当前位置:文档之家› 法律英语试卷



1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system.

ⅠThe original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common

law system originated in England.

ⅡThe main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the

civil law is legislation.

ⅢThe civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more

attention to procedural rules.

ⅣThe classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, the

common law is separated into common law and equity.

ⅤSince theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays an

important role in legal education. on the contrary, cases is the main source of common law, thus the

judge's decision is more important.

ⅥThe civil procedure is Adversary system (对抗式诉讼),in common law system ,judges take a

relatively passive role. Inquisitorial system(纠问式诉讼), in civil law countries , judges have the power

to investigate the case and inquire the parties and the witnesses.

2. To discuss the main differences between American and Chinese law school teaching.

ⅠLaw is an undergraduate degree in the china, while in the us is postgraduate degree. ⅡThe teaching method

In USA, the teaching method is case method or Socratic method, students instead of the

professors play an active role in the class.

In China, the professor exposes the law to his students, who take notes and do not intervene in


ⅢCases vs. Doctrines

In the USA, students' textbook contains lots of cases and decisions made by the judges.

In China, The textbook involves many doctrines, concepts and theories.

3.To discuss the main features of the American court system

There are fifty-two court systems in the U.S. each state has its own system of courts, one for the

District of Columbia and a federal system.

In the state court systems, court structures vary from state to state. But they all exhibit a

hierarchical structure; decisions of lower courts may be reviewed by higher courts. A state system


1) Trial courts of inferior jurisdiction

2) trial courts of general jurisdiction

3) appellate courts

The trial courts of inferior jurisdiction hear civil litigations involving small amounts of money and

minor violations of the criminal law. While the trial courts of general jurisdiction can hear all kinds of


Every case should first be heard at the trial court. Then it can be appealed to the appellate court.

Every state has its court of last resort.

The structure of the federal system is similar. There are three levels of courts:

(1) U.S. district courts

(2) U.S. courts of appeals

(3) the United States Supreme Court. Not like the other courts in federal systems which are

created by congress, the Supreme Court is created by Constitution. There are a few specialized

federal courts

4.To discuss the significance of jurisdiction.

First, it can enable the participants to institute a legal proceeding in a specific way.

Next, it makes justice understand the whole case easily. It is convenient for the parties take part in


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the litigation.

Finally, save legal resources and smooth the legal proceedings.

5. To discuss the main characteristics of case law.

it can ensure the consistence of decisions .

Known also as the principle of stare dicisis. Past judicial decisions are formally and generally

binding for similar cases.

Some precedents have greater weight than others. The weight of precedent is affected by the

ranking of court that decided it.

Once a prior decision has been overruled, it continues to bind the particular parties; it is no longer

authoritative to the subsequent cases.

a court is not bound to follow another state's precedents, but it will consider the outstate

decisions and, if their reasoning is persuasive, it can make use of them.

6. To discuss the significance of case Marbury vs. Madison.

it is a landmark case in the United States. It formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review.

In this case, Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the Supreme Court could not grant relief to the

plaintiff Marbury because it did not has the jurisdiction of the case. This satisfied the immediate

concerns of the Republicans and sidestepped the controversy, but the great significance of the case

lay in the Court's assumption that it has the final authority to determine whether any act is

constitutional., thus, profoundly enhancing the Court's authority.

the case was the first strong pronouncement of the principle of judicial review, which is the power

of the Court to examine legislation and other acts of Congress.

In a word, the case established the principle of judicial review , which has been a permanent and

indispensable feature of United States constitutional system.

So the constitutional scholars, by consensus, regard the case as the most important case the

Supreme Court ever has decided.

7. The main differences between substantive law and procedural law. Procedural law define the form and method by which legal rights are enforced. While substantive

law define the legal rights themselves.

The differences are as follows:

ⅠThey contain different rules and substances.

Substantive law provides for the rules about duties or rights. While procedural law sets rules about

form or method.

ⅡAlthough “pure”substantive rules and “pure”procedural rules exist, many rules are a mixture of

both substance and procedure. Some rules seem to be procedural are adopted for substantive

reasons; likewise, some rules seem to be substantive are adopted for procedural reasons. Ⅲprocedural law generally have more efficiency considerations.

8. Whether the death penalty should be abolished in America.

The Court points out that the use of the death penalty has a long history of acceptance both in the

US and in England , and it is apparent from the Constitution that the existence of capital punishment

was accepted by the Framers. In the mean time we should assure that death penalty will not be

wantonly imposed.

it can be justified from the following grounds:

(i) as a means of retribution against severe crimes

(ii) as a deterrent to others;

(iii) to prevent the criminal from re-offending;

(iv) it's cheaper than keeping people in prison. It is not humanitarian . Opponents may argue:

(i) killing someone is always wrong, and two wrongs can never make a right; 6

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(v) mistakes are bound to happen, if you kill someone innocent , you can never correct this wrong .

9. To discuss the importance of Miranda warning

Miranda warning is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal

suspects in police custody before they are interrogated to inform them about their constitutional rights

It includes the right toremain silent; being clearly informed of that anything the person says will be

used against that person in court; the right to consult with an attorney and to have that attorney

present during questioning, if he or she is indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent

her or him.

1.Miranda warning guarantees the constitutional rights of suspects during the criminal

investigation. Those rights are mainly from the fifth and sixth amendments. 2.Due to this warning , suspects are well aware of their rights ,therefore, they can prevent the

police from harming their legal rights.

3.Miranda warning also help the suspects understand that he does not have

the responsibility to


4.It guarantees that an indigent suspect has access to the help of an attorney. In this sense,

whether the suspects are poor or not, they will receive equitable treatment. 10. To discuss the function of voir dire

The voir dire is the process used to select a jury.

The prospective jurors are questioned about their backgrounds and potential biases before being

chosen into a jury. The function is to select a jury acceptable to both sides. Jurors are excluded by two

methods: peremptory challenge: exclude a juror without having to specify a reason.

and the challenge for cause.: we must demonstrate that the individual cannot be impartial or

cannot handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.

Jurors can be excluded by these reasons:

1)have already formed an opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused;

2)are related to any of the parties or legal actors in the case;

3)are physically or mentally impaired to the extent that the impairment will interfere with their

decision-making process or

4) are considered to be incapable of remaining impartial until the case is presented.

11. To discuss what the appellate courts focus on and whether it is proper

Appellate courts review the action of the lower judicial tribunals. Actually, the scope of judicial

review is relatively narrow; it does not retry the case on the merits, and it does not substitute its idea of

justice for those of the trial court; what it does is to review the record of the proceedings to determine

whether the lower court committed error on its procedure or in applying the substantive law to the facts

of the case.

They will only look at such documents: the pleadings, the transcript of testimony, the exhibits

entered into trial and the trial court's decisions. No additional testimony is taken. No new evidence is


In most states, there are two kinds of appellate court, the intermediate appellate court and the

court of last resort. If everyone appeals their cases to a higher court, the appellate courts'

workload will be tremendous, therefore, it is necessary to set up an intermediate appellate court.

In my opinion, it is necessary to restrict the scope of judicial review. If the appellate courts retry

every case, it would be a waste of judicial resources and make them unable to give their full attention

to the novel and socially important controversies.

12. What's the differences between the torts and crimes? ⅠNature

A crime is considered to be a wrong against the whole society, whereas a tort is a wrong against

an individual.


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ⅡThe persons who actually prosecute the case.

When crimes occur, State prosecutors/district attorneys. For tort claims, the injured party will

prosecute the case. ⅢPunishments

One who commits a crime may be subject to such punishments as death penalty, imprisonment,

forfeiture and fines. Except for fines, the above remedies are not available in tort law; compensatory

damages and punitive damages are the most common punishments. However, some acts or omissions may be both criminal offenses and tortious ones. For instance, if

one individual intentionally punches somebody, a crime may be committed, and the injured party will

sue the defendant in a civil action.

13. To discuss the process of the creation of case law

As the name “case law”suggests, a collection of particular decisions, generate rules of general

application, namely case law.

From the point of view of parties to a lawsuit, what matters is the immediate outcome. However, in

the view of judges, lawyers, the decisions take on broader perspective. Later judges will look to prior,

similar decisions.

It is a feature of the common law system that past judicial decisions are formally and generally

binding for the disposition of similar present controversies. However, if a former decision has been

overruled by a higher court, it is no longer authoritative to subsequent cases.

A series of decisions of former cases does not of course in itself constitute a system of law. But

rules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions. When such rules are taken as normative for

future disputes, we have a legal system of precedent.

There is also another factor affecting this process: sense of justice requires that all men are

treated alike in like circumstances.

14. To discuss the differences between the binding precedents and persuasive precedents

Binding precedent is the precedent that a court must follow (it is law). There are two requirements

must be met: these former decisions are in the same jurisdiction as that court. And the courts which

rendered these decisions are in the same level as that court or higher.

In contrast, persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow (it is not law, may

be persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning and can be made use of as guidance and

justification). All prior judicial decisions outside of that court's jurisdiction or from a lower court are

considered to be persuasive only.

15. To discuss the different roles of judge and attorneys in court

First of all, judges have authority to decide questions of law and fact in civil law system and only

question of law in common law system. Attorneys only have right to show their evidence to convince

the judges, but can't decide cases at last.

Second, the status is different. Judges have educational background, experiences and power to

decide cases finally. So judges are more respectable and get more honor in court. Attorneys are legal

practitioner, only can advise judge and jury how to decide cases. So they are inferior to judges in


16. To discuss whether it is reasonable to choose common people as jurors

It is reasonable to choose common people as jurors.

With the participation of common people, the trial will become more impartial, because it's more

difficult to bribe the jurors than the judges.

We can avoid the professional prejudice of the judges in the trial, which is formed in the long-term



Lesson Three Comparing Civil and Criminal Law I.Discuss the following questions: 1.What are the two objectives of criminal law? 2.What is civil law concerned with? 3.What are the two main branches of civil law? 4.In terms of duties or obligations, what are the differences between contract law and tort law? 5.How many kinds of torts are mentioned in the text? What are they? What are the difference and relationship between them? 6.Are compensatory damages and punitive damages the same in nature? Why or why not? Why are punitive damages seldom awarded? 7.Is it justified to say that a certain person can file a criminal charge against someone else? Why? II.Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true or false: 1.As for criminal law, there is just one purpose: to prevent antisocial behavior. F 2.Prevention of bad behavior may be more the consequence of civil law than the purpose. T 3.The primary purpose of civil law is the compensation of those injured by someone else’s behavior. T 4. A agreed to lease an apartment from a landlord for one year and A paid the rent for one year shortly after he moved in. Half a year later A moved out for unknown reasons, and then the landlord had the right to sue A for breach of contract. F 5.Negligent tort has occurred when one fails to act reasonably and unintentionally injury someone. T 6.Many intentional torts are also crimes and this is where civil law and criminal law has much in common. T 7.Criminal law is concerned with the immorality of an act while tort law is not. F https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d13612374.html,plete the sentences below using the words or phrases given: undesirable; nonconformity; monetary; compensation; liability; restitution; tortfeasor; battery; fraternity; damages 1.The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold. 2.Civil law actually acts to prevent nonconformity to society’s behavior. 3.The court estimated the compensation in money for damages sustained by the plaintiff in the contract. 4.Since A has not breached the contract, he holds no liability for damage. 5.Restitution means the act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury, or a return to or restoration of previous state or position. 6.If one at a party heaves a beer bottle and strikes another present either unintentionally or on purpose, he has committed a tort and he is known as a


1 A buyer can accept goods by: A. Stating an intention to take them. B. Failing to reject them. C. Treating the goods as if the buyer owned them. D. All of the above. 2 Mary agrees to sell a used car to Bill for $ 5,000. After Bill pays, Mary tells him to come over and pick up the car. However, Bill waits until Wednesday to pick up the car. In the meantime, the car is stolen. Who bears the loss here? Assume that we have neither a shipment contract nor a destination contract, and that Mary has never sold a care before. A. Mary. B. Bill C. Neither Mary and Bill. D. Both Mary and Bill. Mary agrees to sell a used car to Bill for $ 5,000. After Bill pays, Mary tells him to come over and pick up the car. However, Bill waits until Wednesday to pick up the car. In the meantime, the car is stolen. Who bears the loss here? Assume that we have neither a shipment contract nor a destination contract, and that Mary has never sold a care before. A. Mary. B. Bill C. Neither Mary and Bill. D. Both Mary and Bill. In order for someone to be convicted of a crime, which of the following elements must be present? A. The defendant had a socially maladjusted childhood. B. The defendant had no intent to commit the act. C. The defendant performed a prohibited act. D. The defendant performed a morally questionable act. Bob often left his friend Mark in charge of his bicycle store. One Saturday evening, after Mark had left for the week, Bob discovered that he was missing $9,000 in cash. Mark may be guilty of: A. Robbery. B. Embezzlement. C. Misappropriation. D. Conversion. When profits earned illegally are channeled through a legitimate business for the purpose of giving the funds the appearance of legitimacy, the act of ______ occurs: A. Insider trading. B. Economic espionage. C. Money laundering. D. Burglary. When profits earned illegally are channeled through a legitimate business for the purpose of giving the funds the appearance of legitimacy, the act of ______ occurs:


2013-2014学年第二学期 华侨大学法学院期末考试试卷 考试科目:法律英语考核类型:A卷考试时间:120 分钟 学号姓名授课教师骆旭旭 (注意:所有的答案(包括选择题)应做在空白答题纸上) Exercise 1: Translate the following sentence into Chinese.(30%) The dominant purpose in starting the public enterprises had been public good and profit motive was secondary; however, of late the scenario has changed. With the liberalisation of markets the public undertakings are in direct competition with the private players and have to have profit motive in mind. If not, there have been criticisms by industry on the unequal treatment meted out to the private players. Here it is important to note the definition of "enterprise" under the Competition Act. It makes no distinction between a private and a public enterprise/undertaking. In fact it even includes a department of the Government which does not perform a "sovereign function". Functionally, the public undertakings have been broadly classified into four heads: ?Financial Institutions, such as Life Insurance Corporation of India, Reserve Bank of India, Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation Ltd, Film Finance Corporation Ltd, Unit Trust of India, Industrial Reconstruction Bank, etc. ?Promotional and Development Undertakings, such as Rehabilitation Housing Corporation Ltd, National Research Development Corporation Ltd, Food Corporation of India, Central Warehousing Corporation, National Small Industries Corporation Ltd, etc. ?Commercial and Industrial Undertakings, such as State Trading Corporation, Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Indian Airlines Corporation, Air India, etc. ?Public Utilities are those undertakings which render certain essential services to the people, like transportation, electricity, communications, energy, etc. The objective of such undertakings is to provide services to the community economically and efficiently and making profit is not the primary aim.


法律法规培训试题答案 考试时间90分钟,共100分,共4页 一、选择题(请把正确的选项填在括号内,每题3分,共60分) 1、环境日为每年哪一天? ( C ) A、5月6日 B、5月1日 C、6月5日 D、10月1日 2、建设项目中防治污染的设施,应当与主体工程应当( A )。 A、同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用 B、同时建设、同时使用、同时监测 C、同时设计、同时建设、同时验收 D、同时投产、同时监测、同时验收 3、下列哪项不会污染环境。(D ) A、固体废物施入农田 B、施用农药 C、有毒物质施入农田 D、生活污水经科学处置后施入农田 4、国家建立跨行政区域的重点区域、流域环境污染和生态破坏联合防治协调机制,实行(A )措施。 A、统一规划、统一标准、统一监测、统一的防治 B、统一规定、统一调整、统一监管、统一处理 C、统一调查、统一评估、统一监测、统一修复 D、统一方式、统一方法、统一调查、统一防治 5、《中华人民共和国计量法》自(B )起施行。 A、1986年1月1日 B、1986年7月1日 C、1986年5月1日 D、1986年10月1日 6、为社会提供公证数据的产品质量检验机构,必须经(C )人民政府计量行政部门对其计量检定、测试的能力和可靠性考核合格。 A、县级以上 B、市级以上 C、省级以上 D、国家级 7、(C )人民政府环境保护主管部门定期发布环境状况公报。 A、县级以上 B、市级以上 C、省级以上 D、国家级 8、国务院计量行政部门根据《中华人民共和国计量法》制定实施细则,报(B )批准施行。. A、全国人民代表大会 B、国务院C环境保护部D、人民政府 9、国家法定计量单位的名称、符号由( B )公布。 A、全国人民代表大会 B、国务院C环境保护部D、人民政府 10、数据处理精密度一般只取(A )位有效数字。 A、1-2 B、2-3 C、1-3 D、3-4 11、下列哪项不属于实验室质量控制中的内部质量控制?(D ) A、加标回收率 B、有证标准物质测定 C、方法对比 D、人员比对 12、下列哪项不属于实验室质量控制中的外部质量控制?(C) A、密码加标样 B、实验室间比对 C、测定方法检出限 D、留样复测 13、根据预定的计划和程序实施内部审核每年(A ),以验证各项工作持续符合质量体系要求。 A、至少一次 B、一至两次 C、两至三次 D、三次以上 14、实验室分析过程中一般情况下,不应从样品测定结果中扣除全程序(B )的测定结果。


练习1:外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall pay compensation for the losses. 修改提示:单复数考虑不周;用语不够简洁。 答案(修改要点):causes any losses →causes any loss(es) 造成一项或多项损失时都应当赔偿,不能仅用复数形式。 pay compensation for the losses →pay compensation therefor (therefor=for that/them) 练习2:人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关办理刑事案件,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。 原译文:The people’s courts, people’s procuratorates and public s ecurity organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law. 修改提示:“分工负责”,应理解为:侧重点在“负责”,而非“分工”,即分工过程中各负其责;respective 比own 更为妥当、准确;原来的译文中,and they shall …比较啰嗦,更严重的问题是,使to ensure …割断了与divide their functions 的联系。 答案(修改要点):in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.→… in handling criminal cases, take responsibility for their respective work while dividing functions, co-ordinate, and check each other, to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law. 练习3:商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。 原译文:Trademark registrants shall enjoy the right to exclusive use of their trademarks and shall be protected by law. 修改提示:商标专用权的译文“貌合神离”,立法原意是“商标专有权”;受法律保护的主语有些歧义,可加括号处理;原文shall滥用,因为并未刻意强调“必须,一定要”。 答案(修改为):Trademark registrants have the exclusive trademark right, (and are) protected by law. 练习4:被告人的犯罪情节极其严重、社会影响极其恶劣、社会危害极其严重。 原译文:The extremely serious circumstances of the offense committed by the accused have brought abominable influence and severe hazard to the whole society. 修改提示:bring的用法有些生硬,动宾搭配不太适当。 答案(修改为):have brought abominable influence and severe hazard to the whole society. → have exerted an abominable influence and posed a severe hazard to society. (exert, vt. 施加,产生,如exert pressure on, exert an influence on; abominable, adj. 可恶的,极坏的;pose v. 提出,形成,成为;使摆好姿势pose a problem; pose an obstacle/a threat to …) 练习5:买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:货号; 品名及规格;数量;单价;总值(数量及总值均有_____%的增减, 由卖方决定);生产国和制造厂家;包装;唛头;装运期限;装运口岸;目的口岸;保险;


医学法律法规考试题库及答案 一、单4选1 1.《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》于( )年( )月( )日经第十届全国人大常委会第十一次会议修订通过,中华人民共和国第十七号主席令公布。 A.2004年12月1日 B.2004年8月28日 C.1989年09月1日 D.1989年2月21日 答案:B 2.国家对传染病防治的方针是什么? ( ) A.预防为主 B.防治结合、分类管理 C.依靠科学、依靠群众 D.以上三项 答案:D 3.国家实行有计划的预防接种制度,对儿童实行( )制度。 A.计划免疫 B.预防接种 C.预防接种证 D.疫苗接种 答案:B 4.生产用于传染病防治的消毒产品的单位和生产用于传染病防治的消毒产品应当由( )批准。 A.省级以上卫生行政部门 B.县级卫生行政部门

C.国务院卫生行政部门 D.省级卫生行政部门 答案:A 5.( )发现传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人时,应当及时向附近的疾病预防控制机构或者医疗机构报告。 A.医疗机构 B.采供血机构 C.疾病预防控制机构 D.任何单位和个人 答案:D 6.医疗机构发现甲类传染病病人、病原携带者应当予以隔离治疗。拒绝隔离治疗或者隔离期未满擅自脱离隔离治疗的,可以由( )协助医疗机构采取强制隔离治疗措施。 A.公安机关 B.卫生行政部门 C.卫生监督机构 D.卫生防疫机构 答案:A 7.医疗机构应当实行传染病( )、( )制度,对传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人,应当引导至相对隔离的分诊点进行初诊。 A.隔离、消毒 B.预检、分诊 C.分类、隔离 D.定点、隔离 答案:B 8.国家对患有特定传染病的困难人群实行( ),减免医疗费用。


1调卷令certiorari 2遵循先例:stare decisis 3法系legal family 4大陆法civil law 管辖权jurisdiction 地区法院District court 巡回法院circuit court 治安法庭Justice court 社会主义法socialist law 众议院House of representative 行使exercise 1司法审查judicial review 起诉资格standing 事实上的损害injury in fact 行政协定executive decision共同决议common decision 分权separation of powers 制衡checks and balances 成熟原则ripeness 招标bids 宪法constitution 1刑法criminal law 轻微违法misdemeanor 报税单bill of entry 主观上的过错mental fault 非预谋杀人manslaughter 抢劫robbery 加重的aggravate 绑架kidnapping 盗劫larceny 伪证罪perjury 1the county is the subdivision 2the doctrine ---the maxim 3the federal entity4the enforcement of a claim5statutes or codes 6tradition custom,and precedent 7commom people ,versus legislation 8stare decisis , Latin9legal relationships /legal concept 10judicial branch /judicial dictatorships 1in the precess of a court ascertaining2than to statutory interpretation 3dose not have the ''prolixity"/dose not provide a ready solution 4congress though its "power of the purse" /power as commander -in- chief 5c hecks and balances provided for in the constitution 6and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures 7has no standing to challenge 8the policy of elimination of racial discrimination In places of accommodation/and ending the badges of servitude 1it is punishable by sanctions 2Most crimes or identified in statutes 3punished through imposition penalities 4violation of a misdemeanor 5which were committed before that /enactment of the law 6grand a criminal prosecution7as well as its substantive law 8crimes classified as felonies include murder9 authorized federal jurisdiction 10one can be held criminally liable 1 it is to tell the defendant that 2In US jurisprudence, however 3the right to trial by grand jury/protection against government tyranny 4 The prosecution at trial has the duty 5against arbitrary imposition of the capital punishment 6in an entirely different punishment/prosecution and conviction 7 privilege against self-incrimination8a common assumption abou t the nature of criminality 9"unreasonable" government searches and seizures is stated 10criminal procedure is "adversarial" 1 single issue of law 2dismissed or a defense was lost 3state a claim generally 4adequately represent the interests 5"fairness hearing" 6(the "plaintiff")to file suit in 7violatio n criminal law 8applying substantive law to real disputes 9 on part is entitled to judgment 10common law remedy/ equitable remedies


2016年医疗安全知识及法律法规试题 一、单选题:每题2分共50分 1.《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》于( )年( )月( )日经第十届全国人大常委会第十一次会议修订通过,中华人民共和国第十七号主席令公布。 A、2004年12月1日 B、2004年8月28日 C、1989年09月1日 D、1989年2月21日 2.国家对传染病防治的方针是什么? A预防为主B防治结合、分类管理 C依靠科学、依靠群众D以上三项 3.国家实行有计划的预防接种制度,对儿童实行( )制度。 A计划免疫B预防接种 C预防接种证D疫苗接种 4.生产用于传染病防治的消毒产品的单位和生产用于传染病防治的消毒产品应当由( )批准。 A省级以上卫生行政部门B县级卫生行政部门 C国务院卫生行政部门D省级卫生行政部门 5.( )发现传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人时,应当及时向附近的疾病预防控制机构或者医疗机构报告。 A医疗机构B采供血机构 C疾病预防控制机构D任何单位和个人 6.医疗机构发现甲类传染病病人、病原携带者应当予以隔离治疗。拒绝隔离治疗或者隔离期未满擅自脱离隔离治疗的,可以由( )协助医疗机构采取强制隔离治疗措施。 A公安机关B卫生行政部门 C卫生监督机构D卫生防疫机构 7.医疗机构应当实行传染病( )、( )制度,对传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人,应当引导至相对隔离的分诊点进行初诊。 A隔离、消毒B预检、分诊 C分类、隔离D定点、隔离 8.国家对患有特定传染病的困难人群实行( ),减免医疗费用。 A医疗救济B困难补助C医疗救助D医疗照顾 9.国家对病原微生物实行分类管理,将病原微生物分为( )类。对实验室实行分级管理,将实验室分为( )级。 A 4;4 B 3;4 C 5;4 D 4;3 10.医疗卫生机构应当建立医疗废物的暂时贮存设施、设备,不得露天存放医疗废物;医疗废物暂时贮存的时间不得超过( )天。 A 1 B 3 C 5 D 2 11.国家实行无偿献血制度。国家提倡( )的健康公民自愿献血。 A 18~55周岁 B 18~50周岁 C 16~55周岁 D 16~50周岁 12.特殊血型的血液需要从外省、自治区、直辖市调配的,由( )级人民政府卫生行政部门批准。 A 设区的市 B 县 C 省 D 国家


法律英语证书(LEC)全国统一考试样题 试卷一 本题为单项选择题,限时180分钟。 1. Bill of Rights a. Domestic federal legislation. b. Legal protection against interference of rights by private individuals. c. A popular name given to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. d. The federal constitutional provision which grants rights to state governments. 2. Standing a. Abbreviation of “notwithstanding” b. The ability to bring a lawsuit because of a party’s actual injury for which the court can provide a remedy. c. The ripeness of a case or controversy. d. The status of a person, group, or organization appearing as a “friend of the court.” 3. Consideration a. Process of judicial deliberation before rendering a decision in a contested case. b. The lengthy recitals of “boilerplate”language appearing in many contracts. c. The inducement to enter a contract, and a necessary element to prove the validity of a contract. d. The detrimental reliance of an offere e. 4. Promissory Estoppel a. A failure to prosecute a civil or criminal action. b. Power to make an offer to the public rather than a specific individual. c. Equitable doctrine recognized as substitute for consideration in some cases. d. Ability of an agent to bind a principal in matters beyond the scope pf agency.


1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system. ⅠThe original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England. ⅡThe main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. ⅢThe civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules. ⅣThe classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity. ⅤSince theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays an important role in legal education. on the contrary, cases is the main source of common law, thus the judge's decision is more important. ⅥThe civil procedure is Adversary system (对抗式诉讼),in common law system ,judges take a relatively passive role. Inquisitorial system(纠问式诉讼), in civil law countries , judges have the power to investigate the case and inquire the parties and the witnesses. 2. To discuss the main differences between American and Chinese law school teaching. ⅠLaw is an undergraduate degree in the china, while in the us is postgraduate degree. ⅡThe teaching method In USA, the teaching method is case method or Socratic method, students instead of the professors play an active role in the class. In China, the professor exposes the law to his students, who take notes and do not intervene in class. ⅢCases vs. Doctrines


医院法律法规考试试题 科室: ________ 姓名: ___ 得分:___________ 一、选择题 1、我国传染病防治法规定管理的甲类传染病是指() A、鼠疫、艾滋病 B、鼠疫、霍乱 C、鼠疫、霍乱、艾滋病 D、鼠疫、霍乱、伤寒、副伤寒 E、鼠疫、霍乱、艾滋病、伤寒或副伤寒 2、一女病员因不孕症、闭经、伴厌食、消瘦就诊。妇科做了各种常规检查后,决定行腹腔镜检查,通知病人准备。病人不知该检查如何作,便随医生进入处置室检查,检查中发现作了切口。病人及家属均不满意开刀,向院方提出赔偿要求。行腹腔镜检查如何决定为合理() A、必须征得患者同意 B、可以征得患者同意 C、可以由医生决定 D、必须由医院决定 E、可以由医院或科室决定 3、必须由病人及其家属或者关系人签字同意的诊疗行为包括() A、手术、特殊检查、特殊治疗 B、除门诊手术以外的手术、特殊检查、特殊治疗 C、除表皮手术以外的手术、特殊检查、特殊治疗 D、手术、非常规性的检查、特殊治疗 E、手术、创伤性检查、实验性治疗 4、受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚,自处罚之日起不满二年的() A、从事医师执业活动 B、中止医师执业活动

C、申请执业医师注册 D、不予医师执业注册 E、注销执业医师注册 5、医生白某因挪用公款用于个人经营,被判有期徒刑一年。白某被判刑后其执业() A、可以不门受限制 B、在监管部规定范围内执业 C、注销注册 D、服刑期间不允许执业,服刑期满可再执业 E、终止医师执业活动 6、有关单位必须严格执行国务院卫生行政部门规定的管理制度,操作规程,防止传染病的医源性感染和致病性微生物的扩散等。这些单位是() A、医疗机构、卫生防疫机构 B、医疗机构、保健机构 C、保健机构、卫生防疫机构 D、卫生防疫机构,从事致病性微生物实验的单位 E、医疗机构、保健机构、卫生防疫机构,从事致病性微生物实验的单位 7、医师发现或怀疑胎儿异常时,应当对孕妇进行产前诊断。“产前诊断”是指() A、孕妇健康诊察 B、胎儿发育诊察 C、胎儿先天性缺陷诊断 D、对孕妇进行遗传病诊察 E、对孕妇进行传染病诊察 8、医师定期考核不合格者,县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门可以责令其暂停执业活动() A、一至二个月 B、一至三个月 C、三至六个月


安全生产法律法规考试题 考试时间:姓名:部门:岗位:分数: 一、单项选择题(共15题,每题2分,共30分) 1、《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》要求,要进一步规范企业 生产经营行为。加强对生产现场监督检查,严格查处( A )的“三违”行为。 A、违章操作、违章指挥、违反工作纪律 B、违章生产、违章指挥、违反纪律 C、违章作业、违章指挥、违反操作规程 D、违章指挥、违章操作、违章生产 2、发包或者出租给不具备安全生产条件或者相应资质的单位、个人,或者未与承包单位、承租单位签订安全生产管理协议、约定安全生产管理事项,发生生产安全事 故的,生产经营单位应当承担( C )。 A、连带赔偿责任 B、补充责任 C、主要责任 D、次要责任 3、生产经营项目、场所有多个承包或者承租单位的,发包、出租单位发现承包或者承租单位有安全生产违法行为的,应当( B ),并向所在地县(市、区)安全生产监督管理部门和有关部门报告。 A、要求停产整顿 B、及时劝阻 C、进行罚款 D、通报批评 4、生产经营单位安全生产资金投入纳入( B ) A工作计划 B年度生产经营计划和财务预算 C生产经营收益预算 D专项费用支出预算 5、生产经营单位应当按照( A )有关规定建立安全生产费用提取和使用制度。A、国家和省B省、市C、市、县D、县和乡镇(街道) 6、生产经营单位应当在危险源、危险区域设置明显的( D )。 A应急预案流程图B职业危害告知牌C警示标志D安全警示标志 7、生产经营单位应当为从业人员( B )提供符合国家、行业或者地方标准要

求的劳动防护用品,并督促检查、教育从业人员按照使用规则佩戴和使用。 A、有偿 B、无偿 C、补贴部分资金 D、以发放其他实物的形式 8、存在( B )的生产经营单位,应当按照有关规定及时申报本单位的职业病 危害因素,并定期检测、评价。 A、安全生产隐患 B、职业病危害 C、使用劳务派遣工 D、重大危险源 9、以劳务派遣形式用工的,生产经营单位与劳务派遣单位应当在劳务派遣协议中 明确各自承担的安全生产教育培训职责。未明确职责的,由( B )承担安全教育培训责任。A、劳务派遣单位B、生产经营单位C、有资质的中介机构D、安监部门 10、特种作业人员应当按照国家有关规定,接受与其所从事的特种作业相应的安 全技术理论培训和实际操作培训,取得( C )后,方可上岗作业。 A、安全生产管理资格证书 B、劳动技能培训证书 C、特种作业相关资格证书 D、企业上岗证 11、生产经营单位应当建立健全安全生产隐患排查治理体系,定期组织安全检查, 开展事故隐患自查自纠。对查出的问题应当( C )。 A、记录在案 B、立即上报有关部门 C、立即整改 D、通报批评 12、( D )是安全生产的责任主体。 A、主要负责人 B、安全总监 C、县级以上安监部门 D、生产经营单位 13、生产经营单位应当依据法律、法规、规章和国家、行业或者地方标准,制定 涵盖本单位生产经营全过程和全体从业人员的( C )。 A、安全生产管理制度 B、安全手册 C、安全生产管理制度和安全操作规程 D、安全操作规程 14、( A )是本单位安全生产的第一责任人,对落实本单位安全生产主体责任 全面负责。

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