当前位置:文档之家› 展会英语对话(大全)




Good morning, welcome to our hall--------Green Clothes Import and Export Corporation, what can I do for you?

Good morning.I’d like to know some about your pruducts.How do I address you?

My name is Mr.Brown.I'm from Australia.Pleased to meet you, Mr.Brown.My name is …...the sales representative of Green Clothes Import and Export Corporation.Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company?

Sure, here you are.Thank you.Ok, I've read about it, but I'd like to know more about it.What products are you specialized in?

Our company, one of the oldest clothes company in China.And we have been in the business for 20 years.On display are most of our products, such as suits, uniforms, evening dresses, sweaters and garments.So what particular items are you interested in?

I’d like to buy some garments in the new fashion.h yes , I think you’ve been the right place.Our company mainly trades in garments and our products are known for good quality.You see they are brightly colored and beautifully designed.They’ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.We have many styles.What do you think of this style?

It’s really elegant............It symbolizes….I strongly recommend these styles, our newly designed

products..............I’m satisfied with the quality of your samples, and could you give me an idea of your prices? Here is our price list.Oh!I think it’s a little bit expensive…..You can rest assured our prices compare most favorably with quotations you

can get from other manufacturers.You’ll see that from our price sheet.The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.Moreover, we’ve kept the price close to the costs of production.Ok,If our order is large ,will you be able to give us a discount?

Sure,of course we will consider about it.Is there a good market for these articles?

Yes,these new products are to the taste of European market.Because we have......Then what about delievery?

You may rest assure that if you place an order with us,we will deliver the cargo within 24 hours and inform you.Ok,thanks for your detailed and patient explanation, I think I should consider about it.Ok,Would you let me know your fax number? 12345 ............


A: How long from now Canton Fair? Julie 现在离广交会还有多久? B: Two months.还有两个月

A: Do you think we should be from which side the fair start? 你认为这次交易会我们应从哪方面开始?

B: I think we should go to the Book Trade Fair booths.我觉得我们应该先去交易会预订展位

A: Yes, We want to go to book a flow of people and more booths.Then what? 没错,我们要先去预订一个人流量多的展位.B: We need to be carefully selected exhibition of products.我们要把参展的产品仔细挑选出来。

A: Definitely better product quality trade fair, Carefully selected product does first.And it is also conducive to our booth design 交易会的产品质量一定要好, 产品确实要先仔细挑选.而且这也有利于我们的展台设计

B: Yes, booth design is very important, Designed to be

innovative, attractive note.The next is product of advertising 设计要新颖,吸引人注意, 接下来就是产品的广告宣传

A: Product promotion must be in place, There will be more people know our products 产品宣传一定要到位, 这样才会有更多人知道我们的产品B: Yes, the product is good publicity has assembled a team of propaganda, This not worry.是的,产品的宣传已经组建好一个宣传团队了, A: Well done, What to do next? 接下来要做什么?

B: The next plan is to do the whole trade fair, Such an arrangement can exhibition sequential.这样展会的布置才能按顺序进行

A: The earlier you make plans to account for everyone.这个你要交待大家早点做好计划

B: Yes, we do have to notify the Finance Department budget.好的,我们还要通知财务部做好预算。

A: This is very important to let the Finance Ministry carefully to reckon.Do not mistake.这个很重要,要让财务部仔细算好。

B: Ok, Employees participating in this trade fair we have to train well in advance.参加这次交易会的员工我们也要提前培训好.A: These employees represent our company's image, Training must be good.这些员工代表我们公司的形象, 一定要培训好.B:Ok, manager.We will Make Efforts to do the trade fair.我们会努力做好这次交易会



Let me introduce you to Mr.Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。

It’s an honor to meet.很荣幸认识你。

Nice to meet you.I've heard a lot about you.很高兴认识你,久仰大名。

How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读?

How do I address you? 如何称呼您?

It’s going to be the pride of our company.这将是本公司的荣幸。

What line of business are you in? 你做那一行?

Keep in touch.保持联系。Thank you for coming.谢谢你的光临。

Don’t me ntion it.别客气

Excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅我打扰你。

I’m sorry to disturb you.对不起打扰你一下。

Excuse me a moment.对不起,失陪一下。

We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。

Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。

This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?

Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。

My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。

This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?

What about the price? 对价格有何看法?

What do you think of the payment terms? 对支付条件有何看法?

How do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样?

What about having a look at sample first? 先看一看产品吧?

What about placing a trial order? 何不先试订货?

The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs.By the way, which items are you interested in?我们的产品质量与其他生产商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象他们的那样高。哎,你对哪个产品感兴趣?

You can rest assured.你可以放心。

We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。

This new product is to the taste of European market.这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。

I think it will also find a good market in your market.我认为它会在你国市场上畅销。

Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。

While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further.虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再减价了。

Reliability is our strong point.可靠性正是我们产品的优点。

We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price.我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。

To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is.在某种程度上,我们的价格就得看你们的定单有多大。



A: I had a look yesterday.I found some of the exhibits are fine in quality and beautiful in design.The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles.I've gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter.I have got some idea of your exports.I'm interested in your silk blouse.A: 我昨天看了一下,发现一些展品的质量不错,设计也漂亮。展会足以让我了解你们的产品。我已经看了你们上封信中夹寄的目录和说明书。我们公司对你们的产品有了一些了解。我对你们的丝绸女衫很感兴趣。

B: Our silks are known for good quality.They are one of our traditional exports.Silk blouses are brightly coloured and beautifully designed.They're met with great favour overseas and are always in great demand.B :我们的丝绸产品以质量好而文明,它们是我们传统的出口商品之一。丝绸女衫颜色明艳,图案漂亮,深受海外朋友喜欢,需求量一直很大。

A: Some of them to be of the latest style.Now I've a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line.We wish to establish business relations with you

A :其中有一些是最新款式。我感觉我们能在着方面做不少交易。我们想和贵方建立贸易关系

B: Your desire coincides with ours.B :你们的愿望同我们一样。

A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to our bank, or to our local chamber of commerce or inquiry agencies.A :关于我方的财政状况,信用情况和贸易声誉,您可以想我方开户银行,我们地方商会或者咨询机构垂询。

B: Thank you for your information.As you know, our corporation is a state-operated one.We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Establishing

business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit.I have no doubt that it will bring about benefit between us.B :谢谢您提供的信息。您知道,我们是个国有公司,我们一直和其他各国在平等互利的基础上开展贸易。双方建立业务关系是互利的,我相信这会给我们双方带来利益。

A: That sounds interesting, I'll send a fax home.As soon as I receive the definite answer, I'll give you a specific answer.A :听起来不错。我会发一份传真回去。我一收到明确的指示就会给您具体的答复。

B: We'll then make an offer as soon as possible.I hope a lot of business will be put through between us.B :那时我们会尽快报价。我希望我们能开展大量业务。

A: So do I.A :我也希望如此。

B: I hope everything would be smooth.B :希望一切进展水利。

A: That's what I want to say.A :那正是我要说的。

B: I'll give you the lowest price in the future.B :将来我们一定给你们最低的价格。

A: Thank you.A :谢谢。

A: Excuse me, aren't you Mr.Green from New Jersey?


B: Yes, and you are...是的,您是……….A: I'm Wang Mei from zhiyuan Import &Export Company.我是致远进出口公司的王梅。

B: How do you do, Miss Wang? Thanks for meeting me at the airport.您好!王小姐。谢谢您到机场来接我。

A: You're welcome.Very pleased to meet you.不用客气,非常高兴见到您。

B: Do you know where the baggage claim area is?


A: Yes, it's over there, How many pieces of luggage do you have?


B: Only one suitcase.只有一个行李箱

A: Let's go.我们走吧。

B: Ok(at the luggage claim area)


A: How was your flight?


B: Just wonderful.Good food and good service.非常好。有美味的事物和优质的服务。

A: Is this your first visit to Beijing?


B: Yes, I hope it won't be my last.是的!我希望这不是最后一次。

A:Next time you come, please bring your wife along.下次再来,请带上您的夫人。

B: I will.我会的。

A: Direct contact is always good for both sides.直接联系对双方都有好处。

B: Yes, that's why I am here.是的!这也是我来的原因。

A: By the way, how's the business these days?


B: Not bad.But sales are down a bit due to the revaluation.还不坏。但是由于价值重估使销售额稍有下降。

A: Do you think it's a general trend?


B: Oh, I hope not.I thank it's just a slump.Things will improve soon.呵。我希望不是这样。我想这只是不景气而已。不久就会变好的。

A: I hope so.我也希望这样

B: Look, that's my suitcase.我的行李箱到了。

A: Our car is out in the parting lot.We'll take you to the hotel.我们的车在停车场里。我们把您送到宾馆。

B: Very good.好的!

A: If I 'm not mistaken, you must be Mr.Li from XinXing Company.要是我没认错的话,您就是新兴公司的李先生?

B: Yes, I 'm Li Lin.是的,我是李林。

A: Pleased to meet you, Mr.Li.I'm Zhang Xin from ABC Company.见到你很高兴,李先生,我是来自ABC的张新。

B: Oh, nice to meet you.Miss Zhang.哦!幸会!张小姐。

A: Mr.Li, may I introduce Mr.Song to you? Mr.Song, the marketing manager of our company.Mr.Lin, assistant manager of Xinxing Company's purchase Department.李先生,我能给您介绍一下宋先生吗?这是宋先生,我们公司的市场经理。林先生,新兴公司采购部的经理助理。

B: How do you do, Mr.Song?


C: How do you do, Mr.Li? Welcome to China.您好!李先生,欢迎来到中国。

B: It's very kind of you to come to meet me.你们来接过真是太客气了!

C: Our pleasure.能来接您,我们很高兴。

A: May I help you with your luggage.我帮您拿行李,好吗?

B: I think I can manage.Thanks though.谢谢您的好意,我自己来吧。

A: Mr.Li, thank you for the catalogues and brochures you sent to me.李先生,感谢您寄给我的那些商品目录和小册子。

B: Don't mention it.Did you find them helpful?


A: Yes, of course.They are very informative.Now I think I have a better idea of your products.当然有用!内容很全。现在我觉得我对你们的产品更了解了。

4.A: How do you do? I am from the pacific machinery

company.My name is Jack.I've got your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Rome.您好,我是太平洋机械公司的,叫杰克。我是从中国驻罗马大使馆商务处了解到您的名字和地址的!

B: How do you do, Mr.Jack? I'm Zhangmei.Pleased to meet you.Take a seat, please.您好!杰克先生。见到您很高兴!我叫张梅。请做!

A: Thanks, Miss Zhang.Well, to come to the point, I'll give you an idea of what business I want to take up with you.谢谢!张小姐。好吧,言归正传,我想来告诉您一个可以和贵公司成交生意的构想。

B: Now, please go into detail.愿闻其详。

A: Our speciality back in Italy is wholesale supplying of screws, bolts, nuts, pins, studs and that sort of things.我们在意大利是专营批发的,供应的项目有螺丝,螺栓,螺帽,别针,饰针等诸如此类的东西。

B: Wood or mental ones?


A: Both.Now, do you make machines for producing such things?


B: Yes.We make automatic, semiautomatic and manual ones.有的,有自动式,半自动式和手工式的!

A: We'll want automatics.Where can I see some of your machines so that I can get a better idea of what you supply?


B: We have an exhibition hall not far away from here.Are you free now, Mr.Jack?


A: Yes, quite free until noon.有空,中午以前都有空。

B: Good.Then, shall we go right away? I have a car outside.那


A: That's splendid.Just let me get my things together.I won't keep you long.有车就太好了!让我整理一下东西,不会让您久等的。

B: Take your time, Mr.Jack.No hurry.请便!杰克先生,不用着急

5.A: Hello, Miss.Li.你好!李小姐。

B: Hello, Mr.smith, glad to see you again.你好!史密斯先生,很高兴再次见到你。

A: I'm very interested in your products, and would like to talk something about that.我对你们的产品挺感兴趣的,想和您谈一谈。

B: I'm glad to hear it.My firm has wide business relations with many corporations in your country.Every year, we export a lot of our products to European countries, but yours seems quite new to us.很高兴你这么说。我们公司与你们国家的许多公司都有贸易往来。我们每年都要向欧洲各国出口大量的产品。不过你们公司对于我们来说,还是新客户。

A: Well, we worked on leather products only for two years, but we are in a position to place large orders with competitive suppliers.This time, we desire to see the possibilities of switching our purchase to you.是的,我们做皮具生意的时间不长,只有两年。但是,对于有实力的公司,我们的订货量还是相当可观的!这一次,我们就想看看是否有可能在你们公司订货。

B: That's fine.Our leather bags have enjoyed a high reputation in the European market.Have you got any thing in mind that you're interested in?


A: Well, I find article No.338 is rather attractive.我觉得货号338不错。

B: It's our newest designed https://www.doczj.com/doc/9419133800.html,pared with the old ones, it is much better in style.Reports from different markets show

that this model is the choice of discriminating buyers.这是我们新近设计的一个款式。与过去旧式的产品相比,在款式上可以说是一个进步。从市场反馈的情况来看,这个款式是明智买商的首选!

A: You know.Miss.Li, quality is as much important as the price.李小姐,我认为,在选购商品的时候,质量与价格是同等重要的!

B: Yes.This style is an improvement upon the old styles in many respects.We pay much attention not only to its quality but also to its cost.After studying our samples and price list I'm sure you will be satisfied.是的!这个款式比起旧的款式,在很多方面都有所进步!我们在改进的时候,不仅注意到提高产品的质量,还注意到了降低产品成本。在看过我们的样品和价目表后,我相信您一定会满意的!

A:So you really don't see your way to get it down a bit? If you come down to the old price, we can place an order of a large quality.您真的不能再降一点价了吗?如果您照原来的价格成交,我们可以订一大批货。

B: I'm sorry.Mr.Smith.This is our rock bottom price.When I fixed the price with you last time.I told you repeatedly that it was for the trial order only, Just to help you to get a start.That's an exceptional case.We can't close any more business on the same basis, to say nothing of making reductions.If you find it unworkable, We have no other choice but to call the deal off.很抱歉!史密斯先生。这是我们的最低价。我上次与您定价的时候反复向您说明,这个价位只是对试订货来说的,只是帮助你们启动生意。这是个例外。我们不能以此价格再次成交,更不用说降低价格。如果你们认为不能接受,我们也没有办法,生意只能告吹。

Let me introduce you to Mr.Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。

It’s an honor to meet.很荣幸认识你。

Nice to meet you.I’ve heard a lot about you.很高兴认识你,久仰大名。How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读?

How do I address you? 如何称呼您?熟记还价十二句商务英语订货交流没问题

It’s going to be the pride of our company.这将是本公司的荣幸。What line of business are you in? 你做那一行?

Keep in touch.保持联系。Thank you for coming.谢谢你的光临。Don’t mention it.别客气

Excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅我打扰你。I’m sorry to disturb you.对不起打扰你一下。Excuse me a moment.对不起,失陪一下。订票托运等怎么说商务英语疯狂口语三十句

We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。剑桥商务英语BEC阅读需掌握的70个关键句

Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。

This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?实用推荐:商务谈判中最常使用的10句疯狂英语

Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。


My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。

This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参


1.I will send you some brochures□if you are i nterested.如果您有兴趣的话,我可以寄给您一些介绍产品的小册子。

2.Can you suggest an alternative﹖


3.As an alternative□I wish to propose May 3rd.另一个方便时间是5月3日。

4.If you are interested□we may consider selecting you as our partner.如果贵公司感兴趣,我们可以考虑选择你们作为我们的合作伙伴。

5.I see.But aren’t these prices for your domestic customers ﹖


6.Yes□we take note of your comment.Prices depend also on volume.How much quantity do you forecast to sell in the first year﹖


7.Then□let us de velop together a marketing plan with yearly forecasts of volume with pricing.那么,让我们依数量预测来共同拟订一个市场销售计划。订货交流

1、I’ll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.我同意你们的还价,减价3元。

2、If the price is higher than that, we’d rather call the w hole deal off.如果价格比这还高,我们宁愿放弃这桩生意。


3、It’s absolutely out of the question for us to reduce our price to your level.我们不可能将价格降到你方所要求的那样低。

4、We can’t accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。

5、We make a counter-

offer to you of $150 per metric ton F.O.B.London.我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美元。


6、Your counteroffer is too low and we can’t accept it.你方还价太低了,我方无法接受。

7、I’m afraid I don’t find your price competitive at all.我看你们的报价毫无任何竞争性。

8、If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion.如果你方坚持自己的价格,不作让步,我们没有必要再谈下去了。

9、Let’s have your counteroffer.请还个价。

10、Still, I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.不过,我认为彼此都坚持自己的价格是不明智的。

11、We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept.我们认为你方的报价太高了,我方难以接受。

12、Our offer is reasonable and realistic.It comes in line with the prevailing market.我方的报价是合理的、现实的,符合当前市场的价格水平。

订票托运 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿

I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。

I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。

I won’t check this baggage 这件行李我不托运。

I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.实用推荐:商务谈判中最常使用的10句疯狂英语

I missed my train.7 I haven’t nothing to declare.我没申报的东西。

it’s all personal effects.这些东西都是私人用品。

I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。

I’d like two seats on today’s northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空7班次到底特律的机票。


we waited for john in the lobby of the airport.我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。

I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。

I’d like a refund on this ticket.我要退这张票。

I’d like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。

you have to change at Chicago station.你必须要在芝加哥站转车。

we have only one a day for New York.到纽约的一天只有一班。sorry, they are already full.抱歉,全部满了。


I’d like to reserve a seat to New York.我要预订一个座位去纽约。

the flight number is ak708 on September 5th.20 there’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.早上10点半有班机。

I’m looking for my baggage。我正找我的行李。

I’d like to make a reservation.我想预订。


the sooner, the better.越快越好。

I’d like to change my reservation.我想变更一下我的预订。

I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。

my reservation number is 2991.通知:07年剑桥商务英语考试报名3月20日截止

I made a reservation in Tokyo.我在东京预订的。

I made reservations yesterday.我昨天预订的。

I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo.我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

I always have a big wash to do on Saturdays.我星期六总是有一大堆的衣物要洗


1、Would anyone like something to drink bdfore we begin? 在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?

2、We are ready.我们准备好了。

3、I know I can count on you.我知道我可以相信你。

4、Tust me.请相信我。

5、We are here to solve problems.我们是来解决问题的。

6、We’ll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。


7、Ihope this meeting is productive.我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。

8、I need more information.我需要更多的信自。

9、Not in the long run.从长远来说并不是这样。这句话很实用,也可显示你的“高瞻远瞩”。

10、Let me explain to you why.让我给你一个解释一下原因。很好的转折,又可磨炼自己的耐心。白领常用商务英语I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿I’

d lik

e to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。4 I won’t check this baggage 这件行李我不托运。I’d like to sit in the front o

f the plane.我想找一个靠飞机前部的座位I missed my train.我错过了我的火车I haven’t nothin

g to declare.

我没申报的东西。8 it’s all personal effects.这些东西都是私人用品。I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。I’d like two seats on today’s northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空7班次到底特律的机票。we waited for john in the lobby of the airport.我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。I’d like a refund on this ticket.我要退这张票。I’d like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。you have to change at Chicago station.你必须要在芝加哥站转车。we have only one a day for New York.到纽约的一天只有一班。sorry, they are already full.抱歉,全部满了。I’d like to reserve a seat to New York.我要预订一个座位去纽约。the flight number is ak708 on September 5th.there’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.早上10点半有班机。

21 I’m looking for my baggag e。我正找我的行李。22 I’d like to make a reservation.我想预订。23 the sooner, the better.越快越好。I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。my reservation number is 2991.我的预定号码是2991 27 I made a reservation in Tokyo.我在东京预订的。

I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo.我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票 I always have a big wash to do on Saturdays.我星期六总是有一大堆的衣物要洗


admission ticket:入场卷 2 attendee:出席者,在场者 3 applicant:申请者 4 badge:胸章 booth:展台;售货棚;展览摊位6 booth contractor:展台搭建公司 7 booth number:展位号码 8 booth order:展位预定 9 box lunch:盒饭 brochure:宣传小册子11 budget:预算开支business card:名片classroom type meeting room:教室形会议厅14 clinic:教学班,现场会议company fascia/signage:公司楣板16 confetti:彩色纸屑conference:专业会议,协商会18 congress:代表大会,会议19

cooperation:合作;协作 20 consortium:国际财团 convention site inspection:会议场地考察 22 convention registration:会议代表签到 23 corner booth:角落展台 24 dealer meeting:经销商会议 25 decorator:装潢公司 26 destination:目的地 diplomat:外交官,外交家draping:布帘,铺设桌面的群布29 drayage:运送展品30 dress code: 着装规范

exhibit designer:展台设计师 32 exhibit producer:展台搭建商

exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置)



exhibition planning:展前联络37 exhibitor manual:参展商手册 38 exhibitor:参展商

exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organ izer”。40 exposition:博览会

facility manager:展馆或展厅经理 42 facility:同“convention center*”,指展览馆或展览设施

FHC:展馆内用于标明灭火器箱位置的符号44 fire exit:展馆内的紧急出口

floor load:指展馆地面最大承重量

floor plan:展馆平面图,具体标明展区位置及展览辅助服务区位置,如活动室、洗手间、电源和水供应处等

floor port:展馆地面接口,主要是展馆电、电话和水管接口48 follow-up meeting:后续会议 49 forum:论坛

hall:对展览馆的泛称,也可指一个展馆中的一个具体的展厅51 hollow shape meeting room 回字形会议厅 52 hospitality area:会客区 53 hub:中心

indoor exhibition space:室内展区 55 information pack:会

展资料袋 56 island booth:岛形展台 57 lease of space:展位租赁58 lectern:主席台 59 lecture:讲座

main/head table:主桌 61 meeting:会议

minimum area:起租面积 63 minutes:会议记录

move-in:展台搭建、布展期 65 move-out:撤展期

multiple-story exhibit:多层展台67 on display:展示中68 on-site ads:现场广告

on site construction:主场搭建

outdoor exhibition space:室外展区 71 pamphlet:小册子 72 panel:(常在听众前举行的)专题小组讨论会73 peninsula booth:半岛形展台 74 post-conference tour: 会后旅游 75 premise:会址;房屋

products of interest:有意向的产品 77 projector:投影设备 78 raw space:展览广地 79 retreat:异地会议 80 row booth:标准展台 81 sales literature:宣传资料 82 seminar:研究班,研讨会seating arrangement:席位安排84 service kit:服务指南85 show:贸易展览会

showcase:陈列,陈列柜 87 skirting:装饰围边

space assignment:展会分配 89 speaker:音箱

speaker with stand:立式音箱

specialized pavilion:专业展出馆,专项展示厅 92 strategy:战略,计划 93 strike:撤展


theatre shape meeting room:剧院性会议厅 96 toastmaster:正式宴会主持人

U-shape meeting room:U形会议厅 98 venue manager:场地(馆)经理 99 warehouse:仓库



1.Application & Booth Reservation 报名与预定展位


展会常用英语对话 在参加展会活动时,英语是一种非常重要的交流语言,以下是一些常用的展会英语对话,希望能帮助您更加顺畅地与国际客户交流。 1. Greeting(问候) - Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome to our booth. 早上/下午/晚上好,欢迎来到我们的展位。 - May I help you with something? 需要我帮你什么忙吗? - How do you do? My name is David, what’s yours? 你好,我叫大卫,你叫什么名字? 2. Introduction(介绍) - Let me introduce myself, I am the sales manager of our company. 让我自我介绍一下,我是我们公司的销售经理。 - This is our new product, would you like me to introduce it to you? 这是我们的新产品,您需要我向您介绍一下吗? - This is our best-selling product, it has won the favor of many customers. 这是我们最畅销的产品,很受许多客户的欢迎。 3. Inquiry(询问)

- Could you tell me more about your products/services? 你能给我讲讲你们的产品/服务吗? - What’s th e price range of your products/services? 你们的产品/服务价格范围是怎样的? - Do you have any special offer or discount for bulk orders? 你们有对大量订单的特别优惠或折扣吗? 4. Negotiation(商谈) - We are interested in your product, but the price seems a bit high. Can you give us a discount? 我们对你们的产品很感兴趣,但价格有点高,你们能给我们打个折吗? - We have received a lower offer from another supplier, can you match or beat their price? 我们收到了另一家供应商的更低报价,你们能匹配或超越他们的价格吗? - If we place a bulk order, can you offer us a better price? 如果我们下大量订单,你们能给我们更好的价格吗? 5. Closing(结束) - Thank you very much for your time and interest, we hope to do business with you in the near future.


参加展会常用的100句英语口语 1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 ?·2010-2015年新疆能源产业投资分析及前景预测报告 ?·2010-2015年中国新能源汽车产业投资分析及前景预测报告 ?·2010-2015年中国能源行业投资分析及前景预测报告 ?·2010-2015年中国石油天然气开采行业投资分析及前景预测报告 ?·2010-2015年中国太阳能利用产业投资分析及前景预测报告 ?更多相关研究报告>> 5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。


会展英语对话 Mr. Li is expressing his appreciation to the Manger of the Exhibition hall at the end of the exhibition. L: Are there any handcarts, sir? The display items are heavy. M: Here is a handcart, sir. Let me help you. L: Thank you. Without your help, I could hardly have met so many clients in this exhibition. M: You are welcome. L: I like this booth very much, and I plan to take part in the exhibition next year, too. M: We will inform you of next year’s exhibition in advance and reserve this booth for you. L: That’s very kind of you. 参考译文: 李先生在展览结束时向展厅经理表达自己的谢意。 李先生:这里有手推车吗,先生?这些展品太重了。 展厅经理:手推车在这边,先生。我帮你。 李先生:谢谢。这次多亏你们帮忙,否则我不可能在展会上遇到这么多大客户。 展厅经理:不用客气。 李先生:我很喜欢这个摊位,我计划明年继续参加这个展览。 展厅经理:我们会提前通知你明年的展览情况,并为你预留这个摊位。 李先生:谢谢你。 Notes: 1. handcart: n. 手推车 2. client: n. 顾客.客户,委托人 3. inform …of…: 向…..通知….. eg: Please inform me of the appointed time. 请告知我约定的时间. 4. in advance :提前 5. reserve: v. 储备,保留,预订 eg: I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.


外贸英语口语:展会必备100句英语口语 展会英语口语,相信对做外贸的朋友来说一定非常的实用。参加展会时适当的用上这些句子,一定会让你取得更好的效果。 1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 You're going out of your way for us,I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。 9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 10 That'll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 11 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing.那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。 12 I can't say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上说定。 13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time


展会英语对话(大全) 第一篇:展会英语对话(大全) Good morning, welcome to our hall--------Green Clothes Import and Export Corporation, what can I do for you? Good morning.I’d like to know some about your pruducts.How do I address you? My name is Mr.Brown.I'm from Australia.Pleased to meet you, Mr.Brown.My name is …...the sales representative of Green Clothes Import and Export Corporation.Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company? Sure, here you are.Thank you.Ok, I've read about it, but I'd like to know more about it.What products are you specialized in? Our company, one of the oldest clothes company in China.And we have been in the business for 20 years.On display are most of our products, such as suits, uniforms, evening dresses, sweaters and garments.So what particular items are you interested in? I’d like to buy some garments in the new fashion.h yes , I think you’ve been the right place.Our company mainly trades in garments and our products are known for good quality.You see they are brightly colored and beautifully designed.They’ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.We have many styles.What do you think of this style? It’s really elegant............It symbolizes….I strongly recommend these styles, our newly designed products..............I’m satisfied with the quality of your samples, and could you give me an idea of your prices? Here is our price list.Oh!I think it’s a little bit expensive…..You can rest assured our prices compare most favorably with quotations you


广交会上和外国客户交谈最多的英语句子: Nice to meet you . I’ve heard a lot about you. 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。 We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers. 我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。 Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。 This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly intere sted in. 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品? Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look. 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。 How do I pronounce your name?你的名字怎么读? How do I address you?如何称呼您? It’s going to be the pride of our company. 这将是本公司的荣幸。 I’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起打扰你一下。 Excuse me a moment. 对不起,失陪一下。 Excuse me. I’ll be right back. 对不起,我马上回来 You can rest assured. 你可以放心。 We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market. 我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。 This new product is to the taste of European market. 这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。 I think it will also find a good market in your market. 我认为它会在你国市场上畅销。 Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products. 优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。 What line of business are you in?你做那一行? Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。 It’s an honor to meet. 很荣幸认识你。 Keep in touch. 保持联系。 Thank you for coming. 谢谢你的光临。 Don’t mention it. 别客气 Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰你。 What about the price? 对价格有何看法? What do you think of the payment terms? 对支付条件有何看法? How do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样? While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further.


展会常用口语50句 1. Welcome to our booth! 2. May I help you with anything? 3. Can I offer you a brochure? 4. Are you interested in this product? 5. What brings you to the exhibition today? 6. Have you attended any seminars or talks yet? 7. Would you like to schedule a meeting with us? 8. Can I give you a quick demo of our product? 9. How do you think our product compares to others in the market? 10. What sets us apart from our competitors? 11. Do you have any questions about our company? 12. Can you tell me more about your business? 13. What challenges are you facing in your industry? 14. How can we help solve your problems? 15. Have you seen our latest products? 16. What do you think of our new product line? 17. Are you looking for anything specific at this exhibition? 18. Do you have any feedback on our products?


展览会最常用的展会英语对话 1、参观者询问信息: Visitor: Excuse me, could you please provide some information about this exhibition? 参观者:打扰一下,请问你能提供一些关于这个展览的信息吗? Exhibition Staff: Of course! What would you like to know? 展览工作人员:当然可以!你想知道什么? 2、展商介绍自己的产品: Exhibitor: Welcome to our booth! We specialize in innovative tech gadgets. Would you like to learn more about our products? 展商:欢迎来到我们的展位!我们专注于创新科技产品。您想了解更多关于我们的产品吗? Visitor: Absolutely! Could you give me a brief introduction? 参观者:当然可以!你能简要介绍一下吗? 3、商务洽谈: Exhibitor: We're interested in potentially partnering with your company. Could we discuss further over a cup of coffee? 展商:我们对与贵公司潜在合作很感兴趣。我们可以边喝杯咖啡边进一步讨论吗? Visitor: That sounds great. Let's find a quiet place to


欢迎共阅人物: A:会展电话营销人员(李先生) B:参展商(彼特)F: 会展现场营销人员(刘先生)G:参展商B的助理(玛丽)C:现场引导人员D:观众E:展销人员 扮演角色名单: (詹A C 骏B 丘F 飞G 涛D 曹E) (场景1)邀展 A:你好,彼得先生。 A?没问题,谢谢! A?No problem ,thank?you. (场景2)考察 F:彼特先生和这位女士,你们好,我是李先生的同事刘先生,请问贵公司对参加我们这个汽车展有什么看法吗。 F:Hello, Mr Peter and Ms. I’m Mr Peter partner,Mr Liu. What does your company think about join in this car exhibition?

G :你好。李先生,我是彼特先生的助理玛丽小姐我们决定参加汽车展,但是我们必须先了解你们的展位价格与场馆再说。 G:Hello, Mr Liu.I’m Mr Peter assistant Mary,We decide to join in the car exhibition, but we should know about the booth’ price and stadium frist. F 你好玛丽小姐,这个是我们的日程安排表和场馆资料,?7月15号就开始布置场馆。 F:Hello,Mary.This is our schedule and stadium information, and layout of stadium on July 15. F如果你们的广告能够达到20万的费用,我们会考虑这个优惠 F:If your advertisement could reach 200 thousands, we will consider it. B好的,我们就这么说吧 B:OK, no problem! F我们现在到达这个展厅了. F:now we arrived at the exhibition hall.


展会实用英语200句 1、I’ve e to make sure that your stay in China is a pleasant one 我特地为你们安排使你们在中国的逗留愉快。 2、You’re going out of your way for us, I believe. 我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3、It’s just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4、I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 5、If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6、Is there any way of ensuring we’ll have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7、So our evenings will be quite full then? 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8、We’ll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。 9、We’d have to pare notes on what we’ve discussed during the day. 我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 10、That’ll put us both in the picture. 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 11、Then we’d have some ideas of what you’ll be needing


展会常用英语口语集锦 LT

展会接待常用英语口语集锦 1.What’s the size 多大尺寸? 90X90 (Ninety by ninety) 九十乘九十。 2.What’s the CMB 体积多大? 0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter) 0.07立方米。 3.What’s the bestlast p rice 最低价是多少? ¥2.5 (Two point five)] 两块五。 4.How many designs 有几个款式? 3 designs . 三个款式。 5.How many colors 有几种颜色? 3 colors. Red, yellow and blue.

3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。 6.How many pcs one CTN 一箱装多少件? 12 dozen, 144pcs. 12打,144件一箱。 7.When shall we deliver 什么时候交货? 8.Where shall we deliver 货送到什么地方? 9.30% deposit. 付30%的订金。 10.Only one sample here. We can’t give you. 只有一个样品,不能给你。11.Too expensivemuch. 太贵了。 12. Any discount 有折扣吗? 13.Cheaper 可以便宜一点吗? 14.Show me this!

这是我们的目录。 34.Here’s my card. 这是我的名片。 35.Your card, please. 给我你的名片。 36.What’s the material. 什么材料做的 The cost of raw material is increasing. 原材料价格上涨。 37.Out of stock. 没现货。 38.Do you have samples 有样品吗? 39.Can I buy a sample? 能买一个样品吗? 40.We’ll give the money back when you place an order. 下单时退钱给你。 41.Good morning afternooneveningnight! 早上好!中午好!晚上好!晚安!


博览会最常用的展会英语对话 Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我 们的总经理,李先生。 It ’s an honor to meet很.有幸认识你。 Nice to meet you . I've heard a lot about you.很快乐认识你,久仰大名。 How do I pronounce your name你的名字怎么读 How do I address you 怎样称号您 It ’s going to be the pride of our company. 这将是本企业的有幸。 What line of business are you in你做那一行 Keep in touch. 保持联系。Thank you for coming.感谢你的莅临。 Don’t mention it. 别客气 Excuse me for interrupting you.请谅解我打搅你。 I ’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起打搅你一下。 Excuse me a moment. 对不起,失陪一下。 We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers. 我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其余客户做了大量买卖。 Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数目及包装的要求,以便我方赶快拟订出 报价。 This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价钱表,但只供参照。能否有你特别感兴趣的商品 Do you have specific request for packing Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look. 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗这是我们当前用的包装样品,你能够看下。 My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理收益为依照,不是漫天要价。 We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询货物当前 无货。 This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价钱表,但只供参照。能否有你特别感兴趣的商品 What about the price对价钱有何见解 What do you think of the payment terms对支付条件有何见解 How do you feel like the quality of our products 你感觉我们产品的质量怎么样 What about having a look at sample first 先看一看产品吧 What about placing a trial order何不先试订货 The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in 我们的产质量量与其余生产商同样的好,而我们的价钱却不象他们的那样高。哎,你对哪个产品感兴趣 You can rest assured. 你能够放心。 We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market. 在提升我们产品的设计水平,以知足世界市场的要求。 This new product is to the taste of European market. 这类新产品欧洲很受欢迎。 I think it will also find a good market in your market.我以为它会在你国市场上热销。 Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products. 优秀的质量和较低的价钱有助于推产品。


展览会最常用的展会英语对话Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。 It’s an honor to meet. 很荣幸认识你。 Nice to meet you . I've heard a lot about you. 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。 How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读? How do I address you? 如何称呼您? It’s going to be the pride of our company. 这将是本公司的荣幸。 What line of business are you in? 你做那一行? Keep in touch. 保持联系。Thank you for coming. 谢谢你的光临。 Don’t mention it. 别客气 Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰你。 I’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起打扰你一下。 Excuse me a moment. 对不起,失陪一下。 We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。 Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。 This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in. 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?


展会常用英语口语50句 1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is apleasant one. 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe. 我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenientfor you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be madethen. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for ourtalks. 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7 So our evenings will be quite full then. 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right withyou. 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。 9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during theday. 我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 10 That'll put us both in the picture. 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 11 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll beneeding. 那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。 12 I can't say for certain off-hand. 我还不能马上说定。 13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than justspend all our time talking. 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。 14 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。 15 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or twohere 你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗? 16 I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd liketo. 尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。 17 We've got to report back to the head office. 我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。 18 Thank you for you cooperation. 谢谢你们的合作。 19 We've arranged our schedule without anytrouble. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。 20 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and yourfriends.Would you please have a look atit. 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗?


参加展会的外贸朋友,一定要看哦,相信对你们有帮助的;关注展会信息,关注百贸网。 问好 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you? 2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you. 3. It‟s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meet ing you. 4. Welcome to China. 5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here. 6. I hope you‟ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China? 7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag? 机场接客 1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation? 2. How do I address you? 3. May name is Benjamin liu. I‟m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I‟m here to meet you. 4. We have a car an over there to take you to you hotel. Did you have a nice trip? 5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. 6. Do you need to get back your baggage? 7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel? 相互介绍 1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman in the Marketing Department. 2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you. 3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company. 4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company. 5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang. 6. If I‟m not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France. 7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago. 8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet? 9. It is my pleasure to talk with you. 10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card? 11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card? 12. I am sorry. I can‟t r ecall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again? 13. I‟ am sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name. 小聊 1. Is this your first time to China? 2. Do you travel to China on business often? 3. What kind of Chinese food do you like? 4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China? 5. What is surprising to your about China? 6. The weather is really nice.

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