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[难点] besorrowfulabout…对…感到悲伤


以下是大学英语六级核心词汇精编版,共380个,按动词、名词、形容词、副词分类编排,所选单词根据历年六级考试中词汇部分(即V ocabulary部分考过的词)整理。使用方法: 1. 下载完整版 2.排除(划掉)你已经掌握的词 3.给剩下的单词编号 4.做出周(或日)计划,强化记忆(或供复习时查阅) 大学英语六级核心词汇(380 精编版) I. 六级核心动词 abandon v. 抛弃,放弃 93-1-43 (分别表示考试年、月和具体题号) acknowledge v. 对……表示谢忱,报偿 acquaint v. 熟悉,认识 98-6-64 01-6-48 acquire v. (靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到 98-6-52 afford v. 付得起 98-1-48 allege v. 断言,宣称 00-6-61 alternate v. 交替,轮流 90-1-51 anticipate v. 预期 00-1-41 applaud v. 赞扬,称赞 96-1-42 ascend v. 上升,攀登 98-6-59 ascribe v. 归因于,归功于 00-1-51 assemble v. 集合,聚集 97-6-62 assign v. 分派,指派(职务,任务) 90-1-59 attribute v. 归因于 91-6-69 93-1-53 base v. 建立在……的基础上 91-6-64 bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂 98-6-48 01-6-49 breed v. 培育,养育 98-1-53 cling v. 坚守,抱紧 97-1-48 coincide v. 相同,相一致 91-6-58 collaborate v. 合著,合作 98-6-54 collide v. 互撞,碰撞 97-1-63 commence v. 开始 95-1-57 99-1-41 compensate v. 补偿,赔偿 00-6-69 98-1-43 complement v. 与……结合,补充 98-6-46 comply v. 遵守 95-6-57 98-1-44 99-6-32 conceive v. 想出,设想 96-6-56 00-1-52 concern v. 涉及 90-1-60 condense v. 压缩,浓缩 97-1-62 conflict v. 冲突,战争 99-1-47 conform v. 符合,遵守,适应00-6-63 01-1-54 confront v. 面对,面临 96-6-54 conserve v. 保护,保存 01-1-58 consolidate v. 巩固 99-6-35


大学英语六级词汇天天背(51) ;; slap n.一巴掌,一击,击掌 Shegavehimaslaponthecheek.她打了他一个耳光。 v.掌击,掴 Sheslappedonhisface.她打了他一个耳光。 slaughter n.屠宰,屠杀 Thecattleweresentforslaughter.牛被送去屠宰。 [同]massacre vt.屠杀,杀戮 slave vi.努力工作, Shehasbeenslavingawayatcookingforthreehours.她已辛苦烹饪三个小时了。 vt.奴役 [难点] slaveawayatsth.努力做某事

slim adj.苗条的,细长的;渺茫的 slimhopesofsuccess成功的希望不大 adj.差的,低劣的 slumber n.(复数)睡眠 disturbone’sslumber打扰某人的睡眠 smart vt.感到或引起剧痛 Thesmokemademyeyessmart.烟使我的眼睛感到剧痛。 smash v.打破,打碎 smashawindow打破一扇窗户 v.猛冲,猛然碰撞 Thecarsmashedintoawall.汽车撞到了墙。 v.击败,打破(记录等) Theplayersmashedalltherecords.这位选手打破了全部记录。smuggle vt.偷运,走私 HesmuggledSwisswatchesintoEngland.他走私瑞士表进入英国。

vt.偷带(某物) smugglealetterintoaprison偷带信件到监狱 snack n.小吃,快餐 snail n.蜗牛;行动迟缓的人 snap n.咬,猛咬;折断,脆裂 v.咬,猛然咬;截断 [难点] snapat企图去咬;厉声斥责 I’msorryIsnappedatyoujustnow.我很抱歉刚才对你厉声说话。sneer n.嘲笑,讥笑Youshouldignoretheirsneersatyourefforts. 你应当不理会他们对你努力的成果所作的嘲笑。 v.嘲笑,讥诮 Don’tsneeratother’sfailure.不要嘲笑别人的失败 sneeze vi.打喷嚏


range n一系列;范围;距离 v变化;漫游;使排列成行episode n一个事件;插曲,连续剧的一集abuse vt滥用;虐待;辱骂 rear n后部;后方a后面的;后方的condemn vt谴责;判···刑 vocal a直言不讳的;噪音的n声乐节目hesitate v犹豫;不情愿 compromise n妥协vi妥协vt危及underlying a含蓄的,潜在的 feedback n反馈 qualification n资格,合格证书;限制 litter n废弃物;杂乱的东西v乱扔废弃物ecology n生态;生态学 variable a易变的;可变的n可变元素enthusiastic a满腔热情的,极感兴趣的activate vt使活动起来,使开始起作用reassure vt使放心 dubious a怀疑的,犹豫不决的;有问题的,靠不住的 precede vt在···之前,先于 shuttle n航天飞机;梭子 v穿梭般来回;短程穿梭运送alliance n联盟 participate vi参加 generally ad通常;普遍地 advantage n优点,好处 exceptional a杰出的;异常的 hinder vt妨碍 defect n缺点vi叛变 flexible a易弯曲的;灵活的 scent n香味,气味;踪迹;香水 vt嗅到;察觉 aisle n通道 odo(u)r n气味 collide vi碰撞;冲突 tragic a悲惨的;悲剧的 casualty n伤亡人员;损失的东西alternate a交替的;间隔的v(使)轮流bewilder vt使迷惑,使难住 erroneous a错误的,不正确的wretched a极不愉快的,可怜的; 令人苦恼的;拙劣的 warrant n授权令;(正当)理由 vt证明···是正当的 impact vt告知,透露;赋予,给予 porch n门廊 caution vt小心;注意(事项),警告lessen v减少,减轻 layman n外行 appreciate vt重视,欣赏;为···表示感 激;领会vi增值 sculpture n雕刻;雕刻作品 weird a古怪的;怪诞的 carve vt切,雕刻 terror n恐怖;引起恐怖的人(或事)explosive a爆炸的;极易引起争论的 n炸药 shepherd n牧羊人vt带领 acquire vt获得;学到 competence n能力,胜任 investigate v调查 tumble vi跌倒;翻滚;(价格)暴跌; 不由自主的卷入n跌倒uphold vt支持,维护 forthcoming a即将到来的;乐于提供消息propel vt推动,激励 commonplace a普通的n寻常的事物descent n下降,下倾;斜坡;血统,世系oppose vt反对 wander vi漫游;偏离正道;走神supervise v监督,管理 buck n美元,雄鹿vi猛然弓背跃起mortal a终有一死的;致命的;不共戴天anxiety n焦虑;渴望 eliminate vt排除;淘汰 migrate vi迁徙;移居 reckless a鲁莽的 penalty n处罚,罚金 impose vt把···强加于;征(税等)sponsor n发起者赞助者vt主办资助支持mourn v哀悼,感到痛心 glitter vi闪耀n闪光;耀眼,辉煌drawback n缺点,欠缺,不利条件illuminate vt照明,明亮;阐明,启发adhere vi黏附,附着;遵守,坚持;支持indicative a标示的,指示的,陈述的n陈述语气


一.名词 hospitality n.友好好客 pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 revenue n. 税收,岁入 routine 常规,惯例,例行公事 scorn n. 轻蔑,鄙视 shortage n. 短缺,不足 smash n. 打碎,粉碎 stability n.稳定(性),稳固 stack n. 堆,一堆 standard n. 标准 surface n. 表面 temperament n. 气质,性格 threshold n. 开端,入口 tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力 transaction 处理,办理,交易 trend n. 倾向,趋势 transition n. 过渡,转变 variation n. 变化,变动 warehouse n. 货仓 way n. 方式 access n. 入口,通路,接触 accommodation n. 住宿,膳宿 acknowledgement承认感谢致谢 pattern n. 模式 penalty n. 制裁,惩罚 pension n. 养老金 personality n. 人格,人性 pledge n. 保证,誓言 position n. 位置,职位,职务 predecessor 前任,原有的事物 premise n. 前提,假设 prescription n. 处方 preservation n. 保护,防护 prestige n. 威信,威望 priority n. 优先(权) prestige n. 威信,威望 prospect n. 前景,可能性 rate n. 速度 ration n. 比率 reflection n. 反映,表现 recession n. (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出 reputation n. 名声,声望 reservation n. 贮存,贮藏,预订 illusion n. 错觉,假象 ingredient n. 成分 insight n. 理解,洞察力 inspection n. 检查,视察 instinct n. 本能,直觉 integrity n. 正直,诚实 intuition n. 直觉 lease n. 租约,契约 legislation n. 立法,法律limitation n. 局限性缺点 loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心 luxury n. 奢侈,豪华 manifestation n. 表现(形式) mechanism n. 机械装置 minority n. 少数 misfortune n. 不幸,灾难 morality n. 道德,美德 notion n. 概念,观念,理解 obligation (法律上或道义上)责任 occasion n. 场合 opponent n. 敌人,对手ornament n. 装饰,装饰品 admiration n. 欣赏 advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者 allowance n. 津贴 ambition n. 野心,雄心 analogy n. 相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n. 预期,期望 appreciation n. 感谢,感激 array n. 陈列,一系列assurance n. 保证 blame n. 责任 blunder n. 错误,大错 budget n. 预算 capability n. 能力,才能 cash n. 现金 circulation n. (书报等的)发行量 commitment n. 承诺,许诺 compensation n. 补偿,赔偿 consideration n. 考虑 distinction n. 区分辨别 emergency n. 紧急情况 encouragement n. 鼓励


《英语六级词汇及其例句》 1. abandon vt放弃, 遗弃 After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease. adj反常的, 变态的 Various efforts have been made over the centuries to predict earthquakes, including observing lights in the sky and abnormal animal behavior. adj.突然的, 意想不到的; That long airplane ride, the abrupt change of climate, was more than she could take. n.缺席 Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don’t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare. vt. 吸收(液体);( The club will absorb new members the first week in September. . 摘要, 概要, 抽象 At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly. v. 加速 Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only accelerates the crisis. n. 通路, 访问, 入门 The people living in these apartments have free access to that swimming pool. adj.正确的, 精确的 Weather forecast is getting more accurate today. 现在,天气预报越来越准确了。 v. 控告, 谴责, 非难 The police accused him of setting fire to the building but the denied having been in the area on the night of the fire. (96-1) achieve v. 完成, 达到 In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. acknowledge v.承认, 答谢, 报偿 Professor Hawking is acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest living physicists. alert adj.提防的, 警惕的( The sign set up by the road alerts drivers to a sharp turn. (03-12) ambition n.野心;雄心;企图 Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition.


六级核心词汇完整版 第一节六级核心形容词(黑斜体字是本词词根,括号内是词根含义) ab norm al α.不正常的95-1-42 98-1-58 (标准) ab sur d α.荒缪的99-6-39 (超过,通过) a bund ant α.丰富的89-1-59 (边际,边界) ac ute α.敏锐的锋利的96-1-63 (ac=ang-尖角) ag gress ive α.侵略的好斗的94-1-63 (前进) ambi guous α.模棱两可的模糊的01-6-60 (两,双) amb itious α.有雄心的有抱负的00-1-58 (走,行走)appropriate α.合适的恰当的00-6-41 (propr=proper) auth entic α.可靠的可信的01-1-43 (作者,原创) average α.一般的普通的97-6-44 (aver=every) bar ren α.贫瘠的不毛的99-6-60 (小木条,光溜溜) bound α.一定的90-1-55 (棒子,板子,铁板钉钉) chronic α.慢性的01-1-42 (chron=cross-时间,十字钟)commentary α. 实况报道99-6-46 (ment=mind-思想、论点) com pactα.紧凑的小巧的99―1―63 (拍) competitive α.竞争性的具有竞争力的(pet=ped-足,追求)compulsory a. 强迫的,强制的,义务的(puls=push)confidential a. 机紧的,秘密的01-6-59 (fid=faith-信仰、信)conservative a. 保守的,传统的96-1-54 (serve=save-保留,保护)


高频词汇 1. abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ ! 2. abolish v. 废除> CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer 3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的> Your~ manner embarrassed her! 4. absurd a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea! 5. accessory n. 附件, 零件>Handbag, lipstick, etc. are wo men’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse. 6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games? 7. addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed tocomputer games. Please save me! 8. acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? 9. adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle 10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage. 11. aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold. 12. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain. 13. alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ 14. ambiguous a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking fora man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处? 15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)> 16. analogy n. 类比by analogy 17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter. 18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion. 19. apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure. 20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-importantperson. 22. ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing. 23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to hissmall vocabulary. 24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish. 25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him. 26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would comeagain. 27. assurance n. 保证, 把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable. 28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从 29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~? 30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss . 31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent. 32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field. 33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me. 34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ theman. 35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice. 36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光>Thesummer sun is blazing. 37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~future 38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁> 39. blunder n. 大错 40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地 41. blur v. 变模糊>Fog blurred my vision. 42. bribe v. 行贿>Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom. 43. browse v. 浏览~ a web-page 44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/ 45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊 46. carve v. 刻 47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported inthe battle. 48. cater to v. 迎合> cater to the consumers 49. caution n. 小心 50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that 51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的 52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China. 53. climax n. 高潮the ~ of the play 54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that.... 55. coincidence n. 巧合 56. collaboration n. 合作in ~ with 57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~ with each other. 58. commence v. 开始 59. commute v. 乘车上下班>I have to ~ between theuniversity town and the downtown area. 60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的a ~ car/office 61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~. 62. compensate v. 赔偿>The insurance company ~d theman for his injuries. 63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑~ a encyclopedia 64. complement v. 补充,与。。。相配The music ~s the filmwell. 65. compliment v. /n. 赞美 66. comply with v. 遵从 67. compulsory a. 必做的~ education 68. conceive of v. 构想I can’t ~ of why he did such a stupidthing!


大学英语六级高频词汇表 1 constrain16vt.强迫,抑制,拘束 obscure8adj.暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的vt.使暗,使不明显 comply6vi.顺从,答应,遵守 confirm6vt.确定,批准,使巩固,使有效v.确认,(基督教中)给...行按手礼magnify6vt.放大,扩大,赞美,夸大,夸张vi.有放大能力 transition6n.转变,转换,跃迁,过渡,变调 conform5vt.使一致,使遵守,使顺从vi.符合,相似,适应环境adj.一致的,顺从的incompatible5adj.性质相反的,矛盾的,不调和的 scrape5n.刮,擦,擦痕,刮擦声,困境vi.刮掉,擦掉,刮出刺耳声vt.刮,擦,擦伤, transaction5n.办理,会报,学报,交易,事务,处理事务 transmission5n.播送,发射,传动,传送,传输,转播 trivial5adj.琐细的,价值不高的,微不足道的 ambiguous4adj.暧昧的,不明确的 coincide4vi.一致,符合 confront4vt.使面临,对抗 conspicuous4adj.显着的 deprive4vt.剥夺,使丧失 descend4vi.下来,下降,遗传(指财产,气质,权利),突击,出其不意的拜访v.下去excessive4adj.过多的,过分的,额外extinct inspire4vt.吸(气),鼓舞,感动,激发,启示,使生灵感,产生vi.吸入,赋予灵感obligation4n.义务,职责,债务 reservation4n.保留,(旅馆房间等)预定,预约 subordinate4adj.次要的,从属的,下级的n.下属v.服从 suppress4vt.镇压,抑制,查禁,使止住 sustain4vt.支撑,撑住,维持,持续 transformation4n.变化,转化,改适,改革,转换 acknowledge3vt.承认,答谢,报偿 acute3adj.敏锐的,[医]急性的,剧烈 appropriate3adj.适当的 ascribe3vt.归因于,归咎于 bewilder3vt.使迷惑,使不知所措,使昏乱 blunder3v.跌跌撞撞地走,犯大错,做错n.大错,失误 capability3n.(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力


大学英语六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组荟 萃 大学英语六级是中国大学本科生必修的一门英语课程。考试内容包括听力、阅读、写作和翻译等多个方面,其中词汇是六级考试的重点之一。在备考期间,应当重点突破词汇量,掌握一些常用短语和词组。下面将为大家介绍一些大学英语六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组。 1. take into account / consideration 考虑到…… 例如: We should take into account the opinions of all parties concerned. 2. be responsible for 对……负责/承担责任 例如: The company is responsible for the quality of its products. 3. have access to 有权/有途径获得 例如: As a student, you have access to the library resources. 4. tear down 拆除,拆毁

例如: The old building was torn down and a new one was built in its place. 5. in accordance with 按照,根据 例如: The policy is in accordance with the laws and regulations. 6. come up with 提出,想出 例如: He always comes up with creative ideas to solve problems. 7. make progress 取得进展,有所进步 例如: With his diligence, he has made great progress in his studies. 8. put into practice 实施,落实 例如: The new regulations will be put into practice next month. 9. make sense 有意义、有道理 例如: His argument makes sense and is convincing.


A abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 abide , abide by vt.遵守vt.忍受 abolish vt.废除,取消 absent a.不在意旳 absorption n.吸取;专注 abstract a.理论上旳n.抽象 absurd a.不合理旳,荒唐旳,可笑旳 abundance n.丰富,富余 accessory n.同谋 a.附属旳 accord n.调和,符合;协议 v.使符合 acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解 action n.作用;情节 adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持 adjacent a.毗连旳;紧接着旳 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;靠近 adjustable a.可调整旳,可校准旳 administration n.局(或署、处等) admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜;很喜欢 advantageous a.有利旳,有助旳 advertise vt.通知vi.登广

告 advocate n.辩护者vt.拥护 aerial a.空气旳;航空旳 aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间 affirm vt.断言,同意;证明 agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动 agreeable a.惬意旳;同意旳 alas int.唉,哎呀 album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选 alert a.警惕旳;活跃旳 algebra n.代数学 alien a.外国旳n.外国人 alignment n.队列;结盟,联合 allied a.联合旳;联姻旳 allowance n津贴,补助费 alongside prep.在…旁边 ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴 alteration n.变更,变化;蚀变 alternate vt.使交替 a.交替旳 amateur a.业余旳n.业余爱好者 ambassador n.大使,使节 ambient a.周围旳,包围着旳 ambiguous a.模棱两可旳;分歧旳 ambitious a.有雄心旳;热望旳 ample a.足够旳;宽阔旳 amplitude n.广大;充足;


大学英语六级必考词汇500六级高频词汇500个 103. deviate from v. 偏离He ~d from the society by ing a drug addict. 104. dignity n. 尊严 105. dilemma n. 困境A doctor’s ~ __ to lie or to tell the truth? 106. diminish v. 变少 107. disable v. 丧失能力 108. disastrous a. 灾难性的 109. discern v. 看出, 识别~ the differences of the two 110. dispatch v. 派遣;发送~ a representative/ message 111. disperse v. 分散,消散,驱散~ my attention/ The wind ~d the fog. The children ~d after the class. 112. disposition n. 性情=temperament 113. distort v. 歪曲 114. divert v. 转移, 使转向A loud noise diverted my attention from the work. 115. dizzy a. 头晕的 116. donate v. 捐献Have you ~d blood? 117. doom v./ n. 注定; 劫数He is doomed to failure. 118. drastic a. 严厉的~ measures

119. drawback n. 缺点=disadvantage One of the ~s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life. 120. duplicate v. /n. 复制(品) make a ~ of the letter 121. dwell on v. 总是想;详述Don’t ~ on the past. 122. elevate v. 提高;抬升An elevator can ~ to the top floor very soon. 123. elicit v. 诱出, 引出~ the truth from the witness 124. eligible a. 合适的,有资格的=qualified John is an ~ bachelor. 125. elite n. 精英126. eloquent a. 雄辩的Martin Luther King was an ~ speaker. 127. energetic a. 精力充沛的=vigorous 128. epidemic n./a. 流行病; 流行性的Sars, the bird’s flu. 129. erupt v. 喷发A volcano ~s. /The audience ~ed with laughter. 130. essence n. 实质; 精华the ~ of his theory/ in ~ 131. eternal a. 永久的=perpetual/permanent/forever 132. evoke v. 唤起,引起=elicit The song ~d a feeling of love in the listeners. 133. expedition n. 远征(队);考察(队) 134. expel v. 开除,驱逐=dismiss; ~ the trouble-making student排出=emitexpel the smoke in the kitchen 135. expire v. 期满Your passport ~s in a month.


大学英语六级翻译常用词汇:经济类 中国经济 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化 market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan


大学英语六级(语法与词汇)练习试卷51(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:7. V ocabulary and Grammar V ocabulary and GrammarDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1.When children call a boy “four eyes”because he wears glasses, they are speaking in ______. A.irony B.mockery C.sarcasm D.satire 正确答案:C 解析:近义词辨析。这四个选项的词性都是名词,都有“讽刺”的意思,其具体区别是:irony表示“反语”,指用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法;mockery表示“嘲讽,嘲笑”,指嘲讽或鄙视可笑之事,比如:made a mockery of the rules(取笑这些规定);sarcasm表示“讽刺,挖苦”,指意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语;satire表示“讽刺文学,讽刺”,常与文学术语连用。根据句意,我们选择sarcasm。知识模块:语法与词汇 2.Rural residents were ______ of their ability to find, download and analyze all of the information. A.mysterious B.cynical C.skeptical D.tolerant 正确答案:C 解析:惯用搭配题。根据常识可以得知,居住在乡下的人知识水平比较低,因此他们对应用新技术的能力应该是感到怀疑,选项[C]skeptical“怀疑的”常与介词of搭配,表示“对…感到怀疑”,符合句子的语义和搭配要求,故为答案。 [A]mysterious“神秘的”,形容某事物的性质,不表示人的观点态度;[B]cynical 意为“不愿相信别人或人类的好的动机、善行或正直”,如a cynical view of human nature(对人的本性的愤世嫉俗的观点);[D]tolerant“容忍的,宽恕的”,不能说人对能力宽恕,因此[D]不对。知识模块:语法与词汇 3.The president and his advisors discussed matters that ______ to the war. A.attain B.pertain C.retain


(完整)大学英语六级分类核心词汇(经典推荐) 一。名词 hospitality n.友好好客 pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 revenue n。税收,岁入 routine 常规,惯例,例行公事 scorn n。轻蔑,鄙视 shortage n. 短缺,不足 smash n。打碎,粉碎 stability n。稳定(性),稳固 stack n. 堆,一堆 standard n. 标准 surface n。表面 temperament n. 气质,性格 threshold n。开端,入口 tolerance n。容忍,忍耐力 transaction 处理,办理,交易 trend n。倾向,趋势 transition n. 过渡,转变 variation n。变化,变动 warehouse n。货仓 way n. 方式 access n. 入口,通路,接触 accommodation n. 住宿,膳宿 acknowledgement承认感谢致谢 pattern n。模式 penalty n。制裁,惩罚 pension n. 养老金 personality n. 人格,人性 pledge n。保证,誓言 position n. 位置,职位,职务 predecessor 前任,原有的事物 premise n. 前提,假设 prescription n. 处方 preservation n。保护,防护 prestige n。威信,威望 priority n. 优先(权) prestige n。威信,威望 prospect n。前景,可能性 rate n。速度 ration n。比率 reflection n. 反映,表现 recession n。 (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出 reputation n. 名声,声望 reservation n. 贮存,贮藏,预订 illusion n。错觉,假象 ingredient n。成分 insight n. 理解,洞察力 inspection n. 检查,视察 instinct n. 本能,直觉 integrity n。正直,诚实 intuition n. 直觉 lease n. 租约,契约 legislation n。立法,法律 limitation n. 局限性缺点 loyalty n。忠诚,忠心 luxury n. 奢侈,豪华 manifestation n。表现(形式) mechanism n. 机械装置 minority n. 少数 misfortune n. 不幸,灾难 morality n. 道德,美德 notion n。概念,观念,理解 obligation (法律上或道义上)责任 occasion n. 场合 opponent n. 敌人,对手 ornament n. 装饰,装饰品 admiration n。欣赏 advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者 allowance n. 津贴 ambition n。野心,雄心 analogy n。相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n。预期,期望 appreciation n. 感谢,感激 array n。陈列,一系列 assurance n. 保证 blame n。责任 blunder n。错误,大错 budget n. 预算 capability n. 能力,才能 cash n. 现金 circulation n. (书报等的)发行量 commitment n。承诺,许诺 compensation n. 补偿,赔偿 consideration n。考虑

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