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2016-05-20 何凯文何凯文考研英语


Nothing better demonstrates the point that industrialization was a regional rather than a national process than a survey of the states that did not develop industrial economies by the middle of the nineteen century.


New details about a second attack involving the system, Swift —used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world —are emerging as investigators try to solve an $81 million heist from the central bank of Bangladesh in February.

突破词汇:1.investigator 调查者

2.emerging 出现

3. heist 盗窃

4.involving 涉及

确定主干:New details are emerging.

切分成分:1.about a second attack involving the system 定语

2. Swift (system的同位语)

3. used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world


4. as investigators try to solve an $81 million heist from the central bank of Bangladesh in February.

独立成句:3. Swift is used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world



原创2016-05-21 何凯文何凯文考研英语



Opinions are furiously divided as to whether the unintended harm causedby health reform will outweigh its benefits.


Opinions are furiously divided as towhether the unintended harm caused by A will outweigh its benefits.


Opinions are furiously divided as to whether the unintended harm caused by the Internet will outweigh its benefits.



A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.


Nothing better demonstrates/ the point that industrialization was a regional /rather than a national process /than a survey of the states that did not develop industrial economies by the middle of the nineteen century.

主干识别:Nothing better demonstrates A than B


(B 是最能证明A的)

Nothing better demonstrates the point than a survey

切分成分:A= the point /that industrialization was a regional /rather than a national process


B= a survey /of the states (that did not develop industrial

economies by the middle of the nineteen century)定语从句


1.that industrialization was a regional /rather than(而不是)a national process



2. a survey /of the states that did not develop industrial economies by the middle of the nineteen century





原创2016-05-22 何凯文何凯文考研英语


While in America the trend of downshifting started as a reaction to the economic decline —after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s —and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to

simplify our lives.

70. According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the US as a result of ________.

[A] the quick pace of modern life

[B] man's adventurous spirit

[C] man's search for mythical experiences

[D] the economic situation


A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when

in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor

under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.

词汇突破:1.graduate students 毕业生



3.Slum 贫民窟,贫民区

4.the intellectual poor穷知识分子

5.classic poor 典型的穷人

6.Beat Generation 垮掉的一代

7.Guise 伪装

确定主干:A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum



1.when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor 状语


2.the poor under the rather(程度副词)romantic guise of the Beat Generation,



a real phenomenon in the late fifties.同位语




原创2016-05-23 何凯文何凯文考研英语

纸牌屋里面的Claire Underwood给人印象深刻,饰演者Robin Wright的人生也从来不失精彩,她年轻的时候就在《阿甘正传》中饰演过女主角Jenny ,

现在做导演做制片,典型的女强人一个,最近她要求把自己主演《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)的片酬提高到和联合主演凯文?斯佩西(Kevin Spacey)一样多时,她采取了一个会令自己饰演的克莱尔?安德伍德(Claire Underwood)骄傲的策略:

1. She leveraged her power by threatening to go public about pay inequality.

Leveraged 这个词非常棒:本来表示杠杆和影响力(diplomatic leverage外交影响力);


Go public about sth 公开某事



Ms. Wright joined a growing group of actresses who have spoken out recently on pay inequality in Hollywood, spurred in part by a rousing speech made onstage

at the 2015 Oscars by Patricia Arquette. (Ms. Arquette later said she had lost

roles for the comments about equal pay.)

2. Months later, the issue was raised again by Jennifer Lawrence. (非常好的写作句式)

数月后,詹妮弗?劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)再次提到这个问题。

3. Not all high-profile actresses believe that discussing personal pay issues in

Hollywood is appropriate.



4. In an interview with Cosmopolitan in April, Scarlett Johansson said that it

would be “icky”for her to discuss her experience with Hollywood’s pay gap.

Icky 这个词翻译为“矫情”是极好的!pay gap 收入差价

今年4月,斯嘉丽?约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)在接受《Cosmopolitan》采访时说,谈论自己在好莱坞薪酬差距方面的经历会显得“矫情”。

5. But social media users had much applause for Ms. Wright.

(非常好的写作句式:had much applause for …对…非常赞赏)不过,社交媒体用户对怀特非常赞赏。




While in America the trend of downshifting started as a reaction to the economic decline —after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s —and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to

simplify our lives.

70. According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the US as a result of ________.

[A] the quick pace of modern life

[B] man's adventurous spirit

[C] man's search for mythical experiences

[D] the economic situation

定位:根据题干中的downshifting emerged in the US as a result of 可以找到这句话。


确定主干:we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.

切分成分+独立成句:(while 引导的状语从句)

In America the trend of downshifting started as a reaction to the economic


2. after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s.


3. The trend of downshifting is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain

at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance. 根据题干中的“downshifting emerged in the US as a result of”可以定位到独立成句后的第一句:In America the trend of downshifting started as a reaction to the economic decline.






[D] the economic situation = the economic decline (这就叫模糊替换!)


确定主干:we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.



1. In America the trend of downshifting started as a reaction to the economic decline


2. after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s.


3. The trend of downshifting is still linked to the politics of thrift ,in Britain

at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance




2016-05-24 何凯文何凯文考研英语

我们对于媒体的报道常常会持有一种怀疑的态度,其实这不是中国特有的问题,在很多国家都有这样的问题,美国人对于报纸的报道早在十年前就已经不相信了,所以美国的报业就想弄清楚美国人为什么不相信,不喜欢他们的报道,于是搞了一个the journalism credibility project新闻可信度项目,那么这个可信度项目的结果是怎么样的?


Sad to say, the project of journalism has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.

60. The results of the journalism credibility project turned out to be


[A] quite trustworthy

[B] somewhat contradictory

[C] very illuminating

[D] rather superficial



Ms. Wright joined a growing group of actresses who have spoken out recently on pay inequality in Hollywood, spurred in part by a rousing speech made onstage at the 2015 Oscars by Patricia Arquette. (Ms. Arquette later said she had lost roles for the comments about equal pay.)

突破词汇:spurred in part by…部分由于…

Onstage 舞台上的

Rousing speech 激动人心的演讲

Comments 评论,言论

确定主干:Ms. Wright joined a growing group of actresses

其他成分:1.who have spoken out recently on pay inequality in Hollywood 定语从句

2.spurred in part by a rousing speech made onstage at the 2015 Oscars by Patricia Arquette. 状语

独立成句:1. Actresses have spoken out recently on pay inequality

in Hollywood.

2. Actresses are spurred in part by a rousing speech made onstage at the 2015 Oscars by Patricia Arquette.

调整语序:1 + 主句+2

参考译文:最近,越来越多的女演员开始公开谈论好莱坞的报酬不平等问题,怀特是新加入的一员。她们的动力部分来自于帕特丽夏?阿凯特(Patricia Arquette)在2015年奥斯卡颁奖台上发表的激动人心的演讲。


Ms. Arquette later said she had lost roles for the comments about equal pay.



大家关注一下:这里pay inequality 和equal pay 其实是一个话题,表述不一样而已;

我们在讨论环境被破坏的问题.= 我们在讨论环境保护的问题;这是同一问题的正反表达:)同义替换!一定要关注!

原创2016-05-25 何凯文何凯文考研英语


But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labour, and recognizing the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.


Sad to say, the project of journalism has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.

60. The results of the journalism credibility project turned out to be ________.

[A] quite trustworthy

[B] somewhat contradictory

[C] very illuminating

[D] rather superficial

我就说一句:superficial = low-level




原创2016-05-26 何凯文何凯文考研英语


The increase in numbers of married women employed outside the home in the

twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of house work and an

increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic

necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single

women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would



But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labour, and recognizing the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most

indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.

突破词汇:to the fullest extent 完全

indefatigable 不知疲倦的

distinguished genius 杰出的天才

Invariably 总是,不变的=always


确定主干:it(形式主语)must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that…

切分成分:1. admitting to the fullest extent thewonderful achievements of labour,

2. recognizing the fact that men of the mostdistinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers

(While 引导的两个现在分词短语充当的让步状语)

3. without the original endowment of heart andbrain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton,a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo. (that 引导主语从句)其中主干为:no amount of labour could have produced a Shakespeare, a

Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.

注意:no amount of labour could have produced... =

amount of labor could not have produced...

without the original endowment of heart and brain状语

however well applied (无论如何运用恰当)状语


1. admitting to the fullest extent thewonderful achievements of labour,



= we admit( to the fullest extent状语,完全) the wonderful achievements of labour(宾语),


2. recognizing the fact that men of the mostdistinguished genius have invariably

been found the most indefatigable workers

= we recognize the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have

invariably been found the most indefatigable workers

(Sb have been found sb )


例句:The winners of the “kaoyan”have invariably been found the





原创2016-05-27 何凯文何凯文考研英语


1.yank up 上升

2.be bound to 一定

3.oversee 检测,监督;见证到;

4.overlook 忽略,忽视

5.transparent 透明

6.nothing gets people talking like this topic. 这个话题最能引起人们的讨论。

7.endowment 捐赠;天赋

8.plutocracy 权贵阶层

9.chatter and speculation 八卦和猜测/caclulating 工于算计

10.go head to head with 与…并驾齐驱;

11.Pit sb against sb :使…竞争;与…相对立

12.in its strongest form其极端说法是;(通常做状语)

13.produce far-reaching consequences for…对…产生深远的影响;

14. file 提交,发起

15. live up to:不辜负,在翻译时常处理为符合

16.tread water (短语)踩水(求生存的意思);蹑足不前,徘徊观望;

Tread on one’s heels 紧随某人之后,步人后尘;

Walk on the water 无所不能;

17.emerging economies 新兴经济体

18.Poster child(典型代表)

19.cognitive constraints 认知限制

20.a state of latent potentiality 潜在可能的状态;

21.a state of manifest reality 明显的实际的状态;

22.be found the final 进入最后阶段(回忆一下昨天的一个“kaoyan"例句,有没有感觉异曲同工!)

23.setback 困难

24.stave off 延缓

25.along with sb/sth 除...以外;与...同样地;

2019何凯文考研英语每日一句 第127-133

2019何凯文考研英语每日一句127-133 何凯文老师2019考研英语每日一句已经开始更新。 接下来的日子里,何凯文老师会时不时的普及一些重要的新闻线索,2019年考研英语阅读将会展示很多原文重现!用以提高考研英语阅读能力。每日一句的目标——涨知识,学语言,提品味!! 小编将每周日发布上周六至本周五每日一句汇总,方便大家整理学习。敬请关注…… 何凯文考研英语每日一句第127句 今天的句子: It’s fairly well-known that a bad diet, a lack of exercise, and genetics can all contribute to type 2 diabetes. But a new global study points to an additional, surprising culprit: the air pollution emitted by cars and trucks.思考题: According to a new study, the air pollution is one possible reason for type 2 diabetes. 词汇突破: 1.type 2 diabetes 二型糖尿病 2. culprit 肇事者,引起问题的事物,罪魁祸首 3. additional另外的 4.bad diet 糟糕的膳食 5.a lack of exercise 缺乏锻炼 6. genetics 基因

第一句: It’s fairly well-known that a bad diet, a lack of exercise, and genetics can all contribute to type 2 diabetes. 切分: 1.It’s fairly well-known that 2. a bad diet, a lack of exercise, and genetics can all contribute to type 2 diabetes. 参考译文:众所周知,不良的饮食习惯、缺乏锻炼以及遗传因素都会导致2型糖尿病。 第二句: But a new global study points to an additional, surprising culprit: the air pollution emitted by cars and trucks. 切分: 1. But a new global study points to an additional, surprising culprit: 2. the air pollution emitted by cars and trucks. 参考译文:但一项新的全球研究指出了另一个令人惊讶的原因:汽车和卡车排放所造成的空气污染。 想知道为什么吗?可以点看原文链接哦。 思考题: According to a new study, the air pollution is one possible reason for type 2 diabetes. 根据一项新的研究,空气污染是2型糖尿病的一个可能的原因。


4月20日 我们认为只有人才会笑,但是研究表明猴子也会,鹦鹉也会,甚至连老鼠也会。We usually think laughter is primarily something we do when we find something funny,but in fact most laughter is produced for social reasons–we are30times more likely to laugh if there is someone else with us than when we are on our own. (想想你会怎么出题?) 思考题: The conventional wisdom is that the laughter is the product of social interaction. 来看看单词: https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html,ughter笑 2.conventional wisdom传统的看法 参考译文:我们通常认为,笑是我们发现一些有趣的东西时主要做的事,但实际上大多数的笑声是出于社会原因。如果有别人和我们在一起时,我们笑的可能性是我们独处时的30倍。 来看看思考题: The conventional wisdom is that the laughter is the product of social interaction. 传统的观点不是这样认为的,所以这个思考题是不对的。 4月21日 The District plans to crack down on drivers who park in or block bike lanes and put cyclists at risk by creating a team of bike-lane enforcement officers with the power to issue tickets on the scene and by mail. 思考题一: The drivers create a team to put cyclists at risk. 来看看单词: 1.crack down on严惩,整治 2.park停车 3.block阻塞 4.cyclist骑车人 5.enforcement officers执法人员 6.issue tickets开罚单 参考译文:


https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html,/文都2020考研万人公益讲座武汉站名师讲话实录—何凯文 2019年3月2日,文都教育集团2020考研万人公益讲座顺利举办,在讲座现场,何凯文老师为广大考研学子分享了精彩的备考经验,下面我们就来一起看一下演讲的详细内容。 现场的武汉的同学们以及全国视频终端前的所有的2020年考研的同学们,大家中午好。坚持到现在,真的不容易。同学们可以看一下,你的周围已经有人陆陆续续坚持不下去了,考研像极了今天的天气,大家可以抬头看一下,我刚才已经发消息,问我场外的同事,他们告诉我雨停了,天晴了,考研就是这样一条路。考研的感觉也像极了爱情,你需要坚持下去。

https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html,/当柳飘飘对着影片说我不工作你养我啊,“我养你啊”,这可能就是真正考研的意义,坚持到现在的你们,值得用你们自己的掌声鼓励一下自己。我是何凯文,考研英语的主讲老师。刚才我的同事已经和同学们讨论了关于考研的很多事,我想和大家分享两个问题,你为什么考研?我问过很多同学,很多考上成绩优秀的同学,给我的回答三个字,不甘心。没有拼尽全力去做一件事情输了,最遗憾的不是后悔,而是本可以。考研的意义是什么,我听到最大的回答给自己一个交代。不为别人,只为自己。 我们需要一场胜利,我们输太久,我们需要去找回那个想要遇到的自己,今天站在这个地方,是我第10次站在万人讲座的现场,2009年到现在,一年一度万人讲座,考研需要的就是这两个字“坚持”。学习之路千万条,坚持到底第一条。中途放弃很容易,待到出分泪两行。 2019年考研英语大作文的主题就是坚持,说了很多坚持什么,目标是啥?都知道考研英语满分100分,想过目标是多少分吗?没有目标很难有足够的动力,可以告诉大家,历年我们就在这样的场地和同学们分享的是一个神奇的分数,那就是考研英语70分,大家还不明白70分的意义,和大家分享一下。考研英语考到70分,就意味着同学们在被录取的过程当中,在中国任何一个高校,将不会在录取上存在任何的障碍,在进入研究生阶段将会获得免修和免考英语的特权,你有更多的时间和精力来做自己喜欢的事情,还能优先获得国家为你提供的一等奖学金,甚至高达3万元,还能优先公派留学机会,到国外学习两年。只要你稍加省吃俭用,不要湖吃海喝,每年至少会有5万元现金结余,回到国内之后拿着一


“莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔” 2017考研时间暂时定在2016年12月26和27日,从今天开始我会陪着大家一起走过。 GIVEN the many mistakes that human investors are prone to---sellingafter a market tumble, trading too often, believing they can beat the stockmarket--- dealing with money is perhaps best left to computers. 词汇突破:1. Proneto 记住这个词的搭配:proneto do sth/ prone to sth; Working without abreak makes you more prone to error. 连续工作不停歇使人更容易出错。 Tired drivers werefound to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs. 据调查,疲劳驾的司机特别容易忽视警示标志。 排生:proneness to depression 易消沉倾向 2. a market tumble 市场暴跌; 3. beat the stockmarket 跑赢股市 4. trading toooften 频繁交易 5. GIVEN + 名词(考虑到…)这句话是一篇文章的开始,很多杂志习惯于用全单词全大写来开始一篇文章。 主干识别:dealingwith money is perhaps best left to computers. 理财的事最好留给计算机来处理。 其他成分:状语: GIVEN the many mistakes(that humaninvestors are prone to: mistakes的定语从句) Mistakes的同位语: ---1.selling after a market tumble, trading too often, 2.believing theycan beat the stock market-- 参考译文:考虑到人类投资者会犯很多错误,比如在市场暴跌以后卖出,交易过于频繁,相信自己能跑赢大盘,所以,理财的事最好还是留给计算机来处理。 背景介绍:这篇文章是最新的经济学人商论中的一篇文章。讲到的就是现在市场出现了机器人理财公司,这给很多传统的理财公司带来了威胁,但是这种威胁现在也在减少。 NO2 在机舱里读了今天的文章。非常有调性的一篇文章。 符合考研的语言难度,和思想深度; 值得所有同学好好的看一看。 The pampered and the paupers


先说一下我的考研全程2019.3月份到2019.5月份 3月份到5月份我们学校安排了实习,由于是在学校实习,平常要带学生,所以还没有进入系统复习阶段。先确定了考研方向,期间也是反复思考,最后确定了考河大的汉硕,确定完之后就开始查找河大的参考书,买了一些笔记资料等。平常课余时间就开始零零散散的背单词。用的朱伟《恋练有词》配合视频来看,然后准备多个了笔记本分别来记不同的科目。在看《恋练有词》视频的时候,朱伟老师会讲到词根词缀以及由一个单词衍生出其它许多单词等。我就用笔记本把一些重点词根词缀记下来,把一些相关的词组单词等记下来,到后期系统复习的时候特别有帮助。 5月份到7月份这时候我们实习完了,就开始系统的看英语。除了看朱伟的视频还看了何凯文的长难句,关注了何凯文的微信公众号,其中的每日一句仔细分析,真的会有意想不到的收获。但是前期的视频战线不要拉得太长,因为到后期还有英语作文以及历年真题和专业课等你准备复习。在这两个月里,我就开始看现汉和引论。现汉第一遍必须要仔细看,一字一句去想,弄清楚每一句话表达的意思,尤其是涉及到的名词解释,如果不理解,背起来就非常困难。打好现汉的基础非常重要,我配合的是新东方国家纬老师的视频看的现汉,勤思的强化班视频看的文化要略,每天会画一下今天学的东西的框架图。7月份结束的时候过完了一边现汉,并且做完了现汉所有课后题,参考河大汉硕的出题方向,对现汉有了大概的掌握。 7月到9月份这时候正是放暑假的时候,也是最重要的阶段,一定不要荒废!在这期间我把勤思的习题集做了一遍,把不会的问题以及做错的题都整理了下来。文化要略做了学姐整理的习题集,和自己整理的习题集。《引论》看完了第一遍,配合勤思的视频看的。8月开始刷全国汉硕真题了。英语在这段时间开始做早年的真题,先开始做阅读以及翻译,同时也会看看一些老师讲翻译的视频,把自己认为有价值的翻译都写在了笔记本上。政治也是在8月份开始的,早点准备还是好一些的,后期不会特别着急。我用的是肖秀荣的资料,配合肖秀荣的视频看的。 9月份到11月份,现汉和文化要略正常刷题,现汉书上已经记满了各种笔记。引论根据河大的出题风格自己找了找重点,加上之前打印的笔记和框架图,还有自己刷题总结出来的重点,基本上形成了对《引论》这本书一个完整的认识。英语也一直在做真题,政治每天看视频课,加上刷《精讲精练》。同时看了徐涛的政治视频,觉得他非常可爱非常萌,竟然喜欢上了政治,然后也一直在看他的真题视频班。此时,现汉和引论都已经开始背诵了。在11月份结束的时候,现汉和引论背了两遍。现汉背自己整理的名词解释和在书上标注的简答,引论背的笔记。英语真题也一直在刷,到最后考前,刷了两遍,新题型看的王晟的视频。.11月专业课也一直在刷真题,英语边刷边模拟,从10年的真题开始,完整的做,第一天给自己模拟,剩下两天自己去分析。从11月份中旬开始每天背一篇王江涛的作文。还看了一些大神讲作文,有兴趣的同学可以详细再咨询我。 .12月,专业课一边背书,一边刷北京地区的题,引论背第三遍。最后又做政治做肖秀荣的《8套卷》和《4套卷》,4套卷配合徐涛的小黄书反复背。案例分析是最后一个月准备的,用的是打印的案例分析的整理集,有答案有模板。同时用朱勇的《案例与分析》,看一些其他学校的案例对比。准备一两个自己的模板。教案往年没考过,但是去年考了,今年以为会考,但也没考。强烈建议看一下《综合教案集》。 关于河大汉硕: 初试题: 1.专业课一:现代汉语上、下(高等教育出版社,黄伯荣、廖序东版) 题型:填空题(30个)、名词解释(5个)、分析题(5个)、问答题(3个) 2.专业课二:中国文化要略(外语教学与研究出版社,程裕祯版)、对外汉语教育学引论(北


背诵句式一:(with)the situation being so serious,it is high time that we took effective measures to... 背诵句式二:ti is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to harness and curb this urgent problem. 背诵句式三:simple as the picture is,the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. 背诵句式四:in no country other than China,it has been said,is the problem of environment more serious 背诵句式五:there has been a heated discussion about the picture in the newspaper. 背诵句式六:the past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy being carried out,bringing some problems at the same time,with the following one being the foremost 背诵句式七:the picture,at the first glimpse,seems to be simple,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 背诵句式八:according to one of the latest survey conducted by a certain international organization,...(money spent on pets in the city of Beijing is as much as ...,which can feed all the Japanese in the world for a whole year.) 背诵句式九:our human histoy/society/the past decade has been filled with a variety of examples of ...,with the following one(具体语境要更改如above)being the foremost. 背诵句式十:i can think of no better examples other than... 背诵句式十一:(好的主题)were there no sth,never would we do sth. 背诵句式十二:(不好的主题)were the situation to continue as it is,we would pay the high price./were the tendency to continue as it is,our future generation would not bother to think of excuse for us. 背诵句式十三:(个人评价段——好的情况)ti is imperitive that the essence be absorbed and the drawbacks be neglected,during this process,especially in the times of knowledge explosion,when the news,facts,opinions even rumors have been bombarding us from every corner of the world.(坏的情况:背诵句式一,二) 背诵句式十四:with a proper law and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before


2017.07.22 今年的句子: Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox has declined to table a new offer to protect the editorial independence of SkyNews, almost certainly triggering a full inquiry by the British competition authorities into the US media group’s£11.7bn takeover of satellite broadcaster Sky. 词汇突破: 1.decline拒绝 2.table搁置 3.editorial编辑的;社论的 4.trigger触发 5.inquiry询问 https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html,petition竞争 7.takeover收购 8.broadcaster电视台 确定主干: Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox has declined to table a new offer 切分成分: 1.to protect the editorial independence of SkyNews 2.almost certainly triggering a full inquiryby the British competition authorities into the US media group’s£11.7bn takeover of satellite broadcaster Sky 参考译文:鲁伯特?默多克的21世纪福克斯拒绝搁置新的收购要约,也没有要去保护SKY新闻的编辑自由。这几乎肯定会触发英国竞争管理当局对这家美国媒体集团之于Sky电视台价值117亿美元的收购进行全面调查。 明天的句子: An attractive scientist is outgoing and engaging—which means he or she isn’t slaving over data in the lab, as a good empiricist should be. That conclusion, Gheorghiu and her co-authors point out, squares with evidence that attractive scholars receive higher marks as teachers but aren’t more successful in their research careers.


1. prone to 记住这个词的搭配:prone to do sth/ prone to sth; 2. pampered 3. showdown 对峙 4. boil down to sth 归结于; 基本问题是; In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it. 说到底,问题的症结是钱,或者说是缺钱。 5. turns on 和boils down to 是一个递进关系; 6. precedent 先例; unprecedented 没有判决先例的 (美国是判例法,任何法律规定都是依照之前的案件判罚结果。) 7.loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses. (爱和幻想,疾病和遗憾) 8.Revealing 发人深省 9.emerging markets 新兴市场 10.outspend,这个词大致有三个意思:1.花费超过…范围;2.比(他人)花费多;3.比着花钱,攀比; 11.refinance:再融资(俗称的,拆东墙,补西墙)

12.Sb’ case is that… 这是一个句型,“某人的理由是…” 13.Unshackled 解除束缚; 同义词:Unchained;unfettered;untied 14. drag on (动词短语) 拖,拉拽,这里表示某件事情的胶着 15.within reason 在合理的范围之内 16.Devolve 移交(主要指权力的移交) 例句:In order to promote local governance through decentralization, the government has begun plans to devolve powers to the districts. 为了通过权力下放促进地方施政,政府已开始向各区下放权力的计划。 17.View A as B: 认为A是B;这个结构,老外常常会写成:View as B A. 意思还是认为A是B; 18.lingering 持续的,挥之不去的, 19.bad press 负面报道 20.rests on 基于…,取决于… 21.established conventions 已确立的传统(规定/习俗) 22. in that= because 因为引导状语从句; 23.the high street 商业街 24. Virtual 这个词一定要看英文解释;


2016-05-20 何凯文何凯文考研英语 今天的句子: Nothing better demonstrates the point that industrialization was a regional rather than a national process than a survey of the states that did not develop industrial economies by the middle of the nineteen century. 昨天句子的解析: New details about a second attack involving the system, Swift —used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world —are emerging as investigators try to solve an $81 million heist from the central bank of Bangladesh in February. 突破词汇: 调查者 出现 3. heist 盗窃 涉及 确定主干:New details are emerging. 切分成分: a second attack involving the system 定语 2. Swift (system的同位语) 3. used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world (swift的定语)

2019何凯文考研英语每日一句 第120-126

何凯文考研英语每日一句第120句 今天的句子: By focusing on high-carbon infrastructure as a means to create jobs, we distract ourselves from exploring how we can create hundreds of thousands of skilled, well-paid, secure jobs in the renewable energy sector, as Germany has done. 思考题: As的指代对象是什么? 词汇突破: 1.high-carbon infrastructure 高碳基础设施建设(不环保的) 2. the renewable energy sector 可再生能源领域(环保的) 3.sb distract oneself from doing sth 某人不再做某事 切分: 1.By focusing on high-carbon infrastructure as a means to create jobs,

独立成句: We focus on high-carbon infrastructure as a means to create jobs 我们关注于高碳产业的基础设施建设,作为创造工作机会的一种方式 2.we distract ourselves from exploring how we can create hundreds of thousands of skilled, well-paid, secure jobs in the renewable energy sector, 我们不再去探究我们如何能在可再生能源领域创造数十万个技能水平高、报酬优厚、职位稳定的工作。 3. as Germany has done. 独立成句:as = hundreds of thousands of skilled, well-paid, secure jobs in the renewable energy sector Done= created Germany has created hundreds of thousands of skilled, well-paid, secure jobs in the renewable energy sector 德国已经在可再生能源领域创造数十万个技能水平高、报酬优厚、职位稳定的工作。(这里是关键哦!) 参考译文1:我们关注于高碳产业的基础设施建设,作为创造工作机会的一种方式,进而不再去探究我们如何能在可再生能源领域创造数十万个技能水平高、报酬优厚、职位稳定的工作。而德国在这方面已经有所建树了。 参考译文2:关注高碳产业基础设施,将之视为创造就业的途径,会分散我们的注意力,不再探索如何在可再生能源领域创造数以十万计的技能水平高、报酬优厚、职位稳定的工作。而德国已经这样做了。 重要知识点讲解:


今天的句子: The groundwork for the world’s nerdiest fight was laid by Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, earlier this month, when he pushed again for the proactive regulation of artificial intelligence because he believes it poses a “fundamental risk to the existence of civilization”. 词汇突破 Groundwork 基础 Nerdy 书呆子的 Proactive regulation 事前监管 Fundamental 十分重要的 Existence 生存 Civilization 文明 确定主干: The groundwork for the world’s nerdiest fight was laid by Musk. 切分成分: 1.the Tesla and SpaceX CEO同位语 2.earlier this month时间状语 3.when he pushed again for the proactive regulation of artificial intelligence时间状语从句 4.because he believes…原因状语从句 5.(that) it poses a “fundamental risk to the existence of civilization”宾语从句 参考译文:特斯拉和SpaceX的CEO伊隆?马斯克本月早些时候,一再强烈要求建立针对人工智能的事前监管,为世界上最书呆子气的冲突埋下伏笔。他相信人工智能对“文明的存续造成重大风险”。 今天的句子: While every generation has its turn with an attachment for antiques or nostalgia for outdated technology, today’s tech-heavy culture shows few signs of trading in its sleek, modern designs for dark furniture or knick-knacks from bygone eras. 词汇突破: attachment 依恋 antique 古董 nostalgia 怀旧 outdated 过时的 sleek 线条流畅的 knick-knack 小物件 bygone 过去的 确定主干: today’s tech-heavy culture shows few signs of trading in…for… 当下以科技为主的文化显示了很少以……交换……的迹象 切分成分: 1.While every generation has its turn with…比较状语从句 2.an attachment for antiques or nostalgia for outdated technology 介词with的宾语


考研英语复习经验 一、考研英语复习经验(单词篇) 本人是2016考研狗,15考研结束后开始的考研复习,和大多数人一样,最先着手准备的是英语单词。毫无疑问,单词折磨了一代又一代考研人,备考过程中,我也是拿出了相当多的时间背单词。下面我就结合我自己的复习经验和众多过来人的经验给大家一点参考和建议。 15年一月份,我便开始背考研单词,单词书很简单,从网上找的考研大纲词汇,打印下来,接下来,就是一遍又一遍的啃。5500个单词分为二十部分,每天背一部分同时复习1天前、三天前、七天前、十五天前背诵的单词,反反复复,一直到寒假结束,几乎把5500个单词过了十几遍。这个背诵方法与新东方王江涛20天搞定考研词汇的方法类似,王江涛的作文课会详细讲述。这也是我使用的第一个方法,开学后一直在坚持,但是开始做真题是发现一个问题,单词都见过,但大部分想不起啥意思,当时急坏了,感觉一整个寒假的努力打水漂一样。 然后我就开始看新东方李剑的考研词汇真经,这本书同学们用的很少,但确实是让我获益匪浅的一本书,基本上我的单词功底就是在这个时候打下来的,当然与前期的努力也有关系。这本书让我明白一个真理,背单词一定要结合文章、句子,通过语境来理解单词,记忆深刻,记住,背单词一定要结合句子!!!反反复复看了几遍,一直到放暑假,斯间还看了新东方朱伟的单词视频,也是结合句子记忆,顺带讲了很多词根词缀,个人感觉很不错,但我只看了一部分。对于那些背单词感觉很无聊不容易坚持下来的推荐看下朱伟的视频,还有刘一男的单词课,商志的传奇背词班等都是很好的选择。 我可能是个喜新厌旧的人,放暑假前又买了新东方绿皮书(乱序版),自此爱上了这本书,一直到考研都在背这本,刚开始背一个单元可能需要很长时间(尤其是对于刚开始背单词的同学),到越往后期背的越快,到考研的时候差不多一个周就可以过一遍。最后再去看看何凯文的1575简直小菜一碟,几天就能过一遍了。 总结一下我用的单词背诵资料: 1、打印的大纲词汇


何凯文2016考研英语每日一句(11.18—11.28) 263句(11.18) 电子商务的发展,给人们生活的改变是巨大的,今年的双十一,创下921亿的纪录惊愕世人,而作文和阅读以及翻译的热点当然就会指向这个话题,今天的句子是对阅读,写作和翻译都很帮助的句子,请同学们一定好好看!今天从合肥到了淮北,明天又会从淮北返回合肥,后天去武汉,一路奔波也想告诉大家我们都需要坚持: I am always be with you! Don't give up! Making a buck is becoming progressively more challenging for brick-and-mortar retailers. Nearly two decades after https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html, and others began to chop away at the underpinnings of the traditional retailing business model, the pervasiveness of smartphones, the emergence of the digitally empowered consumer, and the prospect of one-day delivery make the future of physical retailing seem ever more tenuous. 词汇突破:Makea a buck 挣钱 Progressively 越来越 Challenging 挑战性 brick-and-mortar retailers 实体零售商 chop away at 削弱;动摇 underpinning (理论)基础 pervasiveness 遍布,普及 empower 获得…能力 physical retailing 实体销售 tenuous 脆弱; 句子解析:1. Makinga buck is becoming progressively more challenging for brick-and-mortarretailers. 对于实体店而言,赚钱变得越来越困难 2. Nearly two decades https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html, and others began to chop away at the underpinnings of thetraditional retailing business model, the pervasiveness of smartphones, theemergence of the digitally empowered consumer, and the prospect of one-daydelivery make the future of physical retailing seem ever more tenuous. 句子主干:A, B and C make D seemever more tenuous. A= thepervasiveness of smart phones, B= theemergence of the digitally empowered consumer C= theprospect of one-day delivery 其他成分:Nearly twodecades after https://www.doczj.com/doc/771246339.html, and others began to chop away at the underpinnings ofthe traditional retailing business model,时间状语 参考译文:二十多前,亚马逊以及其他公司就开始削弱传统零售商业模式的理论基础,智能手机无处不在,消费者拥有了数字技术的能力,快递业可以当日送达,这些都使得实体销售的前景似乎更加岌岌可危。 264句(11.19) 纵有疾风起,人生不言弃! 又是忙碌的一天,但是每日一句从来没有辜负过大家的期待!


1.JPP doesn’t think Aman is handsome, as Kevin thinks. 2. Mr. McWhorter is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper. 3. But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are anti-science, as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest. 4. We all think Kevin is handsome, as Aman believes. As 做代词,引导定语从句,在翻译的时候不用翻译,只需要切分,找到指代对象。而指代对象通常是就近指代。(偶尔可以根据语境找到具体指代对象。) 下面这种情况As只能指代之前的宾语从句。 主语1+观点动词+(not)+宾语从句, as +主语2+观点动词。 切分: 1. 主语1+观点动词+(not)+宾语从句 2. 主语2+观点动词+宾语从句 你发现了吧,这样就没有As这个词了。一切就清爽了! 怎么判断As引导的从句是定语从句? As +(句子):(句子)主干不完整,缺主语,宾语或者表语的时候,就可以判定为定语从句,否则就是状语从句。 例子:

As you are old, 引导状语从句(句子完整的) As is shown above, 引导定语从句做主语! As she believes , 引导定语从句,(believe 是及物动词,必须要有宾语。) 第一句切分: JPP doesn’t think Aman is handsome, as Kevin thinks. 1. JPP doesn’t think Aman is handsome, 2.Kevin thinks Aman is handsome 第二句切分: Mr. McWhorter is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper. 1.Mr. McWhorter is not arguing that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper. 2. many argue that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper. (As没有了吧!爽了吧!) 1.McWhorter 并不认为因为我们不能恰当说话,所以我们就不能正常思考。 2.很多人都认为因为我们不能恰当说话,所以我们就不能正常思考。翻译:McWhorter 并不认为因为我们不能恰当说话,所以我们就不能正常思考,但是很多人就是这样认为的。 (“但是”是我根据两句话的语义加上的。)


A further inference was drawn by Pascal,who reasoned that if this “sea of air”existed, its pressure at the bottom(i.e. sea level) would be greater than its pressure further up, and that therefore the height of mercury column would decrease in proportion to the height above sea-level. 【译文】帕斯卡作了进一步推论,他说,如果这种“空气海洋”存在的话,其底部(即海平面)的压力就会比其高处的压力大。因此,水银柱的高度降低量与海拔高度成正比。 【解析】这是个由一个主句和一个定语从句、两个宾语从句、一个状语从句组成的长句,长句体现了科技英语句法的一大特点。像这种句子,首先必须弄清其结构,按照汉语习惯,分割成若干个子句,才能够清晰地表达原意。 In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason. 主干识别:the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community (the non-commercial tree species are)to be preserved as such 其他成分:In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced状语 within reason状语 翻译点拨:词汇点拨: Ecologically生态 non-commercial tree species 没有商业价值的树种(非经济类树种) native forest community 当地森林群落 as such 相应的 within reason 在合理的范围之内 例句:The Clinton campaign has been low in expectations all day and it seems within reason. 克林顿竞选团已经放低了他们这些天的期望,看起来是有道理的. Preserved 保护 成分点拨: 先翻状语1: In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced 在林业生态更为发达的欧洲, (将ecologically转译为名词) 再翻主句和状语: the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community 没有商业价值的树种被合理地看成是当地森林群落的成员 to be preserved as such 并得到了相应的保护 参考译文:在林业生态更为发达的欧洲,没有商业价值的树种被合理地看成是当地森林群落的成员,并得到相应的保护。 In the idealized version of how science is done,facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objectivere searchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. 主干识别:facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers 其他成分:In theidealized version of how science is done 状语

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