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Don’t Ride Too Fast

Dick: What’s the matter,Bill?Why are you sitting on the ground? Bill: I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.

Dick: I’m sorry to hear it .Is there anything I can do for you?

Bill; Would you please phone my father and tell him to come at once?

Dick: Is he in his office or at home?

Bill: In his office and his telephone number is 553246.

Dick: 553246,I’ve got it down .Now I’ll run to the nearest publicphone.Wait for me


Bill: OK. You can ride my bike. It’ll save time.

Dick: That’s a good idea.It’ll be back soon.

Bill: please don’t ride too fast.

Dick: Don’t worry .I won’t













在复习高中第二册第2课The Tallest Grass时,我要求学生根据课文内容写一段对话。题目是这样编的:

某一学生对竹子不甚了解,于是去问生物老师。他就竹子的种属、种类、特征(指生长情况以及高度)和用途等提了几个问题。老师一一给予回答并请他写一段师生之间关于竹子的对话。如有一学生编写出这样一段文字通顺的对话:(S-A Student T-The Teacher)

s:What kind of plant is bamboo?

T:Bamboo is a kind of grass though it looks niore like a tree.

S:How many kinds of bamboo are there in the world?

T:Altogether there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo. s:Where does bamboo grow best ?Do all of them grow tall?

T:They grow best where it is warm and where it rains often.Not allkinds of bamboo grow tall. Some grow no higher than your ankles.

S:Is bamboo very useful?

T:Yes,it is widely used .We can make a lot of things out of bamboo,such as flower vases,b askets,water-pipes.It is also a good buildingmaterial.It can be made into fine paper.It can als o be used as food whenyoung.



记叙文:(1)My First English Teacher (2)My Study of English

(3)My Childhood (4)An Unforgettable Day

描写: (1)Four Seasons (2)My Good Friend

(3)The Teacher I Respect Most

说明文:(1)My Family (2)Our School

(3)How I Improved My English

议论文:(1)On the Importance of Learning A Foreign Language (2)Early Rising (3)Let’s Go in for Sports(例文略)


英语六级写作三个套路 精品

英语六级写作三个套路 作文的展开—按照三步走: 1)题目涉及的现象进行简单的描述,在描述的过程中将写作引向文章的主题(这样的描述可以自己控制,如果第一段落字数单薄,可以适当使描述具体化)。 2)在第一步的基础上给出观点,观点视文章主旨可以分为:个人观点(包括方法、途径),和多方观点(观点从正反两方面或者一个方面的多个层次阐述;在交待观点是需要有原因和支持)。 3)个人观点总结点题(同意异表),简要指出方法途径,如果找不到具体的解决方法,则将话讲得圆滑(如果正文中间观点没有必然冲突,则可以融合)。 例子: A 1995.1 my view on the negative effects of some advertisements 社会上的广告现象越来越多,很多的广告对我们的社会有不良的影响-〉(广告如何

多:路边大型广告,报纸一半是广告,电线杆上垃圾广告,电视商业广告频繁。) Today we live in a world of advertisement. Ads appear on broad side boards, take up much of newspaper coverage, slip their way onto walls and constantly interrupt TV programs. However pervasive they are, (尽管他们四处充斥)they always produce a negative influence。 从观点的多个层次描写:1.白日抢劫——卖家通过弯曲夸大事实来欺骗消费者购买(化妆品);2.种下不良消费习惯或者价值观(香烟);3.污染环境(牛皮癣和校园商业海报)。 To begin with, daylight robbery is made everyday occurrence (白日抢劫每天都在发生)as a result of the negative effects of ads. Harmful ads exaggerate the functions and distort/ignore the facts。(夸大功能,歪曲事实) Every means is tried to hook people into buying(为


关于的英语作文3篇 购物的英语作文篇一 in the united states,the lonely have reddit and cats. in china,they have singles' day,which falls on nov. 11 -- ,the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," chinese slang for bachelors. thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses,singles' day was once an occasion for confessing one's feelings to that special someone. but since 2010,online retailers have transformed the holiday,also known as "double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to america's cyber monday. china has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of china's 591 million internet users buy products online. e-commerce sites taobao and tmall, which saw a combined 1 trillion in sales in 2012,will both be running promotional campaigns during china's singles' day. among the


中考英语作文专项训练 一、考点分析: 在中考中,写作占20分,分值所占比例大,而写作考察学生的英文综合运用能力,因此非常关键。 【中考英语作文的评分标准】 比较为学生所熟悉的就是“8+8+4”结构,即: (一)内容: 7-8分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。 5-6分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。 2-4分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、有些离题。 0-1分:文不对题,表达不清。 (二)语言: ①词数:每少5个字扣0.5分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。 ②拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数。 ③语法:同② ④标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但扣分总和不超过1分。 (三)组织结构: ①内容充实、上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多 见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给3-4分。 ②内容充实、不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型 句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给2分。 ③一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在15分以上者(含),方可得到1-2分组织结构分。 ④内容和语言在15分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结 构分。 ⑤通篇句型、句式单一、词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般也不予给组织结构分。 二、写作中常见问题:

①内容空洞,没有清晰的思路,表达能力不强,表达生硬呆板,甚至中式英语翻译思维。 ②议论过多,描写不足。大多数情况下,把议论当成的作文的重点,常常跑题。 ③句式单一,都是简单句,缺少复合句。 ④结构散漫,思维跳跃,文章缺乏条理性。 ⑤连词的使用较少,并且使用单一,句子之间的连接很生硬。 ⑥文章平淡,无亮点短语和句型,连接词等。 三、写作技巧分析: 【高分作文的必备元素】 1. 书写工整,书面整洁,很少有涂改痕迹。 2. 不出现语法,拼写,标点,大小写等错误。 3. 文章字数最好控制在80-100字之间,切记过长或者过短,8-10句即可。 4. 要点齐全。为了避免遗漏要点,可以将题目中给出的要点标注出来。 5. 开头言简意赅,不啰嗦,不偏题,迅速引入主题。 6. 连接词使用恰当,不重复,上下文有连贯性,使之自然成一体。 7. 应用词汇: 高级词汇的合理使用、同义词的变化使用、短语的恰当使用。 8. 多用亮点短语,并且使短语多样性,尽可能使用多种表达方式。 比如:同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,显得词汇贫乏。如果能在作文中不断 地变换方式,用help、give sb. a hand、do sb. a favor、be in need of 等以表达“帮助”,表达更灵 活生动。 9.句式多样性,可适当使用陈述句,疑问句,祈使句及感叹句,强调句,倒装句,定语从句, 状语从句,宾语从句等。 10. 能够恰当使用谚语、格言、名言等给文章添彩。 11. 语法结构多样性,主动被动交叉用,原级比较级灵活用,非谓语动词恰当用。 12.灵活使用万能句型,增添文章亮点。 四、中考经典范文解读: VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “I want to invent_____” (以“我想要发明________”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

【精编版】2020届高三英语题型训练 写作(三)

题型训练写作(三) 第一节短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 WeChat is becoming increasing popular with people. Recently I have made a survey among my classmate about the use of WeChat. According to a result, 45% of the classmates admit they often use it because comparing with other means of communication, WeChat has more advantages. It was cheap, convenient and easy to send all kinds of messages around. Besides, 35% of whom are against using it, saying it will affect their study. Not using WeChat, the rest has no opinion about it. As far as I'm concerned, since WeChat offers us great convenience, it should be made good use. We should not be slaves to it or let it to govern our minds and behaviour. 第二节书面表达 假定你是李华,市电视台将举办《中国诗词比赛》(Chinese Poetry Contest)国际友人专场,你想邀清对文化感兴趣的外教老师Adam一同观赛。请给他写一封信,内容包括: 1.时间:下周五晚六点半; 2.地点:市民中心;

大学 英语写作手册 课后题

Part 1 1. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, who had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. 2. When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I had not heard him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly. When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I did not hear him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly. 3. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, that was why he got higher pay than others. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, which was why he got higher pay than others. 4. No student could answer that question, even Xiao Yao, who was usually quick in answering questions, was silent. No student could answer that question, even Xiao Yao who was usually quick in answering questions was silent. 5. Lin looks like Li, however, they are not related. Lin looks like Li, but they are not related. 6. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looking very sleepy. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looks very sleepy. 7. The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, thus, they over fulfilled their quota. The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, so they over fulfilled their quota. 8. Mark Twain, a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer. Mark Twain is a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer. Part2 1. Xu comes from a working-class family. He enrolled in college last fall. Xu who comes from a working-class family enrolled in college last fall. 2. The dean issued a bulletin. It said the library would remain open on weekends. The dean issued a bulletinwhich said the library would remain open on weekends. 3. Last night was a windy night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. The rain fell in torrents. Last night was a windy night, the thunder roaring, the wind blowing a gale. the rain falling in torrents. 4. There are icicles on the trees. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night for there are icicles on the trees. 5. He returned to his hometown. He had been away for twelve years. He looked in vain for the


英语作文三篇 2017-05- 07myfavoritesporttherearemanykindsofsportsthatienjoy,suchasswimming, running,anddancing.however,thesportthatilikemostisbasketball.wheniwasi njuniorhigh,istartedtoplaybasketballinschool.atthattime,ifoundihadlovedd eeplythissport.now,iwouldliketowatchbasketballgamesasmuchasican.theba sketballgameshavegivenmethemostwonderfultimeinmylife.ahappydaylasts unday,iwenttothetowntovisitmyuncle.iwasveryexcited,becauseicouldseem ycousin--- mingmingthere.hewasmybestfriend.andtheylivedinthecenteroftown,soit’s agreatplacet ohavefun,too.wearrivedateighto’clock;theywerealsohappytose eusandgaveusawarmwelcome.aftergreetingmyuncleandaunt,mingmingsho wedmearoundhishouse,andthenweplayedoutside.isawmanydifferentthings .atnoon,uncleboughtfryingchickenforus,itwassogood!iateupminequickly,so mingminggavemesomehis.intheafternoon,heandiwenttothelibrarytoreadb ooks.therewerealotofnicebooksthere,andtheywerefreetoread!wereadfort wohours,thendadtoldmetogohome.itwasshorttime;ihopedtogotheresoon! dearlinda,iama13-year- oldgirl.mynameissunbingqian.myholidaylifeishappy.ilikethesummerholiday everyyear.thissummeriwenttobeijingformyholiday,beijingisourcapitalcity.iw enttothesummerpalace,climbedthegreatwallandwenttomanyplacesofinter


英语写作三原则 原则一:逻辑语义关系标示语的使用 句子间或段落间的命题之间的语义联系可以通过逻辑关系标示词直接连接起来,以显性的语言成分形式出现于篇章表层;这就是所谓的语篇逻辑语义的“显明性” (explic itness)。但在有的情况下,或是因为信息本身的逻辑关系非常清楚,或是因为情景语境已经提供了必要的启示,即使没有连接性词语,句子与句子或段落与段落之间的逻辑关系也可以通过隐性的衔接手段连接起来;语篇逻辑语义的这种特征被称为语篇逻辑语义的“隐含性”(implicitness)。连接是指用连词、副词或词组(短语)等逻辑关系标示语把两个命题联系起来的手段,可用来表示两个小句之间的逻辑语义关系。绝大多数的语言研究者认为英汉语篇逻辑语义的确存在显性或隐性的差异。如朱永生(2001:102)认为,与其他所有衔接手段相比,连接是英汉两种语言之间差别最大的一种衔接手段;再如,连淑能(1992)认为,由于汉语注重意合,在汉语的语篇中,隐性的连接成分是相当常见的,是读者或听话者很容易接受和理解的一种语言现象。而英语注重形合,英语中语篇连接成分在绝大多数的情况下是显性的。因此,这种“显明性”和“隐含性”在一定程度上反映了英汉两种思维方式的差异和这种差异所造成的英汉两种语言在语言表达上的差异。在英语写作学习过程中,中国学生由于受汉语隐性连接传统方式的影响,在两个命题之间常常不使用逻辑语义关系标示语,有时甚至因为理解问题而误用逻辑语义关系标示语,因而造成逻辑关系表达不清的问题。 在英语写作具体行文过程中,连接或表示语篇中不同命题之间逻辑语义关系的成分就是我们所谓的逻辑关系标示语。它们往往是一些常见的小词。比如说,“and”一般被用来表示并列或递进关系;“but, however, yet, nevertheless”等一般被用来表示转折关系;但是值得注意的是,越是常见的词,就往往越为学生所忽视;加上受汉语逻辑语义“隐含性”特征的影响,中国学生在学习英语写作时极易出现逻辑关系标示语的误用甚至于不用。因此,在英语写作过程中,我们应当着重培养自己对这些标示语的敏感性。 原则二:照应标示语的使用 照应(anaphora)又称前指。从广义上来说,它指的是语言表达中一个词或短语在语篇中被用来(回)指同一语篇中另一个词或短语的语言现象。前者一般被称为前指词(anaphor),后者一般被称为先行词(antecedent)。两者之间是一种语义上的共指(co-reference)关系。这种共指关系可以出现在同一句、同一段落或同一篇章中,是篇章连贯的主要手段之一,因而近几十年来一直是语言学、心理学、人工智能、语言教学等学科的研究对象。根据先行词与前指词之间的关系及其词法和句法特点,照应关系可以分为三大类:句际照应、动词性照应和名词性照应,分别如下例所示(划线部分分别为先行词和前指词): (1)John told me that he could finish the test in half an hour, but I wouldn’t b elieve it. (2) a. He went to the part yesterday. So did his wife. b. Perry bought a blue jacket, and Tom ? a black one. (3)John bought a red car and Paul bought a white one. 在这里,我们所说的照应标示语(又称指称词语)指的是名词性照应,它包括所有名词性的词语,如代词、名词等。照应标示语之所以能够成为保持语篇逻辑语义关系的重要手段之一是因为其指称性。苏东坡诗曰:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只


关于谦虚的英语作文3篇 (682 字) modestyisoneofthenationalcharactersofchinesepeople?therearemanystoriesaboutmodestyinthehistoryofchina?however, somepeoplethinkthatintheinfluenceoftheweste ican J tagree oneshouldpr theimportan littlesucce ogress? besi nofthemselv onsandadvic withthem? it ocess. manyy ceofmodesty ss, sothatth des, someoth es,totallyi es. allthese hinkit' sthe oungpeopled . theyaresit eydon,ttryh ershavetooh gnoringothe willleadthe ntasbefore? qualityvery onotrealize isfiedwitha a.rd to ma.kepr ighanopinio rs?suggesti nito abadcons equenceinth efuture. 谦虚是中国人的传统美德,中国历史上有很多关于谦虚的故事。然而,有人却认为受西方文化影响,谦虚没那么被重视了。我不同意这种说法,我认为谦虚是每个人都要学会的。很多年轻人没意识到它的重要性,他们满足于自己的小成就,不追求进步。此外,另一些人对自己评价过高,完全忽视他rnculture, modestyseemsnotsoimporta


高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作训练(9) 高考英语任务型写作训练(九) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The Growth in Fast Food Today more snack bars than ever before can be seen in all residential areas and downtown. Chinese food is always sold side by side with foreign one;for example,noodle,rice and fried mutton are served on the same table.Why does fast food enjoy so great popularity. The reasons are of different types.First of all,having snacks is economical of money compared with formal meals.The cost of less than 100 yuan only reflects the 0rdinary level of a formal meal,while as much as 10 yuan is enough to satisfy one's appetite at most snack bars.Next,convenience weighs heavily.In a snack bar,you don't have to pretend to be graceful,and you may also take your meal away,which helps save you much https://www.doczj.com/doc/6113174567.html,st,diverse features of fast food form a good attraction. For example,in Xi'an, Shanxi food along with Sichuan food and typical food in Northeast China are within your easy reach. Obviously,fast food adds great convenience to our life. With its further improvement in all sides,snacks will surely be enjoyed by more people from all walks of life. 「写作内容」 1)概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2)就"就如何看待快餐食品?"这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右; a)工薪一族对快餐的看法; b)父母对快餐的看法; c)快餐的利和弊 d)你对快餐的看法。 「写作要求」 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 参考例文:


初一英语作文三篇 English is one of the most important subjects in middle school。 Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well。 Karl Marx has set a good example for us。 He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language。" In this way, he could use several languages。 A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect。" When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day。Don"t be afraid of making mistakes。 Only in this way can we learn it well。 English is widely used throughout the world。 So many people speak it as a second language。 n line, you"ll find lots of information in English。 If you don"t understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge。 At international conferences,English is also used as the official language。 Without good English, you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce China to the outside world。


2009年高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作(15) 1. 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Students should think now about what extracurricular (课外的) activities they'd like to participate in. Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical, creative, social, political, and career interests by bringing you into communication with other like-minded people you didn’t previously know. You can join groups as a way to get support from other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people. Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers you're well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals. The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or sleeping all afternoon. People who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smoking or drinking. [写作内容] 1.概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2.就“学生是否应该参与课外活动”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右: a) 简述你们学校有哪些课外活动; b) 你认为课外活动能给你的学习生活带来什么; c) 你认为学生应如何处理好学习和课外活动之间的关系。 [写作要求] 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 参考范文


英语写作手册考试题目 一、填空。 1.Thewordsthatareoftenusedmaybedivided,fromastylisticpoin tofview,intothree 2. 3.Agrammaticallycompletesentenceisonethatc ontainsatleastanda 4.Accordingtotheiruse,sentencesare 5.Alooses entenceputsthemainideabeforeallsupplementaryinformation;inoth er words,itputsfirstthingsfirst,andletsthereadersknowwhatiti smainlyaboutwhentheyhavereadthefirstfewwords.Thereversearrang ementmakesaperiodicsentence:themainideaisexpressedatornearthe endofit,anditisnotgrammaticallycompleteuntiltheendisreached.(松散句,圆周句P39) 6.7.Inductivereasoning:whenyouuseinduction,youstartwithfa ctsandproceedfrom factstoageneralconclusion.Inotherwords,youmovefromspecifi cexamplestoageneralstatement. Deductivereasoning:Theprocessisjusttheoppositeofinductive reasoning—itmovesfromageneralstatementtosspecificconclusion.Itworksonth emodelofsyllogism—athree-


提纲类作文专项训练 1.【2014年福建省龙岩市中考】 英语课上,老师向同学们介绍了2013年度“最美孝心少年”的感人事迹,你深受感动。请你用英语写一则日记,写出自己的感受。 内容要点及要求: 1. 表明自己将向“孝心少年”学习; 2. 你将在日常生活、学习中做些什么来孝敬父母; 3. 词数:80左右。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词(可选用):learn from, respect, care for, do some housework, study hard Monday, June 30 Sunny This morning, our English teacher told us some stories about “the most beautiful filial piety youth in 2013 ”. 2.【2014年湖南省长沙市中考】 随着年龄的增长,不少青少年发现越来越难与父母沟通和交流,各方面的分歧使两代人之间的关系日益紧张。请围绕该话题用英语谈谈你的看法。 要求:(1)内容包括①分析这种现象产生的主要原因; ②提出解决该问题的具体建议。 (2)字数:60-80字 (3)短文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。 3.【2014年湖南省娄底市中考】 请根据表格内Zhang Ying的一些表现的提示用英语写一篇短文,把她介绍给你的外国朋友Mary。

要求:1、语言要通顺,表达要正确。 2、文章要求包含表格中的所有提示。 3、词数不少于60个英语单词。 4、文章开头结尾已给出,不计入词数。 4. 【2014年辽宁省沈阳市中考】 某英文报刊开辟中学生栏目,请你以 Reading Comic Strips is____为题写一篇小短文,为报社投稿(词数 80-100)。步骤与要点如下: 1.确定主题,并在文中说明原因; 2.围绕主题,进行叙述; 3.讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。 要求:1.补全标题(参考词汇:interesting; popular; useful; boring; my pleasure等); 2.字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范; 3.鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; 4.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照图文中的内容,但不可以直接引用图文中的句子; 5.作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名. Reading Comic Strips is ______ There are many kinds of stories in comic strips. In my opinion, reading comic strips is ... 5. 【2014年内蒙古包头市、乌兰察布市中考】假设你是李华,请在答题卡相应位置用英语给你的美国笔友Jim写一封电子邮件,告诉他以下事情: 1.感谢他给你寄来的那些书。你非常喜欢它们,每晚睡前都会读几页。请他下次来信时给你介绍一些美国的节日。 2.非常盼望与他面对面交谈,所以希望他明年夏天能来你的家乡。你愿意作他的导游。你们可以一起参观一些有趣的地方。


初中英语作文三篇 导读:本文初中英语作文三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇1】 Since I went to middle school, I have met a lot of interesting friends, and most of them are my classmates. Though we are from different areas and share different interests, we are a group and make progress together. Every time when the school activity comes, we will fight for the group’s honor. Sometimes we will have arguments about making decisions, but once we know our direction, the whole team will spare no effort to finish the task. I like this lovely group. As we study and fight for our future together, no matter where I go, I will remember these lovely classmates. 自从我上中学后,我就认识很多有趣的朋友,大部分都是同学。虽然我们来自不同的地方,有着不同的兴趣爱好,但是我们是一个团体,共同进步。每次学校有活动的时候,我们都会为团体的荣誉而战。有时我们会为了某个决定而争论,但是一旦我们确定方向,整个团队都会不遗余力地完成这个任务。我喜欢这个可爱的集体,一起学习,为未来而奋斗。无论我以后去哪里了,我都会记得这些可爱的同学。 【篇2】


七年级英语作文专项训练 ★★★一、你一定有过一个难忘而又意义的暑假。请你描述在暑假里发生过的事情,去过的地方。不少于60词。 提示词:go to ,on vacation, weather, take a walk, go swimming, have fun, delicious food , the people, friendly ,have an interesting vacation . I went to Sanya on my vacation. The weather there was really hot. I took a walk with my parents on the beach. The sea was really beautiful. We had fun. We also ate the delicious sea food. It tasted so good that I couldn’t forget it. The people in Sanya were really friendly. We had an interesting vacation in Sanya . I want to go there again. ★★★二、请描述你家乡的天气。 The Weather In My City Hello, everyone! I’m from Anyang. Do you want to know what the weather is like here? Let me tell you! Anyang is in the north of China. In spring.,Sometimes it is warm, and sometimes it is cold. In summer, it is very hot. But I like it very much because I like swimming. The autumn in Anyang is very nice. It is neither too cold nor too hot. In winter, it is very cold. You can see heavy snow everywhere. I like snow. I like to make snowmen with my friends.

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