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1. The full name of the United Kingdom is ____

2. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. True or False?

False. Because Northern Ireland is on the neighboring island of Ireland.

3. The national flag of the UK is called _____.

The Union Jack

4. What’s its national anthem?God Save the Queen /King

. 5Commonwealth of Nations英联邦







8. London

The l argest city in the country, with about one seventh of the nation’s population.

The seat of the government---10 Downing Street.

The cultural center, home to all the major newspapers, TV stations, galleries, theaters and museums.

Business center.

Financial center.








The largest of the four nations

The largest population

The dominance in size is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance.

Its capital, London, is dominant in UK in all fields: government, finance and culture.

Latin language

Anglo-Saxon language 3 sources of

(ancient English ) Modern English

French language









Second largest nation in population and in geographical area

Most confident of its own identity

Long history as a unified state independent of the UK

Official Language: English, Scottish, Gaelic

Not conquered by Rome or Anglo-Saxons

British Celts occupied Glasgow (west)

6 century AD people from northern

The Picts left with the highland zone

9AD Viking raids led to a unified Scottish state.

Constant conflicts between Scotland and England (Macbeth, Brave heart →William Wallace) 14 AD, Robert the Bruce →300 years of full independence













Capital: Cardiff

Key industry: coal-mining

The smallest nation on British mainland, though larger than Northern Ireland. Language: English, Welsh (Celtic tongue)

Celtic people

Conquered by Rome though with difficulty.

Not invaded by Anglo-Saxons.

Always under the pressure from England

Edward I, castles










1. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


3.The British Isles:

Great Britain


hundreds of small ones.

4.England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. Capital: Edinburgh

Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff

Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast.





Geographical Features

north and west: highlands east and southeast: lowlands


1. The British Isles are made up of________

A. two large islands and hundreds of small ones

B. two large islands and Northern Ireland

C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones

D. three large islands and Northern Ireland

2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______

A. Britain,Scotland and Wales

B. England,Scotland and Wales

C. Britain,Scotland and Ireland

D. England,Scotland and Ireland

3. The capital city of Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland are _______, ____________, _____________.

4. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and __________of the world's land area.

A. one third

B. one fifth

C. one fourth

D. two fifths

5. What are the three natural zones in Scotland?

The three natural zones in Scotland are: the Highlands in the north; the Central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands




c .三大岛屿和成千上万个小岛组成

d .三大岛屿和北爱尔兰




c .英国,苏格兰和爱尔兰

d .英格兰、苏格兰和爱尔兰



a .

b .五分之一的三分之一

c .

d . 2/5的四分之一



Northern Ireland

Often called Ulster

The smallest of the four nations in area and population.

Belfast, the capital, is much the biggest city.





England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

----- Countries within a country.


- - - - - -一个国家内部的国家。


Question: What kind of political system?

1) Constitutional Monarchy 君主立宪

2) Parliamentary Democracy 议会民主制

Part I. Evolution of the Political System

1) right of kings 君权神授

The sovereign derived his or her authority from God, not from subjects.

Origin of the Parliament

Great Council 国王身边的大议会:

1)a gathering of leading, wealthy barons from counties and towns

2)the king summoned it if he wanted to raise money

The Earliest Parliament

“Parley” : discuss or talk

When the Great Council was widened to include those summoned by names (the House of Lords) and representatives of local towns and counties(the House of Commons)

The English Civil War (1641-1649)

Republican “Roundheads”(Oliver Cromwell)圆颅派Royalists 保皇派Cavaliers (Charles I)

The Two-House System两个议会制度

House of Commons下议院

Made up of 650 Members of Parliament(MPs)

Represent votes in a constituency

Allowed to sit for the lifetime of the parliament

Reelected a limitless number of times

Receive salary






House of Lords上议院P45


Party System政党体制

A political party system consists of all the parties in a particular nation and the laws and customs that govern their behavior.

Three types of party systems:

Multiparty system、Two-party system、One-party system



major national parties of the UK 英国主要的全国性政党

The Conservative Party

The Labor Party

The Liberal Democrats

Politics in Britain is now based on the two-party system.





The Conservative Party保守党

Time: the middle of 19 th century (Emerged in 1830s from the ‘Tory’)

Characteristics: standing for private enterprise and freedom from state control

Supporters: middle and upper-middle class, People of higher position




The Labor Party 工党

Time: In 1900s

Characteristics: They stand for national and communal growth

Supporters: Working class and common people relatively poor or underprivileged




Trade Unions工会

It is formed in 1906.

In 1924, the Labor government came to power for the first time.

By 1929, it had replaced Liberals as one of the two major parties.





The Liberal Democrats

Advocating(倡导) policies based on freedom of the individuals

Remaining a minority party which draws support from voters dissatisfied with the Conservative or Labor





Absolute Decline

1880s– dominant economically, the workshop of the world

by 1900- overtaken by U.S. & Germany from 1945 till now- decline


Relative Decline

steady economic growth and increased living standards

slid on the international level

successful ally

second – sixth

G7, G8, G-20









Factors (I)

⑴heavy debt to finance WWII (U.S. & Canada)

⑵the era of empire was over (raw materials/market)India—the Jewel in the Crown, 1947

⑶military expenditure, higher proportion military cost of decolonization。contributions to NATO & UN security council

(4)Failure to invest sufficiently in industry Japan & Germany, invest in the most modern equipment & new https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f373341.html,ck a close,relationship b/w industry & banks in the UK,high rate of overseas investment

As a Result:

other countries have improved faster

UK slid from being 2nd to 6th economy

Relative failures cause serious concern to govt.





(4)未能充分投资行业日本和德国,投资最现代化的设备和新产品。缺乏亲密,关系b / w行业和银行在英国,高速率的海外投资



The Current Economy

①primary industries: agriculture, mining, fishing

②secondary industries: manufacturing

③tertiary industries: service industries





Primary Industries

agriculture –intensive, highly-mechanized, efficient

1.4% national wealth,

Secondary Industries

manufacturing (20% of national wealth)

Tertiary Industries

service industries (2/3 of national wealth)








UNIT7 British Education

the British education system is run by the state, which provides funding, oversees standard, and tried to make sure all British children receive a quality education.----- the Ministry of Education. Education is compulsory from 5-16 years.

英国教育制度是由国家提供资金,监督标准,并试图确保所有英国儿童接受高质量的教育。- - - - - -教育部。


Parents or legal guardians of children are required to ensure children receive a full education between the ages of five to sixteen.

For children living in remote areas, home education may be the only option.



government involvement in taking responsibilities for the education of children. In 1870, a law was passed to call for government–funded education.政府参与孩子的教育责任。1870年,通过了一项法律要求政府资助的教育。

Students have to pass national tests and schools & schools are ranked according to the success of their pupils in reaching national targets.

Compare the secondary schools

State schools---- funded by local and central governments.

Private schools = independent schools = public schools ----- funded by private sectors, through tuition rates and some government assistance.

Independent schools are not part of the national education system. The quality of instruction and standard are obtained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools.

comprehensive schools---- admit children without reference to their academic abilities. Such schools provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature and sciences, to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.




公立学校私立学校=私立学校= - - - - - -由私营部门资助,通过学费利率和一些政府援助。


The open university

It is open to everybody and does demand formal qualifications.

Lectures are broadcast on television and radio , and students correspond with their tutors by post.

At the end ,successful students are awarded a university degree它对每个人都开放,也要求正式的资格。




3-4 years old(nursery school、pre-school )

5ys-11:Primary school

11ys-16: Secondary school

Quit school- find jobs

Go to a college of further education to study for more practical diplomas.

3. Continue studies:

Aim: Prepare pupils for a national exam called “A level” at 18.

继续教育-go to Technical Schools

study more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics.


18ys: go to universities and colleges of higher education

3 - 4岁(幼儿园、学前)

5 ys-11:小学

11 ys-16:中学








18 ys:去大学和学院的高等教育

British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government.

2. the U.K has only one privately-funded university ----- the University of Buckingham




The academic year in UK has three terms. Each term will run for seven to fourteen weeks. School holidays are Christmas, Easter and summer vocation (July to Sep). The primary / secondary schools and further education colleges normally have a much longer term than those adopted by the Universities. .



英国国家概况及英国文化 、教育简介国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland)国旗: 呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。 为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成。 旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。 此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰的白地红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。 国徽: 即英王徽。 中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征苏格兰;左下角为蓝地上金黄色竖琴,象征爱尔兰。 盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、代表英格兰的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支扶着。 盾徽周围用法文写着一句格言,意为“恶有恶报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天有上帝,我有权利”。 盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的金银色头盔、帝国王冠和头戴王冠的狮子。

国歌: 《上帝保佑女王》杜摯猠癡?桴?畱敥屮(如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为杜摯猠癡?桴步湩屧)国花: 1 / 10 玫瑰花国鸟: 红胸鸽国石: 钻石科学节: 1831年开始,一年举办一次科学周: 1994年开始,在每年的3月举办自然地理: 24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7.88万平方公里,威尔士2.08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.41万平方公里。 位于欧洲西部的岛国。 由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和周围一些小岛组成。 隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆相望。 它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接壤。 海岸线总长11450公里。 全境分为四部分: 英格兰东南部平原、中西部山区、苏格兰山区、北爱尔兰高原和山区。主要河流有塞文河(354公里)和泰晤士河(346公里)。


英美文化概况之英国篇 英国早期人文历史常识 (一) 英国东邻北海,西、北面对大西洋,南面是英吉利海峡(the English Channel),与法国隔海相望。 地理上,这里被称为“不列颠群岛”(British Isles),由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和爱尔兰岛(Ireland)这两大岛屿,以及其它几百个小岛组成。 大不列颠岛上分布着英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(England,Scotland and Wales)三个区域,而爱尔兰岛则分成北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国(Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)两块。 政治上,大不列颠和北爱尔兰共同组成联合王国(the United Kingdom),而爱尔兰共和国则是独立于联合王国而存在的独立的国家。我们通常所说的英国,则是指联合王国。 联合王国的首都是伦敦(London);而爱尔兰共和国的首都是都柏林(Dublin)。 大不列颠岛在政治上被划分成英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士三个区域,其中英格兰面积最大、人口最多,总的来说也最为富裕。因此很多人通常会用“英格兰人”(English)指代“不列颠人”(British),这点当然会引起苏格兰人和威尔士人(Scots and Welsh)的不满。不列颠在大约一百年前曾统治着世界上四分之一的人口和土地,其殖民地遍布全球各大洲。二战之后,随着不列颠国力衰退,各殖民地纷纷独立,不列颠帝国(the British Empire)在1931年起被英联邦所取代。

英联邦(the Commonwealth of Nations)是由英国和已经独立的前英国殖民地或附 属国组成的联合体。英国作为英联邦元首并无政治实权;各国在一定协议上相互进行政治、主要是经济方面的磋商和合作;各成员国也有权利选择退出英联邦。 (二) 英国地势西北高、东南低。其西北地区主要地形是高原;而东部和东南部则主要是低地,他们是整个欧洲平原(the Great European Plain)的组成部分。 英格兰占据了大不列颠南面的最大部分土地,那里地势平缓,多为平原、丘陵和沼泽地。特别是英格兰东部沿海地区,土地肥沃,适于耕种。 苏格兰多为山地、湖泊和岛屿,它拥有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地以及南部山陵。不列颠最高峰尼维斯峰(Ben Nevis)便座落于此,高1,343米。威尔士亦是多山地区,6%的土地被森林覆盖,大部分村庄以放牧为主。 北爱尔兰北部为多岩石、荒蛮的海岸,曲折蜿蜒。其东北部多为高地,东南部为山区,而中部则是低浅的盆地。 不列颠是个岛屿国家,四面环海,它隔着英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆遥遥相望。位处英法两国之间的英吉利海峡最窄之处被称作多佛海峡(Straits of Dover),仅有33公里宽度。1985年英国政府和法国政府决定在多佛海峡处修建海峡隧道。 总长153公里的隧道于1994年五月竣工通车,使得欧洲公路网得以连成一体,被誉为人类工程史上的一个伟业。 英国河流分布细密。塞文河(the Severn)是英国第一大河流,长338公里,它同西


诺曼王朝 House of Norman * 1066-1087 威廉一世King William I the Conqueror "征服王" * 1087-1100 威廉二世King William II Rufus "红毛王" * 1100-1135 亨利一世King Henry I Well-Educated, Beauclerc "儒雅王" * 1135-1154 斯蒂芬(King Stephen) (布洛瓦王朝) 安茹王朝 House of Anjou * 1154-1189 亨利二世King Henry II Curtmantle "短斗篷王" * 1189-1199 理查一世King Richard I Coeur de Lion "狮心王" * 1199-1216 约翰King John Lackland "无地王" 金雀花王朝 House of Plantagenet * 1216-1272 亨利三世King Henry III * 1272-1307 爱德华一世King Edward I Long Shank "长脚王" * 1307-1327 爱德华二世King Edward II * 1327-1377 爱德华三世King Edward III * 1377-1399 理查二世King Richard II 兰开斯特王朝 House of Lancaster * 1399-1413 亨利四世King Henry IV * 1413-1422 亨利五世King Henry V * 1422-1461 1470-1471 亨利六世King Henry VI 约克王朝


王室在英国现代社会中的积极作用 “光荣革命”后,英国的君主制经过改造后得以保留下来,成为现代英国政体的组成部分之一。但君主只是一个“虚位元首”,在实际的政治生活中受到许多法律和惯例的严格限制,仅具有象征性的地位。真正的国家权力掌握的议会和内阁的手中。既然如此,为什么英国至今仍然保留着王室并每年使用大量的财政收入来支持王室的开支? 我认为存在的即是合理的。不可否认的是,王室在英国的现代社会中确实发挥了不可磨灭的积极作用。在政治、经济、文化乃至社会的各个层面,王室的作用不可或缺也无可取代。 首先,在政治方面,英国的君主是国家统一和民族团结的象征。对英国人来讲,除了怀旧意义之外,王室是日不落帝国的民族象征,在维护国家形象、稳定统一等方面具有影响力。而在欧盟日益一体化的进程中,王室的存在,有利于保持英国独立的“民族身份”,保护国家主权,维护一种连续而稳定的传统价值观。英国君主也充当政党斗争和社会矛盾的调节者和缓冲器。英女王每周二下午与首相举行例行见面,听取国事汇报,但这种所谓的“周报”只是例行公事。君主始终是中立的并信守“统而不治”的原则,在和政党关系上都保持很节制的态度,在平衡利益上则可充当最佳调节者角色。假如发生执政和在野两党出现争执不下的局面,需要一个调情者居中为斡旋,而这个角色最好的人选就是英国国王。女王向首相提供意见和建议,发挥良好的咨询作用。近60年在位期间,女王曾先后与十位首相坚持每周交谈。这些首相称,女王长期累积的经验和其在政治上的中立态度,使他能为日常国家管理事务提出有见识的意见。英国的君主也是联系英联邦各成员国的纽带。大英帝国解体后,为了维系各独立国同宗主国之间的联系,建立了英联邦。许多国家加入了这一组织。女王充分利用自己的影响,强化各成员国之间的团结,不断发挥积极作用,受到人们尊重。尽管是名义上的,但是作为“英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰”及英联邦国家的共同象征,英联邦国家只要一提到英国女王都致以很高敬意。澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰都承认女王为国家元首,女王派遣总督到这三国履行王室职责。这无形之中体现了英国君主给英联邦国家所带来的心理上的影响。

英国文化概况 结课论文

Introduction to British literature --- Introduction to the book of Kipling 2014-12-23

When I was a child, I have read an interesting book named “the jungle book”, which is written by Joseph rudyard K ipling. It’s so at-tractive and vivid that I have read it for many times. Looking back now, the book is so simply. However, it told me so mang meaningful things. Joseph Rudyard Kipling , a talented writter who have created many-famous articles. Also, he is the first Englishman who awarded the nobel prize. The nobel prize reviewers praised him as "the world writer's work with closely observed, unique imagination, bold, narrative for excel-lence". Turning the page, you just like come into a charming tropical jun-gle, roaming among them, witnessing the strange and exciting life in the jungle. The description is vivid and relaxing. Everyone will be fo und of the book the minute he opens it. I’m sure that you will enjoy yourself. The story tells that a woodcutter's son was chased by tigers. Lucki-ly, he was saved by a kind wolf , and then he became a member of the wolves. He experienced a lot in his growth. He escaped from death in a great catastrophe .When in the face of the treasure , he chose to give up. Also, he had much brave behaviour. Finally he became the son of the jungle. His life is a legend. Although this book doesn’t have serious conception, it bring readers good feel. Once you indulge in the book, you will feel relaxed and enjoyable. I admire the hero 's courage and wisdom. He used the buffalo herds killed the evil tiger; Luring red hair dog into the "death zone", where the wild bees make th em casualties seriously. This is all expression of human wisdom. It’s fascinating and interesting. This is the biggest highlight of the book . For a long time, this book is read as a fairy. It has left countless people a wonderful childhood memory. But behind the simple and re-laxing novel story, it also has profound implication. It will influence readers deeply. The original jungle is mysterious, with countless animals living in which. After the arrival of the hero, he got protection and education. He became familiar with the jungle laws quickly; He played with his wolf brothers happily, and his wolf brothers always provide help for him when he needed. The jungle just like a big family, which


英概 Unit1,2 1. The full name of the United Kingdom is ____ 2. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. True or False? False. Because Northern Ireland is on the neighboring island of Ireland. 3. The national flag of the UK is called _____. The Union Jack 4. What’s its national anthem?God Save the Queen /King . 5Commonwealth of Nations英联邦 1。英国的全称是____ 2。大不列颠岛由英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰。真或假? 假的。因为北爱尔兰在邻近的爱尔兰。 3。英国的国旗被称为_____。英国国旗 4。它的国歌是什么?上帝保佑女王/王 5英联邦英联邦 8. London The l argest city in the country, with about one seventh of the nation’s population. The seat of the government---10 Downing Street. The cultural center, home to all the major newspapers, TV stations, galleries, theaters and museums. Business center. Financial center. 8。伦敦 这个国家最大的城市,全国约七分之一的人口。 政府所在地——-10唐宁街。 文化中心,国内所有主要报纸、电视台、画廊、剧院和博物馆。 商务中心。 金融中心。 England The largest of the four nations The largest population The dominance in size is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance. Its capital, London, is dominant in UK in all fields: government, finance and culture. Latin language Anglo-Saxon language 3 sources of (ancient English ) Modern English French language 最大的四个国家最大的人口 优势的大小是反映在文化和经济主导地位。 其首都伦敦,在英国占主导地位在各个领域:政府、金融和文化。 拉丁语言


An simple introduction To British culture Term paper British customs

Name: xxxx Student ID: xxxx Class&major: xxxx British customs Main idea: British customs are wonderful and interesting, you can find many excellent masterpieces and brilliant paintings in some occasions. They are British most valuable cultural treasure, the customs has something to do with its locations. The mountains, rivers, forests, splendid mansions, all of them have a great influence on their culture.

Outline: Ⅰ.An introduction to London and the influence which bring to Britain . Ⅱ. In the UK, Christmas calendar New Year's Day, although not as grand, but New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, or used in accordance with local customs Ⅲ .The Gothicismus movement took pride in the Gothic tradition that the Ostrogoths and their king Theodoric the Great who assumed power in the Roman Empire had Scandinavian ancestry Ⅳ .During the 17th century, Danes and Swedes competed for the collection and publication of Iceland manuscripts, Norse sagas, and the two Eddas. London is a cosmopolitan mixture of the Third and First worlds, of chauffeurs and beggars, of the establishment, the avowedly working class and the avant-garde. Unlike comparable European


英国文化概况试题及答案 (参考课堂讲解的内容及课件) 一章Land and People 考题 I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts: 1. The British Isles are made up of?________ A. two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland 2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______ A. Britain, Scotland and Wales B. England, Scotland and Wales C. Britain, Scotland and Ireland D. England, Scotland and Ireland 3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______ A. that have a large number of British immigrants B. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars C. that speak English as their native language D. that were once colonies of Britain 4 About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and ______of the world’s land area. A. one third B. one fifth C. one fourth D. two fifths 答案: Key: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C Chapter 1 land and people 1.What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth? The British Isles, Great Britain and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country, while the official name is the United Kingdom, but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. 2. Describe the geographical position of Britain? Britain is an island country. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. 3.Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland? The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. 4. Does Britain have a favorable climate? Why? Y es, it has a favorable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature, too.


英国文化创意产业发展概况及其启示 摘要:英国政府对文化创意产业的重视以及正确的产业政策,促进了经济的发展,增加了就业。本文从文化创意产业的界定出发,通过对英国文化创意产业状况的介绍、分析,从三个方面得出一些对我国有益的启示。 1、文化创意产业的界定 文化是人类经济、社会活动的反映和表现,主要起到促进人的发展、丰富人的精神生活等作用。上个世纪九十年代以来,文化的经济功能正在逐步被认同和推动。1998年世界银行的《文化与持续发展:行动主题》报告中提出:“文化为当地发展提供新的经济机会,并能加强社会资本和社会凝聚力”。在很多国家,文化经济化的新形式和新概念不断出现和推出,如文化产业和文化创意产业就是被提及最多的概念。 联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)对文化产业的定义是:“结合创作、生产等方式,把本质上无形的文化内容商品化。这些内容受到知识产权的保护,其形式可以是商品或是服务。”与之不同,文化创意产业一般则指那些“来源于创意或文化的积累,通过知识产权的形成与运用,具有创造财富与就业机会潜力,并促进整体生活环境提升的行业”。“文化创意产业”与“文化产业”相比较,除了扩大了产业范围,更加注重以政策引导带动产业转型加值,将文化部门直接转换成产业部门。 英国政府把文化创意产业定义为“那些发源于个人创造力、技能和天分,能够通过应用知识产权创造财富和就业机会的产业。”【1】对于文化创意产业,英国政府强调个人的创造力,个人的灵感、理念、技能是创造价值的核心。在文化创意产业范围的界定上,英国政府把就业人数多或参与人数多,产值大或成长潜力大,原创性高或创新性高三个原则作为标准,选定了十三项产业作为文化创意产业的范畴。包括软件开发、出版、广告、电影、电视、广播、设计、视觉艺术、工艺制造、博物馆、音乐、流行行业以及表演艺术等十三项产业。 2、英国文化创意产业发展概况 1994年,澳大利亚以“创意的国度”(Creative Nation)为目标,公布澳大利亚的第一份文化政策报告。英国此时则因为政府的产业政策未能刺激经济发展,某些产业的发展濒临危机。英国政府派团赴澳大利亚考查,回国后马上建立组织管理机制,政府成立了专门的研究指导小组,首相布莱尔亲任组长,投入了大量的资金及资源发展文化创意产业。 1997年,英国文化、媒体和体育部成立专门任务小组,就文化创意产业的持续发展提出建议,提出把文化创意产业作为英国振兴经济的聚焦点,把推广文化创意产业作为拯救英国经济困境的有效方法。1998年出台的《英国创意工业路径文件》中更明确地提出了“创意工业”(creative industries)的概念。要求政府“为支持文化创意产业而在从业人员的技能培训、企业财政扶持、知识产权保护、文化产品出口等方面”做出积极努力。英国政府采取的主要措施包括,在组织管理、人才培养、资金支持、生产经营等有关方面逐步加强机制建设,对文化产品的研发、制作、经销、出口,实施系统性扶持。在面临国内创业环境中关键的金融及投资问题时,英国文化、媒体和体育部出版了“Banking on a hit”手册,指导相关企业或个人如何从金融机构或政府部门获得投资援助。逐步推动完整的创意工业财务支持系统,


英国王室在现代的精神领袖作用 学号+姓名 摘要: 在英国,代表着封建、保守的王室,和现代社会和谐共处,在政治、外交、经济、文化等方面发挥着巨大的作用。两次世界大战至今,都可以看到英国王室在团结人民、鼓舞士气、带动人民关注慈善事业等方面发挥着道德引导和国家凝聚的精神作用。这不单是王室成员应具备的贵族品质,也是他们作为贵族所要承担的社会责任。王室是英国最先鲜活的国家代表,也是英国人家国情怀的共同精神寄托。中国国情与英国不同,但也可以从传统文化中,去寻找大家共同的价值基础,以此为纽带加强道德约束力和民族凝聚力。(200字) 关键词: 英国王室道德楷模文化强国(3个) 英国作为最早进行民主革命的国家之一,通过1849年光荣革命进行了一次不流血的政变,资产阶级和新贵族与在之间找到了微妙的平衡点,达成了巧妙的妥协——国王作为国家的象征,却统而不治。这是英国王室地位高贵显赫、然而实际权力微小的极大反差,是“英国政体中诸多似是而非、矛盾对立的绝妙范例”。① 然而,为何在这个最早踏入民主社会的国家中,仍存在着作为封建专制象征的王室呢?或许这句话可以解释:王之所以能够统治,是因为有人愿意被统治。②在民主共和的时代,仍保留着王室的国家中,英国的温莎家族是最古老、最具代表性,也是生命力最强的王室。 英国的王室在现代社会中的作用大致可以分为几点:政治方面,王室是国家统一和民族团结的象征,是维系英联邦的纽带,是首相的顾问,也因为从法律上来说,君主有罢免首相的权力,所以在必要时,君主是民主的最后一重保障。经济方面,王室带动了旅游等一系列行业的发展,为英国创造了巨大的经济价值。文化方面,王室是英国生动的非物质文化遗产,带有民族的烙印,其存在,也促进了等宫廷制度的延续和白金汉宫、温莎城堡等建筑的保存。 在我看来,英国王室最重要的作用,是他作为精神领袖在道德引导和国家凝聚上的作用。原因大致有以下三点: 首先,在无神论为主流的社会中,宗教力量减弱的情况下,需要一个新的群体,来作为社会准则的象征。一个拥有某种道德形象的象征,对维系社会的和谐有重要作用。在中世纪,基督教扮演者这一角色。在现代社会,随着科学的发展,信教人群正逐渐减少(据2014年数据显示,60%以上英国人不信教,仅认同基督教文化)。因此要去寻找一份新的道德象征,“维 ① F.N. Forman, Mastering British Politics, P.133 作者名:《文章题目》,《杂志名》,2012年第5期,119页。


英国王室千年史话 1.诺曼王朝之前的英国王室 我想从1066年诺曼人征服英国说起,因为现在在伦敦的各个景点里,最老的就是威斯敏斯特教堂和伦敦塔。诺曼之前的英国王室几句话就可以概括:最初不列颠岛上的居民是不列颠人,公元前被凯撒征服以后纳入罗马帝国的范围。今天在英国兰北部荒原上的哈德里安长墙,就是标志罗马帝国最远疆界防御的西方版长城。三百多年以后罗马帝国衰落,驻军从不列颠撤往欧洲大陆,日尔曼系的部族入侵不列颠来填补实力真空,盎格鲁人,撒克逊人都在其中。英国史上“亚瑟王”这个国王,信史上不存在,但是原型有几个说法:有的说是大军撤退以后留下来的罗马将军,领导当地不列颠人反抗日尔曼系撒克逊人入侵,也有说是当地威尔士王子,继承父亲王位与撒克逊人作战。前一段的美国电影“亚瑟王”是采用的前一种:亚瑟是服役于罗马军队的东欧萨尔马特族骑兵军官。无论哪一种说法,总之亚瑟王这个人在真实的历史上虚无飘渺,原型则是站在不列颠人这边的。这些不列颠人,后来被新进的盎格鲁-撒克逊人驱赶和征服,今天的威尔士和法国不列塔尼半岛,就是这些古不列颠人的后裔,而今天的英格兰人,应该是后来的盎格鲁-撒克逊征服者。

从主流撒克逊这边说,信史上第一个称“盎格鲁撒克逊王”的,是撒克逊人并列的几个王国之一,威塞克斯国王阿尔弗雷德,称“大王”(The Great)。威塞克斯的意思就是西部撒克逊。所以最早的英格兰王室,在诺曼王朝之前,叫威塞克斯王朝。这个王朝存在的时代,也正是北欧海盗最厉害的时代,到1000年以后不久,北欧的丹麦克努特大王(Canut the Great)干脆征服了英国,兼任英国,丹麦,挪威和部分瑞典的国王,把原来威塞克斯朝的英国国王赶跑,去法国海岸诺曼底公爵的宫廷作客了。其实诺曼底也是原来北欧海盗入侵建立的诸侯,“诺曼底”就是“诺曼人的地方”,而“诺曼人”就是北方人的意思。这批人征服了这片海岸以后定居下来,向法国国王称臣,就是诺曼底公爵家系的由来。 这就说到跟后来诺曼底征服有关的地方了:被丹麦克努特大王征服的撒克逊王朝,末代继承人叫爱德华,从小就跟母亲,英国王后也是诺曼底公主的埃玛躲避战乱到了诺曼底,当时的诺曼底公爵是爱德华的舅舅,爱德华王子在诺曼底宫廷受诺曼文化影响很深。等他40多岁的时候(当时诺曼底公爵 已经传到爱德华的表弟了),克努特的儿子,丹麦王朝末代


英美文化与国家概况British and American Studies ( British Part ) Unit Five 大学英语第一教研室余非编 2013年2月

Unit 5 Cultural and Social Life 1.British Families https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f373341.html,cation Policy 3.Primary and Secondary School 4.Higher Education and Universities 5.Oxford and Cambridge 1.British Families Question: 1. How do British people consider their family life? 2. What is called nuclear family ? ?Family life has always been of great importance for the British people. The British culture, influenced by Christianity, attaches the utmost importance to family life and the upbringing of children.It is generally believed in Britain that children start socializing at home, and family life plays a very important role in training responsible citizen. ?English patriotism is embodied in the popular saying “Coats off for Britain,” but the English people do not say “sacrifice a small family ” when saving the nation. ?In terms of composition, the English family is called nuclear family—husband and wife with their unmarried children. The British marriage has always been based on monogamy without exception ever since the beginning of written history. ?Marriage marks the beginning of complete independence from parents. According to the British law, no one is allowed to marry under the age of 16. ?Historically, British families were patriarchal in structure. A married woman had to take her husband’s surname, and her legal existence was suspended during married. ?Today, a married woman still takes her husband’s surname, but both spouses have equal rights and obligations, although the husband is still considered as the primary breadwinner. ?Parents are the legal as well as natural guardians of their children. As guardians, parents must


英国皇室旅游文化资源—白金汉宫 摘要:随着人们生活水平的提高,我们国家国内与国外旅游业发展迅速。人们越来越热衷于走出国门去体验外国的风土人情。而英国作为一个历史十分悠久、在历史上及在当今世界都发挥着十分重要的作用的国家,其旅游资源尤其是人文旅游资源十分丰富并具有自己独特的特征。了解英国的人文旅游资源,不仅能使我们更好的游览英国更能增长我们的眼界,本文将主要介绍英国英国皇室旅游文化资源—白金汉宫。 关键词:英国皇室旅游资源白金汉宫故宫 参考文献:《列国志》王振华社会科学文献出版社 一、白金汉宫旅游资源概括 1、白金汉宫介绍 白金汉宫这座皇家宫殿面对着伦敦圣詹姆斯公园的林荫道。白金汉宫原名叫白金汉大厦,是1703年至1705年由荷兰建筑师威廉·温德为白金汉公爵约翰·谢菲尔德建造的一座红砖建筑。1761年,乔治三世用分期付款把这座建筑买了下来,四期共付了二万一千英镑。他喜欢住在白金汉宫或丘镇,不大喜欢住在圣詹姆斯宫。1775年,他决定把此建筑作为日后的遗产传给夏洛特皇后。但由于他晚年多病,致使这座宫殿很多地方失修。可是,后来乔治三世就决定不惜重金,计划把它重建成一个豪华壮观的宫殿,使它最后成为伦敦的真正的皇宫。在他的宠臣约翰·纳什的帮助下,卡尔顿大厦年久失修,不便居住,拆除卡尔顿大厦来抵补修建白金汉宫的费用,以此哄骗议会拨款“改建并扩建”白金汉宫。纳什用了四年时问,设计出有圆顶、楼阁、角楼和独立建筑物的设计方案。乔治三世当时年事已高,显得急躁,抢时间突击此项工程,从纸面上看,虽然显得很壮观,实际_!二,这个设计既笨拙又使施工不连贯,还未建成,就得把原建筑的不小一部分拆掉再重建。在此期间,在主要入口的前面,建起了大理石拱门,还造了一个圆顶,从林荫道方向看过去,非常可笑。1828年举行议会质询会,可是没有证明出纳什犯有玩忽罪,但他承认了设计的错误,1830年,他被撤职了。国王威廉四世即位之后,他厌恶大理石拱门和宫殿,但是,185。年维多利亚女王将大理石拱门移到现址。由爱德华·鲍罗尔在它的东边建了一个新的宫前建筑,以掩盖纳什的错误,从而使白金汉宫最后成为伦敦君主的统治中心。1913年阿斯顿·韦布重新设计了一个大理石的宫前建筑,上面有带栏杆的屋顶、柱廊和山墙,作为维多利亚女王纪念馆的一部分。白金汉宫前面的维多利亚女王纪念馆是1913年落成的。白金汉宫的主要房间有:觑见室、正式接见室和画廊,画廊里有从英国人、法国人、佛兰芒人和荷兰人各画派中精选出的第一流作品,在这里公开展出。宫殿的总面积为四十三英亩,它的西面和西南面有一个装饰性的湖泊和一座亭子,这是每年夏天王室举行游园会的胜地。 2、旅游资源: 白金汉皇宫建筑 皇宫是一座四层正方体灰色建筑,悬挂着王室徽章的庄严的正门,是英皇权力的中心地。四周围上栏杆,宫殿前面的广场有很多雕像,以及由爱德华七世扩建完成的维多利亚女王纪念堂,胜利女神金像站在高高的大理石台上,金光闪闪,像要从天而降,维多利亚女王像上


英国国家概况及英国文化、教育简介 国名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 ( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成。旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰的白地红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。 国徽:即英王徽。中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征苏格兰;左下角为蓝地上金黄色竖琴,象征爱尔兰。盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、代表英格兰的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支扶着。盾徽周围用法文写着一句格言,意为“恶有恶报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天有上帝,我有权利”。盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的金银色头盔、帝国王冠和头戴王冠的狮子。 国歌:《上帝保佑女王》 "god save the queen"(如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为"god save the king") 国花:玫瑰花 国鸟:红胸鸽 国石:钻石 科学节:1831年开始,一年举办一次 科学周:1994年开始,在每年的3月举办 自然地理:24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7. 88万平方公里,威尔士2. 08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1. 41万平方公里。位于欧洲西部的岛国。由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和周围一些小岛组成。隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆相望。它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接壤。海岸线总长11450公里。全境分为四部分:英格兰东南部平原、中西部山区、苏格兰山区、北爱尔兰高原和山区。主要河流有塞文河(354公里)和泰晤士河(346公里)。北爱尔兰的讷湖(396平方公里)面积居全国之首。属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,终年温和湿润。通常最高气温不超过32℃,最低气温不低于-10℃,平均气温1月4~7℃,7月13~17℃。多雨雾,秋冬尤甚。年平均降水量约1000毫米。北部和西部山区的年降水量超过1600毫米,中部和东部则少于800毫米。每年三月至六月最为干燥,九月至来年一月最为湿润。 人口:5883万(2000年7月),其中英格兰人4930万,苏格兰人510万,威尔士人290万,北爱尔兰人170万。官方和通用语均为英语。威尔士北部还使用威尔士语,苏格兰西北高地及北爱尔兰通用盖尔语。居民多信奉基督教新教,主要分英格兰教会(也称英国国教圣公会,其成员约占英成人的60%)和苏格兰教会(也称长老会,有成年教徒66万)。另有天主教会和印度教、犹太教及伊斯兰教等较大的宗教社团。 首都:伦敦(london);人口:728.5万(1999年)。最热月份为7月,一般气温在13℃-22℃;最冷月份为1月,一般气温在2℃-6℃。 行政区划:分英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰四部分。英格兰划分为43个郡,苏格兰下设29个区和3个特别管辖区,北爱尔兰下设26个区,威尔士下设22个区。苏格兰、威尔士议会及其行政机构全面负责地方事务,外交、国防、总体经济和货币政策、就业政策以及社会保障等仍由中央政府控制。伦敦称“大伦敦”(Greater London),下设独立的32个城区(London boroughs) 和1个“金融城”(City of London)。各区议会负责各区主要事务,但与大伦敦市长及议会协同处理涉及整个伦敦的事务。此外,英国还有12个属地。

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