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国际会计第七版课后答案(第四章) 作者:弗雷德里克

国际会计第七版课后答案(第四章)  作者:弗雷德里克
国际会计第七版课后答案(第四章)  作者:弗雷德里克

Chapter 4

Comparative Accounting: The Americas and Asia

Discussion Questions

1. Public and private sector bodies are involved in regulating and enforcing financial reporting in the

United States. The Financial Accounting Standards Board is a private sector body that determines U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Securities and Exchange Commission has the authority to determine U.S. GAAP for publicly held companies, but defers to the FASB. The FASB and SEC have a close working relationship that ensures that FASB standards are acceptable to the SEC. The SEC enforces financial reporting rules for publicly held companies. It actively reviews the filings that companies make. Auditors are the enforcers for non-publicly held companies.

Accounting standards in Mexico are issued by the Council for Research and Development of Financial Information Standards (CINIF), an independent public-private sector body patterned after the U.S. FASB. Its authority for issuing Mexican accounting standards is recognized by the National Banking and Securities Commission, the government agency that regulates the Mexican Stock Exchange. The Commission is responsible for enforcing financial reporting standards for listed companies. However, it is unclear how proactive the Commission is in investigating filings that it receives. Enforcement of financial reporting for non-listed companies effectively rests with auditors.

Japanese accounting standards are set by a private sector body, the Accounting Standards Board of Japan. The establishment of the ASBJ is a recent development in Japan. Before, accounting standard setting was a government activity. Enforcement of financial reporting effectively rests with auditors. The stock exchange is regulated by the Financial Services Agency, a government body. However, it is unclear how proactive the FSA is in monitoring financial reporting by Japanese companies.

Accounting standard setting is a government activity in China. The China Accounting Standards Committee is the authoritative body within the Ministry of Finance responsible for developing accounting standards. The China Securities Regulatory Committee is the government agency that regulates China’s two stock exchanges. The CSRC is also responsible fo r enforcing financial reporting for listed companies. Many question the effectiveness of the Chinese enforcement mechanism.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in India, a private sector professional body, develops accounting standards in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India, an agency of the Ministry of Finance, regulates India’s 22 stock exchanges and is responsible for enforcing financial reporting rules. However, it is unclear how proactive the board is in monitoring financial reporting by Indian companies.

Overall, the five countries vary in terms of private versus public sector responsibility for regulating and enforcing financial reporting. Enforcement is questionable in several countries.

The United States has the strongest mechanism for regulating and enforcing financial reporting of the five countries.

2. The United States and India are common law countries that have fair presentation oriented

financial reporting. Mexico also has fair presentation oriented financial reporting because of U.S.

influence. In addition, Mexico has inflation-adjusted accounting, in contrast to the other four countries. Japan is a code law country and its accounting has traditionally been characterized as conservative and tax-driven, just like other code law countries (such as France and Germany discussed in Chapter 3.) However, it is moving to fair presentation because of its commitment to converge Japanese accounting standards with IFRS. China is likewise moving toward fair presentation oriented accounting by adopting IFRS as Chinese GAAP. Despite adopting fair presentation principles, one can question whether the Chinese achieve it in application. There is an acute shortage of trained accountants in China and the profession remains undeveloped. The accounting profession is strong in the other four countries, including the “developing” economies of India and Mexico.

3.The auditor oversight bodies discussed in this chapter are:

a.United States – Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

b.Japan – Certified Public Accountant and Auditing Oversight Board

The recent establishment of independent auditor oversight bodies in the United States and Japan is in response to recent worldwide accounting scandals. Both represent tightening control over auditors.

4. Tax legislation pays a limited role in all five countries, with the exception of Japan. In the United

States, financial and tax accounting are separate except for LIFO. Tax legislation has little influence on financial reporting practices in Mexico. For example, there are numerous differences between financial and tax accounting, such as the calculation of cost of sales, depreciation, and goodwill amortization. Tax legislation has traditionally been one side of the “triangular legal syste m” in Japan, exerting an influence on Japanese accounting standards. However, the influence of taxation is declining with the alignment of Japanese accounting standards to IFRS.

Several years ago, tax legislation had some influence in China, but this has waned as China develops a more complete set of financial reporting standards. India, like other common law countries, separates financial and tax accounting.

4.This question has been of interest in academia for quite some time. Is accounting expertise a

necessary precondition for economic development, or can an economy advance without it? It would seem that an economy cannot advance very far without accounting expertise. But the relationship probably works both ways, just like demand creates supply and vice-versa.

The example of China demonstrates the importance of developing accounting (standards, knowledge, etc.). Accounting is a part of the market reform packages in China, so the need has been recognized from the start. Mexico and India have been market-oriented longer than China, and their accounting is more developed. But again, it is apparent in these two countries that accounting supports economic development.

6. U.K. standards (Chapter 3) and IFRS (Chapter 8) are said to reflect principles-based standards,

while U.S. standards (this chapter) are said to be rules-based. Generally speaking, principles-based standards set forth broad objectives and fundamentals and require professional judgment for their implementation. They are more flexible than rules-based standards and are likely to result in more divergence in practice. Rules-based standards are more specific in their requirements and have more detailed implementation guidance than principles-based standards.

They are likely to result in more comparability than principles-based standards, but are said to

foster a “check the box” mentality. The chapter says that U.S. GAAP is “probably more voluminous than in the rest of the world combined and substantially more detailed than in any oth er country.” Thus, one can argue that U.S. GAAP is rules-based.

7. The U.K. and U.S. both follow fair presentation accounting, reflecting economic substance rather

than legal form. Both the U.K. “true and fair” and the U.S. “presents fairly” reflect fa ir presentation. However, the U.K. has a true and fair override –accounting standards can be overridden if necessary to achieve a true and fair view. In the U.S., presents fairly means that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed.

8. The most important reconciling item (i.e., the most significant difference between Mexican and

U.S. accounting) relates to the use of general price level accounting in Mexico. Strict historical cost is used in the U.S. Two other differences noted in the chapter are (a) Mexico applies the equity method at 10 percent, whereas the U.S. applies it at 20 percent and (b) in Mexico development costs are capitalized and amortized after technological feasibility has been established; in the U.S., they are expensed.

9.The bursting of the Japanese bubble economy in the 1990s prompted a review of Japanese financial

reporting standards. It became clear that many accounting practices hid how badly many Japanese companies were actually doing. The accounting “big bang” was designed to make the financial condition of Japanese companies more transparent and bring Japanese accounting more in line with international norms.

Practice changes include the following:

a.Requiring listed companies to report a statement of cash flows.

b.Subsidiary companies are consolidated based on control rather than ownership.

c.Affiliated companies are accounted for using the equity method based on influence rather

than ownership.

d.Investments in securities are valued at market rather than cost.

e.Deferred taxes are fully provided.

f.Pension and other retirement obligations are accrued in full.

10.Full and complete disclosure of reliable, evenhanded information is necessary to develop a fair

and efficient stock market. The “Anglo-Saxon” model of a ccounting (discussed in Chapter 2), emphasizing a fair presentation of financial condition and results, and emphasizing stewardship, also fosters the development of a fair and efficient stock market. Countries with this accounting orientation (such as the U.S. and U.K.) have active, fair and efficient stock markets. There is also

a legal structure and an effective enforcement of laws and accounting disclosures to make it all


China is developing accounting standards with the stock market orientation discussed above. So China is on the right track here –the standards themselves will support the development of a stock market. In addition, investors must have confidence that the standards are being followed,

i.e., that the information disseminated by companies is reliable. Thus, good auditing by well-

trained accounting professionals is important. China may have difficulty developing an

accounting profession, which would in turn be a hindrance to stock market development. China must also overcome the culture of secrecy developed under communism.

11.The chapter mentions a number of examples where Chinese accounting standards are consistent

with world class practices. A selective list of the more important ones are the following:

https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,parative, consolidated financial statements including a balance sheet, income

statement, cash flow statement, and notes.

b.Accrual basis for recognizing revenues and expenses, matching, and consistency.

c.Purchase method for business combinations with annual impairments test.

d.Equity method for nonconsolidated affiliates.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,e of historical cost.

f.Finance leases capitalized.

12. The British influence on accounting in India is clear. India has a common law legal system and

fair presentation accounting that accompanies it. Like Britain, financial statements must give a true and fair view and there is a strong self-regulated accounting profession. Professional accountants (auditors) are called chartered accountants in both countries. The financial reporting and accounting measurements described in this chapter for India are very similar to those described in Chapter 3 for the United Kingdom.


1. United States

a.Financial Accounting Standards Board.

b.Securities and Exchange Commission.


a.The Council for Research and Development of Financial Information Standards.

b.There is no definitive enforcement agency. However, the National Banking and

Securities commission regulates the Mexican Stock Exchange.


a.The Accounting Standards Board of Japan.

b.The Financial Services Agency for listed companies under the securities law and the

Ministry of Justice, when company law is involved.


a.The Chinese Accounting Standards Committee under the Ministry of Finance.

b.The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, under the jurisdiction of the

Ministry of Finance, regulates auditing.


a.Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

b.Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

2.At the time of writing, the following organizations were linked to IFAC’s website:

United States

Institute of Management Accountants

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy


Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos


Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

3.The question asked for five expressions, terms, or short phrases unfamiliar or unusual in the

student’s home country. Taking the United States as the home countr y, here are twelve:

a.Triangular legal system – A description of accounting regulation in Japan consisting of

the interacting Company Law, Securities and Exchange Law, and Corporate Income Tax


b.Socialist market economy – Used in China to describe its planned economy with market


https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,nd and industrial property rights –Still owned by the Chinese government, private

companies acquire the right to use these industrial assets.

d.Pesos of current purchasing power – A term to describe general price level accounting in


e.Tax compliance audit report –Mexican auditors must attest that no irregularities were

observed regarding compliance with tax laws.

f.Statement of changes in financial position –the financial statement in Mexico that

corresponds to the statement of cash flow. However, the statement of changes in

financial position is prepared in constant pesos (adjusted for inflation), while the cash

flow statement uses historical cost.

g.Seniority premiums –compensation paid in Mexico at the termination of employment

based on how long the employee has worked.

h.Keiretsu– Interlocking giant conglomerates in Japan.

i.Guanxi– Relationship culture in China that is based on mutuality and mutual duties.

j.B-shares – Shares issued to foreign investors by Chinese listed companies.

k.True and fair view – The requirement in India that financial statements present a true and fair view came from Britain.

l.Amalgamation – The term used in India for a merger.

4. The most important financial accounting practice or principle at variance with international norms

is probably the following:

United States – LIFO. Driven by tax law considerations, no other country uses LIFO to the extent found in the U.S. LIFO reduces reported earnings. Because older, lower costs of inventory are shown on the balance sheet, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. Companies using LIFO must report so-called LIFO reserves that enable an analyst to convert LIFO amounts to FIFO amounts.

Mexico– Inflation adjustments. Most countries in the world value assets and related expenses at historical cost; few countries incorporate inflation adjustments. With inflation adjustments, earnings will be lower and the debt to asset ratio will probably be lower as well. It is unlikely that an analyst will be able to adjust Mexican accounts to historical cost. Of course, such an adjustment is unwise, given high inflation.

Japan–Pooling of interests method for business combinations where no party obtains control over the other. The international norm is to treat all business combinations as a purchase.

Compared to purchase accounting, pooling results in higher income and lower asset values.

Therefore, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. An analyst will be unable to adjust for this accounting method.

China– Showing the right to use land and industrial property owned by the government as an intangible asset. China is unusual in the extent to which the government owns land and industrial property. As long as these intangibles are fairly valued, there will be no effect on reported earnings or the debt to asset ratio. However, the analyst must realize that the intangible asset shown on a Chinese company’s balance sheet is a tangible asset on the balance sheets of companies from other countries.

India– Pooling of interests method for amalgamations (mergers). As noted above for Japan, the international norm is to treat all business combinations as a purchase. Compared to purchase accounting, pooling results in higher income and lower asset values. Therefore, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. An analyst will be unable to adjust for this accounting method.

5. At the time of writing, the following numbers are reported by the World Federation of Stock


The significant number of listed companies in India may be surprising. It may also be surprising that the number of listed Japanese companies matches the numbers for the United States. Another potential surprise is the fact that the Mexican Stock Exchange has more foreign listed firms than domestic listed firms. Students will probably speculate that most of the foreign listed firms in Mexico are from other Latin American countries, a statement that is in fact true. The lack of foreign listed firms in China and India has two possible explanations –either the government does not allow foreign firms to list on domestic exchanges, or companies do not see these stock markets as an attractive place to raise capital. The latter explanation is why there are so few foreign listed firms in Japan.

5.A comparison of the countries in Exhibit 4-5 reveals few differences among the United States,

Mexico, and China. Thus, all three countries can claim that their GAAP are comparably oriented toward equity investors. However, of the three countries, the United States can probably claim to have GAAP most oriented toward equity investors. The chapter notes that the U.S. has the most voluminous and detailed accounting requirements in the world and that they are rigorously enforced. Thus, the nod goes to the United States.

India and Japan both allow pooling of interests accounting, an accounting treatment now at variance with international norms. The treatment of goodwill in these two countries is also at variance with international norms. In addition, Japan’s lea se accounting treatment is at variance with international norms. Thus, Japan seems to be the country whose GAAP is least oriented toward equity investors.

6.At the time of writing, the following companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange from

Mexico, Japan, India, and China:


America Movil


Coca-Cola FEMSA

Desarrolladora Homex

Empresas ICA

Fomento Economico Mexicano


Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico

Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste

Grupo Casa Saba

Grupo Radio Centro

Grupo Televisa

Grupo TMM

Industrias Bachoco

Telefonos de Mexico






Honda Motor




Matsushita Electric Industrial

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group

Mizuho Financial Group


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

NIS Group Co.

Nomura Holdings





Toyota Motor


Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories



Mahanagar Telephone Nigam

Patni Computer Systems

Satyam Computer Services

Tata Motors

Videsh Sanchar Nigam


WNS Holdings


Aluminum Corporation of China

American Oriental Bioengineering

China Eastern Airlines

China Life Insurance

China Mobile

China Netcom Group

China Petroleum and Chemical

China Southern Airlines

China Telecom

China Unicom

Guangshen Railway

Huaneng Power International

Mindray Medical International

New Oriental Education and Technology


Semiconductor Manufacturing International

Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical

Suntech Power Holdings

Trina Solar

Yanzhou Coal Mining

Mexico has 16 companies listed on the NYSE, ranking third after Brazil (35) and Chile (17).

This is perhaps surprising given the strong economic links between the United States and Mexico discussed in the chapter. One would expect Mexico to have the most of any Latin American country. Of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, China has the most number of companies listed on the NYSE (20); Japan is second (19); and India is third (10). As discussed in the chapter, the economies of China and India are growing rapidly. The relatively large numbers of NYSE listed Chinese and Indian companies probably reflect a need for capital by their larger companies. That Japan has approximately the same number of NYSE listed companies as China is perhaps surprising. However, the chapter discusses how debt financing dominates equity financing in Japan.

8. a. The two major areas of difference are asset valuation and accounting for goodwill. In the

U.K., assets may be valued at historical cost, current cost, or a mixture of the two. When

fixed assets are revalued, depreciation and amortization must be calculated using the

revalued amounts. Only historical cost is allowed in the U.S. In the U.K., goodwill can

be impairments tested, as in the U.S., but may also be amortized over 20 years or less.

Other differences between U.K. and U.S. GAAP relate to LIFO and the calculation of long-term deferred taxes. LIFO is rarely used in the U.K., but is relatively more common

in the U.S. In the U.K., long-term deferred taxes may be valued at discounted present

value. Finally, opportunities for income smoothing are probably greater in the U.K. than

in the U.S.

b.Research has documented that U.S. GAAP earnings is systematically more

conservative than U.K. GAAP earnings (see, for example, P. Weetman and S.J. Gray,

International Financial Analysis and Comparative Corporate Performance: The Impact

of U.K. versus U.S. Accounting Principles on Earnings, Journal of International

Financial Management and Accounting(Summer & Autumn 1990), pp. 111-130).

However, many of the accounting principles on which this research study is based have

now changed.

Goodwill accounting should result in a more conservative income amount for U.K.

companies if they systematically amortize it over 20 years. However, the occasional

impairments write-downs that U.S. companies will have will result in a lower income

amount in the year of write-down. The use of LIFO in the U.S. will result in more

conservatively measured U.S. income amount. However, U.K. companies will report

lower earnings if assets are revalued, because corresponding depreciation charges will be

higher. The effects of U.K. smoothing activities are unclear, but it seems likely that

companies would be more inclined to smooth toward higher earnings rather than lower.

On balance, we think that U.S. companies will have somewhat more conservative

earnings amounts, but U.K and U.S. GAAP are converging.

9. The chapter identifies the following major changes that have occurred since the Japanese “big


https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,rge companies must prepare consolidated financial statements, not just listed ones.

b.Listed companies must report a statement of cash flows.

c.Consolidation is based on control rather than ownership.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,e of the equity method is based on significant influence rather than ownership.

e.Goodwill is calculated based on fair market value of net assets acquired rather than book


f.Goodwill is amortized over 20 years rather than 5 years. It is also impairments tested.

g.Investments in securities are valued at fair market value rather than cost.

h.Inventory is valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value rather than cost.

i.Deferred taxes are now fully provided.

j.Pension and other retirement obligations are now fully accrued.

k.Research and development is now expensed rather than deferred in some cases.

l.For foreign currency translation, revenues and expenses are now translated at the average rate (rather than a choice between year-end or average rates) and the translation

adjust ment is in stockholders’ equity (rather than shown as an asset or liability).

10.The chapter identifies the following major changes that have occurred in Chinese accounting since

the 1990s:

a.The ASBE issued in 2006 represent a comprehensive set of Chinese accounting standards

that are substantially in line with IFRS.

b.The ASBE issued in 2006 also contains auditing standards similar to International

Standards on Auditing. All Chinese accounting firms and auditors are required to follow

these audit standards.

c. A cash flow statement is now require


d.Goodwill is impairments tested rather than amortized.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,e of the equity method is based on influence rather than ownership percentage.

f.Consolidation of subsidiary companies is based on control rather than ownership


g.Foreign currency translation of overseas subsidiaries is based on the primary economic

environment in which they operate.

h.Tangible assets are depreciated over their expected useful lives rather than based on tax


i.Lower of cost or market is now used to value inventory.

j.LIFO is no longer an acceptable inventory costing method.

k.Finance leases are now capitalized.

l.Deferred taxes are now provided in full for all temporary differences.

m.Contingent obligations are now provided for when they are both probable and a reliable estimate can be made of their amount.


12. a. Japan and India allows pooling, while the others do not. Pooling usually results in lower

noncurrent asset amounts and higher income amounts. Goodwill and subsequent

amortization is also excluded under pooling. To the extent that pooling is used by

Japanese and Indian companies, they are likely to have higher debt to equity and debt to

asset ratios. The numerator (return) and the denominators (assets and equity) in the two

profitability ratios should all be higher, but the effect on the ratio is indeterminate.

Liquidity ratios should be unaffected.

b.Japan and India both require goodwill to be capitalized and amortized. This should have

no effect on the either liquidity ratio. The amortization will result in a lower amount of

income going to retained earnings. Thus, the debt to equity ratio will be higher than what

it would be without amortization. The debt to asset ratio will also be higher. The effect

on the profitability ratios is unclear. The numerator (income) will be lower than what it

would be without amortization. However the denominators in each case (assets and

equity) will also be lower.

c.The equity method is used in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative ratios.

d.Price-level adjusted accounting is practiced in Mexico and Indian companies may revalue

their tangible assets to current values. The result is higher asset values, higher equity, and lower income (because of higher depreciation and cost of goods sold charges), compared to historical cost. The current ratio will be higher, but cash flow from operations to current liabilities will be unaffected. Both solvency ratios will be lower because their denominators (assets and equity) will be higher. Both profitability ratios will be lower. The numerator (income) will be lower and the denominators (assets and equity) will be higher.

e.Depreciation in Japan is tax-based, which is normally higher than economics-based

depreciation. This will reduce income and lower the profitability ratios. The more rapid write-off of fixed assets will cause lower total asset values. Thus, the debt to asset ratio should be higher. The debt to equity ratio and both liquidity ratios should be unaffected.

f.LIFO is used in the United States. It is permitted in Japan, but not widely used.

Companies using LIFO should have lower income, so lower profitability ratios.

Inventory will probably be lower, causing the debt to asset ratio to increase and the current ratio to decrease. Cash flow to current liabilities will be unaffected. With less income going to retained earnings, the debt to equity ratio will be higher.

g.Probable losses are accrued in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative


h.Not all finance leases are capitalized in Japan. Companies will report comparatively

lower noncurrent liabilities and noncurrent assets. Income will also be affected, but the amount is probably immaterial. The liquidity ratios should be unaffected. Both solvency ratios should be lower and return on assets will be higher. The effect on return on equity is probably immaterial.

i.Deferred taxes are accrued in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative ratios. j.Some opportunity for income smoothing exists in India. Income smoothing has an indeterminate effect on income in any given year. Therefore it is not possible to know how the profitability ratios are affected. The effect of creating reserves is to shift amounts that would otherwise be in retained earnings into the reserve accounts. Since both of these are in shareholders’ equity, this total is unaffected. Therefore, the solvency ratios are likely to be unaffected. The two liquidity ratios will be unaffected.

Standing On Principles

1. Principles-based standards set forth broad objectives and fundamentals and require professional

judgment for their implementation. They are more flexible than rules-based standards. Rules-based standards are more specific in their requirements and have more detailed implementation guidance than principles-based standards. Many accountants believe that rules-based standards result in more comparable financial reporting than principles-based standards. However, other accountants argue just the opposite. They claim that rules-based standards cause a more rigorous and consistent application of the standards’ intent because a well-defined principle allows few exceptions and “bright lines.” It is also said that rules-based standards erode the professionalism of preparers and auditors because they foster a “check the box” mentality among accountants.

Under principles-based standards, preparers and auditors must step back and consider whether the accounting is really a fair presentation of a company’s operations and financial condition. It is also suggested that rules-based standards allow financial and accounting engineering to structure transactions “around” the rules, thereby circumventing the intent and spirit of the standards.

Principles-based standards would improve the likelihood of convergence of accounting standards globally. Standard setters can come to agreement on principles quicker than they can on detailed rules.

2. The main reason why U.S. GAAP has evolved into a rules-based approach is the litigiousness of

U.S. society. Following detailed rules is easier to defend in court than professional judgment.

U.S. preparers and auditors demand details in order to defend themselves against lawsuits.

Another reason is the standard setting process in the United States. Compromises are inevitable to balance the need for decision-useful information with the practical concerns of the FASB’s constituents. Thus, exceptions are often written into standards. As discussed next, the legalistic environment found in the U.S. would have to change to make principles-based standards effective there.

3. To make principles-based standards effective in the U.S., there would need to be a change in

ethos – not only among preparers and auditors, but also among regulators and users of financial statements. A principles-based approach requires a strong commitment from preparers that their financial statements are a faithful representation of all transactions. It also requires a strong commitment from auditors to resist client pressures. Both groups would need to exercise greater professional judgment than they do now. Regulators and users of financial statements would have to learn to be tolerant of the consequences of applying professional judgment, including possible greater diversity in practice. If lawyers and regulators continually second guess honest judgments made by preparers and auditors, the demand for rules will arise. Finally, the litigious nature of U.S. society would need to change, including the system of laws.

4.In your authors’ opinion, there is no unequivocal answer to whether investors and analysts are

better served by rules-based or principles-based accounting standards. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. The nature of society, including how the legal system settles disputes, impacts the effectiveness of either approach. Until recently, the U.S. seemed to be reasonably well served with a rules-based approach. As noted above, moving to principles-based accounting standards would require substantial change in ethos in the U.S. While principles-based standards may be less complex than rules-based standards, the fact is that the modern economy is full of complex transactions. Accounting standards reflect this reality.

Casino Capital

1.The conditions necessary to develop a stock market in an emerging economy include the following:

a.Accounting that emphasizes fair presentation.

b.Full and complete discl osure of reliable, evenhanded information about companies’

operations and financial condition.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/595639943.html,petent, well-trained professional accountants both in industry and the auditing


d.Investor confidence that reporting and disclosure requirements are being followed and

financial reporting is relevant and reliable.

e.Legal structure and effective enforcement of laws and accounting disclosures.

f.Good corporate governance, including effective monitoring and oversight of management.

g.Sufficient wealth among the population to engage in stock market activity. In general,

the stock market should be seen as a way to save instead of just making a quick profit

from trading.

h.Prohibition of insider trading.

2.As discussed in the chapter, China has adopted accounting standards consistent with IFRS. In

other words, China’s standards are focused on fair presentation. However, from the chapter and the case it is clear that few of the other conditions enumerated above are present in China. The case says that balanc e sheets of Chinese companies are a “joke,” that “numbers are whatever the key man wants them to be,” and that levels of disclosure are “poor.” A 2002 survey revealed that

10 percent of listed Chinese companies “doctored” their books. The chapter discusses the current

shortage of well-trained Chinese accountants. If trading is driven “almost entirely on rumor,” it is difficult to believe that investors have much confidence in the quality of financial reporting by Chinese companies. The legal infrastructure is not yet fully developed and the enforcement of accounting and other standards is weak. The case also mentions weak corporate governance and the lack of qualified independent directors to chair audit committees. It also states that investors are co ncerned with “trading not ownership.” Finally, the case states that “insider trading is still rife on a heroic scale.”

3.Until the problems listed above and in the case are solved, China will not develop a stock market

with fair trading.

4.Reforms include resolving the problems noted above. Students can be expected to concentrate on

accounting training, accounting standard setting, and rules, laws, and regulations aimed at enforcement. One recommendation is a comprehensive training program to develop accounting expertise. Corporate accounting and auditing expertise need to be improved, and resources need to be committed to accomplishing this reform. Outside experts can be brought into China and Chinese students can be sent overseas. Hong Kong is now a part of China and can be an

important component in improving Chinese accounting expertise. A system of laws that enforces shareholder rights (particularly those of minority shareholders), prohibits insider trading, and demands full and complete disclosure of companies’ operations and financial condition also needs to be developed. Such laws, adapted to the Chinese environment, can be patterned after those found in countries such as Australia, the U.K., and U.S. Once in place, the government needs to be sure that these laws are enforced. Regulators need the authority to enforce compliance and penalties are needed for noncompliance. Corporate governance also needs to be improved. Though difficult to achieve at this point, the role of independent directors needs to be strengthened.


管理会计课后习题答案 第一章总论 一、单项选择题 1. B 2. C 3. D 二、多项选择题 1. ABCD 2. ABCD 3. ABCD 4. ABC 5. ABCD 三、判断题 1.√ 2. √ 3.× 4.√ 5.× 6.√ 第二章成本性态与变动成本法 一、单选题 1. D 2. C 3. B 5.C 7.B 10. B 二、多项选择题 1. AB 2. ACD 3. AB 4. AB 5. ABC 6.BCD 7. ABD 8.ABCD 9.BC 10.CD 三、判断题 1.× 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√ 6.√ 7.× 8.√ 四、实践练习题 实践练习1 某企业生产一种机床,最近五年的产量和历史成本资料如下:

要求: (1)采用高低点法进行成本性态分析; (2)采用回归直线法进行成本性态分析。 解:(1)采用高低点法进行成本性态分析: 460=a+50b 550=a+70b, 故b=(550-460)÷(70-50)=; a=460-50×=235 则Y=235+ (2)采用回归直线法进行成本性态分析: b=(5×150925-300×2495)÷(5×18250-300×300)= a=(×300)÷5=205(万元) 则Y=205+ 实践练习2 已知:某企业本期有关成本资料如下:单位直接材料成本为10元,单位直接人工成本为5元,单位变动性制造费用为7元,固定性制造费用总额为4,000元,单位变动性销售管理费用为4元,固定性销售管理费用为1,000元。期初存货量为零,本期产量为1,000件,销量为600件,单位售价为40元。 要求:分别按变动成本法和完全成本法的有关公式计算下列指标:


一、讨论题 7.1对比本章引述的金融工具的3个定义,说明各自的特点。 经济学家和金融界所举的定义都把金融工具界定为金融领域运用的单证:史密斯的定义把金融工具表述 为“对其他经济单位的债权凭证和所有权凭证”,而《银行与金融百科全书》的定义中列举了金融领域运 用的各种单证。 FASB和IASC所下的定义基础是一致的,都把金融工具界定为现金、合同权利或义务及权益工具。IASC 的定义较清晰,在指明金融工具是“形成个企业的金融资产并形成另一企业的金融负债或权益工具的合同” 后,又分别就金融资产、金融负债和权益工具下了定义。 7.2对比本章引述的衍生金融工具的4个定义,说叫各自的特点。 OECD的定义指叫衍生金融工具是“一份双边合约或支付交换协议”,ISDA定义中的表述是“有关互换现金流量和旨存为交易名转移风险的双边合同”。后名的表述更清晰。 两个定义都着币指明衍生金融工具价值的“衍生性”,并指明可作为衍生价值的基础的标的。两者都列 举了各种不同的标的。 FASB和IASC所下的定义基本上是致的,更便于作为衍生金融工具交易的会计处理所依据的概念。讨论 时可参照教本中归纳的6项最基本的特征展开(本章教学要点(二)第3点中的(2)也有简括的表述)。7.3区分金融资产和负债与非金融资产和负债项日是否等同于区分货币性资产和负债与非货币性资产和负 债项日?请予以说明。 不等同。形成收取或支付现金或另金融资产的合同权利或义务,是金融资产和负债的最摹本的特征, 以此(合同权利或义务)区别于非金融资产和负债(参阅教术7 2 1),而货币性资产和负债与非货币性 资产和负债的区分则是根据这些项目对通货膨胀影响或汇率变动的不同反应而作出的。二者是完全不相下 的两种分类法。 更为币要的是,不要把“货币性金融资产和负债”与“货币性资产和负债”这两个概念相混淆。前名 是指“将按固定或可确定的金额收取或支付的金融资产和金融负债”,只是金融资产和金融负债的特定类 别。 7.4衍生金融工具品目繁多,但其基本形式不外乎:(1)远期合同;(2)期货合同:(3)期权合同:(4)互换(掉期)合同。这是根据什么标准区分的?互换合同(掉期合同)为什么不是独立的形式昵? 根据的标准是: (l)远期合同和期货合同在到期时,不论对主动签约方有利还是不利,主动签约方必须履约。 (2)期权合同在到期时,主动签约方(持权人、买方)有选择权有利时履约,不利时可以不履约,合同发 行方(立权人)则有义务在持权人要求履约时出售或购入合同约定的该项资产。 互换(掉期)台同实际上是两份远期合同的调换,因而不是独市的形式。 7.5说明远期合同与期权合同的共性和特性。 共性是都涉及购买或售出标的物的双边远期合约:其特性见讨论题7 4的解题指引。 7.6为什么衍生金融工具交易长期作为表外业务处理?这会带来什么样的严重后果? 因为长期以来都认为金融工具代表的合同权利和义务小符合资产和负债的定义,而符合定义是确认的前提 条件,所以不符合要素定义,其关键在于这些权利和义务不是由于过去的事项形成的。 带来的严重后果是由于衍生金融工具交易形成的收益和损失(报酬和风险)长期游离于表外,使表内信息 足以误导投资人和报表的其他使用者。 7.7衍生金融丁具代表的权利、义务是否符合资产、负债定义? IASC和FASB存开发金融工具会计准则时,部论证了衍生金融工具代表的权利、义务符合资产、负债定 史。可参考教本小7.4l和7 4 2小的论述展开讨论(本章教学要点(四)也有简括的表述)。 7.8如果认为衍生金融工具代表的权利、义务符合资产、负债的定义,那要解决什么问题,才能在资产负 债表内列报衍生金融工具呢? IASC的见解如何? 要解决符合确认标准的问题。IASC在制定IAS 39的过程中的见解是有过改变的,从ED 48把第l项确认


会计信息系统习题册答案 第一章练习题答案 一、名词解释 1.数据:数据是反映客观事物的性质、形态、结构和特征的符号,并能对客观事物的属性进行描述。它既包括数量形式表达的定量属性值,也包括以文字形式表达的定性属性值。 2.信息:信息是经过加工、具有一定涵义的、对决策有价值的数据。 3.系统:系统是为了实现某种目的,由一些元素,按照一定的法则或结构组织起来的一个集合体。 4.信息系统:信息系统是以收集、处理和提供信息为目的的系统,该系统可以收集、输入、处理数据,存储、管理、控制信息,向信息的使用者报告信息,使其达到预定的目标。 5.会计信息系统:利用信息技术对会计信息进行采集、存储和处理,完成会计核算任务,并能提供为进行会计管理、分析、决策用的辅助信息的系统。其组成要素为:计算机硬软件、数据文件。 二、简答题 1.系统有那些特点? 【答案提示】本题可以从如下五个方面进行解答。 1)独立性 2)整体性 3)目标性 4)层次性 5)运动性 2.会计信息系统有那些特点?

【答案提示】本题可以从手工会计信息系统的特点和计算机方式下会计信息系统的特点进行解答,具体答题题纲如下: 1)手工会计信息系统的特点 ①数据量大 ②数据结构复杂 ③数据加工处理方法要求严格 ④数据的及时性、真实性、准确性、完整性、全面性等要求严格 ⑤安全可靠性要求高 2)计算机方式下会计信息系统的特点 ①及时性与准确性 ②集中化与自动化 ③人机结合的系统 ④内部控制更加严格 3.试比较手工会计信息系统与计算机会计信息系统的工作方式? 【答案提示】本题可以如下四个方面进行比较: 1.数据处理方式数据处理流程 3.人员构成和工作组织体制 4.内部控制方式 4.简答财务系统的结构及其功能? 【答案提示】本题可以如下二个方面简答: 1.指出财务系统的结构:总账子系统、工资子系统、固定资产子系统、应收子系统、应付子系统、成本子系统、报表子系统、资金管理子系统等。 2.分别就每一个子系统进行功能简介 三、小组讨论题 小组讨论题的答案需要学生查找一些资料完成,因此推荐学生分小组进行资料的查找,


第一章管理会计概述 (一)单项选择题 1.下列各项中,与传统的财务会计概念相对立而存在的是()。 A. 现代会计 B. 企业会计 C. 管理会计 D. 管理会计学 2.下列会计子系统中,能够履行管理会计“考核评价经营业绩”职能的是()。 A. 预测决策会计 B. 规划控制会计 C. 对外报告会计 D. 责任会计 3.下列各项中,能够作为管理会计原始雏形的标志之一,并于20世纪初在美国出现的是()。 A. 责任会计 B. 预测决策会计 C. 科学管理理论 D. 标准成本计算制度 4.下列各项中,属于划分传统管理会计和现代管理会计两个阶段时间标志的是()。 A. 19世纪90年代 B. 20世纪20年代 C. 20世纪50年代 D. 20世纪70年代 5.管理会计的雏形产生于()。 A. 19世纪末 B. 20世纪上半叶 C. 第二次世界大战之后 D. 20世纪70年代 6.西方最早的管理会计师职业团体成立于()。 A. 20世纪50年代 B. 20世纪60年代 C. 20世纪70年代 D. 20世纪80年代 7.在管理会计发展史上,第一个被人们使用的管理会计术语是()。 A. “管理的会计” B. “管理会计” C. “传统管理会计” D. “现代管理会计” 8.20世纪50年代以来,管理会计进入了“以预测决策会计为主,以规划控制会计和责任会计为辅”的发展阶段,该阶段被称为()。 A. 管理会计萌芽阶段 B. 管理会计过渡阶段 C. 传统管理会计阶段 D. 现代管理会计阶段 9.在西方,企业内部的管理会计部门属于()。 A. 服务部门 B. 生产部门 C. 领导部门 D. 非会计部门 10.在管理会计学中,将“为实现管理会计目标,合理界定管理会计工作的时空范围,统一管理会计操作方法和程序,组织管理会计工作不可缺少的前提条件”称为()。 A. 管理会计假设 B. 管理会计原则 C. 管理会计术语 D. 管理会计概念 11.下列项目中,能够规定管理会计工作对象基本活动空间的假设是()。 A. 多层主体假设 B. 理性行为假设 C. 合理预期假设 D. 充分占有信息假设 12.下列项目中,属于“为满足管理会计面向未来决策的要求,可以根据需要和可能,灵活地确定其工作的时间范围或进行会计分期,不必严格地受财务会计上的会计年度、季度或月份的约束;在时态上可以跨越过去和现在,一直延伸到未来”的假设是()。

国际会计 思考题及答案资料

1.国际会计是如何定义的? 国际会计是会计的一个分支,它主要研究企业从事国际间的经营活动所涉及的会计问题,同时通过会计模式的分类和比较研究,协调各国会计准则和惯例,以期建立统一的世界会计报告体系 2.会计国际化的原因是什么? 第一,国际贸易迅速发展的需要 第二,资本输出迅速发展的需要 第三,跨国公司经营和发展的需要 第四,促进本国经济发展、会计发展的需要 第五,会计具有国际化的本性 3. 影响会计模式的环境因素有哪些? 经济、政治、社会、法律、地理、文化。前几项统称为社会经济环境因素,最后一项是文化因素。社会经济环境因素具体有法律制度、企业资金来源、税制、政治和经济联系、通货膨胀、经济发展水平、教育水平、地理条件等。文化因素包括个人主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、阳刚之气。 4. 缪勒教授对会计模式是如何分类的? 1)按宏观经济要求发展会计 在这种发展模式中,会计与国民经济政策密切相关,公司的目标要服从国民经济政策。为了提高经济和企业经营的稳定性,一般都鼓励企业将各年利润平滑化,折旧率的调整要适应刺激经济增长的需要,并且为了鼓励投资而允许建立特种储备,为了宏观经济的需要而重视增值表、社会责任会计和税务会计。瑞典是这种模式的例子。 (2)以微观经济学为基础发展会计 会计被视为是企业经济学的分支,强调经济活动的中心是私人和企业。会计在其计量和计价过程中要反映经济现实,这意味着会计规则既要成熟又要有灵活性。基本的会计概念是要保持公司资本的真实价值,因此重置成本会计得到重视。荷兰是这种模式的例子。 (3)作为独立学科发展会计 将会计视为能够自我发展、自成体系的独立学科,因而会计形成了独立的自我发展模式。会计不从属于政府的政策和任何经济理论,而是通过成功企业的实务逐渐形成了自己的概念结构,并且在会计实务中经常使用“公认会计原则”的表述。美国是这种模式的例子。


会计信息系统复习题 一、单项选择题 1、下面哪一点不是系统的特征?()P11 A.整体性B.相关性C.目的性D.独立性 2、以下数据流程图的说法哪种是错误的?()P53 A.描述会计信息系统的工具 B.用数据流程图可以表示系统的逻辑模型 C.即企业业务流程图 D.系统分析和构造系统模型的工具 3 、表示数据流程图中的() A.外部项B.数据存储C.数据流D.处理逻辑 4、电算化方式下对会计科目进行编码的最主要作用是()A.减少汉字输入、提高输入速度 B.简化数据的表现形态 C.便于分类汇总、有利于计算机处理 D.提高保密性 5、帐务处理系统中,初始化的作用是设置具体核算规则、方法和() A.建立帐簿 B.建立会计科目 C.输入会计科目余额 D.输入有关的基础数据 6、报表系统处理步骤为()P323 A.新表登记、格式定义、公式定义、报表生成、报表输出B.新表登记、公式定义、格式定义、报表生成、报表输出C.新表登记、公式定义、报表生成、格式定义、报表输出D.新表登记、格式定义、报表生成、公式定义、报表输出 7、在帐务处理系统中,记帐前对凭证的检验不包括() A.需记帐的凭证是否通过审核,若有未通过审核的凭证不能记帐 B.上月是否结帐,上月未结帐本月不能记帐 C.凭证是否借贷平衡;有不平衡的凭证不能记帐 D.凭证是否进行了科目汇总;有未汇总的凭证不能记帐 8、在代码设计中,下列哪个不是代码设计的原则?()P68 A.规范化B.唯一性C.系统性D.模块化 9、在会计软件中,记帐属于数据流程图中的() A.输入部分B.存储部分C.处理部分D.输出部分10、关于电算化方式下内部控制的叙述,正确的是() A.内部控制制度与手工方式下相同 B.在对数据准确性的控制方面,主要进行帐帐、帐证核对C.组织控制、手工控制和程序控制相结合实现全面控制D.岗位责任制与手工方式下相同 11、确定会计科目编码规则方案时、应该满足的要求是()P91 A.所有科目的编码长度相同 B.编码要具有明显的层次性和可扩展性 C.编码的级数不要超过二级 D.编码的级长必须按4、2、2、2的标准设定 12、在账务处理系统中,关于凭证修改的正确叙述是()P110 A.操作员只能修改自己填制的未审凭证,但凭证编号不能修改B.已经审核的凭证不能再修改 C.修改未审核的机内凭证,保留线索 D.修改已记账的机内凭证,不保留线索 13、系统设计阶段主要目的是()P61 A.设计新系统的目标B.代码设计C.模块设计D.将系统逻辑方案转换成物理方案 14、在账务处理系统中,关于修改和删除会计科目的叙述,正确的是() A.会计科目可以随时删除 B.会计科目编码可以修改 C.会计科目使用后,不能删除和修改 D.会计科目建立后,不能删除和修改 15、会计科目编码属于()P90 A.顺序码B.区段码C.分组码D.助记码 16、系统分析的主要任务是完成新系统的()P58 A.物理设计B.逻辑设计C.模块设计D.程序设计 17、会计电算化管理制度不包括() A.会计电算化岗位责任制B.会计电算化操作管理制度 C.电算化会计档案管理制度D.单位内部人员报销制度 18、在会计工作从手工核算向电算化过渡时,需要整理各账户余额,在______建账时,只需要整理各账户期初余额。() A.年初B.年中某月C.年末D.某季度末 19、替代手工记账后,现金和银行存款日记账必须() A.日清日结B.日清月结C.月清月结D.其他


《国际会计》复习题 一、填空题(1分×10=10分) 1.资本市场发达的国家,公司财务报告的目标主要在于保护()的利益。 )。 )。 C、权益结合法 D、主体理论 2. 下列这些国家中,归属为米勒创建的微观经济模式的国家是()。 A、瑞典 B、荷兰 C、英国 D、法国 3.目前在美国,制定会计准则的机构是()。

A、美国证券交易委员会(SEC) B、财务会计准则委员会(FASB) C、会计程序委员会(CAP) D、会计原则委员会(APB) 4.下列这些国家中,财务会计与税务会计相分离的是()。 A、法国 B、德国 C、瑞典 D、美国 5. A 公司拥有B公司70%的股份,拥有C 公司35%的股份;B公司拥有C 税种,在税收源头代扣代缴的税种为()。 A、公司所得税 B、周转税 C、扣缴税 D、过境税 10、会计职业界提供国际性服务的最高层次是()。 A、建立在“联盟”基础上的会计师事务所

B、一体化的国际性会计师事务所 C、国内性质的会计师事务所为从事国际业务而进行的协作 D、国内性质的会计师事务所 三、多项选择题(2分×5=10分) 1、英国的增值表将增值额分配给()。 A、雇员 B、政府 C、出资者 D、企业 B、将该子公司的输入商品的转移价格压低 C、压低该子公司输出商品的转移价格 D、抬高该子公司输出商品的转移价格 5、国际会计协调化的含义可以理解为()。 A、协调化是一个过程

B、协调化是限制和缩小会计差异的过程 C、协调化是形成一套可接受的标准(准则)和惯例的过程 D、协调化是能产生共同合作结果的有序结构的过程 E、协调化是促进各国会计实务和财务信息的可比性的过程 四、简答题(8分×5=40分) 1、什么是国际双重征税?


管理会计习题答案 第一章 一、 (略) 二、 1、A; 2、A; 3、D; 4、C; 5、B 三、 1、BCD; 2、ABC 四、 1、是; 2、错; 3、是; 4、错

第2章成本性态分析自测题参考答案 二、多项选择题 三、判断题 四、计算题 1、(1)采用高低点法对电费进行分解。 高点(1800,7250)、低点(900,4250) b=3.33,a=1256 建立成本函数模型:y=1256+3.33x (2)采用回归直线法对进行分解。 b=3.25,a=1310.42 建立成本函数模型:y=1310.42+3.25x (3)依据回归直线法得到的成本函数模型:y=1310.42+3.25x 将产量x=1900代入模型中,求得电费y=7485.42(元) 2、采用回归直线法对进行分解。 r=0.99→+1 所以X与Y基本正相关 b=9.98,a=181.74 建立成本函数模型:y=181.74+9.98x 3、(1)分步分析程序 8月份混合成本=82500-60000-10000=12500(元) 固定成本=60000(元) 单位变动成本b1 =100(元/件) 12月份固定成本=8月份固定成本=60000(元) 12月份变动成本=20000(元) 12月份混合成本=95000-60000-20000=15000(元) 依据高点坐标(200,15000)、低点坐标(100,12500) 确定b2 =25(元/件),a2 =10000(元) 建立成本函数模型: y=(60000+10000)+(25+100)x =70000+125x (2)同步分析程序 高点(200,95000),低点(100,82500) b=125(元/件),a=70000(元) 建立成本函数模型: y =70000+125x


Chapter 8 Global Accounting and Auditing Standards Discussion Questions 1.A rgument for measurement: ?Discrepancies in international measurement may produce accounting amounts that are vastly different (even where financial transactions and position are identical), leading to incorrect comparisons. Here it doesn’t matter what is disclosed; no reliable comparisons are possible anyway. Arguments for disclosure: ?If companies do not disclose complete information, they can hide losses or future problems from financial statement users. For example, losses can be hidden by offsetting them against gains. Expected future problems related to loss contingencies can be hidden simply by not disclosing them. Thus, if disclosure is incomplete, even the application of similar measurement principles will lead to incorrect comparisons. Clearly, international accounting convergence requires that both measurement and disclosure be made comparable. 2. The term convergence is associated with the International Accounting Standards Board. Before the IASB, harmonization was the commonly used term. Harmonization means that standards are compatible; they do not contain conflicts. Harmonization was generally taken to mean the elimination of differences in existing accounting standards, in other words, finding a common ground among existing standards. Convergence means the gradual elimination of differences in national and international accounting standards. Thus, the terms harmonization and convergence are closely aligned. However, convergence might also involve coming up with a new accounting treatment not in any current standards. 3.a. Reciprocity, or mutual recognition, exists when regulators outside of the home country accept a foreign firm’s financial statements based on the home country’s principles, or perhaps IFRS. For example, the London Stock Exchange accepts U.S. GAAP-based financial statements in filings made by non-U.K. foreign companies. Reciprocity does not increase cross-country comparability of financial statements, and it can create an unlevel playing field in that foreign companies may be allowed to apply standards that are less rigorous than those used by domestic companies. b. With reconciliation, foreign firms can prepare financial statements using the accounting standards of their home country or IFRS, but also must provide a reconciliation between accounting measures (such as net income and shareholders’ equity) of the home country and the country where the financial statements are being filed. Reconciliations are less costly than preparing a full set of financial statements under a different set of accounting principles, but provide only a summary, not the full picture of the enterprise. c. International standards are a result of either international or political agreement, or voluntary (or professionally encouraged) compliance. When accounting standards are applied through political, legal, or regulatory procedures, statutory rules typically govern the process. All other international standards efforts in accounting are voluntary in nature.


《会计信息系统》试题(B) 一、名词解释(24分,每题4分) 1、账套 2、完善性维护 3、操作员 4、按科目排序明细账 5、自动对账 6、扣零 二、单项选择(40分,每题2分) 1、会计信息系统是()中的一个核心子系统。 A. OA系统 B.管理信息系统 C.人事管理系统 D.生产管理系统 2、数据处理的基本工作环节是()。 A、数据的存储、输出 B、数据的加工、传送和输出 C、数据的收集、输入、存储、加工、传送和输出 D、数据的输入、加工、输出 3、系统的主要特点是目标性、层次性、独立性和()。 A、开放性 B、静止性 C、整体性 D、封闭性 4、具有人员分工操作权限的是()。 A、电算维护员 B、账套主管 C、软件操作员 D、审核记账员 5、()有权在系统中建立企业账套。 A、企业总经理 B、系统管理员 C、账套主管 D、销售总监 6、()区分不同账套数据的唯一标志。 A、账套号 B、账套名称 C、单位名称 D、账套主管 7、年度数据结转时,()结转最后完成。 A、购销存系统 B、固定资产管理 C、工资管理 D、总账 8、操作员初始密码由()指定。 A、企业总经理 B、系统管理员 C、账套主管 D、销售总监 9、通常,()科目需由出纳签字。

A、库存现金、银行存款 B、应收、应付 C、负债类 D、资产类 10、若凭证类别只设置一种,通常为()。 A、记账凭证 B、收款凭证 C、现金凭证 D、银行凭证 11、若希望某类凭证的借方必须出现某一科目,可选择()限制类型。 A、凭证必有 B、借方必有 C、贷主必有 D、凭证必无 12、若某一科目既有一级科目又有二级科目,输入科目余额时应()。 A、只输入一级科目余额 B、只输入二级科目余额 C、两者都输入 D、输入哪个都可以 13、在编制报表时发生数据溢出是因为表栏的宽度()数据的实际长度。 A.大于 B. 小于 C. 等于 D. 不等于 14、构成报表的基本单位元是()。 A. 单元 B. 组合单元 C. 变动单元 D. 表体 15、报表的单元是指()。 A. 行 B. 列 C. 由行和列确定的方格 D. 区域 16、在设置工资项目的计算公式时,凡涉及工资项目时应()。 A、手工输入 B、在参照列表中选择输入 C、A、B两种方式都行 D、没有限制 17、在设置工资项目时,对系统提供的各单位都使用的固定项目,下列叙述正确的是()。 A、不允许修改 B、允许修改项目的名称 C、允许修改项目数据的性质 D、允许修改项目数据的类型 18、对固定资产卡片项目进行修改时可以修改()。 A、名称 B、数据类型 C、整数位长 D、小数位长 19.销售与应收子系统中使用的库存产品代码()。 A. 两组代码是不相同的概念 B. 不允许在销售系统中进行设置 C. 必须与库存管理子系统中的代码保持一致 D. 两组代码互不相关 20.为了方便用户使用和保持数据一致性,对销售订单、销售发票、收款单等应该 ()。 A. 允许互相生成


P15第三章变动成本法 令狐采学 1、某公司只生产销售一种产品,计划年度生产量为4000件,销售量为3500件,期初存货为零。预计发生直接材料20000元,直接人工32000元,单位变动制造费用6元/件。固定制造费用28000元。 要求:根据以上资料,分别采用变动成本法和完全成本法计算计划年度的期末产品存货成本。 解:变动成本法=(20000+32000+6*4000)/4000*(4000-3500)=19*500=9500 完全成本法=(20000+32000+6*4000+28000)/4000*(4000-3500)=26*500=13000 5.P16已知:某企业生产一种产品,第一年、第二年的生产量分别为170000件和140000件,销售量分别为140000件和160000件,存货的计价采用先进先出法。每单位产品的售价为5元,生产成本资料如下:每件变动生产成本3元,其中包括直接材料1.30元,直接人工1.50元,变动性制造费用0.20元;固定性制造费用每年的发生额为150000元。变动性销售与管理费用为销售收入的5%,固定性销售与管理费用发生额为65000元,两年均未发生财务费用。 要求:

(1)分别按变动成本法和完全成本法计算并确定第一年和第二年的税前利润。 (2)具体说明第一年和第二年分别按两种成本计算方法剧以确定的税前利润发生差异的原因 (3)具体说明采用完全成本法计算确定的第一年和第二年税前利润发生差异的原因 (4)设立有关帐户,按变动成本法计算以反映第一年和第二年发生的有关业务并通过“存货中固定制造费用”帐户,在帐户体系中按完全成本法计算确认第一年和第二年对外编制的利润表中的净利润和资产负债表产成品项目列示的 解析: 按完全成本法计算的第一年和第二年的营业利润见表3-6单位:元 注:第一年生产成本=(3+150000/170000)×170000=660000(元) 第二年生产成本=(3+150000/140000)×140000=570000(元) 第一年期末存货成本=(3+150000/170000)×30000=116471(元) 第二年期末存货成本=(3+150000/140000)×10000=40714(元) 按变动成本法计算的第一年和第二年的营业利润见表3--7。


一、讨论题 对比本章引述的金融工具的个定义,说明各自的特点。 经济学家和金融界所举的定义都把金融工具界定为金融领域运用的单证:史密斯的定义把金融工具表述为“对其他经济单位的债权凭证和所有权凭证”,而《银行与金融百科全书》的定义中列举了金融领域运用的各种单证。 和所下的定义基础是一致的,都把金融工具界定为现金、合同权利或义务及权益工具。的定义较清晰,在指明金融工具是“形成个企业的金融资产并形成另一企业的金融负债或权益工具的合同”后,又分别就金融资产、金融负债和权益工具下了定义。 对比本章引述的衍生金融工具的个定义,说叫各自的特点。 的定义指叫衍生金融工具是“一份双边合约或支付交换协议”,定义中的表述是“有关互换现金流量和旨存为交易名转移风险的双边合同”。后名的表述更清晰。 两个定义都着币指明衍生金融工具价值的“衍生性”,并指明可作为衍生价值的基础的标的。两者都列举了各种不同的标的。 和所下的定义基本上是致的,更便于作为衍生金融工具交易的会计处理所依据的概念。讨论时可参照教本中归纳的项最基本的特征展开(本章教学要点(二)第点中的()也有简括的表述)。 区分金融资产和负债与非金融资产和负债项日是否等同于区分货币性资产和负债与非货币性资产和负债项日?请予以说明。 不等同。形成收取或支付现金或另金融资产的合同权利或义务,是金融资产和负债的最摹本的特征,以此(合同权利或义务)区别于非金融资产和负债(参阅教术),而货币性资产和负债与非货币性资产和负债的区分则是根据这些项目对通货膨胀影响或汇率变动的不同反应而作出的。二者是完全不相下的两种分类法。 更为币要的是,不要把“货币性金融资产和负债”与“货币性资产和负债”这两个概念相混淆。前名是指“将按固定或可确定的金额收取或支付的金融资产和金融负债”,只是金融资产和金融负债的特定类别。 衍生金融工具品目繁多,但其基本形式不外乎:()远期合同;()期货合同:()期权合同:()互换(掉期)合同。这是根据什么标准区分的?互换合同(掉期合同)为什么不是独立的形式昵? 根据的标准是: ()远期合同和期货合同在到期时,不论对主动签约方有利还是不利,主动签约方必须履约。 ()期权合同在到期时,主动签约方(持权人、买方)有选择权有利时履约,不利时可以不履约,合同发行方(立权人)则有义务在持权人要求履约时出售或购入合同约定的该项资产。 互换(掉期)台同实际上是两份远期合同的调换,因而不是独市的形式。 说明远期合同与期权合同的共性和特性。 共性是都涉及购买或售出标的物的双边远期合约:其特性见讨论题的解题指引。 为什么衍生金融工具交易长期作为表外业务处理?这会带来什么样的严重后果? 因为长期以来都认为金融工具代表的合同权利和义务小符合资产和负债的定义,而符合定义是确认的前提条件,所以不符合要素定义,其关键在于这些权利和义务不是由于过去的事项形成的。 带来的严重后果是由于衍生金融工具交易形成的收益和损失(报酬和风险)长期游离于表外,使表内信息足以误导投资人和报表的其他使用者。 衍生金融丁具代表的权利、义务是否符合资产、负债定义? 和存开发金融工具会计准则时,部论证了衍生金融工具代表的权利、义务符合资产、负债定史。可参考教本小和小的论述展开讨论(本章教学要点(四)也有简括的表述)。 如果认为衍生金融工具代表的权利、义务符合资产、负债的定义,那要解决什么问题,才能在资产负债表内列报衍生金融工具呢? 的见解如何? 要解决符合确认标准的问题。在制定的过程中的见解是有过改变的,从把第项确认标准凸显为“风险与


广东商学院华商学院试题 会计信息系统期中测试卷 学号姓名班级 一、单选题(共20题,每小题1分) 1、计算机会计信息系统是一个人机结合的系统,该系统由人员、计算机硬件、( B )和会计规范 等 基本要素组成。 A.会计软件 B.计算机软件——系统软件和应用软件 C.程序 D.系统软件 2、从信息技术应用的角度来看,知识是对同类( B )的积累,是为有助于实现某种特定的目的而抽象化和一般化的信息。 A.图形 B.信息 C.关系 D.事务 3、总账子系统是以( D )为原始数据,通过凭证输入和处理,完成记账和结账、银行对账、账簿查询及打印输出,以及系统服务和数据管理等工作。 A.经济业务 B.信息 C.记账凭证 D.凭证 4、工业企业的基本运作流程包括三大流程:业务流程、会计流程、管理流程。其中会计流程在三个流程中起到( C )作用。 A.数据处理 B.收集数据 C.桥梁 D.基础 5、在复杂的信息系统开发过程中,通常采用的方法是( C )。 A.原型法 B.面向对象法 C.结构化方法为主,其他方法为辅 D.CASE方法 6、系统设计包括()和( A )。 A.系统总体设计系统详细设计 B.系统逻辑设计系统物理设计 C.系统输入设计系统输出设计 D.系统数据设计系统程序设计 7、采用结构化开发方法开发信息系统,系统开发过程中最关键的阶段是( B )。 A.可行性研究与计划 B.系统分析 C.编程与测试 D.运行与维护 8、常用的子系统划分原则是( B )。 A.按过程划分 B.按低耦合度、高内聚度划分 C.按时间顺序划分 D.按设备要求划分

9、( A )是系统分析的最终结果,它反映了所建立系统的功能需求、性能需求、运作环境等方面的内容,是开发人员和用户共同理解计算机会计信息系统的桥梁,也是系统设计的基础。A.系统分析说明书 B.概要设计说明书 C.详细设计说明书 D.程序设计说明书 10、通常用管理业务流程图和表格分配表描述( B )。 A.组织的结构 B.业务状况 C.数据、数据流程及各项功能 D.处理功能和决策模型 11、凭证一经审核,就不能修改、删除,只有( B )后才可以修改。 A.审核人员再审核 B.审核人员取消审核 C.财务主管签字 D.凭证录入人员签字 12、记账模块功能是根据记账凭证文件和临时凭证文件中( A ),自动更新财务数据库文件,得到账簿和报表所需的汇总信息和明细信息。 A.已审核的凭证 B.未审核的凭证 C.有未记账标志的凭证 D.凭证录入人员签字 13、设计账务处理系统中的记账程序时,应该将( A )的凭证记账。 A.审核 B.未审核 C.存入硬盘 D.无错误 14、汇总文件主要用来存放( A )的年初数、累计借方发生额、累计贷方发生额、期未余额以及每个月的借贷方发生额等汇总数据的文件。 A.所有科目 B.总账科目 C.明细科目 D.特殊科目 15、在设计凭证录入模块时,要使凭证的编号遵守( C )的规则。 A.从小到大,可跳号 B.从小到大,可重号 C.从小到大连续编号 D.随机给定 16、收款数据库流程中,将销售发票文件和收款单文件进行核销结算,可以将( C )作为核销号,确认每张销售发票对应的收款情况。 A.收款单号 B.合同号 C.发票号 D.报价单号 17、销售发票的发票号必须具有( A )特性。 A.唯一性 B.关联性 C.保密性 D.简洁性 18、产品单位成本的来源是( C )。 A.手工录入 B.从总账子系统传递过来 C.从存货子系统传递过来 D.本系统自动生成 19、客户档案文件中的“应收累计金额”字段值,是记账时根据( B )的销售发票自动累计得出的。 A.现销业务 B.赊销业务 C.现销及赊销业务 D.预收款业务


管理会计朱建红版计算复习题1.某企业对上半年产品产量与某项混合成本的有关资料进行整理计算,发现产量与该项混合成本相关程度较高,且∑x=48,∑y=830,∑xy=6960,∑x2=448,n=6。 要求:(1)写出成本性态分析模型; (2)预测产量为18台时的总成本。 答: b=(n∑xy -∑x *∑y )/(n*∑x2-∑x *∑x)=(6*6960-48*830)/(6*448-48*48)=5 a=(∑y –b*∑x)=(830-5*48)/6=98.33 成本性态分析模型为y=98.33+5*x 18台时的总成本=98.33+5*18=183.33 2.某企业生产销售一种产品,单位售价为10元,单位变动成本为4元,固定制造费用24000元/年,销售和管理费用为5000元/年,且全部为固定的。连续两年的生产量为6000件、4000件,销售量为4000件、6000件。求两种成本法下各年的利润。答: 完全成本法下: 10*4000-(4+24000/6000)*4000-5000=3000 10*6000-(4+24000/6000)*2000-(4+24000/4000)*4000-5000=-1000 变动成本法下:10*4000-4*4000-24000-5000=-5000

10*6000-4*6000-24000-5000=7000 3.D公司2005-2007年三年的有关资料如下表所示:

2005年的期初存货为0,存货按先进先出法计价。 要求:(1)分别采用变动成本法与完全成本法,计算各年的利润。 (2)分析两种方法计算的税前利润发生差异的原因,并用公式验证差异。答:单位产品的变动成本=12+8+20=40元/件 完全成本法下: 100*1000-(40+10000/1200)*1000-10000=3000=41666.67元 100*1000-(40+10000/1200)*200-(40+10000/1000)*800-10000=40333.33元100*1000-(40+10000/1000)*200-(40+10000/800)*800-10000=38000元 三年合计数为:41666.67+40333.33+38000=120000 变动成本法下: 因每年的销售量相同,所以三年中每年的利润均为: 100*1000-40*1000-10000-10000=40000元 三年合计数为:40000*3=120000元 利润发生差异的原因是两种成本法对固定性制造费用的处理不同,完全成本法的固定性制造费用随产品流动而流动,变动成本法则一次性的结转。 第一年,完全成本法下结转的固定性制造费用为1000*10000/1200=8333.33元,变


国际会计随堂练习答案 1.二战后,美国公司大量在欧洲建厂进行直接投资,这一阶段被称为美国浪潮,它出现在(C)。 A、19世界初~第一次世界大战 B、1914年~1945年 C、1945年~20世纪60年代末 D、 20世纪60年代末~至今 2.研究跨国公司发展史,可以总结为“源于( B ),壮大于()”。 A、英国,美国 B、欧洲,美国 C、美国,英国 D、美国,欧洲 3.欧盟在(B )就以观察员的身份加入了国际会计准则委员会(IASC)理事会。 A、1978年 B、1989年 C、1999年 D、1998年 4.国际会计准则委员会于( A )进行改组,为确保国际会计准则的高质量提供了组织和人员上的保证。 A、2001年 B、1999年 C、2000年 D、 1998年 5.( A )是全球会计面临的一个首要问题。 A、外币报表折算问题 B、物价变动会计问题 C、合并报表问题 D、国际比较会计问题 6.一国资本市场导向能够影响该国财务报告体系,在权益导向的资本市场上,企业为了筹集资金常常竭尽所能包装本企业的财务报表以吸引现有的和潜在的投资者,典型的国家是( B )。 A、法国 B、美国 C、日本 D、德国 7.一国资本市场导向能够影响该国财务报告体系,在债务导向的资本市场上,银行为企业主要的资金来源,典型的国家是( C )。 A、芬兰 B、美国 C、日本 D、瑞典 8.跨国公司兴起导致的独特的会计问题是( B )。 A、国际物价变动影响的调整 B、国际财务报表的合并 C、外币报表的折算 D、国际税务会计 9.信息披露体系主要包括初次披露和年终披露。(×) 10.跨国公司的发展经历了四个阶段,在第二个阶段时(1914奶奶~1045年),美国就一跃成为仅次于英国的第二大资本输出国。(√) 11.当跨国公司发展经历到第三阶段时(1945年~20世纪60年代末),欧洲和日本经济的腾飞,结束了美国公司一枝独秀的局面。(×) 12.跨国公司发展遇到的特殊会计问题主要是会计环境的国际比较问题、会计职业的国际比较问题以及会计准则的国际比较问题。(×) 13.跨国公司在取得国外分支机构的财务报表后,首先面临如何将国外分支机构财务报表纳入合并报表的问题。(√) 14.欧盟在1990年就以观察员的身份加入了国际会计准则委员会(IASC)理

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