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Pulp Fiction低俗小说英文影评

Pulp Fiction低俗小说英文影评
Pulp Fiction低俗小说英文影评

Pulp Fiction

Comparing with Forrest Gump, which describes a kind of positive life attitude, pulp fiction shows the life of the underworld organizations in Los Angeles. The film is funny, sophisticated, standing ahead and it shoulders above most mainstream American films. Now, I am going to share my views about this old film.

First, the construction of the film is distinctive. It seems to illustrate three different stories, but actually these three stories are related to each other. It rejects the traditional linear narration, cutting the whole story into many tiny plots in disorder and linking them

end-to-end again. It may show a certain plot in a same scene but from different perspectives of various roles. On the other hand, a same role plays different characters in different stories. For example, Jules is a cruel killer when he carries on the orders of his superior, however, he takes a turn for dedicated Christian after he survived a shooting. He even played the role of savior in the last scene. He not only decided to throw up his job as a killer, but also let two robbers off although they had pointed a gun at his head. His enlightenment changed the result of this incident in a sort of sense, because his partner was killed in the next duty due to his absence. In terms of his partner, overconfident Vincent, his death became the movie final end. I am not surprised by his death, in other words, this is to be expected. His hubris and stupid egotism definitely lead to such a pathetic result. He had never imaged that he would be killed by Butch, a man who had been looked down upon by himself. By the way, it is really ridiculous that Vincent, the leading actor in such a more than 150 minutes film, was killed by a supporting actor with little effort and dialogues.

In addition, as a movie regarding underworld, two killers take the lead role in it. However, comparing with other gangster films, their daily humorous conversation such as the name of hamburgers in various countries and a little dispute explain a large number of this movie, instead of monotonous fight scenes or individualistic heroism. These common conversations make the movie become more natural. Meanwhile, naturalness of the film makes character traits more distinctive, such as greedy, fear, disgust, forgiveness, so forth and so on. Certainly, these intentionally or unintentionally dialogues imply the following development of plots if you pay attention to their details, as any other movies.

Finally, the director put the end of this incident, the death of Vincent, in the penultimate part. What is more, Jules's change becomes the last part of this film, although it happens before Vincent died. In my view, it helps to connect the end with the beginning of the film, which means crimes circulate unceasingly. Except that, I suppose this detail is designed to show that criminals should be redeemed from evil, no matter by Christ or themselves.


百度,输入诺觉桑寺,找到读书的网络 作家简介: 简·奥斯丁,(1775—1817)英国女作家,18世纪末19世纪初英国杰出的现实主义大师,被誉为“道德教育家”。出生于英格兰汉普郡的斯蒂文顿村,父亲是教区的主管牧师。在父兄的熏陶下,奥斯丁从小就阅读了大量的文学作品。她16岁时开始写作,是第一个通过描绘日常生活中的普通人,使小说具有鲜明现代性质的小说家。奥斯丁一生中共创作了6部长篇小说《理智与情感为(1811)、《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(1814)、《爱玛》(1815)、(诺桑觉修道院》和《劝服》(后两部出版于她去世后的1818年)小说内容多是刻画当时英国乡村的风俗民情、社交和男女恋情等。她的创作开启了19世纪30年代的现实主义小说高潮,在英国小说的发展史上具有承上启下的意义。 作品目录 ·《傲慢与偏见》 《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁的代表作。这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内 容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世 态人情。这部社会风情画式的小说不仅在当时吸引着广大的读者,时至今日,仍给读者以独特的艺术享受。 ·《理智与情感》 简·奥斯丁在她诞生地汉普郡的斯蒂文顿繁荣而稳定的乡间长大,十二三岁就开始写作。她早期的习作 都是中短篇,光是十五六岁时写的,后人就编成了两部集子。一七九七年,简二十二岁,完成第一部长篇小 说《第一面印象》。接着开始写《埃莉诺与玛丽安》。这两本都是书信体小说,十多年后,分别改写成用第 三人称叙述的长篇小说《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》。后者于1811年出版,等到前者于两年后问世时,后者于同年再版。所以,尽管《傲慢与偏见》的原始本子写作在前,她第一部出版的作品却是《理智与情感》。 ·《爱玛》 发表于1818年,英国女作家,奥斯丁小说。女主人公爱玛是一个“从来不在外面住宿的天下少有的女人”,孤零零的,但是充满了感情与思想,她经过一系列误会后,与男主人公先生终成佳偶。小说情节紧奏,细节描写生动、鲜明,语言就像作者歌颂... ·《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 范妮是个出身贫寒的少女,10岁时被姨父母伯特伦爵士夫妇收养。在姨父母家,除了二表哥埃德蒙处处 呵护她外,受到众人的冷落,过着寄人篱下的日子。但她始终有颗温柔善良的心肠,辨是非,明大理。她坚 决抵制大表哥等人要在家里排演有伤大雅的情节剧,毫不动摇地顶住了纨绔子弟克劳福德的无理纠缠,始终 不渝地暗恋着埃德蒙,特别是在克劳福德小姐对埃德蒙“旧情复发”时,她告诫表哥不要被她的假象所迷惑,


编导艺考之影评佳句 《长城》除了特效之外最令人欣慰的一点便是终于学会如何将故事本身与价值观输出有效地融为一体,很显然这种集体主义的精神没有通过长篇大论和诗朗诵一般的说教带给观众,而是在为故事服务的前提下做出了足够的努力。在手法上这与好莱坞极为相似,只不过这次是个人主义被集体主义精神所改变。威廉一行人为了生存与金钱,辗转在各国的战场之上,为皇帝,为教皇,为那些因为人类的贪婪而洒下的鲜血火上浇油。而在长城之上,他找到了真正值得为之一战的战役。--评电影《长城》 《长江图》是一首优美的散文诗,一部导演自由意识的浪漫表达…它有着纪录片的纪实风格,也有着剧情片的悬疑梦幻,更有着文艺片特有的晦涩朦胧。这像胶片转制数字,像是隔了一层纱;在这基本没有胶片放映厅影院的城市,看着这部“胶片绝响”的影片,很是遗憾;这像是高淳一路追寻安陆的身影,似近似远,似亲密似绝迹。--评电影《长江图》 《百鸟朝凤》的悲怆感,来自无法逆转的大势所趋,故而也更让人无奈与唏嘘。而这部影片本身的存在,从目前的电影市场来看,难道不也呈现出一种哀婉吗?老匠人坟前的那曲单人唢呐,应该也是吹给这部电影的吧。--评电影《百鸟朝凤》

在安定与流浪中,当安定呈显性,流浪成隐性,你是七月。当流浪呈显性,安定成隐性,你是安生。七月和安生,她们是一个人。--评电影《七月与安生》 《大鱼海棠》的叙事线并不复杂,椿为了要救为救自己而死化为鱼的鲲,哪怕违反族规天条颠覆世界,也要将鲲养大送回人间。感情线也不复杂,湫喜欢椿,而椿却喜欢鲲。表现的主题是:永恒的爱,勇敢一点,相信奇迹,终会在这个世界相遇。因为爱情,所以怎么会有悲伤,所以一切都是幸福的模样。--评电影《大鱼海棠》 编导艺考之影评佳句 好的商业之作正带着一种“输出”魔力,可作弘扬正能量的突破口,真正为观众喜闻乐见,才能扎根于人心击退种种洪水猛兽,迎来明智的醒觉,树立正确价值观——坚决抵制病民害国的毒品是每个人的己任,所有作恶多端的毒贩必该遭制裁,而所有奔波前线缉毒的警察更该值得歌颂。--评电影《湄公河行动》 最讽刺的往往最辛酸,最荒诞的往往是现实。本片对于人性剖析的很到位,血淋淋赤裸裸,众生百相被展现到入骨三分。作为一部回归现实之作,搞笑之中还带点悲伤,挖掘了很多社会上的潜规则和灰色地带。《我不是潘金莲》讲了一个极具中国特色的故事,堪称现代版官场现形记,黑色幽默版秋菊打官司。--评电影《我不是潘金莲》《摆渡人》便是试图给你引导一个方向,或放弃或执着,在于你对未来的选择。这片子将“缘分”比喻为一块寒冰,握得越紧,化得越


The discussion on I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle. As far as I’m concerned, this movie shows us three things: freedom, friendship, and hope. If we take a movie as a novel, then

Jane Austen's works简奥斯汀的作品

Jane Austen, she is one of the greatest authors in Britain history. I really admire and appreciate her works, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. In my eyes, every heroine has her own uniqueness, different from other girls in those novels. They are so brave to pursue their love, no care about the prejudice, the gossip from their parents, their neighbors , their relatives, even the society. In addition, all of them succeed in loving their true love; all the endings are so good and so beautiful. Every time, when I saw the couple got together after suffering so many misfortunes in the very end of the novel, I cried for happiness, not for sadness. From those heroines’ character, I really can find a genuine image of Jane herself. Although I do not know clearly about her love, her lover, I can easily get the information that she missed her true love from her whole single life. Therefore, she sets the hopes into her novels, encourages everyone who love somebody by heart has courage to pursue their true love.

简.奥斯汀睿智名句 (中英文)

简·奥斯汀睿智名句 A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. 女人的思维很有跳跃性:从仰慕到爱慕,从爱慕到结 婚都是一眨眼间的事。 A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. 我所知道最有效的幸福秘方就是“赚大钱”。 A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. 一个女人要是不幸聪明得什么都懂,那就必须同时懂 得怎么伪装成什么都不懂。 An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion. 订了婚的女人最可爱了。她什么都满足了,什么忧虑都消散了,她可以大大方方去讨好自己未来老公,而无需担心人家以为她在玩暧昧。 Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. 治愈情伤最好的药就是友谊带来的安慰。 Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. 幸福的婚姻都是靠碰运气赚来的。 How quick come the reasons for approving what we like! 想给我们的喜好找个理由时,脑袋转 的是最快的。 I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.


影评范文精选 本文是关于观后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 影评范文精选(一) ——《赵氏孤儿》影评 这个学期看了下《赵氏孤儿》,我想写一下影评。 电影的前一部分特别引人入胜。影片中印象最深的人物当属,屠岸贾,程婴,晋王,庄姬,韩厥。屠岸贾对赵氏家族的怨恨,起初是嫉妒赵家的军功卓越,位高名重,其实,这里,王学圻的演技可以算是精湛的,将他内心活动的变化展露出来。中国奸臣会如此之多,很多时候就是嫉妒心在作祟。看到别人比你好,就使出浑身伎俩来让别人身败名裂,身首异处。假传圣旨,屠杀赵家三百余口的事情。在没有做之前,内心是有挣扎的,可是心里的恶魔还是在别人的挑唆下冒出头,血腥无比。而对年幼的程勃是,孩子的天真触动内心的柔软,露出父亲般的慈爱。屠岸贾虽非善类,但也并非真正十恶不赦的坏蛋,将其推向倒行逆施边缘的还是赵盾父子的飞扬跋扈、目中无人和不可一世,他们的被灭门倒是应了做人不能太嚣张的道理。这样的赵氏为什么不杀?对皇上来说,功高盖主且每天装模作样的告诉他要做一个圣明的主上;对屠岸贾来说,权重且猖狂,赵盾和他同辈,同朝为臣,赵朔可以抢他兵权,难道还可以当面对他嘲讽:“屠大人的儿子如果还活着,应该也要生孩子了吧?”——能说出这话,就已经代表不打算和平相处,既然赵家已当他为敌,那他为什么不能先下手为强?电

影前半部分中屠岸贾诛杀赵氏亲族的冷血、挥刀劈向韩厥脸部的凶狠以及摔死程婴儿子时的阴毒到电影后半部分完全消失了,在继子面前,他成了一位慈父,一个让人尊敬的长者,一个快乐地享受着天伦时光的老人。 程婴,作为一个普通的医生,本来可以平平安安的过日子,守着老婆孩子,但因为遇到了庄姬,面对庄姬的请求,想过退缩,但是道义占了上风。为了救赵氏孤儿,搭上了老婆和自己孩子的性命。一个已经心死的人,能做和能想的,只有复仇了,他含辛茹苦,十五年,养大赵氏孤儿,就是为了让屠岸贾知道,他是谁,孩子是谁,他要为一家人报仇,为赵家报仇。我觉得后面的情节,不够生动,如果那个孩子成为一代名将,最后带兵杀了仇人,也许会精彩点。但对心里的刻画可能没办法像影片那样细腻了。程婴在临死前,走在路上,看到妻儿来接他,我想他那个时候是幸福的,这也揭露出中国人最终还是以家和家人为重。这也是人内心最深的渴望——家庭的平安,团聚。程婴只是一个小人物,无意卷入争斗,只是阴差阳错被迫成为了“忠义之士”。整部影片可以归纳为“民干了士该干的事”。并且,这个民不是像士一样出于某种信念去主动牺牲,而是当命运把他卷入到这个漩涡中来时,在苏醒的人性面前,几乎被动地完成了他的义举。当庄姬“托孤”之时,程婴并非不怕,是对赵孤的同情使他选择了冒险;当屠岸贾全城“搜孤”时,程婴也像所有的父母一样首先想到的是救自己的孩子,是程妻无意间的举动导致了最后的牺牲;之后在公孙府上,当藏在隔墙中的妻儿被发现时,程婴才真正地面对一种道德决断:

肖申克的救赎 观后感、影评

肖申克的救赎观后感、影评.txt生活,是用来经营的,而不是用来计较的。感情,是用来维系的,而不是用来考验的。爱人,是用来疼爱的,而不是用来伤害的。金钱,是用来享受的,而不是用来衡量的。谎言,是用来击破的,而不是用来装饰的。信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。剧情简介: 影片从1946年讲起,缅因州一位银行家安迪喝得醉醺醺地上了自己的车,还把手枪里装了子弹,接着有他妻子与人私通的画面,再下来他就被判刑入狱,成了肖申克监狱的重罪犯。 在狱中,他与黑人囚犯雷德互相帮助,成为好朋友;而以博格斯为首的一群囚犯却经常袭击安迪。后来,狱警们发现了安迪的理财能力,都来找他做投资咨询,甚至孩子升学问题也来找他请教。监狱长让他做假帐,从中渔利。 多年过去,有一天,安迪郑重地对雷德说:如果你出狱,一定到某地一棵树下把一个盒子挖出来。当天夜晚,安迪越狱。雷德获释后照安迪的话做,两个朋友在墨西哥海滨重逢了。 <肖申克的救赎>对谁的救赎 《旧约.以赛亚书》中说道:“锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人必因公义得蒙救赎。但悖逆的和犯罪的必一同败亡;离弃耶和华的必致消亡。”据说这里就是“救赎”一词的起源。据粗略统计,在整部《以赛亚书》中,这个词一共出现了16次之多。很明显,它象征着基督思想的实践,具有非常重要的意义。以至于到了宗教时代,“救赎”因其明确的指向性而一度成为了左右西方精神世界的关键词。既然如此,那我们可以得出如下的结论:即“救赎”产生于特定的人群(基督徒)和特定的年代(宗教年代),而随着20世纪以来西方社会中信仰的缺失,人本主义代替了神本主义,这个词似乎也将不复流行。 然而,在二十世纪九十年代,着名导演弗兰克.德拉邦特从斯蒂芬.金的《春天的四个故事》中看似无意地提取出了这个银行家的故事。随后,一部伟大的电影诞生了。这部电影的名字叫《肖申克的救赎》,一个信仰缺失的年代里关于救赎的故事。 那么,在这部影片里,德拉邦特想要表现的是谁对谁的救赎呢? 没有任何辩驳的自由,巧舌如簧的检察长把安迪的生命交给了肖申克漫长的岁月。被冤枉的银行家不会甘于命运,然而肖申克并非福地,第一天晚上就有人被活活打死了。“把信仰交给上帝,把身体交给我。”监狱长的训词非常露骨,他的意思无非是“在这里,你们没有自由,必须无条件地做任何事,不要有什么不切实际的幻想,那是属于上帝的”,于是,一场关于尊严和人性的斗争就此开场,不过在这场斗争中2,救赎主不是上帝。 救赎主是两个字:希望。被救赎的也是两个字:自由。 或许这篇文章的读者会认为我太过抽象化了,但是当你在头脑里从头至尾一而再、再而三地不断闪回那些片段的时候,你会轻而易举地理解我这么说的缘由的。 希望,是整部影片的主题。 在安迪来肖申克之前,监狱里的话题除了变态、打架就是无所事事地消磨时间,混乱、肮脏、恐惧、绝望共同织就了这里恶劣的环境,犯人没有任何人权可言,为监狱长无偿出卖他们的廉价劳动力。在安迪入狱之后,这个不甘现状的银行家尽管依然无力改变犯人受压迫受


生平和作品 THE IMPRESSION of the condition of the Church of England in the eighteenth century which is conveyed by the character and writings of Laurence Sterne receives some necessary modification from a study of the life and works of Jane Austen. Her father, the Reverend George Austen, held the two rectories of Deane and Steventon in Hampshire, having been appointed to them by the favor of a cousin and an uncle. He thus belonged to the gentry, and it seems likely that he entered the church more as a profession than a vocation. He considered that he fulfilled his functions by preaching once a week and administering the sacraments; and though he does not seem to have been a man of spiritual gifts, the decent and dignified performance of these formal duties earned him the reputation of a model pastor. His abundant leisure he occupied in farming the rectory acres, educating his children, and sharing the social life of his class. The environment of refined worldliness and good breeding thus indicated was that in which his daughter lived, and which she pictured in her books. Jane Austen was born at Steventon on December 16, 1775, the youngest of seven children. She received her education—scanty enough, by modern standards—at home. Besides the usual elementary subjects, she learned French and some Italian, sang a little, and became an expert needle-woman. Her reading extended little beyond the literature of the eighteenth century, and within that period she seems to have cared most for the novels of Richardson and Miss Burney, and the poems of Cowper and Crabbe. Dr. Johnson, too, she admired, and later was delighted with both the poetry and prose of Scott. The first twenty-five years of her life she spent at Steventon; in 1801 she moved with her family to Bath, then a great center of fashion; after the death of her father in 1805, she lived with her mother and sister, first at Southampton and then at Chawton; finally she took lodgings at Winchester to be near a doctor, and there she died on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral. Apart from a few visits to friends in London and elsewhere, and the vague report of a love affair with a gentleman who died suddenly, there is little else to chronicle in this quiet and uneventful life. But quiet and uneventful though her life was, it yet supplied her with material for half a dozen novels as perfect of their kind as any in the language. While still a young girl she had experimented with various styles of writing, and when she completed "Pride and Prejudice" at the age of twenty-two, it was clear that she had found her appropriate form. This novel, which in many respects she never surpassed, was followed a year later by "Northanger Abbey," a satire on the "Gothic" romances then in vogue; and in 1809 she finished "Sense and Sensibility," begun a dozen years before. So far she had not succeeded in having any of her works printed; but in 1811 "Sense and Sensibility" appeared in London and won enough recognition to make easy the publication of the others. Success gave stimulus, and between 1811 and 1816, she completed "Mansfield Park," "Emma," and "Persuasion." The last of these and "Northanger Abbey" were published posthumously. The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books. She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience. But to the portrayal of these she brought an extraordinary power of delicate and subtle delineation, a gift of lively dialogue, and a peculiar detachment. She abounds in humor, but it is always quiet and


豆瓣电影TOP250 1. 肖申克的救赎/ 刺激1995 / 月黑高飞 9.5(150888人评价) 肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDrip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF [肖申克的救赎].The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDRip.X264-TLF 2. 美丽人生/ Life Is Beautiful / 一个快乐的传说 9.4(62235人评价) 美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF 3. 这个杀手不太冷/ 杀手莱昂/ 终极追杀令 9.3(135406人评价) 这个杀手不太冷加长版.Leon.The.Professional.1994.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF 4. 阿甘正传/ 阿甘正传/ 福雷斯特?冈普 9.3(140996人评价) 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(C30FCD7F) 5. 霸王别姬/ Farewell My Concubine 9.3(95009人评价) 霸王别姬.Farewell.My.Concubine.1993.D9.MINISD-TLF 6. 辛德勒的名单/ 辛德勒名单/ 舒特拉的名單

9.3(71029人评价) 辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993.HDTV.2Audio.MINISD-TLF 7. 机器人总动员/ 瓦力/ 地球废品分装员 9.2(96982人评价) 机器人总动员.W ALL-E.2008.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF 机器人总动员.W ALL.E.2008.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(0D988DC3) 8. 迈克尔?杰克逊:就是这样/ 天王终点/ 麦可杰克逊:未来的未来演唱会电影 9.2(20290人评价) 暂缺 9. 教父/ Mario Puzo's The Godfather / 教父 9.2(53739人评价) 教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF 教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.X264.iNT-TLF(08434283) 10. 天堂电影院/ 新天堂乐园/ 星光伴我心 9.2(53526人评价) 天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1989.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF 天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1988.BDRip.X264.2Audio.iNT-TLF(A8A3321Bz) 11. 海上钢琴师/ 1900海上钢琴师/ 一九零零的传奇 9.1(116591人评价) 海上钢琴师.The.Legend.Of.1900.1998.HDTV.MINISD-TLF


Review of the Shawshank Redemption Abstract: It is really an amazing movie I have ever seen in my lifetime. The cast and the story of the movie are really successful. Andy is a passionate character, and he is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover despite his claims of innocence. It is so touching to spend almost two decades in the prison. Old-fashioned prisons in the 90s are full of bad guys who do not expect anything from the life. And, they do not think how they escape here. However, Andy with his close friend in the prison, Red, tries redemption from this prison, by the time, Andy tries to do beautiful things for people in the prison not to attract attention. It is unbelievable that they escape from the prison. But, Andy approaches to place of exit. It is actually amazing, it is really incredible. They go to their dreams to live a peaceful and quiet life. Also, Andy prepares a trap for the chief of the jail. After the redemption, they become free anymore. It is really an amazing movie. Easily one of the best movies made during the 90s and definitely one of the top “prison” movie of all-time. The more time you watch it, the more you love it, and the more you learn from it. An absolutely encouraging story to those who are desperate or sad or complaining about bad luck. If you never give up and try to figure out a way ahead, nothing can stop you to the brightness and freedom. Everything you have experienced will bring you positive influences if you take it positively. I used it to encourage people around me, for example, a girl who is suffering from the depression, a classmate who has just lost her favorite pet, and a friend who lost his job recently. Key words: Hope; redemption; freedom; courage Text: 1.Production Frank Darabont secured the film adaptation rights from author Stephen King after impressing the author with his short film adaptation of The Woman in the Room in 1983. Although the two had become friends and maintained a pen-pal relationship, Darabont did not work with hin until four years later in1987, when he optioned to adapt Shawshank. This is

Becoming Jane《成为简奥斯汀》英文观后感

Becoming a woman,becoming a legend "A woman especially if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can." ――Jane Austen The movie, Becoming Jane, fabricates a character, the hero Tom Lefroy, to show us audience Jane Austen’s romance. It ever or never happened in Jane’s life. Nevertheless undoubtedly, the movie is a successful one. We are all moved by Jane’s sense and sensibility. Jane completes a legend by her lifetime of becoming a great woman. There are many commentaries on the film―― Her own life is her greatest inspiration. Between Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice was a life worth writing about. No one can ignore Jane’s achievement. Six immortal works about romance leave us a deep impression on the importance of being together with our true love. Relatively, few people know Austen’s own romances. She never get married. I think many people would like to consider that Jane uses her life to memorize a love and explain her understanding about love. She insists. She believes a marriage without love will never be happy, and a love without money will never be real. According to the movie, the great novel, Pride and Prejudice, is based on Jane’s love story with Tom Lefroy. The arrogant and handsome hero in the fiction insinuates Tom who is just a practical lawyer. But Darcy is rich, independent, owning authority and position, while Tom relies on his uncle and has little money. At the same time, the beautiful, clever and a little extreme Elizabeth just insinuates Jane herself. Obviously, there is an insurmountable distance between the novel and the reality. In the Pride and Prejudice, Darcy and Elizabeth get together eventually. Yet Jane and Tom Lefroy can only be friends, not lovers. In my mind, Jane is trying to give herself and Tom a happy ending in her novel which will never come true in reality. What will we do when our dream is so different from the reality? To surrender or to surmount? Maybe there can be a few people protect their love to go through their life, like Jane Austen, and never betray their love. However, the courage is not owned by everyone. Too much affection and emotion need to be called to our mind and pondered over. A Jane will live our heart, bringing us an opportunity to share the legend.


黑色幽默中的叙事艺术 ——以《低俗小说》为例 1994年,导演昆汀?塔伦蒂诺的电影《低俗小说》在戛纳电影节上力压群雄荣获金棕 榈大奖并获得全球影评人一致的赞誉。《低俗小说》最引人称道的莫过于极富后现代气息 的非线性叙事方式以及黑色的幽默,回环往复的叙事结构使影片更具表现张力。黑色幽默 是一种心态,一种心境,含有超脱、看破、玩世不恭、逢场作戏的意味。在电影发展史上,作为表现方式的幽默愈来愈退居次要地位,随着各种范畴的引入,幽默的内涵变得愈来愈 复杂,愈来愈远离喜剧品格,同时幽默的主体意识、自我意识也愈来愈强。这些变化正好 迎合了西方后现代主义的某些内涵,而昆廷?塔伦提诺的《低俗小说》中的黑色幽默恰恰应证了这些特征。 一、艺术规则的破坏与颠覆 利奥塔认为,后现代性是对元叙事或宏大叙事采取的一种怀疑、不信任及拒绝的态度。后现代电影话语“不相信元叙事”并“向整体开战”,喜欢组合、拼凑、偶然得到的或割 裂的现象,致使碎片或部分代替了整体。所以说,后现代文化“不是一种纯创造文化,而 是一种引用文化,一种‘互文性’文化”,后现代电影“也是一种没有‘潜在’可能性的 影像和表象文化,从其他影像、其他表象以及互文性的相互作用中获得诠释的力量。”① 在《低俗小说》中,已经没有了传统叙述的中心,连贯的叙事方式,剩下的只是碎片 和拼接而已。从剧作结构上来看,昆汀摒弃了好莱坞式的传统方式,颠覆了传统电影的线 性时空观念,而以视点间离的手法将全片叙事处理成一种首尾呼应的“圆形结构”,“后 现代作者有意违背线性次序。故事的‘情节顺序颠三倒四,由结尾重又生发成开端,暗示 着某个无穷无尽的循环往复特性’”②。此影片就是如此,开始即结束,结束也是开始。 他将两少年计划抢劫受到杀手朱尔斯的教育拆开来放在影片的开头和结尾,不仅如此,他 把其他几个故事也都拆开来讲,以致出现了死人活过来的场面,但是却不做任何交代。因 此对影片的情节的理解需要观众按照自己的理念来进行组合。 同时,在这部电影中我们可以看到鲜明的“互文性”色彩。黑色电影和硬汉小说中对 待暴力和恶的冷漠态度、强盗片的人物设计和格局、香港电影的激烈动作、魔幻现实主义 的奇迹与现实的混淆,使得《低俗小说》的后现代大拼接达到了狂欢的程度。抢救黑帮老 大的情妇米亚时,在她胸口画点打针的情节来自马尔克斯的《百年孤独》,奥雷连诺上校 在自杀前,吩咐医生在他胸口找一个让他死得痛快和准确的记号。塔伦蒂诺自己也说:我 每部戏都是东抄西抄,抄来抄去然后把它们混在一起……我就是到处抄袭,伟大的艺术家 总要抄袭。 二、乱序的美感 《低俗小说》中最出彩的地方莫过于重构型蒙太奇的运用。导演打乱时间并将其重组,影片出现了多种多样的组合方式和叙述指向,时序的颠倒,对情节的浓缩与简化,多个故 事的交错呈现,平行的剪辑方式则是实现了时空的同步,重复的频率也加强了影片本身的 戏剧张力。影片所采用的混合叙述时序,将顺序与逆序混合使用,不禁是观众在时间和剧 情上产生疑惑,而且也引发了独立与剧情之外的思考,在观众理清顺序和因果关系的同时,也能感受到导演进行拆分、拼贴模式的后现代气息。 法国新浪潮领军人物戈达尔曾说过:“一部影片可以有开头、中间和结尾。但不一定 要按顺序出现。”导演摒弃了传统叙事方式,采用视点间离的非线性叙述方式,把三个故 事的顺序打乱。比如,在第二个故事中,由明星约翰?特拉沃尔塔扮演的文森特死于拳击手布奇的枪下,但在下一个故事“邦妮的处境”中,文森特又“死而复生”并出现在影片的

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