当前位置:文档之家› 二中周练三





( ) 26. Do you know ____ woman in the picture?

Yes. She is Liu Yang, _____ first Chinese woman astronaut.

A. a a

B. the, an

C. an, the

D. the, the

( ) 27.I don’t ____ what you said because I don’t ____ y ou.

But I have changed a lot.

A. believe, believe in

B. believe in, believe

C. believe, believe

D. believe in, believe in

( ) 28. When did the old couple _____ married?

They have _____ married for thirty years.





( ) 29.How much is the ticket to Central Park?

A one-way ticket ____ $50, and you can ____ another $10 for a round-trip.

A. costs, pay

B. pays, spend

C. Costs, spend

D. spends, pay

( ) 30. Not only _____ polluted but _____ crowed.

Oh. How terrible!

A. was the city were the streets

B. the city was were the streets

C. was the city the streets were

D. the city was the streets were

( ) 31.Books are made ___ paper, and paper is made ___ wood.

A. from in

B. in from

C. of from

D. from of

( ) 32. ____ the end of the war, the people hated each other.

A. In

B. By

C. At

D. From

( ) 33.Do you feel like ____ or shall we go by bus?

I prefer to walk, but we have ____ a taxi, for time is short.

A. walking,to take

B. to walk,take

C. walking,taken

D. to walk,took ( ) 34. Did Carl go to Jack’s birthday party with you?

No, he ____.

A. haven’t invited

B. didn’t invite

C. isn’t invited

D. wasn’t invited ( ) 35.What do you think of this red shirt?

I like ___, but I prefer a yellow _____.

A. It, it

B. It, one

C. one, one

D. one, it

( ) 36. What are you looking for, Rose?

I am looking for the MP5 ____ my sister sent me last night.

A. that

B. who

C. whom

D. what

( ) 37.I visited a poor mountain village last year and I couldn’t believe ___ I saw.

Yes, something ___ we saw really seems to be unbelievable.

A. that, what

B. that, that

C. what, that

D. what, what

( ) 38. Seeing the national flag of China ____ me feel ___.

I agree with you.

A. Lets, exciting

B. Makes proud

C. Keeps, confidence

D. Gets, excited ( ) 39.How many students in your class didn’t pass PE exam?

_____. We are all lucky

A. Neither

B. No one

C. None

D. All

( ) 40. We seldom see the blue sky. Could you tell me ____?

There are many reasons, and the government has made a lot of laws to solve it.

A.How did it came so many smoggy days

B. What smoggy days are

C. Whether are there smoggy days

D. Why there are so many smoggy days


One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.

As Kate was coming out of a _41__, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green---a good friend of Kate’s sister. Kate __42___ her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She __43_ the driver where he should go. Kate was _44___ that it was not in the direction of her home.

“_45__?”Kate asked. The lady smiled.

When they come to a quiet road, a big rough man __46__ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, and threw him out of the __47__. At the same time, Miss Green take out of a knife and __48_ it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep _49___. The man then stared the taxi.

“Oh, my God! I’m being kidnapped, ”Kate said to herself.

She tried to escape, but not _50__. Suddenly an _51__ came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红)from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her __52_.

A few minutes later, a police car __53__ and the policeman saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policeman they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.

The policeman then _54__ Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also __55__ because their daughter had finally came back hone safely.

( ) 41. A. school B. taxi C. shop D. friend’s

( ) 42. A. knew B. believed C. thanked D .remembered ( ) 43. A. told B .asked C. wondered D. checked

( ) 44. A. sure B. excited C. surprised D. pleased

( ) 45. A .How B .Where C .When D.Why

( ) 46. A. drove B.climbed C.fell D.appeared

( ) 47. A .road B.sight C.taxi D .home

( ) 48. A. shouted B . played C . hurt D. pointed

( ) 49. A .healthy B. alive C .relaxed D .quiet

( ) 50. A. happened B .failed C. succeeded D. hurried

( ) 51. A .idea B .answer C. interest D .order

( ) 52. A. feet B .back C. dress D .lipstick

( ) 53. A .stopped B .left C .passed D. turned

( ) 54. A .lifted B. cleaned C .put D .picked

( ) 55. A .worried B .happy C. proud D. successful



Three Things to Do Before You Are 18

Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late.

Learn to swim

Seriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to do water sports like waterskiing, surf ing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it.

Try at least one kind of team sports

Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are so great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too---you will go to lots of parties and make many friends.

Collect something

One of the best hobbies for under ---18s is collecting things. You can collect some kinds of stamps, or you can collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or e-mails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(集物簿册)to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget.

( ) 56. The writer advises us to try the things before ____ years old.

A. 16

B. 17


D. 19

( ) 57. How many kinds of water sports are mentioned in the passage except swimming?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

( ) 58. Which is NOT the advantage of team sports?

A. To save your life

B. To keep fit

C. To make you happy

D. To think of others

( ) 59. Which of the skills is the most important according to the writer in the first paragraph?

A. swimming

B. Team sports

C. Collecting

D. Running

( ) 60. Who is this passage written to?

A. The old

B. Woman

C. Adults

D. The teenagers


Living healthily isn’t just about a strong and healthy body. It’s also about feeling good

every day. It’s not hard to have a healthy lifestyle.

Having a good diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you have vegetables and fruit every day. Avoid junk food. They have trans fats(反式脂肪)that can also be found in biscuits and cakes. Eating too much can lead to heart diseases.

Getting outdoors and being close to nature is also key. You can go for a walk, a hike or a bike ride. It is not only a great way to enjoy the beauty of the wild, but it also helps you get ride of stress and anxiety.

Don’t spend much time chatting on line or playing video games. You may thi nk it is a way to relax. But researchers at the University Of Gothenburg in Sweden point can develop stress and sleeping disorders. Children should limit their time in front of a screen to one or two hours per day, according to Reuters.

Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean quick changes. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards. So find out how to be healthy today. ( ) 61. Having a healthy diet includes the following EXCEPT ____

A. eating less trans fats

B. avoiding eating too much

C. having vegetables every day

D. eating more biscuits and cakes

( ) 62. Being close to nature can _____

A. stop you from getting ill

B. help you reduce pressure

C. help you study better

D. make you interested in animals

( ) 63. From paragraph 4, we can learn that____

A.limiting online time is the best way to keep healthy

B.spending much time playing online is a good way to relax

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2812780765.html,ing computers or mobile phones too often is bad for our health

D.having a healthy lifestyle means no computers or mobile phones

( ) 64.Which is the right way to create a healthy lifestyle?

A.Keeping a healthy diet several days a week

B.Making changes as quickly as possible

C.Trying to get rewards from life everyday

D.Taking your time and trying to making changes each day

( ) 65. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to feel good every day

B. how to keep a healthy lifestyle

C. What makes a person unhealthy

D. What a healthy diet is


I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. But English is very easy for me. I am good at it. I am very glad to tell you something about how I study English.

First, I think an interest in English is the most important thing in learning English. When I began to learn English, it was fresh for me. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is.

Second, English is a foreign language. So I learn it well in the following ways: listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and build up a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again. And I also have a good habit: asking for help whenever I have a question, I must make it clear by asking my English teacher or classmates. How happy I am when I understand.

Besides, I often read English articles, jokes and easy novels. They help me understand the meaning of some words well. So doing more reading is an important way to learn English well. And I also write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.

( ) 66. What does the writer think is the most important thing in learning English?

A. Interest

B. Way

C. Time

D. Teacher

( ) 67. What made the writer study English harder?

A. The jokes he read

B. The English songs he learnt

C. The articles he read

D. The good mark he got in an exam

( ) 68. What will the writer do if he had a question?

A.He will find the answers in the book

B. He will ask for help

C. He will think it over and over

D. He will discuss it with his


( ) 69. What does the writer think of reading?

A.It is the best way to learn English

B.It can make him know more about the world

C.It can help him understand words well

D.It can help him open his eyes

( ) 70. what’s the best title for the passage?

A. No pains, no gains

B. My ways to learn English

C. Interests is the best teacher

D. Reading more when learning English


Thankful empty kiss brings back threw away keep our cool

71. They ______________ most of their old things when they moved into a new house.

72. Never fail to be_______ to the people around.

73. Never forget to _________ each other good night.

74. That song always ___________ our memories of junior high school.

75. There isn’t a ____________ table. Woul d you mind sharing?


Do you always agree with your teachers? Sometimes you have a d____ answer to a math problem. Or perhaps they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w____.

What do you do then? A story said that more and more students are speaking out and even quarreling with their t_____.

It’s good for students to say w____ they think. In the past, few Chinese students dared to speak back to their teachers. It was a rule that what the teacher said is always r___. But now students are b_____ to think more e_____. So, never use rude words when you d____ agree with them.

Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For example, discuss the p___ after class.







要求:1. 语句通顺

2. 字数:80

提示词:健康不如从前:less healthier than before



________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一承智班化学周练试题(11)一、选择题 1.现有易溶强电解质的混合溶液10L,其中可能含有K+、Ba2+、Na+、NH4+、Cl-、SO42-、AlO2-、OH-中的几种,向其中通入CO2气体,产生沉淀的量与通入CO2的量之间的关系如下明所示,下列说法正确的是 A.该溶液中能确定存在的离子是Ba2+、AlO2-、NH4+ B.肯定不存在的离子是SO42-、OH- C.若不能确定的离子中至少还存在着一种阳离子,则该离子的最小浓度为0.2 mol/L D.OA段反应的离子方程式:2 AlO2-+ CO2+3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓+CO32- 2.下列关于铁的叙述正确的是( ) ①铁能被磁铁吸引,但纯铁易被腐蚀②在人体内的血红蛋白中含有铁元素③铁位于元素周期表中第四周期第ⅧB族④铁能在氧气中剧烈燃烧,但不能在水蒸气中燃烧⑤铁与强氧化剂硝酸反应的产物仅是Fe(NO3)3⑥不能通过化合反应制得FeCl2和Fe(OH)3 A.①③ B.②④ C.②⑤ D.④⑥ 3.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.向含有CaCO3沉淀的水中通入CO2至沉淀恰好溶解,再向溶液中加入NaHCO3饱和溶液,又有CaCO3沉淀生成 B.向Na2CO3溶液中逐滴加入等物质的量的稀盐酸,生成CO2与Na2CO3的物质的量之比为1 :2 C.等质量的NaHCO3和Na2CO3分别与足量盐酸反应,在同温同压下,生成的CO2体积相同 D.向Na2CO3饱和溶液中通入CO2,有NaHCO3结晶析出 4.设N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法错误的是 A.1 L 0.1 mol/L的NaHCO3溶液中,HCO3-、CO32-离子数之和为0.1N A B.44 g CO2、N2O组成的混合气体中所含有的原子数为3 N A C.36g3H2中含有的中子数目为24 N A D.2.24 L(标准状况)O2与钠反应时,转移电子数目可能为0.3 N A


武汉市七年级下期终压轴题训练 1.(10703黄陂区)如图,直线AB∥CD (1) 在图1中,∠BME、∠E、∠END的数量关系为(不需证明) 在图2中,∠BMF、∠F、∠FND的数量关系为(不需证明) (2) 如图3,NE平分∠FND,MB平分∠FME,且2∠E与∠F互补,求∠FME的大小 [ (3) 如图4中,∠BME=60°,EF平分∠MEN,NP平分∠END,E Q∥NP,则∠FE Q的大小是否发生变化,若变化,说明理由;若不变化,求∠FE Q的度数

2(10704二中广雅).如图1,已知直角梯形ABCO 中,∠AOC=90°,AB ∥x 轴,AB=6,若以点O 为原点,OA 、OC 所在直线为y 轴和x 轴建立如图所示直角坐标系,A (0,a),C(c,0)中,a ,c 满足0710=-+-+c c a (1)求出点A 、B 、C 的坐标; (2)如图2,若点M 从点C 出发,以2单位/秒的速度沿CO 方向移动,点N 从原点出发,以1单位/秒的速度沿OA 方向移动,设M 、N 两点同时出发,且运动时间为t 秒,当点N 从点O 运动到点A 时,点M 同时也停止运动,在它们的移动过程中,当2ABN OMBN S S ?≤四边形时,求t 的取值范围; (3)< (4) 如图3,若点N 是线段OA 延长线上一动点,∠NCH=k ∠OCH ,∠CNQ=k ∠BNQ ,其中k>1, NQ ∥CJ ,求 ABN HCJ ∠∠的值(结果用含k 的式子表示)。 ·

3(10701洪山区)如图,长方形ABCD 在平面直角坐标系中,点A(1,8),B(1,6),C(7,6),点X 、Y 分别在x 、y 轴上 (1) 请直接写出D 点的坐标_________ (2) 连接线段OB 、OD ,OD 交BC 于E ,∠BOY 的平分线和∠BEO 的平分线交于点F ,若∠BOE =n ,求∠OFE 的度数 (3) 若长方形ABCD 以每秒 2 3 个单位的速度向下运动,设运动的时间为t 秒,问在第一象限内是否存在某一时刻t ,使△OBD 的面积等于长方形ABCD 的面积的若存在,请求出t 的值;若不存在,请说明理由 》


武汉二中广雅中学英语周练(四) 笔试部分(95分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(20×1’) ()26. —I failed my maths test again. I really want to it. —Good. Work hard and you’ll make it. A. practice B. improve C. increase D. drop ()27. —There will be a perfect for you to go sightseeing abroad this summer. —Really? I hope I won’t miss it. A. experience B. advertisement C. opportunity D. organization ()28. —I put my money in the bank. I like to watch it . —If you have enough money, you’d better buy a new house. You see, the price is rising so fast. A. going B. raising C. lifting D. growing ()29. —Why were you late for today’s meeting? —My car and I had to walk. A. pulled down B. put down C. broke down D. turned down ()30. —How much should I pay for the beer? —None. It was . A. extra B. special C. convenient D. free ()31. —Why do you all like this TV program? —Because it us both knowledge and pleasure. A. brings B. affords C. provides D. spare ()32. —You look so happy, what you best? —I got an “A” in my English test. A. caused B. made C. trouble D. pleased ()33. —Where you this book? —At Xinhua Bookshop. A. do, buy B. were, buy C. did, buy D. are, buying ()34. —Spring usually in February or March in Wuhan. —I hope to visit the city next year. A. comes B. is coming C. came D. will come ()35. Could you let me know yesterday? A. who was on duty C. when did you leave home B. why were you absent D. what was your excuse for being late ()36. —Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Wuhan Plaza? —Walk along the read. It’s 200 meters away on your left. . A. You won’t pass it C. You can’s miss it B. You can’t see it D. You won’t lose it ()37. —When will you come to see me next week, on Monday or Wednesday? —I’m afraid day will suit me I’m very busy these days. A. both B. each C. neither D. either ()38. —What do you think of the Film 《2012》? —Fantastic. We are shocked by the in the movie. A. sceneries B. sights C. scenes D. views ()39. —Excuse me, May I sit have? —. The seat is taken.


2021年高一化学上学期第五次周练试卷 一、选择题 1.下列溶液中,Na+的物质的量浓度最大的是( ) A.1 mL 0.5 mol·L-1的NaOH溶液 B.100 mL 0.01 mol·L-1的NaCl溶液 C.100 mL 0.1 mol-1的NaOH溶液 D.10 mL 0.1 mol·L-1的Na2SO4溶液 2.下列溶液中的Cl-浓度与50 mL 1 mol·L-1 MgCl2溶液中的Cl-浓度相等的是( ) A.150 mL 1 mol·L-1 NaCl溶液 B.75 mL 2 mol·L-1 CaCl2溶液 C.150 mL 2 mol·L-1 KCl溶液 D.75 mL 1 mol·L-1 AlCl3溶液 3.将4 g NaOH溶解于水配成1 L溶液,从中取出10 mL,这10 mL溶液的物质的量浓度是( ) A.1 mol/L B.0.1 mol/L C.0.01 mol/L D.10 mol/L 4.在Na2SO4和Al2(SO4)3的混合溶液中,测得Al3+浓度为0.1 mol/L,加入等 4完全沉淀,则混合溶液中Na+的浓度体积0.3 mol/L的BaCl2溶液恰好使SO2-

为( ) A.0.3 mol/L B.0.45 mol/L C.0.6 mol/L D.0.15 mol/L 5.实验室里需用480 mL 0.1 mol/L的硫酸铜溶液,现选取500 mL容量瓶进行配制,以下操作正确的是(说明:胆矾为五水硫酸铜)( ) A.称取7.68 g硫酸铜,加入500 mL水 B.称取12.0 g胆矾,配成500 mL溶液 C.称取8.0 g硫酸铜,加入500 mL水 D.称取12.5 g胆矾,配成500 mL溶液 6.现有V L 0.5 mol/L的盐酸,欲将其浓度扩大一倍,以下方法中最宜采用的是( ) A.加热浓缩到原来体积的一半 B.加入0.05 mol/L的盐酸0.125V L C.加入10 mol/L的盐酸0.1V L,再稀释至1.5V L D.标况下通入11.2 L氯化氢气体 7.配制一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液时,造成所配溶液浓度偏高的原因是( ) A.所用NaOH已吸潮 B.向容量瓶中加水时液面低于刻度线即摇匀


2013—2014年学年度第二学期 泰州实验中学七年级语文周练试卷(二)2.26 班级学号姓名分数 第一部分积累运用(30分) 1、阅读下面文字,把文中拼音所表示的汉字和加点字的注音依次分类填在方格内。 这只小东西zhé伏了整个冬天,在初春温暖阳光的照耀下,它扑腾着玲珑tī透的翅膀,伸展着jiǎo jiàn的肢体,舞动着生命的旋律。 2、下列句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是(2分)() A.我家阳台上有迎春、石榴、月季……等。 B.做事前,要仔细想想为什么做这件事?怎样才能把这件事做好? C.书房布置得简朴文雅,右边墙上挂着一副对联,写的是“读万卷书,行万里路”。D.“真是一个粗心大意的孩子!”他微微一笑,露出白亮亮的牙齿,忽然又叹息一声:“唉,谁又不是这样呢?” 3、下列句子中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是(2分)() A.魅力的画面与逼真的音响效果相得益彰 ....,使这部影片达到很高的艺术水平。 B.朝鲜不顾世界各方坚决反对,再次进行核试验,在国际社会引起了强烈的轩然大波 ....。 C.自费留学需要一定的经济基础,一定要量力而行 ....。 D.从太空回眸我们这颗生存的星球,在变幻莫测 ....的白云的飘忽中,它总是散发着一种浅蓝色的绚丽,谁也说不清那究竟是大海还是气晕的颜色。 4、默写。(10分) (1),潭影空人心, (2)是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我, (3),禅房花木深。 (4)在这四年里,,,我咬紧了牙,哼都不哼一声。 (5)《登岳阳楼》中既是实写,又寓想象,把洞庭湖的气象描绘得壮阔而又生动的句子是:, , (6)送别是文学作品中常见的主题之一,请你写出古诗词中表达这种感情的句子(连续两句) , , (7),但余钟磬音 (8)戎马关山北,。 5名著阅读。(6分)


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 八年级(下)物理训练卷(一) 可能用到的物理量:g=10N/kg 一、选择题(每小题3分,满分45分,每小题只有一个答案符合题意) 1.如图所示,四个力中的一个与其他三个力所产生的作用效果不同的是() A.球拍对乒B.斧头对木C.手对弹簧D.瓶对海 乓球的力柴的力的拉力绵的力 2.下列体育项目中的一些现象,不能用“力的作用是相互的”来解释的是() A.跳水运动员踩踏跳饭.身体向上跳起 B.铅球运动员投出铅球后,身体随着向前倾倒 C.滑冰运动员用力推墙身体离墙而去 D.游泳运动员向后划水,身体前进 3.如图所示,四旋翼无人机下方用细线悬挂一个重物,不考虑空气阻力,则无人机在空中() A.悬停时,重物受到的重力与它对细线的拉力是一对平衡力 B.加速上升时,细线对重物的拉力等于重物所受到的重力 C.匀速下降时,重物所受的重力大于细线对重物的拉力 D.水平匀速飞行时,悬挂重物的细线会偏离竖直方向 4.如图所示,一根弹簧,一端固定在竖直墙上,在弹性奶度内用手水平拉伸弹簧的 另一端,下列有关“弹簧形变产生的力”的描述正确的是() A.手对弹簧的拉力B.墙对弹簧的拉力 C.弹簧对手的拉力D.以上说法都不正确 5.如图是汽车拉力赛途经的一段“S”形水平弯道,为了更安全,现场观众应站的位置是 图中() A.甲、丁B.甲、乙 C.丙、丁D.乙、丙 6.如图所示,在竖直平面内用轻质细线悬挂一个小球,将小球拉至A点,使细线处于拉 直状态,由静止开始释放小球,不计摩擦,小球可在A、B两点间来回摆动.小球摆到B 点时,细线恰好断开,则小球将() A.在B点保持静止 B.沿BE方向运动 C.沿BC方向运动 D.沿BD方向运动 7.乐乐同学随父母去看杂技表演,如图所示,是他看到杂技演员小强将小丽高高举起时的情景,下列说法正确的是() A.小强受到的重力与地面对小强的支持力是一对平衡力 B.小丽对小强的压力与小强对小丽的支持力是一对平衡力 C.小强受到的重力与地面对小强的支持力是一对相互作用力


武汉二中高一年级下学期期末考试 数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题, 每小题5分, 共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题 目要求的. 1. 已知α是第四象限角, 5 tan 12 α=- , 则sin α=( ) A. 15 B.15- C. 513 D.513 - 2. 如果直线12,l l 的斜率分别为二次方程2 410x x -+=的两个根, 那么1l 与2l 的夹角为( ) A .3 π B .4π C .6π D .8π 3. ? -?-10cos 220cos 32 =( ) A. 1 2 B. 2 C. 2 D. 4. 已知非负实数x ,y 满足条件?? ?≤+≤+6 25 y x y x , 则y x z 86+=的最大值是( ) A. 50 B. 40 C. 38 D.18 5. 把函数sin ()y x x =∈R 图象上所有的点向左平行移动3 π 个单位长度, 再把所得图象上所有点的横坐标缩短到原来的 1 2 倍(纵坐标不变), 得到的图象所表示的函数是( ) A .sin 23y x x π? ?=-∈ ???R , B .sin 26x y x π?? =+∈ ???R , C .sin 23y x x π? ?=+∈ ?? ?R , D .sin 23y x x 2π? ?=+∈ ?? ?R , 6. 已知)3,1(A , )3,3(--B , 直线l 过原点O 且与线段AB 有公共点, 则直线l 的斜率的取值范围是 ( ) A.???? ??3,33 B.(]?? ? ????∞-3,330,

C.??? ??3,23 D.[)+∞???? ? ?∞-,333, 7. 设a 、b 、c 是互不相等的正数, 则下列等式中不恒成立....的是 ( ) A .||||||c b c a b a -+-≤- B .a a a a 1 12 2+ ≥+ C .21 ||≥-+ -b a b a D .a a a a -+≤+-+213 8. 函数c bx ax x f ++=2 )(的图像如图所示, M=b a c b a +++-2, N=b a c b a -+++2, 则 ( ) A.M>N B.M=N C.M的解集是11,23?? - ??? , 则a b +的值是 ____________ 13. 已知关于x 的不等式m x x <-++11的解集不是空集, 则m 的取值范围是 ____________ 14. 若不共线的平面向量,,a b c 两两所成的角相等, 且满足1,2,4===a b c , 则 =a +b+c _____________ 15. △ABC 的三个内角A,B,C 的对边长分别为a ,b,c, R 是△ABC 的外接圆半径, 有下列四个条件:


2021-2022年高一化学下学期周练试题(I) 一、选择 题 1.下列物质按照纯净物、混合物、电解质和非电解质顺序排列的是()A.盐酸、天然气、醋酸、干冰 B.胆矾、漂白粉、氯化钾、氯气 C.氯化钠、福尔马林、硫酸钠、乙醇 D.单甘油酯、混甘油酯、苛性钾、石灰2.下列实验操作或处理正确的是 A.将NaOH溶液逐滴加入饱和的FeCl 3溶液中制取Fe(OH) 3 胶体 B.氯气泄漏后应顺风向低处跑 C.金属钠着火立刻用湿布盖灭 D.做完焰色反应实验的铂丝用稀盐酸清洗 3.对于①a g Na 2CO 3 ②a g Na 2 CO 3 和NaHCO 3 的混合物,下列描述正确的是 A.分别配成等体积的溶液,②的pH大 B.分别与盐酸反应时,②耗酸量大 C.分别与足量盐酸反应,②放出CO 2 多 D.分别配成等体积的溶液,②中Na+浓度大 4.下列试剂的保存或使用正确的是() A.金属锂保存在煤油中,取出使用前要用滤纸吸干煤油 B.过氧化钠比氧化钠稳定,可露置在空气中

C.称量NaOH固体时,可在天平两个托盘上各放一张等质量的纸,左边纸上放NaOH,右边纸上放砝码 D.做焰色反应实验时,透过蓝色钴玻璃,观察到火焰颜色为紫色,证明被检验物中一定有钾元素 5.下列反应的离子方程式正确的是 A.碳酸镁溶于硝酸中:CO 32-+2H+ === H 2 O+CO 2 ↑ B.AlCl 3水解反应:Al3+ + 3H 2 O === Al(OH) 3 ↓ + 3H+ C.向稀氨水中加入稀盐酸:NH 3·H 2 O + H+ === NH 4 + + H 2 O D.纯碱水解反应:CO 32-+ 2H 2 OH 2 CO 3 + 2OH- 6.下列反应的离子方程式书写不正确 ...的是 A.氯化铝溶液中加入过量氨水:Al3+ + 4NH 3·H 2 O = AlO 2 - + 4NH 4 + + 2H 2 O B.氧化亚铁溶于稀盐酸: FeO + 2H+= Fe2+ + H 2 O C.二氧化硅与烧碱溶液反应:SiO 2 +2OH-= SiO 3 2- + H 2 O D.除去氧化膜的铝片插入硝酸汞溶液中:2Al + 3Hg2+= 2Al3+ + 3Hg 7.下列离子方程式与所述事实相符且正确的是 A.Ca(HCO 3) 2 溶液中加入少量NaOH溶液:Ca2+ +2HCO 3 -+2OH-=CaCO 3 ↓+CO 3 2-+H 2 O B.磁性氧化铁溶于稀硝酸:3Fe2++4H++NO 3-3Fe3++NO↑+3H 2 O C.向含有0.4 mol FeBr 2的溶液中通入0.3 mol Cl 2 充分反应:4 Fe2++2 Br-+3Cl 2 =


武汉市七年级下期终压轴题训练 1.( 10703 黄陂区)如图,直线 AB∥CD (1)在图 1 中,∠ BME、∠ E、∠ END的数量关系为(不需证明) 在图 2 中,∠ BMF、∠ F、∠ FND的数量关系为(不需证明) (2)如图 3, NE平分∠ FND,MB平分∠ FME,且 2∠ E 与∠ F 互补,求∠ FME的大小 (3)如图 4 中,∠ BME=60°, EF 平分∠ MEN,NP平分∠ END, E Q∥ NP,则∠ FE Q的大小是否发生变化,若变化,说明理由;若不变化,求∠FE Q的度数

2( 10704 二中广雅) . 如图 1,已知直角梯形ABCO中,∠ AOC=90°, AB∥ x 轴, AB=6,若以点 O为原点, OA、 OC所在直线为y 轴和 x 轴建立如图所示直角坐标系,A( 0, a),C(c,0)中, a, c 满足a c 10 c 70 (1)求出点A、 B、 C的坐标; (2)如图 2,若点 M从点 C 出发,以 2 单位 / 秒的速度沿 CO方向移动,点以 1 单位 / 秒的速度沿 OA方向移动,设 M、N 两点同时出发,且运动时间为点 O运动到点 A 时,点 M同时也停止运动,在它们的移动过程中,当2S ABN N从原点出发,t 秒,当点N 从S 四边形 OMBN 时, 求 t 的取值范围; (3)如图 3,若点 N 是线段 OA延长线上一动点,∠NCH=k∠ OCH,∠ CNQ=k∠BNQ,其中 k>1, NQ∥ CJ,求HCJ 的值(结果用含k的式子表示)。ABN

3(10701 洪山区 ) 如图,长方形 ABCD在平面直角坐标系中,点A(1 ,8) ,B(1 ,6) ,C(7,6) ,点 X、 Y 分别在x、y轴上 (1)请直接写出 D 点的坐标 _________ (2)连接线段 OB、 OD,OD交 BC于 E,∠ BOY的平分线和∠ BEO的平分线交于点 F,若∠ BOE =n,求∠OFE的度数 (3)若长方形ABCD以每 秒3 个单位的速度向下运动,设运动的时间为t 秒,问在第一象限2 内是否存在某一时刻t ,使△OBD的面积等于长方 形 ABCD的面积的若存在,请求出t的值;若不存在,请说明理由


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 九年级起点考物理试卷 1.下列四个图中能体现“分子在不停息地运动”的是() A.荷花飘香B.柳絮飘舞C.雪花飞扬D.落叶纷飞2.下列对生活中的现象解释正确的是() A.破镜难重圆,说明分子间存在斥力 B.刚出炉的烤鸭香气四溢,说明温度越高,分子的运动越剧烈 C.尘土飞扬,说明分子在不停地做无规则运动 D.海边昼夜温差变化比沙漠中大,说明水的比热比容比沙石的比热容大 3.如图所示,对于下列实验中所描述的物理过程,说法正确的是() A.试管内的水蒸气推动塞子冲出去时,水蒸气的内能增大,机械能转化为内能 B.抽去玻璃隔板,两瓶中气体逐渐混合均匀,说明空气比二氧化氮的密度大 C.给瓶内打气,瓶内的空气推动塞子跳起来时,瓶内空气的内能减小 D.厚玻璃管中的空气被压缩时,管内空气的内能减小 4.下列各图所列举的事例中,改变内能的方式与其他三个不一样的是()A.B.C.D. 5.下列关于内能的说法正确的是() A.具有机械能的物体不一定具有内能B.物体温度不变,内能一定不变 C.物体没有吸热,内能一定不变 D.在温度、状态和物质种类均相同的情况下,物体的质量越大,内能越大 6.用细线绑住干净的玻璃板,将玻璃板吊在弹簧测力计的 对试管加热, 管内水温升高 冬天搓手, 手会变暖 从滑梯滑下, 臀部发热 “钻木”能“取火”

下面,静止时测力计示数为F1;又使玻璃板水平接触水面, 然后稍稍用力向上拉玻璃板,且没有离开水面,如图所示, 测力计示数为F2;再将玻璃板慢慢浸没在水中,玻璃板没 有接触杯底,静止时测力计示数为F3。则() A.F2 > F1 > F3B.F1 > F2 > F3 C.F2 > F1 = F3 D.F1 = F2 = F3 7.如图所示,是汽油机工作时的四个冲程,其中使汽车获得动力的冲程是() A B C D 8.如图所示,规格相同的容器装了相同质量的纯净水,用不同加热器加热,忽略散热,得到如图所示的水温与加热时间的图线,则() A.乙中温度计的示数为32℃ B.加热相同的时间,两杯水吸收的热量相同 C.吸收相同的热量,甲杯的水升温比乙杯多 D.甲杯的水加热2min与乙杯的水加热3min吸收的热量相同 9.利用如图所示的装置,运用控制变量的法,通过观察现象即可比较酒精和碎纸热值的大小。为完成实验,要求() A.酒精和碎纸的质量相同,两只烧杯内水的质量相同 B.酒精和碎纸的质量不同,两只烧杯内水的质量不同 C.酒精和碎纸的质量相同,两只烧杯内水的质量不同 D.酒精和碎纸的质量不同,两只烧杯内水的质量相同 10.以下四幅图中,关于能量转化说法错误的是() A.图甲所示,过山车向下运动时是重力势能转化为动能

2021年高一上学期第八次周练化学试题 含答案

一、选择题 1.下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是 ( ) A.HClO B.Cl 2 C.NaHCO 3D.CO 2 2.分类法是一种行之有效、简单易行的科学方法,人们在认识事物时可以 采取多种分类方法。下列关于“Na 2SO 3 ”的分类不正确的是( ) A.强酸盐B.强碱盐 C.电解质D.正盐 3.(双选)关于酸、碱、盐的下列各种说法中,正确的是( ) A.化合物电离时,生成的阳离子是氢离子的是酸 B.化合物电离时,生成的阴离子是氢氧根离子的是碱 C.化合物电离时,生成金属阳离子和酸根离子的是盐 D.NH 4 Cl是盐 4.把0.05 mol醋酸分别加入到下列100 mL溶液中,溶液的导电能力变化最明显的( ) A.0.5 mol/L NaOH溶液B.0.5 mol/L盐酸 C.0.5 mol/L NH 4 Cl溶液D.0.5 mol/L氨水

5.下列叙述正确的是( ) A.纯碱和烧碱都属于碱 B.氨水能导电,所以NH 3 是电解质 C.利用丁达尔效应可以区别溶液与胶体 D.凡是能电离出H+的化合物都叫做酸 6.今有一种固体化合物X,X本身不导电,但熔化状态或溶于水中能够电离,下列关于该化合物X的说法中,正确的是( ) A.X一定是电解质B.X可能为非电解质 C.X只能是盐类D.X可以是任意化合物 7.NaOH、Na 2CO 3 、NaCl、Na 2 SO 4 可按某种标准划分为一类物质,下列分类标 准不正确的是( ) A.钠的化合物B.可与硝酸反应 C.可溶于水D.电解质 8.下列各组物质,前者属于电解质,后者属于非电解质的是( ) A.NaCl晶体、BaSO 4 B.铜、二氧化硫 C.液态的醋酸、酒精D.熔融的KNO 3 、硫酸溶液9.下列关于电解质说法正确的是( ) A.能导电的物质叫电解质 B.电解质在通电时发生电离


2017-2018二中八下周练(一) 二、单项选择 26. --_________? -----I have a stomachache. A. What can I do for you B. What’s the matter with you C. What’s wrong to you D. What’s the wrong with you 27. –Jimmy, could you please take out the rubbish? --______________. A. That sounds interesting B. Of course, I’ll do it at once C. Sorry, I couldn’t D. My pleasure 28. –Let’s ______ a time to meet. I miss you so much ! ----How about this Sunday? A. look up B. give up C. fix up D. put up 29.— Many teenagers show (an) ________ in the game of King Glory now. --I agree, but they can’t be lost in the game. A. control B. interest C. feeling D. experience 30. –Do you know that Coco won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film? --Yeah, the news ________ my spirit a lot. A. grew B. added C. rose D. raised 31. –You hurt my feelings by doing that. –I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t _______ to. A. want B. decide C. mean D. plan 32. –Look at the dark clouds in the sky up! --Hurry up! Dark clouds are often _______ of the heavy rain. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. message 33. –This cup of coffee is too ________ for me to drink. --Maybe you should add some water of milk. A. heavy B. excited C. strong D. light 34. –What happened to Mary? She is so scared. --She saw a terrible car accident just now. Her voice ________ as she told us about it. A. cut B. troubled C. hurt D. broke 35. –What would you like, tea or coffee ? -- ________, thanks. I’d like a cup of water. A. Neither B. Either C. Each D. None 36. –How does Jim go to school? --He ________ to school in his father’s car, but now he _________ to school. A. is used to go, is used to walking B. used to go, is used to walk. C. is used to walking, used to walk D. used to go, is used to walking 37. –Why were you so excited just now? --I_________ going on a journey to Sanya for summer vacation. A. imagined B. noticed C. trained D. risked 38. –What’s the trouble with Judy? --Her legs ________and she fell down because of a long walk. A. put out B. broke out C. try out D. gave out 39. –Look! Mario is standing ________ there. I want to cheer him up. --I think you don’t need to. Just leave him ________. Mayb e he needs some quiet time now. A. lonely; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. alone, lonely 40. –As a monitor, don’t turn a ________ eye to some students’ bad behavior in the class. --I can’t agree more.


武汉二中广雅中学运动和力单元专项训练 一、选择题 1.如图甲所示,水平地面上的一个物体受到水平推力F的作用,物体的速度v与时间t的关系如图乙所示。下列说法中正确的是() A.0~2s,推力小于摩擦力B.2~4s,物体做匀速运动 C.4~6s,推力等于摩擦力D.0~6s,推力的大小始终不变 2.如图所示,用细线将小球悬挂在无人机上,图甲中无人机带着小球竖直向上运动;图乙中无人机带着小球水平向右运动;两图中,小球与无人机均保持相对静止,不计空气阻力。下列说法中正确的是() A.甲图中,小球可能做加速直线运动 B.甲图中,若悬挂小球的细线突然断了,小球立刻向下运动 C.乙图中,小球可能做匀速直线运动 D.乙图中,小球受到的重力和细绳对小球的拉力是一对平衡力 3.如图卫星沿椭圆轨道绕地球运行,离地球最近的一点叫近地点,最远的一点叫远地点,它在大气层外运行,假若卫星运动到远地点位置时所有外力消失,那么卫星将会() A.在远地点静止B.沿远地点切线方向做匀速直线运动C.落回地球D.仍然会沿着原来的椭圆轨道匀速运行4.如图,轻质弹簧竖直放置,下端固定于地面,上端位于O点时弹簧恰好不发生形变.现将一小球放在弹簧上端,再用力向下把小球压至图中A位置后由静止释放,小球将竖直向上运动并脱离弹簧,不计空气阻力,则小球()

A.运动至最高点时,受平衡力作用 B.被释放瞬间,所受重力大于弹簧弹力 C.从A点向上运动过程中,速度先增大后减小 D.从O点向上运动过程中,重力势能转化为动能 5.如图所示, “舞狮”是我国传统年俗活动,此时狮子静止在支架上,关于该活动说法正确的是 A.狮子对支架的压力和和狮子受到的重力是一对相互作用力 B.狮子受到的重力和支架受到狮子的压力是一对平衡力 C.当狮子向上跃起时,狮子受到的是非平衡力 D.狮子向上跃起后到达最高点的瞬间,受到的是平衡力 6.下列情况中,属于一对平衡力的是() A.静止在桌面上的书,书对桌面的压力和桌面对书的支持力 B.苹果下落时所受的重力和苹果对地球的吸引力 C.沿竖直方向匀速下降的跳伞运动员,运动员与伞的总重力和空气阻力 D.在平直公路上匀速行驶的汽车的牵引力和重力。 7.弹跳杆运动是一项广受欢迎的运动.其结构如图甲所示.图乙是小希玩弹跳杆时由最低位置上升到最高位置的过程,针对此过裎(处在最低位置时高度为零).下列分析正确的是 A.在a状态时弹簧的弹性势能最大,小希的动能为零


命题人:高美山 【试卷综析】本次高三数学模拟试题从整体看,既注重了对基础知识的重点考查,也注重了对能力的考查。突出考查数学主干知识 ,侧重于中学数学学科的基础知识和基本技能的考查;侧重于知识交汇点的考查。尤其是解答题,涉及内容均是高中数学的重点知识。明确了中学数学的教学方向和考生的学习方向。较多试题是以综合题的形式出现,在考查学生基础知识的同时,能考查学生的能力。 符合高考命题的趋势和学生的实际。 一、选择题(每小题5分,共50分). 1.已知全集,U R =且{}{}2|12,|680,A x x B x x x =->=-+<则() U C A B 等于( ) A.[1,4)- B. (1,4)- C.(2,3) D. (2,3] 【知识点】含绝对值的不等式、一元二次不等式的解法,集合的运算。 【答案解析】 D 解析 :解:由12121213x x x x x ->?-<-->?<->或或, 所以A={}|13x x x <->或,所以{}|13U C A x x =-≤≤. 由()()268024024x x x x x -+或, 从而得{}|13U C A x x =-≤≤。再将集合B 化简得{}|24B x x =<<,所以() U C A B =(2,3]. 2. 下列说法正确的是( ) A. 若,a R ∈则“ 11a <”是“1a >”的必要不充分条件 B . “p q ∧为真命题”是“p q ∨为真命题”的必要不充分条件 C. 若命题:p “,sin cos x R x x ?∈+≤”,则p ?是真命题 D. 命题“0,x R ?∈使得20 0230x x ++<”的否定是“2,230x R x x ?∈++>” 【知识点】充要条件;命题的真假;命题的否定. 【答案解析】 A 解析 :解:对于选项A: 11a <解得a>1或a<0, 则“11a <”是“1a >”的必要不充分条件,所以选项A 正确. 对于选项B :“p q ∧为真命题”是“p q ∨为真命题”的充分不必要条件,所以选项B 不正确. 对于选项C :命题:p “,sin cos x R x x ?∈+≤”,是真命题,则p ?是假命题,所以选项C 不正确.

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.30)化学试题 含答案

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.30)化学试题含答案 一、选择题 1.现有易溶强电解质的混合溶液10L,其中可能含有K+、Ba2+、Na+、NH 4 +、Cl-、 SO 42-、AlO 2 -、OH-中的几种,向其中通入CO 2 气体,产生沉淀的量与通入CO 2 的量之 间的关系如下明所示,下列说法正确的是 A.该溶液中能确定存在的离子是Ba2+、AlO 2-、NH 4 + B.肯定不存在的离子是SO 4 2-、OH- C.若不能确定的离子中至少还存在着一种阳离子,则该离子的最小浓度为0.2 mol/L D.OA段反应的离子方程式:2 AlO2-+ CO2+3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓+CO32- 2.下列关于铁的叙述正确的是( ) ①铁能被磁铁吸引,但纯铁易被腐蚀②在人体内的血红蛋白中含有铁元素③铁位于元素周期表中第四周期第ⅧB族④铁能在氧气中剧烈燃烧,但不能在水蒸气中燃烧⑤铁与强氧化剂硝酸反应的产物仅是Fe(NO3)3⑥不能通过化合反应制得FeCl2和Fe(OH)3 A.①③ B.②④ C.②⑤ D.④⑥ 3.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.向含有CaCO3沉淀的水中通入CO2至沉淀恰好溶解,再向溶液中加入NaHCO3饱和溶液,又有CaCO3沉淀生成 B.向Na2CO3溶液中逐滴加入等物质的量的稀盐酸,生成CO2与Na2CO3的物质的量之比为1 :2 C.等质量的NaHCO3和Na2CO3分别与足量盐酸反应,在同温同压下,生成的CO2体积相同

D.向Na2CO3饱和溶液中通入CO2,有NaHCO3结晶析出 4.设N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法错误的是 A.1 L 0.1 mol/L的NaHCO3溶液中,HCO3-、CO32-离子数之和为0.1N A B.44 g CO2、N2O组成的混合气体中所含有的原子数为3 N A C.36g3H2中含有的中子数目为24 N A D.2.24 L(标准状况)O2与钠反应时,转移电子数目可能为0.3 N A 5.某学生用 Na2CO3和 KHCO3组成的某混合物进行实验,测得如下数据 (盐酸的物质的量浓度相等且不考虑HCl的挥发) 下列有关的说法中,正确的是 A.盐酸的物质的量浓度为 2 mol·L-1 B.原混合物样品中 n(Na2CO3)∶n(KHCO3)=1:1 C.实验②中,混合物过量 D.实验④反应后,至少需继续加入 40ml 的该盐酸溶液才能把12.24g 的混合物全部反应6.分别将23 g金属钠放入足量的m g水中和24 g金属镁放入足量的m g稀盐酸中,反应后所得溶液的质量分别为a g和b g。那么a和b的关系应是 A.a=b B.ab D.无法确定 7.下列各组物质互相作用时,生成物不随反应条件或反应物的量变化而变化的是A.NaHCO3溶液和NaOH溶液 B.NaOH溶液和CO2 C.Na和O2 D.Na2CO3溶液和盐酸 8.焰火表演,精彩纷呈,有着浓厚的地方特色,让人惊叹不已。下列关于焰色反应的说法正确的是 A.每次焰色反应实验前,铂丝要先用硫酸洗涤 B.用固体样品或配成相应的溶液进行焰色反应,现象相同 C.焰色反应均应透过蓝色钴玻璃观察 D.非金属单质燃烧时火焰均为无色


二中周练三 二.单选(15×1) ( ) 26. Do you know ____ woman in the picture? Yes. She is Liu Yang, _____ first Chinese woman astronaut. A. a a B. the, an C. an, the D. the, the ( ) 27.I don’t ____ what you said because I don’t ____ y ou. But I have changed a lot. A. believe, believe in B. believe in, believe C. believe, believe D. believe in, believe in ( ) 28. When did the old couple _____ married? They have _____ married for thirty years. A.get;got B.get,been C.get;\ D.be;been ( ) 29.How much is the ticket to Central Park? A one-way ticket ____ $50, and you can ____ another $10 for a round-trip. A. costs, pay B. pays, spend C. Costs, spend D. spends, pay ( ) 30. Not only _____ polluted but _____ crowed. Oh. How terrible! A. was the city were the streets B. the city was were the streets C. was the city the streets were D. the city was the streets were ( ) 31.Books are made ___ paper, and paper is made ___ wood. A. from in B. in from C. of from D. from of ( ) 32. ____ the end of the war, the people hated each other. A. In B. By C. At D. From ( ) 33.Do you feel like ____ or shall we go by bus? I prefer to walk, but we have ____ a taxi, for time is short. A. walking,to take B. to walk,take C. walking,taken D. to walk,took ( ) 34. Did Carl go to Jack’s birthday party with you? No, he ____. A. haven’t invited B. didn’t invite C. isn’t invited D. wasn’t invited ( ) 35.What do you think of this red shirt? I like ___, but I prefer a yellow _____. A. It, it B. It, one C. one, one D. one, it ( ) 36. What are you looking for, Rose? I am looking for the MP5 ____ my sister sent me last night. A. that B. who C. whom D. what ( ) 37.I visited a poor mountain village last year and I couldn’t believe ___ I saw. Yes, something ___ we saw really seems to be unbelievable. A. that, what B. that, that C. what, that D. what, what ( ) 38. Seeing the national flag of China ____ me feel ___. I agree with you. A. Lets, exciting B. Makes proud C. Keeps, confidence D. Gets, excited ( ) 39.How many students in your class didn’t pass PE exam? _____. We are all lucky A. Neither B. No one C. None D. All ( ) 40. We seldom see the blue sky. Could you tell me ____? There are many reasons, and the government has made a lot of laws to solve it. A.How did it came so many smoggy days B. What smoggy days are C. Whether are there smoggy days D. Why there are so many smoggy days 三.完型填空。(15×1) One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Kate was coming out of a _41__, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green---a good friend of Kate’s sister. Kate __42___ her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She __43_ the driver where he should go. Kate was _44___ that it was not in the direction of her home. “_45__?”Kate asked. The lady smiled. When they come to a quiet road, a big rough man __46__ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, and threw him out of the __47__. At the same time, Miss Green take out of a knife and __48_ it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep _49___. The man then stared the taxi. “Oh, my God! I’m being kidnapped, ”Kate said to herself. She tried to escape, but not _50__. Suddenly an _51__ came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红)from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her __52_. A few minutes later, a police car __53__ and the policeman saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policeman they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away. The policeman then _54__ Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also __55__ because their daughter had finally came back hone safely. ( ) 41. A. school B. taxi C. shop D. friend’s ( ) 42. A. knew B. believed C. thanked D .remembered ( ) 43. A. told B .asked C. wondered D. checked ( ) 44. A. sure B. excited C. surprised D. pleased ( ) 45. A .How B .Where C .When D.Why ( ) 46. A. drove B.climbed C.fell D.appeared ( ) 47. A .road B.sight C.taxi D .home ( ) 48. A. shouted B . played C . hurt D. pointed ( ) 49. A .healthy B. alive C .relaxed D .quiet ( ) 50. A. happened B .failed C. succeeded D. hurried ( ) 51. A .idea B .answer C. interest D .order ( ) 52. A. feet B .back C. dress D .lipstick ( ) 53. A .stopped B .left C .passed D. turned ( ) 54. A .lifted B. cleaned C .put D .picked ( ) 55. A .worried B .happy C. proud D. successful 四.阅读理解。(15×2) A Three Things to Do Before You Are 18 Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late. Learn to swim Seriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to do water sports like waterskiing, surf ing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it. Try at least one kind of team sports Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are so great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too---you will go to lots of parties and make many friends. Collect something One of the best hobbies for under ---18s is collecting things. You can collect some kinds of stamps, or you can collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or e-mails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(集物簿册)to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget. ( ) 56. The writer advises us to try the things before ____ years old. A. 16 B. 17 C.18 D. 19 ( ) 57. How many kinds of water sports are mentioned in the passage except swimming? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five ( ) 58. Which is NOT the advantage of team sports? A. To save your life B. To keep fit C. To make you happy D. To think of others ( ) 59. Which of the skills is the most important according to the writer in the first paragraph? A. swimming B. Team sports C. Collecting D. Running ( ) 60. Who is this passage written to? A. The old B. Woman C. Adults D. The teenagers B Living healthily isn’t just about a strong and healthy body. It’s also about feeling good every day. It’s not hard to have a healthy lifestyle. Having a good diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you have vegetables and fruit every day. Avoid junk food. They have trans fats(反式脂肪)that can also be found in biscuits and cakes. Eating too much can lead to heart diseases. Getting outdoors and being close to nature is also key. You can go for a walk, a hike or a bike ride. It is not only a great way to enjoy the beauty of the wild, but it also helps you get ride of stress and anxiety. Don’t spend much time chatting on line or playing video games. You may thi nk it is a way to relax. But researchers at the University Of Gothenburg in Sweden point can develop stress and sleeping disorders. Children should limit their time in front of a screen to one or two hours per day, according to Reuters. Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean quick changes. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards. So find out how to be healthy today. ( ) 61. Having a healthy diet includes the following EXCEPT ____ A. eating less trans fats B. avoiding eating too much C. having vegetables every day D. eating more biscuits and cakes ( ) 62. Being close to nature can _____ A. stop you from getting ill B. help you reduce pressure C. help you study better D. make you interested in animals ( ) 63. From paragraph 4, we can learn that____ A.limiting online time is the best way to keep healthy

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