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牛津译林版 八年级上册8AUnit7知识点讲解

Co mic s t r ip & W elco me to the uni t


D. uses

4.I t's the bes t t ime to p lay foo tba l l outs ide.这是在外面踢足球的最好时间。

探究点:I t i s the bes t t ime to do s th.的意思为_______。

[指点迷津]I t i s t ime to do s th.的意思为“该做某事的时候了”。I t's the bes t t ime to do s th.意为“这是做某事的



[指点迷津]在一年四季的前面用介词i n,in sum m er在夏季,in spr i ng在春季,in winte r在冬季,in autumn 在秋季。



)1. The food i s bad._______i t away,please.

A. Br ing

B. To br ing

C. Take

)2.I t's the bes t t ime_______the Great Wal l th i s year,I t hink.

A.to v i s i t

B. v i s i t ing

C.to v i s i t ing

D. v i s i t

)3.-_______do you l ike win te r?- Because I can go ska t ing.



C.W here

D.W hat

)4.I t was ra in ing,but l wen t to school an umbre l l a.

A. wi th

B. have

C. withou t

)5.- What do you l ike do ing _______sum mer?

A. on B.i n C.to


[指点迷津]be f ul l o f的同义短语是be f i l l ed wi th。

The house i s fu l l o f peop le.=The house i s f i l l ed wi th people.


[指点迷津](1)fa r away用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far away=far;f a r away f rom=far f rom。

M y ho me i s fa r/fa r away.我家离得远。

His fac to ry i s f a r(away)f rom our schoo l.他的工厂远离我们学校。

(2)fa r(away)后不接宾语;far(away)f rom 后一定要接宾语。

(3)fa r f rom 除了表示距离的“远离”之外,还有“远远不,完全不,绝非”之意,后接名词、动名词或形容词。Far f rom read ing hi s l e t t e r,she d idn't open i t。别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开。

He i s fa r f rom (be i ng)r i ch.他一点也不富有。

()My home i s_______the company.

A.fa r away

B.fa r away f rom

C.f rom fa r away

D.fa r

探究点:hide f rom 有哪些意思?



W hat______________the re?

正:Her paren t s d i ed when she was a baby.

(3)表示原因,引导原因状语从句时,其谓语动词可以是动作动词,也可以是状态动词。As you weren't t her e,I l e f t a message.因为你不在那里,我留了个信儿。



I wen t swim ming ______________yes te rday.


5.The leaves tu rn green and the t empera tu re r i ses qu ick ly。树叶变绿,温度很快上升。


l eaves的原形有两种:一是动词leave(离开),leaves为第三人称单数形式;二是lea f(叶子),leaves为复数形式。在此是leaf的复数形式。

He of ten l eaves school a t 5in the a f t e rnoon.他经常在下午五点离开学校。

The leaves o f the t r ee began to tu rn yel low.这棵树上的叶子开始变黄。




[指点迷津]tu rn在此用作连系动词,意为“变得”。

You can't c ross the road un t i l the t ra f f i c l igh t s tu rn g reen.直到交通灯变绿你才可过马路。

[知识拓展](1)tu rn 也可作行为动词,意为“转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;转向;转变;转动”。常用短语:tu rn on打开,发动;turn o f f关掉;turn up调高;turn down 调低;turn a round掉过头,转过身;turn into变成。

(2) become 多指身份、职位等的变化,它强调变化的过程已经完成。后面可接名词或形容词。

He becomes a t eacher.

(3) ge t多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后常接形容词的比较级形式。

In win te r the days ge t shor te r,冬季白天变得较短。

(4)tu rn指在颜色和性质等方面与以前的完全不同,强调变化的结果。

The mi lk has tu rned bad.牛奶变质了。

Late r,h is f ace_____________________.

探究点三:r i se与ra i se有何区别?

[指点迷津](1)r i se是不及物动词,表示“升起”,其过去式、过去分词分别为rose,r i sen。

The sun i s r i s ing.太阳在升起。

He has to work har d to ra i se h i s fami l y.他不得不努力工作来养家糊口。


)④The house p r ice i s_______these days.

6.I t i s o f ten very cold and the t empera ture can d rop be low zero.


[指点迷津]be low 在此是介词,意为“在……下面(表示位置);在……掩饰之下(表示状态);不及;低于(表示比较)”。

①两者都可表示“低于”,under主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而be low 则不一定表示正下方(既可以是正下方也可以是非正下方)。换句话说,表示正下方,两者都可用;表示非正下方,则通常用be low。

Look a t the cupboard be low/under the s ink.

The c l imbers s topped 300 met res be low the top o f the mounta in.



There were under/be low for ty peop le a t the mee t ing.参加会议的人数不足40。

[提醒]在现代英语中,be low 表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况。

The tempera tu re i s two degrees be low zero.温度是零下2 度。


The dog i s ly ing under the c lo thes.这条狗正躺在衣服下面。


D. o f be low



I wi l l come_______________ when I am f ree.


)3.There w/// be a concer t_______t he a f te rnoon o f October/2.

A.in B.on C.a t D.for

)4. The sun_______in the eas t.

A.ra i ses

B.r i ses

C. goes

)5. The mea t smel l s t e r r ib le.I t mus t_______ bad.

A.i s

B.t urn

C. g row

D. ge t

Gra m mar

1.make breakfas t做早饭

make up组成;构成;编造;弥补make f r i ends交朋友make mis takes犯错;犯错误;出错make i t达到;成功;赶上;办成

Teachers' Day教师节(9 月10日)

Father's Day父亲节(每年6 月的第3 个星期日)

在元旦那天你干什么?What do you do______________?

3.f rom morn ing t i l l n igh t从早到晚

探究点:f rom morn ing t i l l n igh t的意思是_______。

[指点迷津]f rom morn ing t i l l n igh t的意思是“从早到晚”。

He was watch ing T V f rom morn ing t i l l n igh t l a s t Sunday.



(2) have a co ld强调状态,可以和一段时间状语连用。

I had a co ld fo r severa l days.我已感冒几天了。(不能说I caugh t a co l d fo r severa l days.)

[提醒]ca tch a cold中的a可以省略,但cold前有形容词修饰时则不能省略;have a co ld中的a不能省略,在口语中它等于have go t a co ld。

②S+V+O I can speak Engl i sh.我能说英语。

③S+V+P He i s a good s tuden t.他是一名好学生。

④S+V+IO+D O He g ives me a book.他给我一本书。

⑤S+V+D O+O C The s to ry made me sad.这个故事使我难过。


A. S+V



( ( (

)1. The g i r l_______fo r a week l as t month.

A. ca tch a co ld

B.caugh t co l d

C. had a co l d )2.- When i s New Year's Day?-I t's_______.

A. on January l

B.January l

C. on January 2 )3.I t's t ime fo r school.



In tegra ted sk i l l s&Study sk i l l s

1. The t empera tu re w i l l be a round 9℃dur ing the day and4℃a t n igh t.

在白天温度将大约为9 摄氏度,在夜间大约为4 摄氏度。


[指点迷津]a t n i ght的意思是“在夜间”,相当于i n the even ing。


探究点:the res t of的结构在句中作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数?

[指点迷津]the rest o f意为“剩余的……”,该结构在句中作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数形式由of后面的名词所决定。

3. There wi l l be a f ew showers today,but i t wi l l be warm, w i th day t ime tempera tu res a round 18 o r 19 degrees.今天有几场阵雨,但天气很暖,白天气温大约在18到19摄氏度。

探究点:there be结构的将来时为_______。



5.This i s Aunt Jane speak ing.我是简阿姨。

嘴蕉迷津]这儿的This i s不可以用I am 代替。这是打电话用语,打电话时说“我是……”时,要用This i s…speak ing。问对方是哪一位用Who's tha t?

- Th is i s Mike speaking.我是迈克。




D. a l i t t l e

-_______ Danie l s peak ing.

D. You a re

D. minus twenty degrees cen t ig rade


[指点迷津]My f r i ends and I不可以写成I and my f r i ends。英语中当提到包括“我”在内的几个人时,将“我”放在最后。


This coa t i s s i lk on the ou t s ide.这件上衣外面是丝绸的。


I'd l ike to see an outs ide wor ld.我很想看一看外面的世界。


The ca r i s wa i t ing ou ts ide.车子在外面等。


He i s ou t s ide the door.他在门的外边。

(2) ou t副词,意为“向外;在外;出去;出现;发生;问世;完全;消失;到终点;大声地”。

Let's go ou t.咱们出去吧。


I use the kn i fe fo r meat.




W hat a fun s to ry!多有趣的故事呀!

I t's funny to see the man walk wi th h i s hands and head.看见那个男人倒立走路很滑稽。


D. exc i ted




1.i s f i l l ed wi th


3.h id;f rom us

4.①d id they harves t②c rops grow ③as i t was very ho t④began to d rop (三)

1.①around20℃②a t n igh t

2.i s


4.①twenty-e igh t degrees cen t ig rade/Ce ls ius ②minus twenty degrees (五)

Let's go ou t.咱们出去吧。


I use the kn i fe fo r meat.




W hat a fun s to ry!多有趣的故事呀!

I t's funny to see the man walk wi th h i s hands and head.看见那个男人倒立走路很滑稽。


D. exc i ted




1.i s f i l l ed wi th


3.h id;f rom us

4.①d id they harves t②c rops grow ③as i t was very ho t④began to d rop (三)

1.①around20℃②a t n igh t

2.i s


4.①twenty-e igh t degrees cen t ig rade/Ce ls ius ②minus twenty degrees (五)


学员编号: 年级:初二课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型TUnit7(牛津8上)基础知识梳理 教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津8年级上册Unit7中的基础词汇及重要句型; 星级★★★★ 授课日期及时段 (建议5分钟) 批注:上面这幅图是第六单元课文中的插图,老师需要引导学生回忆第六单元的课文情节,并且引导学生展开想象接下来的故事情节,然后再带领学生进行课文学习,对比学生和课文给出的情节。 (建议20-25分钟) 想要看懂接下来的故事情节,揭开神秘的结局吗?让我们先扫开单词障碍吧! T同步-U1基础知识梳理

一、词汇Words 1. immediately adv. 立即;马上 e.g. I recognized her immediately. 我立刻认出了她。 He came immediately when he heard the news. 他一听到这个消息,马上就来了。 【近义】at once right now right away 2. snore v. 打鼾 e.g. My father was snoring again. 我的父亲又在打呼噜了。 We knew Dad was asleep because we could hear him snoring. 我们指导爸爸已经睡着勒,因为我们能听到他的鼾声。 批注:通过表演加深学生对这个单词的记忆。 3.attract v. 吸引 e.g. Last night’s concert was able to attract a big crowd. 昨晚的音乐会吸引了很多人。 Can a magnet attract steel and iron? 磁铁可以吸住钢铁吗? 【知识拓展】attractive adj. 吸引人的;引人入胜的 attraction n. 吸引力;吸引人的事物 e.g. She wears very attractive clothes. 她穿着漂亮的衣服。 I don’t find her attractive. 我发现她一点儿都不讨人喜欢。 Nowadays the Internet has more attraction for the young. 现在网络对年轻人有更大的吸引力。 批注:让学生注意+ive为形容词,+ion为名词;并且例举其他类似词汇, 如:act v. --- active adj. ---action n. 4. escape v. 逃脱;避开;溜走 e.g. The thief tried to escape from jail, but the police caught him. 那小偷试图要逃离监狱,但是警察逮住了他。 They escaped from the burning house. 他们从燃烧的房子里逃了出来。 批注:escape读音近似“一时开跑”,容易让学生联想到逃跑的意思。强调escape后常跟介词from。 5. interrupt v. 打断;中断;妨碍 e.g. Don’t interrupt me. 别打断我。 It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。


牛津英语8A 知识点&语法汇总 Unit7 知识点 1.-What do you like autumn? - Because it’s always sunny. Because 连词“因为”,引导原因状语从句 He didn’t go to school because he was ill. 【拓展】because of 介词短语,后面加n/pron. 不能加句子 We had a great time because of the good weather. 【注】Because 是从属连词,不能与so 连用 2.as 1)连词,意为“当……时候,随着” 常用来引导时间状语从句,表示从句与主句的动作同时发生Anne read the letter as she walked along the river. 2)连词,像...一样,由于,因为 As we’re students, we must obey the school rules. 3)介词,作为,如同 I’m sure she’ll do as you like.(表方式) He works as a doctor. 他当医生。 3.rise vi. 过去式rose 过去分词risen 1)上升,升起 The sun . 太阳在东方升起 2)上涨,增加,增大 The river has risen by two feet. 河水涨了两英尺 3)n. 上升,(工资)上涨 The workers demand a rise from next month. 4.grow

1) vi. 生长,成长 Rice grows in warm areas. 2) vi. 渐渐变得 我父亲渐渐变老了。 3)vt.种植,栽培 Grow vegetables on the farm 【固定搭配】grow up 长大grow into 长成...,发展成... 5.be full of = be filled with 充满… 两者区别不大,基本可以通用。Be full of 强调状态,be filled with 强调过程 The box is full of apples. = The box is filled with apples. 6.Forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事forget doing sth. 忘记已做过某事 Remember to do sth. 记得要做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事 7.Be far away, be far from 与be+具体的距离+away from a.Be far away 意为遥远,后面不跟地点。Eg: My school is far away. b.Be far from 意为离…远,后面跟地点。Eg: My school is far away from my home. c.Be+具体的距离+away from 表示具体的远。Eg: My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital. 8.What a perfect time to fly a kite!真是一个放风筝的完美时间啊!a.What + a/an +adj.+ 单数可数名词+主语+谓语! What a fine day it is! b.What+ adj. +可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语! What kind women they are! 9.Turn 的用法 a.Turn 动词,意为变化,尤指颜色方面的变化。如:Her face turns red. b.Turn 动词,意为转弯。如:Turn left, and you will see the hospital on your right. c. Turn 名词,意为轮次。如:It’s your turn to read the book now. d.固定搭配:turn on/off 打开/关闭(电视或收音机等电器)turn up/down 将声


8A Unit 7 Seasons Ⅰ考点一览

Ⅱ考点讲解 1.It’s foggy. (1)foggy的基本含义做形容词,意思是有雾的。其是由名词fog+gy构成的形容词。 同类的词总结如下 sun-----sunny cloud--cloudy wind---windy rain-----rainy snow---snowy 其中哪个单词的变化与其他四组不一样,___________, 为什么_____________ 雾是fog,它的形容词为_________ (2)foggy的考点集中于be+foggy表示雾天这一点。其一般疑问句形式也是会考察到的。【2021年汇文】1.My dad drove slowly this morning because it was so _______ that he couldn’t see clearly. A.foggy B. sunny C. frosty D. cloudy 答案A 2.Winter days are full of snow. (1)full的基本含义作形容词,意思是充满的。 (2)full的核心考点考察be full of和be filled with的区分。第一个不同是主被动不同;第二个不同是搭配的介词不同。 【2021年无锡】2. Our world is ______ interesting and amazing things. A. fill with B. filled of C. full of D. full with 答案C 3.What a perfect time to fly a kite. (1)a perfect time to do sth基本含义做某事的最好的时间 【2021年鼓楼】3. —Look out of the window! The white ground goes well with the blue sky. —Come on! What a perfect time _________! A. to fly a kite B. to go swimming C. to have a snowball fight D. to climb the mountain 答案C 4.Eat ice cream to feel cool. (1)注意课本中该句是伴随状语,eat用了ing形式。 4._________ice cream makes you _________cool. A.Eat; feel B.Eat; to feel C.Eating; feel D.Eating; to feel 答案C 5.As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. (1)temperature的基本含义作名词,意思是温度 (2)temperature的核心考点考察temperature的介词搭配,below和above表示在某个温度以下或以上,around表示在某个温度附近。 5. In North-east China, the temperature is usually_____ -20℃ in winter.

牛津译林版八年级上 8A Unit7 重要知识点归纳

牛津译林版八年级上 8A Unit7 重要知识 点归纳 本文档旨在归纳牛津译林版八年级上册第7单元(Unit7)的重要知识点,帮助同学们更好地研究和掌握该单元的内容。 1. 单词和短语 - silk(丝绸): a soft, delicate and shiny fabric made from the threads produced by silkworms. - cotton(棉花): a soft, fluffy fiber that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of cotton plants. - linen(亚麻布): a fabric made from flax fibers that is known for its coolness and freshness. - wool(羊毛): the soft, thick hair that grows on the bodies of sheep and some other animals. - leather(皮革): a material made from the skin of an animal. - bamboo(竹子): a type of tall, woody grass that grows in tropical and subtropical regions. - originate(起源): to have a specific beginning or source.

- export(出口): to send goods or services to another country for sale. - process(加工): to perform a series of actions or operations on something to change or transform it. - traditional(传统的): relating to the customs, beliefs and practices that have been passed down through generations. - production(生产): the process of making or manufacturing goods. - contribute(贡献): to give or provide something, such as money, help or ideas. - benefit(受益于): to gain advantage or profit from something. 2. 重点句子 - Silk originally came from China and was exported to other countries along the Silk Road. - Linen is a type of fabric that is made from flax fibers. - Wool is often used to make warm clothing because it is a good insulator. - Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for making furniture, paper, and other products.


20179牛津译林英语8Aunit7语法专题七动词与句子结构 牛津译林英语8年级上册Unit7 语法专题七:verbs & sentence structures 一、语法知识要点: 1. 句子各个成分的术语 S----Subject主语 V----Verb 谓语动词 DO----Direct object 直接宾语 P----Predicative 表语 IO----Indirect object 间接宾语 OC----Object complement 宾语补足语 2 主语的句型结构 1) S+V The swan is swimming. 2) S+V+DO Sandy is watching a bird. 3) S+V+P Birdwatching is interesting. 4) S+V+IO+DO Sandy gave the doves some food. 5) S+V+DO+OC Sandy calls her parrot Chatty. 二.重要句型结构精讲 A 主语(s) + 谓语(V) 1 画出下列句子中的主语与谓语; 1 The temprature drops. 2 The birds can dance. 3 We are going to swim. 4 The sparrow is flying. 注意:谓语动词有自己的时态,也可以与情态动词一起,以上句子中的动词皆为不及物动词。 B 主语(s) + 谓语(V) + 宾语(O) 1 画出下列句子中的主语、谓语与宾语; 1.The baby pandas drink milk.


8A Unit 7 Seasons语法知识点讲解 一【课文重点内容和语法知识】 1 about the four seasons 关于4个季节 2 to use the new words to talk about the four seasons 使用新单词来谈论四季 3 different kinds of verbs and sentences structures不同种类的动词和句型结构 4 the suffix –y后缀-y 二【重点短语】 1 look cool 看起来很酷 2 the rest time to do sth. 做某事的最好时间 3 in summer 在夏天 4 go swimming 去游泳 5 be full of 充满…… 6 forget to grow 忘记了生长 7 fly far away 飞往远方8 play among flowers 在花丛中玩 9 turn brown 变黄10 rhyme with 与……押韵 11 on a hot summer afternoon 在一个炎热的夏天下午12 drop below… 下降到……以下 13 the lowest temperature 最低温度14 stay above zero 在零度以上 15 a bit 16 with the help of --- 在---的帮助下 三【重点句型】 Welcome to the unit 1.Is this one OK? 解析:one作代词,代替前面提到过的同一类人或物,其复数形式ones. I haven’t got a pen. I’ll have to buy one. I have a new story-book and several old ones. 提醒:A. 如果one不带任何前置修饰语,而是单独使用时,其意义通常是泛指。 I have no recorder. I want to buy one. B. 不定冠词a/ an不可直接和one连用,但a/ an后面有形容词时,可以和one连用。 Have you any knives? I need a sharp one. C. 当one(s)代替特质名词时,它前面总有定冠词或其他限定词。 This room and the one upstairs are being cleaned. D. one只能代替可数名词,如果所替代的是特指的不可数名词,则应该用that。 The study of English is as important as that(=the study)of Chinese. 2.I bet you’ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on! 解析:1. 句中的look与feel为连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。 He passed the exam, he looked happy. How cool you are in red clothes! 2. with nothing on“行为方式或伴随情况” Tom always sleeps with his eyes open. The boy ran out with nothing on. 3.rainy 解析:rainy adj.“有雨的,多雨的” It is rainy today. 拓展:rain v.“下雨”,作不可数名词,表示“雨,雨水” It rained here yesterday. There will be a lot of rain here this summer. 4.Which season do you like best? 解析:like…best“最喜欢···”=favorite, Which is your favourite season?

Unit 7 Seasons 语法知识点练习译林版八年级上册第7单元检测卷

8A Unit 7 Seasons语法知识点练习 1.It’s the best time __________ Hainan. A.travel B.to travel on C.to travel to D.to visit to 2.What do you do __________ different seasons? A.on B.at C.in D.to 3.You look really cute __________ this red hat. A.have B.with C.by D.in 4.—May I __________ your book home to read? —No problem. But please __________ it back here tomorrow. A.bring; take B.take; bring C.bring; bring D.take; take 5.The boy felt tired, __________ he still went running. A.so B.or C.and D.but 6.__________ fine weather we have today! A.What a B.How C.What D.Which 7.Our school garden __________ flowers. It looks very beautiful. A.is full of B.filled with C.covers D.covered by 8.These mountains __________ trees in a few years’ time. A.be covered B.will be covered with C.is covered D.are covered with 9.In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains __________ zero all day. A.above B.below C.over D.under 10.It will be colder tomorrow and the temperature __________ 0℃. A.drops B.dropped to C.will drop to D.will drop 11.—__________ day it is! —Let’s go out and have a picnic! A.How cold B.How nice C.What a cold D.What a lovely 12.Tom may fall __________ the others because he has missed so many lessons. A.after B.behind https://www.doczj.com/doc/6719008324.html,ter D.out of 13.When the teacher asked the shy girl to answer the question, her face __________ red. A.seemed B.looked C.turned D.appeared 14.In the poem, the word “bird” rhymes with “__________”. A.first B.word C.wildlife D.eagle 15.As time __________, you will come to think of English as your friend and love it. A.goes by B.runs out C.takes off D.turns up 16.Remember to email me. All of us hope to hear from you _________. A.quickly B.soon C.quick D.fast 17.I find __________ hard for me __________ the work in such a short time. A.it; finishing B.it’s; finish C.it; to finish D.it’s; finishing 18.—How nice those blouses are! Would you please __________, Mum? —OK, let me have a look first.


8A(U5-8)词汇和句型默写卷1 内容:Unit 5 姓名:日期: 1.14 星期:一家长签字:短语 1.生活在野外 2. 野生动物 3. 成为桌上的菜肴 4. 不可能 5. 同情,怜悯 6. 事实上,实际上 7. 动物世界之王 8. 看起来像只小白鼠 9. 在四个月大时 10. 第一次出去 11. 不再…… 12. 照顾她自己 13. 面临严重的问题 14. 生孩子 15. 以一种特殊的竹子为生 16. 结果 17. 有一个地方居住 18. 处境危险 19. 采取行动 20. 立刻,马上21. 生病 22. 出生时,诞生时 23. 害怕…… 24. 跳来跳去 25. 闭着眼睛站着 26. 算出简单的数学题 27. 在……的帮助下 28. 迷失 29. 与……一样 30. 一会儿 31. 独自生活 32. 失去居住地 33. 居住区越来越少 34. 失去生命 35. 采取行动做某事 36. 卖动物的皮毛 37. 野生动物俱乐部 38. 因为打猎 39. 白天四处慢慢地游动 40. 睡整个冬天 句型 1. 他们任何时候都可能变成餐桌上的菜肴。 2. 你能不吃他们吗? 3. 没有他们我可能会死。 4. 希望刚刚出生的时候,她仅100克重并且看起来像个小白鼠。 5. 八个月后,她再也不是小婴儿了。 6. 大熊猫主要以一种特殊的竹子为生。

7. 结果,熊猫也许没有地方居住也没有食物可吃。 8. 如果我们无所作为,熊猫将很快消失。 9. 听到那个消息很遗憾。 10. 真是遗憾啊! 11. 多么可耻啊! 12. 我们再也不该买皮草衣服了。 13. 我认为每个人都应该采取行动保护野生动物。 8A(U5-8)词汇和句型默写卷2 内容:Unit 6 姓名:日期: 1.15 星期:二家长签字:短语 1. 观鸟 2. 在集市上 3. 一个细长的脖子 4. 15种鹤 5. 在中国东北 6. 世界上最重要的湿地之一 7. 为……提供食物和庇护所 8. 一个……的完美地方 9. 一年到头 10. 作短暂的停留 11. 在白天 12. 为了 13. 有更多的空间 14. 导致 15. 越来越小的空间 16. 结果 17. 有足够的食物吃 18. 制定法律来防止…… 19. 记录他们的种类和数量的变化20. 明白湿地的重要性 21. 阻止某事发生 22. 写下 23. 拍鸟的照片 24. 使我笑 25. 让参加他们的学校旅行 26. 走很长一段路 27. 飞往南方过冬 28. 占……面积 29. 度过冬天 30. 不同种类的植物和珍稀鸟类 31. 全世界 32. 口渴 33. 别的一些东西 34. 随身带笔记本 35. 发出不同的鸟声 36. 在鸟展上 37. 包括诗歌中的鸟 38. 我们生活的一部分


牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit 5 知识点讲解: 1.Would you like to live in the wild? 你想生活在野外吗? would like to do sth 想做某事;in the wild 在野外 2.Would you please not eat them?请你不要吃他们,好吗? Would you please do sth?请你做…..事,好吗 Would you please not do sth?请你不做某事,好吗? 3. I may die without them.没他们我可能会死的。 die 是动词“死亡”;without 是介词,“无,没有”后接名称,代词或V-ing; may 是情态动词,表示猜测“可能” 4. Please have pity on them.请可怜可怜他们。 have/ take pity on sb 可怜某人 5.What…..do you like best? I like ….best 1. This means “ hope ” .它的意思是希望。mean 动词,意为“意思是,意味着”。其名词为meaning The red light means ‘Stop’. 红灯表示停 “……什么意思”的三种表达方式 What does … mean ? What do you mean by…? What is the meaning of…? 2. …… she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a white mouse. 她仅重达100克,看起来像只白鼠。 Look like 意为“看起来像……” 她看起来像她的妈妈。---------------------------------- 3. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more …… 八个月后,她不再是只幼崽了 “not… any more” 意为“不再……” 1)“not… any more”相当于no more, 表示今后不再重复以前发生的动作、状态,多指次数或程度上的“不再”。 2)“not… any longer” 相当于no longer, 表示从时间上讲以后不会再发生,其动作不再延续。 In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk. 一开始,希望喝母乳。 “ in the beginning ”意为“一开始”,相当于at first 1. sadly adv. 令人遗憾的,不幸低,伤心地 He looked at me sadly. 他伤心地看着我。 【知识拓展】sad adj.难过的,悲伤的;sadness n. 难过,悲伤,是不可数名词。Her heart is full of sadness. 她的内心充满了悲伤。 2. danger n. 危险,是不可数名词,其反义词为safety. in danger 处于危险中;out of danger脱险。 All danger was over. 所有的危险都过去了。 3. no one/ nobody与none的区别 ①no one 意为“没有人”,相当于“nobody”,只能指人,作主语时谓语动词用单


八年级上册8AUnit1-8 语法总结 1.形容词 /副词的比较等级 (1)—用法讲解 大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更”,用于两者 之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更”,比较级前面一般用 much, even, a little 修饰,其中 even, much 只能修饰比较级。最高级表示“最”,用于三者及三者以上之间的比较, 用来说明“某人或某物在某个范围内最” ①形容词的比较级 (-er)和最高级 (-est)的构成 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去 e 加;双写加;变y 加 ; more/ most b. 不规则变化 原级比较级最高级 good / well better best bad / ill worse worst many / much more most little less least far farther, further farther, further old older, elder oldest, eldest ②比较级前的修饰语 still, even, any, quite(a bit), almost, nearly, just, rather;a little, a bit;much, a lot, far, many; twice, ten times, one fourth, two pounds, three years 形容词的比较等级 (2)—常见句型 ①A=B A+ V + as + adj./adv. + as + B (与。。。一样) He is as tall as I/me. 他和我一样高。 He is as good a teacher as his father他.和他的父亲一样是个好教师。 ②A≠ B A + V + not + as/so + adj./adv. + as + B(与。。。不一样) They didn’ t do as/so much work as you did他们.干得事没有你多。 I ’ ve never seen as/so old a car as 我this从.来没有见过像这样旧的车。 ③ A > B 或 A < B A + V + 比较级 + than + B(比。。。更。。。) Tom is two years older than his brother.汤姆比他的弟弟大两岁。 Our classroom is bigger than theirs. 我们的教室比他们的大。 ④表示倍数 A + V + twice/four times/+ as + adj./adv. + as( A+ B是 B 的两倍 /四倍 / ) This room is twice as large as that one.整个房间是那房间的两倍大。 The earth is 49 times as big as the moon地.球是月球的 49 倍大。 ⑤表示程度的递增主语 + V + 比较级 + and+比较级( 越来越 ) 主语 + V + more and more+ +adj./adv.( 越来越 ) The days are getting shorter and shorter白.天变得越来越长了。 Our country is becoming more and more beautiful我.们的国家变得越来越美了。 ⑥表示两种情况同时变化 The+ 比较级 + 主语 + V + ,the+ 比较级 + 主语 + V +( 越越) The more we get together, the happier we’ ll be.=If we get together more, we’ ll be happ 我们聚得越多,我们就会越高兴。 The harder you study, the better you’ llbe at English.= If you study harder, you’ llbe better at English. 你学习越努力,你的英语成绩越好。 ⑦主语 + be +one of the+ 最高级 + n.(pl.) + in/of( 是最之一)


牛津译林版八年级英语上册 8A Unit 1-4 8A Unit 1 Friends 四会词组: 1.some more food 再吃一些食物 2.keep a secret 保守秘密 3.make sb happy 使某人开心 4.care about 关心 5.tell him/ her everything about yourself 告诉他/她关于你自己的所有事情 6.be ready to do sth.准备好做…… 7.have problems 有问题 8.tell lies/funny jokes 说谎/讲笑话 9.give seats to someone in need 给需要的 人让座 10.have a good voice 有一副好嗓子 11.want to be a singer 想成为歌手 12.wear small round glasses 戴又小又圆 的眼镜 13.make sb. look smart 使…看起来聪明 14.have a good sense of humour 有幽默感 15.make me laugh 使我发笑16.feel bored 感到无聊 17.have long straight hair留着长长的直发 18.say bad words about anyone 说任何人 的坏话 19.be good at telling jokes 擅长说笑话 20.meet different people 遇见不同的人 21.make friends 交朋友 22.listen to people carefully 认真听人们 讲话 23.help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人 24.travel around the world 周游全世界 25.our future plans 我们未来的计划 26.be a social worker成为一个社会工作者 27.both……and……既…又…… 28.smiling eyes 带着笑意的眼 29.have a smile on one’s face面带微笑 30.make her look really pretty and kind 使 她看起来真的美丽和善良 四会句型: 1.Can I have something to drink? 我能喝些东西吗? 2.Can I have some more food? 我能再来些食物吗? 3.What about some milk? 一些牛奶如何? 4.Maybe we can share it. 也许我们可以一起分享。 5.What makes good friends? 怎样的人才适合做好朋友? 6.You can trust him because he never tells lies. 你可以相信他因为他从不撒谎。 7.She is also very helpful and is ready to help people any time. 她也非常乐于助人而且乐意 在任何时候帮助人。 8.She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 当她长大了她想成为一名歌手。 9.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. 他讲有趣的笑话总是使我发笑。 10.His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks. 他的腿很长而且他们不适 合放在书桌下。 11.She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone. 她经常微笑而且从来不说任何人 的坏话。 12.When something worries me, I can always go to her. 有事使我烦心时,我总会去找她。

牛津上海版 八年级第一学期8A Unit7 Nobody wins(2)知识点及语法点讲解及练习(有

8A U7Nobody wins(2)同步与提高 课文Review Escaping from Gork Part III After his supper, Gork lay down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately. He started to snore. The noise s_____1_____ the cave. ‘Listen, everyone,’ I said. ‘Here’s my plan.’ From my pocket, I took my small, p_____2_____ laser torch. Because it was in a plastic case, the magnet could not a_____3_____ it. ‘We’ll use this to escape from the cage.’ I said. ‘First, I’ll melt the bars and then…’ Peter i_____4_____ me. ‘I know, Captain. Then you’ll use the torch to kill Gork.’ ‘Use your brain,’ I said. ‘If we kill Gork, how will we escape? We’re too weak to open the door. Here’s what we’ll do! We’ll…’ Moments later, we were all out of the cage. I went o_____5_____ to the bed, and stood beside Gork’s head. I said l_____6_____, ‘Gork, this is Nobody.’ Gork woke up. I aimed the torch at his eye and pressed the b_____7_____. The laser beam hit Gork in the eye. Gork r_____8_____, ‘I can’t see! My eye! The noise brought the kangaroos running into the room. ‘What’s wrong, Gork?’ they shouted. Gork shouted back, ‘It’s Nobody. Nobody attacked me. Nobody damaged my eye.’ The kangaroos laughed and said, ‘Nobody attacked him. Gork’s having a bad dream. Let’s go back to bed. Good night, Gork.’ 【答案】1.shook 2.powerful 3.attract 4.interrupted 5.over 6.loudly 7.button 8.roared 根据音标写单词 8A U7Vocabulary(牛津)


牛津译林版8A形容词副词的原级、比较级与最高级精讲精练 一、形容词的原级、比较级和最高级 1. 形容词的定义 形容词(adjective),简称adj.,是用来修饰事或物的属性特点性质的词,一般用于名词之前,用形容词的原级。 例:The picture on the wall is very beautiful. English is my favourite subject. He is very tall and strong. 程度副词very, so, too, enough, quite可用于修饰形容词原级。 例:The man is very/quite handsome. The tripes are too hot to eat. The food is so delicious that I can't wait to eat it. He is brave enough to fight with the bad guy. 2. 形容词的用法 1) 形容词作定语 形容词作定语,放在名词之前,不定代词之后。 例:He lives in a beautiful house. 他住在一座漂亮的房子里。 There is nothing important in today's newspaper. 今天报纸上没有什么重要内容。 2) 形容词作表语 形容词作表语,放在系动词(be, feel, look, smell, taste, sound, get, become, keep, turn, seem等)之后。例:Everything will be all right. 一切都会好的。 After a long walk, I felt tired. 走了很远的一段路后我累了。 3) 形容词作宾语补足语 形容词做宾语补足语,放在宾语之后,常与make, leave, keep, find等动词连用。 例:He keeps the classroom clean every day. 他们每天保持教室干净。 People usually keep the vegetables fresh in the fridge. 人们常把蔬菜放在冰箱里保鲜。 4) 形容词的名词化,“the+形容词”表示一类人,相当于名词,用作主语或宾语。 例:The old often think of old things. 老人常想起过去的事情。 They are going to build a school for the deaf and the blind. 他们将要给聋人和盲人盖一所学校。 5) 形容词作状语 例:These soldiers spent three days in the cold weather, cold and hungry.

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