当前位置:文档之家› 灰姑娘话剧剧本定稿英语







Once upon a time, there was a girl called Ella. To her mother and father, she was a princess. Her father was a merchant who went abroad,and brought tribute back from all of Ella's subject lands. when her father was away,Ella missed him terribly. But she knew he would always return.

爸爸: Ella! Where are my girls, my beautiful girls Where are my darlings (爸爸出场,一边说话一边挥了下帽子)

爸爸: There she is!

灰姑娘:Papa, welcome home!(开心地扑到爸爸怀里)

爸爸: How are you (拥抱女儿)You've grown!

爸爸:Look at this .

灰姑娘:What was that

爸爸: I found it hanging on a tree. I think there may be something inside. 灰姑娘:It's so pretty.

爸爸:In China, that is 蝴蝶.


爸爸:Shall we(伸出手邀请女儿跳舞)

灰姑娘:Look, Mummy! I'm dancing!


旁白:All was just as it should be. They knew themselves to be the most happy of families to live as they did and to love each other so. But sorrow can come to any kingdom, no matter how happy. And so it came to Ella's home.




医生:I'm so sorry.(叹气摇头)

爸爸:Thank you, Doctor.(悲痛)

医生:This must have been very difficult for you.(安慰爸爸后退场)

爸爸:Ella. Ella, my darling.(回头发现伤心地坐在一边的女儿)


妈妈:I want to tell you a secret that you must always remember. Have courage and be kind. My darling. Will you promise me

灰姑娘:I promise.(梗咽)

妈妈:Good. Good. And... I must go very soon, my love. Please forgive me. 灰姑娘:Of course I forgive you.

妈妈:I love you. I love you, my darling. I love you.(断断续续说完)


旁白:Ella ‘ s mum had passed away for many years . Ella has grown up to a girl . And her father had married a woman . The day they reach comes.




旁白:Ella’s stepmother and her two daughters arrived at the house



Ella爸爸:Welcome, ladies. Welcome!

Anastasia(stepsister1):She's skinny as a broomstick!(两姐妹下马车后直接走向Ella,两个人嘀咕)

Drisella(stepsister2):And that stringy hair!

Ella:Welcome. I'm so happy to meet you.

Anastasia(stepsister1):You have such pretty hair.

Ella:Thank you.

Drisella(stepsister2):You should have it styled.

Ella:I'm sure you're right. Would you like a tour of the house

Stepmother(崔曼夫人):How charming. How perfectly charming.


Anastasia(stepsister1):How long has your family lived here

Ella 爸爸:Over 200 years.

Drisella(stepsister2):Where is our room

Ella 爸爸:Just follow me . I can show you there .

(Ella 爸爸、Anastasia(stepsister1)、Drisella(stepsister2)下场)Stepmother(崔曼夫人):You are so beautiful .

Ella:Thank you .





旁白:Ella's stepmother , high-spirited lady that she was, set out to restore life and laughter to the house.

(Stepmother(崔曼夫人)、Anastasia(stepsister1)、Drisella(stepsister2)、其他人在开party,Ella 爸爸在卧室办公)

Ella:You're missing the party.

Ella爸爸:I imagine it's much like all the other I'm leaving first thing, Ella.

Ella:No. But you're...You're hardly back from the last trip. Do you have to go

Ella爸爸:It's just a few months, my darling. What would you like me to bring you home from abroad You know, your sisters...Stepsisters, have asked for parasols and lace. What will you have

Ella:No,I just want you to come back safely .

Ella爸爸:I promise you . Ella, while I'm away , I want you to be good to your stepmother and stepsisters , even though they may be trying at times.

Ella:I will . Have the courage and be kind .





老鼠1:hey,you know what . After Ella’s father had gone out , Her stepmother begins to treat her badly .

老鼠2:Yeah , she asked Ella to stay in the attic . So her two daughters could have the biggest room .

老鼠3:Mornings did not agree with Ella's stepsisters .

老鼠4:And they lacked accomplishment in such domestic arts as keeping house. 老鼠3:In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.

鹅:Ella is waiting for the letters that Father would send from his travels everyday .But I just heard that her father took ill on the road and passed on . 老鼠1:Is that true

老鼠2:I think we need to comfort her

老鼠3:Yeah , we need to do so .

老鼠4:Let us go now .


旁白:After Ella’s father’s death . Her stepmother treats her so badly that she runs out of the house to the deep of the forest to get comfort .





Ella:(向四周看后,盯着鹿)Run!Quickly, my friend, or they'll catch you! Go! 这时候Prince带着一群侍卫骑着马追来(舞台一边上,和Ella转个几圈,差点摔倒)Prince:Miss!Miss! Are you all right Hold on!


Ella:I'm all right, thank you!

Prince:That's fine.

Ella:But you've nearly frightened the life out of him.


Ella:The stag.


Ella:(表情有一点严肃)What's he ever done to you that you should chase him about

Prince:I must confess I've never met him before. He is a friend of yours Ella:(微笑)We met just now. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life. That's all. Prince:Miss, what do they call you

Ella:Never mind what they call me.

Prince:You shouldn't be deep in the forest alone.

Ella:I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister... What do they call you Prince:You don't know who I am

Ella:That is...

Prince:They call me Kit. Well, my father does when he's in a good mood. Ella:And,(犹豫地停顿一下)where do you live, Mr. Kit

Prince:At the palace.


Captain:There you are, Your High...

Prince:It's Kit! Kit!(急促)Kit! I'm Kit. I'm on my way.

Captain:Well, we'd better get a move on,(停顿一下)Mr. Kit.

Prince:(相视良久)I hope to see you again, miss.

Ella:And I, you.






King:You sound as if you're the first fellow ever to meet a pretty girl. Prince:She wasn't a "pretty girl."

Prince:Well, she was a pretty girl, but there was so much more to her. King:How much more You've only met her once. How could you know anything about her

Prince:You told me you knew right away when you met my mother.

King:That's different. Your mother was a princess.

Prince:If I must marry, could I not wed, say, a good, honest country girl King:How many divisions will this "good, honest country girl" provide us How will she make the kingdom stronger Listen, boy. Your wife must be a princess Prince:All right, Father, on one condition. Let the invitations go to everyone, not just the nobility. What do you think

King:Would that please the people

Prince:Of course.

King:I think we might have made a bargain. A ball for the people,and a princess for the prince.








老鼠1: Ella,Ella,something happens . something happens.

Ella :What’ s up

老鼠2:This morning , the captain had said there will be a ball in the palace two weeks later

老鼠3:And everyone is invited . No matter who you are .

老鼠4:So you can attend the ball . May be you could meet kit there . Ella:Yes,you are right . Thank you , mice .


Ella:Have you ever heard the news There will be a ball in the palace two weeks later , and everyone is invited .

Anastasia(stepsister1):By the notion of meeting the prince. I shall trick him into loving me. See if I don't!

Drisella(stepsister2):This is the most hugest news!

继母:Calm yourselves. Now listen to me. One of you must win the heart of the prince. Do that, and we can unwind the debt in which we were ensnared when we came to this backwater!

Anastasia(stepsister1):I, a princess(陶醉)

Drisella(stepsister2):Or rather, I, a princess(陶醉)

继母:Having delivered your news, why are you still here You must return to town right away and tell that seamstress to run us up three fine ball gowns. Ella:Three That's very thoughtful of you.

继母:What do you mean

Ella:To think of me.

继母:Think of you

Anastasia(stepsister1):Mummy, she believes the other dress is for her. Drisella(stepsister2);Poor, slow, little Cinders. How embarrassing

继母:Let me be very clear. One gown for Anastasia, one for Drisella, and one for me! Now go!


Ella:If my stepmother would not have a fourth dress made,I can just try to run it up myself.






继母:To see you like this, it makes me believe one of you might just snare the prince.(Ella走近)Cinder Ella

Ella:It cost you nothing. It was my mother's old dress, you see. And I took it up myself.

Anastasia(stepsister1):Cinder Ella at the ball!

Drisella(stepsister2):No one wants a servant for a bride.

Ella:After all I've done... I don't want to ruin anything. I don't even want to meet the prince.

继母:And you won't, because there's no question of your going.

Ella:But, all of the maidens of the land are invited, by order of the king. 继母:It is the king I am thinking of. It would be an insult to the royal personage to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.

Ella:Rags This was my mother's.

继母:I'm sorry to have to tell you This thing is so old-fashioned it's practically falling to pieces.(撕破了Ella的袖子(可以弄头发))Oh~ The shoulder's frayed.


Anastasia(stepsister1):It's falling to bits. And this!

Drisella(stepsister2):It's a ridiculous, old-fashioned joke!

Ella:How could you

继母:(转头走) Go on, get going!


Ella:(蹲下哭)I'm sorry, Mother. I'm sorry. I said I'd have courage, but I don't. Not anymore I don't believe anymore.






神教圣母:Excuse me . can you help me, miss just a little crust of bread ,or better, a cup of milk.

Ella:yes, yes, yes, I think I can find something for you.

神教圣母:why are you crying

Ella:Oh ,it’s nothing.(一碗牛奶)

神教圣母:Nothing Nothing. What is a bowl of milk Nothing. But kindness makes it everything.

神教圣母:Now ,I don’t mean to hurry you. but you really haven’t got long, Ella.

Ella:How do you know meWho are you

神教圣母:Who am I I should think you’d have worked that one out .

I’m your fairy godmother.

Ella:You can’t be . They are just made up for children.

神教圣母:Didn’t your own mother believe in them

神教圣母:Oh , Let’s see.

What we need is something that sort of says“coach”

Ella:Oh, that trough

神教圣母:Doesn’t really say “coach”. I’m liking fruit and veg.

神教圣母:Do you grow watermelons

Ella:No. We do have pumpkins.(此处南瓜该出现了)

神教圣母:pumpkins This will be a first for me. Always interesting. Thank you, the pumpkins into a carriage. You’re making me nervous, actually

Ella:Shall I shut my eyes

神教圣母:It might be better. Ok, it is right .

Ella:Wow, magic !

神教圣母:Now ,where are those mice


神教圣母:Yes. Mice, mice, mice. There they are.

神教圣母:Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! Four white chargers.

Ella:Gus-Gus, how fine you look! But how did you ...

神教圣母:Now, where are we Got carriage, horses...Uh, footmen!


神教圣母:Hello, lovely .


神教圣母:Now ,I need that coachman.


神教圣母:Did I say “coachman” I meant” goose”

鹅:I can’t drive. I’m a goose.

神教圣母:Now!! Everyone into place, no time to be lost !! Come on !

Ella:Fairy Godmother.

神教圣母:Yes ,what

Ella:My dress. I can’t go in this dress. Can you mend it

神教圣母:Mend itNo, no, I’ll turn it into something new.

Ella:oh, no ,please don’t. This is my mother’s . And I’d like to wear it when I go to the palace. It’s almost like taking her with me.

神教圣母:I understand. But she wouldn’t mind if I gee it up a bit Wouldn’t mind a nice blue

Ella:No. (变身。。)

Ella:It’s beautiful. She’d love it.

神教圣母:Now, come on. Off you go. Quick!! You’ll be late !

Ella:Thank you

神教圣母:Just a moment! Are those the best you have

Ella:It’s all one will see them.

神教圣母:No, they’ll ruin the whole look. Quick, quick. Take them off. Let’s have something new for a change. I’m rather good at shoes .(此处出现水晶鞋)Ella:Oh, Fairy Godmother

神教圣母:What is it

Ella:My stepmother and the girls

神教圣母:Don’t worry,I’m make sure they don’t recognize you.

Now off and go.



神教圣母:I almost forgot. Remember, the magic will only last so long. With the last echo of the last bell. at the last stroke of midnight. The spell stroke will be broken, and all will return to what it was before.






鹅:Hold the doors! One more coming in.


(蜥蜴):Miss Ella.

总管:Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, My Lords, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished visitors and people of our land, the prince shall now choose his partner for the first dance. Let our ball commence!




Prince:It’s you. Isn’t it

Ella(灰姑娘): Just so.

Prince:Your Highness… If I may… that is… it would give me the greatest pleasure, if you world do me the honor of letting me lead you through this… the first…


Prince:Yes, dance. That’s it.


Ella(灰姑娘):They’re all looking at you.

Prince:Believe me, they’re all looking at you.







Prince:Come with me.王子拉着灰姑娘走出了PARTY


Ella(灰姑娘):So, you’re the prince!

Prince:Not “the prince,” exactly. There are plenty of princes in the world. I’m only a prince.

Ella(灰姑娘):But your name’s not really Kit.

Prince:Certainly it is, and my father still calls me that, when he’s especially un-peeved at me.


Prince:I’ve never shown this place to anyone.

Ella(灰姑娘):A secret garden. I love it!


Ella(灰姑娘):No, I shouldn’t.

Prince:You should.

Ella(灰姑娘):I shouldn’t.

Prince:You should.

Ella(灰姑娘):I shouldn’t.

Prince:You should.

Ella(灰姑娘): I will.

Prince:May i



Prince:It’s made of glass.

Ella(灰姑娘):And why not

Prince:Allow me.

Ella(灰姑娘):Thank you.(王子温柔地帮灰姑娘穿好鞋)



Prince:Won’t you tell me who you really are

Ella(灰姑娘):If I do, I think everything might be different.

Prince:I don’t understand. Can you at least tell me your name

Ella(灰姑娘):My name is… (十二点的钟声马上就要响起,灰姑娘大惊失色,急着离开)I have to leave. It’s hard to explain Lizards and pumpkins, and things. (灰姑娘起身跑走)

Prince:Wait! Where are you going


Ella(灰姑娘):You’ve been awfully nice. Thank you for a wonderful evening. I’ve loved it. Every second!

Ella(灰姑娘):Excuse me. Sorry! Terribly sorry.

(跑到门口,灰姑娘的水晶鞋掉在台阶上,王子追上了,灰姑娘顾不上捡鞋就跑了)Prince:Wait! Wait! Where are you going

Ella(灰姑娘对着蜥蜴):Hurry, hurry.蜥蜴准备开始驾车

Prince:Come back!

Ella(灰姑娘):Hurry! (灰姑娘上了南瓜马车)

Ella(灰姑娘):Hurry, please, !


(蜥蜴):Watch out!(坐稳)



人物:发布命令的侍卫,继母,灰姑娘,两个姐姐(Anastasia and Drisella)



侍卫:hear ye! hear ye!(咳嗽一声向四周看)know that our new king, here by declares his love for…the mysterious princess, as wore glass slippers to the ball. and requests that she present herself at the palace, whereupon, if she be willing, he will forthwith marry her…with all due ceremony.


继母:are you looking for this there must be quite a story to go with it. Won’t you tell me no did you steal it

灰姑娘:no, it was given to me.

继母:given to you. Nothing is ever given. For everything, we must pay and pay. 灰姑娘:that’s not true. Kindness is free. Love is free.

继母:love is not free. Now here is how you will pay me. If you are to have what you desire. No one will believe you, a dirty servant girl without a family, if you lay claim to the prince's heart. But with a respectable gentlewoman to put you forward, you will not be ignored. When you are married, you will make me the head of the royal household. Anastasia and Drisella will pair off with wealthy lords. And I shall manage that boy.

灰姑娘:But he's not a boy.

继母:And who are you How would you rule a kingdom Best to leave it to me. That way we all get what we want.



灰姑娘:I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the prince and the kingdom, no matter what becomes of me.

继母:Well, that is a mistake.(边说边摔水晶鞋)

灰姑娘:No! Why Why are you so cruel(流出眼泪)I don't understand it. I've tried to be kind to you.

继母:You Kind to me

灰姑娘:Yes. And though no one deserves to be treated, as you have treated me. Why do you do it

继母:Why Because you are young, and innocent, and good. And I...(转身出门,快速的将灰姑娘锁在阁楼,灰姑娘在门的另一边喊叫)




人物:captain,还有一些试穿水晶鞋的少女们(少女1、2),两个姐姐(Anastasia and Drisella),继母,灰姑娘,王子,旁白、老鼠1234


captain:You first, madam.

少女1:Well, I'll give it a go. Right. I say. Where do you want me captain:(指着凳子)right here.


少女2:It fits!

captain: It doesn't fit you.

少女2:It does fit!

captain:It doesn't fit.(少女突然抱着鞋子在地上左右翻滚)

少女2:It's mine! I am the mystery princess! Give back the shoe.

captain:Take the shoe away from her!(两个侍卫架着少女,一个拿回鞋子)

少女2:Don't take the shoe away from me, please, please! Please, it's my shoe!(侍卫把少女2拉下去,captain收好水晶鞋,对众侍卫说)

Captain:Next place .


Anastasia& Drisella:Horses! Horses! Mother, it's our chance!

继母:(边说边打开门)Gentlemen! What a wonderful surprise.

Grand Duke:A moment of your time, good lady.

继母:Of course, Your Grace. Please. This way.


Anastasia :It shrunk.

captain:Try again.




Drisella:It fits me!

captain:Bad luck, miss.

Grand Duke:OK. Our task is done, Captain. let’ go.


老鼠1:Ella,Ella,they are looking for you .

Ella:Who Who is looking for me

老鼠2:The prince .

Ella:Really oh , no , you treat me . He didn’t know who I am .

老鼠3:But it is true . they are downstairs . You could see them through the window .


Ella:They are here . Yes , they are here .But they are gonna to leave now . oh oh oh , what should we do

老鼠4:don’t worry , Ella. Your song will let them know you are here . So just sing.

(此时灰姑娘开始唱歌,If you love me, Dilly, dilly, I will love you, Let the birds sing dilly, dilly, And the lambs play, We shall be safe dilly, dilly...(选择放歌))

captain:Do you hear that, Your Grace

Grand Duke:Let's be off, Captain.

captain:Just a moment. Madam, there is no other maiden in your house


captain:Then has your cat learned to sing

Grand Duke:There's been enough play-acting today, Captain. Let's be off. captain:But she's lying, Your Grace.

Grand Duke:Nonsense! I trust the lady. We're leaving.

captain:no, I will go upstairs and see what happened.


captain:0h!you are the girl we are looking for! Shall we go to the palace 灰姑娘:yes.


王子:My queen.

灰姑娘:My Kit.(两个人互相握着手深情对视)

王子:Would you like to marry me

灰姑娘:Yes I do .

旁白:Three days later , they are on the wedding .


旁白(举行婚礼的同时旁白响起):Cinderella's stepmother and her daughters, would soon leave with the Grand Duke, and never set foot in the kingdom again. They would have loved each other. And so Kit and Ella were married, and I can tell you, as her fairy godmother, that they were counted to be the fairest and kindest rulers the kingdom had known.


Cinderella 灰姑娘 Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。 继母: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。把地板赶快给我擦干净。另外,把我的早饭带来。 大姐: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold. 灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。 二姐: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish. 快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。 Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends. 虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。 One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party. 一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。 The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty. 可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。 Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared. 灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。


第一幕 人物:爸爸妈妈灰姑娘 道具:帽子装在盒子里的蝴蝶 旁白: Once upon a time, there was a girl called Ella. To her mother and father, she was a princess. Her father was a merchant who went abroad,and brought tribute back from all of Ella's subject lands. when her father was away,Ella missed him terribly. But she knew he would always return. 爸爸: Ella! Where are my girls, my beautiful girls Where are my darlings (爸爸出场,一边说话一边挥了下帽子) 爸爸: There she is! 灰姑娘:Papa, welcome home!(开心地扑到爸爸怀里) 爸爸: How are you (拥抱女儿)You've grown! 爸爸:Look at this . 灰姑娘:What was that 爸爸: I found it hanging on a tree. I think there may be something inside. 灰姑娘:It's so pretty. 爸爸:In China, that is 蝴蝶. 灰姑娘:蝴-蝶 爸爸:Shall we(伸出手邀请女儿跳舞) 灰姑娘:Look, Mummy! I'm dancing! (爸爸和女儿开心地转圈,妈妈在旁边甜蜜地笑) 旁白:All was just as it should be. They knew themselves to be the most happy of families to live as they did and to love each other so. But sorrow can come to any kingdom, no matter how happy. And so it came to Ella's home. 第二幕 人物:医生爸爸妈妈灰姑娘 道具:椅子,毛毯,医生所需的工具


英语剧本(二) 灰姑娘(Cinderella) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家 旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. 旁白:很久,很久以前,有一个可爱的女孩,她的名字是灰姑娘,她的母亲死了,和她的父亲非常爱她。 父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them? 父亲:亲爱的女儿!这些礼物都是给你的生日!你喜欢它们吗? 灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过) 灰姑娘:是的,谢谢你,爸爸。(开心地接过) 父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever! 父亲:我可爱的女儿,我希望你能永远快乐! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 旁白:但是有一天,她父亲娶了新的妻子不幸去世了。看,她的继母和她的新姐姐们来了。后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) 后妈:海伦,珍妮,看,多么漂亮的房子!(四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) 后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点) Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(1):是的,和这么多的水果。(一个个用手指点)苹果,香蕉,芒果和荔枝。哇,我喜欢他们。(吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看) Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)妈妈,看,这么多漂亮的衣服。我喜欢这套衣服。(往身上穿)灰姑娘:哦,不,求求你,那是我的衣服。这是父亲给我买的新衣服(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来)。 后妈女儿(2): Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘) 后妈女儿(2):你是谁?(把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)妈妈,她是谁?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘) 后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 后妈:她是你的妹妹。但这并不重要。现在。灰姑娘,去,打扫房间,给我们做饭。现在,灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子) 灰姑娘:为什么?我不是你的仆人。(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子) 后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子) 后妈:是啊。(点头)。但从现在开始,你就是我们的仆人(很凶的样子。) 后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) 后妈女儿(1):妈妈,我喜欢这裙子。(拽灰姑娘的衣服)


序幕 准备好3个座椅供继母和两个女儿。 中间座椅前准备好洗衣盆和脏衣服。 左边座椅上准备好碗勺。 右边座椅上准备好针线和衣服。 (背景音乐:1) 旁白:Longago,旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻 等)hehadmarriedagain,buthewashappyallthetime,Hisnewwife(旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等)sexy,butcruel’;hehadtwodaughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意 等).Theyareasbadastheirmother. 父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。(摆酷,显示自己在家庭中的地位极高) 继母怀抱宠物狗上场最后向灰姑娘父亲方向前行,即将到达时父亲赶紧起身卑微地跑前迎接并搀扶,待继母就坐后捶背、捶腿,进一步显示其家庭地位低。 两个女儿出场并向观众致意后前行到自己座椅处默默洗碗、做针线活(不情愿的,动作笨拙)。 旁白:However,we’llshowyouadifferentplaytoday.(换背景音乐2) Sheissostrong,. Now,sheisrunningforthe100meterrace.(灰姑娘冲刺) 剧务给灰姑娘传球。 Now,sheisplayingbasketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮) Now,sheispracticingChinesegongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒(对手,被击打后退)) Thisisher----Cinderella 灰姑娘(怒,看旁白):Doyoufinish? 旁白:(结巴)O…Ok,con…continue,evensheisperfect,shestillcan’tescapethepoorlife,Why?Thatis-----(此时音乐关掉,无背景音乐) 继母(怒):Hey!You!,washclothes! 灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes,MomIdoitrightnow. 一姐将盆碗碰得乱响:you!,,Quickly, 灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes,ok! 此时二姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫:ah,myfinger!Idon’tdothisanymore.!Youdoit!(将衣服扔向灰姑娘) 灰姑娘(悲腔):Oh,Iamverytiredeveryday!. (举牌的同时父亲退场) 第一幕 布置三把椅子 灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀,一姐在写作业,二姐做针线。 侍卫敲门送传单 侍卫:Goodafternoon,thisisthenotice,hereyouare. 二姐:Mom,Mom,Look!Goodnews. 继母:what’sit? 二姐(兴奋的):. 一姐(托腮):Imustbechosen,Iamthemostbeautifulgirlintheworld. 二姐(凭空跳舞):No,,IamtheQueen.


白:Long ago, there lived a girl. Her mother had died and her father had married again,His new wife had two daugters. They are so bad as their mother. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She wore dirty clothes. All of them called her cinders for Cinderella. However, we?ll show you a different play today. (灰姑娘昂首挺胸帅气十足地上场) 旁白:She is so strong, and smart. Especially she is good at sport. Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺,旁边老师读秒:11?9) Now, she is playing basketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮) Now,she is practicing Chinese kungfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒) This is her----Cinderella 灰姑娘(怒,看旁白) :Do you finish? 旁白:Ok(结巴)continue, even she is perfect, she still can?t escape the poor life, Why? That is----- 继母(假装洗衣服) :How cold the wate r! I?m too old to do anything, My leg is so painful. (灰姑娘默,从继母手中拿过洗衣盆) Ah!They?re so dirty that I can?t stand them! (一姐将盆碗碰得乱响.灰姑娘默,从姐手中拿过盆碗) Oh,no!My finger!Cinderella!


灰姑娘童话剧本(中英文对照) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately . Look, her step mother and her new sister s are coming.(After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.) 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她叫辛黛瑞娜(灰姑娘),她的母亲去世了,父亲很爱她。但是一天她的父亲娶了新的妻子,而且她父亲不幸去世了。看,他的继母和继母带来的两个姐姐过来了。 Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! 后妈;Helen,Jenny, 快看,好漂亮的房子啊(四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) Sister(1): Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. 后妈女儿(1): 是的,还有好多水果,(一个个用手指点),苹果,香蕉,芒果,荔枝,哇,我都喜欢(吃水果) Sister(2): Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. 后妈女儿(2): (打开衣柜,翻翻看看)妈妈,看,好多漂亮的衣服啊,我喜欢这些裙子(往身上穿) Cinderella:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father 灰姑娘:啊,那是我的裙子,这条新裙子是爸爸卖给我的(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). Sister(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now!Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 后妈:她是你的妹妹,但是别管她。灰姑娘,现在马上去给我把房间打扫干净,然后做饭。 Cinderella: Why? I'm not your servant. 灰姑娘:(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)为什么?我又不是你们的佣人Stepmother: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant. 后妈:但是从现在开始你就是我们的佣人!(很凶的样子) Sister(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) Sister(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) Cinderella:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊) 旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa; she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty.从那以后,


灰姑娘(Cinderella) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. 父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them? 灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过)父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看)后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点)Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子)后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) 后妈女儿(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊) 旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活)She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa(睡在沙发上); she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty. 第二场布景:灰姑娘家(士兵在门外敲门)后妈: Who is it? 士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam! 后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. 后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen! 后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!! 后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too. 两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来) 灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I…后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。这时,猫、鸽子和狗来了) 灰姑娘: (猛然发现)Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? 猫,鸽子,狗: Don't be so sad, Cinderella. At least, we are with you. If we can help you, we will do our best! 灰姑娘:Oh,my friend,thank you very much. But I haven’t any beautiful dresses now! What can I do? WHO can help me? 仙女:(突然跳着舞出现)Poor girl, let ME help you. You need a carriage, you need a coachman, you need some horses, you need a bellboy, and you need a beautiful dress.(挥动魔杖,用南瓜变成马车,用老马变成


Cinderella 旁白: Long, long ago, there was a pretty girl, her mother was dead, her father married a new wife. The stepmother has two daughters, they treated the poor girl badly. She had to work all day long. She had no good clothes to wear and no room to live, she became more and more dirty, so pe ople called her Cinderella. Now, her stepmother and her new sisters are preparing for the prince’s ball. (灰姑娘在旁边扫地,继母在照镜子,姐姐们在旁边挑衣服) Mother: Jane, Joan, dress up quickly. Sister1: Yes, mum. So many beautiful dresses, I like this one.(往身上套) I’ll be the queen. Sister2: I like this one, too. It fits me well, I’m more beautiful than you. Sister1: You are crazy, I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. Sister2: No, I’m more beautiful! (两人抢,Anita走过来) Mother: Oh, honey, both of you are beautiful, you know, because I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. (对众人抛了个媚眼) (灰姑娘走过来) Cinderella: Mum, can I go to the ball with you? Mother(温柔的): Come on, my darling.(讽刺的)Why do you look so dirty and so ugly? (凶巴巴的)Clean the floor! Cinderella: Yes, mum! (灰姑娘在旁边扫地,不小心扫到她的脚) Mother(大声骂): You silly girl! (用手狠狠掐她,灰姑娘的扫把掉了,后妈又扇了她一巴掌,灰姑娘用自己的双手拍出声音,躲在旁边哭不敢说话) Sister1(走过来拉着后妈): Mum, d on’t care! Sister2: Oh, Mum, hurry up. We are late for the ball. 两人拉着后妈走出去 灰姑娘边扫地边哭着唱: 配乐 音乐停,灰姑娘退后一步 Cinderella: Who are you? Fairy: I’m the fairy. I will make your dream come true. Cinderella: Oh, how much I wish to go to the ball! But I don’t have a beautiful dress . Fairy: Poor girl, don’t worry, I can help you! Now, close your eyes! (灰姑娘躲在后面,把头巾和外套脱掉,披上围巾,仙女念念有词) Open your eyes! (灰姑娘转一圈,很高兴的看着镜子)


灰姑娘英语剧本 演员表 旁白: Father: Cinderella: Stepmother: Helen: Jerry: Head Solder: Solder1: Solder2: Friend: Minster: Prince: 旁白:Once upon a time , in a far away land, there was a tiny kingdom where lived a widower who lost his wife, He has a daughter ELLA. He considered ELLA need a mother. So he married again. He chose his second wife, a woman with two daughters Helen and Jerry. 第一场 旁白:This day Cinderella's father is going away from home. Father: Dear Mary! These presents are for you! Do you like them? Cinderella: Yeah, It’s fantastic! Thank you, Dad. Father:I'm really happy you like them. My lovely Ella, I want to introduce new members of our family to you. They are your new mother and sisters.(父亲穿上外套)But I have to leave for a period on business for years. And I must leave now! (父亲亲亲灰姑娘的额头)They are on their way. I hope you’ll have a good time together.(灰姑娘依依不舍的样子,给父亲整理外套领子) Cinderella: Dad, I am all okay, take care of yourself. (拥抱父亲) Father: Take it easy. I’ll miss you. Bye.(拿起行李箱和灰姑娘挥手告别)Cinderella: all the time. Bye. (挥手)


版本一 灰姑娘(Cinderella) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. 父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them? 灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过)父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看)后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点)Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子)后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) 后妈女儿(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊) 旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活)She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa(睡在沙发上); she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty. 第二场布景:灰姑娘家(士兵在门外敲门)后妈: Who is it? 士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam! 后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. 后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen! 后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!! 后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too. 两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来) 灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I…后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。这时,猫、鸽子和狗来了) 灰姑娘: (猛然发现)Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? 猫,鸽子,狗: Don't be so sad, Cinderella. At least, we are with you. If we can help you, we will do our best! 灰姑娘:Oh,my friend,thank you very much. But I haven’t any beautiful dresses now! What can I do? WHO can help me? 仙女:(突然跳着舞出现)Poor girl, let ME help you. You need a carriage, you need a coachman, you need some horses, you need a bellboy, and you need a beautiful dress.(挥动魔杖,用南瓜变成马车,用老马变成马车夫,用老鼠变成马,用狗变成侍者,把灰姑娘变得很漂亮)猫、鸽子和变成侍者的狗:(睁大眼睛,看着灰姑娘)Wow, how beautiful! 猫: You're the most beautiful girl I've EVER seen. 狗: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party! (拉拉灰姑娘的手)鸽子: Yes! You will be the most beautiful lady in this party! And Prince Edward will love you at once! (欢快地飞来飞去)仙女: Now, Cinderella, go to the party and dance with the

【7人英语短剧】Cinderella 灰姑娘 7人 短剧

- Cinderella Summary: Act 1 Mother:Cinderella, Cinderella, sweep the floor! Sister 1:Cinderella, Cinderella, wash the dishes! Sister 2:Cinderella, Cinderella, brush my shoes! Cinderella:Yes. Sister 1:Don't come to our room. Sister 2:Stay in the kitchen.

Act 2 Mother:Come, girls. I have a letter form the Prince. Sister1:Show me! Sister2:Show me! Sister 1:Oh, it's a dance-party! Sister 2:How nice! Sister 1:Mother, am I pretty? Mother:Yes, you are very pretty. Sister 1:Then, I am the princess! Sister 2:Oh, no.1 am the princess! Act 3 Old Woman:Why are you weeping? Cinderella:I can't go to the dance-party. Old Woman:Don't worry. Bring me a pumpkin. Bring me some mice. Old Woman:Now, hurry up! Go to the dance-party. But, you must come back before 12 o'clock~ Cinderella:Thank you, ma'am. Old Woman:Bye-bye. Act 4 Mother:What a beautiful princess! Sister 1:Who is she? Sister 2:I don't know. Prince:Welcome, Princess. I am the Prince. Please dance with me. Cinderella:Oh, I must go back Good-by, Prince. Prince:Wait, wait, Princess! What's your name, please Act 5 Servant:We are looking for the princess. .


《灰姑娘》剧本 白 : long long ago, there lived a girl. Her mother had died and her father had married again,His new wife had two daugters. They are so bad as their mother. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She weared drity clothes. All of t hem called her cinders for Cinderella. However, we’ll show you a different play today. (灰姑娘昂首挺胸帅气十足地上场) 旁白:She is so strong, and smart. Especially she is good at sport. Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺,旁边老师读秒:11’9) Now, she is playing basketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮) Now,she is practicing Chinese gongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒) This is her----Cinderella 灰姑娘(怒,看旁白) :Do you finish 旁白 :Ok(结巴)continue, even she is perfect, she still can’t escape the poor life, Why That is----- 继母(假装洗衣服) :How cold the water! I’m too old to do anything, My leg is so painful. (灰姑娘默,从继母手中拿过洗衣盆) (一姐将盆碗碰得乱响.灰姑娘默,从姐手中拿过盆碗) (一姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫—灰姑娘默,从姐手中拿过衣服) 第一幕 (灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀) 二姐(奔入,扬动手中传单) :Mom, Mom, Look! There are some leaflets. I got them on the street. The King is having a party. The Prince will look for a wife. 一姐(托腮) :I must be choosen, I am the most beautiful girl in the world.

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