当前位置:文档之家› 什么是无灵主语[整理版]






传达的只是一种思维,一种思考的方式而已。什么是无灵主语, Eg: I love everbody.译为:我爱大家。如果出现在口语中,这样的表达当然最为清晰,但如果出现在写作中,如下表达可能更为生动一些:My love goes to everbody.从例子可以看出,用客观的事物love代替有生命的I,这就是无灵主语的实质。但我们为什么要使用无灵主语,它究竟有什么优点呢, (1)增加主语的多样性。往往在写作时,我们会反复用同一有生命的词作主语,使语句显得单调,重复。这些总在不经意之间常常发生。

Eg: We don’t think so.If we want light,we must conquer darkness. 三个we的使用,使句子显得平淡,甚至别扭,但如果稍加变动,句子会显得协调的多。? We don’t think so.If we want light,darkness must be conquered. ? This idea can’t acquire our ac ceptance,If we want light,we must conquer darkness. (2)使语言更生动化。将无生命的事物作主语而展开的句子,往往会用上比喻、拟人等修辞手法,语言随之提升一个档次。

Eg: 青少年常常沉迷于网络。

Indulge(sb) in, be addicted in; Be absorbed in; pay attention

to;concentrate on.

Internet is Pandora’s Box for youth. 这也就是无灵主语的难点所在,也是华丽之处:并不是简单的主动语态变为被动语态,而是用主动语态去表达被动意义。

Eg: People accepted the fact.人们接受这个事实。并不是简单地变为

The fact was accepted by people.而应当更为形象的用主动语态表示“事实被人们接受”这个被动意义。人们接受这个事实,就是这个事实获得人们的认可:The fact acquired people’s acceptance.


(3)使表达更为客观。主语是有生命的事物时,展开的句子往往带有该有生命物质的主观感情色彩,而如果是无灵主语,则表达很客观。无灵主语并不是英语的专利,在汉语中其实我们也常常用到。 Eg: 我们从生活中学到——可以表述为“生活告诉我们——”

Life has told us that------ 这就是一个漂亮的无灵主语的应用 Eg: 海外华人时刻关注祖国。可以表述为“祖国时刻牵动着海外华人的

心” Motherland,always,is drawing the heart of oversea s Chinese.

英语常用无生命的名词作主语, 这是英语和汉语在句子构成方面的一个重要差别。





汉语中有生命动词表示人和人类社会组织才有的行为或动作, 如:看、哭、送、说、写、




英语无生命主语句(Non-life subject sentences)的类型: 从充当句子主语的词语来看,大致可分为以下几类:

1. 以时间)地点等名词作主语的句子,常用see, find, witness等动词作谓语。例:

1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 1949年中华人民共和国成立了。

Rome witnessed many great historic events. 在罗马城发生了许多伟大历史事件。第二年他妈妈去世了。

The following year saw the death of his mother. 在世界历史上眼泪比欢笑多

The world history has seen more tears than laughter. 2. 表示生理、心理状态的名词和表示某种遭遇的名词主语的句子。

Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst( 我这样发作一通之后,既不难过,也不后悔。

His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.


All my courage deserted me( 我惊讶得说不出话来。

Astonishment deprived me 0f my power of speech( 3. 具有行为和动作意义的名词作主语的句子。

The very sight of it makes me feel nervous. 一见到它,我就感到紧张。

Thought of the interview filled me with fear. 一想到面试,我就担心害怕。


The thought of seeing her son very soon filled her heart with great happiness(


A glance through his office window offers a beautiful scenery of

the town(


An earthquake comes like a thief in the night,without warning. 地震到来,犹如夜贼,不作预告。

Such a chance was denied (to) me( 我可得不到这样的机会。因下雨,我不能来。

The rain prevented me from coming( 这个城市刚下过一场大雨。

A heavy rain visited the city. 5. 用“it”作形式主语,其逻辑主语是后面的短语或从句的英语句子。

It was very wise of you to bring an umbrella. 你带了雨伞是明知的。

It is hardly likely that Tom may have forgotten to post the parcel. 汤姆几乎不太可能忘记寄这个包裹。 6.There be句型

There be 句型

There be +名词定语从句 ? ? ?/分词/介

词 There come, emerge, exist, lie, live, occur, stand,

【练1/4】越来越多的人反对这一看法. ---(新托福写

作) More and more people disagree it. (there be)

There are more and more people who disagree/are against/object to this point.

【练2/4】每个孩子都想赚些零花钱来帮助交付高额的大学费用。 ---(家庭话题)

Every child wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost. (there be)

There is every child who wants to ``` (高分作文句子)

There is hardly a child who doesn’

t want to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost. (常见句型)

there is nothing we cannot do ```.

In the 1950s and 1960s, there emerged an awareness in Western societies that resources for the

provision of fossil fuel energy were finite and exhaustible.

【练3/4】在20世纪50年代和60年代,西方社会开始意识到提供矿物质燃料能量的资源是有限的且有可能枯竭。(剑4,T4,R) 【练4/4】预计将会在2030年轻

微下降至18%。(剑5,T1,W) There is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030. 【练4/5】毫无疑问,收音机和电视机是信息交流的重要工具。(剑6,T1,W)

There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. 状语变主语:


There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden. “有人、人们”等主语:


There is a growing concern over the population growth. 有人敲门。

There comes a knock at the door. 7. 表示其他事物名词作主语的句子。

The matter asks immediate attention. 这件事需要立即予以注意。

Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her. 她的心里的确嘀咕:为了我,他才这么做的。无灵名词作主语时常见的谓语动词


visit,give,witness,convince,request,compel等。短语动词(如lead to,bring out,fall up-on(keep,prevent…from ) 谓语动词往往含有“使”的意义(“反向心理动词”) :delight, move, please,strike,amaze,astonish,surprise, worry, trouble,impress,

satisfy Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。疾病使他虚弱。

His illness left him weak. 练习

这个回答没有使我们感到满意。That answer didn’t satisfy us( 看了这部小说,他很激动。 The novel excited him.

你只要仔细比较一下,就会发现它们的不同之处。 Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 他因事进城去了。

Business took him to the town( 世界上已经有不同的现代化道路。 The world has witnessed different roads to modernization( 黑暗使人更加珍惜光明;寂静教人体会到声音的欢乐。

Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound(



英语无灵主语句语料库 ⅰ主语是某种心理感受,谓语选择creep, strike, seize, dawn, catch, worm into, grip, enter, register, overcome, take possession of, surround, give way to, desert, pass, tear等词。Fear gripped the village. 整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中 Courage deserted him.他没有了勇气。 His presence of mind deserted him.他失去了沉着。 The earthquake struck the village two minutes ago. It dawns on me that *** 开始明白 A new dignity crept into his steps.他走起路来,又不知不觉新添了几分尊严。 My perception for free-loaders----welfare and food stamp recipients----had always been tinged with disdain. 过去,我一向都用轻蔑的眼光看待那些揩油的人——福利金和食品券的领取者。 His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked. 怕遭到攻击,他采取了行动。 Anxiety tore him into pieces. 他焦虑万分,肝肠寸断。 By now optimism had given way to doubt. 现在,乐观变成了怀疑。Anger choked my words.我气的说不出话。 ⅱ主语选择心理动作,谓语选择fill, give, make等“使…心理变化”的词汇。 The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness. 看到着孤寂的


无灵主语 无灵主语,一种英语语法结构。英语里主语常用人称和非人称两种形式来表达。用非人称主语表达时,往往注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”。而汉语则较常用人称主语表达,侧重“什么人怎么样了”。英语中非人称作主语的句子主要有两种类型:1,从有无生命角度划分,主语可区分为有灵主语(animate) 和无灵主语(inanimate) 两类。无灵名词作主语,常翻译成各种状语,译成“由于……因此”,“因为……所以”,“在……之后”等等。非人称主语句采用“无灵主语”(inanimate subject),表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等,但谓语却常常使用“有灵动词”(animate verb)表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如:see,desert,find,bring,witness,give,escape,surround,kill,deprive,serve,send,know,tell,permit,invite,take,drive,prevent…from等,这类句子往往带有拟人化(personification)的修辞色彩。举几个例子: E.g. 1 Past experience has taught us that we should not depend on others for everything. E.g. 2 His name slips my mind. E.g. 3 A good idea suddenly strikes me. (I suddenly have a good idea!) E.g. 4 A strange peace came over her when she was alone. (She was peaceful when she was alone.) 2.用非人称代词“it”作主语。 E.g. 1 It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest. 摘要:本文从英汉思维差异角度出发,探讨了无灵主语句和有灵主语句的定义、无灵主语句的类型以及各种类型无灵主语的译法,旨在帮助中国学生更好地理解和运用无灵主语句,提高其英语应用水平。 关键词:思维差异;无灵名词;有灵名词;无灵主语;有灵主语 一、英汉思维差异语言和思维的关系一直是语言学家关注和讨论的话题。人们普遍认为,语言是思维的主要表现形式,而思维方式制约着语言结构。思维方式的差异是造成语言差异的一个重要原因。汉语和英语分别是东西方文化的两种载体,分属不同的语系,有着不同的思维方式。东方传统哲学思想强调“天人合一”、“主客一体”和“整体”;而西方传统哲学思想则强调“主客体分离”、“人物分立”和“个体”。这两种哲学观在思维上体现为:习惯于主体性思维方式的中国人往往从自我出发来理解、解释、描写客观世界中的事物,使语言表述带有主体性特征。在汉语里由于人为万物之灵的思想始终占统治地位,因此汉语较常用人称主语表达, 注重“什么人怎么样了”,当人称不言自明时,就用“有人”、“人们”、“大家”等泛指人称,有灵主语总是占绝对优势;而习惯于客体思维方式的英美人却常把观察或叙述的视点放在行为、动作的结果或承受者上,使语言表述带有客体性特征,因此,在英语中人们往往关注“什么事发生在什么人身上”。作主语的通常是人们最为关心的和最感兴趣的东西,人们无疑会用相应的无灵名词作句子的主语。西方特有的思维方式和英语语言本身的特点导致英语表达中大量无灵句的出现。英语多无灵主语句而汉语少有无灵主语句的现象反映了英汉思维方式上的较大差异。许多语言学家针对这种差异提出了各自的看法。钱歌川先生(1972)在《英文疑详解》的第一篇就是“无生物主语”。他说“我们说中文惯常用人或生物作主语,


英语里主语常用人称和非人称两种形式来表达。用非人称主语表达时,往往注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”。而汉语则较常用人称主语表达,侧重“什么人怎么样了”。 如1. A terrible thought suddenly struck me—had I locked the door? 我突然产生了一个可怕的想法——我锁门了吗? 例2.A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。 英语中非人称作主语的句子主要有两种类型: a非人称主语句采用“无灵主语”(inanimate subject),表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等,但谓语却常常使用“有灵动词”(animate verb)表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如:see,desert,find,bring,witness,give,escape,surround,kill,deprive,serve,send,know,tell,permit,invite,take,drive,prevent…from等,这类句子往往带有拟人化(personification)的修辞色彩(如上面两个例句)。 b用非人称代词“it”作主语 例如:It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest. 译文:我从没有想到她会这样的不诚实。 英语中的这类句子具备着含蓄幽默、生动活泼、客观公正、简洁凝练、句型多样等特点,所以使用广泛。但是由于汉、英两种语言属于不同的语系,所以在翻译这种无灵主语句时,要考虑到英语的思维方法,然后转换为汉语的思维方法,把句子的内在意义用汉语表达出来。下面就将非人称(impersonal)主语句英译汉的基本方法略作探讨。 1. 如果主语暗含着条件、因果、时间、地点、方式等意义时,用人作主语,把原来的主语翻译成各种形式的状语。 例如:The forty years, 1840-1880, brought almost ten million migrants to America. 译文:从1840至1880这四十年中,近一千万移民移居美国。 2. 当谓语动词是情感型使动词时,如:surprise,disappoint,excite,disturb,inspire,puzzle,annoy,trouble,irritate,shock等;或得失型动词,如:lost,get,gain,take,fail,save,win,leave等,翻译时可保留主语,把谓语动词转译成“使……”结构。 例如 1) The beautiful scenery gained the place quite a reputation. 译文:美景使这个地方颇有名气。 2). Her habit of biting her nails irritates me. 译文:她咬指甲的习惯使我生气。 3. 把原句中表示生命概念的词变成主语,引申谓语动词的词义,并采用逆行翻译法。 例如:1) When he had to speak ,his confidence suddenly deserted him. 译文:当他不得不说话时,他突然失去了信心。 2) It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him. 译文:他好象面临着困难的抉择。 4. 当有灵动词是某些感官动词,如:see,witness,speak,tell等时,保留无灵主语,引申动词词义。比如,有时可把谓语动词引申为含有“显示”,“表明”,“产生”等意义的词。例如:The blood-stained glove told of the bandit's crime. 译文:血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪证。 5. 重新确定主语,引申动词词义。 例如:It is generally felt that his appointment was a grave mistake. 译文:现在许多人觉得,当时对他的任命是个严重的错误。 6. 译成汉语的无主句。


什么是无灵主语? 无灵主语的概念极为简单:有无生命的事物做主语来展开句子。其实它向我们传达的只是一种思维,一种思考的方式而已。什么是无灵主语? Eg: I love everbody.译为:我爱大家。如果出现在口语中,这样的表达当然最为清晰,但如果出现在写作中,如下表达可能更为生动一些:My love goes to everbody.从例子可以看出,用客观的事物love代替有生命的I,这就是无灵主语的实质。 但我们为什么要使用无灵主语,它究竟有什么优点呢? (1)增加主语的多样性。往往在写作时,我们会反复用同一有生命的词作主语,使语句显得单调,重复。这些总在不经意之间常常发生。 Eg: We don’t think so.If we want light,we must conquer darkness. 三个we的使用,使句子显得平淡,甚至别扭,但如果稍加变动,句子会显得协调的多。 ① We don’t think so.If we want light,darkness must be conquered. ② This idea can’ t acquire our acceptance,If we want light,we must conquer darkness. (2)使语言更生动化。将无生命的事物作主语而展开的句子,往往会用上比喻、拟人等修辞手法,语言随之提升一个档次。 Eg: 青少年常常沉迷于网络。 Indulge(sb) in, be addicted in; Be absorbed in; pay attention to;concentrate on. Internet is Pandora’s Box for youth. 这也就是无灵主语的难点所在,也是华丽之处:并不是简单的主动语态变为被动语态,而是用主动语态去表达被动意义。 Eg: People accepted the fact.人们接受这个事实。并不是简单地变为 The fact was accepted by people.而应当更为形象的用主动语态表示“事实被人们接受”这个被动意义。人们接受这个事实,就是这个事实获得人们的认可:The fact acquired people’ s acceptance. 其实要写这样的句子并不难,只要掌握这种思想,加上一段时间的练习,肯定会下笔如有神。(3)使表达更为客观。主语是有生命的事物时,展开的句子往往带有该有生命物质的主观感情色彩,而如果是无灵主语,则表达很客观。无灵主语并不是英语的专利,在汉语中其实我们也常常用到。 Eg: 我们从生活中学到——可以表述为“生活告诉我们——” Life has told us that------ 这就是一个漂亮的无灵主语的应用 Eg: 海外华人时刻关注祖 国。可以表述为“祖国时刻牵动着海外华人的 心” Motherland,always,is drawing the heart of overseas Chinese. 英语常用无生命的名词作主语, 这是英语和汉语在句子构成方面的一个重要差别。 引起这种差别的原因很多,最主要的恐怕是由于不同民族的不同思维习惯所致。 从动作的执行者是有无生命的这一点来看,英语和汉语的动词均可分为有生命动词和无生命动词。 有生命动词与无生命动词在英语中没有明确的区别,即一个动词常常是 既可用作有生命动词、又可用作无生命动词;而在汉语中这两类动词之间却有明确的区别。 汉语中有生命动词表示人和人类社会组织才有的行为或动作, 如:看、哭、送、说、写、讲、拿等;无生命动词表示无生命事物的一些无意识运动、作用或变化,如:吸引、相排斥、变等。 在中国人的思维中,往往以人为中心,认为只有人类和人类社会组织才会有上述有生命动词表示的行为和动作,无生命的事物和现象只能用无生命动词表示动作。所以有生命动词做谓语时不能以无生命名词或代词作主语。 在英美人的思维中,往往更注意客观事物和现象对人的作用和影响,反映在语言表达上就是


无灵主语句的翻译 王宪生 “无灵主语” (inanimate subject) 是指没有生命的物体作主语,尤其是抽象名词。英语和汉语里都有无灵主语,但英语用的多,汉语用的少。这一用法差异应该和中西文化的差异有关。中国文化强调主客同构,西方文化强调主客对立。汉语即便说到事物,也总要和人拉上关系,从人的立场上来说它。英语即便说到人,甚至是说到自己,也往往会把他推到客体的位置,自己好像置身事外似的冷眼旁观。所以,英语能用无灵主语就不用有灵主语,汉语正相反,能用有灵主语就不用无灵主语。 英语的无灵主语句可分为两类。一类是纯粹描写事物,一点“人气”也没有。另一类描写的是人,但偏不用人作主语,甚至把人“排挤”到很不重要的位置。这里不说第一类,只说说第二类。这一类的句子一般有两种翻译方法。较常用的是将其转换为汉语的有灵主语句,另一种是仍然保留无灵主语。用哪一种方法,只能视情况而定。如果两种方法都能用,那就尽量转换成有灵主语句。 英语的无灵主语句看似简单,实际上想译得地道却不太容易。另外顺便一提,我发现英语无灵主语句的掌握是中国学生的一个薄弱环节,多数人都用不好,主要是缺乏意识。有的学生写记叙文只会用“I”、“He”、“They”等人称代词作主语,无灵主语句基本不会用,这样写出来的只能是披着英语外衣的汉语,离地道的英语差得远。可以这么说,能否熟练使用英语的无灵主语句,是英语是否成熟的一个重要标志。要译好无灵主语句,自己要首先掌握好无灵主语句。自己都掌握不好,想译好是很困难的。 今天先出几个简单的句子。 例一:The boxer’s experience told in his favor. 例二:The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 例三:Jane’s kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt at her sister’s callous behavior. 例四:His reading inspired him.


无灵名词作主语的种类 35.2.1 表示时间的名词 The year 1949 witnessed the founding of the People's Republic 0f China. 1949年中华人民共和国成立了。 The postwar years in Germany saw honours heaped upon the great scientist. 在德国战后的岁月里,这位伟大的科学家得到了种种荣誉。 Dawn met him well along the way.It was a pleasant uneventful ride. 在东方欲晓的时候,他早已走了一大段路了。这次骑马旅行是很愉快的,没有碰到意外事件。Dusk found the little girl crying in the street. 黄昏时分人们发现小女孩在街上哭。 The evening 0f November 3 saw the IWW(Industrial Workers 0f the World)tactics bearing fruit. 11月3日晚,世界产业工人协会的战术生效了。 Autumn sees many young Beijing people in smartly tailored jackets and colorful pullovers and windbreakers. 到了秋季,北京许多年轻人穿上精心裁制的漂亮上衣,五颜六色的套头毛衣和风雨衣。 35.2.2 表示地点或范围的名词 The town boasts a beautiful lake. 镇上有个美丽的湖,人人以此自豪。 Beijing first saw the raising 0f the five-star red flag in Tian'anmen Square. 五星红旗首先在北京天安门广场上升起。 Shanghai witnessed the birth of the Chinese Communist Part. 中国共产党在上海成立。 Britain Saw the first jet airline in 1952. 第一架喷气式飞机于1952年在英国诞生。 Rome witnessed many great historic events. 在罗马发生过许多重大历史事件。 The wide range of spindle speeds permit the milling machine for use of carbide tipped and high speed steel tools. 由于主轴的速度范围很广,因此此类铣床使用硬质合金刀具和高速钢刀具。 35.2.3表示动作的名词 A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the town. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到城镇的全景。 A ten minutes’walk brought us to the hotel. 我们步行十分钟就到了旅馆。 Ten years 0f hard work changed her greatly. 十年的辛勤劳动使她大大地变样了。 The thought of seeing her son very soon filled her heart with great happiness. 想到不久就要见到她的儿子,她心中感到十分快乐。 Rest brought him new confidence and almost a feeling 0f security. 休息之后,他充满了新的自信,几乎有了一种相当安全的感觉。 Sleep didn't visit Rainsford although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle. 尽管丛林里是死一般的寂静,雷恩斯福德还是不能入睡。 35.2.4 表示情感的名词 All my courage deserted me. 我完全丧失了勇气。 Rarely did his sense of humour desert this noble man. 这位高尚的人很少发脾气。 Astonishment deprived me 0f my power of speech. 我惊讶得说不出话来。 Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst.


Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2018, 6(2), 259-264 Published Online May 2018 in Hans. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7217172853.html,/journal/ml https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/7217172853.html,/10.12677/ml.2018.62032 A Revelation from Inanimate Subject to Medical Translation Xiuxiu Chen, Nianqing Ding Foreign Language Teaching Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Received: May 9th, 2018; accepted: May 22nd, 2018; published: May 29th, 2018 Abstract Differences in Chinese and western thinking styles determine the distinction in the expression of the subject between English and Chinese—the former frequently has the inanimate noun (non- personal noun) as a subject while Chinese prefers animate subjects (personal subjects). This pa-per is designed to discuss the revelation from the inanimate subject in English to medical transla-tion and to analyze the conversion between the inanimate subject and the predicate, object and adverbial, avoiding “translationese” in English-Chinese medical translation and obtaining idi-omatic expression with western flavor in Chinese-English translation. Keywords Inanimate Subject, Medical Translation, Conversion, Personal, Impersonal 英语无灵主语句对医学翻译的启示 陈秀秀,丁年青 上海中医药大学外语教学中心,上海 收稿日期:2018年5月9日;录用日期:2018年5月22日;发布日期:2018年5月29日 摘要 由于中西方思维方式差异,英语和汉语在主语表达方面存在明显的差异,即英语常用无灵主语(非人称主语),而汉语则倾向于使用有灵主语(人称主语)。本文旨在探讨英语无灵主语对医学翻译的启示,浅析医学翻译过程中通过无灵主语与谓语、宾语和状语之间的转换,以达到英译汉时避免“翻译腔”,汉译英时增添“洋味”(地道英语)。


浅谈英语无灵主语句 On the English Inanimate-Subjects Sentences 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: 摘要:英语无灵主语句是英语书面语中常见的一种典型句型和独特的语言现象。由于中西文化,思维方式以及英汉语言之间的差异,给中国学生在理解和运用这类句子带来困难。本文首先探究英语无灵主语的主要类型,它们分别是表示思想情感的名词做主语;表示行动和身体部位的名词做主语;表示情景和自然现象的名词作主语,表示时间和地点的名词做主语。然后文章通过运用具体实例重点分析无灵主语句的翻译方法以提高中国学生的翻译水平。 关键词:无灵主语;类型;翻译 Abstract: English sentences with inanimate subjects are a kind of common and typical sentence pattern and a unique language. Due to cultural and linguistic differences between English and Chinese and differences in ways of thinking between East and West, it is not easy for Chinese students to understand and use. This paper firstly explores the categories of inanimate subjects, which are nouns of feeling and thought; nouns of action and part of body; nouns of situation and natural phenomenon; nouns of time and place respectively. Secondly, it analyzes the techniques of sentences with inanimate subjects’ translation through concrete examples to improve Chinese students’ abilities of translation. Key words:inanimate subject;categories;translation 1 Introduction Inanimate subject is a kind of english syntactic structure. The subject in english can be expressed in two types: personal and impersonal. When expressed in impersonal way, this sentence does emphasize the thing happening on the person, while in Chinese it can be translated into"什么人怎么样了". Furthermore, the impersonal subject also can be divided into two types: inanimate subject and animate


什么是无灵主语[整理版] 什么是无灵主语, 无灵主语的概念极为简单:有无生命的事物做主语来展开句子。其实它向我们 传达的只是一种思维,一种思考的方式而已。什么是无灵主语, Eg: I love everbody.译为:我爱大家。如果出现在口语中,这样的表达当然最为清晰,但如果出现在写作中,如下表达可能更为生动一些:My love goes to everbody.从例子可以看出,用客观的事物love代替有生命的I,这就是无灵主语的实质。但我们为什么要使用无灵主语,它究竟有什么优点呢, (1)增加主语的多样性。往往在写作时,我们会反复用同一有生命的词作主语,使语句显得单调,重复。这些总在不经意之间常常发生。 Eg: We don’t think so.If we want light,we must conquer darkness. 三个we的使用,使句子显得平淡,甚至别扭,但如果稍加变动,句子会显得协调的多。? We don’t think so.If we want light,darkness must be conquered. ? This idea can’t acquire our ac ceptance,If we want light,we must conquer darkness. (2)使语言更生动化。将无生命的事物作主语而展开的句子,往往会用上比喻、拟人等修辞手法,语言随之提升一个档次。 Eg: 青少年常常沉迷于网络。 Indulge(sb) in, be addicted in; Be absorbed in; pay attention to;concentrate on. Internet is Pandora’s Box for youth. 这也就是无灵主语的难点所在,也是华丽之处:并不是简单的主动语态变为被动语态,而是用主动语态去表达被动意义。 Eg: People accepted the fact.人们接受这个事实。并不是简单地变为


英语无灵主语句与英汉思维特征对比 2. English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written English. 英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型。 3. On Chinese-translation Characteristics from the Structure of English Sentences with Inanimate Subjects; 从英语无灵主语句的结构看其汉译特征 4. The Mechanisms and Forms of English Sentenses with Inanimate Subjects Revisited; 英语无灵主语句的生成机制与表现形式再探 5. Strategies and methods of translating English sentences with inanimate subjects into Chinese; 英语无灵主语句的汉译策略与方法探索 6. English sentences with inanimate subjects( ESWIS) are a kind of common and typical sentence pattern and a unique language phenomenon in English written texts. 英语无灵主语句是英语书面语中常见的一种典型句型和独特语言现象。 7. Previous studies in translating English sentences with inanimate subjects into Chinese are mostly guided by the domestication strategy and chiefly explore effective liberal translating methods. 英语无灵主语句这种独特句型的汉译,已有的研究大都在归化策略指导下探寻可行的意译方法。 8. Syntactic comparison and translation of English inanimate sentences and Chinese animate sentences; 英语无灵句与汉语有灵句的句法对比及翻译 9. A Probe into the features of Animate and Inanimate Sentence Structures in Chinese and English; 汉英有灵句与无灵句言语方法对比研究 10. The Rules of Chinese Sentences with Animate Subjects Transforming to English Sentences with Inanimate Subjects and Explanation of its Contributing Factors; 汉语有灵句向英语无灵句的转换规律及成因阐释 11. A Study of Animacy and Translation in MESIS; 英语隐喻性无灵句:生命特征与汉译策略 12. Comparison of English Notional Passive Sentence and Chinese Patient-as-the-subject Sentence; 英语意义被动句与汉语受事主语句的比较 13. It" is an empty subject with no meaning. Its existence is only because an English sentence must contain a subject and a predicate.

无灵主语 inanimate subject

I. Why A. 增加主语的多样性(避免第一人称) 1. 我忘记他的名字了 His name slips my mind. 2. 我突然有个好主意 A good idea suddenly strikes me. 我突然产生了一个可怕的想法,我锁门了吗 A terrible thought suddenly struck me,had I locked the door? A good idea suddenly jumps into my mind. 3. 我感觉很热 The heat is unbearable 4. 经验上来看,我们不应该过份依靠他人 We should not depend on others for everything from past experience Past experience has taught us that we should not depend on others for everything. B. 使语言更生动化(修辞) 1. 我感觉很幸福 Happiness is raining down on me Happiness is smiling upon me Happiness is coursing through me. 2. 越来越少的人使用BP机。 BP calls are fading away from our horizon. 3. 孤寡老人怕过节。 Spending festivals alone is a nightmare for the aged people. 4. 我们从生活中学到 Life has told us that C. 使表达更为客观 II. What A. 有无生命的事物做主语来展开句子 1. I love everbody. 2. My love goes to everbody III. How A. 用主动语态去表达被动意义 1. 和被动语态的区别 2. People accepted the fact. 3. The fact was accepted by people 4. The fact acquired people's acceptance. IV. 例子 A. 我想家了 1. Homesickness overwhelms me B. 他失去了勇气 1. Courage deserted him. C. 我几步穿过草坪来到客厅 1. A few steps across the lawn brought me to the living room D. 每个人都需要爱与被爱


英语无灵主语句 ⅰ主语是某种心理感受,谓语选择creep, strike, seize, dawn, catch, worm into, grip, enter, register, overcome, take possession of, surround, give way to, desert, pass, tear等词。Fear gripped the village. 整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中 Courage deserted him.他没有了勇气。 His presence of mind deserted him.他失去了沉着。 The earthquake struck the village two minutes ago. It dawns on me that *** 开始明白 A new dignity crept into his steps.他走起路来,又不知不觉新添了几分尊严。 My perception for free-loaders----welfare and food stamp recipients----had always been tinged with disdain. 过去,我一向都用轻蔑的眼光看待那些揩油的人——福利金和食品券的领取者。 His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked. 怕遭到攻击,他采取了行动。 Anxiety tore him into pieces. 他焦虑万分,肝肠寸断。 By now optimism had given way to doubt. 现在,乐观变成了怀疑。Anger choked my words.我气的说不出话。 ⅱ主语选择心理动作,谓语选择fill, give, make等“使…心理变化”的词汇。 The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness. 看到着孤寂的


英语无灵主语句 一.主语是情感状态的抽象名词 谓语选择如:creep, strike, seize, dawn, catch, worm into, grip, enter, register, overcome, take possession of, surround, give way to, desert, pass, tear 等词。 1. Fear gripped the village. 整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中。 2. Courage deserted him. 他没有了勇气。 3. His presence of mind deserted him. 他失去了沉着。 4. The earthquake struck the village two minutes ago. 5. A new dignity crept into his steps. 他走起路来,不知不觉添了几分尊严。 6. Anxiety tore him into pieces. 他焦虑万分,肝肠寸断。 7. By now optimism had given way to doubt. 现在,乐观变成了怀疑。 8. Anger choked my words. 我气的说不出话。 9. Astonishment deprived me of my power of speech. 我惊讶得说不出话来。 10. Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. 我这样发作一通之后,既不难过,也不后悔。 11. A chill of horror suddenly swept over him. 他突然感到不寒而栗。 12. Despair seized him at the thought of her setting out alone to renew the weary quest for work. 想起她一个人出去重新登上找工作的艰辛路途,他觉得万念俱灰。 13. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. 几个星期以来,我又气又恨,感到非常苦恼,这种感情上的激励斗争过去之后,我感到浑身乏力。 二.主语是具有动词意味的名词,谓语选择如fill, give, make 等词汇。 1. The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness. 看到这孤寂的景象,我心中满是凄凉。 2. The sight of his father-in-law made Fanjin afraid that he was in for another


中文表达中,我们习惯以人为本,强调事在人为,很自然地用表示人的概念的名词或人称代词充当主语。这样的语言思维也迁移到了我们的英文表达中,除了被动语态,我们经常忽略使用其他无生命的名词为主语表达主动语态。其实,在英语表达中,主语并非总是由人或有生命的事物才能与行为动词结合,当“无灵主语”搭配“有灵动词”,产生的句子更能彰显英语思维,更言简意赅,生动活泼。 “无灵主语”(inanimate subject)指的是没有生命的事物充当主语,包括物品,抽象概念,情感,时间,地点等。 “有灵动词”(animate verb)是有生命的动作执行者发出的动作,如:witness, desert, tell, escape等。 在新概念三册,这样的组合出现在好几篇文章中,值得我们注意,学习并运用。譬如,当我们要表达“他很少把我给他的零用钱存入储钱罐”,按照中文思维直接翻译为平淡无奇的一句“He seldom puts the pocket money I have given him into his money box”。但是,Lesson 15中的一句给我们带来惊喜,“Very few of and the fifty pence pieces and the pound coins I have given him have found their way there”, 虽然没有了人称主语he,只有无灵主语和有灵动词find, 但句子意思却被激活了。读者随着词组find their way there, 脑海中浮现的画面是钱币长出双腿或翅膀,跑到或飞到不是钱罐的地方。当然,聪明的读者会清楚是文章中的小侄子没有存钱。无灵主语fifty pence pieces and pound coins顿时赋予了生命,他们似乎有意识地逃离了钱罐。同样的词组再次在Lesson 49出现,文中的仆人Bessie从酒窖偷酒喝完后摆酒瓶藏在自己的衣柜,作者只是说“They (piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes) have mysteriously found their way there”,酒瓶也似乎跑到了衣柜,巧妙地暗示了Bessie是小偷的真相。活动起来的物品还出现在lesson one, “when reports came into London Zoo…”;lesson six “tables and chairs went flying into the arcade”;和lesson 39, “What a relief it was when the boulders…, giving way to a stretch of plain...”。 抽象名词当无灵主语也很常见,Lesson 50中有这么一个例子,“Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment”,有灵动词teach把past experience转化为有智慧的老师,有理有据地教导我们吸取过去失败的教训。现实中,真正具有主观能动性的是我们,但如果句子是We learn from past experience…,按照强调主语的原则,主语“过去经验”的重要性就降级了,我们才是中心。反之,Past experience做主语,在此语境中,我们仿佛变成了谦虚的学生,过去的经验才显得形象高大,值得我们尊敬聆听。因此,当我们解释某些道理的时候,不妨用抽象名词代替人,譬如“我们从生活中知道某些错误不能重复”可以变成“life has warned us that certain mistake cannot be repeated”。

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