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Unit 7.How do you make a banana milk shake ?

Language Goals: Describe a process

Follow instructions

Period One

Section A (1a---Grammar Foucus)

Step 1. Presentation

The teacher ask the students : Can you cook food?

Get the student answer . A: I can make dumplings.

B: I can boil porridge.

C: I can…..

T: Today we’ll learn how to make a banana milk shake.

Write the topic on the blackboard. Unit 7.How do you make a banana milk shake ? Teach the new words

T:What shall we do first? Help the students to answer:Peel the bananas.

T: Can you peel the bananas? Yes, that’s easy. Then we need to cut up the bananas.

After we cut up the bananas, what do we need to do ?

T: Put the bananas in the blender. And we can add some ice cream . That can be more delicious. And we also need to pour some milk into the blender. After that, turn on the blender. At last pour the milk shake into a glass now we can drink it.

While teaching the process, write the new words and phrases on the blackboard ,

Step 2. 1a, 1b and 1c

1a. Get the students to look at the picture ,then write the words in 1a in the blanks in the picture.

1b. Tell the students that we will listen to a conversation and see how they make a banana milk shake. First time, just listen.

Play the tape again. This time ask the students to put the instructions in the correct order.

Then get some individuals to check the answers in class.

Play the tape and get the students to listen and repeat.

Practice reading aloud in class.

1c. Pairwork.

Cover the instructions above. Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake like this:

A: How do you make a banana milk shake ?

B: Peel the bananas first,……

Step 3. 2a, 2b and 2c

T: Now we have learned how to make a banana milk shake. Let’s listen and learn how Maria and Katie make fruit salad. For the first time, I want to see what kinds of fruit can you find.

Play the tape. Get the students to find the names of the fruit they hear. And ask them to write them down on the blackboard:banana, watermelon, apple, orange.

T: Besides these fruits, they also need some other ingredient. What is it ?

Yes, honey and yogurt.

2a. T: Now, let’s listen again. Please write the names of the ingredients under How much and How many in the chart.

2b. T: Listen again. Write the names of the ingredients next to the correct amount. Check the answers in class.

2c. Get the students ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad. Pay attention to : How much yogurt do we need?

How many apples do we need?

Step 4. Grammar Focus.

Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns

Get the students to find countable nouns and uncountable nouns in the text.

And write them down in the exercise books.

Step 5. Homework

1.Write a short passenger about how to make fruit salad.

2.Read and recite the conversation in 1b.

3.Copy new words four times each

Section A ( 3a----4 )

Step 1. Review

1.Revise countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns: bananas, apples, watermelons, oranges, pears, strawberries…

Uncountable nouns: milk, honey, yogurt, salt, sugar, bread, butter, cheese, tea….

2.Revise the use of how much and how many

T: I want to make some milk shake. ( Get the students to ask and answer like this ) A: How much milk do you need? T: Two bottles of milk.

B: How many bananas do you need ? T: Three bananas.

3.Get the students to describe the process of making a banana milk shake ,how to

make fruit salad or the other food. You can get them to do it one by one.

Step 2. Section A 3a

T: Look at the picture in 3a. What are they doing ?

Ss: They are making fruit salad.

T: Let’s read the words in the box. Fill in the blanks with them.

( Give the students a few minutes to do it.)

Then check the answers in class.

Read the conversation in pairs.

T: Now let’s learn how to make popcorn.

Look at these pictures and tell your partner .

Give students five minutes to prepare. Then get them to share their process of making popcorn.

A: First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper.

B: Then turn on the popper.

C: Next pour the popcorn into a big bowl.

D: Finally add some salt to the popcorn.

E: Now you can enjoy it.

Step 4. Game --- Recipe game

Make two teams. Write a recipe. Then cut it up.

The other team has to put the recipe in order.

Step 5. Homework

1.Read and learn new words . Copy the new words and make sentences.

2.Write a recipe about how to make beef noodles.

Section B (1a---2c )

Step 1. Review

1.Revise countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

2.Get the students to describe a process of making food.

How do you make a banana milk shake?

How do you make fruit salad?

How do you make beef noodles? And so on

3.Read and revise the new words and phrases in this unit.

Step 2.Presentation

T: Today we will learn how to make our sandwiches.


1b . Pairwork

Look at 1a. Take turns asking your partener what he or she likes in sandwiches.

A: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you like tomatoes ? B: No, I don’t.

Step 3. listening

2a. Tell the students that we will listen to a conversation about how to make a turkey sandwich. Listen and circle the words that you hear in 1a.

2b. Listen again .This time please write the ingredients in the order you hear.

Check the answers in class.

2c. Pairwork

Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwiches.

Give students a few minutes to prepare.

Ask some pairs to act out in class.

Step 4. Homework.

Read and learn new words. Copy the new words and make sentences.

Write a short passage about how to make a sandwich.

Section B 3a---Self Check

Step 1. Review

1.Revise the names of vegetables, fruit and others.

2.Write the names as many as they can.

3.Check the homework.

4.Encourage students to share their process of making different kinds of food.

Step 2. Section B. 3a. 3b.and 3c

3a Today we will learn how to make a super chicken sandwich

Read the ingredients. Write the ingredients in the correct places in the chart.

Check the answers in class.

Then practice reading aloud and act out with gestures at the same time.

3b. get the students to fill in the recipe with the words from the box.

Give students to practice reading aloud.

3c. writing.

Get the students to write a recipe for your favorite sandwich or another favorite food. Read your recipe to a partner.

Step 3. Game (Crazy Sandwiches )

Get the students to play the game as the instructions.

Step 4. Self Check.

1.Get the students to read the sentences and fill in each blank with the words given.

Change the form of the word if necessary.

Then make their own sentences with each word.


幼儿乐高教学设计教案 乐高教育以为:儿童是主动的学习者,他们的身上有着自然的爱好和本能,而发挥其本能的学习就是让学生置身于布满趣味性、刺激性、挑战性的活动中,主动往探究知识的奥秘。以下是 ___精心的幼儿乐高教学设计教案的相关资料,希望对你有帮助! 大班乐高活动:灵活的小车 执教者朱翔 活动目标: 1、掌握方向盘、操纵杆的概念,拼搭能灵活转弯的小车,激发探索科学的兴趣。 2、通过设计、改造小车,发展动手操作能力、想象力及创造力。 活动准备: 乐高一盒,搭建好的小车,马路路线图一张,视频 活动过程:

一、听音乐入场 (放音乐《小汽车》)(幼儿在教师带领下,开小汽车形式入场,开到指定位置)“到站啦!我们找个位置站站好” “刚刚我们玩了开小车的游戏,正好前两天,我们也用乐高玩具也搭建了一辆小汽车呢,看,我们面前有一条宽宽的马路。让我们拿起小车,来玩一玩吧” (放音乐《小汽车》)(事先交代不同方向的小朋友往哪个方向开)(玩的过程中会发生碰撞) “把小车放在这里,请回到你们的位置上去吧”(幼儿在垫子上做好) 刚在我们玩得真开心,不过我发现了一些问题,也遇到了一些问题,你们有没有遇到问题啊?---撞车了,太挤了 很多小朋友的车挤在了一起,你们有办法解决这个问题吗?---@#¥% “当我们发现两车要相撞的时候,我们该怎么办”---@#¥%

“某某小朋友你来试一试”(请小朋友来试一试,能不能避让开,提出要求,车轮不能离开地面。) “小车只能往前走,不能拐弯”“你们能想办法让我们的小车拐弯吗?” 二、出示小车,引入方向盘和操纵杆的概念 “我这有一辆车,你们觉得有什么不一样?”---可以转动 “在这个小车里面藏着一个小小的秘密哦,想不想知道?”---想 “我们来看一看”(视频) “看明白没有?你们说说看”----方向盘转动,带动操纵杆车轮转动 “方向盘和车轮之间是什么连接的”---轴“这根轴就是操纵杆。” “这就是小车能够拐弯的秘密,老师的小车就是有了方向盘、操纵杆。当我转动方向盘的时候,车轮就跟着。。。” 三、展示PPT分解图

Unit 7 It's raining 全单元教案

Period 1 Unit 7 It’s raining !(Section A 1a-1c) Teaching aims 1. Words : weather, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy 2. Can use the structures: --How is the weather in...? ---It's ... Ability Objects: 1.Train students’listening and speaking skills. 2. Train studets’ability of understanding. Teaching Key Points: 1.Key phrase. 2.Target language. Teaching Difficulties: Master the key sentence structure Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Warming-up and Lead-in 1. Let Ss listen to a song “Rhythm of the rain” 2. T: Do you like this song? T: Do you know the song? Ss: 雨中旋律 T: Yes. What kind of sound do you hear in this song? Ss: 打雷,下雨 3. T: Yes. It’s raining in this song. Today we’ll learn Unit 7. It’s raining. Step 2. Presentation 1. Show some pictures T: What’s this in English? (It’s the sun.) 2. Then show some other pictures. T: How’s the weather in the picture? Ss: It’s sunny. (In the same way, finish teaching the words “sun, cloud, wind, rain, snow”“windy, cloudy, raining, snowing”) Step 3 Play a song Let Ss try to find the answers to the two questions. How many kinds of weather are there in the song? What are they? Step 4 work on 1a 1. Show some signs of the weather to the students and get them to know the signs. 2. teacher ask and students answer “How’s the weather? It’s...” (Show more pictures about the weather in different places) T: Look, how’s the weather in..? Ss: It’s raining in ....


教会小朋友认识建筑房子 广西玉林市玉州区城南实验小学林水祺 活动目标: 1、发挥想象力进行搭建,提高幼儿动手操作能力 2、锻炼幼儿的手眼协调能力以及与同伴合作的能力。 使用材料:常规积木、造型积木、ppt。 活动准备:幼儿积累建构经验。 活动过程: 一、联系 1、出示小朋友,以参观他家的位置为由,导入教学活动。 师:我叫小明,今天我带你们去我家那附近看一看,有很多漂亮的建筑在哪,准备好了吗? 2、音乐游戏《钻山洞》,让幼儿一个个通过钻过拱门,出示小明家附近的建筑ppt。 师:我家到了,请大家跟我一起走一走,去看一看吧,看小朋友们认不认识这些新奇有趣的建筑。 1)请幼儿观察图片,你们发现有哪些建筑呢? 提问:大家看看,我家附近有哪些有趣的建筑呢? 2)和幼儿一起分享不同建筑物的外形特征。 提问:谁能说说这些建筑像什么呢?由哪些图形组合在一起构成的? 二、建构 1、让幼儿搭建自己喜欢的建筑。 师:现在请小朋友用乐高积木来搭建一个自己最喜欢的起建筑。

2、出示操作材料。 3、老师提出操作要求,让幼儿按操作要求进行活动,孩子自由选择积木搭建,老师观察指导。 三、反思 1、请幼儿介绍自己搭建的是什么起建筑。 师:现在请小朋友跟同伴交流一下,你搭建的是什么起建筑? 师:有谁愿意来介绍一下自己搭建的建筑?请个别搭建比较特别的幼儿出来示范讲解) 2、你搭的建筑物有什么特别之处,用来干什么的? 四、延续 1、分组合作,给小动物建一个动物园。 提问:我们搭建了这么多的建筑,把他们放在哪里好呢?幼儿回答。现在你们分成两组每组6人,每组搭建一个小区,把你们的建筑物放进小区里。 2、展示作品。 师:好了,现在你们的小区都搭建好了,可以把你们搭好的建筑物搬进去啦。


Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第一课时 Section A(1a ~2d) 教学设计 知 识 目 标

课堂环节 §自主学习案 翻译下列词组。 1.穿耳孔get__one's__ears__pierced 2.驾驶证the__driver's__license 3.充足严肃、谨慎serious__enough 4.担心他们的安全be__worried__about__their__safety 5.做兼职工作have__part-time__jobs 6.停止做某事stop__doing__sth. 7.理发cut__one's__hair 8.使用闪光灯use__a__flash 9.保护这些画作protect__the__paintings §课堂导学案 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 每个青少年在生活中都会碰到允许或者不允许做的事,例如在商场购物时,我们应该允许选择自己的衣服,而作为父母却不允许我们选择自己的衣服,你们有这样的经历吗?你们是赞同还是不赞同呢,请大家说出自己的观点。 Teacher:Could you tell me what students should be allowed to do or shouldn't be allowed to do? Students:________________________________________________________________________ ①Students should be allowed to have part-time jobs. ②Students shouldn't be allowed to get their ears pierced. …

人教八年级下册unit7 教案

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及能用比较级和最高级谈论各之最。 2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论有关地理和自然的话题。 3 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然,保护环境的意识。 教学重点: 短语: in size, in the world, 2 meters tall/long/wide, the biggest population, one of the biggest, the most popular question, talk about, the ancient emperors, the main reason, as far as I know, no man-made objects, mountain climbing, the southwestern part of China, thick clouds, cover the top, risk one’s life, challenge oneself, achieve one’s dream,the forest of nature, try to do sth., the spirit of the climbers, many times more than ,live up to, prepare …for.., be awake, be special to sb., spend some time doing sth., in the remaining forest, endangered animals, in the future…句子: What’s the highest mountain in the w orld? Qomolangma. How long is Qomolangma? It’s 8, meters high. It’s higher than any other mountain. Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lake. Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. It’s much older than the US. 教学难点:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级变化规则和用法。 物体之间的对比。


乐高教学设计 ----《程序与程序设计》之旋转木马

马,调试程序,不断优 化。 学生分组活动和电机结构;常用测量工具准备。 Contemplate (引导学生评价和反思实践活动的成果) 思考与分析 通过让学生上台来讲解和演示所设计的机器人旋转木马,让学生自己反思设计过程中所遇到的一些问题,以及针对这些问题如何去寻求解决的方案,使学生在“做中学”的过程中,进一步加深对程序控制结构的理解;通过采取老师和同学提问,小组成员答辩的方式,培养学生善于反思和总结的科学精神,以及逻辑思维能力。 活动过程设计 教师活动学生活动设计意图 资源及 环境师:同学们,布置给大家的任务都完成 了没有? 老师展示ppt 师:同学们,接下来请各个小组按照ppt 上面所列的问题,准备5分钟的发言, 待会儿依次上台来,讲解你们所设计的 系统,并演示旋转木马。 在学生讲解完后,老师给予掌声鼓励。 在学生演示完后,针对演示过程中,出 现的一些问题,老师进行提问。 在所有的小组完成了讲解和演示之后, 老师要进行总结。 师:同学们,今天的任务,大家都完成 得非常出色! 生:都完成了! 学生分小组,依次上台 讲解,并演示旋转木马。 在学生讲解完后,其他 小组同学给予掌声鼓 励。 演示小组的同学共同回 答老师的疑问。 其他小组同学提问 演示小组的同学共同答 疑 学生鼓掌 通过设置小组 成员上台讲解 和演示的活动, 让学生进行充 分的反思和总 结。 通过设置老师 提问和学生提 问的环节,让师 生之间、生生之 间进行思维的 碰撞,进一步促 进学生的反思。 老师通过在课 堂上肯定学生 的表现,进一步 激发学生课后 自主开展学习 的热情。 学生通过填写 课堂评价表,完 成对自己,以及 组员的评价,对 整堂课的表现 进行量化评价。 制作好 ppt课 件 演示的 同学和 其他小 组同学 都围在 旋转木 马两 旁,营 造一个 良好的 互动氛 围。 提前设 计好学 生的量 化评价 表。


人教版九年级英语 U n i t-7-教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许 和不应该被允许做事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、 规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。 教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift, awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit, educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from, make one’s own decision, get in the way of 重点句型: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” 课时划分: Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c) Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)


五上Unit7 At weekends (第 1 课时) 教案 【教材分析】 本单元谈论的话题是周末活动,教师可以结合学生用书四年级下册Unit2 After school和五年级上册unit4 Hobbies的内容,综合呈现语言知识。教师可以和学生一起复习有关课外活动和业余爱好的词汇,作为导入或巩固活动。涉及的周末活动有上网和远方家人聊天、放风筝、看电影、野餐等,教师可以在教学中利用挂图、照片或多媒体呈现一些孩子周末活动的情景,也可以要求学生课前准备一张家庭周末活动的照片。 【学情分析】 关于周末活动,学生可以结合四年级下册Unit2 After school和五年级上册unit4 Hobbies的内容讨论自己的周末,可结合已有词汇学习新 【教学目标】 1.知识目标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: at weekends, grandparent, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, always, usually, often, sometimes 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/ o ften/ sometimes… 2.能力目标 能运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论周末活动。 3.情感目标 ①引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。 ②安排好学习,享受周末。 【学情分析】【教学重点】 ①能听懂、会读、会说: grandparent, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, visit, always, usually, often, sometimes ②What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/ often/ s ometimes… ③能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型谈论周末。 【教学难点】 ①always, usually, often, sometimes的区分及正确用法 ②能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型谈论周末活动并能自己尝试用第三者角度描述他人周末活动。 【课前准备】 1.常规预习 ①听磁带3遍,大声朗读第三单元课文,根据书后单词表标注课文重难点单词和词组。 ②仔细读课文,用?标注课文不理解的内容。 2.预习导学 (1)重点词组: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plan your study well, enjoy your weekends as well! ——安排好学习,享受好周末!


宕昌县理川中学 2018 - 2019 学年第 2 学期教案 第周八年级英语备课组教案 教师授课时间课时5-1 课题Unit 7 Section A (1a-2d)课型新授 教具 准备 教学目标一、知识与技能: 1.掌握重点单词和短语: (1) square meter deep desert population Asia feel free tour tourist wall amazing ancient protect wide. (2) the population of as far as feel free to do …as …as 2.掌握重点句式: (1) The Qomolangma is 8844.43meters high.(5 meters long/20 feet wide) (2) The Sahara is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size. (3) It’s a lot bigger than the population of the United States.(much, far, a little, much, even) (4) China has the biggest population in the world. (5) China is one of the oldest countries in the world. 二、过程与方法:通过听、说、读、写等任务型活动,熟练应用词汇和句型。 三、情感态度与价值观:引导学生学会用比较级、最高级来比较描述事物感受大自然的美。 重点 1. 学会使用比较级、最高级; 2. 正确使用有关原级、比较级、最高级; 难点 1. 不规则形容词、副词的比较级、最高级形式,尤其是多音节形容词及副词; 2. 灵活运用比较级、最高级谈论自然景观。 教学环节问题分层设置旁注 教复习旧 课(新 课预 习、作 业的检 查) Listen and sing the song


新目标九年级英语unit7教案 来新目标九年级英语unit7教案应该怎么设计!教案要明确教学目标、要突出重点难点、要有灵活的教学形式、教学对象要有针对性。下面给大家带来新目标九年级英语unit7教案,欢迎大家阅读。 新目标九年级英语unit7教案1 1、语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2、技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3、情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4、文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。

重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift,awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit,educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from,make one’s own decision, get in the way of I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should beallowed to drive. Iagree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c) Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check) I. Presentation Ask students: Do yourparents allow you to watch TV?


重点短语: 1. turn on / turn off / turn up / turn down 打开 / 关掉 / 把… 开大 / 把… 调低 2 .mind doing 介意干某事 3. clean the yard 打扫院子 4. not at all 根本不 5. right away / at once / in a minute 立刻,马上 6. wash / do the dishes 洗盘子 7.wear those old jeans 穿那些就牛仔裤 8.get out of the bathroom 从浴室里出来 9.put on another pair 穿另一条 / 双 10.get up 起床 11.look terrible 看起来糟糕 12.be at a meeting / have a meeting 开会 13.go to a movie 看电影 14.help me make dinner 帮我做饭 15.help me with my homework 帮我做家庭作业 16.babysit your little cousin 照顾你的小堂弟 17.make posters 制作广告 18.the wrong size 不合适的尺寸 19.school open day 学校开放日 20.no problem 没问题 21.a terrible haircut 糟糕的发型 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5811221142.html,plain about 抱怨… 23.wait in line 排队等候第一课件网 24.a long telephone conversation 在电话里长谈 25.follow me around 到处跟着我

人教版八年级英语下册教案Unit 7 第4课时

第四课时Section B(2a-2e) 课时目标

自主学习 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1.A panda eats about 10 kilos of bamboo(bamboo)a day. 2.The keeper(keep)spent two hours taking care of the sick panda. 3.That young girl died of illness(ill). 4.Everyone is in a state of great excitement (excite). 5.Parents should provide protection (protect)for their kids. 二、写出下列画线短语的汉语意思。 1....they run over to them with excitement and some of the young pandas even walk into their friends and fall over!兴奋地; 朝……跑去;撞上;跌倒 2.The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long.死于 教学过程 环节1新课导入 复习上一节课所讲述的关于熊猫的知识。 T:Can you tell us something about pandas? S1:... S2:... T:That’s great! Do you want to learn more? Today we will learn an article about pandas. 设计意图:通过师生之间问答的方式,复习上节课所学内容,并自然地引入新课的学习。 环节2学习2a-2e 1.让学生朗读2a方框中的词汇,并理解其意思。然后让学生小组合作,练习利用方框中的词汇谈论熊猫。 2.教师讲解2b方框中的阅读技巧—略读,让学生掌握略读的方法。


Unit 7 How much are these socks? 一、单元教材分析 本单元以谈论服装为主题,通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;能掌握“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? It’s seve n dollar.How much are these socks? They are two dollars.What color is it? It is red.What color are they? They are green.;掌握一些购买衣服时。常用的语言表达方式;能阅读一些简单的服装广告信息,并能写出一些简单的广告。通过本本单元一系列听、说、读、写的训练,让学生们会使用How much引导的问句以及回答;掌握一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。 二、单元学情分析 本单元的主题是谈论服装,通过学习how much和what color等引导的问句以及回答,教授学生如何询问价格和颜色;学会谈论对服装的喜好和如何购物等。借助计算机辅助教学,将平面的语言文字内容直观化、具体化、形象化,训练学生形象思维和抽象思维能力,培养学生形象思维,深入理解语言。积累生活的经验,提高学生的语言表达能力。同时引导学生采用Repeating和Cooperating的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,培养他们团队合作精神并学会感谢人。 三、单元教学建议 本单元可采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Repeating和Cooperation的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动,谈论服装的价格和各自对服装的喜好。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学可采用模仿操练的方法;词汇教学可采用演示讲解、情景操练、反复使用的方法;口语教学可采用互相操练、对话练习、交际活动的方法;阅读教学可采用补充对话和填写价格标签的方法;听力教学可采用图文配对和听写的方法;写作教学可采用看图填空、模仿写作的方法;语法教学可采用总结规律、模仿操练的方法。 四、单元课时分配 本单元可用4课时完成教学任务: Section A (1a-2e) 用1课时 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时 Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时


2014年九年级英语上册Unit7教案(新版人教版) Unit 7 Teenagers shuld be alled t hse their n lthes 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“shuld (nt) be alled t d”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (nt) alled t d”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree”或“ I dn’t agree”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德;正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同明准则。 教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态

重点词汇:se, piere, liense, safet, earring, r, field, hug, lift, aful, teen, regret, pe, bedr , unit, hane, anage, siet, unit, eduate, prfessinal, enter, supprt tal abut, eep aa fr, ae ne’s n deisin, get in the a f 重点句型: I dn’t thin sixteen-ear-lds shuld be alled t drive I agree/ I disagree I thin sixteen is t ung D u thin teenagers shuld be alled t r at night? es, I d / N, I dn’t 教学难点:含情态动词shuld的被动语态结构“shuld be alled t” 时划分: Perid ne: Setin A 1 (1a-2d) Perid T: Setin A 2 (3a-3) Perid Three: Setin A 3 (Graar Fus-4) Perid Fur: Setin B 1 (1a-2e) Perid Five: Setin B 2 (3a-Self he) Setin A 1 (1a-2d) I Presentatin As students: D ur parents all u t ath TV? es, the d Present the sentene: u are alled t ath TV Teah “all sb t d sth “ “be (nt) alled t d sth”


新目标英语八年级(下)Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?教学设计 一、教学内容及分析 本单元是八年级英语下册的第七单元(Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?),主题是如何更礼貌的提建议,主要功能项目是“Make requests”和“Apologize”,本单元的语法要点是“Would you mind …?”和“Could you please…”等句型的运用,知识重难点为:“would you mind +动名词”和“Could you please +动词原形”等句型的正确运用,以及能够正确运用其否定形式。整个单元教材内容如下: Section A是语言的基本输入和呈现部分,是本单元的语言基本内容。1a、1b、1c分别是看、听、说的任务环节,均围绕1a的卡通画而展开。可先创设情景引入,呈现Would you mind +动名词向别人提出请求的语言功能项目。再呈现Would you mind not+动名词,让学生充分利用1a的卡通画内容来练习。2a、2b是任务型听力,学生独立完成。2a是排序,2b是配对。2a是通过听力,展示Would you mind …?和Would you mind not…?在交际中的运用,2b 是呈现如何向别人道歉。2c要求以2a、2b的听力材料来进行交际练习,体会向别人提出请求和向别人道歉的语言功能项目。在3a的教学中,要求学生看图,补全图片中的“请求”,3b的结对对话,要求学生用Would you, Could you, have to编对话,至于第4部分的groupwork,先可让学生制定“工作任务”,再进行对话。 Section B是综合的语言运用和知识的扩展部分。1a、2a、2b都围绕的卡通画展开,2c是2a、2b听力材料的操练对话,3a和3b是阅读和写作的训练,通过完成3a、3b的任务,加深学生对“提出请求,表达歉意”的理解和运用。Self check让学生通过活动对自己遣词造句能力及语言综合能力进行了自我评价,应由学生独立完成,但第2部分教师可组织学生看图讨论,然后再完成第2部分的任务。课后所选的阅读材料依然紧扣本单元的语言目标,学习掌握基本的阅读策略,即通过寻找主题句来快速获取文章大意,以获取更多信息的能力,从而帮助学生了解不同国家及文化背景下的礼仪,更好地遵守社会公德。 我将灵活运用这些活动内容,完成听,说,读,写的训练任务,并将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,以提高课堂效益。因此在教学中采用创设情景、交际表达的思路,以活动为目的和方式促进语言的输出和运用。充分利用教材中的卡通画,来对话交流,让学生在运用中体验本单元的语言功能项目。第一课时主要学习如何更礼貌的提建议,以及如何做出合适的回答以听说训练为主。第二课时主要是通过听说读写训练,进一步学习“如何提出要求和表示歉意

人教版九年级英语全Unit 7 Section B 2a-2e)教学设计

九年级英语Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section B 2a-2e)教学设计 教材分析:(Section B 2a-2e) 1、通过学生小组讨论的形式,谈论一下家庭制度,以练习“允许做某事”(allow somebody to do something )“应该被允许做某事”(should be allowed to do something )的用法。 2、通过讨论,培养学生自我判断是非的能力,作为学生什么该做、什么不该做,要做到心中有数,同时针对家庭中一些家长和孩子意见冲突现象,也应该有正确的理解和积极做法。 学情分析: 1.青少年这个阶段有自己的认知能力,对事情的处理也有自己的看法。2.学生以前学过被动语态,所以对本课内容应该能较好掌握。 3.一些学生的词汇量有限,想表达自己的观点是会有一定的困难 学习目标: 1、情感态度与价值观目标:通过对学校或其他制度的讨论,培养学生自我判定是非的能力,作为学生什么该做、什么不该做,要做到心中有数,同时针对一些社会的不良现象,也应该有极强的判定力和正义感。 2、能力目标:能正确使用情态动词和含有情态动词的被动语态 (should be allowed to do something )结构表达自己对事情的看法和观点。 教学重点和难点: 重点:词组的应用;被动语态的构成、用法。 难点:阅读能力和理解能力的培养. 教学环节: 一,(吐吐槽) 教师活动: (1)要求同学四人一组谈论自己在家里允许做的事情和不允许做的事情。(2) 学生讨论哪些事情应该被允许做和不应该被允许做。 teacher;different families have different rules at home。please tell your group members what you should do or should not do at home。 then tell them what you are allowed to do or not allowed to do at home。


中小学乐高教育教学设计(小学案例) 基本信息 姓名林志仁 电子邮件 所教学科综合实践活动 学校名称泉州师范学院附属小学 学校地址福建省泉州市鲤城区东街二郎巷68号 邮政编码362000 联系电话 是否同意本教案用于乐高教育教学是√否 活动 设计概览 教学主题EV3小车的初步控制 涉及学科(领域)科学、数学、信息技术授课年级小学四年级 前需技能(学生在开本节课要求学生在课前对EV3编程软件中的移动槽和移动转 始此单元前必须掌握的向模块有所了解,有基本的电脑操作能力。 知识或技能) 课程概述(概括地描知识目标:认识LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3软件;编程 述使用乐高教具开展课堂教学活动的架构,约500字) 关键词控制EV3 机器人; 技能目标:自主搭建EV3机器人 情感目标:学会团队沟通与合作 在前一节课,学生们学习了EV3套装,并会让小车实现行走功能,这节课是在前一节课的基础上,通过移动槽和移动转向模块,实现小车按预定路线精确行驶,来体验移动槽和移动转向模块的具体运用。 课堂将通过“EV3小车的初步控制”这一主题活动,以分组合作的形式,让学生利用乐高教育器材EV3套装中的主控和大型马达搭建小车,通过编写程序让电动机的转速随着行走路线的需要来改变,体验电动机的运用。 通过本节课的学习,让学生体验移动槽和移动转向模块的实际运用,能根据实际需要编写相应程序。并在做中学的过程中,激发学生们的创造性思维;能够大胆地想象,大胆地尝试,不断地探究;能够以严谨的科学态度不断进行试验。科学EV3小车编程移动槽移动转向小组合作 教学或学习过程 乐高EV345544 Connect联系(联系学科内容和现实世界引入活动任务) 活动时 长 教师活动学生活动工具与资源通过视频和PPT展示工作任 务的由来和要求。学生的任务是 搭建好小车模型,然后编写程序观看视频 8分钟教学PPT 解决问题,并能根据实际需要,接受任务 灵活运用移动槽和移动转向模 块。 Construct建构(指导学生进行搭建作品、程序设计) 活动时教师活动学生活动工具与资源

八下七单元教案Unit 7 Section B (3a-3b)

Unit7 Section B (3a-3b) 1. Teaching Aims 1.1Ability Objects: To let students can organize information and learn how to write animals. 1.2Moral Objects: To let students love animals and protect them. 1.3Knowledge objects: Key words and phrases: huge, whale, oil, because, protect, be in great danger. 2. Teaching key points Huge, whale, oil, because, protect... be in great danger. 3. Teaching Difficult Points How to let students write one paragraph about animals? 4. Teaching Methods Group work; Pair work 5. Teaching Aids: PPT. 6. Teaching procedures Step1 Lead in (About 3 minutes) Free talk (T: What’s this? S tudents...T: Do you like whales? S tudents...T: Do you know whales? S tudents :......) .

牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期:Unit7 Escaping from kidnappers. 教案1

Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers Teaching Objectives 1.To teach some vocabulary and useful phrases. 2.To help students get the general idea of the whole passage 3.To practice students’ reading skill, such as skimming, scanning and finding details 4.To help students understand the details of the text. Key and Difficult Points 1.To get the main purpose of the writer. 2.To know some new words. Teaching procedures Pre-unit activities: 1.Show students some caricatures of some famous men, and see if the class can identify who they are. 2.Show a short video of a famous cartoon figure to introduce the topic. Pre-reading exercise: 1.Look at the pictures below and match them with the correct words. (story book, newspaper, comic strip) 2.Let students answer the following questions after seeing the title, the heading and the pictures. 3.Deal with some new words. Comic strip, affect, create, draw, affair… While-reading procedures: 1.Ask questions according to the first part: What should we do when we create a comic strip? Ask students to list the things: (1)To think of a plot. (2)To create characters with strong personalities. 2.Ask more detailed questions to help students to understand the text better. (1)What kind plot should it be?

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