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Unit1 Art


aim n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力

typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的

adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养

possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配

a great deal 大量

attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图

on the other hand (可是)另一方面

predict vt.预言;预告;预测

specific adj.确切的;特定的

appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt. 将……上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求

appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣


1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.


2.序数词the first/the second/the last(+ sb.) + to do是一种常见结构,表示“最早、第二、最后做某事的人”,其中的不定式作后置定语;如果主语和不定式之间有被动关系,不定式应使用被动结构to be done。例如:

My monitor is always the first to come to school and the last to leave.


To tell the truth, he was the last person to be met with by the manager.


3.It is amazing/surprising/astonishing/shocking that...是一种常见句型,表示“……令人吃惊、震惊、惊讶等”,其中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句作句子的真正主语。这种句型可以用to one's amazement/surprise/astonishment/shock 这些短语作状语来改写。

It is surprising that children who are seven years old don't know how to brush one's teeth.


To our shock, the terrorist explosion caused over one hundred deaths.



Unit2 Poems


concrete adj. 具体的

flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的

take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容

run out of 用完

be made up of 由……构成

in particular 尤其;特别

eventually adv. 最后;终于

transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造变换

appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的

exchange n.交换;交流;互换 vt. & vi. 调换;交换

sponsor n. 主办者;倡议者 vt. 发起;举办;倡议

try out 测试;试验

let out 发出;放走


1.This is why... 这就是......的原因。(强调结果)

This is because... 这是因为......(强调原因)

The reason why...is/was that...(......的原因是......)一般用that引导表语从句。

2.There are various reasons why people write poetry.


3.The language is concrete but imaginative, and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition.


4.By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.


5.Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines.


6.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own.



Unit3 A healthy life


abuse n. & vt. 滥用;虐待

stress n. 压力;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张

ban vt. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令;谴责

due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的

due to 由于……

automatic adj. 无意识的;自动的mental adj. 精神的;智力的

effect n. 结果;效力

strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强 vi. 变强decide on 对……作出决定

feel like (doing) 想要(做)……desperate adj.绝望的,拼命的disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的

in spite of 不顾;不管


Unit 1 Art 1. abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要 2. faith n. 信任;信心;信念faithfully adv. 忠实地 3. aim n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 4. adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 5. possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 possession n. (尤作复数)所有; 财产 6.technique n. 技术;方法;技能 7. coincidence n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合by coincidence 巧合地 8. ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 9. attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图 10. appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt. 将……上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求 appeal to (对某人)有吸引力; (使某人)感兴趣 短语集锦 1)详细地in detail 2)集中精力concentrate on 3)拥有take possession of 4)使某人信服convince sb of/that 5)大量a great deal (of) 6)脱离、摆脱break away from 7)渴望be eager for sth/ to do sth 8)接受……为accept … as… 9)本人in the flesh 10)一束鲜花a bunch of flowers 11)宁愿…而不愿…would rather do…than do…; prefer to do… rather than do… 12)偏爱have a preference for 13)各种各样的a variety of Unit 2 Poems 1. convey vt. 传达;运送 2. flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的; 柔顺的 3. pattern n. 模式;式样;图案 4. tease vi. & vt. 取笑;招惹;戏弄 5. salty adj. 含盐的;咸的 6. eventually adv. 最后;终于 7. transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造 变换8. appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的 9. exchange n. 交换;交流;互换 vt. & vi. 调换;交换10. load n. 负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的)短语集锦 1)列举make a list of 2)给某人留下印象leave/make an impression on sb 3)放松,不要紧张take it easy 4)用完,消耗光run out (of sth) 5)由……组成be made up of/ consist of 6)受……欢迎be popular with 7)尤其、特别in particular 8)值得be worth + n / doing sth 9)碰巧by chance/ accident 10)测试;试验try out 11)发出;释放let out


高中英语选修六知识点总结 学得越多,懂得越多,想得越多,领悟得就越多,就像滴水一样,一滴水或许很快就会被太阳蒸发,但如果滴水不停的滴,就会变成一个水沟,越来越多,越来越多,下面给大家带来一些关于高中英语选修六知识点总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 高中英语选修六知识点1 Unit1 Art 重点词汇、短语 aim n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的 adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 a great deal 大量 attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图 on the other hand (可是)另一方面 predict vt.预言;预告;预测 specific adj.确切的;特定的 appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt. 将……上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求 appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 重点句型 1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris. 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。 2.序数词the first/the second/the last(+ sb.) + to do是一种常见结构,表示“最早、第二、最后做某事的人”,其中的不定式作后置定语;如果主语和不定式之间有被动关系,不定式应使用被动结构to be done。例如:


人教版高中英语必修6内容全解 话题素材——艺术 好词 1.appreciation n. 欣赏 2.inspiration n. 灵感;启发 3.vivid adj. 栩栩如生的;鲜艳的 4.works n. 著作;作品 5.typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的 6.on exhibition 在展示中 7.sense of beauty 美感 8.work of art 艺术作品 9.under the influence of 受……的影响 10.break away (from) 脱离;放弃 11.enrich one's life 丰富某人的生活 12.for sale 待售 13.show one's talent for... 展现对……的天赋 14.shape one's character 塑造某人的品格 15.art_gallery 画廊;美术馆 佳句 1.Both his paintings and his passion for art have_given_me_endless_inspiration. 他的画作和他对艺术的热爱都给了我无尽的灵感。 2.The exhibition gives local artists an_opportunity_to_display_their_works. 这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。 3.As_for art, there are so many great artists that_I_just_admire. 关于艺术,有那么多我崇拜的艺术家。

[精美语篇] Dear John, I have good news to tell you. A famous Shaoxing Opera, Butter fly Lovers, will be put on in Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 p.m. on August the fifth. I know you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the local operas. I hope this opportunity will not only make you happy, but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas. If you can come, I suggest we have a look at the Museum of the Traditional Opera near the theater after the performance. There, I believe, you can know the history of many Chinese operas, which can increase your knowledge about Chinese culture. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 高频单词 1.faith (n.) 信任;信心;信念→faithful (adj.) 忠实的→faithfully (adv.) 忠实地 2.typical (adj.) 典型的;有代表性的→type (n.) 种类;类型(v.) 打字 3.consequently (adv.) 所以;因而→consequent (adj.) 作为结果的;随之发生的→consequence (n.) 结果;影响 4.aim (n.) 目标;目的(vi.&vt.) 瞄准;(向某方向)努力→(反义词)aimless (adj.) 无目的的 5.evident (adj.) 明显的;明白的→evidence (n.) 证据 6.possess (vt.) 拥有;具有;支配→possession (n.) (尤作复数)所有;财产 7.predict (vt.) 预言;预告;预测→prediction (n.) 预言;预测→predictable (adj.) 可预见的→predictor (n.) 预言者 8.exhibition (n.) 展览;陈列;展览会→exhibit (vt.&vi.) 陈列;展览 9.civilization (n.) 文明;文化;文明社会→civilize (vt.) 使文明;使开化→civilized (adj.) 文明的;开化的 10.preference (n.) 喜爱;偏爱→prefer (vt.) 宁愿;更喜欢 11.visual (adj.) 视觉的;看得见的→vision (n.) 视力;视觉;洞察力→visually (adv.) 视觉上地;真实地 12.contemporary (adj.) 当代的;同时代的(n.) 同辈人;同代人 13.technique (n.)技术;方法;技能→technical(adj.)技术的;工艺的;与技术有关的 14.coincidence (n.)巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合→coincident (adj.)巧合的


高中英语选修六的知识点总结 高中英语选修六的知识点总结 高中英语选修六是一个相对难度较大的课程,其中包含了许多重要的知识点。下面将对选修六的知识点进行总结,帮助学习者更好地准备和学习这一课程。 1. Literature 该部分主要内容包括英美文学史、文学流派、典籍简介等。在英美文学史方面,要了解各个时期的文学特点、代表作品和作者。在文学流派方面,要熟悉不同流派的特点、代表作品和作家,并能够运用相关的术语来进行分析和解读。典籍方面则要熟悉一些重要的名著,如莎士比亚的戏剧、爱伦•坡的恐怖 小说等。 2. Grammar 语法是英语学习的基石,在选修六中也是非常重要的部分。这一部分内容包括词汇、句子结构、语态、时态、虚拟语气、倒装句等。在学习这些知识点时,需要注意细节,特别是注意使用时的注意事项。 3. Writing 写作是英语学习的重要部分之一,它分为两个方面:一是文章结构的组织、二是语言的表达。在学习文章结构方面,要熟悉各种不同类型的文章结构,比如议论文、说明文、议论文

等。在语言表达方面,要注意字词的准确性、词语搭配和句子结构。 4. Listening and Speaking 听力和口语是语言能力的体现。在选修六中,听力和口语的训练主要集中在理解听力材料和能够流利地表达自己的观点。要锻炼听力和口语能力,可以通过听录音、看电视、参加英语角等方式来进行训练。 5. Reading and Comprehension 阅读理解是英语学习的重要部分之一,它包括阅读理解和阅读技巧两个方面。在阅读理解方面,要提高自己理解能力,能够从文章中获取信息、理解文章的意思和推测信息。在阅读技巧方面,要掌握一些阅读技巧,在阅读过程中快速获取信息。 以上就是高中英语选修六的知识点总结,希望对大家有所帮助。要想学好选修六,需要不断地练习和提高自己的英语实力,坚持不懈,定能取得好成绩。

高中英语人教新课标选修六 Unit 4 Global warming知识点复习

Unit 4 Global warming 核心单词 1. subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 vt.(签署)文件;捐助 常用结构: subscribe to ... 同意,赞许;(在文件等下面)签名,署名 subscribe sth. to ... 捐助 subscribe to/for ... 订阅;订购(书籍等) He did not subscribe to my proposal. 他不赞同我的建议。 He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。 He subscribed his name to a petition. 他在请愿书上签名。 高手过招 翻译句子 ①只有疯子才会同意这样的观点。 ②我订了一份《妇女周刊》。 答案:①No one but mad people would subscribe to such views. ②I subscribed to a Weekly Women’s magazine. 2. tend vt. & vi.(常与to连用)有某种倾向;有……的趋势;走向;趋向;朝向;照管,照料;看护 People under stress tend to express their full range of potential. 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。 He tends to pitch the ball too high. 他往往把球掷得过高。 Prices are tending upward. 物价在上涨。 The woman stayed at home to tend her child. 那个妇女呆在家里照料她的孩子。 高手过招 单项填空 I never forget the days when I was by the villagers when I was wounded. Tended B. observed C. monitored D. Cared 解析:选A。tend 用作及物动词,意为“照顾;照料”;observe观察;注意;monitor 监视;监控;care为不及物动词,care for 才有“照顾;照料”的意思。 3. oppose vt.反对;反抗;对抗;(与to连用)使反对,使相对 Many members of the council opposed the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city. 许多议会议员反对在市中心建造豪华型住宅。 My mother is opposed to the new plan.


高三英语选修六的知识点分析归纳 英语基础知识的复习要以课本为纲,按照知识之间的内在联系,将它们进行分类整理.在这个过程中,要注意以新带旧,使初中和高中所学的知识形成系统,总结出规律性,这样才能融会贯通,也才能把知识转化为能力.以下是小编给大家整理的高三英语选修六的知识点分析归纳,希望能帮助到你! 高三英语选修六的知识点分析归纳1 英语中过去分词可作宾补,(此时的过去分词一般是及物动词)表被动意义或完成意义,有时两者兼而有之。做宾补的过去分词与宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系,即宾语是过去分词动作的对象。如: She found the door broken in when she came back.(宾补与宾语有被动的关系,表一种状态。) 一. 过去分词用在表状态的动词keep,leave等的后面。 Eg:They kept the door locked for a long time. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.(谚语:少说多看) Don't leave such an important thing undone. Don't leave the windows broken like this all the time. 二.过分词用在get,have,make, 的后面。 1.注意“have +宾语+过去分词”的两种情况: A)表"让某人做某事/让某事(被人)做" eg: I have had my bike repaired. The villagers had many trees planted just then. B)表"遭遇到某种不幸,受到打击/受....影响,蒙受..... 损失" Eg:I had my wallet stolen on a bus last month. The old man had his leg broken in the accident. He had his leg broken in the match yesterday.(MET1986) 2."make+宾语+过去分词",在这种结构中,过去分词的动词必须是表示结果含义的。如: They managed to make themselves understood in very


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人教版高中英语选修6知识点总结汇总修选修 6 Unit 1 Art 1. faith n. 信任;信念;信心常 用结构 break one s faith with sb. 对某人不守信用 keep faith with sb. 守信于某人 lose faith in 不再信任 have faith in 相信; 信任 in good/bad faith 真心诚意/ 虚情假意 2. aim n. 目标;目的 vi.vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 What is your aim in life?你生活的目标是什么? 常用结构: take aim (at) 瞄准 aim at 向瞄准;旨在,针对 aim high 胸 怀大志; 心气很高 3. consequently v.conj. 所以,因而(=therefore) 联想拓展consequent on/upon 因引起的;consequence n. 后果;结果;重要性 be of consequence 重要 的 as a consequence=as a result 结果 in consequence 由于 as a consequence of=as a result of 作为的结果 in consequence of 由于;作为的结果 4. possession (尤作复数)所有;财产 常用结构: in possession of sth. 拥有/ 占有某物 in the possession of/in one s possession 被拥有 take/gain/get/have possession of sth. 拥有某物 possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 5. concentrate vt. 集中, 浓缩常用结构: concentrate on/upon 集中在;专心于 concentrate one s attention/mind on 注意力集中在 focus on 集中( 注意力, 关 1/ 17


精品文档 选修六知识点总结 Unit 1 I 词汇及结构 1. would rather do sth would rather sb did 情愿做… . 而不愿意做…: do sth A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business 4.consequently adv. 所以,因此 consequent adj. 作为结果的 , 随之发生的 as a consequence/result = in consequence = so as a consequence/result of = because of 5 .aim without aim 无目的的 / 无目标的 (take ) aim at 瞄准,对准 sb/ sth 's aim is to do ……的目标是… . aim at doing = aim to do 瞄准 , 力求做到 , 力争达到 6. typical adj. 典型的;具有代表性的; 后接 of 7. evident 明白的 , 明显的 (apparent) be evident to sb. 对某人来说很明显 be evident in sth 在某方面很明显 8. adopt 采用,收养 adapt 改编,使适应 I would rather you 它。 2.faith n. hadn 信任 , 信仰 = prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth to doing sth yesterday . 我宁愿你昨天没有告诉我关于 't told me about it be faithful to sb 忠实于某人 忠于信仰 ; 守信 相信 , 信任 keep faith with have faith in 3.As there are so many different styles of Western art , it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text . so+adj+a(an)+( 单数可数 ) (+that … ) so many/few +n ( 复数 ) (+ that … ) so much/little ( 不可数 ) (+that … ) such+adj.+n.( 不可数 )/ n ( 复数 ) eg.1) The book is _______ i nteresting that I want to read it again. 2) It was _________ a cold day that the ice in the river was nearly 3) It was ______ c old a day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick. 4) There are _______ many mistakes in your composition that I can 5) He has made _______ r apid progress that he got the first in the exam. 6) ______ that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. two feet thick. 't understand it. 07 陕西) 情愿做…. sth 情愿sb 做… would rather do sth than do sth= would do sth rather than


外研社版高中英语选修六知识点总 结归纳 外研社版高中英语选修六是高中英语课程的一部分,也是一门重要的英语学科。选修六主要围绕着文化、艺术、音乐等方面展开教学,让学生通过阅读文学作品来提高阅读和理解能力,同时也开阔了学生的视野和文化素养。本文将对外研社版高中英语选修六所涉及到的知识点进行总结与归纳。 1.文化和背景知识 阅读文学作品首先需要理解文化和背景知识,了解当时的社会风貌、文化氛围和历史背景等信息。比如,在阅读《傲慢与偏见》时,学生需要了解18世纪英格兰上流社会的风貌和习俗,理解当时婚姻观念的变化,掌握英国乡村和城市的差异等。 2.文学分析 文学分析是阅读文学作品的一个重要环节。学生需要学会通过分析文学作品的情节、主题、人物等来深入探讨作者的写作意图和思想深层次。比如,在阅读《哈姆雷特》时,学生需要分析主人公的性格,探讨其父亲死亡后的内心变化,同时要分析作品中的主题和象征手法。 3.文学常识

文学常识是文学知识的重要组成部分。学生需要学会了解文学常识,包括文学流派、文学史、文学家的经典作品等。比如,在阅读《了不起的盖茨比》时,学生需要了解美国现代主义文学的特点,同时也需要了解作品的作者、所代表的文学流派等。 4.写作技巧 写作技巧是英语学习的重要组成部分。学生需要学会如何通过写作来表达自己的思想和观点。在学习外研社版高中英语选修六时,学生需要学会写作技巧,包括如何构思、如何组织结构、如何运用语言等。 5.口语表达 英语口语表达是英语学习的重要组成部分,同时也是学生日常生活和职场工作中所必备的一项能力。在学习外研社版高中英语选修六时,学生需要注重口语表达的学习,通过训练来提高英语口语表达的能力。 以上就是本文对外研社版高中英语选修六所涉及到的知识点的总结与归纳。通过学习这些知识点,不仅可以提高英语水平,还可以为今后的学习和工作打下良好的基础。


高中英语选修六人教版知识点总结 学习,就象是一场战争,有时你觉得在这拼命撕杀的战场上,你是孤独与无助的,但你殊不知,你其实并不是孤身奋战的!下面给大家带来一些关于高中英语选修六人教版知识点总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 高中英语选修六人教版知识点1 Unit4 Global warming 重点词汇、短语 come about 发生;造成 subscribe to 同意;订购 quantity n. 量;数量 quantities of 大量的 tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾 vt. 照顾;护理 go up 上升;增长;升起 result in 导致 oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 opposed adj. 反对的;对立的 be opposed to 反对…… state vt. 陈述;说明 range n. 种类;范围 even if 即使 keep on 继续 glance vi. 看一下;扫视 n. 一瞥 steady adj. 平稳的;持续的;稳固的 steadily adv. 平稳地;持续地 tendency n. 倾向;趋势 widespread adj. 分布广的;普遍的 on the whold 大体上;基本上 average adj. 平均的

on behalf of 代表……一方;作为……的代言人 put up with 忍受;容忍 so long as 只要 an so on 等等 circumstance n. 环境;情况 重点句型 1.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. 所有的科学家同意这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料如煤、天然气和石油,从而引起了地球温度的升高。 2.It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. 这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。 3.It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. 是一位名叫查尔斯·基林的科学家曾经把1957-1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。 4.They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. 他们还同意下述观点,正是燃烧越来越多的化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。 5.On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. 另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治·汉布利,反对上面的观点,他们认为我们不必担心空气中会有高含量的二氧化碳。 高中英语选修六人教版知识点2 Unit5 The power of the nature


人教版高中英语选修六知识点 人教版高中英语选修六知识点 随着时代的发展,英语作为一门全球通用语言,越来越受到人们的重视。而在高中英语教学中,选修六则是其中的精华和难点。本文将从课程结构、教学内容和难点分析三个方面进行讲解,以便更好地帮助学生掌握该学科。 一、课程结构 选修六是高中英语教学的最后一门学科,为三年级下学期课程,总共10个单元。该单元教学的内容和要求都相对较高,为英语学习的顶峰。 二、教学内容 1. Unit1Living with technology 本单元主要围绕“科技与与生活” 进行教学。主要学习内 容包括:理解罗伯特•罗兹所说的“因特网不是一个工具,而是一种应急需求”;比较传统和现代心理治疗方法的优缺点;介 绍利用科技产品来传递和交流信息的方式;思索“快乐”是怎样 定义的。 2. Unit2Let's celebrate! 本单元主要介绍各种文化节日和庆典。主要学习内容包括:理解各种文化节日和庆典原因及举办形式、庆典背后的文化特点和意义;了解各种庆典与不同族群习俗的关系。

3. Unit3Amazing people 本单元主要介绍杰出人物及其影响。主要学习内容包括:听、说、读关于十位杰出人物的故事、以写作、口头表达等方式介绍杰出人物、学习杰出人物的领导才能和思维方式。 4. Unit4Music 本单元主要介绍音乐的多样性。主要学习内容包括:介绍音乐类型和具体代表、学习音乐相关词汇和掌握听力技巧。 5. Unit5Sport 本单元主要介绍各种运动。主要学习内容包括:介绍不同的运动类型及其发展历史、了解不同运动的特点和要求、掌握与运动相关的专业词汇。 6. Unit6Art 本单元主要介绍视觉艺术和表演艺术。主要学习内容包括:介绍不同类型的艺术品和艺术家、掌握于艺术相关的专业词汇、了解不同类型的表现形式和特点。 7. Unit7Travel 本单元主要介绍旅行。主要学习内容包括:理解旅游的意义、介绍不同类型的旅游、掌握于旅游相关的专业词汇。 8. Unit8Learning 本单元主要介绍不同类型的学习和学习方法,以及如何面对学习中的挑战。主要学习内容包括:介绍不同种类和目的的


选修六知识点 -----高二英语备课组 Unit 1 Art 1.achieve one’s aim 实现某人的目标without one’s aim 漫无目标的 with the aim of 意在…,以…为目标aim at doing sth /aim to do sth 意欲,力求做某事 be aimed at (doing) sth.目的在于…,旨在… 2.be typical of……是特有的,是典型的… E.g. It’s typical of him to forget. 3.be possessed of sth. 具有(某种品质或特征)be possessed with/by 被…控制 take the possession of sth 占有某物,拿到某物 in possession of /in the possession of 归…所有(用法与in charge of & in the charge of相同) 4.a great deal 大量(a great deal of 修饰不可数名词) 5.make an attempt to do/at doing sth 尝试做…at one’s first attempt 第一次尝试 in an attempt to do sth 试图做某事attempt to do/ at doing sth 尝试做某事 6. on the one hand…on the other hand (般指两个相反或相对的方面)一方面…另一方面 for one thing ..for another thing…常陈述情况一致的两个方面,用于解释原因,表列举 7.be worth doing = be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done 值得做… be well worth doing sth.(主动表被动)It’s worthwhile to do/doing sth. 值得做… 8.have/lose faith in 对某人信任/失去对某人的信任 9.keep one’s figure 保持身材have a good figure 身材苗条figure out 算出,解决,理解 10. would rather do ..than…= would do …rather than… I would rather go on foot than take a bus.= I would go on foot rather than take a bus. 11. in preference to 优先于have a preference for 更喜欢… 12.appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣appeal for 恳求/呼吁… 13 win/earn reputation 赢得名声have a reputation for 以…而闻名. establish reputation 建立名誉 a good /bad reputation 好/坏名声 live up to one’s reputation 名不虚传…不负盛名… 14.动词不定式作后置定语: 1.用在序数词、形容词最高级后. E.g. He is the first to come here. 2.用在被序数词、形容词最高级、next、last、only等修饰的名词后. Eg. The best way to solve the problem is to make a plan. 15.more than + 数词表示“多于,超过”I have taught English more than 15 years. more than + 名词表示“不仅仅”The museum displays more than the visual delights of art. more than + 动词/形容词/副词表示“非常”I’m more than pleased to help you . more than + 句子表示“超过…的能力范围”The beauty is more than I can describe. 16. 句型what is known to us all is that…= it is known to us all that …= As is known to us all, … 17. 短语:It was evident that…很显然…It is predicted that …据预测…concentrate..on 集中,全神贯注于in perspective 用透视画法by coincidence 巧合地break away from 挣脱,脱离scores of 许多.in the flesh 活着的,亲自,本人 every two years= every second year = every other year 每2年be allergic to 对…过敏 be well worth a visit 很值得参观to be specific 具体地说be specific to 特有的;独特的attitude to/towards 对…的态度convince sb of sth /that…使某人相信… Unit 2 Poems 1.convey sth to sb 向某人表达/传递某物convey sb/sth from A to B把…从A地运送到B地2.take one’s time 不急,慢慢来take sth seriously 认真对待某事 take sth for granted 认为…理所应当 3.run out of 用完了…表示主动意义,run out …用完了,主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等We are running out of the money. = The money is running out. (钱快要用完了) 4.be made up of=be composed of =consist of由……组成


Unit 1 1. faith Un. 信任,信念,信心+in ;宗教信仰 We always have faith in the quality of your products. a strong faith 2. consequently adv. 因此,所以 My car broke down, and consequently I was late. 3. aim Cn. 目标,目的,意图 Un. 瞄准 v. 努力,力争;瞄准,对准 The main aim of the course is to improve your writing skills. What’s your aim in life? take aim at… The hunter took aim at the lion. We aim to give every student an equal chance of education. We study day and night, aiming at winning the scholarship. The hunter aimed his gun at a deer but didn’t shoot. 4. conventional adj. 传统的,按惯例、习俗办事的,守旧的 Internet connections through conventional phone lines are very slow. 5. typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的+of The painting is typical of his early works. 6. evident adj. 明显的,明白的 It is evident that he is the best person for the job. It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake. 7. adopt v. 采用,采纳;收养,过继 We’ll adopt a new plan to help the victims. His mother had him adopted because she couldn’t look after her son herself. 8. possess v. 拥有,占有,具有 Because of his gambling, he lost everything he possessed. possession n. 拥有;个人财产,私人财物(常pl.) Dangerous drugs were found in her possession. She was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 9. convince v. 使确信,使明白+sb. of sth.;说服+sb. to do sth. He convinced me of the difficulty of the work. He parents cannot convince her that she has made a wrong decision. I’ve been convincing John to come with me. 10. coincidence. n. 巧合;巧合的事 —I’m going to Paris tomorrow. —What a coincidence! So am I. By coincidence, we were travelling on the same train that way. 11. a great deal 大量的+of Un. 12. score n. 二十 three score and ten students scores of students a score of students 13. on the one hand … on the other hand…一方面…另一方面…


新课标英语选修6重点短语、句子汇总 Unit 1 Art Ⅰ. Phrases. 1. in the abstract 抽象地,理论上 abstract sth. from sth. 从…中提取… 2. as well as 也,同,和;同…一样 3. aim at sth. 瞄准 aim to do sth. 意欲,企图做某事 aim at doing sth. with the aim of 带有……的目的 4. focus on=concentrate on 集中 5. convince sb. Of 使某人信服 6. a great deal 大量 7. in the flesh 活着的本人 8. take the place of sb. = replace 代替,取代 take one’s place 代替,取代;入座;就位 9. break away from 脱离,摆脱,放弃 10. at the same time 同时;但是 11. would rather do sth (主语)宁愿做某事 would rather sb. did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(现在或将来) would rather sb. had done sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去) 12. as a consequence =in consequence = as a result 结果 as a consequence of =in consequence of =as a result of 由于…的原因13. in possession of 拥有… in the possession of sb =in one’s possession 为某人所拥有 take/ have possession of 拥有(占有) 14. consider doing 考虑做某事 consider sb./sth. to be/as consider that-clause 认为,看待 consider it adj./n.+to do sth. 15. be well worth doing 值得…(表被动) 16. be contemporary with 与…属同时期 17. convince sb. of sth 使某人确信/明白某事 convince sb. +that clause 使某人相信… convince sb.to do sth. 说服某人做某事 15. attempt to do sth. 企图做某事 16. on one hand…… on the other hand…… 一方面…另一方面… 17. scores of 许多,大量 18. not only……but also 不但……而且 19. every two years 每两年 every second year every other year

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