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Reading report

Paper title: A new hard rock TBM performance prediction model for project planning

Major: 隧道与地下工程

Name: 叶宇航

Number: 1530767

Several models have been introduced over the years for prediction of hard rock TBM performance.The TBM performance prediction models are mostly based on an empirical or a semi-theoretical approach. Although they have advantages and area of applications, they also have disadvantages, such as CSM model don’t consider the main influencing parameter, NTNU model require special experiments originated from the drilling, QTBM are too complicated. The authors hope to better understand machine-rock interaction and to develop a more accurate model for performance estimate of hard rock TBMs. In order to achieve it, the authors investigate the field data of three main tunneling projects in Iran and Manapouri tunnel project in New Zealand. The data obtained from the projects as before mention including geological and performance parameters, have wide ranges of variations. But these wide ranges of geological and performance parameters helped in developing a more comprehensive TBM performance prediction model which has covered different geological conditions.

In general, to justify the use of TBM in any project and for planning purposes, a reasonably accurate estimation of rate of penetration (ROP), daily rate of advance (AR), and cutter cost/life estimate is necessary. But the authors chosen Field Penetration Index (FPI) which is a composite parameter as the machine parameter. In the text, both single and multi-variable regression analyzes were used to investigate relationship between engineering rock properties and TBM performance parameters and finally to develop empirical equation. The analysis of the data obtained from the projects proved that FPI is a suitable machine performance parameter for developing empirical relationships with geological parameters. And multi-variable regression analysis show good correlation between ln (FPI) as response parameter and UCS and RQD as predictors. In conclusion FPI is a good parameter for the evaluation of hard rock TBM performance. Therefore, the authors developed a chart of FPI prediction. This chart can be used for quick estimation of range of values for FPI in grounds with different rock strength and rock quality.

Excepts the FPI, the authors also concerned the boreability. Boreability is the term commonly used to express the ease or difficulty of rockmass excavation by a tunnel boring machine. Rock mass boreability depends on a number of influencing parameters including intact rock/rock mass properties, machine specifications and operational parameters. In tunneling projects, ground characteristics or boreability of the rockmass is an important parameter for selecting machine type and specifications. It is clear that proper evaluation of rock mass boreability can also play a major role in machine operation to achieve the best performance. FPI can be selected as an index for categorizing rock mass boreability. Based on the analysis of give projects, the authors defined six rock mass boreability classes, from most difficult for boring or B-0 class(Tough) to easiest for boring or B-V class (Excellent). Considered the relationship between FPI and boreability, the authors give a table of TBM performance estimation in rock masses with different boreability classes.

All in all, the paper proposed a simple model to evaluate rock mass boreability and TBM performance range. This model demonstrates that machine performance has been related to two main rock properties (UCS and RQD) and two operational parameters (average cutter head thrust

and RPM).These Input parameters of the model are available in the preliminary stages of the tunnel design and planning. From this paper, I have a much better understanding of the estimation of TBM performance and the impact factors of FPI and boreability. And I think the model proposed in this paper can be applied as a useful tool for quick estimation of TBM performance in projects with different geological conditions and machine diameters. And this model is worth using widely.The new boreability classification which based on rock masses characteristics to allow for prediction of FPI values also worth learning. The authors adopt both single and multi-variable regression to analyze the relationship between engineering rock properties and TBM performance parameters. As a result, it obtains a good result. So, I think when we investigate a problem which influenced by various parameters, we can consider not just single parameter but multi-variable regression. In the process of developed model, varieties of charts which demonstrate the relationship between different parameter play an important role. Thus, chart is an important tool for research. In engineering project, theoretical model should be easy to use so that it can play an important role in project planning. So, I think the classes of rock mass boreability defined in the paper is useful to engineering field.


土木工程(代码:0814)培养方案 一、学科简介及方向 广西大学土木工程学科创办于1932年,具有悠久的办学历史,曾为我国中南、西南乃至台湾地区的土木工程学科发展培养了一批领军人才,做出了突出贡献。经过80多年的历史沉淀、建设和发展,特别是国家“211工程”连续三个五年计划的重点建设和中西部综合实力提升计划的支持,本学科拥有良好的实验基地和科研条件,在人才培养、科学研究、师资队伍建设等方面取得显著成就,其中的结构工程学科连续入选“十五”、“十一五”国家重点学科,2013年土木工程学科入选广西优势特色重点学科。近10年学科相继获得了土木工程博士后流动站、土木工程一级学科博士点、土木工程一级学科硕士点、建筑与土木工程领域专业硕士点、工程防灾与结构安全教育部重点实验室、广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室、广西省级创新团队——工程防灾与结构安全广西人才小高地。2012年获批增设土木工程一级学科下的二级学科博士点——建筑与城市环境技术,开始培养建筑技术、建筑设计与建筑历史、城乡规划等领域的人才。当前已经形成了一个师资队伍强、教学条件好、人才培养质量高、科技攻关能力强,且具有鲜明特色的土木工程学科,综合实力区内领先、国内先进,并具有一定国际影响力的土木工程学科。 土木工程一级学科硕士点下设五个二级学科:1.结构工程;2.岩土工程;3.防灾减灾工程及防护工程;4.桥梁与隧道工程;5.建筑与城市环境技术。 有研究方向如下:1.混凝土、预应力混凝土结构及高层建筑结构;2.工程结构分析、设计及施工控制;3.钢结构及组合结构;4.土木工程防灾与减灾;5.道路桥梁工程设计理论与施工方法;6.桥梁结构抗风与抗震评估理论;7.地下工程;8.特殊岩土与工程;9.地域建筑及设计技术;10.城乡规划设计与生态环境保护。 二、培养目标 培养适应我国现代化建设需要的德智体全面发展的高级专业人才,要求:1.较好地掌握马列主义基本原理、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,树立辩证唯物主义世界观、坚持四项基本原则、热爱祖国、遵纪守法、品德高尚、学风严谨,具有良好的科学和职业道德,有良好的心理素质和较强的事业心。 2.掌握土木工程学科领域的基本理论、系统的专门知识和必要的工程实践知


英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. later to relocate quotations or other information. 4. evaluation. your opinion is the most important part of the report. it may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. in either case, your opinion impression of the material after you have finished the book. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. *** 题目统一为: a book report of thirty-nine steps 内容的四个部分可以成四个段落写,不能出现1,2,3,4字样;英文中没有书名号, 每 个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示, 不用引号; 省略号为三点; 常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version 故事大意如下 the gist of the story is as follows 主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine 以……为背景 it is set on the eve of…/it is set on the background that… sample 1 a book report of the black tulip by li minli, class 5, 2005 the black tulip is a novel written by alexandre dumas pere, simplified by micle wester, and was published by shanghai translation press in 1983. the story is set in the 17th century in holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted. in this story, cornelius van baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. however, boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. he then supervises every movement of cornelius secretly for fear that cornelius may grow better tulips than his own. besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy cornelius’ tulips by all means. once a while, he accuses cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation. this nearly causes him to death. even here, cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper. but unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by boxtel. it’s rosa who proves the truth and saves coenelius by


面对海量的文献信息我们往往会感觉无从下手,更不要提阅读外国文献了。但是阅读外国文献 对于把握最新科研动态,扩充自己的知识是非常有必要的,今天我们一起来看看牛人们是怎样 阅读外国文献的~~ 学术牛人1:用自己的话概括和梳理文献及时回顾 心得和经验:我现在每天还保持读至少2-3 篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重 要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什 么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献. 1.回顾重要内容 每次读完文献 (不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的 take home message 是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion 里找, 并且从discuss 里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message 其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点. 2.扩充知识面的读法 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展类似的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个 月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review也行, 但这样人容易懒惰. 3.为了写文章的读法 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion 的时候,看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨 出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和 记亿, 就不容易忘记. 学术牛人2:根据文献重要程度编号精读综述和摘要 一、先看综述 先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。对于国内文献一般批评的声音很多.但它是你迅速了解你的研究领域的入口,在此之后,你再看外 文文献会比一开始直接看外文文献理解的快得多。而国外的综述多为本学科的资深人士撰写, 涉及范围广,可以让人事半功倍。 二、有针对地选择文献 针对你自己的方向,找相近的论文来读,从中理解文章中回答什么问题,通过哪些技术手段来 证明,有哪些结论?从这些文章中,了解研究思路,逻辑推论,学习技术方法. 1.关键词、主题词检索:关键词、主题词一定要选好,这样,才能保证你所要的内容的全面。因为,换个主题词,可以有新的内容出现。 2.检索某个学者:查SCI,知道了某个在这个领域有建树的学者,找他近期发表的文章。 3.参考综述检索:如果有与自己课题相关或有切入点的综述,可以根据相应的参考文献找 到那些原始的研究论文。


读书报告 班级:农经201302 姓名:唐小东 学号:20136381

“一旦有了投资机会和有效的鼓励,农民将把黄沙变成黄金。”舒尔茨一句话,可谓画龙点睛,使本书的主旨一目了然。<<改造传统农业>>是在发展中国家农业问题方面的一本最重要的著作。作者反对轻视农业的看法,强调现代化农业对经济增长的作用,并从三方面进行了分析:传统农业的基本特征是什么?传统农业为什么不能成为经济增长的源泉?如何改造传统农业,全书对发展中国家农业问题的论述正是围绕这三个问题展开的。 在刘易斯著名的二元经济结构模型中,农业的作用只是为工业扩张提供免费的劳动力。舒尔茨坚决反对轻视农业的观点,在他看来,农业决不是那么消极无为,相反,它可以成为经济增长的原动力。但舒尔茨同时也强调,对于经济增长,传统农业很难作出什么贡献,只有现代化的农业,才可以推动工业的发展。因此,如何把传统农业改造成现代农业,也就顺其自然地成了要讨论的中心问题。传统农业究竟“传统”在哪里呢?舒尔茨认为,在漫长的封建社会里,统治者为了维护自己的切身利益,竭力阻碍技术进步,压制工业发展,农民变革屡受打击后,思想被禁锢、安于现状、墨守成规,对技术创新失去兴趣。他们世世代代使用相同的生产要素,技术水平无法得到提高,不可能进一步增加产量。这是传统农业的基本特征,它导致的后果是生产率低,产出低,农民收入自然就微薄,生产出来的东西,除了满足温饱外,所剩无几。但这,是否就意味着资源配置效率低呢? 许多政府官员和经济学家的观点,几乎是众口一词,认为农民之所以贫穷,是因为农民没有经济头脑,又缺乏管理知识,不能充分利用现有资源。还特此,如果派专家深入到农村中去,把农民组织起来,帮助他们重新配置现有资源,采用西方先进的生产技术,那么,效率可以大幅提高,产量也会随之增加,贫穷落后的农村就可以因此改变。但舒尔茨却不这么认为,他认为,在传统农业中,农民并不愚昧,他们精明能干,锱铢必较,时刻盘算着怎样才能少投入,多产出,生产要素在他们手里,被配置得恰到好处,达到了最佳状态,即便是学识渊博的专家,也不可能再作哪怕是一点点改进。所以,企图通过重新配置现有生产要素,来改变传统农业,是无法实现的。既然传统农业中资源配置合理,那它为什么停滞不前,不能成为经济增长的动力呢?一般认为,这是因为农民铺张浪费,没有节约的习惯,特别是婚丧喜事大操大办,逢年过节铺张浪费,另外,缺少精明、善于投机的商人,所以储蓄少,投资低。但舒尔茨认为,投资低的现象的确存在,但其根源不在于储蓄少或缺少企业家,而在于投资收益率太低,刺激不了人们投资的积极性,结果传统农业毫无生机。 作为改造传统农业的关键因素,新的生产要素有供给者,也有需求者。供给者开发新的生产要素,并提供给农民。由于气候、土地等条件的限制,发达国家的农业生产资料,对于发展中国家来说,不是拿来就可以用,而是要经过研究和改造,才能使之适应于传统农业社会,能够担当起这一重任者,就是新生产要素的供给者。不仅如此,他们还可以利用现有的科学知识,生产出新的生产要素。舒尔茨认为,是这些新生产要素的供给者掌握着经济发展的“钥匙”。早在几年前,中国社会科学院社会学研究所曾作了一个关于社会中,人们对各类职业评价的问卷调查。其中调查结果,排在最后一位的是农民工,没有人选择农民。研究者痛心疾首指出,之所以有人选择农民工,不是他们真的喜欢,而是因为他们还是没有的其他更好的选择,改造中国的传统农业已刻不容缓,三农问题,已喊了多少年,但农民却没有从中受益多少。或许,我们从开始的思路就剑走了偏锋。改造传统农业,是一项宏大的工程,而不是简单的写在纸上,流于会议的几点认识、几点主张上。 如果以学术的视角来看,或许我们的说法更有说服力。有人以为改造传统农业,就是农业的机械化。的确,改造传统的农业需要机械,但未必是机械化,因为我们不能不考虑自己的实际情况。正如舒尔茨所指出的改造传统农业的关键在于提高农业的边际收益,而如何提高则是一个必须回答的难题。提高农业的边际收益,涉及到各个方面,有改造农业的整体环境的努力,有提高农民素质的努力,还有改善农业的经营方式的努力等。而这些正是舒尔茨在《改造传统农业》中向我们介绍的,舒尔茨从划分农业的生产活动出发,研究了传统农业与现代


The Reading Report of Vanity Fair Student number: 1.The author: Thackeray William Makepeace was an English journalist, novelist, famous for his novel VANITY FAIR (1847-48), a tale of middle-class families in London. Most of Thackeray's major novels were published as monthly serials. Thackeray studied in a satirical and moralistic light to describe middle-class English life .He was once seen as the equal of his contemporary Dickens. William Makepeace Thackeray was born in Calcutta in 1811. His parents returned to England in 1817 and Thackeray was educated at Charterhouse and Trinity College, Cambridge. His father was an officer of the East India Company. When he was 4 years old, his father died and a wealthy merchant became his stepfather who always moved in polite society. However, Thackeray became addicted to gambling and left Cambridge in 1830 without a degree and heavily in debt. And then he began writing. Thackeray moved to Paris where he became the French correspondent for the radical newspaper The Constitutional. When The Constitutional ceased publication, Thackeray moved back to England and began


英语读书报告怎么写格式范文 英语读书报告在提高大学生英语学习效果、提升教师大学英语科 研水平方面有着其他形式的写作所不具有的优势,英语读书报告有哪 些呢?下面是的英语读书报告资料,欢迎阅读. 英语读书报告篇1 thelousydriftageofstrandofrecord》 iliketoreadtheadventurenovelspecially,amongthemleavingformeimpre ssivewouldbe《thelousydriftageofstrandofrecord》. abodyofstrandofisatamiddleclafamilyinengland.theagesoftheyouth,hel eavesthehousethenandpersonally,goingtooverseastogotorisky.anonthewat erdieinanaccident,hedriftsanisletofsmokewithunmanned荒 alone.starttobeverypessimism,afterwardsforthesakeofexistence,hemovedt ocometheclothes,freshwater,foodbreakontheboat,tooletc.,startedthenewlif e.heplantsthecorn,raisingandtrainthegoat,obtainingtheenoughthing.afterso meyears,itisaflockoftoarrivethisundertakingpedestrianmeat 宴,hesavedasavagecountrypeople,goingtoa"friday"forhim.henceforth,50% ofweekthefriendandtheservantthatheisfaithful.afterislanduplivefor28years, theytakeoneroadtowasreturntobythebritishshipofthewasteislandengland. atthebeginningwhenireadthisbookthrough,wereislousybythestrandofh epresumestheadventure,thediligententerprisingspiritshocked.hedriftsthew asteisland,notonlyhavenopessimismdisappointment,butalsoma-ki-nguseoftheconditionontheisland,plant,raiseandtrain,theparadisethatma-ki-ngwasteislandbecomecanexistfreely.wecanalsoseeheisamindandbodyhealt h,diligententerprisinghe- man.onthedesolateisolatedisland,hewanttobeapersonalonewiththerainsand windsthunderandlightningphysicalfightwiththemosquitowildbeastphysical


Enlightenment of the Economic Naturalist in Search of Explanations for Everyday Enigmas. 陈志奇I61214054 Last year, one of my friends gave me a book, which was about economic naturalist. One raining day, I picked up this book out of curiosity, and began to enjoy it. The book is most interesting one I have ever learned. Robert H. Frank who is the author of the book is the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics at Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management. His "Economic Scene" column appears monthly in the "New York Times." His previous books include "The Winner-Take-All Society" (with Philip Cook), "Luxury Fever," and "Principles of Economics" (with Ben Bernanke). Frank's many awards include the Apple Distinguished Teaching Award and the Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. He lives in Ithaca, New York. Why do the keypads on drive-up cash machines have Braille dots? Why are round-trip fares from Orlando to Kansas City higher than those from Kansas City to Orlando? For decades, Robert Frank has been asking his economics students to pose and answer questions like these as a way of learning how economic principles operate in the real world-which they do everywhere, all the time. Once you learn to think like an economist, all kinds of puzzling observations start to make sense. Drive-up ATM keypads have Braille dots because it’s cheaper to make the same machine for both drive-up and walk-up locations. Travelers from Kansas City to Orlando pay less because they are usually price-sensitive tourists with many choices of destination, whereas travelers originating from Orlando typically choose Kansas City for specific family or business reasons. The Economic Naturalist employs basic economic principles to answer scores of intriguing questions from everyday life, and, along the way, introduces key ideas such as the cost-benefit principle, the “no cash on the table” principle, and the law of one price. This is as delightful and painless a way to learn fundamental economics as there is. Commonplace book, professor frank from reality and neglected life phenomenon, first put forward a series of seemingly simple but suddenly unexpectedly let us hard to answer

英文文献阅读技巧 怎么样看文献最有效

看了大半年文献,没有什么经验,前几天去实验室和老板聊天,觉得自己看文献就像看历史书,呜呼!悲哉! 无意间看到一篇文章觉得总结得不错,就与大家分享一下,觉得好就回复一个! 1.牛人一 (从phd到现在工作半年,发了12篇paper, 7篇first author.) 我现在每天还保持读至少2-3篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重要的自己总结 概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献. 1. 每次读完文献 (不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的 take home message是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract, conclusion里找, 并且从discuss里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点. 2. 扩充知识面的读法, 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题, 以及目前的进展类似 的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review也行, 但这样人容易懒惰. 3. 为了写文章的读法, 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion的时候, 看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候, 效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿, 就不容易忘记. 2.牛人二 科研牛人二告诉研究生怎么看文献,怎么写论文 一、先看综述 先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。对于国内文献一般批评的声音很多.但它是你迅速了解你的研究领域的入口,在此之后,你再看外文文献会比一开始直接看外文文献理解的快得多。而国外的综述多为本学科的资深人士撰写,涉及范围广,可以让人事半功倍。 二、有针对地选择文献 针对你自己的方向,找相近的论文来读,从中理解文章中回答什么问题,通过哪些技术手段来证明,有哪些结论?从这些文章中,了解研究思路,逻辑推论,学习技术方法. 1.关键词、主题词检索: 关键词、主题词一定要选好,这样,才能保证你所要的内容的全面。因为,换个主题词,可以有新的内容出现。 2. 检索某个学者: 查SCI,知道了某个在这个领域有建树的学者,找他近期发表的文章。 3. 参考综述检索: 如果有与自己课题相关或有切入点的综述,可以根据相应的参考文献找到那些原始的研究论文。


高等岩石力学 读书报告 学院:国土资源工程学院 专业:地质工程 姓名:曾敏 学号:2006201071 高等岩石力学读书报告 岩石力学是研究岩石在外界因素(如荷载、水流、温度变化等)作用下的应力、应变、破坏、稳定性及加固的学科。又称岩体力学,它是力学的一个分支。研究的目的在于解决水利、土木工程等建设中的岩石工程问题。它是近代发展起来的一门新兴学科,是一门应用性的基础学科。对于岩石力学的定义有很多种说法,这里推荐一种较广义、较严格的定义:“岩石力学是研究岩石的力学性状的一门理论科学,同时也是应用科学;它是力学的一个分支,研究岩石对于各种物理环境的力场所产生的效应。”这个定义既概括了岩石力学所研究的破碎与稳定两个主要方面的内容,也概括了岩石受到一切力场作用所引起的各种力学效应。岩石力学的理论基础相当广泛,涉及固体力学、流体力学、计算数学、弹塑性理论、工程地质和地球物理学等学科,并与这些学科相互渗透。 岩石力学主要理论基础及与其他学科的结合 岩石力学是一门应用性的基础学科。它的理论基础相当广泛,涉及到很多基础及应用学科。岩石力学的力学分支基础 1、固体力学 固体力学是力学中形成较早、理论性较强、应用较广的一个分支,它主要研究可变形固体在外界因素(如载荷、温度、湿度等)作用下,其内部各个质点所产生的位移、运动、应力、应变以及破坏等的规律。在采矿工程中用到的固体力学主要有:材料力学,结构力学,弹、塑性力学,复合材料力学,断裂力学和损伤力学。如把采场上覆岩层看作是梁或板结构用的就是结构力学理论;采用弹性力学研究巷道周围的应力分布。 2、流体力学 流体力学主要研究流体本身的静止状态和运动状态,以及流体和固体界壁间有相对运动时的相互作用和流动规律。流体力学中研究得最多的流体是水和空气。对于地下采矿工程来说,其研究对象就是地下水与瓦斯等矿井气体。 3、爆炸力学 爆炸力学主要研究爆炸的发生和发展规律,以及爆炸的力学效应的利用和防护。它从力学角度研究爆炸能量突然释放或急剧转化的过程,以及由此产生的强冲击波(又称激波)、高速流动、大变形和破坏、抛掷等效应。同时爆炸力学是流体力学、固体力学和物理学、化学之间的一门交叉学科。地下开采中的巷道掘进,露天开采中的采剥都要进行爆破。 4、计算力学 计算力学是综合力学、计算数学和计算机科学的知识,以计算机为工具研究解决力学问题的理论、方法,以及编制软件的学科。从20世纪50年代以来,它在力学的各分支学科和边缘学科中得到了很大的发展,无论是在科学研究还是工程技术中均得到了广泛应用,现在它已成为力学除理论研究和实验研究之外的第3种手段。常见的计算力学方法并已广泛用到数值模拟计算中的有:材料非线性有限元法、几何非线性有限元法、热传导和热应力有限元法、弹性动力学有限元法、边界元法、离散元法、无网格法、有限差分法、非连续变形分析等。以计算力学为基础的数值模拟方法在采矿工程中的研究应用也正广泛地开展起来。


篇一:英文读书报告撰写格式 英文读书报告撰写格式 1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中 学生姓名、专业班级、学号、正文及参考文献均为小4号 双倍行距 3.报告第一页第一行应为:报告题目 第二行靠右应为:学生姓名、专业班级、学号 附: 英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1. three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life. it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book. to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book. 2. writing of the book report 1) the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. above all, it should be objective. 3) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work. 篇二:英语读书报告要求及范文(1) 英语读书报告格式要求范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. 注意: 题目统一为: a book report on 英文书名(斜体),标题居中,正文两端对齐; 内容的几个部分可以成若干个段落写,但不能出现1,2,3,4序号字样; 英文中没有书名号, 书名斜体;注意其他英文标点符号使用及字母大小写的规范;字体


英语读书报告格式范文 英语读书报告格式范文Thereisnostandardforabookreport.However,everybookreportshouldc ontainthefollowingfourparts:1.Identification.Givethetitleandauthor’sname.Ifthebookisonewithwhichyourreadersmaynotbefamiliar,identif yitfurther.Givethenameofthepublisher,theplaceandyearofpublication,t heprice,andthenumberofpages.2.Classification.Awordorphraseearlyin yourreporthelpsthereaderkeepinmindthetypeofbookonwhichyouarere porting;mystery,biography,humor,adventure,andsoon.Yourreadercant henmentallycompareitwithsimilarbookshehasread.3.Description.Ask illfulbookreportgivesanoverallviewofabookwithoutgivingawayitsout come.Yourdescriptionofabookmayincludequotationsorbriefsketcheso fscenesoractionthatyouthinkarerepresentativeofthebook.Takenoteswh ilereading.Itwillsaveyouthetimeandtroubleofthumbingthroughtheboo klatertorelocatequotationsorotherination.4.uation.Youropinionisthem ostimportantpartofthereport.Itmaybeeitheryourimmediatereactiontoth ebookorajudgmentbasedonfurtherstudy.Ineithercase,youropinionsho uldbedefiniteandclear.Itshouldbesupportedwithfacts.Youwillwanttoc ommentoncharacterizations,plot,https://www.doczj.com/doc/e314556761.html,pareorcont rastittootherbooksyou’veread.Writeawordofcriticismorpraisewhilereading.Itwillhelpyourec allyourimpressionofthematerialafteryouhavefinishedthebook.Writing


英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的格式 1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written. The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be: o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information. o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph

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