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6.Romanticism 浪漫主义时期



①shaped by their New World environment美洲大陆新环境

②array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditions of Europe.欧洲早期浪漫主义思潮


pluralistic多元化,manifestations表现形式: Varied多样, Individualistic个人主义,Conflicting矛盾


Frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.



①As a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized.

It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law

and custom.不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。

②They spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American


③T hey believed in the transcendence of “Oversoul,” an all-pervading power for

goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part.


④I t could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. “Go

back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become

spiritually whole again.” The natur al implication of all this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become symbolic, and the physical world was a

symbol of the spiritual. This in turn added to the tradition of literary symbolism in American literature.


Emerson爱默生,believed that man was a part of absolute good.人性本善

Thoreau梭罗,beheld divinity in the “unspotted innocence” of nature.自然才是神圣的“洁白无瑕”

5.Literary forms文学形式:

Novels, short stories, and poems replaced sermons and manifestos as America’s principal literary forms.


6.Imaginative literature想象类文学

7.the wilderness came to function almost as a dramatic character that illustrated

moral law.戏剧化特色的野性讽喻了时代的道德准则。

8.The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.逃离社会,回到自然成为了美国文学永恒的创作


9.Nationalism stimulated a greater literary interest in America’s language. In 1828 Noah Webster published “An American Dictionary of the English Language”. American character types speaking local dialects appeared in poetry and fiction with increasing frequency.受民族主义影响,作家的目光转向了美国本土的语言,具有


10.At mid-century a cultural reawakening brought a “flowering of New England.” Led by Hawthorne, Emerson, and Thoreau. New England→ Transcend entalism,从新英格兰文学到超验主义。


1、Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文

the first great belletrist 第一个纯文学作家,划线部分为三个主要contribution

① the first great prose stylist of American romanticism.美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家

②“Sketch Book”《见闻札记》, the first modern short stories and the first great

American juvenile literature.现代文学史上第一部短篇小说和美国第一部伟大的青少年文学读物。

③Irving restored the waning Gothic romances which Poe soon infused with

psychological subtleties.重振了没落的哥特式浪漫主义小说,随后坡在此基础上,把心理学的一些知识融入了这种体裁。

④“Legends of the Conquest of Spain”《西班牙征服记》

⑤ manner形式> matter内容;avoid moralization教化to entertain娱乐/ amuse


2、James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯.芬尼莫.库珀

①contribution: launched two kinds of immensely popular stories→ the sea adventure

tale and the frontier saga


②“Leatherstocking Tales”《皮袜子故事集》,包括“The Deerslayer”《杀鹿者》、“The

Last of the Mohicans”《最后的莫希干人》、“The Pathfinder”《探路人》、“The Pioneers”《拓荒者》、“The Prairie”《大草原》, regard as “the nearest approach yet to an American epic.”被认为是迄今为止美国最接近史诗的作品。

③the central figure in the novels, Natty Bumppo.小说的中心人物,纳蒂.班波

3、William Cullen Bryant威廉.卡伦.布莱恩特poet诗人

①as Irving had shown that American prose had cone of age, so Bryant demonstrated

to European readers that American poetry was ready to demand serious


②He was the first American to gain the stature of a major poet.第一个获得美国主要


③“To a Waterfowl”《致水鸟》the most perfect brief poem in the language.用美国英


4、Edgar Allan Poe埃德加.阿伦.坡

①show his true talents as an editor, poet, literary critic.编辑、诗人、文学评论家。

②Graham’s Magazine格雷厄姆杂志(坡的工作场所)

③“The Fall of the House of Usher”《鄂谢府崩溃记》、“The Raven”《乌鸦》the title

poem of a collection,

“Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque”《述异集》first collection of short stories.


④often use grotesque or fantastic events.擅长描写哥特式和幻想类的小说。

5、Ralph Waldo Emersion拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生

①be responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England,是把超验主义引入


②Emerson believed above all in individualism个人主义,

independence of mind思想独立, and self-reliance自强.

③作品:“Nature”《论自然》、“Essays”《随笔录》、“The American Scholar”《美

国学者》, our intellectual Declaration of Independence.我们知识分子的独立


④his most important works are “Representative Men”《代表》and “English Traits”


⑤摘自《论自然》:Standing on the bare ground, -my head bathed by the blithe air, and

uplifted into infinite space, -all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball. 人形的约束没有了。

6、Henry David Thoreau 亨利.戴维.梭罗

①Emerson’s truest disciple. Put into practice many of Emerson’s theories爱默生最


②“In Walden”《沃尔登》成名作。“Civil Disobedience”《平民反抗》essay随笔。


③教义:I would not have anyone adopt my mode of living, each should find out his

own way, not his neighbor’s or his parents.我不希望人们接受我的生活模

式,每一个都应该发现自己的生活方式,不是邻居的,也不是他父母的。★7、Nathaniel Hawthorne纳萨尼尔.霍桑

①background: one of his ancestors was Judge Hathorne, who harm a person.曾经有


②“The House of the Seven Gables”七尖角阁房,是霍桑著名神秘小说中的一个房


③he reveals the depth of his concern with the dark side of Puritanism, the harshness

and the persecutions.对清教徒阴暗面的深切关注,认为清教徒的戒行过于


④“Mosses from an Old Manse”《古厦青苔》、“The Marble Faun”《玉石神像》

⑤特点⑴unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the

deepest roots of man’s moral nature.独特才能主要表现在他能够通过一


⑵his ability to create vivid and symbolic images that embody great moral questions

appears strongly in his short stories.短篇小说里,通过活生生、极具有象


⑶to make a story exist in its own right but at the same time appear as a moral symbol.



⑥(课堂笔记提及的)“The Scarlet Letter”《红字》

⑴女主角honest, calmly face fault诚实,坦然的面对罪过。

⑵弗洛伊德人格理论:Id 本我→ 欲望,只要快乐→Roger女主角的丈夫

Ego 自我→ 分辨对错,受约束,符合现实→Hester 女主角

Superego超我→ →Dim 女主角的情人,牧师

⑶女主角的自我成长和自我救赎的过程。Ego growth and redeem by her own of


⑦“The Scarlet Letter”analysis分析:it not a praise of a Hester sinning, but a hymn

on the moral growth of the woman when sinned against. Young Hester borders on being licentious. Her drive is sexual. She does her best to keep her hold on

the magic chain humanity. Her life eventually acquires a real significance when she reestablishes a meaningful relationship with her fellowmen Symbolic of her moral development is the gradual imperceptible change with the scarlet letter

undergoes in meaning. At fir st it is a token of shame, “Adultery” but then the

genuine sympathy and help Hester offered to her fellow villagers’ changes it to “Able”. Later in the story, the letter A appears in the sky, signifying “Angel”.

There is reason to agree with the critical observation that A may represent

Adamic, or prehistoric, an archetypal vice suggestive of “original sin,”

Dimmesdale, on the other hand, banishes himself form society. Deeply

preoccupied with himself, he lives a stranger among his admirers. The result is that, whereas Hester is able to reconstruct her life and win a moral victory,

Dimmesdale undergoes the tragic experience of physical and spiritual

disintegration. Between him and Hester they point to a moral as Hawthorne may intend them to do, that the best policy for man is to be true, honest, and ever

ready to show one’s worst to the outside world.

★8、Herman Melville赫尔曼.麦尔维尔

①“Moby Dick”《白鲸》,a tremendous chronicle of whaling voyage in pursuit of a

seemingly supernatural white whale.主要讲述了一个为追捕一只想象中的神秘白鲸的漫长海上故事。②The book is steeped in symbolism.本书达到了象征主义手法的创作高峰。③主人公:Ishmael,取自圣经。④在书中说:to write

a mighty book you must have a mighty theme.写一部宏大的著作,必须有一个

宏大的主题。⑤故事人物:Captain Ahab.船长阿哈比;Queequeg,捕鲸人奎因奎格,was a friendly person;⑥the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome,

sometimes merciless forces. The fitting symbol for his theme was the “gliding

great demon of the seas of life.”阿哈比舰长和各种危险之间的激烈斗争,他同那些强大的、神秘的自然展开斗争,他们令人毛骨悚然,有时还冷酷无情。


⑦“Moby Dick”:one of the major themes in Melville is alienation, which he sensed

existing in the life of his time on different levels, between man and man, man

and society, and man and nature. Captain Ahab seems to be the best illustration of it all. The voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” He had Ahab topmost in his mind. In a sense Ahab embodies all of the evil he once consigned to Moby Dick.

9、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利.沃兹沃思.朗费罗poet诗人

①it would be hard, also, to overestimate the importance of his anthology “The Poets

and Poetry of Europe”. His own poetry became a means of teaching readers of his day something of the possible range of poetic subject matter and techniques, ancient, medieval, and modern.《欧洲诗人及诗》不能把这部作品估计过高。



②殊荣:he became the only American to be honored with a bust in the Poet’s corner

of Westminster Abbey.朗费罗被安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的诗人之角,他也是


③The gentleness, sweetness, and purity for his poetry was popular during his lifetime.


④he was consistently high-minded but conventional, and untouched by the religious

and social struggles that disturbed his contemporaries.他接受正统的思想,但并


⑤特点:exercised a great influence in bringing European culture to the U.S., and

likewise did much to popularize American folk themes abroad where his work was immensely popular and widely translated.在引进欧洲文化上起巨大推动作用,也把美国民间文化传播到国外,他的作品还被翻译成多种文字,在海外受到高度评价。

Scarlet Letter

Easy A 《绯闻计划》

英美文学史之英国文学 浪漫主义

英美文学史5 浪漫主义俩个时期的代表人物:第一代:布莱克、彭斯、华兹华斯第二代:拜伦、雪莱、济慈 The Romantic Period(1798-1832)浪漫主义----Romantic writing emphasizes emotions and feelings instead of reason and logic . 浪漫主义强调的是情感和感觉而不是理性和逻辑。 The time begins with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads(1798),ending with Walter Scott’s death(1832)浪漫主义开始的标志是华兹华斯的《抒情诗集》(他和S.T Coleridge联合发表的)发表,结束于斯科特的去世。 一.俩大派别:Lake poets湖畔派诗人(又称:Escapist poets逃避诗人Negative poets消极诗人): Wordsworth华兹华斯、Southey骚赛、Coleridge柯勒律治Satanic poets魔鬼派(又称:Active poets积极诗人) :Lord Byron拜伦、Shelley雪莱、Keats济慈 二.William Wordsworth威廉.华兹华斯-----poet-laureate桂冠诗人Lake poets 湖畔派诗人(又称:Escapist poets逃避诗人Negative poets消极诗人):Wordsworth 华兹华斯、Southey骚赛、Coleridge柯勒律治作品:I wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我孤独的漫游,像云朵一样(选自The Daffodils《黄水仙》)She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways她居住在人迹罕至的地方(mourning悲伤的、Dwelt居住) 补充了解:1.其他作品Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey丁登寺、The Prelude序曲(自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry)、The Excursion、the Lucy poems《露西诗》 2.Symbols are objects used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.符号是用来代表抽象事物 的概念 His style:simplicity and purity of the language,love of nature,fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.简单而纯洁的语言,反传统形式的18世纪诗歌。 他给诗歌的定义:poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling:it takes its origin from emotions recollected in tranquility诗歌是自发溢出的强烈的感觉:它源于情感中集聚的宁静 书上:P17-P18 She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways她居住在人迹罕至的地方She dwelt among the untrodden ways 她住在人迹罕至的地方, Beside the springs of Dove, 圣洁的小溪在身边流淌, Maid whom there were none to praise 没有谁把这少女赞颂, And very few to love: 少有人为她挂肚牵肠。 A violet by a mossy tone 她是紫罗兰身影半露 Half hidden from the eye! 生苔的墓碑将她遮挡; –Fair as a star, when only one 美丽如一颗孤星, Is shining in the sky. 在夜空里闪闪发亮。 She lived unknown, and few could know 没有谁了解她曾活在世上, When Lucy ceased to be; 少有人知道她何时夭亡; But she is in her grave, and, oh, 躺在墓中的露西啊, 躺在墓中的露西啊, The difference to me! 唯有我与别人都不一样。

最新 英美文学中浪漫主义情怀的比较-精品

英美文学中浪漫主义情怀的比较 英国浪漫情怀起源于18世纪后期欧洲资产阶级革命时期,是诗人对当时社会工业革命的真实反映,以下是小编搜集整理的一篇探究英美中浪漫主义情怀比较的,欢迎阅读参考。 一、浪漫情怀的相同之处 (一)文学作品的时间及其历史背景 “Romanticim”(浪漫主义)这一形式的文学作品最早出现在英国。(frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm,faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception,and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.)浪漫主义之间大部分是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。随后美国、法国等西方国家都有所发展和创新。19世纪英国的浪漫主义文学代表了欧洲的浪漫主义文学的巅峰,而同一时期的作品对美国产生了很大的影响。从时间上来说,这次浪漫主义在英美两国都发生在18世纪末至19世纪初。英国与美国的浪漫主义文学作品都是发生于动荡的社会历史背景下,表达人们对现实社会的不满、渴望革命和对新生活的追求。英国浪漫主义时期经受了法国大革命以及英国大革命,而美国是“西部扩张”,然后浪漫主义的文学代表作如雨后春笋般涌现出来。 (二)浪漫主义情怀的定义与主题 从某种程度上看,英国浪漫主义文学在该形式的文学作品中是开山鼻祖,而美国等其他国家则是在其基础上取其精华,再根据本国的社会现状以及基本国情做出相应的创新发展,以激起国民对于革命的爆发和对新生活的追求。所以从美国浪漫主义文学作品中很容易看出英国浪漫主义文学的影子。英国木可勒律治的浪漫主义的超自然主义,华兹华斯的英国国教的正统主义以及雪莱的无神论的精神主义,司各特的对以往时代的缅怀,都充分表露出浪漫主义的主色调就是反对现实社会的黑暗肮脏以及统治者的不满,而追求大自然、追求正义讲究实际的道德观与人生观。与此同时,看看美国的作家:欧文(Irving)、库柏(Cooper)、坡(POE)、布雷思特(Bryant),则反对传统的思想,反对旧的封建殖民主义的思想,追求浪漫主义情怀,在这点上看来,英美文学在浪漫主义的情怀上有着异曲同工之妙。 (三)浪漫主义情怀相同的特色 对美国的文学做深入的了解,就会很容易发现,英国的文学对于美国的浪漫主义文学有着至关重要的影响。很多美国作家跟英国作家都处于相同的历史文化背景下,所以有着很多相似的优秀文化传统道德。毋庸置疑,在文学创作方面也有很多相似之处。美国浪漫主义文学运动起源于新英格兰的


6.Romanticism 浪漫主义时期 文学特征: 1.Background ①shaped by their New World environment美洲大陆新环境 ②array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditions of Europe.欧洲早期浪漫主义思潮 2.美国文学特点: pluralistic多元化,manifestations表现形式: Varied多样, Individualistic个人主义,Conflicting矛盾

3.romanticism的特点 Frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption. 浪漫主义之间大部分是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。 4.transcendentalism超验主义: ①As a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。 ②They spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。 ③T hey believed in the transcendence of “Oversoul,” an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part. 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。 ④I t could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. “Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.” The natur al implication of all this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become symbolic, and the physical world was a

自考英美文学选读 第三章 浪漫主义时期(英国)(课文翻译)

英美文学选读翻译(英语专业自考) 第一部分:英国文学 第三章浪漫主义时期 西方文学史上的浪漫主义运动是不易用一言以蔽之的,尤其是它的确切时间与特点,因为这是一场席卷全欧及美国的浩大文学变革。而英国浪漫主义时期一般被认为始于1798年,标志为华滋华斯与柯勒治的《抒情歌谣集》的出版,终于1832年,标志为沃特·斯哥特的去世及议会第一个改革提案的通过。 但上述这些标志也并非精确而权威,因为作为一股文学潮流,浪漫主义早在《抒情歌谣集》之前就开始了。在前一章提到的感伤主义作家中,我们就可以发现他们对古希腊罗马的作品风范已失去兴趣,取而代之的是对文学与传奇的重新思考。这一切都是自蒲柏至约翰逊时期的新古典主义理性文学的叛逆。而英国文学史上最伟大的浪漫主义作品有不少都产生于激进与传统相冲撞的18世纪末,这时英国又面临着新的发展动力,一是1789-1794年的法国资产阶级大革命,一是同时期英国内部的工业革命。 法国哲学家让·亚克·卢梭是18世纪后半叶的主导思想家。1762年,他出版了两部作品震惊欧洲,《社会契约论》与《爱弥尔》。在这两部作品中,他探索了有关自然、社会与教育的新思想。卢梭的这些思想为法国大革命做了必要的意识形态准备,因为它激起了人们对封建暴君的愤恨及对美好未来的希望。法国革命的消息,尤其是《人权宣言》的发表及攻打巴士底狱也点燃了英国自由主义与激进主义者同情的火花。英国遍地都成立了各种爱国者俱乐部或协会,宣传自由、平等与博爱。1790年10月,埃德蒙·伯克出版了《法国大革命写照》。他的这本政论小册子以笔墨诛伐了激进的革命以及对君主制与宗教特权摒弃,他对狂热的革命暴动及未来的暴民统治与军事独裁大泼冷水。伯克的文章激起了要求打倒暴君、废除压迫政府的邀进派作家的反驳。其中托马斯·潘因的《人权宣言》(1791-1792)最有力度。潘因对欧洲的情势深为了解:大革命期间他本人就在法国,并在文章中下出结论,1789年以前的法国一片黑暗,处处都是压迫与不幸,除了革命,没有一条通向自由的路,此外,威廉·戈德温在他的《有关政治正义的研究》(1793)中强烈谴责了不合理的经济制度与政治压迫。他的思想对后来的华滋华斯、雪莱等浪漫主义诗人影响深远。批判伯克保守思想的还有威廉·科比特。如果说当时的政府与法制是一种不公正,那么性别歧视则是另一种不公正。在《人权宣言》出版后,玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉夫特又在她的《女权辩护》(1792)中呼吁男女平等,由此她在综合伦理学基础上第一次提出了女权主义。但后来雅各宾政府上台后,对内推行暴力恐怖统治,对外大肆侵略扩张,这时大多数对法国革命持同情态度的英国作家们再也不表示支持了,并且英政府还同法国交战一直到1815年拿破仑统治衰败。


英国浪漫主义与古典主义的区别(重点): (1)The Romantic Movement expressed negative attitude toward the existing social and political condition, the Romantics saw the corruption and injustice of the inhumanity of capitalism; (2)The Neo saw man as a social; while Rom saw him as an individual in the solitary state; (3)Neo stressed the common features of men; but the Rom stressed the special qualities of each individual’s mind; (4)Neo celebrated rationality, equality and science of the outside world; while Rom changed to the inner world of the human spirit, whose theory saw the individual as the center of all experience; (5)The literature of Neo was heavily didactic and moralizing. There were fixed laws for each type of literature; Rom expressed his feeling, valued accuracy in portraying, they thought literature should be free from all rules. (6)The most important form in Neo was prose; while Rom was an age of poetry. (书上160-161) thoughts and event influenced the period of Romanticism 影响浪漫主义时期的思想和事件 (1) Rousseau (a French philosopher) explored new ideas about nature, society and education, which provided guiding priding principles for the French Revolution and Romanticism; 法国哲学家卢梭探索出自然、社会与教育的新思想。卢梭的这些想法为法国大革命和浪漫主义提供了必要的指导。(2) The French Revolution and the Declaration of Rights of Man"(written by Thomas Paine)aroused the great sympathy and enthusiasm in the English liberals and radicals,which became a great source for Romanticism. 法国革命和人权宣言的发表引起了英国自由主义与激进主义者强烈的同情和热情。 (3) England itself had experienced profound 意义深远的economic and social changes as industrialism,which were reflected in the works of literature. (P157-159) 习题 Part One: English Literature Chapter I An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature & The Renaissance Period I. Choose the right answer: 1. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the _____legend of a magician aspiring for ____ and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.


Chapter 3: The Romantic Period 考核要求: 1.识记:浪漫主义时期的界定和历史文化背景 2.领会:浪漫主义思潮的意义与影响以及浪漫主义文学创作的基本主张及对后世文学的影响。 3.应用:名词解释浪漫主义以及浪漫主义时期文学特点的分析 1. Historical background: Internationally, ①The French Revolutions: --the great event, arouse great sympathy and enthusiasm in the English liberals and Conservatives, they all declared Liberty, Equality and Fraternity ②Rousseau--the great French Philosopher. Influence by Rousseau, the writers began to explore the new ideas about Nature, Society and Education These paved the way for the development of Romanticism in the literature internationally Nationally, ①Industrial revolution (Industrialization, Further capitalization and Urbanization) ②The survival of fittest (the sharper contradiction between capitalists and the labors) These are the national basis of the production of Romanticism 2. Literature background: The early works with Romantic tendency are following:


Chapter 3 The Romantic Period 1. The Romantic Period: The Romantic period is the period generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. It is emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind. 2.Social background: a. during this period, England itself had experienced profound economic and social changes. The primarily agricultural society had been replaced by a modern industrialized one. b. With the British Industrial Revolution coming into its full swing, the capitalist class came to dominate not only the means of production, but also trade and world market. 3.The Romantic Movement: it expressed a more or less negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing importance of the bourgeoise. The romantics demontrated a a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers. They saw man as an individual in the solitary state. Thus, the Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. Wordsworth and Coleridge were the major representatives of this movement. Wordsworth defines the poet as a “man speaking to men”, and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” Imagination, defined by Coleridge, is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements. The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imamgination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true poetry. The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination. Nature is not only the major source of the poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant subject mattre. It is in solitude, in communion with the natural universe, that man can exercise this most valuable of faculties. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic, defending the great poets and dramatists of their own national heritage against the advocates of classical rules. Poetry: to the Romantics, poetry should be free from all rules.they would turn to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects. Prose: It’s also a great age of prose. With education greatly developed for the middle-class people, there was a rapid growth in the reading public and an increasing demand for reading materials.Romantics made literary comments on the writers with high standards, which paved the way for the development of a new and valuable type of critical writings. Colerige, Hazlitt, Lamb, and De Quincey were the leading figures in this new development. Novel: the 2 major novelists of the period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. Gothic novel: a tyoe of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century, was one of the Romantic movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion. With is description of the dark, irritional side of human nature, the Gothic form exerted a great influence over the writers of the Romantic period. 3. Ballads: the most important form of popular literature; flourished during the 15th century; Most written down in 18th century; mostly written in quatrains; Most important is the Robin Hood ballads. 4. Romanticism: it is romanticism is a literary trend. It prevailed in England during the period of 1798-1832. Romanticists were discontent with and opposed to the development of capitalism. They split into two groups.


英美文学经典浪漫主义与现实主义浪漫主义和现实主义是英美文学中两个具有重要影响力的文学流派。这两种文学风格的兴起和发展,既受到时代背景和社会变革的影响, 也受到作家个人的思想和情感的驱使。本文将探讨英美文学中的经典 浪漫主义和现实主义,以及它们对于文学创作的影响。 一、浪漫主义的兴起与特点 浪漫主义起源于18世纪末19世纪初的欧洲,随后传入英美文学领域,并影响了整个19世纪的文学创作。浪漫主义强调个人情感与直观 经验,提倡对自然、爱情和艺术的狂热追求。浪漫主义作品中常常出 现理想化的英雄形象和浪漫的情节,以及描绘自然的壮丽景色和情感 的激烈表达。 在英美文学中,浪漫主义的代表作家有英国的威廉·华兹华斯和美国的爱默生。威廉·华兹华斯的《抒情歌谣集》是浪漫主义的经典之作, 他通过对自然景色的描写和对内心情感的表达,展示了对自然和人类 情感的追求。爱默生的《自然》和《代表作》则关注了个体的自我实 现和追求个人独立。这些作品在思想和情感上积极回应了浪漫主义的 核心价值观。 二、现实主义的崛起与特点 与浪漫主义相比,现实主义更加注重对社会现实的揭示和对人类生 活的客观描述。现实主义强调对社会问题和人类经验的观察和分析,

形成了真实而全面的创作风格。现实主义作品着重刻画社会人物的命 运和人性的弱点,以此揭示社会的弊端和人类的无奈。 在英美文学中,现实主义的代表作家有英国的查尔斯·狄更斯和美国的马克·吐温。狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》和《双城记》以生动的笔触揭示 了当时英国社会的贫富差距和社会问题,抨击了社会的不公和人性的 黑暗。吐温的《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》则通过讲述主人公的冒险经历,回应了社会和政治的问题,并挖掘了人性的复杂性。 三、两种文学流派的比较 浪漫主义和现实主义代表了不同的文学创作倾向和价值观。浪漫主 义追求内心情感的自由和个体的情感表达,强调个人的理想和超越现 实的精神世界。相比之下,现实主义更注重对社会和人类生活的客观 观察和分析,力图真实地揭示社会的弊端和个体的命运。 在英美文学史上,浪漫主义和现实主义互相影响并共存。浪漫主义 的情感表达和浪漫的情节构思为现实主义提供了灵感,而现实主义的 客观描述则使浪漫主义得以从理想主义的泥淖中得以解脱。这种交织 和转化不仅丰富了英美文学的创作风格,也深化了人们对社会和人性 的认识。 虽然两种文学流派在理念和表达方式上存在差异,但它们都对英美 文学产生了深远的影响。浪漫主义激发了人们对自由和情感的追求, 对后来的浪漫主义文学产生了重要影响;而现实主义揭示了社会问题 和人性的弱点,推动了英美文学的发展,为后来的现实主义和自然主 义作品提供了重要基础。


英美文学:浪漫主义文学经典作品欣赏 "文学是灵魂的窗口,经典作品是那扇引领我们进入美好世界的大门。在英美文学中,浪漫主义作品无疑是探索人性、情感和社会的重要篇章。通过欣赏这些经典作品,我们可以领略到浪漫 主义的精髓和魅力。本文将带你深入探索英美文学中的浪漫主义作品,一同品味这些文学瑰宝 的情感和思想的奇迹。" 引言 人类灵魂早在文明的破晓时就向往着美好和浪漫,人们对于理想和遥远的东西 总是充满着向往和渴望。于是,浪漫主义文学应运而生。浪漫主义以个人感情、自然界的宏伟和人性的完美为核心,追求纯粹、真实和渴望的情感体验。英美 文学中的浪漫主义作品通过其丰富多样的情感和引人入胜的故事,引领读者走 进了那个神秘而奇妙的世界。下面我们将深入探索英美文学中的浪漫主义经典 作品,一同欣赏这些文学佳作。 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare) 作为英国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,威廉·莎士比亚的作品充满了浪漫主义的精神。他的悲剧作品《罗密欧与朱丽叶》被誉为浪漫主义文学的象征之一。这 部作品以两个年轻人的爱情为主线,表达了对于纯真爱情和个人意愿的追求。爱情的力量 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》通过巧妙的情节、精彩的对白和深刻的人物刻画,展现了 爱情的力量。无论是罗密欧还是朱丽叶都为了爱情不顾一切,他们的爱情不仅

战胜了两个家族之间的仇恨,也超越了物质和社会的束缚。这种对爱情的追求和牺牲精神让人们对纯美爱情充满了向往和渴望。 个人意愿的对抗 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》还揭示了个人意愿与社会压力之间的冲突。罗密欧与朱丽叶来自两个敌对的家族,他们的爱情必然会遭遇到巨大的阻力。然而,他们勇敢地与社会的规范和家族的期望作斗争,坚持自己的爱情,最终选择了共同的悲剧结局。这个故事提醒我们要勇敢面对自己的内心声音,坚持个人意愿,而不是被外界的压力所左右。 简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen) 简·奥斯丁是英国文学史上最受欢迎的女作家之一,她的作品以浪漫主义情感为基石,以描绘中产阶级日常生活为背景。奥斯丁的作品打破了当时社会对于女性文学的限制,以细腻的筆觸勾勒出女性的烦恼、希望和爱情。 爱情与婚姻的追求 奥斯丁的作品经常将爱情和婚姻置于故事的中心,探讨了女性在当时社会中如何追求自己的幸福。《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁最为著名的作品之一,它描述了女主角伊丽莎白·班内特与达西先生之间的爱情。故事中,伊丽莎白和达西先生通过了一系列的误解和冲突,最终互相承认了彼此的爱意。这个故事通过对爱情和婚姻的描绘,探讨了社会地位、经济条件和人性与理想的矛盾。


英美文学浪漫主义 英美文学浪漫主义 【篇一:英美文学浪漫主义】 一、英美文学浪漫情怀的相同之处 中国论文网 /7/view-3799669.htm (一)文学作品的时间及其历史背景 “romanticim”(浪漫主义)这一形式的文学作品最早出现在英国。(frequently shared certain general characteristics;moral enthusiasm,faith in the value of inp>(二)浪漫主义情怀的定义和主题 从某种程度上看,英国浪漫主义文学在该形式的文学作品中是开山 鼻祖,而美国等其他国家则是在其基础上取其精华,再根据本国的 社会现状以及基本国情做出相应的创新发展,以激起国民对于革命 的爆发和对新生活的追求。所以从美国浪漫主义文学作品中很容易 看出英国浪漫主义文学的影子。英国木可勒律治的浪漫主义的超自 然主义,华兹华斯的英国国教的正统主义以及雪莱的无神论的精神 主义,司各特的对以往时代的缅怀,都充分表露出浪漫主义的主色 调就是反对现实社会的黑暗肮脏以及统治者的不满,而追求大自然、追求正义讲究实际的道德观和人生观。和此同时,看看美国的作家:欧文(irving)、库柏(cooper)、坡(poe)、布雷思特(bryant),则反对传统的文化思想,反对旧的封建殖民主义的思想,追求浪漫主义情怀,在这点上看来,英美文学在浪漫主义的情

怀上有着异曲同工之妙。 (三)浪漫主义情怀相同的特色 对美国的文学做深入的了解,就会很容易发现,英国的文学对于美 国的浪漫主义文学有着至关重要的影响。很多美国作家跟英国作家 都处于相同的历史文化背景下,所以有着很多相似的优秀文化传统 道德。毋庸置疑,在文学创作方面也有很多相似之处。美国浪漫主 义文学运动起源于新英格兰的(transcendentalism)超验主义,表 露的是不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和 世俗束缚的个人表达;呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义; 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。这个超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(emeroson)的人性本善(believed that man was a part of absolute good)和梭罗(thoreau)的自然才是神圣的“洁白无瑕”(beheld p>二、英美文学浪漫情怀的不同之处 英国的浪漫情怀起源于诗歌。英国诗人彭斯和布莱克开创了浪漫主 义诗歌的先河,后来诗歌中的浪漫主义逐渐融入文学作品中。美国 的文学史上浪漫情怀最重要的阶段就是18世纪末到南北战争爆发。 而且美国的浪漫情怀受国外影响甚大,虽然英美文化传统在很多方 面都一样,因而文学中的浪漫情怀也不可避免地有许多相似之处,但不同国家背景、社会发展现状和地域差异等各种因素导致英美文


英美诗歌赏析 英美诗歌赏析 一、引言 在英美文学中,诗歌一直扮演着重要的角色。英美诗歌以其丰 富的表现形式、深邃的内涵和优美的语言著称。本文将对英美诗歌 进行全面的赏析,涵盖了各个时期与流派的代表作品。 二、古典主义诗歌 1:诗歌特点:严格的诗体规范,受到古希腊罗马文学的影响。 2:代表作品:约翰·米尔顿的《失乐园》,亚历山大·蒲柏 的《邪恶的希望》。 3:赏析:分析古典主义诗歌的格律、句式和主题,探讨其与 当时社会背景的关联。 三、浪漫主义诗歌 1:诗歌特点:强调情感表达和个人体验,崇尚自然与人性。 2:代表作品:威廉·华兹华斯的《浪漫颂歌》,约翰·济慈 的《秋思》。 3:赏析:探讨浪漫主义诗歌对个体情感、社会观念和政治状 况的反映。

四、现代主义诗歌 1:诗歌特点:复杂的形式实验,对传统诗歌形式和语言进行 颠覆。 2:代表作品:T·S·艾略特的《荒原》,韦斯特·文振克的《红轮梦幻曲》。 3:赏析:解读现代主义诗歌中的象征主义、意象主义和超现 实主义元素,揭示其对现代社会变革和个体内心体验的描绘。 五、后现代主义诗歌 1:诗歌特点:注重语言游戏、双关和语意模糊,拒绝固定的 意义体系。 2:代表作品:艾莉森·莱德尔的《我们长夜的烛火》,约 翰·阿什贝利的《三首诗》。 3:赏析:分析后现代主义诗歌中的语言流变、反叙事和新的 意义构建。 六、女性主义诗歌 1:诗歌特点:探讨女性经验、身份和主体性,呼吁性别平等。 2:代表作品:席安娜·普拉斯克的《肩并肩》,西尔维 亚·普拉斯的《镰刀诗人》。

3:赏析:评析女性主义诗歌中的身体政治、家庭关系和社会问题,并探讨与其他流派的关联。 七、本文所涉及的附件: 附件1:《失乐园》全文 附件2:《浪漫颂歌》全文 附件3:《荒原》全文 附件4:《我们长夜的烛火》全文 附件5:《肩并肩》全文 八、法律名词及注释 1:版权法:保护文学作品的独立性和创作权。 2:知识产权:对创作成果的独占权和经济权益。 3:翻译权:对文学作品翻译的独家权利。


自考《英美文学选读》(美)浪漫主义时期(1)-2 (三)应用内容 1. The American Puritanism and its great influence over American moral values,as is shown in American romantic writings. (1) American Puritanism Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. (The Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church,who came into existence in the reigns Queen Elizabeth and King James Ⅰ。The first settlers who became the founding fathers of the American nation were quite a few of them Puritans. They came to America out of various reasons,but it should be remembered that they were a group of serious,religious people,advocating highly religious and moral principles. As the word itself hints,Puritans wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They felt that the Church of England was too close to the Church of Rome in doctrine form of worship,and organization of authority.) The American Puritans,like their brothers back in England,were idealists,believing that the church should be restor ed to complete “purity”. They accepted the doctrine of predestination,original sin and total depravity,and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. But in the grim struggle for survival that followed immediately after their arrival in America,they became more and more practical,as indeed they had to be. Puritans were noted for a spirit of moral and religious earnestness that determinated their whole way of life. Puritans’’’’’’’’ lives were extremely disciplined and hard. They drove out of their settlements all those opinions that seemed dangerous to them,and history has criticized their actions. Yet in the persecution of what they considered error,the Puritans were no worse than many other movements in history. As a culture heritage,Puritanism did have a profound influence on the early American mind and American values. American Puritanism also had a conspicuously noticeable and an enduring influence on American literature. It had become,to some extent,so much a state of mind,so much a part of the national cultural atmosphere,rather than a set of tenets. (2) One of the manifestations is the fact that American romantic writers tended more to moralize than their English and European counterparts. Besides,a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of origina1 sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne,Melville and a host of lesser writers. 2. New England Transcendentalism New England Transcendentalism is the mot clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period. It was started in the area around Concord,Mass. by a group of intellectual and the literary men of the United States such as Emerson,Henry David Thoreau who were members of an informal club,i. e. the Transcendental Club in New England in the l830s. The transcendentalists reacted against the cold,rigid rationalism of Unitarianism in Boston. They adhered to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation ,the innate goodness of man,and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. The writings of the transcendentalists prepared the ground of their contemporaries such as Walt Whitman,Herman Melville,and Nathaniel Hawthorne. The main issues involved in the debate were generally philosophical,concerning nature,man and the universe. Basically,Transcendentalism has been defined philosophical1y as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively,or of attaining knowledge

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