当前位置:文档之家› 托福考试听力真题解析




8月19日的托福考试刚刚结束,此次考试是一套拼盘。阅读:20110708NA 听力:20101022NA 口语1:20110708NA 口语2:20110311NA 口语3:20110708NA 口语4:20110311NA 口语5:20101022NA 口语6:20101022NA 综合写作:20110311NA。外语频道为您整理8月19日托福听力真题解析。

1. 一个男生去找教授,教授告诉他在一个field study的waiting list的第一个,男生说他以为去不了所以选了independent study,教授说你可以同时搞,男生很犹豫(这里是重听题)。接下来教授说有一个教授spring会开一门跟study相关的课他可以去听。然后问他认不认识另一个男生,他也在waiting list。男生说只知道他们住一栋楼,教授说他的study 跟你很相近blablabla(这里有题在topic是什么,还有一个题就是问他们俩有什么共同点)

2. 男生刚从field trip 回来,觉得很值,发现人们对环境不总是破坏,很多时候是很好地利用(有题,讲人们harvest branch of trees),所以他决定以这个写论文。之后就在谈论论文的内容,然后教授问了一句话"你准备整篇论文都写这个么?"这里是重听题,教授接下来说这个assignment的要求是什么什么然后说这个题目很多人研究过。最后男生确定写native Americans对环境的利用。

3. 女生去找staff check 她预定的练舞房,然后staff说活动中心在翻修所有的预定都取消了,6个礼拜后才能好。女生抱怨了一通废话,然后说他们很急等不了。然后男的就问你们是parents week的活动么?女生说是的,我们跳的舞脚步声很重要,必须要听到,但是别的房间都有地毯(有题)。然后男的说我可以给你试试student theatre但是那里通常都满了(有题)。女生说好啊好啊,另外你能给我们订校外的排列场么?男的说我只管校内的(这句是重听)

4. 讲古埃及一种艺术形式对古希腊和罗马的影响,因为埃及后来成为了罗马的一个省所以他的绘画风格影响了罗马,例子是一副埃及风格的罗马人画像和木乃伊上的面具。大家注意听里面的时间我只记得有个4 B.C.有题。

5. 地球分层,地核,地幔,地壳。地核还分内核跟外核,里面是液体外面是固体。先讲了这种分层是如何形成的,开始是一个rocky ball,后来在引力作用下吸收别的物质内部不断升温升压就成了现在的样子(有题)。还讲到了如何探测地内结构,有一种好像是声波,在开头提到的,另一种是用drill。两处都有题

6. 又是古罗马艺术,这次是古罗马艺术对文艺复兴garden的影响,文艺复兴的人们努力模仿重现罗马的建筑风格。资料来自两个方面,三个人的记录和一个发明家的各种装置。

后面提到这个garden不是用来种花种菜的而是amuse people,所以里面有很多trick和各种迷宫,maze,显示主人的地位。这几个地方都有题

7. 鸟和蝙蝠不同的飞行方式。从前的飞机都模仿鸟设计,但是蝙蝠有很多优点。接下来就是比较,主要是两者翅膀结构的不同,然后引起飞行是air current 不一样,这里记不太清了。题目里有一道细节搭配题问到这个比较。还有就是教授最后说以后的飞机设计会借鉴蝙蝠的飞行方式,有一道题就是问教授的态度。

8. 中国夏商时期的青铜器,很简单。首先青铜器是用来在spiritual和religious仪式上,日常生活不用(有题),日常生活用陶器。然后一个重要功能是wash因为祭祀中有wash 这个环节(有题)。最后说青铜器主要是帝王和贵族用因为青铜象征不朽和个人地位(有题)。最后说道古希腊也很擅长做青铜器(今天的听力跟古希腊古罗马干上了)但是跟中国没法比,中国有古代最大的青铜作坊和工人。



0308 托福试题 阅读( 55minutes ) Question 1-11 seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15) structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen If food is allowed to stand for some time, putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful spontaneous generation microbiologist Louis showed that structures present in air closely found not that it to be seen in such process by which of the theory of French chemist and opponent was the Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur resemble the microorganisms


高分托福高手经验谈作文 2019-02-26 第一次考托福的时候靠懵了,一出来的时候据我的同学说脸色是惨白的,8月19日那天突然降温,台风来了。我在风雨飘摇中在新东方作了最后一次模考(事后才知道是0401的),自信心备受打击,没有到600。那天晚上我失眠了,11点的时候爬起来做语法,却发掘以前有很多信心的语法开始猛错。倒下睡觉。心里却碰碰直跳。12点半,我开始起来背托福词汇,自信心还是一点没有。那种自我怀疑的感觉到现在还历历在目。一晚没睡。第二天早上一听红牛就去考试。我那个据说能考到650的同学坐在我前面,我更加心神不宁。 分数出来了,我只有603…… 那时虽然复习时间不多,但我知道,自信心的缺乏才是考托福的第一大敌。一旦没有自信心,语感,神志,逻辑,心理,状态都会崩溃,然后做题的感觉和套路会大打折扣。 我从8月2日上新东方才开始正式复习托福。在那之前由于要准备SAT,我已经粗略的背过一遍红宝。但看到托福的题之后,最慌的是听力,然后是阅读。一开始我觉得托福的阅读是很难的。一方面是因为当时阅读的方法有问题,总是以整篇文章一起读,以为抓住了重点,却还要在众多细节题上回到文章重读。后来我根据新东方老师的“出题顺序与文章顺序大体一致”,分段读并且在题目中寻找答案的位置,还是有很大的提高的。另一方面是因为水平确实不够。阅读水平固然需要词汇,但是又牵涉到逻辑、语法之类的词汇间能力,对于当时只有高二英语水平的我来说,未免有些困难。第一次托福考完之后很快就恢复过来,开始准备SAT。SAT无论从词汇量还是文章难度上都比托福有了很大提高。SAT的题目第一次见到的时候就好像天书,觉得没有做得出来的题目。那时高三开学了,学习任务很重。每天复习到很晚,基本上都是在背单词以及阅读文章寻找做题感觉。文章读多了以后,虽然还是觉得很难,但逐渐看懂了。SAT的essay要求比较高,首先是没有模版的。虽然事先可以练一个定式,但废话模式肯定得不到高分。而且SAT写满46行却只给25分钟,这也是个很大的.挑战。这种作文模式我直到考SAT前还是要常常失误,心理没底。不过大概真的是aimhighandachieve,当我再次回到托福准备11T的时候,就突然发觉阅读变得简单了,那些句型和逻辑就好像是在看高考题,十分清晰,而且提问的问题也都可以方便的找到。这样信心就增加了一点。在写作文的时候,用的是一种半八股的方式,即有很多内容是事先写好的,由于有了SAT的练习,不到二十分钟一篇写满两页的作文就可以写好了。这样信心又增加了一点。至于听力,我在一段时间中一直在看英语的原版片,一段时间夏令营去了英国,与鬼子对话的同时,几天之内连看了 BatmanBegins,HarryPorter3,BJ,MinorityReport,Shreck等影片,当时满脑子都是对话和英语,虽然当中的很多习语在toefl中是不会出现的,但当我回到Toefl的时候,相似的情况出现了。听力也变得简单了,直观的感觉就是speaker的口齿清晰了,对话也慢了。这样一来,信心更多了。于是那天怀着


你要找的小托福考试阅读模拟题在这里! 小托福的词汇量和语法难度相当于大学英语四级的水平,如果考生想要考一个好成绩,一定要多多练习,下文分享的就是小托福考试阅读模拟题,一起阅读下吧~ 在阅读部分,文章会涉及到人文学科、科学、社会科学等内容,学生要注意掌握文章主要内容,抓住关键点,了解作者意图并进行推理。同时,阅读部分的文章形式也十分多样,如电子邮件、信件、新闻、学生写作、广告、日程表等,学生需要在平时积累一些关于习惯用语的表达。 小托福考试阅读模拟题: 模拟题1: Outflow channels are probably relics of catastrophic flooding on Mars long ago. They appear only in equatorial regions and generally do not form extensive interconnected networks. Instead, they are probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water draining from the southern highlands into the northern plains. The onrushing water arising from these flash floods likely also formed the odd teardrop-shaped “islands” (resembling the miniature versions seen in the wet sand of our beaches at low tide) that have been found on the plains close to the ends of the outflow channels. Judging from the width and depth of the channels, the flow rates must have been truly enormous-perhaps as much as a hundred times greater than the 105 tons per second carried by the great Amazon river. Flooding shaped the outflow channels approximately 3 billion years ago, about the same times as the northern volcanic plains formed. Question: According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true of the outflow channels on Mars EXCEPT: A. They formed at around the same time that volcanic activity was occurring on the northern plains. B. They are found only on certain parts of the Martian surface. C. They sometimes empty onto what appear to have once been the wet sands of tidal beaches. D. They are thought to have carried water northward from the equatorial regions. 答案:C 解析:题干问的是原文关于“outflow channels”的描述。在真正考试中,把原文阅读完毕再去和选项比较会花费较多时间。因此,比较合理的做题顺序是,先读选项,然后拿选项和原文信息去比对。 A选项说的是outflow channel的形成时间和火山活动在北部平原的发生时间是相同的。快速浏览原文,只有在最后一句提到了它们的形成时间,说大概在30亿年前,about引导的时间状语很重要,补充说明了这一时间和北部火山平原形成的时间相同。A正确。 B选项说的是火山形成的地点,只在火星表面的特定区域。看原文,第二句,说的是它们只在赤道区域出现。B 也正确。


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it


托福高分经验汇总:听说读写应该怎么练托福考试的考察非常全面,听说读写面面俱到,所以大家在备考的时候也需要每个方面都顾及到。今天给大家带来了托福高分经验汇总:听说读写应该怎么练,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福高分经验汇总:听说读写应该怎么练?一.考托福必过词汇关许多托福拿到高分的大神都强调了背单词的重要性。其实词汇是很基础的东西,但是非常重要。托福词汇可以说是贯彻了托福备考的始终,托福单词书要背,阅读、听力、写作和口语里遇到的生词也要记,所以,考托福必过词汇关。二.托福阅读:快速,准确,多练习大多取得高分的考生都认为阅读是个长期积累的过程,但是积累是基础,其实新托福考试中还考察了我们的另外一个能力,考试技巧。你需要迅速把握文章内容、识别题目、针对不同题目进行不同解法,以及快速排除错误选项,所以基础打好以后,阅读还是要多练习。一定要做到快速,准确。三. 托福听力:速记能力很重要大神推荐的听力考试方法都会提到速记能力。Lecture部分,大家需要记好笔记,因为篇幅过长,只靠短暂记忆很容易忽略一些细节,做题时可能已经忘了,所以速记能力是托福听力拿高分的关键。关于听力对话部分是否需要记笔记,大家意见不一,有的人说一定要记,也有的人说不用。其实两者各有优缺点,大家在练习时找一找感觉,看看自己适应哪种方式。四. 托福口语:注意逻辑性和时间掌控大神分享的托福口语高分经验中,除了多练习之外,大部分都强调了口语表达的逻辑性和对时间的把握。考试的时间有限,口语的表达很重要的一点就是逻辑性,

一定要条理清晰地表达,另外需要把握好时间,在有限的时间内把自己的观点陈述完成。另外,平时练习口语,如果能找外教一对一练习,效果也是很不错的。需要注意的是,口语练习一定不要背模板,因为表达起来过于生硬,不如在练习中自己总结模板。五.托福写作:重基础,多练习托福写作分为两块,综合写作和独立写作。综合写作也会涉及到一些听力和阅读,主要考察总结归纳能力。独立写作是需要你自己去完整构思文章的,所以需要自己去构思文章,填充细节,举例论证等等,文章内容越充实越好,自己写的论点要能够自圆其说。另外,不要被写作要求的字数限制住,一定要将自己的思想表达完整,字数超过一些是不会扣分的。托福语法技巧:复合名词1 名词+名词:LondonTransport伦敦公交公司Fleet Street舰队街(伦敦的报馆 街)TowerBridge(伦敦泰晤士河上的)塔楼桥hall door大厅的门traffic warden交通管理员petrol tank汽油桶,汽油罐hitch-hiker沿路搭便车的人,搭顺风车的人sky-jacker劫机者river bank河岸,江岸kitchentable厨房用的桌子winterclothes冬季服装2 名词+动名词:fruit picking摘水果lorry driving开运货汽车coal-mining采煤weight-lifting 举重bird-watching观察/研究鸟类surf-riding冲浪运动3 动名词+名词:waiting list等候者名单diving-board跳板driving licence驾驶执照landing card登陆卡dining-room餐厅,食堂swimming pool游泳池这些组合可用在:1 当第二个名词属于第一个名词或是它的一部分时:shopwindow商店橱窗picture frame镜框college library大学图书馆church bell教堂的钟gardengate花园的大门gear lever变速杆但是一些


智课网TOEFL备考资料 全真TOEFL试题集(阅读PDF高清版) 摘要:全真TOEFL试题集内容丰富,包含了历年托福阅读真题以及每篇阅读里面的核心词汇,并附有详细的答案,害怕的不了托福阅读高分吗? 全真 TOEFL 试题集说白了就是ETS的真题集,都是阅读的,分享给大家。 全真TOEFL试题集内容速览 文件大小:1.77 MB (1,856,971 字节) 文件类型:pdf 全真TOEFL试题集部分内容: Reading Test 5 1 Lasers are often the preferred tools of surgeons in the modern operating room. A. sole C. favored B. best D. required 2 In 1981 presidential adviser Virginia Knauer was selected to be director of the office of Consumer Affairs. A. rumored C. chosen B. supposed D. willing

3 People fishing on a lake must wait calmly so as not to scare the fish away. A. considerately C. alertly B. hungrily D. quietly 4 When department stores have an oversupply of good, they frequently cut prices to encourage sales. A. conceal C. damage B. review D. reduce 以上就是关于全真TOEFL试题集的部分内容,托福阅读做题量不在多,关键在于你所选择的材料和你是否把这些真题真正弄懂,好资料我们已经上传,供大家下载,接下来就靠大家努力啊! 相关字搜索:全真TOEFL试题集-阅读


0308 托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.1 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that


托福考试复习经验总结 看了这里大家的总结,忍不住也想put some words. 首先,不要轻视TOEFL,尤其TWE,一个简单的标准,如果六级考试60、 70分,最好是能抽出一个月以上的时间专攻一下TOEFL。多练几篇TWE。 第二,背单词。单词是基础。能够基本保证自己考试时阅读不至于反复回读,单词量至少7000。我建议刘毅的Vocabulary10000,看这本书中每个单词 的英文解释,背单元各自列举的近义、反义词。 第三,对听力而言,只有多听,2000年以后的更要反复听,以前听说都会 有重复出现的考题的,可惜今年没有碰到(包括短对话也没有,挺郁闷的)。如 果只是为了应付TOEFL,没必要看电影,听广播,能抄写下段子题,应该就能 证明你的实力了。 第四,语法。我强调细心,一定要把整道题读完再选答案。分析句子结构,一定不能多了、少了谓语。我上过新东方的TOEFL班,语法是铁岭老师教的。 最后一节课,他组织了一个总结。于是慨叹,这就是那第六个包子,饱了。说 多了。应付语法需要细心+勤练,如果每次对答案错的题目都似曾相识,总结就必要了。即使你觉得它最简单,最好也保持一天做一套。 第五,阅读。我没话说。除了背单词,就只有多做了。可我笨,每次都错 主题题,我就是搞不清楚一个段子讲些什么。开始我总结作题技巧,提取各选 项的关键词(主语)=文章的关键词。可这次1月的考试,发现不灵了,比方说最后一篇,斟酌良久依然是蒙了一个。 第六,作文。我自己比较懒得去写。我搜罗了网上的类似“作文高手句子 锦囊101招”之类的帖子打印下来仔细看,自己组织了两份模版(分别针对同意不同意,和同意A还是同意B,这样两种题型,其实就首段不一样)套用,比较 管用,最起码帮自己堆积了不少字码。当然,作文多练手,灵活运用各种句型,才是根本。 1月考T经历。 我外地去天津考的,报名很晚,安排给我的座位却靠前在第一排。我才知 道TOEFL考试还有带同桌的。当我放书包在窗台上转身回座位时真呆了,同桌!天大的桌子是拼起来的,跟我同桌的男生巨力大无穷,写作文N次用橡皮去擦,我只能停笔等他结束。 我们考场耳机给的声音巨大,为了压住所谓的机器正常噪音,我们也只能 忍了。听得我考完了耳朵里持久嗡嗡的响。我觉得听力的趋势是短对话更难, 我复习用的2000年以后的题,也就2003-01还有些相似,在我感觉,其他的与


0308托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that these bodies are constantly (20)being deposited on all objects. Pasteur showed that if a nutrient solution was sealed in a glass flask and heated to boiling to destroy all the living organisms contaminating it, it never putrefied .The proponents of spontaneous generation declared that fresh air was necessary for spontaneous generation and that the air inside the sealed flask was affected in some way (25)by heating so that it would no longer support spontaneous generation. Pasteur constructed a swan-necked flask in which putrefying materials could he heated to boiling, but air could reenter. The bends in the neck prevented microorganisms from getting in the flask.. Material sterilized in such a flask did not putrefy. 1,What does the passage mainly discuss? (a)Pasteur’s influence on the development of the microscope. (b)The origin of the theory of spontaneous generation . (c)The effects of pasteurization on food. (d)Pasteur’s argument agai nst the theory of spontaneous generation . 2,The phrase “teeming with ”in line 2 is closest in meaning to (a)full of (b)developing into (c)resistant to (d)hurt by 3,Which of the following questions did the theory of spontaneous generation attempt to answer? (a)What is the origin of the living organisms are seen on some food? (b)How many types of organisms can be found on food? (c)What is the most effective way to prepare living organisms for microscopic examination? (d)How long can food stand before it putrefies? 4,The word “resemble” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

TOEFL 2004年1月真题2

TOEFL 2004年1月真题2 16. The world's water balance is regulated by the constant circulation of water in A B C Liquid and vapor tom among the oceans, the atmospheric, and the land. D 17. The major purpose of the United States Department of Education are to ensure A equal educational opportunity for all and to improve the quality of education. B C D 18. Massive gains in computer speed, power, and reliably have been largely due A B C to advances in silicon tec~logics and manufacturing processes. D

19. The sunflower, the official state flower of Kansas, and is widespread in A B the prairies of the western United States. C D 20. Lake Superior, part of the United States-Canadian boundary, is a largest A B C freshwater lake in the world. D 21. The snapper, a large-headed fish with a long dorsal fin, is named to its A B characteristic way of suddenly, shutting its mouth. C D 22. The aim of the decorative arts is to beautiful our surroundings. A B C D 23. Modern digital synthesizers, based on microprocessors, are virtually unlimited A B in the number and range of musical sounds it can


银川托福考试试题及答案解析 很多银川托福考生在最后的备考阶段都容易迷茫,看到四个科目,具体的不知道该复习点什么?其实在这个时期,小编还是建议大家能够多利用一些模拟题来进行练习,这样对我们的帮助会很大。 听力 1. (a) frank likes coffee, but sarah doesn‘t . (b) unlike sarah, frank took his coffee black. (c) frank took the coffee back to sarah. (d) sarah and frank take cream and sugar in their coffee. 2. (a) our captain was unable to play in the last game. (b) the game started over an hour ago. (c) the game will start later than expected. (d) our team will arrive soon. 3. (a) i have to do one of my lab reports over again. (b) when is my lab report due? (c) what lab report am i supposed to do this weekend? (d) i must work on a lab report this weekend. 4.

(a) the papers are one file. (b) i got rid of the old papers. (c) the papers were carted here. (d) i was dismayed by the news in the paper. 5. (a) i can reproduce the key in a short time. (b) if you forgot your key, you can take mine. (c) it‘ll be a while before i can make the key. (d) that key is the only one of the three i can duplicate. 6. (a) he was absent from the lecture. (b) he showed us his latest statistics. (c) he ended the statistics lecture late. (d) he arrived late for his lecture. 7. (a) you shouldn‘t tell anybody else about that shortcut. (b) that new hairstyle makes you look like a different person. (c) it seems like almost everybody want short hair. (d) your father won‘t recognize you unless you get a haircut. 8.


最近看到周围很多同学考托福,就想起来很久之前自己准备托福时候的情景。当时就很想等到闲下来写一写经验,可是一直都很忙。我写这个主要也是因为网上流传好多托福经验,但是我发现这些经验根本不靠谱,因为好多人是先考的GRE,那再考托福不就是练练听力口语吗,阅读作文直接秒杀,所以那些经验对于像我一样四级基础的人都是浮云,按照那个做肯定没什么用处,因为你跟他们基础差很多。我当时考了托福100分,觉得有用的同学就看看,觉得没什么用的就别耽误大伙儿准备托福的宝贵时间。 从前往后依次是:单词问题,写作(写作29分一周速成),阅读,听力,口语等考试材料的问题,还有就是托福分数的高低。 (一)单词问题(如果你掌握六级以上词汇可以不用背单词) 先说一下我背单词的经历。 这个单词真是让我非常无语的东西其实。我所有种类的英语书里单词书最多,可以说除了新东方托福红宝其它的我全有,什么托福21天,词以类记,托福词汇,词根词缀字典,非常之多。最后我发现我真正也没有背多少,感觉词汇就是我的一大桎梏,总是懒得背,因为太多了实在是,总是背了前面忘了后面,于是就懒得去看了,这可能也是我突破托福的一个瓶颈吧。到了最后考试的时候,我也是只有《托福21天词汇》背到了12天(前面已经忘记了嗯多),词以类记看了3页,别的单词书除了当字典用用就没正式看过。估计很多同学都跟我差不多吧(除了某熊),不过其实单词不是决定托福高低的唯一因素! 再说说单词的用处。单词就是阅读和听力上比较重要,因为到了口语和写作的部分是靠你自己的英语输出,你一定会用你最熟悉最擅长的单词去描述议论,那些仅仅知道意思的词是不可能在非常短的时间内第一反应出现的,比如你想说“好”,你第一反应肯定是good,而不会是unprecedented这种有点矫情的词儿。阅读上面,背单词一定是有帮助的!不过单词背到了一定量,它的边际效用也就递减了,你再背太多也没什么意义。我觉得最好就是背到你做阅读的时候关键词都知道是什么意思就行了。 (二)写作 先说说我的写作准备。我到临考前一周时间开始准备口语和作文的。在这一周时间里我攒了个独立的模板,然后列了列机经里面作文的提纲就去考试了,结果竟然是29分,让我很惊讶。 先说说独立写作。 我因为打字还比较快,所以在思路成熟以后独立一般都能字数450+,考试时候写了475+。个人感觉,字数占到作文成功的70%因素。开始我觉得这有点奇怪,可是后来想


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 ) 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring … (B) bringing (C) is brought 】 (D) brings 答案: A ^ 测试点:不定式。 < 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。 4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 【 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider … (B) when sweet cider is served ? (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served

答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society

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