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Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

“读后续写” 作为一种全新的高考英语题型,对于大家的语言综合运用能力的考查要求更高。要想写出生动形象、内容具体的续写部分,不仅要有丰富的词汇量,还要注意语言的生动和细节的刻画,这样才能写出高分的内容。为大家总结了关于动作、心理和环境的细节描写素材,请熟读背诵。



1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。

2. A simile of understanding flashed across his face.他脸上闪现出理解的微笑。

3. A ripple of excitement ran through them.他们心底漾起难以言说的兴奋。

4. Laughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。

5. His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛里闪烁着快乐。

6. I was pleased beyond description.

7. She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。

8. Her smile lit up the whole room.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。

9. She shed tears of joy.她流下了高兴的眼泪。

10. Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds.她的眼睛闪着钻石般的光芒

11. Her flushed face was shining with excitement.他激动得满脸通红。

12. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. 她的眼睛里涌出了喜悦的泪花。

13. I was floating on air.我感觉像浮在空中。

14. Amusement gleamed in his eyes.他眼睛流露出愉快的神情。

15. My heart is as sweet as honey.我心里像喝了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。

16. The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。

17. I couldn’t restrain my joy and jumped into the house.我抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。

18. We were very pleased to hear this encouraging news. 听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。


19. He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。

20. I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我感觉自己漂在悲伤的海洋里。

21. Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears.她的手在颤抖,快要哭出来了。

22. Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。(借酒浇愁)

23. She burst into tears and ran out of the room.她突然大哭起来,跑出了房间。

24. She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。

25. I tried to fight back tears. 我努力忍住眼泪。My eyes were filled with tears.眼里蓄满泪水。

26. A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face.皱起眉头。

27. They sat there with glum looks on their faces.他们坐在那里,带着一脸忧郁。

28. The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影

29. He brimmed over with sorrow when...他满是伤悲

30. They were immersed in sorrow.他们沉浸在悲痛之中。

31. These days he was in low spirits.这些天他情绪低落。

32. Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。

33. As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes. 他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。

34. Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and sorrow to them both. 两人久别重逢,悲喜交加。

35. This article brought back sad memories for me. 这篇文章使我想起了伤心往事。


36. I was seized by anger.我充满了愤怒。

37. He was fuming with rage.他气得大发雷霆。

38. His anger boiled over.他的愤怒爆发了。

39. He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage.他几乎控制不住怒火。

40. He was breathing fire and fury.他充满着怒火。

41. His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。

42. He gave me a look of burning anger.他愤怒地看了我一眼。

43. He glared at me with burning eyes.他用愤怒的眼神瞪着我。

44. His face clouded with anger.他气得脸色阴沉。

45. He was tongue-tied with anger. His hands trembled and he shouted for half a day.


46. Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother. 埃伦对她的母亲感到既绝望又生气。

47. Andy’s face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well. 安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。

48. He is just mad at me because I don’t want to go. 因为我不想去,他就对我火冒三丈。

49. Then she stood up, wrapping her coat around her angrily. 然后她站了起来,怒气冲冲地穿上大衣。

50. She looked at him with eyes flashing angrily. 她愤怒地看着他。

51. Anger was boiling up inside me. I walked up to Mrs Reed and looked straight into her eyes. 怒火在我胸中燃烧,我走向…直直地看着他的眼睛。

52. She looked straight in front of her, and her face was as cold and hard as marble.她直视前面,脸孔如大理石般冰冷僵硬


53. He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror.他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。

54. Fear slowly creeps upon her.恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。

55. Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.她脸色苍白地站在那儿,舌头打结。

56. A flood of fear welled up in him. / Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。

57. Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated (窒息). 她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。

58. She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身颤抖, 觉得如坐针毡。

59. His heart was pounding, as if he were frightened. 他的心怦怦跳,似乎被吓坏了。

60. Liza was so frightened that she couldn’t make a sound. 莉莎实在吓坏了,不敢弄出一点声音来。

61. I have never been so scared in all my life. 我一生中从来没有这么害怕过。

62. I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my father’s cloudy face.我胆怯地低着头,不敢看爸爸那张阴云密布的脸。

brain is blank. I just want to leave this horrible place.我大脑一片空白,只想离开这个恐怖的地方。


64. There is always a smile of contentment on her face.她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。

65. Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction. 看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。

66. He glanced at her with a pleased smile. 他面带满意的笑容瞥了她一眼。

67. Lucy’s face wore a satisfied expression. 露西一脸的心满意足。


68. We were all astonished at the unexpected news.


69. The audience was inexpressibly astonished at the brilliant performance. 那出色的表演使观众感到说不出的惊叹。

70. A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people. 这样司空见惯的事,不会使人吃惊。

71. She was surprised that he had no words of blame for her. 使她惊讶的是,他竟然没有对她说任何怪罪的话。


72. Touched deeply, we…被深深感动,我们……

73. With tears streaming down her face, she... 泪水顺着她的脸颊流了下来,她……

74. I was greatly touched by what you told me.你对我讲的话使我大受感动。

75. His speech was inspiring and touched my heart. 他的发言鼓舞人心,让我很受触动。


76. An idea flashed across his mind.他脑子里闪过一个念头。

77. An idea formed in his mind.他脑中有了一个主意。

78. An idea occurred to / hit / struck him.他突然有了一个主意。

79. He looked out of the window, biting his lips, as if thinking.他一边看着窗外,一边咬着嘴唇,仿佛在思考。

80. She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around her.她在沉思,几乎听不见周围的话。

81. The opportunity had gone and his mind scrabbled for alternatives.




82. He hung / dropped / lowered / bent / bowed his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。

83. They nodded their heads in agreement. 他们点头同意。

84. She shook her head in disbelief.她怀疑地摇摇头。

85. He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。

86. She buried her head in the pillow.她用枕头捂住脑袋。

87. She rested her head on his shoulder.她将头靠在他的肩膀上。

88. His head drooped and tears fell into his lap.他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。

89. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。

90. He put / held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed.他双手抱头,十分生气。

91. It never entered my head that he might be lying.我从未想过他会是在撒谎。

92. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。

93. He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。

94. He turned and headed for the door.他转身朝门口走去。

95. She stood up and headed towards the exit. 她起身朝出口走去。


96. A bright smile appeared on / spread across / crossed his face.他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。

97. Her face lit up / brightened / glowed when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩。

98. His face suddenly grew serious.他的表情突然严肃起来。

99. His face looked a little confused.他看起来有点困惑。

100. Jack’s face flushed / burned with embarrassment.杰克窘得满脸通红。

101. Her face paled with fright.她吓得脸都白了。

102. He had a slight frown on his face.他的脸上显出有点儿愁眉不展的样子。


103. He rested his cheek on her shoulder.他把面靠在她的肩上。104. He felt his cheeks burning with shame.他因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧。

105. Her cheeks were wet with tears.她泪流满面。

106. Color rushed / flooded / rose to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.意识到有人在看她,她顿时涨红了脸。

107. A tear slid down her cheek.一滴泪顺着她的脸颊滑落下来。108. He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train.他亲了亲她的脸颊,然后上了火车。


109. His eyes were wide with horror.他惊恐地瞪大了眼睛。

110. The dog’s hungry eyes fell on my sandwich. 那条狗饥饿的眼神落在我的三明治上。

111. He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.听到门把转动的声音,他向门那边看去。

112. Tina shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip.蒂娜紧闭上双眼,咬了咬嘴唇。

113. She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.她直视父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。

114. He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes.他似乎不愿意与我的目光接触。

115. His eyes grew wide / widened with horror at what she had done.看到她所做的事,他惊恐地睁大了眼睛。

116. She laughed, her eyes shining with excitement.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。

117. Her eyes filled with tears.她的眼里充满泪水。

118. She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Joan's face.她试图坐起来,目光紧盯着琼的脸。

119. His eyes scanned the room as he entered.他进屋时眼睛扫视了整个房间。

120. Her eyes dropped to her lap as she answered.她回答时垂下眼睛盯着腿。

121. Tears blurred her eyes / vision.泪水模糊了她的双眼。

122. I felt tears well up in my eyes.我感到泪水在眼里涌出来。mouth

123. She opened her mouth to say something.她张开嘴要说什么。124. He covered his mouth to hide his yawn. 他捂住嘴偷偷打了个哈欠。

125. Our mouths dropped open in surprise.我们惊奇地张大了嘴。126. My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.闻到食物的香味,我开始流口水了。

127. His mouth widened to a smile.他咧开嘴笑了。

128. Suddenly a hand cupped her mouth.突然一只手捂住了她的嘴。129. He straightened up and looked at me, open-mouthed.他直起身,目瞪口呆地看着我。

130. My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office. 我走进她的办公室时,紧张得心都到了嗓子眼。

131. She froze, her mouth hanging open. 她呆住了,嘴张开着。hand

132. She took the child’s hand and helped him climb the steps.她拉住孩子的手牵着他爬上台阶。

133. He reached for her hand and held it tightly. 他伸手抓住她的手并紧紧握住。

134. They walked along, holding hands.他们手拉手并肩走着。135. He held the key in his hand.他手里拿着钥匙。

136. He grasped the rope with both hands.他双手抓着绳子。

137. He shook my hands as if we were long lost friends.他握住我的手好像我们是失散多年的朋友。

138. She smiled and held out / reached out a hand in welcome.她笑着伸出一只手表示欢迎。

139. She put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment.窘迫之中她用双手捂住了脸。

140. Several students raised their hands to answer the question.几个学生举手回答问题。

141. He slid his hands into his pockets.他悄悄地将手插进口袋


142. She shrugged and spread her hand s, "That’s all I can tell you."她耸耸肩,摊开双手说:“我只能告诉你这么多了。”

143. Her hands shook as she lifted the glass to her lips.她的手颤抖着把杯子送到唇边。

144. A strong hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.一只


145. I cupped my hand over the phone so they couldn’t hear me. 我用手捂住电话,免得他们听到我的话。

146. He sat with his head in his hands.他双手抱头坐着。

147. They walked hand in hand along the path. 他们手拉手沿着小路走。


148. She crossed the finish line on tired legs.她用她那疲惫的双腿穿过了终点线。

149. He rose to his feet on shaky legs.他双腿颤抖地站了起来。150. His legs were so weak that he could hardly stand.他腿软的


151. She begins dancing, kicking her legs high in the air. 她开始跳舞,做了空中高踢腿动作。

152. After the accident he had no feeling in his legs. 事故过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。

153. The mud stuck to her boots, making her feet heavy and her legs tired.


154. Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought.


155. He fell over this time, flat on his back with his legs wide.


156. She sank into an armchair and crossed her legs.



157. He got shakily to his feet.他颤抖地站了起来。

158. She jumped to her feet when she heard the news.当她听到这个消息时,她跳了起来。

159. She was tapping / stamping her feet impatiently.她不耐烦地跺着脚。

160. She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.她不情愿地跟在父母后面,磨磨蹭蹭地走着。

161. My feet slipped as I was about to shoot and I missed the ball.当我正要射门的时候脚下滑了一下,一脚踢空。

162. They carried him out of the room with his feet kicking.他


163. He shivered as his feet touched the cold floor.当他的脚一


164. He likes to put his feet up and watch TV when he gets home.当他回家的时候,他喜欢翘着脚看电视。


165. the blue sky 蓝天 the songs of birds 鸟鸣

166. the thundering clouds 雷霆万钧的云 the fragile flowers 娇嫩的花

167. the green grass 青草 the fragrant roses 芬芳的玫瑰

168. the setting / rising sun 落日 / 冉冉升起的太阳

169. Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.乌云密布。

170. The night sky was lit up by flashes of light. 一道道灯光


171. The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky. 云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。

172. The sun was now high in the southern sky. 太阳正高挂在南边的天空上。

173. The sun went in, and the breeze became cold. 云层遮住了太阳,微风有了些凉意。

174. The mist melted rapidly in the morning sun. 在早晨的阳光下,薄雾涣然消散了。

175. The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle. 山区完全掩映在茂密的丛林中。

176. We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge. 我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。

177. The mountain top was covered with snow. 山顶被积雪覆盖。178. Bathed in the sunshine and delighted by fantastic scenery, we headed for the destination.沐浴在阳光下,享受着美丽的风景,我们向目的地出发。


2021高考英语读后续写素材积累(一)一:语料积累 1.Stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy. (人物,肖像描写) 2.Once he started a project he would work on it for years, often going days without sleep. (人物性格) 3. Elya blushed(红脸) when Myra entered the room. (人物,神态描写) 4. His clothes were soaked(被…浸湿的) with sweat. (人物描写) 5. He felt like he was digging his own grave. (心理描写,修辞) 6.Even the people looked broken, with their worn-out(疲惫不堪) bodies sprawled(四肢摊开懒散地坐或躺) over the various chairs and sofas. (环境描写,人物描写) 7. Every muscle and joint in his body ached as he tried to get out of bed. (病痛,人物描写) 8. Now he had such a huge smile it almost seemed too big for his face, like the smile on a jack-o'-lantern. (笑容,人物描写) 9. Zero's mouth was shut tight. As he glared at(怒视) Mr. Pendanski, his dark eyes seemed to expand. (生气,人物描写) 10. If he jerked(猛的一动) too quickly, he felt a throbbing(阵阵的疼痛) pain just above his neck where Zigzag's shovel had hit him. (疼痛,人物描写) 11.A big smile spread across Zero's face. (人物描写) 12. Zero's face looked like a jack-o'-lantern that had been left out too many days past Halloween— half rotten, with sunken eyes and a drooping(颓丧) smile. (人物描写) 13. Zero sat as still as a statue. (人物描写) 14. His legs were sore from remaining rigid for so long. (人物描写) 15. He had dark circles under her eyes from Jack of sleep(因缺乏睡眠). (人物描写) 16. Stanley was overcome by a rush of dizziness and almost fell over. (人物描写) 17. Stanley felt his ears redden. (人物描写) 18.A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. (人物,动作描写) 19.Stanley could see some kids dressed in orange and carrying shovels dragging themselves toward the tents. (人物,着装与动作描写) 20. Theodore whirled(急转) and grabbed Stanley by his collar. (冲突,动作描写)

高中英语读后续写积累素材积累(一) (1)

续写积累 _______________ 班级:姓名:______________ 一、环境描写的素材环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描 写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。客观环境描写:adj环境描写的要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道Part 1 the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣)(鸟鸣)蓝天)the songs of birds the blue sky((青the green grass;娇嫩的花)(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the fragile flowers (…/冉冉升起的太阳)落日草)the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun()要求verb Part 2 环境描写的(vi&vt blow/click/howl/wail/roar)一.Wind ()1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.冷风吹拂过我的头发)(The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。)Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter).二)1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley.声音:在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear 颜色surface.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank.有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。,离此不远 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour)三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn)The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 1.天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵朵云2.Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 1 主观环境描写:1.Sb found sth adj/doing/done... 某人发现某物(状态/动作/被)2.Sb saw/heard/felt/smelt sth doing/done 被)//听到感到/闻到某物(状态/动作/某人看到3.It was so adj that we find/feel ....以至于它是如此4.Sth kept sb spellbound/amazed// /惊讶景物使我如此陶醉sth held sb entirely in their power景物让我完全惊呆了5.It looked/seemed/appeared/felt like …景物看起来像… (来自原著:追风筝的人)二、场景描写的素材. like paper sharks roaming for prey1. At least two dozen kites already hung in the sky, , and red, blue, and yellow kites glided and spun the number doubled Within an hour, was perfect for kite flying, The wind A cold breeze wafted through my hair. in the sky.


新高考读后续写高分素材-- 微技能之细节描写 读后续写微技能之细节描写 1 高考中续写的文体主要为记叙文。顾名思义,记叙文主要以记叙事件为主,因此需要用到 多的细节描写以使文章生动,言之有物。不少学生语言功底不错,但是续写始终得不了高分, 其中一个原因可能就是细节描写的缺乏。 那么,续写该如写呢?我们应该做到兼顾概括描述和细节描述,而且要多用细节描述。所 谓概括描述是指对一个事件的总体描述,而细节描述则是对事件的具体描述,来对之前的总 体描述进一步解释说明,这样能够使得描述更加生动,有画面感。 举例: 如表达一个人的疲累时,可用概括描述:she felt exhausted. 同时辅以细节描述She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet. 如果大家注意这些细节的描述,一定会为你的记叙文续写增色! “感到害怕”的细节描述 当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我感到很害怕。 1、大家可以先尝试用概括描述,先将意思表达清楚。 ______________________________________ 2、请你在此概括描述的基础上增加细节描述,注意逻辑关系以及语意的合理。 1 )_______________________________________ 2)_______________________________________ 3)_______________________________________ 参考答案: 1.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt very scared. 2.1)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak. (嗓子发紧,膝盖发软) 2)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch .(吓呆了, 不敢动弹) 3)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating. ( 被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗) 表感到兴奋thrilled 当主持人宣布她获奖时,她兴奋极了。


What is a climax of a story?(什么是故事高潮?) More tension=satisfying climax 文学故事中的高潮(climax)----故事的主要场景(key scene)也通常是故事的转折点(turning point),是指故事达到最紧张或扣人心弦的那一部分。高潮有时候是剧情中的 "危机" 点。有时候, 它只是达到关键时刻或者转折点, 发生了一些事情, 或者主角必须做出决定, 从而导致一个结果或其他。我们在分析叙事类故事或者小说故事的时候常常用下面的图表来表示故事情节。 常见故事高潮示例: 1. A little girl has been searching for her lost dog. All of a sudden, she hears a bark coming from around the corner, and she looks around to see . . . 2. Kevin has worked very hard to try out for the soccer team at school. The coach has posted a list of this year's team members on his office door. Kevin walks forward to look at the list . . . . 3. Mary's parents have been discussing whether or not to move to another state. They call Mary and her sister down to talk with them about their decision . . . 4. Lois has performed in the state gymnastics finals. She waits anxiously to hear the names of the winners. The announcer says, "And first place goes to . . ." 文学名著中的一些故事高潮 1. The deaths of Romeo (who kills himself because he thinks Juliet is dead) and Juliet (who kills herself when she awakes and sees Romeo dead). Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare (罗密欧和朱丽叶,莎士比亚) 2. When Gaston and the townspeople come to attack the beast, and Belle admits her love for the beast. Beauty and the Beast, Disney (美女与野兽,迪士尼) 3. In "The Three Little Pigs," suspense builds up until the confrontation between the third pig and the wolf. This confrontation is the climax.(三只小猪) How to create a climax of a story? (如何营造故事的高潮?) 方法1.增加外部冲突 增加外部冲突是一种明显有效的可以达到故事高潮的方式。冲突带来紧迫感, 将故事推向必要的解决或崩溃。 1)角色之间的冲突(人物观点差异, 竞争需要等) 如:2017年11月浙江英语高考:On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why


读后续写好句积累 He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他有时间反思他的成功和失败。(reflect on...反思;仔细思考...) Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution. 不断加重的污染引起环保人士的担忧。(be alarmed at/by...对...感到担忧;惊慌) He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone. 他惊慌地发现自己的车不见了。(be alarmed to see /hear...惊慌地看到;听到...) Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture. 蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。(bump into sb/sth撞到...) I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. 我吃力地下床走进浴室。 (drag yourself to /into /out of...费力地走到/进/出某处) He paused for breath, then continued up the hill. 他停下来歇口气,然后继续上山。

"No," he replied, without pausing for thought. "不是的。" 他不假思索地答道。 Charles was overcome with grief. 查尔斯悲痛欲绝。 His eyes fell on her bag. "Are you going somewhere?" 他的目光落在她的包上。"你是不是要去什么地方?"(sb's eyes / gaze / glance fall(s) on sth 某人的目光落在某物上) Only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked on in silence.只有一个人尽力帮助我们,其余的人都只是一声不吭地袖手旁观。 He sprang to his feet and rushed after her. 他腾地站起身,冲过去追她。(spring to one's feet一跃而起) Tears rolled down her cheeks. 泪珠顺着她的脸颊滚落。 Thunder rolled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。

初中英语 读后续写素材

读后续写场景类句子积累 自然场景 1.夜幕降临darkness fell 2.天气寒冷The day was bitterly cold 3.天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚 The sky was blue and the sun was shining 4.大雨倾盆而下It was pouring really hard 5.皓月当空The moon was shining brightly in the sky 6.天空繁星密布The sky was dotted with stars 7.云散开了,太阳出来了 The clouds parted and the sun shone 8.山丘沐浴在阳光下 9.The hills were bathed in the sunshine 10.风越来越大,天空开始乌云密布 The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy 11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地The thick fog blanketed the field 12.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一幅画. There's not a single sound at night.Only the glowworms were still awake,carefully weaving a picture in the night sky. 13.不远处有一条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。 14.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫Blue sky stood tall and far,and the sun was searing my back. 15.阳光下河面波光粼粼. The river glitters in the sunshine. 16.月亮在天空中好像一盏夜灯,闪烁的星好奇地眨着眼睛Like a lamp,the moon shone from above.The stars


文档 专业资料续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描 写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj 要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers ( 娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草)the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun( 落日/冉冉升起的太阳)? Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt )要求 一) .Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain, 一?阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park凉. 爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.(冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二) .Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音: 1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface. 水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三) .Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 1


读后续写好词好句必背 动词 伸懒腰;逗某人;快回来;急匆匆地走出去;穿过浅水河; Stretched one’s tired back; teased sb; hurry back; hurried outside; go /walk across the shallow river; 走进去;艾伦冻僵了;一动不动地躺着;挤出来;停下来;出发去做某事;靠边停车; stepped inside; Alan froze; lay still; squeeze out; paused; set off to do sth; pulled over; 抓住某物;跳下车;摇头;习惯了做; grabbed sth; hopped out of the car; shook one’s head; got accustomed to doing; 用纸巾包起来;放在我的电脑旁边;把它扔到垃圾桶里; wrapped them in a tissue; placed them beside my computer; dropped it into the rubbish bin; 大叫;翻白眼走开;大声笑出来;摆出灿烂的笑容; yelled; rolled on e’s eyes and walked away; laughed out loud; put on a bright smile; 艾伦的胃绷紧了;喃喃自语;说话;换班;皱眉头; Alan’s stomach tightened;Muttered sth; Spoke up; Take a shift; Frowned; 发现沿河的动物足迹;低声说; Spot animal tracks along the river; Whispered; 她伸手在口袋里掏出一个白色的小信封。里面是詹妮弗派对的邀请函。 She reached for a small white envelope in her pocket. In it was an invitation to Jennifer’s party. 被绑着;穿过树林;摔倒了;她的心越来越重。注视某人; Be Tied; Walk through the woods; Dropped; Her heart grew heavier. Keep an eye on sb; 检查;伸手;转过身;勉强地笑了笑; Checked; Reached over; Turned around; Managed a grin; 当她默默祈祷“谢谢你,上帝”时,喜悦的泪水涌上眼眶 Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently, “Thank you, God.” 某物吸引了我的注意;当艾丽在天空中搜寻时,一种兴奋的感觉涌上心头。 Sth caught my eye; An excited feeling bubbled up inside Ally as she searched the sky. 副词 轻柔地拉Pulled gently;;不断地constantly;犹豫地hesitantly;直视她的眼睛look directly into her eyes;紧密地匹配closely match;稍有不同地be slightly different from;不耐烦地掠过impatiently skimmed;立即回答answered instantly;开玩笑地责骂jokingly scolded;绝对安全absolutely safe;骄傲地咧嘴笑Grinned proudly;体贴地放置considerately placed;…焦急地等待waited anxiously;;清楚地记得clearly remembered;呼吸沉重breathed heavily;;紧握squeeze tightly;热情地帮助warmly helped;几乎晕倒nearly fainted; 形容词 浅浅的河流Shallow river;柔和的声音in a soft voice;陌生的诊所unfamiliar clinic; 我珍藏的戒指my treasured rings;惊人的amazing;退休的经理a retired manager; 凯利感到一阵温暖的光辉Kelly felt a warm glow. 彻底搜查了made a thorough search of; 一条一动不动的蛇a motionless snake;频繁地拜访餐馆frequent restaurant visits; 这对一个父亲来说是一个绝望、伤心和尴尬的处境。 It was a desperate, heartbreaking and embarrassing situation for a father. 好句 当威廉看到…时脸色苍白 William’s face paled when he saw… 丽贝卡的脑子一片混乱,试图想出一种做某事的方法。 Rebecca’s mind raced, trying to think of a way to do sth.

最新高中英语读后续写积累素材积累(一) (1)

续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers (娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起的太阳)… Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt)要求 一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair. (冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音:1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。


读后续写好句积累 1. She tried to hide her anger. 她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。 (hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...) 2. She laughed to hide her nervousness. 她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。 3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers 这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。 (a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明) 4. Rays of light filtered through the trees. 一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。(透过?f?lt?) 5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger. 他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。(be greeted with /by sth被报以...) 6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room. 走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。 7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived. 她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...)

8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her. 她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。(妒忌?d?el?si) 9. The smoke hung in the air. 烟在空中缭绕。(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town. 小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。 11. Joe's been ill for weeks now - it's really dragging him down. 乔已经病了几个星期了,这使他很沮丧。(drag sb down 使人感到不愉快) 12. Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage. 福里斯特盯着他的汽车,气得浑身发抖。(trembling / shaking with rage 气得浑身发抖) 13. Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital. 卡罗尔气得呜呜哭,被送往医院。 14. His face was red with rage. 他气得满脸通红。 15. The child was quivering(trembling) in her arms. 那孩子在她怀里发抖。 (抖动?kw?v?) 16. Her mouth quivered slightly as she turned away. 她嘴唇微微哆嗦着,转过头去。 17. I lay there quivering with fear. 我躺在那儿,害怕得直发抖。


树人中学2019学年第一学期高一故事续写积累(一) 一、环境描写素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers (娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起的太阳)… Part 2 环境描写verb (vi&vt)要求 一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair. (冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音:1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓灰色,伴着拥挤朵朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝天空高高耸立 主观环境描写:

高中英语续写素材-环境描写02 Rain-读后续写素材之环境描写

专题02 The Description of Rain ——本专题聚焦于雨景、通过不同的雨景烘托或喜或悲的情感 ? 2.1 Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. Stepping off the path and into the shaggy grass I feel the squelch of the mud beneath. The water rises up and runs between my toes. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there, all they want is the worms that have come up for air. 水涨起来,在我的脚趾间流动。鸟儿们在我周围忙碌着,不关心我在哪儿,他们只想要抓那些爬上来呼吸新鲜空气的虫子。 shaggy长而乱的; 乱蓬蓬的; 头发蓬乱的 squelch发吧唧声,发扑哧声; worms蠕虫; 寄生虫; 肠虫; 幼虫; 蠕动,曲折行进; 给驱肠虫; worm的第三人称 E.g. Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is…… 在这里,我们形容雨落在地上,不直接说the rain fall on the ground(雨落在地上),而是说the ground is kissed by the rain(雨亲吻着路面),就是一个拟人的手法,kiss是一个简单的词,但是用了拟人的手法后,使得整个句子充满文学性,这种写法在续写中是很推崇的,能让你的句子优美、生动、形象、传神。 再比如: E.g. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight. 雨落在窗户上,多么平常的场景,但是在这个句子中我们用了drummed on,就是说雨敲打在窗户上好像敲起了小鼓,瞬间变得生动形象。紧接着,写太阳落山、黄昏来临,我们也不直接写,而是转了个弯,说The rain bid farewell to the last beam of sunlight.(雨向最后一缕阳光告别),是不是很优美。这套材料中,类似的拟人用法还有很多,就不再一一列举,请同学们自己留意,细细体会这种用法的妙处。 ?2-2. Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as we drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a


1 head 1. He hung/dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame. 他羞愧地低下了头。 2. They nodded their heads in agreement. 他们点头同意。 3. She shook her head in disbelief. 她怀疑地摇摇头。 4. He scratched his head, not understanding a word. 他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。scratch [skr?t?] 抓;挠 5. She buried her head in the pillow. 她用枕头捂住脑袋。 6. She rested her head on his shoulder. 她将头靠在他的肩膀上。 7. His head drooped and tears fell into his lap. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大脚上。droop [dru:p] 低垂,垂落 8. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。 9. He put/held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed. 他双手抱头,十分生气。 10. It never entered my head that he might be lying. 我从未想过他会是在撒谎。

11. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. 我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。 12. He could feel his head spinning after only one drink. 他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。spin [spin] 旋转;眩晕 13. He turned and headed for the door. 他转身朝门口走去。 14. She stood up and headed towards the exit. 她起身朝出口走去。 2 face 1. A bright smile appeared on/ spread across/ crossed his face. 他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。 2. Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present. 我给她礼物时,他的脸上焕发出了光彩。 3. His face suddenly grew serious. 他的表情突然严肃起来。 4. His face looked a little confused. 他看起来有点因惑。 5. Jack's face flushed/burned with embarrassment. 杰克窘得满脸通红。 6. Her face paled with fright. 她吓得脸都白了。flush [fl??] 脸红

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