone rang.她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了 42. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long.虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。 43. We have enough money to improve the website.我们有足够的钱改进网站。 44. 1 had the windows cleaned yesterday.昨天我请人把窗户给擦了。 45. He came across an old violin at his friend's house.他在朋友家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。 41.She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。 45.He used tO play basketball every Sunday.他以前每个周日都打篮球。 41.Football is played by more than 20 million people in more than l40 countries· 超过140个国家的2000多万人都踢足球。 42.I’ve got the same sense of humour as my mum·我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感 43.He got on well with his classmates. 他和同学关系处得很好 44.He used tO work very hard when he was youn9. 他年轻的时候工作非常努力。 45.My family is putting me up at the moment,but I am thinking of buying my own flat.我现在跟家人住在一起,但是我正考虑买一套公寓自己住 41.He got on well with his sister. 他和他的姐/妹相处得很好 44.That box is too heavy for her to carry home.那个盒子太重了,她抬回家。 41. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long.虽然这部电影 非常令人愉快,但是太长了。 43. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock.我得在六点前到达机场。 44. I must have left the camera in a shop.我一定是把相机丢在那家商 店里了。 31. We have enough money to improve the website. 我们有足够的钱改进网站。 45. The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month. 帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。 32. Do you take after your mother or father?你像你的母亲或父亲吗? 35. I’ve been learning English for three years. 我已经学英语3年了33. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. 我周五得从房子里搬出来,因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客。 35.would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. 到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事聊一聊,会多开心啊。 :33. They enjoyed themselves at the party. 他们在聚会上玩的很愉快 34.She doesn’t like swimming and neither does her sist er. 她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也不喜欢 32. He used to play basketball every Sunday( 每个星期天他常常去打篮球 31. He studies in a university west of Beijing. 他在北京西部的一个大学学习 :32. He came across an old painting at his friend’s house. 他在他朋友家看到了一幅旧画 33. She would buy a large house if she won the lottery. 如果她中了彩票,她就买一幢大房子 :35. Both of the boys are good at singing. 这两个男孩都擅长唱歌 34. The flat was in a bit of mess. 公寓里一片狼籍 43. We've become good friends since last summer. 从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友了。 44. Your neighbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon. .休的邻居说你的房子今天下午被盗了。 45. I haven't got a car, and nowhere to live. My family is putting me up at the mom 我没有车,也没有地方住。现在跟家人住一起。 44. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. 虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。 1.I can’t find the key.I must have left it in the car. 我找不到钥匙了,我肯定将它丢在车上了。 2.Polly is worried about her lack of experience. 波利担心自己缺乏经验。 3.she needs to return the book by next Friday 她得在下周五之前把书还回去。 43. We've become good friends since last summer. 从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友了。 42. Polly(波莉) is worried about her lack of experience. 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。 43. She needs to return the hook by next Friday. 她得在下周五之前把书还回去。 41. He got on well with his sister.


1、听力,有三种题型,dialogue(十个对话),passage(三个短文),compound dictation(复合式听写,也就是传说中的段子题),第一种每年必考,后两种逐年交替,其中考passage的次数相对较多。 最容易得分的是dialogue和passage,只要记住一个超级技巧即可:对话所述事情总是向不好的方面发展。举几个例子:比如对话里问教授的讲座lecture难不难,记住一定难,老师的作业assignment多不多,一定多,男士发出的邀请,女士会答应吗,永远不会,永远是一个傻哥们发出邀请,邀请的对象是Mary,问我们游泳好吗,滑冰好吗,跳舞好吗,吃饭好吗,Mary的回答永远是,我非常的想去,but不去,四级考了十几年了,Mary从来没有去过,今年照样不会。所以大家记住,只要是对话,必然会发生意外的事情,再举个例子,两个选项,A火车准时,B火车晚点如果你是出题老师,你怎么设置对话,当然是晚点了,准时有什么好说的,总不能两个神经病,或者是两人刚谈恋爱,来到车站,没话找话,男的说,哇,火车准时了,女的说,咿!还真准时了耶!所以准时是不可能的,不好的事情一般都是最后的答案!对于compound dictation,上学期偶运气好没有考这个,但是偶觉得这种题确实比较难,只能竖直耳朵专心听了,即使听不懂,也要根据上下文瞎猜一个,空着肯定没分,瞎猜说不定老师看错了还会给你一分! 2、阅读,这是我们应考的重点,阅读题得分的高低直接影响到你是否能过,在这里我针对每种题型谈一谈,㈠事实细节题,据偶的观察,每年必考地方是列举处,即有first,sceond,in addition……的地方,还有举例与打比方的地方,即有as,such ,for instance等出现的地方,有几个应考规律,大家记住,1)选项中照抄或似乎照抄原文的一般不是答案,而同义词替换的是正确答案, 2)选项中表达意义较具体,也就是句子较长的一般不是答案而概括性的,抽象的是答案, 3)选项中有绝对语气词的比如must,never,merely等不是答案而有不十分肯定语气词的是正确答案,比如could,might,possible等。 ㈡词义及语义判断题,常考有指代上下问语义功能的名词和一词多义的词组,另外复杂句由于其句子之间的关系复杂,也常成为考查理解能力的一种手段,大家只要记住一个规律即可,那就是选项含义与被考单词在含义上肤浅相近的一般不是答案 ㈢推理判断题,有如下几个技巧, 1)若要求对某段内容进行推论,那么就只看题干要求作答的那一段, 2)选项中采用试探性,不十分绝对语气词的比如tend to ,offten等一般是答案, 3)符合常识逻辑的一般是答案,比方说为什么中国比较穷,是因为人口众多,为什么美国人很胖,是因为他们吃的肯德基,麦当劳太多了)。 ㈣主旨大意题和观点态度题,这两种相对都比较难,大家的得分都不是很高,所以即使你做的不好也别太介意。这两道题,偶当时是在十分紧迫的情况下,只读了首尾段,然后迅速选择的,其实最后效果还不错,阅读考了二百多分! 3、词汇,对于这种题,当你看到偶的博客以后,回去赶紧扔掉那些什么词汇串联记忆,星火记忆,黑白记忆,什么家谱式记忆,连环记忆……之类的书吧,或者送人,或者保存好,来年卖给不懂事的大一新生们,要不就拿去垫桌角,方方正正的多好啊!偶认为背单词是一种投入和产出极不成比例的做法,极其愚昧和迷信!偶当年是这样做的,考前两天(一定不要太早,否则还会忘掉),浏览了一下课本后面的四级词组,考试时,只要选项里有出现课本上的单词或词组,那么不要犹豫,选定她!偶还想提醒大家,千万不要在30个词汇题上浪费太多的时间,要知道每个题才0。5分啊,而阅读呢,一个2分,把时间节省出来做阅读吧!偶当时用偶的方法再加上1/4蒙题的概率,最后综合项(包括完形填空)考了一百多分。 4、完形填空题和简短回答题,这两个题也是逐年交替,其中前者出现的机会远远大于后者,如果你遇到的是完形填空题,你应该庆幸,整个四级考试中,数她最简单了,偶当时压根儿就没有看题目一眼,直到考试结束铃响了,偶才开始拿着机读卡瞎蒙,偶当时坐在最后一排,当收卷子的女老师走到偶跟前时,偶还有五道题没有涂卡,偶深情地对她说,天气很热,您也很累了吧,她笑着对偶说,谢谢,还行。在这一瞬间,偶把所有的题都涂完了。大家参加过高考的人都知道,做一个完形填空题花的时间可能超过两道阅读题,但是得分呢?相信大家都心中有数。幸亏四级考试中此题每个才0。5分,即使真正的高手在这个


四六级翻译真题及答 案

中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。为了在科学技术上尽快赶超世界发达国家,中国近年来大幅度增加了研究开发资金。中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究,这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学,从新能源到机器人等各类高科技领域。它们还与各地的科技园合作,使创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的需求。 译文一 China's innovation is flourishing faster than ever before. In order to surpass developed countries on progressing and technology as soon as possible, China has sharply increased research and development fund. Chinese universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different places, progressing commercialize their fruits of innovation.In the meantime , to adapt to the changing foreign and domestic market, and to satisfy the growing demand, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate their products and business models(模式). 译文二(文都版) Innovation is progressing in an unprecedented speed in China. In order to catch up with those developed countries in the world as fast as it can in the science and technology field, China has increased funds for development research substantially in recent years. Universities and research institutions in China are actively carrying out innovation researches, which cover high-


2019英语六级翻译重点词汇 一、经济类 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy 货币投放量the size of money supply 流动性过剩excess liquidity 经济过热overheated economy



Unit 1 焚书坑儒burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive 牛郎织女the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver or the Cow Herder and the Weaver Maid 封建礼教feudal ethical codes 善有善报,恶有恶报 Good will be rewarded with good and evil repaid with evil 《山海经》Classics of Mountians and seas 精卫填海Jingwei Determines to fill up the sea Unit 2 饮食疗法dietotherapy or food therapy 色香味color, aroma and taste 美食家gourmet 南甜北咸东辣西酸 Sweet in the south, salty in the north, sour in the west and spicy in the east. 中国四大菜系Grand Four Categories of Chinese Cuisine 八大菜系eight main schools of Chineses Cuisine 点心Dim Sum 鉴别诊断differential diagnosis 礼仪之邦land of ceremony and propriety 良药苦口Good medicine tastes bitter. 控制阴阳失调to conterbalance the Yin-yang disequilibrium Unit 3 衣食住行clothing, food, shelter and transportation 曲裾curving-front robe 直裾straight-front robe 战国时期Warring States Period 男女授受不亲to avoid close contact of the male and the female 唐装Tang Costume 盘扣buttonhole loop 玉珮jade ornament Unit 4 道家四象the four Taoist quadrants 风水先生 a geomancer 皇陵the imperial mausoleum 宗庙或祠堂the ancestral temple 天坛the Temple of Heaven 塔pagoda 莫高窟the Mogao Grottoes 天人合一unity of Heaven and man 拙政园Humble Administrattor's Garden 卢沟桥的狮子数不清The lions on the Lugouqiao are uncountable Unit 5 世界遗产名录List of World Heritage


四合院是中国传统民居中最重要的形式。它数量多,分布广,并且在汉族、满族、白族以及其他少数民族中十分流行。大多数房屋采用木质框架。主屋建在南北走向的轴向上,两个厢房则位于四合院的两侧。家庭中的长者住在主屋中,而两翼则是年轻一代的卧室。妇女住在内院。客人和男仆住在外院。这种分布符合封建礼制。四合院遍布全国的城乡,但由于各地自然条件和生活方式各有不同,因此发展出各自的特征。北京的四合院最具代表性。Siheyuan is the most important form of Chinese traditional residential house. It is great number and wide in distribution , popular among the Han ,Manchu,Bai, and some of other minority groups. Most of the houses are of wood framework. The principal room is built on the south-north axis, and two wing rooms are located on both sides of it. The family elder live in the principle room and wings are the bedrooms for the younger generations. Women live in the inner yard. Guests and male servants live in the outer yard. This distribution is in accordance with feudal regulations. Siheyuan spreads over towns and villages throughout China, but each developed its own characteristics as a result of respective natural and different ways of live. Siheyuan in Beijing in the most representative. 风水是中国建筑中的一个特殊传统,是古人对空间的布置与安排方法,其目的是为了实现建筑与环境的和谐共存。风水的字面意思就是“风和水”。在古代,风水通常将从选址,设计,建筑直到内部和外部装修的整个过程联系在一起。它将天、地、人三者融为一体,并且在所选的地址、方位、自然法则以及人类的命运之间寻求和谐。它反对人对自然的破坏,而是强调人与环境的共处,这种状态被认为是完美,神秘的。 Fengshui, a special Chinese tradition in architecture, is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve coexistence in harmony with environment. Fengshui literally translates as “wind-water”.Fengshui usually links the whole process from site selection, designing, construction and interior and exterior decoration in ancient times. It combines the trinity of the Heaven ,the Earth and humans ,and seeks harmony between selected site, orientation, natural doctrine and human fate. It repulses human destruction of nature and stresses cohabitation with the environment ,which is regarded as perfect and occult. 舞龙是中国文化中一种传统的舞蹈和表演形式。它起源于汉朝并且由信仰并尊敬龙的中国人所开创。人们认为舞龙一开始是农耕文化的组成部分,起初也是治病和防病的一种方法。舞龙在宋朝就已成为一项流行的活动。舞龙是中国文化和传统的重要组成部分,已经传遍了中国乃至全世界,而且已经成为中国体育活动中一种特殊的艺术表演形式。它象征着在来年为世界上所有人带来好运和兴旺。 Dragon dance is a form of traditional dance and performance in Chinese culture. It originated during the Han Dynasty and was started by Chinese who had shown great belief and respect towards the dragon. It is believed to have begun as part of the farming and harvest culture, also with origins as a method of healing and preventing sickness. The dragon dance was already a popular event during the Song Dynasty. Dragon dance is an important part of the Chinese culture and tradition. It has spread throughout China and to the whole world and become a special performance of arts in the Chinese physical activities. It symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the year to come for all the human beings on earth. 中国结是一种古老的艺术形式。人们发现,绳结可以追溯到10万年前。中国人不仅用绳结来固定、包裹、狩猎、捕鱼,还用来记录事件,而且有些绳结纯碎起装饰作用。中国结具有文化内涵。由于结在汉语中的发音与“吉”相近,吉的意思为“福、禄、寿、喜、财、安、康”这是中国人永恒的追求,因此有些中国结表达出人们的各种愿望。例如,新婚夫妇的房间通常用一个盘长结来装饰,象征着永恒的爱情。

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