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Do you have a favourite number or a number that is special to you?(8 幸运)

Yes, 8 is my lucky number which often gives me a lot of surprsie and I love this number(心灵)

Do any numbers have special meaning in your country?(18 意味着成年) Absolutely, certain ages are very special particularly for young people(特征). For

instance, 18 is very important for a young guy which means he is already an adult.

Are you good at remembering numbers? Why / why not?(不好,直接存手机)

Actually no, remembering numbers is difficult for me (心灵). I don't think it's necessary to learn them by heart; sometimes I simply save them on my mobile phone(手脚).


Do you like doing housework? (心灵:让人觉得累)

No,I dislike housework, it’s just so tiring(心灵). I am the only child in my family so my parents seldom ask me to do housework. But I must wash the dishes after dinner(手脚) this kind of simple thing is must-do. In the future I wish I will be rich enough to have a robot as a housekeeper(头脑).

How do you think housework could be made more interesting?


I often play some music, particularly pop music, just because music can make me shake my body like a dancer(手脚). Such《let it go》, just like magic, when I listen to this music(耳朵), I can’t control myse lf to wave my hands(手脚).

Did your parents ask you do any housework when you were a child?

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Yes they did, in some of the Chinese festivals like spring festival,they often asked me to

do some simple housework such as do the dishes or take out the trash (手脚)

Do you think children should do some housework?


Absolutely yes, they can learn to be more independent(头脑)by doing some houswork. For example, when they grow up, they can rely on themselves and have a better life.

Which do you think is better for doing housework, a machine or a person?


I think using a machine to do housework is more convenient and efficient(效率) especially when we are quite busy ,then we can have more time to focous on our work or study.

In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing housework? (不好说,心灵:感觉不太合适,可以使家庭更和谐)

Generally speaking, it’s better not for machines to repl ace humans, mainly because doing housework together as a family has a particular significance in our life and may make the whole family more harmounious.


How much TV do you usually watch?


I often watch a lot of TV such as variety shows(特征), especially at weekends when I spend whole day watching TV,which always helps me forget my worries.

What is your favourite TV


Well, I’m interested in “A bite of china” where there are a lot of great food. Every time when I watch this program , my mouth can’t help watering(嘴巴) and I prefer Chuan flavor food.

Did you watch much TV when you were a child


Not too much, but I was very keen on watching animation for example “Haier brothers ”, I usually watched it in summer vacaition. What’s more, it was really eyecatching.(


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Do you think television has changed in the past few decades?



Yes I think so. There are more channels available. Plus the visual effects (视觉) are more vivid and there are many sorts of background music(听觉).Therefore, I feel it is very enjobable to watch TV when I have some leisure time.

Has television changed your life in anyway?



Certainly. Watching TV is a shortcut for me to get more updated information (头脑) and happiness.(心灵)The TV p rogram I like best is“happy camp” which always can lift my spirit(心灵). Without it, I would feel bored(心灵)at weekends.

Time management

Are you good at organizing time? (不是,心灵:内疚)

Not really. Actually I feel guilty about wasting time on something unimportant(心灵). but I

have too many distractions,especially at weekends(特征), I make a plan then I always

couldn't follow it.

How do you usually organize time?(手机Diary , 效率:非常方便)

Well,time is super important, so I usually list my tasks(手脚)in my phone dairy every morning and sum it up every night to remind me what to do. (效率)

Do you think planning is important for time management?(当然更加有效率)Definitely yes.Time never comes back when it’s gone, so planning is very necessary. Especially for office workers(特征), planning helps them to achieve their goals without

wasting time(效率) Otherwise, it’s easy to forget some deadlines(假设).

Why do you think some people pay to learn time

management?(时间就是金钱,头脑:想学习一些实用的技巧,尤其是一些老板)Well,for some bosses, Time is just like money. it’s an efficient (效率)way to learn some

practical skills(头脑)for them to manage their companies. It’s quite useful. (效率) Do you think children should learn to manage



Yes,time management is very important for children, which helps them to get things

done more efficiently. I still remember when I was a primary school student, I had no

idea about time management ,which always made me put off my homework (手脚)and

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so I failed in the exams .(心灵)

Why do some people find it hard to follow their


Well, most of us are lazy (心灵) particularly those who are the only child in the family, some

of them are spoiled by their parents. It is not such a big deal not to follow the

plans in their

mind. They are more likely to give up.

Do old people and young people organize time in a similar way?

Not really. Old people tend to have more time to do something at will(心灵),like chatting

with neighbours(嘴) in a park and doing workouts(手脚)in the early morning. However,

for young people, their time management would be more work-oriented or study-oriented.


Did you climb trees when you were a child?


Yes I did especially when lived with my grandparents in the small village during summer

vacation. When I was a kid, climbing trees was the most interesting game we had( 心灵

)Therefore,I often climb trees which was also a good way to see the beautiful scenery

(视觉)in the countryside

Do you like to go to the forest? Why? (喜欢,听到鸟叫声,呼吸新鲜空气)Definitely, I love the feeling of walking in the forest in the early morning, listening to the

birds chirping in the trees (耳朵)and breathe fresh air(鼻子)that is the best way to start a new


Do people need to protect trees?


Obviously yes. we really need to protect trees or even plant more trees to protect our living

environment. Without trees, air pollution will get worse and worse(假设). Maybe one day we

might have a dirty world which will make us feel extremely uncomfortable(心灵). Is it comfortable to live in a place with lots of trees?


Yes, personally, I think it is very enjoyable(心灵)to go jogging in a place with lots of

trees(手脚), enjoying the lovely view(视觉)and listening to the birds chirping in the trees

(鼻子).By the way, my favorite place is Hangzhou

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How do you usually spend your weekends? (购物,聚会,有时候在家看书)

It really depends,If the weather is nice, I usually hang out(手脚) with my close friends.

There’re many options such as going shopping, having a small get-together which really

add a lot of spice(心灵)to the weekends. However, if the weather is lousy, I normally

just stay at home like a couch potato or read(眼睛)my favourite books, which can always bring me great joy.(心灵)

In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends? (男人手脚:徒步骑行女人通常购物,在家看肥皂剧)

Men are more interested in doing some physical activities, like hiking, cycling(手脚) to

loosen up. (心灵) Simply because they are usually under a lot of pressure(心灵)at work. But women prefer shopping(手脚)and have chit-chat (嘴)with their besties or

stay at home curling up(手脚) on the sofa with the latest soap operas.

When do you spend time with your family?


Probably every weekend,the main reason is that I’m a family type of person I find that

spending time with my family is a perfect way to wind down and enjoy myself(心灵).We

often watch good movies https://www.doczj.com/doc/e817268181.html,st weekend ,we enjoyed a blockbuster named “speed and passion”.

What did you do last weekend? (打篮球,交了新朋友)

Well, I had an awesome weekend with my close friends. we played basketball (手脚), which

offers me an excellent way to get fit(健康)and spice up my life(心灵). Besides, we had a big

meal in granny’s house that night which made me very happy. I just got to know a new friend

who could speak English fluently(心灵). We had a lot in common.

Is anything new that you would like to do on weekends?


Yes, I’m looking forward to watching(视觉)a live concert. I’m a big fan of Eason who is

such a brilliant and charming singer. When I was a primary school student,I often bought(手脚) his albums, which was definitely a hit with me.(心灵)

Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child? (重要,心灵:工作压力大,没有时间和朋友家人在一起。)

Definitely. The main reason is that I got a job now which gives a lot of stress. We

don’t have

too much time with friends or family. Some people I know work long days and only have a

rest day on Sunday. So it’s quite necessary to take some time off and relax(心灵)at

weekends to relieve our pressure(健康).

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What's the weather like today? (晴天,适合慢跑,感觉很舒服)

Today is a sunny day. The whole world is just so warm and cosy. (心灵) I feel it is extremely comfortable(心灵)jogging(手脚)in the sunshine.

What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?) (晴天,可以踢足球)

I love sunny days most, especially sunny days in spring. I can do a lot of outdoor activities like play football or walk(手脚)in the park, breathing(鼻子)fresh air, feeling(心灵)the gentle breeze blowing over my face. It always puts me in a great mood.(心灵)

What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?


There are plenty of things I can do when it’s lovely and sunny. I usually play badminton(手脚) with my parents when I’m home, which enables me to spend some

quality time with them. In my childhood I often went jogging(手脚)with my dad or

watching(眼睛)kids play hide-and-seek. It was so enjoyable.(心灵)

What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown? (经常变


Changealbe and I dislike it. Sometimes it’s wet and cold and sometimes it’s hot. But in

summer it’s quite pleasant(心灵) because I live near the sea. In my childhood, there was

a fantastic sea view(视觉) and in the summer, I usually walked along the beach (手脚)and felt the sea breeze.(心灵)Wow. It was so mind-blowing.(心灵)

Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why? /Why not?)


Definitely not. I’m always in a bad mood(心灵)when it rains. Mainly because I can’t

hang out(手脚)with my friends which makes me so depressed.(心灵)

How often is the weather good in your hometown?


Two or three days each week. I feel that weather is such a magic thing. (心灵)


the weather is wonderful, I’m always in high spirit and full of energy,(心灵),then I can

work more efficiently(效率).

What did you do the last time the weather was good? (出去手脚爬山,吃烧烤)Well, a couple of days ago I went to mountain hiking (手脚) with my friends cause I’m

quite keen on visiting natural places. The scenery(眼睛) is often very beautiful and of

course the air(鼻子) is clean and fresh. We had a terrific barbecue,(嘴巴)and listening

to music(耳朵)and played cards(手脚)which is so enjoyable.(心灵)

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Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?


I’m not quite sure. But I feel that the winter isn’t as cold as before and we have fewer

snowing days .I kind of dislike the long and harsh winter, which makes me feel miserable. (心灵)

Does the weather ever affect what you do?


Yes, I’m a sort of weather sensitive guy. I often feel depressed (心灵)when the weather is

lousy. I hate rainy days because I have to stay home and watch(眼睛)a few DVDs, which seems so boring.(心灵)

Do you like snow? (Why?) (喜欢,经常手脚堆雪人,现在拍照片和朋友分享)

Yes and I was so fascinated by snow when I was a little kid. I usually made a snowman or

had a snowball fight(手脚) with my friends which made me very excited .Now,I often

take some nice pictures(手脚) and then share them with my friends by twitter. Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?


My preference is absolutely having four clear cut seasons mainly because I can have

totally different things to enjoy, for example, we can go on an outing(手脚) and have a

picnic in spring. And during summer we can eat delicious fruits such as watermelon(嘴),

which is my favourite.

Do people (in China) play the same sports in different seasons of the year? (看情况吧,足球一年四季都可以,夏天一般游泳)

It varies. It depends on different kinds of sports. For example we play football during the

whole year(手脚), however ,most people only choose to swim in summer which can help

them to feel cooler(心灵).


Do you like to collect anything? (嘴巴:喜欢收集巧克力)

Yes, I have a sweet tooth, so I’m very interested in collecting different kind of chocolates,

which can make life more colorful.

How much time do you spend on your collection?(每周几个小时,特别是在周末)A couple of hours each week especially at weekend. I think it’s a fantastic way for me to

wind down(心灵) and I often share my chocolates with good friends.

Would you keep your collection in your future? (是的,心灵:回忆过去的美好)Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能

舌尖上的雅思/专注于做中国最好的雅思口语教育/新浪微博@雅思钱多多Well, for me, collecting things can be a lifetime hobby, which keeps a lot of unforgettable

memories. (头脑) Thinking back I do remember my dad usually brought(手脚)a lot

of chocolates for me during travelling to show his love for me. (心灵)

Why do people keep old things?


I guess people especially old generations keep old things like antiques and old coins in

order to increae their wealth金钱).What’more,they prefer these old

things ,because

some of them carry historic stories(意义).

What kinds of things do Chinese people like to collect?


It varies. Different strokes for different folks. Some people collect things for personal

pleasure,(心灵) such as toys, CDs, and novels. Others collect stuff in order to increase

their wealth,(金钱)like artworks, precious stones or coins.


Do you like to watch the sky? (心灵:压力大的时候喜欢)

Yes! I do love to watch the sky especially (举例)when I am under a lot of pressure. Every

time I look up to the vast and blue beautiful sky (视觉) , it makes me so relaxed and


What is the sky like at night in your hometown?(视觉:美丽,梦幻,漫天星星)I enjoyed watching the countless shiny stars(视觉)when I was a child. However,

because of the severe air pollution, (环境)you can hardly watch those shiny stars



Do you like to watch stars?(是的,头脑:总会联想起一些神话故事)

Yes I truly like to watch stars especially when I feel lonely. (举例)I still remember

when I was a child,I often watched the early evening stars(眼睛)after school,


accompanied me all the way back home.

Have you ever taken a course about stars


Actually no,I haven’t taken a course about stars. You know my major is not about astronomy. But I have learned a little bit about it from a famous magazine called ‘the

secret world’(举例). And what’s more I can read the news (视觉)about stars using the

app on my smart phone , which is so convinient.(修饰)

Is it important to study stars?(头脑:探索宇宙的奥秘)

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舌尖上的雅思/专注于做中国最好的雅思口语教育/新浪微博@雅思钱多多Sure,I do believe we human beings have the ability (头脑)to explore the universe. And it's very funny(心灵)to find something mysterious in another world , in this way

we can get a huge sense of achievement. (心灵)

What is your favourite star? (月亮寓意:嫦娥奔月的故事)

The start I like best is moon,which has different meaning in ancient

times.(介绍功能)There is a famous traditional tale that I can remember very clearly is

Chang’e Bengyue (举例), which is a really romantic love story. (心灵)In a word, the

moon is close to my heart.(心灵)


Are there many (or, any) museums in your


Yes, we have many museums but most of them are history museums which are not relevant to our daily life(心灵)and always make me feel bored(心灵), therefore, I

seldom go there.

Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?

(当然了,博物馆可以让游客了解我们的家乡或国家,比如你可以看到一些古董) Sure, they are very useful. Museum are the places where we can display


and things from the past. This is a quick and easy way(效率)for visitors to learn about the culture of the my hometown/country.

Do you often visit a museum?(前面说了,很少去,有时候朋友来,带他们去参观) As I mentioned above, I almost never go there. But when my friends visit my hometown,

I often invite them to go to these museums. They take a lot of pictures (手脚)and then

have a better understanding of my hometown(头脑).

Did you go to any museum when you were a


Yep. The only museum I can remember is the local history museum where there are

many old photos of my hometown. I feel they are very meaningful for the local people

and me(意义).

When was the last time you visited a

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舌尖上的雅思/专注于做中国最好的雅思口语教育/新浪微博@雅思钱多多museum?(记不清楚了,未来我可能会考虑多去,尤其是其他城市的博物馆。) Frankly speaking, I can’t remember the last time I visited a museum. If I had the chance(假设), I would consider going to museums in different cities such as Shanghai

and Hangzhou , which can enable me to know more various cultures and customs(功能).

Do you think museums are


Sure. Once I saw a Ming dynasty bowl which was extremely eye catching(眼睛)and its

beauty totally shocked(心灵me. Without museums, I couldn’t tell you about these things.

Do you think it’s suitable for museum to sell thing s to


It’s hard to say. If people who are in charge of the museum spend those money repairing

or decorating the museum, then selling things is much more meaningful. (心灵). But I

don’t think it’s reasonable to sell things just for making money.


Do you often write things?(心灵:很多作业,无聊)

Yes I have to write a lot because of too much cumbersome homework, which is always

boring.(心灵)Sometimes I write some moments.(手脚)

Do you write everyday? (一般夜间写日记,缓解压力)

Oh yes, I always write some diaries at night,(手脚)which can release my pressure from busy study or work in the daytime. (心灵). Not only that ,writing diaries can help me keep the unforgettable moments which happened in my life.(心灵)

What do you usually write?(很多,经常写信给女友,分享生活)

I usually write diaries, e-mails, letters and so on. I often write letters to my girlfriend

who is studying abroad now(修饰), just for sharing my life with her(心灵), and we probably get married soon.

Do you like writing to people? (喜欢写给朋友,头脑:分享彼此的生活经历)

No doubt about that, I like writing to people so much especially my friends. I always like

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to share life experiences with my friends through writing letters,(头脑)which we could keep until we all grow old.

How often do you send e-mails? (每周几次,发学术报告)

A couple of times a week. Basically I often send academic reports to the professors abroad, (手脚)which are good ways for us to keep close touch. And I can also get a lot

of useful feedback, which has a great impact on my further study(意义).

What are your main reasons for using e-mails?(效率:方便)

Wow,One of the reasons why I use e-mails is its rapidity. If you send an e-mail to your

friend, the e-mail will be sent to his mail box in no time.(效率)Secondly, I use


because it is quite convenient. I can send e-mails to any of my friend at any time if free

wifi is available.(效率)

Do you like to send e-mails?


Sure. I use many kinds of e-mails such as yahoo mail, g-mail, hot-mail, QQ mail. QQ mail

is my preference just because it is not so difficult to find the email adress of your friends.(效率)

Do you usually write by hand or write use a computer (typewriter or wordprocessor)?(


Normally I often write by using my laptop, which is a time-saving way(效率). Just like

I mentioned before, I can use my computer to write emails ,it is much faster than writing

letters. In addition, I can put some photos in the words writen by myself(手脚). Nowadays, how do most people write things?(电脑,IPAD


Nowadays, more and more people especially young generations tend to use laptops and

IPADs. Sometimes this is such a chore(心灵)and I really think people are losing the

ability to write.(头脑)

Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?


No,I don’t think so . Handwriting is much easier for us to convey our feelings and showing respect,(心灵), sometimes we can also keep it as memory. I still remember that

my girlfriend wrote many letters to me when I was in middle school. (大脑)I still have

those letters and never throw them away .

When do children begin to write in your country?


Maybe the first year of primary school when I was having a Chinese lesson at school, we

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雅思口语素材汇总之端午节 雅思口语素材:Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) Qu Yuan The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats. The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period (475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin. The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river. During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often


雅思口语话题素材:有趣的建筑 Describe an interesting building. You should say: Where it is located. What it looks like. What services are provided? Why you like it. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find mytalk interesting and informative. 1. a) Of all the interesting buildings I have seen, the 305 meter tallRadio and TV Tower in Shenyang comes to mind. b) It is located in the city center near the Government Square. 2. a) The design of the tower is that of a needle with a brood base. b) Situated near the top is what, in my opinion, looks like a massivehamburger. 3. a) The primary function of the Tower is telecommunications.

b) Engineers use it to send telephone signals far and wide. There are a couple of reasons why I find the TV Tower such a fascinatingbuilding. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. 4. a) To start, the tower contains a revolving restaurant. b) What I mean to say is that one can sit down for a meal while the viewover the city is forever changing. It takes 45 minutes to complete onerevolution. 5. a) Secondly, the engineering skills and technologies that were appliedto build it are mind-boggling to me. b) What I mean is that this fills me with a great sense of pride about mynation and my country. 6. a) Lastly, to me the tower is a symbol of the strength of the Chinesepeople. b) For example, it has experienced many storms without being blownover. 7. So, in short, those are my views on an interesting building.


口语常用背诵素材 一,喜好和厌恶: 1.(释放压力)I guess most young people enjoy listening to music. It’s a perfect way to reduce stress/relieve stress. (*It’s a perfect stress-buster.) 2.(休闲)I think the best way to relax and kill time (kick back and relax) is to be with friends. Chatting with them helps me unwind/wind down (* Chatting with them is very therapeutic). 3.(放松)I found it pretty relaxing to flick through a magazine before going to bed (*before hitting the sack/hitting the hay). 4.(运动)Jogging on sunny days and simply basking in the sun(bathing in the sun) is super enjoyable(pleasurable). /Jogging is my favorite workout. It can always cheer me up after I’ve been down and depressed. And it can help me shed some unwanted weight. 5.(喜欢,提升心情)I’m quite into watching sitcom (I’m fascinated by, I’m crazy about, I adore, I’m very fond of...). Spending 20 minutes in front of the screen and having a good laugh after dinner really puts me in a better mood/ switch my mood/ lift my spirits. 6.(天气)I fancy spring most compared to the other three. Summer is simply too hot and stuffy (*muggy), and you can’t stay out for two minutes without getting sweaty and smelly. Autumn is too dry and winter too freezing cold. 7.(电影)I’m a movie buff (Movies are my biggest pastime), and I would either catch one on my couch or go to the movie theatre when they have the one I like on the big screen./ It's a great form of relaxation for me to while away the hours of a long flight, to keep my family together on the sofa, and to give me a bit of a thrill. 8.(无聊困难)I’m terrible at what I study now./(History is never my forte/ my strong suit). The classes are kind of a drag (It’s super dull/ *It’s mind-numbing), and there’s always loads of (tons of) homework to do. Memorizing those facts and years is a lot of effort (is tricky; is no picnic; is challenging for me). 9.(不能忍)I can’t stand (I hate, I totally dislike) the busy traffic in my city. I’m sick and tired of always getting stuck in traffic for a long time during rush hours. It really bothers me (It drives me crazy, *It drives me up the wall). 10. (受欢迎)Hip-hop is really trendy (is catching on, is all the rage) among young people these days. 二,时间和地点 11. (优点)What’s great about my home town is that there are plenty of shopping malls, coz I’m a shopaholic and I can shop for hours. 12. (远)The stadium is quite far away from where I live, and every time I want to do there, it takes me roughly 40 minutes by bus to arrive. (It’s one-hour drive from the city center.) 13. (方便)My apartment is in the center/heart of the city, a handy location where I can find supermarkets and clubs right on my doorstep. It’s a bit noisy though. 14. (近)I’m a movie-goer and and there’s a movie theater pretty close to my home, so I go there quite often (frequently). (close to my home= *within walking distance of my home , *in close proximity to my home) 15. (经常)I have a heavy workload at school, so I have to go to the library to study pretty much


雅思口语Part1常考话题:Clothing 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part1常考话题:Clothing。雅思口语Part1的话题内容相对比较生活化,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 What sort of clothes do you like to wear? What is your favourite kind of clothes? Where do you usually buy clothes? What is the most important thing you consider when buying clothes? What kind of clothes don’t you like? Why not? What is the difference between clothes that people wear on weekdays and weekends? What role do clothes play in people’s life? How do the old people look at young people’s fashion? What is the difference between the opinions of old and young people on clothes?

Why do young people wear clothes and try to look different? What do you think of the fashion today? Do you like fashionable clothes? Where do you get fashion information? Do you think the colour of people’s clothes tells anything about their personality? Travel Do you like travel? Why or why not? Where have you been? What place impressed you most?


U s e f u l E x p r e s s i o n s: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s c ompetitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload


雅思口语素材 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

Useful Expressions: Words and phrases Friends and communication: solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with mutual understanding relationship network/circle of f r i e n d s cultivate/develop friendship with s b . keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality

expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive competence accumulate experiences learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment o p p o r t u n i t i lay the foundations for career p r o s p e r i t y

雅思口语素材Dangerous Sports

Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Nowadays many people attracted to dangerous sports and other dangerous activities. From my everyday experience and observation I think it is a result of dramatic changes in people's life. Just imagine at old times men had to hunt for food, fight, face many challenges and obstacles. Now our days are quite ordinary with a cup of coffee, donut, computer, desk table and TV. Basically, we do not have to straggle every day for our life and we have nutritious meal without any efforts. So, all we have to do is to contemplate out life. However, I must confess it can be boring. All improvements created for the past centuries made our life easier. Nowadays people look for adventure. They want to face a challenge, prove themselves something, conquer the world, etc. Personally, I think that every person sees different goals in doing dangerous activities. Some people want to add some stress and tension to their lives. From the other side, other people want to eliminate stress and tension gained from their everyday lives. They can forget about all troubles and leave them behind. I believe that dangerous activities give one freedom, happiness, feeling of independence and tone. To sum up, I think that dangerous sports and activities are irreplaceable in our life. Without them out life would be miserable and boring.


雅思口语话题常见问题一:你要描述的人是谁?Who this friendis?/Who he or she is?/Who thisperson is?/Who the character was?/Who these two people are? 这个问题是几乎所有人物类话题的第一问,属于必答题。回答这一问题的时候,我们不但需要告诉考官这个人是谁(这是最基本的),而且要对所描述的他/她进行一些修饰,要让考官在没有见过这个人的情况下能够闭上眼仿佛看到这个人就正站在身旁一样。评书中所说的“此人眉分八彩,目若朗星,准头端正,齿白唇红”起的就是这一作用。比如我们来一起看看下面这段对人的描述: He is well oversix feet tall,has this long straggly brown hair. He has a perpetual look ofbemusement on his face,full-sleeve tattoos on both arms,and always wears some variation of a sleeveless leather vest,holey blue jeans tucked into his beat-up cowboy boots,and a cigarette between his lips at all times。 他身高六尺有余,头上散着棕色的头发。他的眼神既忧郁又总带有困惑。双臂从上到下布满了纹身。他总是身着各种无袖皮坎肩,把满是破洞的蓝色牛仔裤裤腿扎进那几双破旧的牛仔靴里,而且嘴里无时无刻的不叼着根烟。 如果我们作答的时候可以说出以上的描述,考官想不给你高分都不可能。因为在他们脑海中可以清晰的浮现出这个人的形象,他好像正在向考官们走来,嘴里吐着烟圈,马上要说“How are you doing,man?”了。所以,如果我们想让自己的作答能够使考官眼前一亮、记忆深刻,我们就要抓住细节来充分描述,比如说这个人身上比较有特点的地方:发型、体态、眼神、穿着等等。这些细节的描述远比那种范范的诸如“He‘s quite tall and strong with long hair on his head。”要生动的多,所得的分数自然也就相距甚远了。 建议:我们在练习时不妨把人物类话题归为老人、孩子、同龄人、公众人物这么几类,然后再分别用细节描述这几类人,使得在回答Who he or she is?时给考官一种活灵活现的感觉。 雅思口语话题常见问题二:你是怎么遇到这个人的?How you firstmet this person?/How you know this person?/How you know him/her?/How you know aboutthis person? 如果各位烤鸭对人物类的机经很熟悉的话,就不难发现这是另外一道在该类话题中出现的高频题。回答该题时,要让考官有一种是 “当事人”感觉。所以我们要把当时第一次见到所描述对象的场景详细的讲述给考官,细节的描述不但可以增加故事的真实性,而且还能


雅思口语素材 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

Useful Expressions: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb.establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s competitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload smooth one’s mental intension confide annoyances a load off one’s mind lift sb. out of high pressure aggravate one's mental intension get away from the daily grind enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure self-relaxation(n.)/ease oneself(v.) vigorous mentality boost our immune system calm the nerves and restore the soul Hobbies and entertainment relieve stress/burden add much spice/flavor to our daily life interdisciplinary talent strike a proper balance between work and leisure realize the value of life explore endless possibility of life material pleasure and spiritual stimulation bring joy to one’s mind


2019年雅思口语范文素材:一次旅行 You should say: - when it happened - where you were traveling to - who you were traveling with and explain why it took longer than you expected. Part 3 Travelling in the City What kind(s) transport would you recommend for people who want to travel around in your hometown? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city? How do you think transportation in cities will change in the future? Long-Distance Travel Do people in your country generally prefer to go on long trips or short trips? (Why?) What effects does long-distance travel have on people? How would you feel if you had the chance to travel in space? 范文

Last year I went to Yunnan with my family and it was really a trip that took longer than I expected. It took longer than I expected due to several reasons. The first one was because of massive delays. For one thing, the airplane delays for more than 8 hours for no reason which was the most ridiculous one and annoyed me a lot. I remembered I read an entire book and played video games but still can’t kill the time. For another, when I arrived at the destination, the hotel was still not ready for us to check in and we wasted another 2 hours. The second reason was travelling in Yunnan was totally different from what I had expected. I thought Yunnan was a quiet city with marvelous natural sceneries but when I arrived there I was shocked by the huge number of tourists. No matter where I went I had to take a deep breath. I don’t feel natural and I can’t focus here. Anyway, it was really an awful trip. If I could choose again I would rather stay at home.

【2019-2020】雅思口语话题素材-精选word文档 (1页)

【2019-2020】雅思口语话题素材-精选word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语话题素材 雅思口语素材总结雅思口语要求学生平时多多的积累素材,在口语方面要不断的加强练习。烤鸭们要多模拟不同的场景,多用丰富的口语短语,这 样你的雅思口语水平才能越来越高。下面是常用的一些口语短语,供大家参考! 1、 a change of pace 改变步调;换口味 You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long . You certainly need a change of pace . 2、 a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is a far cry from the early manuscript . 3、 and how 的确 A : Shes a good dancer . B : And how . 4、 a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time . 5、 a phone call away 一个电话之远,即愿意过来帮忙 If you need my help , do let me know . Just remember I am a phone call away . 6、 a while back 不久以前 Well , I listened to that CD you lent me a while back . 7、 all along 一直 I knew it all along . 8、 anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going . 9、 account for 解释 How do you account for it ? 10、 after all 毕竟;终究 A : Ive just seen the X - rays and your teeth look just fine . B : I see . Then there is nothing to worry about after all . 11、allergic to 对过敏 Oh man ! Something in this room is making my eyes itch . I must be allergic to something . 12、 at sbs service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time . 13、 around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam . 14、 as far as I know 就我所知 But as far as I know , he once won the world champion at the Olympic Games . 15、 at home with 对很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this . 16、 back out 退出 A : Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight ? B : Yes , but he backed out at last minute . 17、be cut out for 适合于,有做某事物的天赋 She is cut out for a dancer . 18、 be absorbed in 全神贯注于某事物 She has been absorbed in a horrorfiction . I cant tear her away . 19、 be addicted to 对某事物上瘾 She has been addicted to drugs for years . 20、 be attached to 对某事物有感情 A : Im amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours . I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago . B : It runs well and Ive actually been quite attached to it .


一.雅思P2相关话题 一日假期 和外国朋友一起吃饺子的建议 1.The best way to eat a dumpling is in one bite. “Dumplings are designed to be consumed in one mouthful, as it’s the best way to enjoy the combination of the meat filling and the very thin and springy flour wrapper,” If you can’t use chopsticks, eat your dumplings with your fingers. Avoid using a fork at all costs, as piercing the dumpling will compromise the flavour. 3.Mix two parts vinegar with one part soy sauce for the perfect dumpling sauce. Add young ginger slices too, Chili oil is also a great addition when available. 4.Dumplings are just one element of dim sum. “Dim sum doesn’t just include dumplings. It’s also braised dishes like pork ribs, chicken feet, and beef balls. It’s actually small tapas-style dishes that are eaten in Cantonese restaurants at lunchtime,” 5.Xiao long bao dumplings are different from others as they contain broth. They originated in the Jiangnan region of China and are prepared in bamboo steaming baskets called xiao long, hence the name. 6.When eating xiao long bao or a dumpling with a ~soupy~ interior, opt for chopsticks and a spoon. “As soon as the dumplings arrive at your table, lift one from the steamer basket onto a soup spoon. Next, tear the skin of the dumpling by pressing the chopsticks from the side of the dumpling onto the spoon. The broth will ooze out onto the spoon. Sip the soup then enjoy the dumpling in one mouthful.” 7.You can tell whether your dumpling was cooked fresh or frozen by looking at the skin. “The skin of a freshly made dumpling is springy and light. “Frozen ones tend to be soggy.” 8.When makingdumplingsat home, try to keep your packages small.

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