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Appreciation of Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction was produced in 1994, directed by Quentin Tarantino. A subversive narrative structure and the undercurrent of black humor made it undoubtedly to be a fantastic movie.

My appreciation of Pulp Fiction will from 3 aspects, structure, character analysis and the strong sense of image.


I have to say that Quentin Tarantino is really an amazing director. He used

a novel “Circular Narrative” with several flashbacks instead of the usual performance routine, linear narration and common chronological structure of Hollywood action movies.

The entire film is consist of totally 5 parts,” Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s wife”,” the gold watch” and “ the Bonnie Situation”, as well as the prologue and epilogue. It seems like that they are separate story inside, but all the scope is presenting the ring-type structure, and the first paragraph meeting the last as well.

In Pulp Fiction, it goes full circle that the stories were all used to imply the violence by the director. For example, the affair between Vincent and Mia has also existed in the plot of Gold Watch, but only as a dispensable accessory. Otherwise, the scene of pumpkin and honey bunny’s robbery is also cohering the beginnin g to the end. Furthermore, all parts of the movie are relatively independent.

In addition to the Circular Narrative structure, characters and dialogue, there’s another hidden figure (Bonnie), the content keywords, such as the Bible, gold watch and so on, to be the narrative clue, which is very suit for the habits of people nowadays searching the keywords online. For example, brought out the “foot massage”, you can instantly recall the two killer’s great dialogue, sexy Mia and that poor guy who has been threw out the balcony.

Character Analysis

Pulp Fiction a postmodern film, as well the different characters in it. A mafia godfather Marsellus who can manipulate the life and death of others, still can’t escape the fate of being raped in the grocery. A handsome gang bludger Vincent was shoot by his own gun within muddle. Jules recites a paragraph of Bible in every murder. A liberalistic couple robber, a superstitious boxer Butch and a sexy stupid woman Mia, the suspicion of the authority and belief permeates every minute of this film. That’s it! Th e unconventional postmodernism is true sense of madness andmetamorphosis.

Let me raise several representative examples.

Vincent Vega, a mystifying killer, just like a perfect foil of those positive heroes. So when he went out of the washroom, he was shoot by his own submachine gun, with the black humor as always. No one would feel pity for his dead.

Jules, as a cruel killer, always quotes scripture of Bible before killing people. But at the end of the movie, it is obvious that Jules has understood

that scr ipture’s hidden meaning, and finally change d a indifferent killer into a saviour-figure. We can discover the anger in his deeper heart.

It’s strange that I perfectl y like the scope of these two men discussing the history of the hamburger’s name changing on their way to murder, extremely serious.

Marsellus, is the powerful gang leader. He can force everyone to listen to him, and what he like to say most is that “…Pride only hurts”. But wi th development of the plot, he is just a poor victim of a rape tragedy in a dirty basement of a grocery.

The boxer, acted by Bruce willis, a strong determined person. Stubborn, tough and tender inside, a very typical person who earns his living hardly. He is a person who is a little bit superstitious, because of his special belief of his gold watch made him to save Marsellus, who want to punish him a second before.

Strong Sense Of Image

Since the pulp fiction is no longer vulgar or violent, Uma Thurman (Mia) dancing on the stage has long been regarded as the most classical scene in 1990s.

The dusky background, bright stage, lively music and a fantastic wriggled dance constitute a kind of d ecadent sentiment. Uma – Thurman, with an ancient Egyptian style black straight hair, dark lipstick, dark nail polish, Agnes B shirts, with addition of her sexy and indifference temperament, without expectation, captured hearts of all the movie fans. A dance with the dance prince Travolta (Vincent) was whipping up an attractive visual feast storm in that era.The deep emotion of the heartstrings, has inadvertently touched all persons under in front of the screen.

This film which was produced in 1994, has no more fancy computer technology, everyone is just performing their real personality (just like John Travolta). It just a story that has never been told before and now showed by a special type of director, maybe full of the United States’ violence, drugs, psychological deformity, but not vulgar at all.


黑色幽默中的叙事艺术 ——以《低俗小说》为例 1994年,导演昆汀?塔伦蒂诺的电影《低俗小说》在戛纳电影节上力压群雄荣获金棕 榈大奖并获得全球影评人一致的赞誉。《低俗小说》最引人称道的莫过于极富后现代气息 的非线性叙事方式以及黑色的幽默,回环往复的叙事结构使影片更具表现张力。黑色幽默 是一种心态,一种心境,含有超脱、看破、玩世不恭、逢场作戏的意味。在电影发展史上,作为表现方式的幽默愈来愈退居次要地位,随着各种范畴的引入,幽默的内涵变得愈来愈 复杂,愈来愈远离喜剧品格,同时幽默的主体意识、自我意识也愈来愈强。这些变化正好 迎合了西方后现代主义的某些内涵,而昆廷?塔伦提诺的《低俗小说》中的黑色幽默恰恰应证了这些特征。 一、艺术规则的破坏与颠覆 利奥塔认为,后现代性是对元叙事或宏大叙事采取的一种怀疑、不信任及拒绝的态度。后现代电影话语“不相信元叙事”并“向整体开战”,喜欢组合、拼凑、偶然得到的或割 裂的现象,致使碎片或部分代替了整体。所以说,后现代文化“不是一种纯创造文化,而 是一种引用文化,一种‘互文性’文化”,后现代电影“也是一种没有‘潜在’可能性的 影像和表象文化,从其他影像、其他表象以及互文性的相互作用中获得诠释的力量。”① 在《低俗小说》中,已经没有了传统叙述的中心,连贯的叙事方式,剩下的只是碎片 和拼接而已。从剧作结构上来看,昆汀摒弃了好莱坞式的传统方式,颠覆了传统电影的线 性时空观念,而以视点间离的手法将全片叙事处理成一种首尾呼应的“圆形结构”,“后 现代作者有意违背线性次序。故事的‘情节顺序颠三倒四,由结尾重又生发成开端,暗示 着某个无穷无尽的循环往复特性’”②。此影片就是如此,开始即结束,结束也是开始。 他将两少年计划抢劫受到杀手朱尔斯的教育拆开来放在影片的开头和结尾,不仅如此,他 把其他几个故事也都拆开来讲,以致出现了死人活过来的场面,但是却不做任何交代。因 此对影片的情节的理解需要观众按照自己的理念来进行组合。 同时,在这部电影中我们可以看到鲜明的“互文性”色彩。黑色电影和硬汉小说中对 待暴力和恶的冷漠态度、强盗片的人物设计和格局、香港电影的激烈动作、魔幻现实主义 的奇迹与现实的混淆,使得《低俗小说》的后现代大拼接达到了狂欢的程度。抢救黑帮老 大的情妇米亚时,在她胸口画点打针的情节来自马尔克斯的《百年孤独》,奥雷连诺上校 在自杀前,吩咐医生在他胸口找一个让他死得痛快和准确的记号。塔伦蒂诺自己也说:我 每部戏都是东抄西抄,抄来抄去然后把它们混在一起……我就是到处抄袭,伟大的艺术家 总要抄袭。 二、乱序的美感 《低俗小说》中最出彩的地方莫过于重构型蒙太奇的运用。导演打乱时间并将其重组,影片出现了多种多样的组合方式和叙述指向,时序的颠倒,对情节的浓缩与简化,多个故 事的交错呈现,平行的剪辑方式则是实现了时空的同步,重复的频率也加强了影片本身的 戏剧张力。影片所采用的混合叙述时序,将顺序与逆序混合使用,不禁是观众在时间和剧 情上产生疑惑,而且也引发了独立与剧情之外的思考,在观众理清顺序和因果关系的同时,也能感受到导演进行拆分、拼贴模式的后现代气息。 法国新浪潮领军人物戈达尔曾说过:“一部影片可以有开头、中间和结尾。但不一定 要按顺序出现。”导演摒弃了传统叙事方式,采用视点间离的非线性叙述方式,把三个故 事的顺序打乱。比如,在第二个故事中,由明星约翰?特拉沃尔塔扮演的文森特死于拳击手布奇的枪下,但在下一个故事“邦妮的处境”中,文森特又“死而复生”并出现在影片的


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


编导艺考之影评佳句 《长城》除了特效之外最令人欣慰的一点便是终于学会如何将故事本身与价值观输出有效地融为一体,很显然这种集体主义的精神没有通过长篇大论和诗朗诵一般的说教带给观众,而是在为故事服务的前提下做出了足够的努力。在手法上这与好莱坞极为相似,只不过这次是个人主义被集体主义精神所改变。威廉一行人为了生存与金钱,辗转在各国的战场之上,为皇帝,为教皇,为那些因为人类的贪婪而洒下的鲜血火上浇油。而在长城之上,他找到了真正值得为之一战的战役。--评电影《长城》 《长江图》是一首优美的散文诗,一部导演自由意识的浪漫表达…它有着纪录片的纪实风格,也有着剧情片的悬疑梦幻,更有着文艺片特有的晦涩朦胧。这像胶片转制数字,像是隔了一层纱;在这基本没有胶片放映厅影院的城市,看着这部“胶片绝响”的影片,很是遗憾;这像是高淳一路追寻安陆的身影,似近似远,似亲密似绝迹。--评电影《长江图》 《百鸟朝凤》的悲怆感,来自无法逆转的大势所趋,故而也更让人无奈与唏嘘。而这部影片本身的存在,从目前的电影市场来看,难道不也呈现出一种哀婉吗?老匠人坟前的那曲单人唢呐,应该也是吹给这部电影的吧。--评电影《百鸟朝凤》

在安定与流浪中,当安定呈显性,流浪成隐性,你是七月。当流浪呈显性,安定成隐性,你是安生。七月和安生,她们是一个人。--评电影《七月与安生》 《大鱼海棠》的叙事线并不复杂,椿为了要救为救自己而死化为鱼的鲲,哪怕违反族规天条颠覆世界,也要将鲲养大送回人间。感情线也不复杂,湫喜欢椿,而椿却喜欢鲲。表现的主题是:永恒的爱,勇敢一点,相信奇迹,终会在这个世界相遇。因为爱情,所以怎么会有悲伤,所以一切都是幸福的模样。--评电影《大鱼海棠》 编导艺考之影评佳句 好的商业之作正带着一种“输出”魔力,可作弘扬正能量的突破口,真正为观众喜闻乐见,才能扎根于人心击退种种洪水猛兽,迎来明智的醒觉,树立正确价值观——坚决抵制病民害国的毒品是每个人的己任,所有作恶多端的毒贩必该遭制裁,而所有奔波前线缉毒的警察更该值得歌颂。--评电影《湄公河行动》 最讽刺的往往最辛酸,最荒诞的往往是现实。本片对于人性剖析的很到位,血淋淋赤裸裸,众生百相被展现到入骨三分。作为一部回归现实之作,搞笑之中还带点悲伤,挖掘了很多社会上的潜规则和灰色地带。《我不是潘金莲》讲了一个极具中国特色的故事,堪称现代版官场现形记,黑色幽默版秋菊打官司。--评电影《我不是潘金莲》《摆渡人》便是试图给你引导一个方向,或放弃或执着,在于你对未来的选择。这片子将“缘分”比喻为一块寒冰,握得越紧,化得越


【风雨哈佛路观后感英文】风雨哈佛路观后感100字 前段时间从周工的空间看到二十部经典励志大片,非常好奇,特意发飞信到自己的手机上。今天出来上网,感觉内心特别的虚,对人生,对前途,对未来都充满着不确定性,不安感,不知道人生该通往何方,怀疑自己,怀疑世界。于是想到了这二十大片,于是就找到了风雨哈佛路. 其实对于这部片子,原来是不抱什么感觉的,自以为不就是和自己以前看过的一样么,通过奋斗然后获得一个好的结果。只是看了这部片子,对自己对人生,对未来又充满了斗志。 从小到大,因为父母忙于赚钱,忽略了对我们的教育,同时因为我是家里的第一个小孩,他们应该也不具备教育小孩的经验吧,所以,懵懵懂懂的长大,老让父母觉得不如他们的意,不听话,脾气强,个性强,超自尊,还老爱生病。 长大后看了很多的书才明白,那时的自己特别渴望父母的关爱,而太小的孩子是没有办法表达自己的这种情绪,父母又不明白,所以,当发现只有在自己生病的时候,父母才特别疼爱自己的时候,只要渴望父母的关爱的时候,就会没病装病,就会老是这里不舒服那里不舒服,打了很多的针,吃了很多的药,慢慢的,老是生病,父母也懒得管,于是自己照顾自己,以为自己病了,自我纠结,想着世界不公平,父母不爱自己,社会很阴暗,于是自己的世界,内心也是暗的。幸好,我是白羊的人,悲伤都是藏在笑容里,所以,越是笑得越灿烂,自己越清楚,原来自己越难过,只是羡煞旁人,不明白这孩子怎么老是一

副长不大的样子,怎么老是很开心的样子 风雨人生路的丽丝,女主人公,小小的她,在本不属于她的年龄该承担的时候,承担了太多太多的东西,相比起她来,我这算得了什么呢?我有什么理由来怨我的出身,怨我的父母??他们健康的让我成长,他们给了我一个温暖的家,他们让我拥有了一个快乐不用操心的童年,他们牺牲自己,换取我们生活的美好小丽丝她还要照顾她的母亲,她还有一个让她无法摆拖且需面对的不堪家庭,一切的一切,当故事最后一个记者问她是怎么面对这一切的时候,她回答:我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活,我甚至要感谢它,它让在任何情况下都必须往前走,我没有退路,我吸能不停地努力向前走,我为什么不能做到?说真的,我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对于我来说从来都没有任何安全感,于是我只能被迫向前走,我必须这样做,世上没有回头路,当我意识到这点我就想,那么,好吧,我要尽我的所能努力奋斗,看看究竟会怎样! 尽我所能努力奋斗! 我是不是该发挥自己的每一份潜力呢,我别无选择!我希望和别人平起平坐,不想低人一等! 有谁能和生活讨价还价,我觉得既然我们活着,我们就应该尽最大努力。 世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转动,现实是不会按照你的意志去改变的,因为别人的意志会比你的更强一些!生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在迷茫与彷徨之中,不愿意


影评范文精选 本文是关于观后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 影评范文精选(一) ——《赵氏孤儿》影评 这个学期看了下《赵氏孤儿》,我想写一下影评。 电影的前一部分特别引人入胜。影片中印象最深的人物当属,屠岸贾,程婴,晋王,庄姬,韩厥。屠岸贾对赵氏家族的怨恨,起初是嫉妒赵家的军功卓越,位高名重,其实,这里,王学圻的演技可以算是精湛的,将他内心活动的变化展露出来。中国奸臣会如此之多,很多时候就是嫉妒心在作祟。看到别人比你好,就使出浑身伎俩来让别人身败名裂,身首异处。假传圣旨,屠杀赵家三百余口的事情。在没有做之前,内心是有挣扎的,可是心里的恶魔还是在别人的挑唆下冒出头,血腥无比。而对年幼的程勃是,孩子的天真触动内心的柔软,露出父亲般的慈爱。屠岸贾虽非善类,但也并非真正十恶不赦的坏蛋,将其推向倒行逆施边缘的还是赵盾父子的飞扬跋扈、目中无人和不可一世,他们的被灭门倒是应了做人不能太嚣张的道理。这样的赵氏为什么不杀?对皇上来说,功高盖主且每天装模作样的告诉他要做一个圣明的主上;对屠岸贾来说,权重且猖狂,赵盾和他同辈,同朝为臣,赵朔可以抢他兵权,难道还可以当面对他嘲讽:“屠大人的儿子如果还活着,应该也要生孩子了吧?”——能说出这话,就已经代表不打算和平相处,既然赵家已当他为敌,那他为什么不能先下手为强?电

影前半部分中屠岸贾诛杀赵氏亲族的冷血、挥刀劈向韩厥脸部的凶狠以及摔死程婴儿子时的阴毒到电影后半部分完全消失了,在继子面前,他成了一位慈父,一个让人尊敬的长者,一个快乐地享受着天伦时光的老人。 程婴,作为一个普通的医生,本来可以平平安安的过日子,守着老婆孩子,但因为遇到了庄姬,面对庄姬的请求,想过退缩,但是道义占了上风。为了救赵氏孤儿,搭上了老婆和自己孩子的性命。一个已经心死的人,能做和能想的,只有复仇了,他含辛茹苦,十五年,养大赵氏孤儿,就是为了让屠岸贾知道,他是谁,孩子是谁,他要为一家人报仇,为赵家报仇。我觉得后面的情节,不够生动,如果那个孩子成为一代名将,最后带兵杀了仇人,也许会精彩点。但对心里的刻画可能没办法像影片那样细腻了。程婴在临死前,走在路上,看到妻儿来接他,我想他那个时候是幸福的,这也揭露出中国人最终还是以家和家人为重。这也是人内心最深的渴望——家庭的平安,团聚。程婴只是一个小人物,无意卷入争斗,只是阴差阳错被迫成为了“忠义之士”。整部影片可以归纳为“民干了士该干的事”。并且,这个民不是像士一样出于某种信念去主动牺牲,而是当命运把他卷入到这个漩涡中来时,在苏醒的人性面前,几乎被动地完成了他的义举。当庄姬“托孤”之时,程婴并非不怕,是对赵孤的同情使他选择了冒险;当屠岸贾全城“搜孤”时,程婴也像所有的父母一样首先想到的是救自己的孩子,是程妻无意间的举动导致了最后的牺牲;之后在公孙府上,当藏在隔墙中的妻儿被发现时,程婴才真正地面对一种道德决断:


Appreciation of Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction was produced in 1994, directed by Quentin Tarantino. A subversive narrative structure and the undercurrent of black humor made it undoubtedly to be a fantastic movie. My appreciation of Pulp Fiction will from 3 aspects, structure, character analysis and the strong sense of image. Structure I have to say that Quentin Tarantino is really an amazing director. He used a novel “Circular Narrative” with several flashbacks instead of the usual performance routine, linear narration and common chronological structure of Hollywood action movies. The entire film is consist of totally 5 parts,” Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s wife”,” the gold watch” and “ the Bonnie Situation”, as well as the prologue and epilogue. It seems like that they are separate story inside, but all the scope is presenting the ring-type structure, and the first paragraph meeting the last as well. In Pulp Fiction, it goes full circle that the stories were all used to imply the violence by the director. For example, the affair between Vincent and Mia has also existed in the plot of Gold Watch, but only as a dispensable accessory. Otherwise, the scene of pumpkin and honey bunny’s robbery is also cohering the beginnin g to the end. Furthermore, all parts of the movie are relatively independent. In addition to the Circular Narrative structure, characters and dialogue, there’s another hidden figure (Bonnie), the content keywords, such as the Bible, gold watch and so on, to be the narrative clue, which is very suit for the habits of people nowadays searching the keywords online. For example, brought out the “foot massage”, you can instantly recall the two killer’s great dialogue, sexy Mia and that poor guy who has been threw out the balcony. Character Analysis Pulp Fiction a postmodern film, as well the different characters in it. A mafia godfather Marsellus who can manipulate the life and death of others, still can’t escape the fate of being raped in the grocery. A handsome gang bludger Vincent was shoot by his own gun within muddle. Jules recites a paragraph of Bible in every murder. A liberalistic couple robber, a superstitious boxer Butch and a sexy stupid woman Mia, the suspicion of the authority and belief permeates every minute of this film. That’s it! Th e unconventional postmodernism is true sense of madness andmetamorphosis. Let me raise several representative examples. Vincent Vega, a mystifying killer, just like a perfect foil of those positive heroes. So when he went out of the washroom, he was shoot by his own submachine gun, with the black humor as always. No one would feel pity for his dead. Jules, as a cruel killer, always quotes scripture of Bible before killing people. But at the end of the movie, it is obvious that Jules has understood


豆瓣电影TOP250 1. 肖申克的救赎/ 刺激1995 / 月黑高飞 9.5(150888人评价) 肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDrip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF [肖申克的救赎].The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDRip.X264-TLF 2. 美丽人生/ Life Is Beautiful / 一个快乐的传说 9.4(62235人评价) 美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF 3. 这个杀手不太冷/ 杀手莱昂/ 终极追杀令 9.3(135406人评价) 这个杀手不太冷加长版.Leon.The.Professional.1994.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF 4. 阿甘正传/ 阿甘正传/ 福雷斯特?冈普 9.3(140996人评价) 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(C30FCD7F) 5. 霸王别姬/ Farewell My Concubine 9.3(95009人评价) 霸王别姬.Farewell.My.Concubine.1993.D9.MINISD-TLF 6. 辛德勒的名单/ 辛德勒名单/ 舒特拉的名單

9.3(71029人评价) 辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993.HDTV.2Audio.MINISD-TLF 7. 机器人总动员/ 瓦力/ 地球废品分装员 9.2(96982人评价) 机器人总动员.W ALL-E.2008.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF 机器人总动员.W ALL.E.2008.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(0D988DC3) 8. 迈克尔?杰克逊:就是这样/ 天王终点/ 麦可杰克逊:未来的未来演唱会电影 9.2(20290人评价) 暂缺 9. 教父/ Mario Puzo's The Godfather / 教父 9.2(53739人评价) 教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF 教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(08434283) 10. 天堂电影院/ 新天堂乐园/ 星光伴我心 9.2(53526人评价) 天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1989.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF 天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1988.BDRip.X264.2Audio.iNT-TLF(A8A3321Bz) 11. 海上钢琴师/ 1900海上钢琴师/ 一九零零的传奇 9.1(116591人评价) 海上钢琴师.The.Legend.Of.1900.1998.HDTV.MINISD-TLF


浅析美国电影《低俗小说》的艺术成就 化学化工学院 14食品科学与工程 201424103150 吴建龙【摘要】 电影《低俗小说》是导演昆汀?塔伦提诺的代表作,它将昆汀自由的艺术创作理念、风格和对暴力美学的追求做出了精彩诠释,它的出彩不仅仅是在叙事模式上而且在时间空间处理、人物塑造、音乐、台词等方面都表现出了非凡的创造性,是一部具有一定探索意义的不落俗套的电影。本文就是对昆汀.塔伦提诺的《低俗小说》从艺术特色方面进行深入的剖析,重新发掘美国电影《低俗小说》的艺术成就。【绪论】 如果说影片《落水狗》让昆汀在影坛上一炮而红,那么《低俗小说》的出现则标志着昆汀式电影已经走向成熟。《低俗小说》是昆汀.塔伦提诺风格定型的标志性影片,无论是其无懈可击的环形叙事结构,还是在时间与空间处理上,以及音乐、人物塑造台词等方面的风格化。都达到了一个昆汀以后的电影无法超越的高度,同时这也成为以后很多电影借鉴效仿的标志性影片。本文就是对昆汀.塔伦提诺的《低俗小说》从艺术特色方面进行剖析,重新展现美国电影《低俗小说》的艺术成就。 一、《低俗小说》影片介绍 (一)影片 《低俗小说》是由美国著名“鬼才”导演昆汀. 塔伦提诺于1994年拍摄的。故事包括“文森特和马沙的妻子”、“金表”、“邦妮的处境”

三个故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾声五个部分组成。看似独立的小故事里面,却又有着环环相扣的人和事。 盗贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”在早餐店里打劫,却恰好上了天大的麻烦——黑社会成员朱尔斯(塞缪尔?杰克逊Samuel L. Jackson 饰)和文森特(约翰?特拉沃尔塔John Travolta饰)在店内用餐,可谓天外有天。二人是否会放过两名小盗贼? 而文森特是黑社会大哥马沙?华莱士(文?瑞姆斯Ving Rhames 饰)的手下,马沙下命令让他陪妻子一个晚上,明知如有越雷池必死无疑,但面对马沙妻子美艳诱惑,文森特该怎么办。 文森特的故事还没完,拳击手布奇(布鲁斯?威利斯Bruce Willis 饰)的出现将令他的人生从此改变。布奇有一块祖传金表,就是因为这块金表,他和马沙分享了一个耻辱的秘密。 故事环状结构,回到开端。朱尔斯在小盗贼面前诵读圣经,表示对杀人的厌倦和感悟。什么事件令他如此转变?好的,“邦妮的处境”中就有答案。 《低俗小说》是世界影坛非线性的叙事电影的代表作, 5个故事都各自讲述了一个不同的事件,但他们却都有着共同的戏剧属性将它们紧密相连。一个拳击手,两个打手,黑帮老大以及鸳鸯大盗这些人物的命运在短短的两天中交集在一起,演绎出了这部黑色幽默的犯罪群戏。结构巧妙而富有深意,精彩的对白。片中每个人的身上都有着美好的品质,却都无可救药的走向了黑暗与迷茫。各个段落不分首尾,互补结构,开头和结尾相连,暗示现实中类似影片中的情节总在发


每每回忆起来,1994年总是显得那么不平凡。 “魔岩三杰”同时推出他们各自的专辑,然后一起踏上香港的红勘体育馆让香港人认识中国摇滚新势力;校园民谣开始唱遍整个中国的大学校园,美丽的校园到处都可以听到老狼的《同桌的你》《睡在上铺的兄弟》;烈日下,狂热的“玫瑰碗”,沸腾的黄色与冷却的蓝色,巴乔孤单忧郁的背影。 还有那些永远会被记得的美丽的演员和导演…… 作为世界电影的中心,美国电影在94年达到了一个新的顶峰。世界上第一家通过光缆从发行公司直接向影院传输影像的新型电影放映方式开始在美国投入使用。这一不再依赖电影拷贝的电影放映方式,标志着“多媒体时代电影”的到来。技术上的创新,带来的是商业上的巨大回报,好莱坞票房记录被不断刷新,年收入达54亿美元,位于票房前10名的影片中有9部收入超过1亿美元。其中,罗伯特·泽梅基斯的《阿甘正传》取得了“精神和物质”的双丰收,不仅勇夺第67届奥斯卡最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳导演等六项大奖,其全美票房也达3.2亿美元。《阿甘正传》被称为反智电影的代表作,其主题和我们中国人所说的“天生我材必有用”、“塞翁失马,焉知非福”有异曲同工之妙。不过,喜欢此片的人说剧情励志十足,并将美国精神表达贴切,不喜欢的人却会认为这不过是好莱坞在卖弄肤浅的美国梦,有太多的情绪在里面,英国《帝国》杂志甚至认为“该片导演魔鬼一般的自我满足感加上多愁善感以及修正主义者的废话,在剪辑技术的帮助下全都现实化了”。

除了《阿甘正传》外,94 重量级的美国影片——《肖申克的救赎》和《低俗小说》。费兰克·达拉邦特的《肖申克的救赎》,当年并没有在票房上引起多大瞩目,2800万的最终票房,相比2500万的制作成本,实在是拿不出手,但随着时间的推移,这部闪耀着人性光芒的电影成为了公认的励志类电影经典,在2000年之前,它一直是IMDB最受影迷喜爱的电影第一名。昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的《低俗小说》,开始的时候看得云里雾里,后来却越看越喜欢,“电影顽童”昆汀在此片中的叙事手法令人惊叹,他把整个叙事划分成几段,先交代架构,然后把各个虚实版块按事件人物穿插排列打破时间上的统一性,探讨的主题是偶发事件对人命运的改变,这样意味深长、收放自如的安排,实在出乎意料之外,中国人的“盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语”的意境,居然在一个洋人手下出现了。 罗杰·阿勒斯和罗布·明科夫导演的动画片《狮子王》轰动了世界影坛,这部根据莎士比亚的名作《哈姆雷以动物为银幕形象的长动画片是当年名副其实的票房黑马,迪士尼公司为其配置了27种不同语言,在46个国家到观众的热烈欢迎,其总票房收入现已超过7.5亿美元,是电影史唯一进入票房排名前十名的卡通片,成为动画


电影《帝企鹅日记》观后感100字200字帝企鹅日记主要描述的是在南极大陆上生活的帝企鹅生存和繁衍的故事。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的电影《帝企鹅日记》观后感100字,欢迎大家阅读! 电影《帝企鹅日记》观后感100字 3月16日,妈妈带我去观看《帝企鹅日记》电影。 帝企鹅日记主要描述的是在南极大陆上生活的帝企鹅生存和繁衍的故事,展示了帝企鹅这个滑稽,可爱而又坚强的物种怎样与严酷的自然环境和他们的天敌作斗争,怎样对小企鹅倾注它们的爱,从而完成他们的生命延续之旅。 电影展现了几千年来荒无人烟的南极大陆内部,一群动物的勇气,抗争,爱情,具有震撼人心的力量。 今天从这部电影中我学会了一个道理:求生不容易,因此,生命是一个奇迹。 电影《帝企鹅日记》观后感200字 这两天我看了一部电影是《帝企鹅日记》。 很久以前,有一个岛,在冬天来临之后,住在岛上的人们和动物该逃的逃,该跑的跑,后来,企鹅上了这个岛上,它们等了三天二夜,企鹅们全部到齐了,它们走了两个月的路才走到自己的家,企鹅妈妈生了一个蛋宝宝,让爸爸孵蛋,妈妈去大海里找东西吃,回来喂小宝宝吃。

从这部电影里,我知道企鹅生活鹅很不容易:妈妈找东西时很容易被海豹吃掉,冒着生命危险给宝宝找食物吃的呀!再说爸爸冰天雪地里不吃不喝走路,还要孵蛋,一直孵到企鹅出生,这是第二个不容易,第三个不容易是有的蛋宝宝滚到冰上被冻死了,爸爸们很伤心,它们没有孩子。 除了知道企鹅生活的不容易以外,我还知道了很多课外知识,比如别的鸟类是妈妈孵蛋的,但是企鹅是爸爸孵蛋鹅,这可是我不知道知识哟! 我和企鹅相比,我真是幸福多了! 《帝企鹅的日记》影片观后感作文 在第15周的星期三和星期四的最后一节课,学校组织我们在教室看《帝企鹅的日记》影片。 本片的主要内容是: 生活在南极冰川的帝企鹅,在他们美丽的白色家园结对去约会。然后它们就下蛋。大约三个月就可以孵出企鹅宝宝。企鹅宝宝孵出来后不能让他们走,因为还会有风暴,所以要过几天才能出来。企鹅还有幼儿园呢!幼儿园由一个企鹅妈妈和一群企鹅宝宝组成的,不过会有一些不幸的小企鹅被秃鹰叼走。小企鹅是靠声音判断来认爸爸妈妈的。直到有一天爸爸妈妈都老了,小企鹅长大变成青少年了,也向爸爸妈妈一样扑向大海,也要生儿育女…一代一代地传下去。 如果人们不保护环境,地球的气温就会升高,冰川就会渐渐消融,那么,可爱的小企鹅就没有生存的环境,接着就是不可挽救的灭绝。

Pulp Fiction低俗小说英文影评

Pulp Fiction Comparing with Forrest Gump, which describes a kind of positive life attitude, pulp fiction shows the life of the underworld organizations in Los Angeles. The film is funny, sophisticated, standing ahead and it shoulders above most mainstream American films. Now, I am going to share my views about this old film. First, the construction of the film is distinctive. It seems to illustrate three different stories, but actually these three stories are related to each other. It rejects the traditional linear narration, cutting the whole story into many tiny plots in disorder and linking them end-to-end again. It may show a certain plot in a same scene but from different perspectives of various roles. On the other hand, a same role plays different characters in different stories. For example, Jules is a cruel killer when he carries on the orders of his superior, however, he takes a turn for dedicated Christian after he survived a shooting. He even played the role of savior in the last scene. He not only decided to throw up his job as a killer, but also let two robbers off although they had pointed a gun at his head. His enlightenment changed the result of this incident in a sort of sense, because his partner was killed in the next duty due to his absence. In terms of his partner, overconfident Vincent, his death became the movie final end. I am not surprised by his death, in other words, this is to be expected. His hubris and stupid egotism definitely lead to such a pathetic result. He had never imaged that he would be killed by Butch, a man who had been looked down upon by himself. By the way, it is really ridiculous that Vincent, the leading actor in such a more than 150 minutes film, was killed by a supporting actor with little effort and dialogues. In addition, as a movie regarding underworld, two killers take the lead role in it. However, comparing with other gangster films, their daily humorous conversation such as the name of hamburgers in various countries and a little dispute explain a large number of this movie, instead of monotonous fight scenes or individualistic heroism. These common conversations make the movie become more natural. Meanwhile, naturalness of the film makes character traits more distinctive, such as greedy, fear, disgust, forgiveness, so forth and so on. Certainly, these intentionally or unintentionally dialogues imply the following development of plots if you pay attention to their details, as any other movies. Finally, the director put the end of this incident, the death of Vincent, in the penultimate part. What is more, Jules's change becomes the last part of this film, although it happens before Vincent died. In my view, it helps to connect the end with the beginning of the film, which means crimes circulate unceasingly. Except that, I suppose this detail is designed to show that criminals should be redeemed from evil, no matter by Christ or themselves.


课号:064J22A03 课程名称:英文电影赏析改卷教师: 学号:116030126 姓名:徐欣得分: Reflection of Rain Man I saw a movie named Rain Man in class few days ago, this movie is one of the most moving movies I have seen. Rain man and Raymond are homonyms,which is a good pun. Raymond is an Autism, maybe that’s why Raymond is special in our eyes. He was curious about everything when he first came to Los Angeles. In the course of the journey the director shows us the scenery along the way, it’s just like a road movie. And the fantastic scenery seems to appeal for the true,the good and the beautiful.. Raymond is just living in his own world like an innocent child. That’s true. Raymond is an innocent child and Charlie is the one who grows up. It seems that a man has two, one is still young, a grows up. The grown one kidnaped the young himself and then both of them started an interesting journey. There is no doubt that this story shows us the brotherhood between Raymond and Charlie. But what you may not take notice of is father’ love. The father’s love is invisible. It seems that the car let the relationship between Charlie and his father came to an end. But why did the father give this car to Charlie when he died? That made Charlie confused. The father gave his son his precious things but not even a coin. Why did he do that? I think that this behaviour may represent the father’s love for his son since he had another son who was unsound, he wanted Charlie to be more independent but not sap his spirit by seeking pleasures, which may be the reason for the father’s behaviour. What’s more, the father may plan a meeting for Charlie and Raymond. Since he may had already predicted that Charlie would look for the man who would get his legacy depend on the comprehension of Charlie. What we can infer from the father’s behavior is that this may be the last course he taught his sons about life and love. The director watches and criticizes the lifestyle of the normal persons in American society from the view of Raymond. And what’s more, the movie shows also us that the normal persons in American society always discriminated against the disabled at that time and the lost of human nature with the rapid economical development, which we can see from the sharp contrast between Charlie and Raymond. What impressed me most in this movie is the love

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