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第二部分语言知识运用(80分)四、单词拼写根据句意及首字母或中文提示, 完成下列句子中的单词。(5分) 1. He has bad e_________ because

of too much computer work at night. 2. My English teacher has a good sense of h__________. 3. He is 1.80 meters in h__________. 4. I

borrow three m_________ from the library every month. 5. “Harry Potter” was very p__________ in the students a few years ago. 五、词形转换用所给单词的适当形式填空。(第小题1分,满分5分) 1. He helps us a lot, he is a __________ (help) student. 2. This film is very boring I felt _________ (bore). 3. I am a __________ (read) of yours, I read your every article in the newspaper. 4.He is very clever, because he always answers the questions _________(correct). 5. I am

_________ (will) to teach these children. 六、选择填空在下列每小题


满分10分) ( ) 1. He always tells funny things to me and always

___________. A. makes me to laugh B. makes me laughing C. makes me laugh D. makes me laughs ( ) 2. Today you look ___________ better. A. little B. a little C. less D. very ( ) 3. I want to sing around the world __________. A. in the future B. in a future C. on future D. on the future ( ) 4. I think swimming is __________ hiking. A. not as interesting as B. not interesting as C. not more interesting as D.

not the most interesting ( ) 5. Bob doesn’t know the way to the cinema. I don’t know, _________. A. too B. either C. also D. neither ( ) 6. She is ready to help people ___________. A. any time B.

anytime C. some time D. sometime ( ) 7. Mr Zhou is good at __________ jokes. A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. speaking ( ) 8. Which is

__________, the sun, the moon or the earth? A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest ( ) 9. He is __________ in my class. A. the nicest boys B. one of the nicest boy C. nicest boy D. one of the

nicest boys ( ) 10. My English is so poor, so I _________ my English.

A. need help with

B. need to help

C. need for helping

D. need helping

七、句型转换根据括号内的要求改写句子。(每小格1分,满分10分) 1. I don’t know what I shall do. (同义句) I don’t know ___________

____________ ___________. 2. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句) Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing. 3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同义句) There

is ___________ ___________ in the fridge. 4. Peter is 1.70 meters

tall. Mike is 1.68 meters tall. (合并成一句)

_____________________________________________________ 5. Tom is smart, almost 1.75 metres. (对画线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________ 八、完成句子

(10分) 1. Betty很大方。她愿意和她的朋友们分吃那些苹果。

_________________________________________________________ 2. 游泳不如滑雪有趣。 _________________________________________________________ 3. 我可以吃点东西吗?

_________________________________________________________ 4. Peter在


_________________________________________________________ 5. 当他长大的时候,他想成为一个歌手,环游世界。

_________________________________________________________ 九、单句改

错下面每一句中均有一处错误,请找出并在右边的横线上改正。(10分)( ) _________ 1. Excuse me, can I have anything to eat? A B C D ( )

_________ 2. Joy has long hair. She is as slimmer as Betty. A B C D ( ) _________3. Max often tells funny stories and makes us happily. A B C D ( ) _________4. I feel comfort when I lie in bed. A B C D ( )

_________5. She is 35 years old. She is older of the two sisters. A B C D 十、完形填空先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从A, B, C, D四个选

项中选出答案。(10分) Last year Tome left school. He came to Taipei to _1_ a job(工作). He went from one company(公司) to another but _2_ wanted him. Now he had little money. He had to go back to his small town. So he came to the station. He felt _3_ and tired. It was very late at night and _4_ was full of people. They were waiting _5_

tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy. At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him. She asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket. He thought they needed it _6_ he did. After _7_ left, he sat on the bench(长凳) and didn’t know _8_ to go. Just then, an old man came and said, “Young man, I _9_ what you did to the woman. I have a big company. I need a good young man like _10_. Would you like to work for me?”( )1. A. find B. see C. look for D. buy ( )2. A. everyone B. no one C. nothing D. something ( )3. A. happy B. interesting C. sad D. glad ( )4. A. the city B. the company C. the farm D. the station ( )5. A.

to buy B. to sell C. to give D. to pass ( )6. A. less than B. more than C. smaller them D. worse than ( )7. A. Tom B. the bus C. the

train D. the old man ( )8. A. what B. which C. why D. where ( )9. A. have seen B. don’t know C. don’t like D. have done ( )10. A. the woman B. you C. the baby D. her 十一、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从题中所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出答案。(10分) O. Henry, a famous American writer of short stories, was born in North Carolina in 1862. O. Henry was a pen name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When he was a young boy, he did not go to school for long because of being born in a poor family, but he tried to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper,

and then had a job in a bank. But he got himself into some trouble. Some money went missing from the bank. O. Henry was believed to have stolen it, so he was sent to prison(监狱). During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because almost all of them finished with a sudden change. This made the readers surprised. ( ) 1. ___________ was the real name of the famous American writer. A. O. Henry B. William Sydney Porter C. Carolina D. Texas ( ) 2. O. Henry was sent to prison because

_________________. A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper. B. People thought he had stolen money from the bank. C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners. D. he broke the law (法律)

by not using his own name ( ) 3. Which of the following is true? A. O. Henry was from a rich family B. O. Henry was in school for a long time. C. O. Henry learned everything he needed by himself. D. O.

Henry liked writing stories when he was a little boy. ( ) 4. O. Henry got most materials for his stories from ______________. A. his happy life as a boy B. New York and the poor of the city C. the newspaper D. his life in prison ( ) 5. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because __________________. A. they had surprising endings B. they were easy to understand C. they showed love for the poor D. they were about New York 十二、书面表达(10分)你将要参加“Teenagers”杂志社

举办的写作大赛,你投了一篇题目为My Best Friend的作文。字数为80字。


参考答案一、A B C B B 二、C B C A B 三、F T F T F 四、1. eyesight 2. humour 3. height 4. magazines 5. popular 五、1. helpful 2. bored 3. reader 4. correctly 5. willing 六、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A 七、1. what to do 2. as exciting as 3. nothing else 4. Peter is taller than Mike. 5. What is Tom like? 八、 1. Betty is very generous. She is willing to share the apples with her friends. 2. Swimming is not as interesting as skiing. 3. Can I have something to eat? 4. Peter is the oldest of all the children. 5. He wants to be a singer and travel around the world when he grows up. 九、1. C something 2. D slim 3. D happy 4. B comfortable 5. B the older 十、1.

C 2. B 3. C 4.

D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B 十一、1—5 BBCBA 十

二、Students’ own answers.


初二上册 Module 1 Unit 1 让我们尽可能多地讲英语同学们,欢迎回来! 今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。 准备好了吗? 谁有一些建议? 在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。 好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。 为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢? 那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写上正确的答案。 还有其他的什么吗? 每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。 非常感谢你,玲玲。听广播怎么样? 是的,那也有益于我们的发音。但有很多生词。 你们不必理解每个单词(的含义)。你们只需要听关键词和主要意思。 阅读也一样。英语故事如此有趣。通过阅读我逐渐了解了世界上的许多事情。 我认为写作也很重要。我们为什么不尽量去找些讲英语的笔友呢?我们可以给他们写信。太棒了!我同意你(的提议)。 Unit 2 你应该向她微笑! 很多学生咨询如何提高他们英语水平的建议。

这儿是三个基本问题。 第一个问题是关于理解英文电影和歌曲的问题。 来自湖北的李浩写道:“我喜欢看英文电影,听英文歌曲,但我只能理解一点儿。我可以怎么做呢?”看电影和听歌曲是学习英语的很好的方式! 看上或听上几遍,并猜测生词的含义。 每一遍你都会学到新东西。 我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。 第二个问题是关于说的。 来自吉林的王帆写道:“我们学校有一位来自美国的老师。我很腼腆,不敢与她说话。我该怎么办呢?”你可以说:“嗨!你好吗?”“你喜欢中国吗?”这些都是展开交谈的好方式。 在你开始(讲英语)前,你应该向她微笑! 记住这一点:不要害羞,去试一试。 第三个问题是关于词汇的。 来自安徽的张雷写道:“我写下生词,但我很快就忘记了它们。我怎样才能记住它们呢?” 不用担心,忘记生词是很自然的! 我建议你每天把4个或5个单词写在纸片上并放在你的房间里。 看到这些单词的时候就读一读,并且尽量使用它们。 Module 2 我的家乡和我的国家 Unit 1 它比许多其他建筑物都高。 嘿,大明!你的周末过得怎么样? 很好!我去深圳了。 深圳在哪儿?


八年级下册英语辅导参考答案 I. 1-5 BADBC 6-10 CCABD Ⅱ. 1. should be given back 2. Did; put 3. can’t go; unless 4. What did; try 5. What a 6. which / that was built; attracts 7. bought; for 8. don’t think; will9. what to 10. at the age of III. 1. more expensive改为expensive 2. too改为so 3. because改为because of 4. won’t改为will 5. late改为latest 6. widely改为wide 7. accepted改为received 8. dead改为death 9. it放到up前面10. having改为to have IV. 1. well 2. yourself 3. skills 4. earn 5. staying 6. more 7. goes 8. With 9. important 10. first 第16版暑假作业(十六) I. 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABACD II. 1. ones 2. go 3. most 4. in 5. they

6. help 7. says 8. offering 9. another 10. that III. (A) 1. problems 2. speak 3. join 4. Listening to 5. improved (B) 1. with 2. taken 3. But 4. sleep 5. What 6. pieces 7. and 8. exercise 9. less 10. follow (C) 1-5 EABGD IV. One possible version: Thank you, my best friend Two years ago, I was a cool girl and looked like a boy. I didn’t like to talk to others. One day, a special girl named Wang Hui came into my life. She was very lovely. She often helped me and played with me. We became good friends soon. With her help, I became outgoing. Now, I am a happy girl. I’m often moved by the people around me. I also learn to help others. Although I have made lots of new friends, Wang Hui is still my best friend. 第17、18版综合测试(一) 1-5 BBADC 6-10 BDCCA 11-15 AABDC 16-20 DAABC 21-25 BCDAC 26-30 DDACD 31-35 CADAB 36-40 DCABD 41-45 CDCAD 46-50 BCBAC


Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about good ways to learn English. Ready? Who has some advice? Lingling: We should always speak English in class. Ms James: Good! Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. Daming: Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? Ms James: That’s a good idea. And don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistak es. What else? Lingling: It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. Ms James: Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio? Lingling: Yes, that’s good for our pronunciation too. But there are so many new word. Ms James: Y ou don’t need to understand every word. You just need to listen for key words and main ideas. Daming: That’s the same for reading. English stories are so interesting. I get to know a lot about the world through reading. Lingling: I think writing is also important. Why don’t we try to find some English pen friends? We can write to them. Ms James: Excellent! I agree with you. Unit 2 You should smile at her! Send your questions to Diana, the Language Doctor. Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. Here are three basic questions. The first question is about understanding English films and songs. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I li ke watching English films and listening to English songs, but I can only understand a little. What ca n I do?” Watching films and listening to songs are great way to learn English! Watch and listen several tim es, and guess the meaning of the new words. Each time you will learn something new. I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. The second question is about speaking. Wang Fan from Jilin wrote, “Our school has a teacher fro m the US. I am shy and I am afraid to speak to her. What should I do?” You can say, “Hello! How are you?”“Do you like China?” These are good ways to start a conversat ion. And before you begin, you should smile at her! Remember this: Do not be shy. Just try. The third question is about vocabulary. Zhang Lei from Anhui wrote, “I write down new words, but I forget them quickly. How can I remember them?” Do not worry. It is natural to forget new words! I suggest you write four or five words a day on piec es of paper and place them in your room. Read the words when you see them, and try to use them. Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings. Tony: Hey, Daming! How was your weekend? Daming: Pretty good! I went to Shenzhen.


中考复习材料八年级上 units1-4 Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 目标语言:talk about how often you do things 重点句型:What does she do on weekends? She often goes to the movies. What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer. How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV twice a week. How many hours do you sleep every day? I sleep for nine hours . Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle ? Yes,I do. Is her lifestyle the same as yours? Yes, it is. Who is the healthiest? Tom is the healthiest. 重点词组:watch TV, read newspaper, go to the movies, surf the Internet, read English boo ks, once or twice a week, every day, three or four times a week, the result of, be intereste d in, translate…into…,be good for, try to, the same as, help sb. to do,keep in good health. 知识点: 1.一般现在时,第三人称单数作主语时,动词的变化规则。 1)一般在动词后加-s词尾。如,come-comes live-lives 2)在以ch, sh ,s, x, 或o结尾的词后要加-es, 如, teach-teaches catch-catches wish-wishes wash-washes miss-misses guess-guesses mix-mixes fix-fixes go-goes do-does 3)以“辅音+y”结尾的词,先变y为I 再加es,如, Try-tries study-studies reply-replies fly-flies 1.主语为第三人称单数时一般现在时的结构 肯定式:主语+ 谓语动词的第三人称单数+其他。 He likes bananas a lot. 他非常喜欢吃香蕉。 否定式:主语+助动词(doesn’t)+动词原形+其他。 She doesn’t like milk.她不喜欢喝牛奶。 疑问式:助动词(Does)+主语+动词原形+其他 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+does. 否定回答:No, 主语+doesn’t. -Does Kate like meat? 凯特喜欢吃肉吗? -Yes, she does. 是的,她喜欢。 -No, she doesn’t. 不,她不喜欢。 2.频度副词的用法


八年级下册英语辅导答案 I. 1-5 BADBC 6-10 CCABD Ⅱ. 1. should be given back 2. Did; put 3. can’t go; unless 4. What did; try 5. What a 6. which / that was built; attracts 7. bought; for 8. don’t think; will9. what to 10. at the age of III. 1. more expensive改为expensive 2. too改为so 3. because改为because of 4. won’t改为will 5. late改为latest 6. widely改为wide 7. accepted改为received 8. dead改为death 9. it放到up前面10. having改为to have IV. 1. well 2. yourself 3. skills 4. earn 5. staying 6. more 7. goes 8. With 9. important 10. first 第16版暑假作业(十六) I. 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABACD II. 1. ones 2. go 3. most 4. in 5. they

6. help 7. says 8. offering 9. another 10. that III. (A) 1. problems 2. speak 3. join 4. Listening to 5. improved (B) 1. with 2. taken 3. But 4. sleep 5. What 6. pieces 7. and 8. exercise 9. less 10. follow (C) 1-5 EABGD IV. One possible version: Thank you, my best friend Two years ago, I was a cool girl and looked like a boy. I didn’t like to talk to others. One day, a special girl named Wang Hui came into my life. She was very lovely. She often helped me and played with me. We became good friends soon. With her help, I became outgoing. Now, I am a happy girl. I’m often moved by the people around me. I also learn to help others. Although I have made lots of new friends, Wang Hui is still my best friend. 第17、18版综合测试(一) 1-5 BBADC 6-10 BDCCA 11-15 AABDC 16-20 DAABC 21-25 BCDAC 26-30 DDACD 31-35 CADAB 36-40 DCABD 41-45 CDCAD 46-50 BCBAC


一、单项选择。 1. — Did you go fishing with yesterday? —Yes, I went with my father. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 2. Do you enjoy ________ photos? A.to take B.take C.taking D.takes 3. I have quite friends. I feel very happy. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 4. I _____you yesterday afternoon,but you ________at home. A. call,aren’t B. am calling,aren’t C. called,were D. called,weren’t 5.There is in today’s newspaper. Let’s read a storybook. A. something interesting B. nothing interesting C. interesting something D. interesting nothing 6. Nobody taught me English . I learned it by . A. I B.my C. mine D.myself 7.The book is .I feel . A. boring , boring B. bored , boring C. boring, bored D. bored , bored 8. I’ll try ________ late again. A. don’t B. don’t be C. not be D. not to be 9.—I am________. May I have something to eat? —OK. Here is some bread. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. sleepy 10.Kate ________ her uncle last night. She did her homework. A. doesn’t visit B.don’t visit C.didn’t visit D.visited 11.Don’t forget ________ your homework tomorrow. A.bring B.to bring C.brought D.bringing 12. He went into his room and ______to work. A. begins B. began C. beginning D. to begin 13. — ________ are they staying? —Two days. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. When 14.________ he is ill, ________he goes to school. A. Although; but B. /; / C. Although; / D. But; although 15. They watch TV________. A. one a week B. once a week C. one the week D. once week 16. The old man is well because he often_______. A. exercises B. drinks C. sleeps D. play 17.—________do you read English books? —Twice a day. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 18. Nancy is ________ because she has a good habit. A. tall B. busy C. interesting D. healthy 19. He ________ late for school. A. is often B. often is C. does often D. often does


最新八年级下册英语辅导资料人教版 一、重点词汇 1. 名词: rocket火箭space station太空站moon月亮,月球astronaut宇航员robot机器人 paper纸,纸张building建筑物,楼房pollution污染interview 面试,面谈human人,人类 prediction预测sound声音company公司scientist科学家factory工厂 2. 动词: fly飞行(flew)take乘(took)fall落下(fell)write写(wrote)keep养(kept) thinght) come true实现(came) dress穿衣(dressed) predict预测(predicted) seem好像(seemed) 3. 形容词: be able to能够bored厌烦的,厌倦的unpleasant使人不愉快的possible(impossible)(不)可能的 4. 副词: probably大概casually随意地alone单独地,孤独地already已经everywhere到处 5. 代词:everything每件事物myself我自己which哪个,哪几

个 词汇运用 1.名词单复数变化:paper(不可数)company-companies factory-factories human-humans 2.动词过去式:fall-fell write-wrote fly-flew 3.形容词---副词:casual-casually possible-impossible 5.名词---形容词:bore-bored / boring pleasure-(un)pleasant 4.代词变化:I-myself 二、重点短语 1. in the future 在将来 2. in 100 years 一百年后 3. fall in love with… 爱上… 4. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 5. the same as 和…相同 6.live to (be) … years old 活到…岁 7. less free time/pollution 更少的空闲时间/污染8. fewer people/buildings更少的人/楼https://www.doczj.com/doc/d52580263.html,e true 实现 10.get bored 变得厌倦11. be able to do sth.能,会做某事12.try to do sth. 尽力做某事 13. like living alone喜欢单独居住14.work for myself为自己工作15.help sb.with/do/to do sth.帮助某人做某事 三、重点句型(情景交际用语1.2.3; 书面表达句型6) 1. -Where do you live -I live in an apartment.


外研版初中英语八年级上单词表 Module 1 1.两个人,一对 2.改正,正确的 3.拼写 4.练习 5.意义,意思 6.把…填完整 7.句子 8.词典,字典 9.语法 10.字母 11.查找 12.错误 13.犯错误 14.理解,明白 15.(过去式) 16.意见,建议 17.应该 18.可能的 19.写下,记下 20.笔记本 21.忘记 22.(过去式) 23.发……音 24.大声地 25.电台,广播 26.发音 27.关键性的 28.主要的 29.优秀的 30.赞同31.同意某人 32.词汇 33.请求 34.改进,改善 35.主要的,基础的 36.提出意见 37.羞怯的 38.谈话 39.快地 40.合理的 41.建议,提议Module 2 1. 小山 2. 人口 3. 宽的 4.百万 5. 相当地,很 6.相当好 7. 比 8. 北方 9. 南方 10. 西方 11. 故乡,家乡 12. 尤其 13. 因…而闻名 14. 大学 15. 岛屿 16. 地区 17. 矮的,低的 18. 山 19.农村地区Module 3 1.棒球

2.排球 3.烦人的 4.令人激动的 5.已经 6.问题,麻烦 7.怎么了? 8.使受伤 9.令人愉快的 10.奥林匹克运动会 11.体育场 12.未击中 13.介意,讨厌 14.打败 15.粗心的 16.用欢呼声激励 17.教练 18.球迷 19.对 20.训练,操练 21.练习(n.) 22.使温暖 23.热身 24. 通常的 25.更好的 26.开心的 27.传递 28.机会 29.响亮地 30.自信的Module 4 1.路,公路 2.交通事故 3.除…之外 4.遥远的 5.远离 6.拥挤的 7.旅行,旅程 8.预订 9.在…之外 10.选择 11.然而,可是 12.价钱为,花费Module 5 1.女演员 2.茶馆 3.提议 4.结束,结尾 5.最后,终于 6.不知道 7.一幕 8.展示,显示 9.普通的 10.描写,描述 11.社会 12.开始,起初 13.校长 14.大学 15.小说 16.如果 17.魔术的Module 6 1.蛇 2.薄的,细长的 3.危险 4.处于危险 5. 终于,最后


最新人教版八年级英语上册第十单元知识点总结 副校长/组长签字:签字日期: 年级:八年级上课次数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 课题Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 课型□预习课□同步课□复习课□习题课授课日期及时段2014 年月日教学目的 重难点 教学内容 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 一、书本重要语法点梳理 一、词组、短语: 1、go to the party 参加晚会, 2、have a great /good time 玩的开心, 3、stay at home,呆在家, 4、take the bus乘公交车, 5、tomorrow night明天晚上, 6、have a class party 开班级晚会, 7、have a class meeting 开班会, 8、half the class 全班一半人, 9、make some food 做食物, 10、at the party 在晚会上, 11、order food 预定食物, 12、potato chips薯条, 13、be angry with sb.对某人生气, 14、give sb some advice给某人建议/劝告, 15、travel around the world 周游世界, 16、go to college 上大学, 17、make(a lot of)money 挣钱/赚钱 18、get an education上学/受教育, 19、work hard 努力工作/努力学习, 20、a soccer player 一个足球运动员, 21、keep…to oneself 把…留给自己/独处/避免与人交往, 22、talk to sb.与某人谈话, 23、in life在一生中, 24、 in the end 在最后,


外研版八年级上册英语单词表(2013年第一次印刷) Module 1 pair n. (相关的)两个人,一对correct v. 改正;纠正adj. 正确的;对的 spelling n. 拼写 word n.词;单词;字 practise v. 练习 match v.找到与......相配之物,使相配;使成对 meaning n. 意义;意思 complete v. 把......填完整;使完全sentence n. 句子 dictionary n.词典;字典 grammar n.语法 letter n.字母 look up 查;查找 mistake n.错误;过错 make a mistake 犯错误 understand v.(understood) 理解;明白advice n. 意见;建议 should v. aux. 应该 possible adj. 可能的 write down 写下;记下 notebook n.笔记本 forget v.(forgot) 忘;忘记 pronounce v.发......的音 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 radio n. 电台;广播 pronunciation n.发音 key adj. 关键性的;非常重要的 main adj. 主要的;最大的 excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的 agree v.赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人 vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量 ask for 请求(给予) improve v. 改进;改善 basic adj.主要的;基础的 time n.次;回;时间 advise v. 向......提出意见;忠告;建议shy adj.羞怯的;腼腆的conversation n. 谈话;交谈 quickly adv.快地;迅速地 natural adj.合理的;合乎常情的suggest v.建议;提议 place v.放置n.地方 Module 2 hill n,小山;山丘 population n.(某一地区的)人口,全体居民 wide adj.宽的;宽阔的 million num.百万 pretty adv.[主口]相当地;非常;很 pretty good 相当好;很好 than prep.比 get v.变成;成为 north n.北;北方adj.在北方的;朝北的south n.南;南方adj.在南方的;朝南的west n.西;西方adj.在西方的;朝西的home town 故乡;家乡 especially adv.尤其 be famous for 因.......而闻名 university n. 大学 island n.岛;岛屿 area n.地区;区域 low adj.矮的;低的 mountain n. 山;山岳 countryside n.农村地区;乡下 umbrella n.雨伞 Module 3 baseball n.棒球 volleyball n.排球 boring adj. 烦人的;无聊的 exciting adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的relaxing adj.令人愉快的;使人放松的score v.(体育比赛中)得(分) already adv. 已经;早已 matter n.问题;麻烦 What’s the matter ? 怎么了?


八年级下册英语辅导资料 I. 1-5 BADBC 6-10 CCABD Ⅱ. 1. should be given back 2. Did; put 3. can’t go; unless 4. What did; try 5. What a 6. which / that was built; attracts 7. bought; for 8. don’t think; will9. what to10. at the age of III. 1. more expensive改为expensive 2. too改为so 3. because改为because of 4. won’t改为will 5. late改为latest 6. widely改为wide 7. accepted改为received 8. dead改为death9. it放到up前面10. having改为to have IV. 1. well 2. yourself3. skills4. earn5. staying 6. more 7. goes 8. With 9. important10. first 第16版暑假作业(十六) I. 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABACD II. 1. ones 2. go 3. most4. in 5. they 6. help 7. says 8. offering 9. another 10. that III. (A) 1. problems 2. speak3. join 4. Listening to 5. improved (B) 1. with 2. taken 3. But 4. sleep 5. What 6. pieces 7. and 8. exercise 9. less 10. follow (C) 1-5 EABGD IV. One possible version: Thank you, my best friend Two years ago, I was a cool girl and looked like a boy. I didn’t like to talk to others. One day, a special girl named Wang Hui came into my life. She was very lovely.


八年级上册英语辅导练习题外研版 第二部分语言知识运用(80分) 四、单词拼写根据句意及首字母或中文提示, 完成下列句子中的单词。(5分) 1. He has bad e_________ because of too much computer work at night. 2. My English teacher has a good sense of h__________. 3. He is 1.80 meters in h__________. 4. I borrow three m_________ from the library every month. 5. “Harry Potter” was very p__________ in the students a few years ago. 五、词形转换用所给单词的适当形式填空。(第小题1分,满分5分) 1. He helps us a lot, he is a __________ (help) student. 2. This film is very boring I felt _________ (bore). 3. I am a __________ (read) of yours, I read your every article in the newspaper. 4.He is very clever, because he always answers the questions _________(correct). 5. I am _________ (will) to teach these children. 六、选择填空在下列每小题A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空 格内的答案。(每小题1分,满分10分) ( ) 1. He always tells funny things to me and always ___________. A. makes me to laugh B. makes me laughing C. makes me laugh D. makes me laughs ( ) 2. Today you look ___________ better. A. little B. a little C. less D. very ( ) 3. I want to sing around the world __________. A. in the future B. in a future C. on future D. on the future ( ) 4. I think swimming is __________ hiking. A. not as interesting as B. not interesting as C. not more interesting as D. not the most interesting ( ) 5. Bob do esn’t know the way to the cinema. I don’t know, _________. A. too B. either C. also D. neither ( ) 6. She is ready to help people ___________. A. any time B. anytime C. some time D. sometime ( ) 7. Mr Zhou is good at __________ jokes. A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. speaking ( ) 8. Which is __________, the sun, the moon or the earth? A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest ( ) 9. He is __________ in my class. A. the nicest boys B. one of the nicest boy C. nicest boy D. one of the nicest boys ( ) 10. My English is so poor, so I _________ my English. A. need help with B. need to help C. need for helping D. need helping 七、句型转换根据括号内的要求改写句子。(每小格1分,满分10分) 1. I don’t know what I shall do. (同义句) I don’t know ___________ ____________ ___________.


最新外研版2019年八年级英语上册知识点归纳 Module 1 How to learn English 重点短语: 1.practise doing sth. 练习做某事study plan学习计划 2. a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):许多、很多 the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):……的数量 3.advice建议paper纸(都是不可数名词) a piece of advice一条建议 a piece of paper 一张纸 three pieces of paper 三张纸 give sb. some advice给某人一些建议 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人去做某事 4.write it / them down把它(它们)写下来 5.What else? 还有什么其它的? 6.It is adj.(形容词)+for sb. )to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事怎么样 It is difficult for old people to learn English well. 对于老年人来说学习英语很难. It is adj. (形容词)+ (of sb.) to do sth. 某人做某事某人怎么样 It is very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我你真好. (以上动词不定式短语在句中作真正,It 是形式主语) 7.It is a good idea\way to do sth. 做某事时个好主意(好方法). 8.this term这学期last term上学期next term下学期 9.help sb. (to)do sth. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 10.ask for advice征求意见basic questions基本问题 11.人(作主语)+spend on sth. 人(作主语)+spend (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间做某事 物(作主语)+cost (花某人多少钱) It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花某人多少时间去做某事 人(作主语)+pay for(付钱、花钱) 12.the meaning of……的意思try to do sth. 尝试做某事 13.talk\speak to sb.与某人谈话write to sb. 写信给某人 14.start a conversation开始一段谈话 15.talk about sth. with sb.跟某人谈论某事 16.as much\many as possible尽可能多地 Let’s speak English as much as possible. Let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible. =Let’s find out what else we can do to save animals as many as possible. much 修饰不可数名词many 修饰可数名词 17.make mistakes \make a mistake 犯错误 18.listen to the radio听收音机

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