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step by step 3000第二册dictation


Judith Wallerstein studiesd 93 children over a generation. her findind has been published in the American Journal only in her book.she says children after divorce are more likely to abuse drugs and that 40% of them avoid marriage themselves.when they do marry, fail nearly twice the usual rate.

Wallerstein's family divorce to generation ago.times have changed and with them the attitude toward divorce and the attension to divorces innocent victims.and are parent generation people who get divorced talk about they were embarrassed by it.programs like kid's turn try to miligate sb affected divorce with family counseling.so the next generation more aware of the trauma may be better equiped to handle it.


monday is generally seen as the worst of the week because people feel grumpy and tired ,having to go back to work after a weekend with a different sleep pattern.however ,it's not all bad.many people feel optimistic this time that things can only get better.psychologists offer suggestions of how to combat feeling blue. ,spending 15 minutes doing gratitude exercises,thinking about and writing down what you are grateful for such as health ,family ,friends and so on,taking up a new hobby,doing some exersice,going to bed earlier,eating a healthy breakfast,and listening to some uplifting music are all recommended as well to feel more cheerful.


we are not born with courage but neither are we born with fear.maybe some of your fear are brought on only by your own experiences,by what someone has told you or by what you write in the papers.fears,even the most basic ones can totally destroy ambitions .fears can destroy fortunes.fears can destroy relationships.fears ,if left on chairs,can destroy our lives.do battles with enemies,do battle with your fears.build your courage to fight what's holding you back,what's keeping from your goals and dreams.be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.


college graduation a satisfaction about their achievement and an expectation of a wellpaying job.but for 6000 graduate this year there is uncertainty that they are under worst job market in decades.ryan stewart has a freshman degree and religious studies but no job prospects.when the class of 2003 under college ,the future never look

brighter.in the four years they were here,the world outside its gate has changed dramatically.ryan stewart majors end up,going back to school.i like to teach college. someday i require to go to more school which agree a better economy. to some students ,the degree can be the ticket to incident wealth but now they can only hope their value increase over time.


feb 28,2003,the vietnam-france hospital in hanoi asked carlo urbani for help.the italian doctor was an expert in communicable diseases .he was based in vietnam for the world health organisation.the hospital asked doctor urbani to help identify an unusual infection.he recognised it as a new threat.he made sure other hospitals increase their infection control measures.on march 11,doctor urbani developed signs for sars.four days later ,the world health organisation declared it a world wide health threat.carlo urbani was the first doctor to warn the world of disease that now has been known as sars.he died of it on march 29,2003.he was 46 years old.


lance armstrong w as on september 8,1971. lance became a professional athlete by the age of https://www.doczj.com/doc/d315598192.html,nce entred his first tour de france in 1995.unfortunately,in october 1994,everything https://www.doczj.com/doc/d315598192.html,nce was diagnosed with testicular cancer.with chances of recovery less than 50%,lance began a course of treatment that would include two and chemotherapy.remarkably though,five months after his initial diagnose,lance was back on the bike ,rebuilding the he had been https://www.doczj.com/doc/d315598192.html,nce went on to fully recover

and amazingly won the the tour de france a record seven times since his bout with cancer.he is beacon of hope and a source of inspiration. (七)

the latest fashion on british tv is realisty tv. reality tv means shows follow and film ordinary people in a artificial situation.this could be a work or some kind of competition.one of the first that make popular reality tv shows is big brother.in his show 15 complete strangers have to live together for 7 weeks. they film 24 hours a day and show on television. each week the views evict one of the housemates.finally only one is left and he wins the prise money 50000 pounds.the show is an incident hit and runs in several countries.the housemates often become stars result from the show and appear in the newspapers and on other shows.


a number of big markets are trying to popularize cotton shopping bags to reduce plastic ones being thrown away.however the china daily report that the cotton shopping are not selling well because people still prefer free plastic ones.the paper says it's not what to charge for the cotton bags and supermarket should think about how to encourage people to use cotton bags by making it more convinent and cheaper.the paper suggests that the supermarket provide the cotton bags for free and encourage people to reuse them .meanwhile,the paper also gives advice on how to reduce costs for supermarkets selling cotton bags.it says they should encourage the nations from business to print their ads on the s .


more than 170000 people died or disappeared in northen sumatra on dec 26 2004 when towering waves the coast.tens of thousands more perish in a dozen countries surrounding the indian ocean.with the help of the international organizations the indonesian has built more than 100000 houses to replace those destroyed in the disaster that putting house reconstruction three months ahead of schedule.teams are on target to finish 20000 more by next april.other new constructions include 2000 kilometers of roads and about 800 schools.international has spent 4.6 billion dollars to rebuild aceh.more have scheduled to finished its activities in 2010 but now planned to extend their work until 2012 to help with the transaction. (十)

a new report says the number of boys born in the united states and japan has decreased every year since 1970.the report says the reason for the decrease is unclear.but it says the environmental and other influences might be involved.american and japanese researchers studies 30 years' birth records from the two nations.the researchers say they find fewer boys were born in comparison to girls.they say the descrease in birth was equal to 135000 white males in the united states.in japan ,the decrease was equal to 127000 fewer males.


people around the world have been invited to take part in an unusual experiment this month.people of all ages are being asked to looked at the sky from october 1 to 15.they are looking for one of two groups of stars called constellations.the inventist called the great world wide star account.it is part of an effort to make a map of stars seen around the world.it is also educating those taking part in the stars.the great world wide stars account is free to anyone who wants to be involved. scientfic

groups around the world are also taking part.


Unit 3 All can succeed Part I-A 1. in your imagination think into the future, possibilities, a positive way, the starting point 2. expect to win fulfill the vision 3. opportunity recognize, grab, a risk taker Part I - B 1. organizational skills 2. results oriented 3. open-minded 4. in the decision process 5. parental and citizen 6. innovation and excellence 7. the develpment 8. Cooperation 9. students needs 10. ideas and plans 11. high quality performance 12. directly and clearly 13. continuous professional development 14. their background or position 15. a consensus builder 16. leardship skills 17. your bond, trustworthy 18. the position 19. personal integrity 20. work well with others Part I- C Escaped poverty, master's degree, worst slums, overwhelming odds, English university Prospectus leaflet, discarded, set his heart, violent, crime-ridden, 13, principal breadwinner, drugs, beaten, attacked, came close, overdose, gaining a place, a visa, had doubts, genuine student, be rewarded Part II - A A1 mum, bringing up 3 children physical disabilities, physical difficulty of arthritis, hold her back a headmistress an actor energy, self-publicist


s t e p b y s t e p第二册到答案解析和原文 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win


熨斗中学校园安全常识制度 一、交通安全篇 1、行人须在人行道内行走,没有人行道靠右边行走;穿越马路须走人行横道。 2、通过有交通信号控制的人行道,应做到红灯停,绿灯行;通过没有交通信号控制的人行道,要左顾右盼,注意来往车辆,不准追逐、奔跑。 3、没有行人横道的,须直行通过,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿,有人行过街天桥或地道的,须走人行过街天桥或地道。 4、不准爬越马路边和路中的护栏、隔离栏,不准在道路上扒车、追车、强行拦车或抛物击车。 5、不要在道路上玩耍、坐卧或进行其他妨碍交通的行为。 6、不要进入高速公路、高架道路或者有人行隔离设施的机动车专用道。 7、不满12周岁的孩子不能在道路上骑车,不满16周岁不能在道路上骑电动车。 8、骑车时要集中精神,谨慎骑车。 9、不打伞骑车,不脱手骑车,不骑车带人,不骑“病”车,不骑快车,不与机动车抢道,不平行骑车,不在恶劣天气骑车。 10、骑车转弯要减速慢行,向后了望,伸手示意。 11、掌握不同天气的骑车特点,做到:“顺风不骑快车,逆风不低头猛踏,雾天控制车速,冰雪天把稳龙头,雨天防止行人乱穿。 12、不要在禁行道路、路段或机动车道内骑车。 13、骑车时不要牵引车辆或被其他车辆牵引。 14、维护乘车秩序,不争先恐后。 15、乘公共汽车要停稳后上下车,在车上要抓好扶手。 16、头、手等身体部位不能伸出窗外,管好身边物品,防止扒窃。 17、乘坐二轮摩托车必须头戴安全头盔,不准倒坐和侧坐。 18、乘高速汽车要系安全带,不乘超载车。 19、过铁路要做到一停二看三通过,不穿越封闭的铁路道口。 20、遇到交通事故,及时报警,求助“122”。 二、溺水防范篇 21、下水前要做好准备活动。 22、远离河道,严禁去水库游泳,单身一人不外出在江河湖泊游泳。 23、身心情况欠佳时,如疲倦、饱食、饥饿、生病、情绪不好时不宜游泳。 24、身体患病不游泳,强体力劳动或剧烈运动后,不立即游泳。 25、水况不明的江河湖泊不游泳,恶劣天气不外出游泳。 26、设有“禁止游泳或水深危险”等警告标语之水域,严禁游泳、戏水。 27、游泳池边不要奔跑或追逐,以免滑倒受伤。 28、游泳池边不可任意推人下水,以免撞到他人或撞到池边受伤。 29、游泳戏水时,不可将他人压入水中不放,以免因呛水而窒息。 30、水中活动,感到有寒意时,或将有抽筋现象时,应登岸休息。 31、若在水中发现自己体力不支,无法游回岸边,应立即举手求救,或大声喊叫,等待救援。 32、发现有人溺水时,即刻发出“有人溺水”呼救或拨打“110”请求支持,儿童少年不可冒然下水施救。 33、发生溺水事件时,必须镇定冷静,了解自己所处环境,并利用本身浮力或身边物来自救求生。 34、发生溺水事件时,不太熟悉水性者应采取仰卧位,头部向下,使鼻部露出水面呼吸,呼气要浅,吸气要深。切忌慌张,将手臂上举乱扑动,加速身体下沉。 35、发生溺水事件时,会游泳者,如发生小腿抽筋,要保持镇静,采取仰泳位,用手将抽筋的腿的脚趾向背侧弯曲,可使痉挛松解,然后慢慢游向岸边。 36、溺水者救起后,要清除口鼻喉内异物,排出溺水者胃肺部水,必要时进行人工呼吸。同时,迅速拨打

Step by Step 3000 第二册Unit6答案(全)

Unit 6 It’s Great to Be a Champion Part I Warming up A. Preparatory Movements straight/ apart/ by your sides/ Relax Exercise Steps breath/ your arms to shoulder height/ them out sideways/ your right arm down to touch your left toes/ your left arm stretched out/ your knees/ Your left arm down to touch your right toes/ Up again B. Nationality Record Date Jamaica 9.69s. Aug. 16, 2008 USA 10.49s. July 16, 1988 Morocco 3min. 26s. July 14, 1998 China 3min. 50.46s. Sep. 11, 1993 Cuba 12.87s. Jun. 13, 2008 Bulgaria 12.21s. Aug. 20, 1988 Russia 1h. 17min. 16s. Sep. 29, 2007 Russia 1h. 25min. 41s. Aug. 7, 2005 Ethiopia 2h. 4min. 26s. Sept. 30, 2007 Great Britain 2h. 15min. 25s. April 13, 2003

Cuba 2.45m. July 27, 1993 Bulgaria 2.09m. Aug. 30, 1987 USA 8.95m. Aug. 30, 1991 the former Soviet Union 7.52m. Jun. 11, 1988 Czech Republic 98.48m. May 25, 1996 Cuba 71.70m. Aug. 14, 2005 C. China/ 110-meter hurdles/ Switzerland/ finish line/ 12.88 seconds/ shared with/ three one hundredth/ old record/ 12.90 seconds/ 13.02 seconds/ in 1993/ 22-year-old/ gold medalist/ 2004 Part II They are the champion A. A1: 1. The round-the-world journey lasted 13 years. 2. The journey covered 46, 000 miles (75, 000km). 3. The traveler Jason is 40 years old. 4. He crossed 5 continents. 5. He crossed 2 oceans. 6. He crossed 1 sea.


CANoe 入门Step by step系列(一)基础应用 CANoe是Vector公司的针对汽车电子行业的总线分析工具,现在我用CANoe7.6版本进行介绍,其他版本功能基本差不多。 硬件我使用的是CAN case XL. 1,CANoe软件的安装很简单,先装驱动,再装软件。安装完成,插上USB,连接硬件,这样在控制面板中,Vector Hardware(硬件)进行查看 通过查看信息可知,CANcaseXL中的两个piggy,一个是251(高速CAN),一个是7269(LIN),另外常用的还有1054(低速CAN,或称容错CAN),因为CANcaseXL(can情况XL最大)中只能支持两路通讯,这样piggy可以自由组合 2,硬件连接正常,打开CANoe软件 File->New Configuration(新配置)可以选择新建工程的模版,我们这里选择 CAN_500kBaud.tcn,这样新建了波特率为500K CAN工程,可以File->Save Configuration (保存配置),进行保存 3,接下来就要使用CAN db++ Editor(编辑)工具对总线网络节点,消息,信号,进行定义了。 点击工具栏的这个图标,或开始菜单中找这个工具启动 启动后,File(文件)->Create Database(创建数据),选择CANTemplate.dbc(模板),选择目录及文件名,进行保存

右键Network nodes(网络节点)->New(新的),进行网络节点的定义,这里只需要填写Name(名字)即可,例如:Node_A(节点A) 然后添加Node_B(节点B),完成后如下图,这样在Network nodes(网络节点)目录下面添加出来两个节点 节点添加完成后,下一步添加CAN消息,右键Messages(信息)->New(新的),这是需要定义名称,ID(身份证件),DLC(数据链路控制)等信息,如下:

step by step 3000 第二册 Unit1-原文及答案

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win Part I - C 40, excel, domestic argument, losing win-win, lose-lose, win, a gift, returns argue over, aren't, who, in control, fear, didn't need, ought not to , couldn't, tried to, destroy, marriage love, loved, secure, discover, garden, cultivate, the most precious, own self, bloom. obtain, our partner, loved and respected, control. Part II- A A2 1.similar social backgrounds. 2.the same race or same ethnic background. 3.the same religion. A3 Japan / 9.2% / arranged marriages 3% / between blacks and whites Many people in Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other countries, spouse are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and pre-industrial Europe, the man's family negotiated a "bride price" with the woman's family; the man's family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the bride's family paid a "groom's price" to the family of the man. These customs are weakening;for intance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese


小学生校园安全常识 教育 Revised on November 25, 2020

小学生校园安全常识教育 一、在教室内活动应怎样注意安全 在教室内活动,有许多看起来细微的小事情值得同学们注意,否则,同样容易发生危险。这主要有以下几个方面: 1. 防磕碰。目前大多数教室空间比较狭小,又置放了许多桌椅、饮水机等用品,所以不应在教室中追逐、打闹,做剧烈的运动和游戏,防止磕碰受伤。 2.防滑、防摔。教室地板比较光滑的,要注意防止滑倒受伤;需要登高打扫卫生、取放物品时,要请他人加以保护,注意防止摔伤。 3.防坠落。无论教室是否处于高层,都不要将身体探出阳台或者窗外,谨防不慎发生坠楼的危险。 4.防挤压。教室的门、窗户在开关时容易压到手,也应当处处小心,要轻轻地开关门窗,还先留意会不会夹到他人的手。 5.防火灾。不带打火机、火柴、烟花爆竹、小鞭炮等危险物品进校园,杜绝玩火、燃放烟花爆竹等行为。 6.防意外伤害。改锥、刀、剪等锋利、尖锐的工具,图钉、大头针等文具,使用时必须有老师指导,用后应妥善存放起来,不能随意放在桌子上、椅子上,防止有人受到意外伤害。 二、课间活动应注意什么 在每天紧张的学习过程中,课间活动能够起到放松、调节和适当休息的作用。课间活动应当注意以下几方面: 1.室外空气新鲜,课间活动应当尽量在室外,但不要远离教室,以免耽误下面的课程。 2.活动的强度要适当,不能做剧烈的活动,以保证继续上课时不疲劳、精神集中、精神饱满。 3.活动的方式要简便易行,如做做操、跳跳绳等。 4.活动要注意安全,要避免发生扭伤、碰伤等危险。 三、游泳时应注意什么 游泳是一项十分有益的活动,同时也存在着危险。要保证安全,应该做到: 1.游泳需要经过体格检查,患有心脏病、高血压、肺结核、中耳炎、皮肤病、严重沙眼等以及各种传染病的人不宜游泳。处在月经期的女同学也不宜去游泳。



Unit 5 Creative Minds Part I-A Gasoline automobile, German, engineer, 1885 Barometer, Italian, physicist & mathematician, 1643 Polaroid camera, America, inventor & industrialist, 1947 Pendulum clock, Dutch, mathematician & physicist Diesel engine, German, engineer, 1892 Dynamite, Swedish, chemist, 1866 Kaleidoscope, British, physicist & natural philosopher, 1817 Piano, Italian, harpsichord maker, 1709 Sewing machine, American, inventor, 1846 Typewriter, American, inventor, 1867 Tapescript: 1.The gasoline automobile was invented by Gottlieb Daimler, the German engineer, in 1885 His construction of the first high-speed internal-combustion engine led to the development of the automobile industry. 2.The barometer, the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, was invented by Evangelista Torricelli, the Italian physicist and mathematician, in 164 3. 3.The polarod camera, which takes and prints photos in one step, was invented in 1947 by the American inventor and industrialist Edwin Herbert Land. 4.The pendulum clock was invented by the Dutch mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1657. 5.The diesel engine, which is heavier and more powerful than the gasoline engine and which burns fuel of oil instead of gasoline, was named after its inventor Rudolph Diesel, the German engineer in 1892. 6.Dynamite, the improved explosives with great safety, was invented in 1866 by the Swedish chemist Alfred Bernhard Nobel. He established a fund to provide annual awards called Nobel Prizes, in the sciences, literature, and the promotion of international peace. 7.He kaleidoscope was invented in 1817 by Sir David Brewster, the Scottish physicist and natural philosoper. 8.The piano, a key-board musical instrument, was invented in 1709 by the Italian harpsichord maker, Bartolomeo Cristofori. 9.The sewing machine, which greatly revolutionized clothes-making, was invented by Elias Howe, an American inventor in 1846. 10.The typewriter, its first practical commercial model, was invented in 1867 by the American inventor Christopher Sholes and was manufactured by the American gunsmith Philo Reminton 1874. Part I – B 1- a 2- d 3- e 4- i 5- f

step by step 3000 第二册Unit_1_录音文本

Unit 1 Happy Family Life Part I Warming up Section A The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He’s 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he’s a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she’s an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Section B Here are a few general ideas I believe help make a marriage work; 1.Go on dates with each oilier. Renew romantic feelings by spending special time together. 2.Be as specific as you can when you complain, make a request, or offer praise. 3.When stressed by fatigue or your own insecurities, imagine you and your partner in a foxhole, surrounded by danger. Instead of striking out at your partner, find a way to protect the partnership! 4.When you feel “distant,” talk about it with your partner. 5.Be assured that partners in all marriages sometimes get tired, irritable, or distracted. Work together to understand each other.


中小学生网络安全知识教育 一、提高自身计算机网络安全意识 自我意识的提高是做好网络安全教育的第一步,只有中学生对计算机网络病毒和计算机上存在着一些诈骗的现象等有一定的了解,认识到网络不仅有好的内容,也有坏的陷阱,他们才会有自我保护意识。在面对那些安全隐患有了自我保护意识,就必然在利用计算机时变得谨慎一些。世界上任何事物都具有两面性,计算机网络也是如此,它就像一把双刃剑。利用它庞大的系统和强大的娱乐功能为人们的生活带来便利的同时,也带来了很多弊端,如中学生沉迷于网络游戏导致学习成绩下降,终日颓废,身心状况都受到影响。新闻报道中学生由于玩网络游戏猝死的现象也很多。除此之外网络不法分子还利用中学生年幼无知,骗取他们的信息来敲诈他们的父母或者想办法让他们点击链接让计算机中毒,然后再通过盗取信息进行诈骗。各种骗人手段花样百出,层出不穷,归根到底还是人们的防范意识不强。因此中学生必须提高自己的安全意识,要登录正规的网站去学习,并且玩网络游戏的时候也要克制。 二、计算机网络病毒的防护 做好计算机网络安全教育,第二个重要的环节就是要做好计算机网络病毒的防护,这个环节对于抵抗计算机网络病毒的侵袭十分重要。计算机病毒的种类有很多,主要分为伴随型病毒、蠕虫型病毒、

寄生型病毒。面对不同类型的计算机病毒要采取不同的应对方法。第一,伴随型病毒不会改变文件本身,其根据算法生成的EXE文件伴随体,有相同的名称和不同的扩展名,一定要正确识别出伴随型病毒,不要被它的外表所迷惑。第二通过计算机网络蠕虫病毒的传播后,无法改变文件和数据信息,利用网络从一台计算机传播到其他机器的内存,计算机将病毒通过网络发送,随后扩展至整个计算机。一定要警惕蠕虫型病毒和寄生型病毒的伤害。防治计算机病毒要对症下药,首先我们下载应用软件时一定要从正规网站和官网下载,不要随意在网页上搜索下载,防止下载的软件携带病毒。其次我们必须确认网址登录,防止钓鱼网站蠕虫病毒感染。最后,安装杀毒软件和防火墙,及时定期和不规则电脑杀毒,保证计算机的安全。 三、识别并远离网络诈骗 随着经济的发展,社会上的骗子越来越多,随着网络技术的发展,网络上的骗子也越来越猖狂,不法分子的诈骗手法不断出新,之前通过花言巧语,现在是通过网络,特别是对一些防备心比较差的学生来说,被骗的可能性很大。网络贷款诈骗形势严峻。中学生没有经济收入,完全依靠父母提供零花钱和生活费,甚至生活费支撑不起学生的玩心,不法分子利用网络借贷平台诱骗学生进行借款消费,中学生头脑一热很容易上钩,最后由于高利息贷款无法定期偿还,不仅给家庭造成了严重的负债,也影响了学生的生活。这样的例子不胜枚举。因此我们学生一定要提高警惕,不要相信网上的任何贷款的机构,要将精力放在学习上,超出自己消费能力水平的消费是不可以的,应该变


STEP BY STEP 第一册词汇 UNIT 1 Part1: chime vt.& vi. 敲出和谐的乐声;报时;机械地重复;合节奏 n.合奏钟声,钟乐;谐音,韵律;和谐;[航]甲板上的沟 millennium n. 一千年;千年期;千禧年;全人类未来的幸福时代 prospective adj. 预期的;未来的;可能的;有希望的gala n. 节日;庆祝 adj. 节日的;欢乐的 count down 倒数到零或规定的时间 fanfare n. 喧耀;号角齐鸣 Kiribati n. 基里巴斯(西太平洋上一共和国) Vietnam 越南 Hanoi 河内(越南首都) Bangkok 曼谷(泰国首都) Egypt 埃及 Part2: install vt.安装;安顿,安置;任命;使…正式就职observatory n. 天文台;气象台;瞭望台revive vt. 使复活,使恢复;使振奋,复原;使再生,使重新流行;唤醒,唤起 vi. 复苏,恢复;振作,恢复;再生,重新流行;再生效力 sweep vt. 打扫,清理;扫除;彻底搜索;掠过 vi. 打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展 n. 打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜viable adj. 切实可行的;能养活的;能自行生产发育的;有望实现的 hoist vt. 升起,提起 vi. 被举起或抬高 n. 起重机,升降机;升起;<俚>推,托,举 gravity n. 重力;万有引力,地心引力;重要性,严重性;严肃,庄重 mechanism n.[生]机制,机能,[乐]机理;(机械)结构, 机械装置[作用],(故事的)结构;[艺]手法,技巧,途径;机械作用 alumi num n. < 美> 铝 flavor n. 味;韵味;特点;香料 vt.给…调味;给…增添风趣 sponsor n. 发起者,主办者;担保者;倡议者,提案人;后援组织 vt. 赞助 Greenwich n. 格林威治(位于英国伦敦东南部,为本初子午线所经之地,原设有英国皇家格林威治天文台),格林威治镇(位于美国康涅狄格州)Miami n. 迈阿密(美国佛罗里州达东南部港市) Atlanta n. 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府)Part3: hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不愿;支吾;停顿 vt.对…犹豫;不情愿 era n. 纪元,年代;历史时期,时代;重大事件lexicographer

step by step 3000第二册unit8答案

Unit 8 Part I A: 1.G reenpeace / attitudes and behavior / environment / peace 2.W orld Wildlife Foundation / 1961 / a future / nature 3.L ive Earth / climate crisis 4.G reen School Project / schools / waste / landfill 5.C limate Change / knowledge / measures 6.F riends of the Earth / network / activist groups / urgent 7.E nvironmental Bureau / 143 / 31/ sustainable 8.F oundation / oceans, waves and beaches / 50,000 9.G reen Building Council / designed, built and operated / responsible, healthy 10.the Alliance to Save Energy / costs / greenhouse gas emissions 11.The Earth Organization /

conservation / rehabilitation /plant and animal 12.Trees, Water &People / natural resources / well-being 13.American Forests / restore and enhance / filter / remove / homes 14.The Global Amphibian Assessment / status / 5,918 / 600 / 60 15.Solar Energy Society / technologies B 1.f ood / doesn’t / packaging 2.v egetables / don’t / chemicals 3.S ave / water 4.w on’t / forever / earth or sea 5.b ottles / once / bank 6.p aper / recycled / 7.A void 8.u nleaded petrol 9.m ade from / protected 10.public transportation 11.wood / rainforests


小学生安全知识常识(安全教育、培训内容) 主讲人:姜士杰 一、消防防火类 1、基本要求:小学生不得玩火。一是不得带火柴或打火机等火种;二是不得随意点火,禁止在易燃易爆物品处用火;三是不得在公共场所燃放鞭炮,更不允许将点燃的鞭炮乱扔。在火灾现场,小学生等未成年人要坚持先逃生的原则。 2、火灾的处理办法 家中起火,不要慌张,应根据火情及时采取相应措施:如果炒菜时油锅起火,迅速将锅盖紧紧盖上,使锅里的油火因缺氧而熄灭,不可用水扑救。 房间内起火时,不能轻易打开门窗,以免空气对流,形成大面积火灾。 纸张、木头或布起火时,可用水来扑救,而电器、汽油、酒精、食用油着火时,则用土、沙泥、干粉灭火器等灭火。 若火势已大,必须立即报火警。被火围困时,应视不同情况,采取不同方法脱离险境。如俯下身体,用湿布捂鼻。 3、发生火灾应如何报警? 如果发现火灾发生,最重要的是报警,这样才能及时扑救,控制火势,减轻火灾造成损失。火警电话的号码是119。这个号码应当牢记,在全国任何地区,向公安消防部门报告火警的电话号码都是一样的。格根据这个号码,每年的11月9日,被确定为消防安全日。不能随意拨打火警电话,假报火警是扰乱社会公共秩序的违法行为。在没有电话的情况下,应大声呼喊或采取其他方法引起邻居、行人注意,协助灭火或报警。 4、遭遇火灾如何正确脱险? 遭遇火灾,应采取正确有效的方法自救逃生,减少人身伤亡损失: 1)一旦身受火灾危胁,千万不要惊慌失措,要冷静地确定自己所处位置,根据周围的烟、火光、温度等分析判断火势,不要盲目采取行动。 2)身处平房的,如果门的周围火势不大,应迅速离开火场。反之,则必须另行选择出口脱身(如从窗口跳出),或者采取保护措施(如用水淋湿衣服、用温湿的棉被包住头部和上身等)以后再离开火场。 3)身处楼房的,发现火情不要盲目打开门窗,否则有可能引火入室。


Unit 9 Part I A 1. 60,000 / 8.75 2. 452 / 8.3 3. 100,000 / 8.6 4. 8.9 / 2,990 5. 1,530 6. 12, 000 / 5.8 7. 7.1 / 12,230 8. 7.5 / 22,778 9. 6.8 / 25,000 10.6.7 / 50,000 11.9.0 / 300,000 12.69,197 / 18,341 B: 1. Ice, snow, earth, rock / the side of a mountain 2. a slow-moving mudflow 3. the sudden release / waves of shaking 4. system of winds / about 30 to 50 kilometers an hour 5. 64 knows or 74 miles per hour / in the western Atlantic Ocean

10. A violent destructive whirling wind / of short duration 11. 74 mph / in the Pacific Ocean 12. A period of dryness / prevents their successful growth 13. A body of water / normally dry land 14. a wildfire or an uncontrolled fire Suicide bomber C 10.6.8 a bomb explosion in Algiers / in a market area 10.6.9 ocean storm / the Pacific coast of Mexico 10.6.10 the cause of a crash of a passenger p lane / All 143 people / Wednesday 10.6.11 Austrians / the 38 people / at ski area 10.6.12 the hijacker / released his remaining hostages and surrendered to police 10.6.13 Japanese / the nuclear reaction / has stopped 10.6.14 victims of a train accident / 189 / Thursday / 250

Step by step 3000 第二册- Unit3-答案

Unit 2 All can succeed Part I-A 1. in your imagination think into the future, possibilities, a positive way, the starting point 2. expect to win fulfill the vision 3. opportunity recognize, grab, a risk taker Part I - B 1. organizational skills 2. results oriented 3. open-minded 4. in the decision process 5. parental and citizen 6. innovation and excellence 7. the develpment 8. Cooperation 9. students needs 10. ideas and plans 11. high quality performance 12. directly and clearly 13. continuous professional development 14. their background or position 15. a consensus builder 16. leardship skills 17. your bond, trustworthy 18. the position 19. personal integrity 20. work well with others Part I- C Escaped poverty, master's degree, worst slums, overwhelming odds, English university Prospectus leaflet, discarded, set his heart, violent, crime-ridden, 13, principal breadwinner, drugs, beaten, attacked, came close, overdose, gaining a place, a visa, had doubts, genuine student, be rewarded Part II - A A1 mum, bringing up 3 children physical disabilities, physical difficulty of arthritis, hold her back a headmistress an actor energy, self-publicist


中学生安全教育知识学习汇总 根据党中央领导对中学生安全的指示思想,学生的安全是社会、家庭和学校共同关注的方面。素质教育的重要内容之一是安全教育。中学生安全教育有哪几种呢?本课将围绕以下几个重要方面来说明中学生须掌握的注意事项。 一、临危逃生的基本原则: 1、保持镇静,趋利避害。 2、学会自救、保护自己。 3、想方设法,不断求救。 4、记住四个电话:①“119”火警电话。②“110”报警电话。③“122”交通事故报警电话。④“120”急救电话。打电话不要慌张、语无伦次,必须要说清地点、相关情况,显著的特征。 二、交通安全 1、行走安全:行人须在人行道内行走,没有人行道靠右边行走;穿越马路须走人行横道;通过有效通信号控制的人行道,须遵守信号的规定;通过没有交通信号控制的人行道,要左顾右盼,注意来往车辆,不准追逐,奔跑;没有行人横道的,须直行通过,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿;有人行过街天桥或地道的,须走人行过街天桥或地道;不准爬越马路边和路中的护栏、隔离栏,不准在道路上扒车、追车、强行拦车或抛物击车。 2、骑自行车(电动车、摩托车)安全:不满16周岁不能在道路上骑电动车、摩托车;不打伞骑车;不脱手骑车;不骑车带人;不骑“病”车;不骑快车;不与机动车抢道;不平行骑车;不在恶劣天气骑车。 3、乘车安全:乘公共汽车要停稳后上下车,在车上要抓好扶手,头、手等身体部位不能伸出窗外,管好身边物品,防止扒窃;乘高速汽车要系安全带;不乘超载车。 三、火灾中的逃生与自救 火灾中如何自救与逃生是师生学习消防知识的一个重点,尤其是在房间中的火场逃生,具体要做到“三要三不要”。 1、要镇静分析,不要盲目行动 明确自己的房间,回忆房子和房间的位置走向,分析周围的火情,不要盲目开门开窗,可用手先摸一摸房门,如果很热,千万不要开门,不然会助长火势或“引火入室”;也不要盲目乱跑、跳楼,这样有可能造成不应有的伤亡,在火势未蔓延前,可朝逆风方向快速离开。 2、要选好逃生办法,不要惊慌失措 如必须从烟火中冲出房间,要用湿毛巾、衣服等包住头脸,尤其是口鼻部,低姿行进,以免受呛窒息。如房门口虽已有火,但火势不大,就从房门口冲出;如果房门口火势太猛,要从窗口逃生,并保证双脚落地,不出现意外。 3、火场人员要尽量有序迅速撤离火场 不要大声喊叫,避免烟雾进入口腔,造成窒息中毒。如火场逃生之路均被 第1 页共1 页

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