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2019-2020衡水二中 第二学期三月 高三模考真题 全国一卷 (第1套)

2019-2020衡水二中 第二学期三月 高三模考真题  全国一卷 (第1套)
2019-2020衡水二中 第二学期三月 高三模考真题  全国一卷 (第1套)









Succulents(多肉植物)are plants with parts that are thick and fleshy,usually to stay wet in hot and dry climates.As a group,succulents include better-known plants,such as the aloe(芦荟)and the agave(龙舌兰),and many almost unknown plants.Succulents are easy to grow well.


Get the pots ready.Succulents need pots that will house the plant comfortably.The actual pot size will depend on the size of the plant.Make sure that you are not using either too large or too small a pot.

·There should be3or more holes at the bottom of the pot.Clay(陶土)pots are the best.

·Fill1/3of the pot with gravel(沙砾).


Prepare your soil.If you don’t want to use one of the ready-made succulent mixes available on the market,prepare your own.Mix up a nutritious(有营养的),well-drainable(排水好的)soil to use for planting.


Provide good sunlight.Succulents prefer bright light;therefore,place the pots in an area where there is plenty of sunlight,direct or indirect.An ideal sun exposure will be from dawn to12noon during the summer.


Fill the pots up to the desired level with the potting mix so that the tip of the roots will touch it.Then,hold the plant carefully at the center of the pot,allow the roots to hang inside and place the potting mix loosely around the roots until it covers them up.You may also knock the pot softly on the ground to settle the potting soil.


Water your plant.The first watering will be done on the third day of planting.The plant needs the soil to be dry for the first two days so that any harm to the root system can heal.

Watering afterward will have to be done according to the species and growth rate of the individual plant.A good rule is that the soil mix should be allowed to dry up before the next watering.Succulents grow during summer and rest during winter.Watering is recommended twice a week during the summer,once a fortnight during early and late winter and once a month during the peak of cold weather.


Fertilize(施肥),during the summer growing season,as you would with other houseplants.Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter.The nitrogen content(含氮量)of the fertilizer should always be very low.

21.How should you prepare a pot for a succulent?

A.Try to avoid using a clay pot.

B.Fill1/2of the pot with gravel.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1512299325.html,e a pot that is3times the size of the plant.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1512299325.html,e a pot with at least3holes at the bottom.

22.Which is the best time to expose a succulent to the sun in summer?





23.How often should you water a succulent during early winter?

A.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Once every two weeks.

D.Once a month.

24.What should you pay attention to when you fertilize a succulent?

A.Not fertilizing it during the winter.

B.Fertilizing the plant on the third day after planting.

C.Making the fertilizer yourself.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1512299325.html,ing a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.


When I was12years old,I already knew that my teen years were going to be the worst years of my life.I was a total outsider,bullied(欺凌)at school.I felt completely alone in my small town.

But by starting to do volunteer work when I was14,I turned my problem into a passion for helping others. The opportunity to practice kindness made me feel like my life had a greater purpose.The more positive energy I shared,the more kindness and appreciation I received.I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people,specifically teenagers,and help them feel less alone.

Books were my true friends back then.I was so thankful that the authors wrote those books.The kindness they offered me with their books saved my life.One of my biggest dreams was to become an author so I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me.

After surviving terrible experiences at school and at home,I made a choice to take the optimistic,positive road in the next steps of my journey.My dream career,one I thought was only possible for the authors I loved,is what I am doing now.I have been a full-time author of teen novels since2007and am grateful for this amazing opportunity to reach out to readers every single day.

Kindness saved me when I needed help the most.Even small acts of kindness can change someone’s life.You never know what someone else is going through.But by practicing daily kindness,you become an architect of positive change.

25.What was the author’s life like when he was12?





26.How did the volunteer work benefit the author?

A.It made him popular in his town.

B.It helped him find the meaning of life.

C.It helped him understand others’lives better.

D.It helped to shape his dream career.

27.Why did the author choose writing as his job?

A.He was inspired by his teacher.

B.He could pass positive energy to readers.

C.He wanted to share his school experiences.

D.He found he had a talent for writing.

28.What does the author suggest readers do in the last paragraph?

A.Say“no”to bullies bravely.

B.Make positive changes in their lives.

C.Treat others with kindness in daily life.

D.Learn to care more about others’feelings.


Something was cooking in Toby McCartney’s home in Scotland.The engineer and his two pals were melting down pot after pot of plastic in his kitchen.Plastic bottles,carrier bags–it all went into the melting pot.

But McCartney wasn’t going mad,he was trying to create the perfect recipe for plastic roads.“We went through about600different plastics that we were mixing in before we found one that actually worked,”he told CNN.The final recipe was mixed in with ordinary asphalt(沥青)to create a stronger,longer-lasting road, explained McCartney.

“We are wanting to solve two world problems.On one side we call it the waste plastic[problem],and on the other side,the poor quality of roads that we have to drive on today.”To make plastic roads,plastic waste is turned into tiny pieces and replaces20percent of the material that seals traditional roads.Every ton of plastic road material contains approximately20,000.To date,McCartney’s company has provided plastic that’s been used in roads in the UK,Canada,Australia and New Zealand.

McCartney first saw plastic in roads while traveling in India.There,he saw how waste plastics were used to repair holes in roads across many cities.In fact,India has been using plastic in the construction of roads since the turn of the century.In November2015,the Indian government even made it a law to construct roads using waste plastic in most urban areas.

However,a number of states have yet to begin using plastic in road construction,explained Indian environmentalist Almitra Patel.“Potentially,plastic roads will make it possible for a city or state or the whole country for that matter to create zero waste if one follows the rules,but it’s a long way from happening,”she told CNN.While plastic waste is a mounting issue,McCartney believes the material’s properties are perfectly suited for the creation and repair of roads.“At the end of the day,plastic is a great product,”he said.“It lasts for a long time, which is a problem if it’s a waste product,but not a problem if we want it to last.”

29.Why was McCartney cooking plastic in his kitchen?

A.To find a new way to break down plastic.

B.To recycle waste plastic in a creative way.

C.To create longer-lasting plastic bags.

D.To find more types of plastics.

30.What can we learn about plastic roads from the article?

A.They are made mainly from plastic.

B.They contain more plastic bottles than plastic bags.

C.They are believed to last longer than traditional roads.

D.They need to be tested more before being put into use.

31.How does the Indian government promote building plastic roads?

A.By placing advertisements.

B.By making it a law.

C.By inviting experts to explain the process.

D.By introducing the technology from abroad.

32.What does Almitra Patel think of the future of plastic roads?

A.They might create some unexpected problems.

B.They will produce many economic benefits.

C.It’s unrealistic to build them across a whole country.

D.It will take time and effort for them to become common.


The college entrance examination is just around the corner.Tasks and tests will keep many of you stay up late every night,and you may plan to make up for the lost sleep time on weekends.But is it useful?A study published in the journal Current Biology shows that the habit of sleeping in on weekends doesn’t fix the damage done by lack of sleep during the week.Even worse,it may damage your health.

In the study,which was conducted over10days,36healthy young men and women with different sleep requirements were divided into three groups.The first and second groups were asked to sleep nine hours and five hours a night respectively.The members of the third group slept for five hours on weekdays but rested as long as they wanted on the weekend.

The researchers found that people who lacked sleep ate more snacks and gained weight quickly.However,this wasn’t the case with the first group.That could be partially due to the shifting(变化)of the biological clock and changes to certain body hormones,especially hunger hormones.In order to catch up on sleeping during weekends, people in the third group would habitually eat later.So,their biological clocks would be shifted,which also changed the release of hunger hormones.“The hormone leptin(瘦蛋白)decreases appetite(胃口),while the hormone ghrelin increases appetite,”explained US researcher Vsevolod Polotsky,“Sleep deprivation causes leptin to drop and ghrelin to rise,so you’re hungry and eat more.”

And even if they tried to sleep for as long as they wanted to during weekends,according to researchers,it was still insufficient(不够的)to meet standard sleep time because they found it difficult to fall asleep.Moreover,they were more likely to show increased sensitivity(敏感性)to insulin(胰岛素)in both their muscles and their livers.“That helps us understand why it is that when we don’t get enough sleep,we have an increased risk for things like diabetes(糖尿病),”Polotsky told CNN,because“short,insufficient sleep schedules will lead to an inability to change blood sugar and increase the risk of metabolic(新陈代谢的)disease in the long term.”For this reason,the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends at least seven hours of sleep each night for adults and much more for children.

33.What did the study published in the journal Current Biology find?

A.Many adults can’t get enough sleep on weekdays.

B.Catching up on sleep is harmful to the body.

C.Men and women have different sleep requirements.

D.Sleep quality is closely related to one’s weight.

34.Why may people who don’t get enough sleep eat more?

A.They need to create more energy.

B.They have lower blood sugar than others.

C.Their bodies release more leptin hormone.

D.Their bodies release more hunger hormones.

35.According to the research,lack of sleep may lead to______.

A.bad temper

B.mental problems

C.poor memory

D.metabolic diseases



What do babies,puppies and cartoon characters have in common?36._____________.Cute animals and babies attract our attention and make us want to take care of them,which gives them an evolutionary(进化的) advantage,according to Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz.

37._____________When we look at babies,we are attracted to certain facial features.These features make us want to take care of them so they can grow up healthily and pass their genes on to the next generation.

Looking at baby animals and cartoon characters also cause these feelings.Childlike characteristics make babies sweet and lead us to build close ties with them.38._____________

There are several features that can cause this feeling.39._____________If a baby animal or human wobbles (摇摇摆摆)a bit when walking,that can make them seem even cuter.Of course,we don’t raise baby animals the same way we raise human babies,and we don’t raise cartoon characters at all.40._____________Cute cartoon characters become popular this way,and baby animals are more likely to be cared for properly.Think about some of the things that you find cute,and you’re likely to see that they have some of the same characteristics as a human baby.

A.This even works when we see things that remind us of a baby.

B.The science behind cuteness is still unclear.

C.Human babies are a good example.

D.However,babies get less cute as they get older.

E.A large round head,large eyes,and soft skin are just some of these features.

F.But their cuteness does make us like them and want to take care of them.

G.The answer is that they all look cute.




Last May I went to a lake with my family.I thought it would be a normal fun day of swimming,but I

was41.My brothers and my uncle were with me in a shallow swimming area with a net and a42.The rest of my family ate lunch on a nearby bench.I felt very43.

I was sitting in the shallow water with my feet facing the deeper end,when something hit my44.I knew it was an alligator(短吻鳄)as soon as it bit me.Its teeth were so45!I started crying out loud for46,but my family didn’t hear me.I started to47the nine-foot-long alligator and then I48something I learned at an alligator education park:The49is the weakest part of an alligator!I stuck my fingers up its nose,and

it50of me.

I tried to get out of the water,but I couldn’t get up because my leg was51.My uncle held me

and52me out of the water.It was the lifeguard’s first day of53,and he was shaking while he looked at my leg.We were also54!I was sent to55and got fourteen stitches(缝针)in my left leg.

I have a big scar(伤疤)that makes me think about how56I was that day.But I also remember how brave I was in that moment.I57so fast–I had to!It’s not like the alligator was going to give me two minutes

to58like in a chess match.I had to be a(n)59thinker.Sometimes you’re in a situation where60else can help you and you have to think fast and help yourself.That’s what I did.

41.A.foolish B.confused C.wrong D.surprised

42.A.lifeguard B.trainer C.doctor D.volunteer

43.A.amazed B.safe C.uncomfortable D.nervous

44.A.arm B.head C.shoulder D.leg

45.A.sharp B.big C.white D.straight

46.A.action B.help C.change D.solution

47.A.push B.drag C.touch D.hit

48.A.noticed B.imagined C.remembered D.understood

49.A.head B.mouth C.nose D.back

50.A.let go B.made fun C.took notice D.got hold

51.A.weak B.tired C.short D.hurt

52.A.led B.carried C.drove D.kept

53.A.work B.class C.training https://www.doczj.com/doc/1512299325.html,petition

54.A.shaking B.crying C.shouting D.sighing

55.A.prison B.police C.school D.hospital

56.A.stupid B.scared C.angry D.careless

57.A.swam B.escaped C.returned D.reacted

58.A.worry B.think C.hesitate D.study

59.A.original B.independent C.quick D.free

60.A.anybody B.everybody C.nobody D.somebody



We walked inside a museum in Garden City and looked around,eager61.________(meet)Kobie Boykins,a NASA engineer.He helped to design the Mars rover(探测器)Curiosity,62.________is still exploring to this day.

In a big presentation room,Boykins63.________(talk)about the team’s newest rover,Mars2020.We asked him if the new rover would be64.________most complicated one he and his team65.________(make)so far.He told us that most of the engineering would be the same.However,the rover is still more66.________(advance) and will be able to get more accurate test67.________(result).

When Boykins finished his presentation,some people brought him into another room where we would interview him.We asked if he felt he was68.________a lot of pressure at work.He told us that he69.________ (actual)put a lot of pressure on himself.He said that working on the spacecraft wasn’t putting him in that position, but he still wanted to make70.________perfect.









A few weeks ago,I participated a camping trip at Pitt Lake.It was a new experience for me,so I was both nervous and excited at the first.Because there were many participant,we had a bigger canoe(独木舟)and a smaller one.I chose to be in the smaller canoe with my friend Mitra,but we soon found that this was not a wiser choice.In order to keep up of the bigger canoe,all of them had to paddle(划桨)hard.My arms quick became sore. To take our minds off the pain,Mitra and I played“20questions”while paddle.In this game,one person thinks of an object and the other person asks20questions to figure out whether the object is.We had a good laugh before we finally arrive at the campsite.












21.D。根据步骤一中的There should be3or more holes at the bottom of the pot.可知D选项正确。

22.A。根据步骤三中An ideal sun exposure will be from dawn to12noon during the summer.可知A选项正确。

23.C。根据步骤五中“Watering is recommended twice a week during the summer,once a fortnight during early

and late winter and once a month during the peak of cold weather.”可知C选项正确。

24.A。根据步骤六中“Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter.”可知A选项正确。



一生中最糟糕的阶段。接着介绍了糟糕状况的表现“I was a total outsider,bullied at school”,“我”觉得自己是局外人,说明此时的生活是不如意的。因此答案为C。其余三项不符合作者意思。

26.B。由第二段“But by starting to do volunteer work when I was14,I turned my problem into a passion for

helping others.The opportunity to practice kindness made me feel like my life had a greater purpose.”可知,参加志愿活动给“我”提供了表达善意的机会,让“我”感觉到生活有更大的意义。因此答案为B。其他三项文中未体现。






29.B。根据第六段“We are wanting to solve two world problems.On one side we call it the waste plastic[problem],

and on the other side,the poor quality of roads that we have to drive on today.”可知McCartney想要解决的其中一个问题是塑料的污染问题,所以应该是把塑料回收利用,因此答案选B。

30.C。根据第九段“McCartney claims his plastic roads are60percent stronger than traditional roads,and lab tests

have shown these roads may last up to three times longer.”可知McCartney声称塑料路比普通的路更耐用,因此选C。A选项错在实际上塑料只是占到总材料的百分之二十;B选项错在文中并没有对比。31.B。根据“In November2015,the Indian government even made it a law to construct roads using waste plastic in

most urban areas.”可知印度通过立法来推广塑料路,因此选B,其他选项文中没有提到。

32.D。根据倒数第三段but it’s a long way from happening可知Almitra Patel认为塑料路普及还需要时间和努



【长难句分析】“That helps us understand why it is that when we don’t get enough sleep,we have an increased risk for things like diabetes,”Polotsky told CNN,because“short,insufficient sleep schedules will lead to an inability to change blood sugar and increase the risk of metabolic disease in the long term.”

结构分析:本句的主干为:That helps us understand...;why引导的从句作understand的宾语,此从句使用了强调句型,把该从句还原为正常语序为“Why is it that when we don’t,we have an increased risk for...”;because 引导的是原因状语从句,解释前面的原因。


33.B。根据第二段“the habit of sleeping in on weekends doesn’t fix the damage done by lack of sleep during the

week.Even worse,it may damage your health.”可知B正确。

34.D。根据“So,their biological clocks would be shifted,which also affected the release of hunger hormones.”可知


35.D。根据“short,insufficient sleep schedules will lead to an inability to change blood sugar and increase the risk

of metabolic disease in the long term.”可知D正确。








42.A。作者游泳的地方很浅,有安全网,还有____,从下文的“It was the lifeguard’s first day”可判断,边



44.D。根据第四段最后一句“I was sent to55and got fourteen stitches in my left leg.”可知作者是腿被鳄



46.B。被咬之后应该是会大声呼救,crying out loud for help意为“大声呼救”。



49.C。根据后一句“I stuck my fingers up its nose”可知作者之所以用手指戳鳄鱼的鼻子应该是想起来鳄鱼的鼻


50.A。根据后文可知作者后来脱险了,可见戳鳄鱼的鼻子是有效的,鳄鱼放开了作者,let go of sb意为“放









58.B。根据后文“you have to think fast”可知作者想说的是鳄鱼没有给作者太多思考的时间。

59.C。还是根据后文“you have to think fast”可知作者想说的是必须要会快速思考,因此是be a quick thinker。




61.to meet62.which63.was talking/talked64.the65.had made





72.at the first→at first










Dear Chris,

I’m honored to serve as your guide to the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City,also known as the Palace Museum,was the home of emperors and their wives during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Its spectacular buildings and well-preserved artwork make it a must-see landmark for any visitor to Beijing.It offers a glimpse into the life of the royal family.

We will meet in your hotel lobby at9am and go there by subway.It will take15minutes or so,maybe a little longer if we have to line up at the security checkpoints.

I look forward to seeing you then!


Li Hua


绝密★启用前 河北省衡水市第二中学 2020届高三毕业班下学期高考适应性考试 语文试题 (解析版) 2020年3月30日一、现代文阅读 (一)论述类文本阅读 阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 王国维在《人间词话》中曾说词“能言诗之所不能言,而不能尽言诗之所能言。诗之境阔,词之言长”。他说词能言诗之所不能言,表达出诗所难以传达的情绪,但有时也不能表达诗所能传达的情意。换句话说,诗有诗的意境,词有词的意境,有的时候诗能表达的,不一定能在词里表达出来,同样的,有时在词里所能表达的,不一定能在诗里表达出来。比较而言,是“诗之境阔,词之言长”,诗里所写的内容、所传达的意境更为广阔、更为博大,而词所能传达的意思是“言长”,也就是说有余味,所谓“长”者就是说有耐人寻思的余味。缪钺先生在《诗词散论·论词》中也曾说:“诗显而词隐,诗直而词婉,诗有时质言而词更多比兴。” 为什么诗与词在意境和表达方面会形成这样的差别呢?其既有形式上的原因,也有写作时语言、环境、背景的原因。 我们先说形式上的原因,如果以词跟诗歌相比,特别是与五言古诗相比,二者之间便有很大的不同。像杜甫的《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》《北征》这样的长篇五言古诗,所叙述的内容这样博大、这样质朴,像这种风格和意境,在词中是没法传达的,因为词在性质上本是配乐歌唱的歌辞,它有音乐曲调上的限制。 另外,在形式上的字句和音律方面,诗一般流行的是五言和七言的句式,通篇是五言或七言,字数是整齐的,押韵的形式都是隔句押韵,即第二、四、六、八句押韵,形式固定;而词的句式则长短不整齐,每句停顿的节奏也不尽相同。就诗的停顿而言,一般来说,五言诗常是二三或是二二一的节奏,七言诗常是四三或二二三的节


衡水二中作息时间表 5:30起床 5:40--5:50跑操 5:50--6:00操后班会 6:00--6:40早读 6:40--6:55打饭、吃饭 6:55--7:10自助 7:10—11:00上午上课 11:00—12:05中午限训 12:05—12:40中午时间 12:40—13:45午休(伪) 12:45—12:53飞奔去教室交作业唱班歌 2:00—5:40下午上课 5:40—5:55晚饭 5:55—6:10物理自助 6:10—9:00晚间限训 9:00—9:50晚四 9:55—10:05回宿舍就寝 10:08打铃睡觉 在二中,不需要有多快的脑子,但必须学会坚持,要勤奋,有理想,遵守纪律。二中很苦很累,但有付出必有回报,个中滋只有亲身经历才能体会。最后不管去哪学习希望能取得心仪的成绩。 6:55 --7:10自助 你们可能不太懂这个名字,在二中日常做题分为自助餐,限时训练,强化练习,错题重做四种,自助餐就是日常作业,限时训练是习题课上做的题,强化是一章学完以后的拔高题,错题重做是老师根据正答率重新编的卷子即偏难怪合集。这一时间做的就是自助,题型大部分为选择,大多数人是无法完整做完的,做完马上涂卡,老师在课上会讲这一部分题,对做的不好的同学会批评并有一定的惩罚 11:00—12:05中午限训 限时训练来了,都说数学要多做题,二中的数学题基本都是在这个时间做的,在你已经开始饿肚子的时候,来一张数学卷子折磨一下那个feel也是倍儿爽,别说你休息不做,二中老师可不是吃素的。当然了并不是一直做数学,前期会练生物题,两个月后开始练英语听力,中午的时间很容易疲倦,建议在十一点下课后吃点喝点,保持血糖水平, 12:05 —12:40中午时间 首先确保你的中午作业拿回宿舍,这玩意可不是开玩笑的,语文英语老师就盯着中午给你留的作业呢!通常是语文一张卷子,都是语言运用的选择题,时常会有诗歌鉴赏题,题量大概在二十分钟左右,英语则是完形填空一篇,改错一篇,语法填空一篇,有时会留七选五,有时会留习字,大概半个小时完成。 12:40 —13:45午休(伪) 为啥要加个伪,因为基本上就是在做作业,整理错题,很少有睡觉的时间,效率较高的同学能争取到大约二十分钟左右的睡眠,中午不睡,下午崩溃。中午作业要涂卡下午上课前交到教室外,卡和二卷都交,老师查的很严

2019-2020衡水二中 第二学期三月 高三模考真题 全国一卷 (第1套)

2019-2020衡水第二中学高三第二学期下3月模考试题(一) 英语试题 本测试共150分,共8页。测试时间为120分钟。 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Succulents(多肉植物)are plants with parts that are thick and fleshy,usually to stay wet in hot and dry climates.As a group,succulents include better-known plants,such as the aloe(芦荟)and the agave(龙舌兰),and many almost unknown plants.Succulents are easy to grow well. Step1 Get the pots ready.Succulents need pots that will house the plant comfortably.The actual pot size will depend on the size of the plant.Make sure that you are not using either too large or too small a pot. ·There should be3or more holes at the bottom of the pot.Clay(陶土)pots are the best. ·Fill1/3of the pot with gravel(沙砾). Step2 Prepare your soil.If you don’t want to use one of the ready-made succulent mixes available on the market,prepare your own.Mix up a nutritious(有营养的),well-drainable(排水好的)soil to use for planting. Step3 Provide good sunlight.Succulents prefer bright light;therefore,place the pots in an area where there is plenty of sunlight,direct or indirect.An ideal sun exposure will be from dawn to12noon during the summer. Step4 Fill the pots up to the desired level with the potting mix so that the tip of the roots will touch it.Then,hold the plant carefully at the center of the pot,allow the roots to hang inside and place the potting mix loosely around the roots until it covers them up.You may also knock the pot softly on the ground to settle the potting soil. Step5 Water your plant.The first watering will be done on the third day of planting.The plant needs the soil to be dry for the first two days so that any harm to the root system can heal. Watering afterward will have to be done according to the species and growth rate of the individual plant.A good rule is that the soil mix should be allowed to dry up before the next watering.Succulents grow during summer and rest during winter.Watering is recommended twice a week during the summer,once a fortnight during early and late winter and once a month during the peak of cold weather. Step6 Fertilize(施肥),during the summer growing season,as you would with other houseplants.Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter.The nitrogen content(含氮量)of the fertilizer should always be very low. 21.How should you prepare a pot for a succulent?


家长眼中的衡水中学:有升学率的教育才是真正的素质教育作者:邢台胡子宏(我敲这篇博文,是针对《回应超级中学对素质教育的挑战》。该文对衡中的担忧,应该是杞人忧天。该文对衡中管理的指责,简直是空想臆断。没有感受衡中的生活,单就表象就对衡中教学和管理信口雌黄,不仅有失公允,也不是理论探讨的正确态度。这里作为一个衡中的学生家长,谈谈我对衡中的一些认识。仅仅就事论事,对具体某个学校,某个人,没有私下的恶意或恩怨。) 近一个时期,关于衡中的褒贬,经常见诸各个媒体。报章网络的评点,既透出了对衡中104个清北录取量的惊讶,又表达出对中国教育的忧思。作为教育工作者,可以从诸多的教育理论上,对衡中的办学模式,进行剔骨绞肉式的评点,从而得出“不利于素质教育”、“妨碍学生健康成长”“掠夺本省优秀生源”的结论。但是,全国各地那么多的校长、老师去衡中参观,总是验证着这所超级中学的无穷魅力。 成绩就是硬道理,你服,你不服,升学率就在那里。你批,你不批,大批优秀生源总是涌向那里。从宏观角度讲,衡中的褒贬总是被人说得头头是道,但具体选择上,假如你是中国最伟大的教育家,一边儿是高升学率的衡中,一边儿是一年几个985升学量的普通中学,你让自家孩子去哪所学校上学呢?理论上的头头是道,总比不上现实选择的残酷性。 衡中真的那么残酷吗?衡中为什么成为众矢之的?衡中的魅力在哪里?若非自家孩子在衡中就读,谁能说出个子丑寅卯呢?

一、衡中的现实,就是中国教育的现实。衡中的存在和发展,是教育和社会现实提供了丰厚的土壤。 河北人民距离祖国的心脏那么近,但是心脏给河北人民供了多少“血”呢?在河北,不仅没有一个985大学,甚至,仅有的211河北工业大学,也是在天津。当北京的教育家们的孩子优哉游哉地享受着北京几十所985、211大学名额的时候,河北人民的孩子眼睁睁地看着所谓的教育资源被首都人民占有。在天津,有南开,有天大;在上海,有复旦,有交大;弹丸之地的重庆,还有重庆大学。江苏有南京大学,大半录取了的江苏学生,浙江有浙江大学7成录取的是浙江学生。这种教育资源的偏差,叫嚣了多少年,何曾改观? 僧多粥少,现实必然会催出激烈竞争的恶之花。如果把全国的名牌大学的录取数字,均衡地分配到各个县市区,那么,衡中超级大学的大厦定然会轰然倒塌。 理论上,一些专家教授分析得头头是道,甚至是对衡中模式口诛笔伐,但多少人只是从教育理论的本身去分析,却没有摆出高等教育资源不均衡的终极原因。他们只是看到了孩子们在“抢食”,却不敢说“粥少”。 素质教育喊了多少年,貌似找到了教育的真谛,但是只是从国家建设和民族发展的层面,试图让学生摆脱苦读书的现状。但,中国社会阶层的固化,验证着,低阶层的孩子只能通过高考,获取通往高阶层的位


2020届河北省衡水二中新高考原创仿真试卷(十六) 历史 ★祝考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1、考试范围:高考范围。 2、试题卷启封下发后,如果试题卷有缺页、漏印、重印、损坏或者个别字句印刷模糊不清等情况,应当立马报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 3、答题卡启封下发后,如果发现答题卡上出现字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等现象,应当马上报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 4、答题前,请先将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试题卷和答题卡上的相应位置,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 5、选择题的作答:每个小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选择题答题区域的答案一律无效。 6、主观题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域的答案一律无效。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 7、选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B铅笔涂黑。答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选修题答题区域的答案一律无效。 8、保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损,不得使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等。 9、考试结束后,请将本试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸一并依序排列上交。 第I卷选择题(共48分) —、选择题(本大题共32小题,每小题1.5分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。 1.周天子授土授民给诸侯叫“建国”,诸侯授土授民给卿、大夫叫做“立家”。这一背景下, 士、庶民把自己的宗族称之为“家”,效忠于“家”。这表明分封制 A.有利于宗法制的强化 B.为地方分裂割据埋下伏笔 C.促进了民众的国家认同 D.扩大了“家天下”的影响 2.西周宗法并非一成不变,对抗商时,周人就实行不分亲疏强调长幼、共享政权同尽义务的“昭穆制”;西周中期后,则普遍采用上下尊卑,命令服从的“大小宗制”。这一变化的背景是 A.宗法制的强化与发展 B. 土地财产分封的有限性 C.集权统治的H益加强 D.周公确立的周礼遭到破坏 3.《诗》的首篇《关雎》属于“周南之歌”,是描述男女爱情的民歌。后世儒家认为,雎鸠


2020届河北省衡水二中新高考原创仿真试卷(十五) 历史 ★祝考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1、考试范围:高考范围。 2、试题卷启封下发后,如果试题卷有缺页、漏印、重印、损坏或者个别字句印刷模糊不清等情况,应当立马报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 3、答题卡启封下发后,如果发现答题卡上出现字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等现象,应当马上报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 4、答题前,请先将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试题卷和答题卡上的相应位置,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 5、选择题的作答:每个小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选择题答题区域的答案一律无效。 6、主观题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域的答案一律无效。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 7、选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B铅笔涂黑。答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选修题答题区域的答案一律无效。 8、保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损,不得使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等。 9、考试结束后,请将本试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸一并依序排列上交。 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共48分) 一、选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。) 1.商朝分封,不见授土授民,有“封”,而无“建”;西周授土授民,有“封”,更有“建”。据 此可知,西周分封( ) A.实现了“天下一家”的文化认同 B.确立了周天子的专制王权 C.加强了西周对地方的统治 D.巩固了西周大一统的局面 2.《老子》:“绝圣弃智,民利百倍;绝仁去义,民复孝慈;绝巧去利,盗贼无有。”这表明老子主张( ) A.民贵君轻 B.精神自由 C.节俭尚贤 D.无为而治 3.下表是汉高祖强制性的人口迁移情况。其主要目的是( )


语文暑期作业第十套 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一、下列各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个 ..是符合题意的。请你把符合题意的一项的序号填在题后的括号内。(共8分。每小题2分) 1.下列词语中加点字读音有误的是() A.勉强.(qiǎng)比拟.(nǐ)水涨.船高(zhǎng) B.膝.盖(xī)追溯.(sù)谆谆教诲.(huì) C.炫.耀(xuàn)赈.灾(zhèn)装模.作样(mó) D.称.职(chèn)狭隘.(ài)鲜.为人知(xiǎn) 2.对下列句子中加点词语使用的错误,分析有问题 ...的一项是() A. 我们班的语文科代表对工作尽职尽责,同学们都很爱戴 ..他。 爱戴:敬爱并且拥护。适用于晚辈对长辈,下级对上级。 分析:对工作尽职尽责是值得学习的事情,谈不上“敬爱”和“拥护”。科代表是同学,不是长辈和上级,所以使用有误。 B. 昨天我做作业时遇到了一个难题,就对同桌说:“我不耻下问,向你请教一个问题,可 以吗?” 不耻下问:不以向学问比自己差或地位、辈份比自己低的人请教为可耻。含褒义,形容虚心求教。 分析:同桌的学问未必比自己低,地位、辈份是平等的,所以使用有误。 C. 在外漂泊十多年的他见到亲人时终于忍俊不禁 ....,流下了辛酸的眼泪。 忍俊不禁:原指热衷于某事,不能克制自己。后指忍不住发笑。 分析:久别重逢时“流下了辛酸的眼泪”,表明心里很不好受,应该是笑不出来的,所以使用有误。 D. 上次作文,王平同学因用词不当丢了丑以后,我决心吃一堑,长一智 .......,苦下功夫背词造句,一定不要吃他那样的亏。 吃一堑,长一智:经受一次挫折,就会增长一分智慧。 分析:“经受一次挫折,就会增长一分智慧。”是从自己的角度说的,不是指吸取他人的经验教训,所以使用有误。 3. 结合语境,填入横线处最恰当的一项是()


衡水二中2020届高三语文测试卷 一、现代文阅读 阅读下面的文字,完成各题。 “群”与“众”密切相关,“群”本身就有“众”或“众多”的意思。《国语·周语》讲:“人三为众。”正是由于“群”与“众”相近,所以形成了“群众”组合词,代表“许多人”“众人”。古典文献存在“群众”一词的使用现象。例如,《荀子》:“群众不能移也。”进入20世纪,“群众”与“人民”“大众”等基本同义。 先秦儒家不乏“众”的论说,某种意义上发展了一种“众论”。孔子的“众论”极富特色,内涵深刻,集中体现了先秦儒家特有的群众责任观念。在儒家视野中,为政者的群众责任观主要表现在以下几个方面:一则主张爱众。孔子主张仁者爱人,这其中必然包含着对民众的爱。为此,孔子对弟子提出了孝悌、谨信和泛爱众等责任伦理要求。对于孟子来说,爱众的一个重要表现就是“与众同乐”。他认为,“独乐乐”不如“与人乐乐”,而在“与人乐乐”中“与少乐乐”又不如“与众乐乐”,体现了爱民众的责任担当。 二则强调济众。在孔子看来,一个真正的仁者能够做到己立立人、己达达人,如果广泛地给予人民以好处,又能接济广大的民众,不仅属于仁者,甚至就已经达到了圣人的境界。孔子这里对仁的诠释,包含着对仁者爱民济众的政治道德要求。 三则倡导得众。在教学过程中,孔子不但括明了“仁”为“爱人”和“知”为“知人”,而且阐明了真正的智慧之人应当是“举直错诸枉,能使枉者直”。对此樊迟不理解,孔子弟子子夏解释:舜汤之所以拥有天下,就在于注重从人民大众当中选贤任能,使得心存不仁不义的人选离。“选于众”就是“得众”,就是“尊众”,体现了原始民主精神。 四则提倡容众。与“宽则得众”一脉相承,孔子弟子子张从人际关系角度阐明了“容众”的责任伦理。子张认为,不论一个人可不可交都应当与之交往,君子既尊重贤人又能容纳众人,既赞美善人又同情能力差的人,关键是自己要具备贤良之德,如此才有拒绝别人的资格。显然,子张所倡导的是普遍交往准则,追求的是“尊贤容众”的责任美德。 无疑,儒家所彰显的爱众、得众、济众、容众等群众责任观,由于缺乏现实经济政治基础而带有一定的理想主义成分,但它毕竟表达了对广大民众的关爱之情,对民事民疾的同情之感,对民众力量的认同之心,因此具有极为重要的现实启迪意义。 (摘编自涂可国《得众济众——先秦儒家关于为政者的群众责任观》)1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是() A.“群”与“众”意义相同,“群众”代表“许多人”“众人”,与“人民”“大众”同义。 B.孔子提出的孝悌、谨信和泛爱众等主张是为了要求人们具有爱民众的责任担当。 C.“与众同乐”、“与少乐乐”不如“与众乐乐”是孔子“爱众”思想的重要表现。 D.“容众”与“宽则得众”一脉相承,子张强调君子既要尊重贤人又要能容纳众人。 2.下列对原文论证的相关分析,不正确的一项是() A.文章以《荀子》中的句子为例证明古典文献存在“群众”一词的使用现象,有说服力。 B.文章先阐述“群”与“众”的关系,再引入对儒家视野中为政者群众责任观的论述。 C.文章采用了举例论证、对比论证的方法,分析先秦儒家关于为政者的群众责任观。 D.文章采用了总分总的结构来论证论点,最后指出群众责任观仍然具有现实意义。 3.根据原文内容,下列说法不正确的一项是() A.孔子认为,一个己立立人、己达达人的仁者如果能够接济民众,就达到了圣人境界。 B.舜、汤注重从人民大众当中选贤任能,人才“选于众”,体现了原始的民主精神。 C.子张觉得不论一个人可交不可交都应当与之交往,表明了子张倡导普遍交往准则。 D.儒家所彰显的群众责任观,表达了对广大民的关爱之情,在当今依然具有积极意义。 阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。

衡水二中2020届高三英语模拟试卷 必考 经典试题

衡水市第二中学高三年级英语试题 试题总分:150分考试时间:120分钟 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who is the man looking for? A. Tami. B. Dr. Maxwell. C. Alison Simpson. 2. What will the woman probably do? A. Call the airline soon. B. Stay at home for a while. C. Leave for the airport before lunch. 3. What does the man think of his current book? A. It’s exciting. B. It’s relaxing. C. It’s long. 4. When does the man hope to see the woman? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow night. C. Tomorrow afternoon. 5. What does the man mean? A. He didn’t put in any sugar. B. He added some natural flavors. C. He also thinks the coffee tastes strange. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is the woman upset? A. Her order isn’t ready yet. B. The man forgot her order. C. Some guests will be late. 7. At what time will the wedding start? A. 10:00. B. 10:30. C. 12:00. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Who lived in Los Angeles? A. The woman’s aunt and uncle. B. The man’s grandparents. C. The woman’s parents. 9. What will the speakers do next? A. Have a picnic. B. Go hiking. C. Try to catch some fish. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What did the man study in college? A. Art history. B. Medicine. C. Business. 11. How do the speakers know each other? A. They’re neighbors. B. They’re salesman and customer. C. They’re teacher and student. 12. What is the man’s advice for the woman? A. Doing what her father suggests. B. Exploring all the possibilities. C. Making a decision as early as possible. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. How does the woman want to pay? A. In cash. B. By credit card. C. With her smartphone. 14. What does the man think of PayPal? A. It is free. B. It is popular. C. It isn’t very fast. 15. Where is Venmo accepted? A. At many small shops. B. At most large stores. C. At a lot of restaurants. 16. What does the woman offer to do for the man? A. Download the app. B. Send him an invitation. C. Lend him some money. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the weather probably like? A. Hot. B. Dry. C. Rainy. 18. Where did Matt begin his journey? A. In England. B. In California. C. In Hawaii. 19. How many hours was Matt’s longest flight? A. Fourteen hours. B. Sixteen hours. C. Sixteen and a half hours. 20. What will Matt do next? A. Interview someone. B. Share his experiences. C. Plan on another journey. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Meals on Wheels Want to help us serve more of our elderly neighbors? Want to deliver meals and a smile? Meals on Wheels provides meals for the elderly and the disabled in Richland County, South Carolina. Meals are delivered at lunch time five days a week by volunteers.


衡水市第二中学15-16学年上学期期中考试 高三年级语文试题 第Ⅰ卷(阅读题) 甲必做题 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 汉字蕴含的美学 骆冬青 传说,仓颉造字,“天雨粟,鬼夜哭”,古人对文字的创生充满惊怖和景仰之情,后世“敬惜字纸”的意识中凝聚着华人对“文字”的共通感。汉字的诞生无从考据,可是,从古人刻画的留痕中,我们依然能够感受到那种鲜活灵动的精神。这种精神凝聚在汉字中,凝聚在书法中,凝聚在甲骨、青铜器、竹帛中。中华民族一项最伟大的创造,无疑是汉字这一文化符号。 身在中国文化浸润之中,却最容易忘记这一点。这是因为,汉字与西方拼音文字比起来,似乎在文化形态的比较中,已经落了下风。黑格尔曾断言:“拼音文字自在自为地最具智慧。”这表达了赤裸裸的西方中心主义,表现了一种傲慢与偏见。可是,这种观念,却被一些现代中国文人所接受。这无疑是受一种进化论式的想法所支配,认为文字的发展要经历四个主要阶段,即图画文字、象形文字、表意文字、表音文字。在这样的序列中,似乎清晰地显示了一种文字所处的文化地位,最晚形成的表音文字自然属于最高级的文字。那么,汉字处于什么位置? 从文字的起源来看,即使是拼音文字,亦需以一定形体作为“符号”来展示“声音”。也就是说,在根本意义上,形、音的合一,是所有文字必然的归宿。只不过,西方的拼音文字是以“字母”为基本元素的,“字母”作为表音的基础,生成为“单词”,方才成为西方语言书面表达的意义元素。汉字则不然。许慎的《说文解字序》曰:“仓颉之初作书也,盖依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。文者,物象之本;字者,言孳乳①而浸多也。”这里,着重指出了“象形”的重要性。“文字”获得了一种哲学意义,作为“物象之本”的“文”和“形声相益”的“字”构成的“汉字”,与“字母”的不同在于,它是以“形声相益”的复合形态出现的,从而具有了一种生态学意义上的“生生不息”的创发性。 所以,从图画文字到象形文字,汉字似乎完成了一种飞跃。但在两者之间存在着复杂的关联,并非是一种单线的进化,“图”进一步形式化,“画”进一步抽象化,从而使“字”逐渐“象形化”“文字化”。也就是说,汉字,正如公认的,是合形、音、义为一体的文字。于是人们把汉字说成是表意文字。


2018届第一次评价性考试 理科数学 2017.09.13 时间:120分钟 总分:150分 第I 卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求。 1.若集合{}1,2lg <=? ?? ???-==x x N x x y x M ,则=?N C M R ( )C A .)2,0( B .(]2,0 C .[)2,1 D .()+∞,0 2.已知i 是虚数单位,则2015 1i i +( )3.C A . 12i - B .12i + C .12i -- D .12 i -+ 3.“勾股定理”在西方被称为“毕达哥拉斯定理”,三国时期吴国的数学家赵爽创制了一幅“勾股圆方图”,用数形结合的方法给出了勾股定理的详细证明,如图所示的“勾股圆方图”中,四个相同的直角三角形与中间的小正方向拼成一个边长为2的大正方形,若直角三角形中较小的锐角6 π α= ,现在向该正方形区域内随机地投掷一枚飞镖,飞镖落在小正方 形内的概率是( ) A. 1 B. C. D. 4.设,则下列不等式成立的是( ) A . B . C . D . 5已知下列三个命题: 1:p 若直线l 和平面α内的无数条直线垂直,则l α⊥; 2p :若()22x x f x -=-,则()(),x R f x f x ?∈-=-; 3p :在ABC ?中,若A B >,则sin sin A B >. 01a b <<<33a b >11 a b <1b a >lg 0b a -<()

其中真命题的个数是 ( )C A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 6.在n x x ) ( 312-的展开式中,只有第5项的二项式系数最大,则展开式中常数项是( ) A .7-B .7C .28-D .28 7.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的各侧面中,面积最小值为( ) A . B C D .12 8.如图所示的茎叶图(图一)为高三某班50名学生的化学考试成绩,图(二)的算法框图中输入的i a 为茎叶图中的学生成绩,则输出的m ,n 分别是( ) A .38m =,12n = B .26m =,12n = C .12m =,12n = D .24m =,10n =


2020届河北省衡水二中新高考原创仿真试卷(一) 历史 ★祝考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1、考试范围:高考范围。 2、试题卷启封下发后,如果试题卷有缺页、漏印、重印、损坏或者个别字句印刷模糊不清等情况,应当立马报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 3、答题卡启封下发后,如果发现答题卡上出现字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等现象,应当马上报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 4、答题前,请先将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试题卷和答题卡上的相应位置,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 5、选择题的作答:每个小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选择题答题区域的答案一律无效。 6、主观题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域的答案一律无效。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 7、选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B铅笔涂黑。答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选修题答题区域的答案一律无效。 8、保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损,不得使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等。 9、考试结束后,请将本试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸一并依序排列上交。 1.根据考古发现,商朝时期从黄河流域到长江中下游地区的城市遗址,尽管相距数千里,但在建筑布局、基础设施等方面却显示出较大的趋同性。这表明商朝时期 A. 已经形成功能齐全的城市 B. 各地之间存在经济文化交流 C. 政治重心在黄河中下游地区 D. 城市工商业有较大的发展 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】依据材料可知,商朝时期从黄河流域到长江中下游地区的城市遗址,尽管相距数千里,但在建筑布局、基础设施等方面却显示出较大的趋同性。这说明各地之间存在经济文化交流,因此B选项正确。A选项错误,商朝时期城市发展较为原始,功能尚未齐全;C选项错误,材料体现的是从黄河流域到长江中下游地区城市的建筑布局和基础设施具有趋同性,并


2015届河北省衡水二中高三高考模拟一语文试卷 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、现代文阅读 1. 阅读下面文字,完成文后各题。 谈吟诵 陈向春 吟诵是什么?或者,今天我们所理解的吟诵是什么?吟诵是传统文化、古典诗词不可或缺的一种美的表现形式,有着独特的文化和艺术内涵。 初次接触到吟诵的人们,新奇之后,往往会问:古人是这么“吟”的么?这是原汁原味的古调子么?事实上,现在所有古典诗词的吟调,包括出自那些已经八九十岁、曾经接受过私塾教育的老人之口的吟调,都非古调。理由很简单,一是数千年语音变迁,所谓的“正宗”古音并不存在。其次,古人吟诵皆口耳相授,声音实况没有记载。古调绝响,无从谈起。但是,语音变迁之中,仍有不变的因素。比如“入声”被认为是一种“原生态”,华东、华南、西南以及台湾地区的方言就有入声,还保留了某些中古语音的特征,当地一些八九十岁老人还能以此为我们传递唐诗宋词微妙的声情韵味。 吟诵这个词,其意既可指吟,也可指诵;或者两者兼有,泛指用抑扬顿挫的声调有节奏地诵读。吟诵合称,表明至少有两种方式,即吟和诵。从有利于传承的角度说,概念或者叫法还是统一为好。台湾统一叫吟唱,大陆统一叫吟诵。吟诵的叫法,好在把吟和诵组合在一起,提醒人们:吟是从诵之中来的。吟唱的“唱”也并非一般的歌唱,是从吟读之中自然生发出来的,且不受固定乐谱束缚的自由唱。或许,比较方便简单的分类有三:诵、吟、唱。这当中,“诵”为基础,“吟“是结果,“唱”是升华。一个现代人,要想得到古人那种自由吟诵的境界,一是要吟出自己的调;二是要随“调”吟出,想吟就吟;三是音情并茂,韵味十足。 其实吟诵的根并不是一般说的古诗词文,而是传统蒙学诸经典。传统蒙学的本意在于“播种于心,求其日后自己发芽”,用“经典”打底,扎根在童心之内,故所读所诵必为精挑细选出来的好书好文好诗。中华文明,日积月累,不断生发,产生了众多的人文经典。多且文字繁难的经典,须经过“中介”的智慧,化繁为简,化难为易。这个转化的结果,便是各种蒙学教材的诞生。于是,中华“经典”的核心思想化作朗朗上口的韵读文字,随着熟诵、吟诵渗入人心。 古人把作诗称之为“吟咏情性”,诗在性情里,把诗从情性里吟咏出来,即为诗。而诗的鉴赏,则是从相反方向进行,靠吟咏作出来的诗,还须回到声音里体会。所以,“吟咏”的作用,不单是所谓“语言的艺术”问题,或艺术的审美问题,最根本的是它内涵着传统的“性情”。 【注】蒙学,即蒙馆,启蒙的学塾,相当于现在的幼儿园或小学。 【小题1】关于“吟诵”的理解,不符合原文意思的一项是() A.吟诵是传统文化、古典诗词不可或缺的一种美的表现形式,有其独特内涵。

衡水二中高考地理题型专练与纠错25—— 高考学科素养训练(1)(原卷版)

(40分钟100分) 高考地理学科素养训练(1) 第I卷(选择题,共44分) 一、选择题:本大题共11小题,每小题4分,共44分。只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 下图为一个岩层剖面,因其中岩层呈香肠形态,故名为石香 肠构造。由于不同力学性质互层的岩系受垂直或近垂直岩层的挤 压,软弱岩层被压向两侧塑性流动,夹在其中强硬岩层不易塑性 变形而被拉断,构成平面上呈平行排列的长条状块段。据图完成 下列各题。 1.形成石香肠构造的最主要的地质作用属于 A.岩浆活动B.地壳运动 C.变质作用D.风化作用 2.形成石香肠构造必须具备的条件 ①不同岩层有韧性差异①受到强大的压力①出现明显的断层构造①火山活动强烈 A.①① B.①① C.①① D.①①

城市是人类活动最为强烈的区 域,随着城市化进程的不断加快, 大量的自然地表不断被道路、高楼 建筑等人工地表所替代。下图示意 1991~2015年我国东部某城市不透 水地表空间变化图。据此完成3—5 题。 3.1991~2015年该市不透水地表的空间变化是 A.东西方向延伸 B.保持原有格局不变 C.略有缩小且北移 D.东北一西南方向延伸趋势越加明显 4.推测不透水地面增幅最小的应该是 A.核心功能区B.功能扩展区C.城市发展新区D.住宅区 5.该市不透水地表空间的变化产生的影响是 A.加大昼夜温差B.城市水域面积增加C.城市功能区北扩D.生态环境有所改善山东半岛某入海河流的流域内在 1952-2009年期间修建了大量水库,实施大 面积坡耕地改梯田和拦河闸坝修建,大规模 林地、园地建设等,但该河流输入海洋的泥 沙受其影响不大。下图示意1952-2009年间

2019-2020学年河北省衡水二中高三(上)期中数学试卷1 (含答案解析)

2019-2020学年河北省衡水二中高三(上)期中数学试卷1 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1. 已知集合A ={1,3,5,7},B ={x|x 2?7x +10≤0},则A ∩B =( ) A. {1,3} B. {3,5} C. {5,7} D. {1,7} 2. 已知i 为虚数单位,复数1 1?i 的虚部是( ) A. 1 2 B. ?1 2 C. 1 2i D. ?1 2i 3. 已知命题p :?x ∈R ,?x 2+1≤l ,则¬p 为( ) A. ?x ∈R ,?x 2+1≥1 B. ?x ∈R ,?x 2+1≥l C. ?x ∈R ,?x 2+1>l D. ?x ∈R ,?x 2+1>1 4. 已知向量a ? ,b ? 满足a ? ?b ? =1,|b ? |=2则(3a ? ?2b ? )?b ? =( ) A. 5 B. ?5 C. 6 D. ?6 5. 抛物线的标准方程是y 2=?12x ,则其焦点坐标是( ) A. (3,0) B. (?3,0) C. (0,3) D. (0,?3) 6. 如图所示的程序框图,输出的结果是S =2017,则输入A 的值为( ) A. 2018 B. 2016 C. 1009 D. 1008 7. 若x ,y 满足约束条件{y ≥0x +y ≤1x ?2y ≥0 ,则3x +y 的最大值为( ) A. 04 B. 3 C. 7 3 D. 2 8. 设双曲线 y 2m ? x 22 =1的一个焦点为(0,?2),则双曲线的离心率为( ) A. √2 B. 2 C. √6 D. 2√2 9. 已知π 2<β<α<3 4π,cos(α?β)=12 13,sin(α+β)=?3 5,则sin2α=( ) A. 56 65 B. ?56 65 C. 65 56 D. ?65 56 10. 在△ABC 中,“AB ????? ·AC ????? >0”是“△ABC 为锐角三角形”的( )

河北省衡水二中2020届高三年级下学期第 8 周早读资料 语文含答案

2020 届衡水二中高三下学期语文早读资料(第 8 周) 一、情景式默写 1.《师说》中以为子择师和自己不从师作对比,韩愈直接点明自己的态度,认为这样做,最终导致的结果是: _____________________,_____________________。 2.在韩愈《师说》中,作者认为弟子可以为师,师也可以为弟子,所以师和弟子的关系是相对的,不过是 “ ________________________,_ ____”的缘故。 3.《荀子?劝学篇》指出:“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝。”这与韩愈《师说》中“______________________, _______________________”的观点是相同的。 4.韩愈《师说》中士大夫之族耻学于师的原因是:_____________________,____________________ ,_____________________, _____________________。 5.韩愈《师说》中指出老师职能的两句是:_________________________,_____________________________。 6.韩愈在《师说》中表达了从师的重要性,并提出了择师的标准,其中明确择师标准的两句是:________________________, ________________________。 7.韩愈《师说》中“_______________________,________________________”以反问道出了从师学习的必要性。 8.在《师说》中,韩愈对当时耻于学习的现象发出了两句慨叹“_______________!_______________________!”其中, “久”字写出了当时耻师现象已成陋习,“难”字写出了从师学习的重要性。 9.《师说》中韩愈以孔子为例,指出古代圣人重视师道的事迹,并由此得出“_________________________, _______________________” 的结论,这是“教学相长”思想的体现。 10.韩愈在《师说》中以对比手法揭示了古代圣人和时下一般人形成的巨大差距的原因:古代圣人在自身很优秀的前 提下还不断为自己“充电”,而时下一般人“_________________________,________________________”。 11.韩愈在《师说》中用“_______________________,_______________________” 两句强调懂得道理有先有后,技能学业各有专门研究,人与人之间可以互相学习。 二、成语积累 281.剑拔弩张势逼人282.间不容发形势急283.见微知著知趋势284.见异思迁不专一285.渐入佳境逐渐好286.江河日下慢慢坏287.江郎才尽才枯竭288.匠心独运构思巧289.交辉相映好景象290.胶柱鼓瑟不知变291.矫揉造作过分装292.矫枉过正做过头293.桀骜不驯人倔强294.捷足先登行动快295.津津乐道说不停296.金科玉律信条严297.紧锣密鼓在筹备298.噤若寒蝉不敢说299.泾渭分明界限清300.惊世骇俗言行怪301.精卫填海不畏难302.敬谢不敏婉推辞303.久假不归借不还304.举手投足不费力305.举重若轻能力强306.绝无仅有物稀少307.开诚布公人真诚308.开门揖盗自招祸309.开源节流多增收310.开宗明义阐宗旨311.侃侃而谈从容说312.慷慨解囊不吝啬313.克己奉公心为公314.恪尽职守尽职责315.空谷足音音信来316.空穴来风无根据317.苦心孤诣苦钻研318.脍炙人口赞诗文319.老气横秋无朝气320.乐不思蜀乐忘归 三、作文指导 作文原题 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60 分) 今年,是我们的中华人民共和国建国 70 周年。 70年,时光带走了许多,也带来了许多。从泥泞的土路到平整的柏油路,从吃不饱到减肥茶,从笔墨书信到智能手机,从遥望天空到载人航天……你可曾了解那些沧桑巨变的细节、那些改天换地的故事;可曾思考是什么使我们的国家日益强大、让我们的生活日新月异…… 以上材料触发了你怎样的联想和思考?请写一篇文章,谈谈你的见解或感悟,使共和国一百周年时的青年人读到你的文章,能从一个角度了解历史,了解我们时代的时代精神。 要求:选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭,不得泄露个人信息,不少于 800 字。 【参考立意】 正确立意: 1.追梦时代,青春是用来奋斗的。 2.笃步前行,奋斗不止。 3.扬奋斗之帆,逐复兴之梦。 4.时代精神的重要内核是创新。 5.奋斗铸造美好。 6.初心不改,奋斗正当时。 7.时代精神决定时代命运。 8.幸福是奋斗出来的。 9.争做时代弄潮儿。10.科技创新,造福中国。11.改革创新,铸造时代辉煌。12.做建设美好家园的追梦人。13.弘扬开拓精神,争当时代先锋。14.弘扬铁人精神,勇做时代排头兵。15.继往开来,勇敢开拓。16.自强不息,拼搏创新。 片面或错误立意: 1.多难兴邦 2.弘扬大国工匠精神 3.吸经验教训,展大国风范 4.为中华之崛起而读书 5.坚持文化自信 【优秀范文】 奋斗青春追梦时代 (标题简洁,用八个字四个词精准体现审题,切中要害。) 亲爱的青年们: (称呼顶格写起,后用冒号,符合书信要求。若下一行空两格写上问候语如“你们好!”则更好。)时光荏苒,岁月如梭。共和国七十华诞仿佛还在昨日,今便已是百年诞辰。或许属于我的时代已成过去,但那段奋斗 的追梦年华依然沸腾于心,不禁想与你们分享那岁月。(开头对象感、对话意识明显,落实了“使共和国一百周年时的 青年人读到你的文章”的要求,完成了一个重要的“驱动任务”。“或许属于我的时代已成过去,但那段奋斗的追梦年 华依然沸腾于心”呼应标题,强调本文论点。“不禁想与你们分享那岁月”很自然地引出下文。) 我们的时代是变革的时代,我们的时代精神是奋斗精神。改革的号角引领着我们奋斗、前进。七十年前,一位老人在 中国的南海边画了一个圈,从此改革开放的春雨便滋润了大江南北。从东南沿海到西北大漠,我们的国家一步步打开大 门迎接世界。电视机、手表、汽车接踵而至,飞入寻常百姓家。泥泞的土路变成了平整的柏油路,荒芜的渔村变成了高 楼林立的大都市。老百姓从吃不饱到小康,再到全面发展的美好的生活需要。 人们的日子一天比一天红火,一天比一天热闹。那积贫积弱的旧中国早已一去不复返。而在世界上,中国更是真正“站了起来”、强了起来。我们有蛟龙下海、神舟探月,有时速三百五十公里的“复兴号”,有世界第一的量子卫星“墨 子号”,我们有看得最远的望远镜“FAST”天眼。这一切都离不开两个字——奋斗。正如晚清留学生羡慕外国车水马龙 一样,如今的我们也迎来大变革:我们也有了令人羡慕的“大国名片”。听从时代浩浩汤汤之大潮,顺应改革的号角,年 轻的人们,接过奋斗的接力棒,你们准备好了吗? (这一部分是主体部分第一层,段首句“我们的时代是变革的时代”为分论点一。作者擅长用比喻、引用、反复、对比等手法,语言概括力强,意蕴丰厚有张力,生动形象。后半段用重笔介绍“站了起来”的中国的种种令人羡慕的变革表现。)我们的时代是追梦的时代,我们的时代精神是奋斗精神。七十年艰苦追梦路漫漫,不觉回首遍地花开。伟大的变革离 不开一代又一代中华赤子的追梦奋斗。新中国成立之初,当美苏早已展开“星球大战”逐鹿太空时,中国却只能遥望天 空做着“航天梦”,钱学森、邓稼先等一批爱国科学家毅然回国,投身航天事业,从此我们先是有了“东方红”卫星, 不久又迎来了“神舟”载人飞船,再到如今“嫦娥三号”月球探测器。 我们从无到有,从落后到领先,中国人不仅在太空留下了身影,还骄傲地向世界证明:中国是第一个登陆月背的国家。或许在新中国成立一百年时,那建成社会主义现代化强国的中国梦已实现,但请年轻的人们不要忘却了那个追梦的时代,还有那用青春浇灌共和国梦想之花的前辈们。 (这一部分是主体部分第二层,段首句“我们的时代是追梦的时代”为分论点二。用对比手法,表达追梦时代志士先贤 的爱国情怀和强国表现。呼吁年轻的人们勿忘实现伟大变革的前辈。) 奋斗是我们的时代精神,也是我们永远的使命。生命不息,奋斗不息。奋斗筑造我们的时代。可曾想过,是什么使我 们的国家日益强大?是什么让我们的生活日新月异?是天时地利,不,是奋斗不息!中华民族从来生于忧患,从来勇于 面对多灾多难,但正因为奋斗,我们战胜洪水,战胜病疫。正因为奋斗,我们让滚滚黄沙成绿洲。没有那些笃志创新的“科技先锋”,没有那些精益求精的“大国工匠”,以及无数坚守奋斗的人们,哪得如此成就?奋斗吧,青年们,让我 们拉起袖子加油干!创造更辉煌的未来! (这一部分是主体部分第三层,段首句“奋斗是我们永远的使命”为分论点三。本段用设问句巧妙地诠释了“是什么使我们的国 家日益强大?是什么让我们的生活日新月异?”之问。多重间隔反复句“正因为奋斗,我们战胜洪水,战胜病疫。正因为奋斗, 我们让滚滚黄沙成绿洲。没有那些笃志创新的“科技先锋”,没有那些精益求精的“大国工匠”,以及无数坚守奋斗的人们,哪 得如此成就”,使内容充实丰满。段尾新时代领路人的金句,时代感鲜明,口号响亮,有感召力!) 我的时代在那头,你的时代在这头,中间连接着奋斗。年轻的人们,你们了解了我们的时代,那你们准备好迎接你们的时代 了吗?(这一部分是结尾部分,仿用余光中诗句,表达你我关联,拳拳之心呼唤后辈要随时迎接时代的挑战。)(正文后,若能 写上祝福语,如“祝青年们:梦想成真,幸福美好,未来更辉煌!”则既总结了全文,又完美了书信格式。) 一个你们的前辈 2019 年 3 月(右下对齐落款内容,先是写信人,后是日期,符合写作任务要求及书信格式要求。) 四、作文素材 01 于敏 于敏,男,汉族,中共党员,1926 年 8 月生,2019 年 1 月去世,天津宁河人,中国工程物理研究院高级科学顾问、研 究员,中国科学院院士。他是我国著名核物理学家,长期领导并参加核武器的理论研究和设计,填补了我国原子核理论 的空白,为氢弹突破作出卓越贡献。荣获“两弹一星”功勋奖章、国家最高科学技术奖和“全国劳动模范”“改革先锋”等称号。 02 申纪兰 1

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