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3.认真观察图画,能把图上描绘的事物同所学的词语联系起来, 凭借图理解词语。








2 .单元教学建议:


1 .指导看图,整体感知。

看图识字是激发学生识字兴趣、调动识字积极性的一种方法,图画所描绘的事物大体上是与课文中的词串相对应的,可以先让学生从整体上观察图画,说说图上有哪些景物、事物,然后图文对照, 并结合自己的生活经验,认识所要学得词语,初步理解这些词语的意思。













3.写好铅笔字:写字时一定要先描红,再仿影,最后临摹书写, 其中“烟”字中的“大”要写准位置,其中的捺改为点。








Unit 1 She learnt English. 学习任务 She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now. 功能 谈论过去并与现在做比较 运用任务 1、说说爷爷奶奶退休前的工作及语言学习情况; 2、谈论昨天一家人的活动; 教学程序 一、Warming—up(热身复习) Greeting: T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? S: We are well. T: What day is today? S: Thursday. T: Are you ready for your English class? S: Yes. We are ready. Game: Review the past tense of some verbs. 二、New teaching (课文教学) https://www.doczj.com/doc/d21045691.html,e some pictures to learn important sentences. Did you/he /she …..? Yes, I/she/he did. No, didn’t. He is doing ……. 2.Learn new words and phrases. Teacher plays the tape and have Ss underline the new words and phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of methods. 3.Listen and repeat 4.Act out the test. (Give Ss some minutes to practise.) 三、Practice and consolidate.(练习与巩固) 1.Show two pictures and have Ss describe (use the important sentences) 2.Do activity 3. Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in pairs ,then act it out.

模块五第一单元project 教案

高二(英语)(模块五Unit2 Project)第七课时导学案 编制人:王玲审核人:编制时间:8月27日学生完成所需时间35分钟 班级:姓名:第小组【学习目标】1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project. 【学习重难点】1.Help Ss how to plan and do research for the report. 2.How to learn and use English by doing a project. 【知识链接】 A quiz 1)What are the three longest freshwater rivers in the world? 2) How much do you know about the Yangtze River ? What has happened to the Yangtze River? Do you know what’s being done to protect this river? 【学习过程】 Step1: Reading. 1. Read the report on page38, try to report the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Paragraph5 2. More understanding. Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised the concern both nationally and internationally? What does the green organization do? What problems do the two government projects focus on? What did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project? What is the good news for the river? 3. Analyze the structure. Divide the text into several parts according to your understanding. Part1 (paragraph ) 13


基础模块上下册第一单元及《诗经》测试题 一、给加点字注音(以下加点字选自做过的习题卷和书下注解必须个个正确) 抽屉.喟.叹印戳.冻疮.拽.断撮.土撑.住廿. 惦.念窘.迫敷衍.笨拙.(zhuō)污秽.慎.重油腻.庚.子年粗糙.凛冽.崭.新暂.时瞥.见刮痧.气氛.逮.捕漂.白踽.踽独行校.补解.甲归田(jiě)窥.探兴.奋(xing 一声)高句. 丽锲.而不舍呛.水召.唤倔强 ..矩.形龃.龊畸.形不足恃.熟稔.(ren 三声)刚愎.自用令人咋.舌(ze二声)掐.尖坍.塌惟妙惟肖.给.予嚼.舌根张牙舞爪.腼腆.捋.胡须(lv三声)强.颜欢笑朝觐.(jin四声)柏.拉图(bo二声)未雨绸缪.(mou二声)禅.宗阑.尾炎奴颜婢.膝家当.臀.燠.热券.庞蕴.抽噎.(ye 一声,同)呜咽.(ye四声)木橛.子蔫.嘟哝.(后一字轻声)乍.(翘舌 四声)绺.(liu三声)黢.黢箢篼 ..兀兀.穷年沥.尽心血.群蚁排衙. 气冲斗.牛圭臬 ..滥.用载.体里弄.哽咽.中看不中.用角.逐 (jué)埋.怨即.使驯. xùn 服参差 ..不齐 二、字形题 (一)看拼音写汉字 好xiàng像候hòu车高粱liáng欢dù度安xiáng详溃kuì烂印chuō戳暴zào躁感kǎi慨气gài概 啰luō嗦兆 zhào头侥jiǎo幸虔qián诚瘫痪tān huàn (二)选择题: 1.字形。下列词语书写全对的一组是(错的在后面改过来)(A) A.爱屋及乌博闻强识门当户对震耳欲聋 B.正襟危坐题纲挈领眼花撩乱金壁辉煌 C.穿流不息声撕力竭花团锦簇载歌载舞 D.衣衫褴褛目不遐接扣人心弦食不裹腹 2.实词。在下面各句横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一组是( D ) (1)若是不管那些个人的________,我们可以把各种不同的人生境界划分为四个等级。 (2)道德行为,并不单纯是_______道德规律的行为;有道德的人也不单纯是养成某些道德习惯的人。 (3)成为圣人就是达到人作为人的最高成就。这是哲学的________任务。 (4)可是人的对于________人世的渴望,必将由未来的哲学来满足。 A.差别遵循高尚超脱 B.差别遵守高尚超脱 C.差异遵守崇高超越 D.差异遵循崇高超越 三、阅读文章节选,完成下列问题。 (一)阅读《我的母亲》节选,完成后面的问题。 二十岁,我的两条腿残废了。除去给人家画彩蛋,我想我还应该再干点别的事,先后改变了几次主意,最后想学写作。母亲那时已不年轻,为了我的腿,她头上开始有了白发。医院已明确表示,我的病目前没法治。母亲的全副心思却还放在给我治病上,到处找大夫,打听偏方,花了很多钱。她倒总能找来些稀奇古怪的药,让我吃,让我喝,或是洗、敷、熏、

07模块二 第一单元 核心素养拓展

核心素养拓展 题组从鸦片战争到太平天国运动 史料一英国的大炮破坏了中国皇帝的威权,迫使天朝帝国与地上的世界接触。与外界完全隔绝曾是保存旧中国的首要条件,而当这种隔绝状态在英国的努力之下被暴力所打破的时候,接踵而来的必然是解体的过程,正如小心保存在密闭棺木里的木乃伊一接触新鲜空气便必然要解体一样。 ——马克思《中国革命和欧洲革命》史料二美国的特命全权公使委派到世界那一边(中国),站在树底下,手里拿着筐子,等着接他在树上的伙伴所摇撼下来的果子。甚至他还接到训令,万一树上的人和果园的主人发生纠纷,他应当出来调停。 ——(美)德涅特《美国东亚外交史》史料三太平天国运动是中国近代史上规模巨大、波澜壮阔的一次伟大的反封建反侵略的农民运动。太平天国坚持了14年,势力发展到18个省,严惩了中外反动势力。同时它的一些领袖主张学习西方,在中国发展资本主义,这种主张在当时是先进的。 鸦片战争的原因、影响;第二次鸦片战争的相关知识、影响;太平天国运动的进程、颁布的文献、评价。 虎门销烟、甲午中日战争、八国联军侵华战争、近代化的探索、抗日战争。 (1)依据史料一并结合所学知识,指出中国“与外界完全隔绝”的状态是怎样被打破的。结合当时的世界发展形势,说明马克思这句话中的“新鲜空气”比喻的是什么。

(2)史料二中的“树上的伙伴”“果园的主人”分别指谁?在这一事件中美国扮演了什么角色?与此相关的这场战争给中国造成了什么严重影响? (3)史料三中主张学习西方的领袖写成了哪本介绍西方的著作?根据史料三,概括指出这次运动的历史意义。 对英法联军火烧圆明园的正确认识。 (1)火烧圆明园是对中国文化的一次大洗劫,是对人类文明的一次破坏,是对全人类的一次犯罪,造成了无法弥补的损失,也是中华民族的奇耻大辱。 (2)它让清政府的软弱无能暴露无遗,侵略者的侵略气焰更加嚣张。 (3)它永远警示着中国人民,落后就要挨打,激励我们勿忘国耻,努力学习,振兴中华。 参考答案 题组


模块四 Unit2 重点单词与短语 重点单词 committee n 委员会IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会delighted adj 愉快的,高兴的 significance n 重要性,重要意义significant adj tradition n 传统习俗 contemporary adj 当代的 medal n 奖牌,奖章gold medals 金牌 championship n 锦标赛,冠军地位champion n 冠军优胜者flame n 火焰light the Olympic flame 点燃奥运火炬 absence n 缺席,不在absent-minded 心不在焉的 excite vt 使兴奋,使激动 hurdle n 跨栏,难关,障碍110-metres hurdles gymnastics n 体操,体操训练 final adj 最后的,最终的final match 决赛 joy n 喜悦,欢乐to one’s joy 令某人喜悦的事 boundary n 边界,界限 movement n 社会运动,移动,活动 stadium n 体育场,运动场 transport n/v 交通运输系统,运输 citizen n 公民 otherwise adv 否则,要不然if not routine n 常规,惯例 origin n 起源由来original frequent adj 经常发生的,频繁的 technique n 技巧,技术 budget n 预算 remove vt 去除,去掉,移开,开除 referee n 裁判员 bitter adj 苦的 meanwhile adv 在此期间,其间 precious adj 贵重的,珍贵的 重点短语 play an important role 发挥重要作用 enjoy playing different sports 喜欢玩不同的运动 be delighted to 高兴做某事 Share with与分享 compete vi 竞争,比赛 He competed for the first prize against/with other athletes in the competition. at the end 最后 every four years 每四年


四年级下册英语第二模块第一单元教案 课题Uni1: London is the capital of England 课型:新授课 教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写单词:capital, about, beautiful 等 2、能灵活运用以下句型: (1):It’s very +形容词.描述一处景物或城市。 (2):____ is the capital of______. 3、初步了解英国伦敦的有名建筑物、风土人情等背景知识。 教学重点: 1、学习并能认读单词 capital、beautiful、London、Queen,能根据提示书写 big small. 2、能听懂 London is the capital of England 这类说明语句,能口头 运用This is my house. It’s small.这类语句型描述建筑物。 教学难点:运用本课所学语句来描述一座城市或一处景物。 教学方法:谈话法,情境教学法等 师生活动过程 一、复习热身 教师热情地和学生打招呼,请同桌同学相互问好。 教师先出示“capital”单词,并告诉学生它的汉语意识,再请学 生说一说自己所知道的欧美国家首都的名称。 二、导入新知 教师结合上述学生的回答,引出:London is the capital of England 并引出课文:Amy’s from London. But now she’s in China.今天 Amy 正向她的同学Lingling 介绍伦敦的情况,让 我们一起来看看。 三、课文新授 1、出示课文的挂图和英国地图,播放录音,请学生看图,听听

Amy 和Lingling 之间的对话。 2、教师提问:Where is London?请一名学生到前面在英国地 图上指出它的位置。 3、利用多媒体向学生介绍 London 的文化背景。 4、教师播放课文录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形 容词和其它生词,并根据课文插图和上下文猜猜这些词的汉语意思。 5、教师请认识这些词的同学拼读单词,鼓励他们将单词写在黑板上。 6、教师范读单词,学生跟读。教师可以使用夸张的口型和通过放慢语速给学生做示范。“beautiful”和“Buekingham”这两个 词的发音可以借助肢体语言帮助学生理解。 7、组织学生小组开火车来练习单词,教师要注意纠正学生的语音、语调。 8、教师讲解课文中的难点: 1什么句式?”引导学生回忆“There are(is)…”句型,并鼓励学生用这个句型来描述建筑物。 9、教师再次放录音,让学生边听对话边看书,让学生指出相应 的图,并找学生翻译课文。 10、放录音,学生反复跟读对话。 四、巩固操练 1、全班分成两人一组,分别扮演Amy 和Lingling,然后看图说 话。教师从每个大组中邀请一个小组上台表演,请全班评出最佳 表演小组。 2、组织学生开展接龙游戏,让学生用本节课所学句型来介绍一 下自己喜欢的城市。 板书设计: Module 2 London London is the capital of England


Module 2 Unit 2 wish you were here 基础知识单元复习检测题 一.单词填空 1. It’s__________ (不舒服的) to go trekking on camels through Gobi Desert. 2.Going ________________(野营) on the weekend is becoming increasingly popular in the US. 3. With a spirit of ___________(冒险), nowadays many young people to travel to places which have been seldom visited before. 4.The ______________(政府) is trying hard to fight against air pollution in the city. 5.According to the _____________(时间表),the first lecture begins at 9a.m. 6. S_______________,Mike, a top student, didn’t pass the easy test this time. 7. He sat there in s___________, making no answer. 8. He has such a poorly-paid job that twenty dollars a week was the t__________ of his income. 9. You need a l_________ guide when you travel in the Brazilian rainforest. 10. We have a c__________ goal, that is, we all want to study in famous universities. 11. She is over 70 now, but we can see that she was a _______(美人) when she was young. 12. It is warm today, and the sun is shining. It is a p__________ day for a picnic. 13. New Zealand is an island country and it is s___________ by blue sea. 14. Large s________ of food, clothes and other assistance are coming to the flooded areas. 15. When i___________ (采访)by reporters, he said he was thankful to his teachers. 16. He owns a vast farm which r_______ as far as to the river bank. 17. You must follow the doctor’s advice and take the medicine r__________— three times a day. 18. The story he told was so t____________ that many of us were moved to tears. 19. Nobody knows for sure when the world came into ____________(存在)。 20. We will take a trip to New York City next week. Is there any p__________ that we meet you this weekend? 21. I’m convinced that you’ll make much p___________ in your research soon. 22. She looked a ___________ when she heard the surprising news. 23. She seemed very calm, but a________ she was very nervous. 24. During the day, they will walk across the land, following the __________ (脚印) of big animals.


Unit 1 of Module 7 Project Making a list of advantages and disadvantages Learning Aims: By the end of the class, the students will be able to master the meanings and usages of some words and phrases. Learning procedures: Part One-Self-exploration I. Remember the following important phrases. 1. 一个基督教团体 2. 引进技术 3. 电力公司 4. 面对面地 5. 对……方便 6. 通过电话线 7. 那么重要8. 专心致志于9. 打断谈话10. 短消息 11. 专注于12. 额外地 13. 使……摆脱14. 电子装置 15. 事实上16. 反对拥有电话II. Fast reading. 1. Which group of people are talked about _______________________________________________________ 2. What do you know about this group of people _______________________________________________________ 3. Why do they reject most modern technology _______________________________________________________ III. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally. 1.In the USA, the Amish—________ ________ ________(一个基督教团体) —are famous because they drive carriages ________ _________ cars, do not use TVs or refrigerators, and do not have ________ _________(私人电话). 2.________ _________(实际上),________ (无论何时) a new technology is ________ (被引进), the Amish meet and discuss its ________ ________ _________(优点和缺点). 3.________ (由于)the Amish ________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________(重视面对面的交流), they ________ ________ _________(反对拥有电话) in their houses. 4.Then, when you ________ ________ _________ (专注于) a book or simply trying to rest, the phone ________ _________ ________ _________ _________(似乎总是响个不停), ________ _________ peace you might have(打破了你本来可以享有的一切安宁). 5.Maybe we should throw all of our phones into the dustbin, ________ ________ (连同)our cars and TVs ________ _________ _________(额外地).


模块四第二单元(M4U2)课本单词英译汉练习 Unit 2 sports events The International Olympic Committee I am delighted to have been invited to your school The history and significance of the Olympic Games They were held at Olympia in Greece Wrestling and running By tradition They had to compete wearing no clothes A spate festival in honour of Hera Both male and female athletes No matter what nation they come from The contemporary Olympics were first held Many well-known athletes The most famous boxer Won the gold medal Win the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship Light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony After 32 years’ absence Liu Xiang excited people The men’s 110-meter hurdles The Chinese led the way


高一英语M2U1 Reading学案(二) Language points: 1. Boy missing, police puzzled (p2)男孩失踪, 警方迷惑 missing 失掉,不见,强调应该有而缺少。 那架飞机下落不明。The plane is . gone 不可做定语形容词。e.g. the gone +n./ pron.( 不存在这种用法) lost遗失,不易找到。 If you find the (丢失的钥匙) , please dial 1234567. puzzle vt.使…困惑n. 疑惑,谜,智力游戏 puzzled adj. 困惑的(常用于指人,有时可以指人的表情) puzzling adj. 令人困惑的(常用于指物) a. Her illness puzzled all the doctors. b. Their reason for doing this is still a puzzle to me. 对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。 c. The puzzling problem made me puzzle d. 这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。 d. There is a puzzled look on her fac e. (困惑的表情) e. They are puzzled (about) what to do next. 他们对接下来该做什么感到迷惑不解。 ●puzzle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite, disappoint, please, satisfy, frighten, amaze, convince 等意思为“使······”的动词都属于同一类,现在分词表主动,可译为“令人······的”,过去分词表被动,表示“(本身)感到······的” (1) _ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006 全国卷) A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising (2) Tom sounds _ ___ very much in the job, but I?m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006年安徽卷) A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly 2. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing in Dover, New Hampshire. (Lines1-4)美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁失踪男孩的搜索,该男孩于两天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪。 step up加紧,如: step up production, step up the lobby(加紧游说) step out走出step by step逐步地step into进入 take a step a step forward前进mind one?s step小心行事 search在句中作名词,常见词组有one?s/the search for(对…的搜索、探求),in search of(为了寻求)。例如: His search for truth has led to one discovery after another. He risked his life in search of truth. police是集体名词,形式上永远是单数,和复数动词连用。 search和search for search+搜查的对象(search的宾语一般是人或物),例如: search the house, search the prisoner search for+n. (for 后接要的东西)例如:search for gold, search for food. 也可以是:search+搜查的对象+搜索的目标。例如:search the house for the thief


Unit 2 Sports events Welcome to the unit Teaching Aims: 1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to find out why sports are popular around the world. 2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion. Try to develop their speaking ability Teaching Important Point: Develop students’ speaking ability. Teaching Methods: Discussion and free talk to involve each student in class activities. Teaching Aids: 1. The multimedia 2. The blackboard Teaching Procedures; Step 1 Lead-in by asking the following questions: 1. Do you like sports? Why? 2. What are your favorite sports? 3.What sports do you know? (Show pictures to motivate the students) Step 2 Presentation Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost everyday. Summarize familiar games and understand unfamiliar ones. Ball games: V olleyball, basketball, football, baseball, badminton, table tennis, golf, rugby, ice hockey, etc. Track and field: long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot-put, race, relay race, etc. Water games: swimming, diving and water polo

牛津译林模块二第一单元 同步练习

Unit 2Home Alone Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading (1) Period Two Language Points (7) Period Three Word power & Grammar and usage (14) Period Four Task (14) Period Five Project (14) Writing (14) Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading 阅读P2-P3课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 A fifteen-year-old boy named Justin Foster in Dover,New Hampshire went missing three days ago.1.________ was not until the lunchtime the next day that he was found missing.His mother became 2.________(worry) and asked her husband 3.________(call) the police.People offered various explanations for his 4.________(appear).Kelly,his sister said that Justin 5.________return home the night before and even heard him put on his favourite CD,and just then she happened to see a large spaceship 6.________(fly) outside,so she thought Justin must 7.________(take) away by aliens.Some people also said that they themselves experienced this kind of thing.But Detective Sam Peterson,who took charge 8.________the case,said that there was really no hard 9.________(evident) that aliens took him and that they wouldn't give up until they found out 10.________ had happened. 【答案】 1.It 2.worried 3.to call 4.disappearance 5.did 6.flying7.have been taken 8.of9.evidence10.what Ⅰ.用介、副词填空


Project Preventing traffic accidents Step 1: lead-in. T: What do the two pictures above tell us? S: Terrible accidents happened. T: Every day we go to school and come back home by bus, by bike or on foot. We should know how to protect ourselves from the road accidents. Today we will learn a passage which tells us something about the traffic accidents and road safety. First, let’s discuss the following questions: 1. What should you pay attention to when you go to school by bike? 2. What do you need to do to avoid accidents on your way to school on foot? 3. If you are a bus driver, what do you think you should or shouldn’t do when you drive students to their school? 4. What are the possible reasons for the traffic accident? What do you think should be done to avoid a traffic accident? Discuss them in your groups and write your group answers down, then report them to the class. Step 2: Part A 1. Reading Now we are going to read an article entitled Traffic Accidents and Road Safety. From the title, what information do you think the reading passage will give us? (It will mainly talk about two things: the causes of traffic accidents and how to be safe on the road.) Answers 1 Traffic accidents involving vehicles are mainly caused by drivers who make incorrect actions, such as not paying attention while driving, being impatient in a traffic jam, speaking on a mobile phone while driving, drinking alcohol, speeding and so on. 2 Accidents involving bicycles are usually caused because cyclists are not paying attention to the cars around them, or carrying a passenger. Sometimes accidents occur with bicycles when the brakes on their bicycles do not work properly or their bicycles do not use lights at night. 3 There should be a light on the bicycle. 4 Pedestrians should always cross roads on a crossing. While crossing, they should look both ways and listen for cars. 1) What is the purpose of the notice? ________________________________________________________________________ 2)What is the most common cause of accidents? ________________________________________________________________________ 3) Why is it dangerous for drivers to speak on mobile phones?


Module 2 Unit 1 新课标单词短语 tale n. 故事,传说 unexplained adj.无法解释的,神秘的 puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的 search n.&vi. &vt.搜索,搜寻,搜查 sighting n.目击,目睹 puzzling adj.令人困惑不解的 witness n.目击者,证人vt.目击,见证 according to 根据 full moon 满月 creature n. 动物;人 UFO abbr. 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object 的缩写) research n.&vt. &vi. 研究 frightening adj. 令人恐惧的 possibility n. 可能性 case n. 案子,案件 murder n.&vt. 谋杀,凶杀 convincing adj. 令人信服的 evidence n. 证据 outer adj. 外部的,外面的progress n. 进展,进步disappointed adj. 感到失望的treasure n. 财宝,财富 lately adv.最近,近来 website n. 网站 wild adj. 野生的;野性的similar adj. 多毛的,毛茸茸的villager n. 村民 thick adj. 浓密的;厚的 fur n. (动物的)皮毛,毛皮shoulder n. 肩,肩部 national adj. 国家的 strength n. 力量,力气 footprint n. 脚印 state n. 州;国家 support vt. &n.支持;支撑;搀扶existence n. 存在 inch n. 英寸(长度单位) exist vi. 存在 possibly adv. 可能 课文出现短语 1. run into 2. put on 3. intend to do sth 4. believe in 5. according to 6. take turns to do sth 7. step up 8. do research on sth 9. draw conclusions 10. go missing 11. rule out 12. make recommendations

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