当前位置:文档之家› 北师大版英语---高二年级期末词汇复习




Unit 19 Language

1._______ (准确) is more important than speed in his new job.

2.He can speak French with Great ______________ (流利).

3.The youth like to follow the latest ______________ (趋势) in fashion.

4.We cannot ______________ (保证) the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather.

5.This kind of desk can be ______________ (调整) to the height you need.

6.I ______________ (祝贺) myself on my narrow escape.

7.This wounded soldier was ______________ (没有知觉) from his loss of blood.

8.We've decided to ______________ (谈判) with the employers about our wage claim.

9.The ______________ (文凭) is very important for him to get the job.

10.She was ______________ (窘迫) when they asked her age.

11.The competition is open to both ______________ (业余的) and professional photographers.

12.He is always ______________ (准时的) for appointments.

13.The car was ______________ (注册) in my name.

14.The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners ______________ (加速).

https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b2687492.html,mercial television is an effective ______________ (媒介) for advertising.

16.The police had the photograph of the missing girl ______________ (放大).

17.In my estimation, he is a more suitable ______________ (候选人).

18.They have ______________ (包围) the town with troops.

19.She's going in for the Cambridge First ______________ (证书).

20.In the ______________ (不在场) of the manager I shall be in charge.

1.By doing extra homework, he soon _______ of his class-mates.

2.Bless your heart, I know you didn't break the vase _______. Don't cry!

3.Man _______ beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter aren't.

4.John has _______ having done something wrong.

5._____________ circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week.

6.We should _____________ the suggestions of our parents and vice versa.

7.He continued speaking, ____________ my feelings on the matter.

8.I wish he'd stop fooling around and _____________ some serious work.

9.It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize ______________.

10.If the day ________________ wet we may have to change our plans.

11.That's something we have always to _____________.

12.Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter _________ atoms.

13.I am so tired that I can’t ____________ my study. That is, I can’t fix my attention on it.

14.T o make sure that he was at home, I called him up ____________.

15.Write the telephone number down ____________ you forget.

Unit 20 New Frontiers

1.The news of the ______________ (辐射) leak caused widespread public alarm.

2.The flight was delayed owing to t______________ (技术的) reasons.

3.It was a race against time to stop people dying from ______________ (饥饿).

4.Women are still struggling for true ______________ (平等) with men.

5.My ______________ (同事) has broken off the habit of smoking.

6.I saw them through a ______________ (望远镜) from the top of the building.

7.He got a ______________ (专利) for this invention.

8.Heavy duties on imports and exports are a ______________ (障碍) to international trade.

9.International terrorism is not just a recent ______________ (现象).

10.What's the ______________ (程序) for opening a bank account?

11.The government calls on the youth to ______________ (捐献) their blood voluntarily.

12.Some mushrooms are p______________ (有毒的).

13.I bought this bag as a ______________ (纪念品) of my visit to London.

14.It is said that the first ______________ (殖民者) of this country are prisoners.

15.Britain ______________ (宣布) war on Germany in 1914.

16.His only ______________ (消遣) are drinking beer and working in the garden.

17.There has always been some ______________ (冲突) between employers and employees.

18.Most of the computers we are using are ______________ (数字的) computers.

19.Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the ______________ (后者)


20.Had Jim not dived in to ______________ (拯救) him, the boy would have drowned.

1.He decide to ____________ everything he possessed and become a monk.

2.When she fell ill her daughter _____________ the business from her.

3.No matter what difficulty you will meet with, ____________ your plan.

4.Nobody in the first lot of applicants _______________ the job.

5.Adam was singled out to take part in the competition.

6.The frontier ___________ the northern hill to the southern coast.

7.It didn't take the children long to ________________ the correct answer.

8.Great changes are in progress in this area _________ foreign investment.

9.Judgment should ______________ facts, not on what you hear.

10.Many scientists are __________________ the problem and trying to find a solution.

11.Can you give me some advice on how to _______________ the time I have lost?

12.As a result of the scandal, sales ____________ in the fourth quarter.

13.We __________________ the great convenience IT has brought us.

14.Whenever the boy feels down, he will ______________ his mother for comfort.

15.This afternoon's meeting will have to be ______________.

Unit 21 Human Biology

1.This rich food doesn't ______________ (消化) easily.

2.The excitement quickened my ______________ (脉搏).

3.There is an hour's ______________ (间隔) to the next train.

4.The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug ______________


5.If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 20 and an ______________ (每年的)

membership fee of 10. \

6.They ______________ (反对) the government's new policies.

7.The report ______________ (与…矛盾) what we heard yesterday.

8.Politicians love to use ______________ (统计数字) to support their arguments.

9.The patient finally died from ______________ (癌症).

10.She underwent a ______________ (彻底的) examination at the hospital.

11.The boss hired some ______________ (临时的) workers.

12.In India the cow is a ______________ (神圣的) animal.

13.Repairing your car will cost a ______________ (最低) of 100 dollars.

14.We should ______________ (提交) our plans to the council for approval.

15.We must introduce some system into our office ______________ (常规).

16.You can find out many advantages in ______________ (城市的) life.

17.The doctor gave me a ______________ (处方) for pain-killers.

18.Due to ______________ (情况) beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.

19.The soldiers were well ______________ (装备) with weapons.

20.The students were asked to draw two ______________ (平行的) lines.

Day after day she waited for him to telephone her, but __________.

2.The stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp ____________.

3.I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news ____________.

4.____________, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.

5.I ____________ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.

6.The librarian took a book __________ from the shelf.

7.The disease can ____________ whole populations in a very short time.

8.______________ borrowing 50, he asked me to lend him my car.

9.__________ I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.

10.She is a career woman ____________ a housewife.

11.These are matters that you can__________ in committee.

12.She ____________ her lines before the first night of the play.

13.I believe that you can ____________ this problem by yourself.

14._________________, this technology may cause disasters to human beings.

15.When preparing for the exam, you should go through all the things what might

_____________ in it.

Unit 22 Environmental Protection

1.We adhere to the ______________ (原则) that everyone should be treated fairly.

2.______________ (农业) in this country has developed greatly after liberation.

3.By a strange ______________ (巧合) we happened to be travelling on the same train.

4.It's the company's policy to ______________ (牺牲)e short-term profits for the sake of

long-term growth.

5.The hijackers ________ (威胁) to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met.

6.We used the money to set up an ______________ (灌溉) project.

7.After many years of ___________ (分离), different part of the country finally got united.

8.The statue was ______________ (雕刻) out of marble.

9.He studied the German market to find the ______________ (潜力) there for profitable


10.Having no children of their own they decided to a______________ (收养) an orphan.

11.Oh, grow up! Behave in a more ______________ (成熟的) way.

12.There are only a few c______________ (贪污的) officials that have been condemned.

13.She is none the less beautiful for her ______________ (破烂的) clothing.

14.Many materials can be ______________ (再循环), such as glass, paper and plastics.

15.He started to study ________ (生态) and decided to devote his whole life to the science.

16.Unless we can get more ______________ (资金), we'll have to close the store.

17.Glasses are ______________ (易碎的) and must be handled with great care.

18.Of all the c______________ (顾问), only Mr. Wang gave us some proposals in point.

19.Concerned about global warming, she is collecting ____________ (相关的) information.

20.He lay on the floor with a ______________ (垫子) under his head.

1.Have you _________________ to what you'll be doing in five years' time?

2.The word can also _______________ a conflict or disagreement, often involving violence. 3.The students clean the classroom everyday ________________.

4._________________ my colleagues and myself I thank you.

5.You will have to _______________ your crimes one day.

6.He has his faults, but, _________________, he is a good helper.

7.He _________________________ that lawless group years ago.

8.He pretended not to know her. However, _______________, they were in league (together). 9.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.

10.The forest fire was so fierce that it was ______________________ the fire fighters.

11.Stop smoking now, _______________ your health will be ruined.

12.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; _____________, he is over seventy.

13.The attack is to ____________ data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk.

14.He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll _______________ it.

15.She __________________ most of the prizes for swimming.

Unit 23 Conflict

1.As long as you don't ______________ (背叛) me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).

2.Honey can substitute for sugar in this ______________ (配方).

3.T o do her ______________ (公正), we must admit that she did deserve to win.

4. A new law has been brought in to discourage racial ______________ (偏见).

5.Y ou have the alternative of marrying or remaining a ______________ (单身汉).

6.The reporter was killed because he tried to ______________ (暴露) a plot.

7.Would you _________ (分类) her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?

8.Abraham Lincoln abolished ______________ (奴隶制度) in the United States.

9.He ______________ (问候) me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.

10.Each year Americans ______________ (消费) a high percentage of the world's energy.

11.The ______________ (外科医生) is performing a delicate operation.

12.The soldiers ______________ (加强) their defenses.

13.It is a pity that he doesn't have enough money to ______________ (投资) the project.

14.The ______________ (雕塑) of Venus fell off the shelf and broke into pieces.

15.Agriculture in this country has developed greatly after ______________ (解放).

16.It's a ______________ (理论上) possibility, but I don't suppose it will happen.

17.The _______ (新领域) of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on.

18.I saw the vase in the window of an ______________ (古董) shop.

19.Mary is a one of the ______________ (代表) who are against the proposal.

20.He ______________ (发誓) that he would never hunt any animals again.

1.She tricked them into ___________ all their money to her.

2.Plants and animals that live near nuclear plants ______________radiation we don't

know about.

3.I didn't get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone __________.

4.An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been _______.

5.Do you think the President will ___________ to the terrorists' demand?

6.The child is running a high fever. We must ____________ a doctor at once.

7.The parents thought their child ____________ music and forced her to play the piano 3

hours a day.

8.We can stay here for as long as our supplies __________.

9.How did it ___________ that he knew where we were?

10.I wish you wouldn't _______________ this kind of work.

人教版2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题新 人教

2019学年高二英语第一学期期末试卷 考试时间: 100 分钟 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A He lived his whole life as a poor man. His art and talent were recognized by almost no one. He suffered from a mental illness that led him to cut off part of his left ear in 1888 and to shoot himself two years later. But after his death, he achieved world fame. Today, Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh is recognized as one of the leading artists of all time. Now, 150 years after his birth on March 30, 1853, Zundert, the town of his birth, has made 2003 “The van Gogh Year” in his honor. And the van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, home to the biggest collection of his masterpieces, is marking the anniversary with exhibitions throughout the year. The museum draws around 1.3 million visitors every year. Some people enjoy the art and then learn about his life. Others are first interested in his life, which then helps them understand his art. Van Gogh was the son of a pastor(牧师). He left school when he was just 15. By the age of 27, he had already tried many jobs including an art gallery salesman and a French teacher. Finally in 1880, he decided to begin his studies in art. Van Gogh is famed for his ability to put his own emotions into his paintings and show his feelings about a scene. His style is marked by short, broad brush strokes(笔画).“Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more freely, in order to express myself more forcibly,” he w rote in a letter to his brother in 1888. Van Gogh sold only one painting during his short life. He relied heavily on the support from his brother, an art dealer who lived in Paris. But now his works are sold for millions of dollars. His portrait of Dr. Gacher sold for $89.5 million in 1990. It is the highest price ever paid for a painting. “I think his paintings are powerful and the brilliant colors in them are attractive to people,” said a Van Gogh’s fan. 1. All through his life, Van Gogh . A. depended on his brother B. worked hard on art studies C. was not recognized by people D. expressed himself in paintings 2.Van Gogh killed himself because of .


——————————新学期新成绩新目标新方向—————————— 2019高二第二学期期末考试英语试题 考试时间:120分钟 注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第1卷 一.听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,回答第1~5小题。 1.Why does the man like his new job more? A.He can use what he learned. B.He can learn a lot from the new job. C.He has more free time. 2.What does the woman want the man to do? A.To buy her a dress. B.To give her his address. C.To deliver her dress. 3.Where is Sue now? A.At home. B.At Bill’s home. C.At the office. 4.What does the woman think of herself? A.Careless. B.Unfortunate. C.Hopeless. 5.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.A boss and an employee. B.A teacher and a student. C.A father and a son.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6~8小题。 6.Why is Ken so early this morning? A.He is on duty. B.He has to do his homework. C.He often does this. 7.What do we learn about Ken’s mother? A.She is very strict with Ken. B.She is very friendly. C.She always makes Ken do a lot of homework. 8.Did Ken’s favorite team win last night? A.Yes, it did. B.No, it didn’t. C.We don’t know. 听第7段材料,回答第9~11小题。 9.Where does the conversation probably happen? A.At the doctor’s office. B.At the police station. C.In the street. 10.What is the man who asked the time like? A.He is tall and thin. B.He is tall and fat. C.He is short and thin. 11.How many people robbed the woman? A.Two. B.Three. C.We don’t know. 听第8段材料,回答第12~13小题。 12.What do we know about Elizabeth? A.She’s too busy to see a doctor. B.The doctor’s advice does her no good.


人教版高二英语期末必考知识点大全 Unit1 Great scientists 【重点短语】 1. put forward 提出 2. draw a conclusion 得出结论 3. be/get under control 在……控制下 be/get out of control 失去控制不能操纵 4. be absorbed in 专心 5. be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动) blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 6. in addition 也,另外,此外 in addition to 除了...以外(包括在内) 7. link...to... 将…和…连接或联系起来 8. die of 因…而死亡(内因) die from 因…而死亡(外因) 9. lead to 导致,通向 10. make sense 有意义,说得通 11. apart from 除…之外,此外 12. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于 13. be enthusiastic about 对…热情 14. be curious about 对…好奇

15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人…病 16. point of view 态度,观点,看法 17.(be)strict with sb.对某人要求严格 【重点句型】 1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London –so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies. 约翰?斯诺曾经是伦敦一位著名的医生――他的确太负盛名了,所以维多利亚女皇生孩子时都是他去照料,帮助她顺利分娩。 2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。 3. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。 4. He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found. 他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。 5. He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.霍乱之所以能致人于死地,当时有两种看法,斯诺对这两种推测都很感兴趣。 6. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。


必修一 Learning to learn Questionnaire 问卷,调查表 Matter 要紧,有重大关系 Partner 合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle 生活方式 *shepherd 牧羊人 Peaceful 平静的,和平的 Relaxing 轻松的,放松的 Stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 Suppose 认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series 系列节目;系列 TV series 电视连续剧 Cartoon 卡通片,动画片 Talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain 抱怨;投诉 *couch 长沙发,睡椅 Couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 Switch 转换,转变 Switch on 把开关打开,接通 Switch over 转换频道,转变 Switch off 把关掉,关上 BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation 英语广播公司 Portable 轻便的,手提(式)的 Remote 遥远的 Remote control 遥控 *workaholic 工作狂 Paperwork 日常文书工作 Alarm 警报,警告器 Alarm clock 闹钟 Go off (铃,爆竹等)响 Take up 占据 Be filled with 充满着 Urgent 急迫的,紧急的 Document 公文,文件 Midnight 午夜,半夜 Bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的 Lesson 2 Stress 压力 Studio 演播室,工作室Expert 专家 Suffer 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from 忍受,遭受Pressure 压力 Social 社交的,社会的 Reduce 减少,降低 Organize 组织 Diet 饮食,节食 Prefer 更喜欢,宁愿 Stand 忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer 志愿者 Graduate 毕业 Minus 零下,负 Basin 脸盆 Challenge 挑战 Support 支持,支撑 Dial 拨(电话号码) Design 设计 Advertisement 广告Presentation 表演,展示 *slove 解决,解答 Lesson 4 Accountant 会计,会计师Tube (英)地铁 Crowded 拥挤的 Nearby 附近的 在附近 Otherwise 否则,另外Forecast 预报,预测 Crowed 人群,一伙人 Lung 肺 Sickness 疾病 Distance 距离 Distance learning 远程学习Cigar 雪茄烟 Communication Workshop At the moment 此刻,目前Over the years 数年间 *survey 调查 Classical 古典的 Mini-skirt迷你裙,超短裙Formal 正式的,合礼仪的Cycle 骑自行车


2019学年度第二学期期末考试 高二年级英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the man probably going to do tomorrow? A.Play baseball with Joe. B. Study for the exam. C. Watch a game. 2.Whose birthday is it today? A.Mike’s. B. Holly’s. C. Andrew’s. 3.What does the woman mean? A.She wants to keep one video until tomorrow. B.She hasn’t taken the videos with her. C.She will return all the videos tomorrow. 4.When did the man arrive? A.On September 2nd. B. On September 5th. C. On September 7th. 5.What is the man’s suggestion? A.Having the computer repaired. https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b2687492.html,ing his computer later. C.Going to the computer lab. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、BC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.What is the woman interested in? A.Following the fashion. B.Playing video games. C.Traveling with her friends. 7.Where does the man like to go for relaxation? A.The shopping mall. B. The restaurant. C. The seaside. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8.What made the woman move to Portugal? A.Her mother’s death. B. Her daughter’s education. C. Her job. 9.What is happiness in th e woman’s eyes?


北师大版高二英语必修五单元测试题及答案全套 单元质量检测(一)Unit 13People (时间:100分钟满分:120分) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A My little brother and sister were always saying that I was bossy (爱发号施令的). And it wasn't until I met a very bossy person that I understood how they felt! My school was holding a fundraiser (募捐活动) called the Spring Fling Fair, and everyone was going to help out. I was pretty excited about it. There were lots of committees to choose from, and I chose games and activities, which sounded like fun. But every time we got together, a guy named Peter did the same thing. He never seemed to realize that he was part of a team with three other people. At last, it was the day of the Spring Fling Fair, and we were all running around getting ready. “You need to make the horseshoes sign hang straighter,” Peter commanded. “Would you please do it yourself?”I said. “I'm kind of busy organizing the prizes.” “There are too many pink balloons on the wall,”Peter complained. “You should add more blue ones.” “Feel free to go ahead and add them,” Mike said. The best (or maybe the worst) example of Peter's bossiness happened when the Spring Fling Fair finally started. A cute little girl was fishing for a prize, and Peter grabbed (抢夺) the fishing pole right out of her hands! “You're holding it all wrong,” he told her. “Do it like this!” This little girl looked up at Peter, took a big breath, and said, “That may be the right way for you to do it, but it's not the right way for me.” And that was probably the best thing this little girl could have said. The good part of this experience is that it helped me understand how my brother and sister felt when I told them what to do and didn't stop to be polite or consider their feelings. Now I try to be more patient and less bossy, and we get along much better. 1.On the day of the Spring Fling Fair, Peter ________. A.had a great time B.kept giving orders C.was chosen as the leader D.was running around getting ready 2.When being bossed around by her schoolmate, the author ________. A.asked others to do the work B.did what she was told C.refused to obey


高二英语下册期末考试题 英语 July 2009 (考试时间120分钟,满分150分) 第一部分:听力(共30小题,满分35分) 略 Ⅱ.语言知识及运用(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Patrick never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played baseball, basketbal l and computer games__21___. Then on Children’s Day his cat was playing with a little ___22___ and he grabbed it away. To his ___23__, it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. The tiny man cried, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish; I __24__ you that.” Patrick couldn’t believe how ___25___ he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, “Only if you do all my homework till the end of this __26___; that’s 135 days.” The tiny man agreed and began to do Patrick’s homework. But there was one _27_. The elf (小精灵)didn’t always know what to do and he needed ___28___. “Help me! Help me!” he’d say. And Patrick would help in whatever way. As a mater of fact, every day in every way that little elf was a trouble. Patrick was working __29___ than ever. Finally the last day of school arrived and Patrick got his A’s. His classmates were___30__, and his teacher smiled and were full of praise. His parents wondered what had happened to Patrick. While only Patrick knew who helped him. 21.A. yet B. instead C. still D. even 22.A. boy B. dog C. ball D. doll 23.A. surprise B. joy C. disappointment D. satisfaction 24.A. offer B. promise C. tell D. show 25.A. powerful B. simple C. lucky D. honest


北师大版高中英语单词表 北师大版高中英语模块一单词表(English)Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Unit1 Learning to learn questionnaire 问卷,调查表;matter要紧,有重大关系;partner搭挡,合作者; Warm-up lifestyle生活方式;shepherd牧羊人; peaceful和平的;平静的;relaxing轻松的,放松的;stressful轻松的,放松的;suppose认为,猜想 ----------------------- Lesson 1 series连续;系列,丛书TV series电视连续剧cartoon卡通片,动画片talk show谈话节目,现场访谈complain抱怨,投诉couch睡椅,长沙发 couch potato终日懒散在家的人switch转换,转变 switch on把开关打开,接通switch off把关掉,关上switch over转换频道,转变play戏剧,短剧 BBC英国广播公司portable轻便的,手提(式)的remote遥远的remote control workaholic工作第一的人,专心工作的人 paperwork日常文书工作alarm警报,警告器 alarm clock闹钟(爆竹,铃等)响 go off

take up占据be filled with充满着urgent急迫的,紧急的personal私人的,个人的document公文,文件midnight午夜,半夜 bored厌烦的,不感兴趣的 ----------------------- Lesson 2 stress压力studio工作室,演播室expert专家suffer感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) suffer from 忍受, 遭受pressure压力 social爱交际的;社交的reduce减少降低organize组织diet饮食,节食 stand忍耐,忍受prefer更喜欢,宁愿 ----------------------- Lesson 3 volunteer志愿者graduate毕业 minus负,零下basin水盆,脸盆challenge挑战support&支持;支撑 dial拨(电话号码) design&设计advertisement广告presentation表演,展示solve解答,解决 ----------------------- Lesson 4 accountant会计,会计师tube(英)地铁crowded拥挤的nearby附近的;在附近

高二英语下学期期末考试试题 新人教版

2019学年度下期期末考试 高二英语试题 第I卷 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A A SAFE HOME It is sad but true that people die in earthquakes from falling furniture (家具)and bricks. Earthquake safety is very important and there is more to it than just keeping buildings from falling down. So if your home is in an earthquake area, you should prepare carefully before the earthquake comes. First, make sure you buy a house which is earthquake safe. All pipes should be fixed to the wall and all walls should be especially thick and strong. You also have to make sure that there are bolts underneath your house. They are one of the most important ways of protecting a house. Make sure the building has no broken windows and is well repaired. Second, look at the objects in your house. Those in the living room, which are the most likely to hurt us, are computers, televisions and lamps. They can be tied to tables or stuck to them so they won’t easily move around. The kitchen, which is also very dangerous, must have strong doors on all the cupboards. This is the place where


2015年5月份高二英语期中考试试卷 命题人:马岩 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends. My earliest memories of my father are a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and his family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult(成年人)I feared him and felt bitter about him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if t heir fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard. On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor café. We talked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical (挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before? The next day dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was. 21. Why did the author feel bitter about her father as a young adult? A. He was silent most of the time. B. He was too proud of himself. C. He did not love his children. D. He expected too much of her. 22. When the author went out with her father on weekend, she would feel . A. nervous B. sorry C. tired D. safe 23. What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson? A. More critical. B. More talkative C. Gentle and friendly. D. Strict and hard-working. 24. The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to. A. the author’s son B. the author’s father C. the friend of the author’s father D. the café owner B One type of fish is named salmon(大马哈鱼). There are many different kinds of salmon, but almost all of them mate(交配) in a very strange way. They are born in small, freshwater rivers. They live in the river for a year, and then swim downstream to a bigger river and eventually to the ocean very quickly. While they live in the ocean, salmon are silver coloured. After several years at sea, the salmon grow very long and heavy. Then, as if by magic, they all begin to swim home. Each salmon somehow remembers where it was born and the very same area in the small river. It is a long, difficult journey home. Once the salmon enter fresh, they stop eating. They also change colours. Some salmon turn red, other brown and grey, and some turn pink. Some salmon grow a large bulge on their back, called a hump.


高二英语下期末试卷及答案 本试卷共四部分;满分150分。考试时间120分钟 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号及右上角的“座位号”填写在答题卷上。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卷的整洁。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。 1、Where does the dialogue happen? A. At home. B. In an office. C. In a classroom. 2、What did Ms. Jones call for when the man was out? A. Ms. Jones called for advertising. B. Ms. Jones called to solve a technical problem. C. Ms. Jones called for changing the time of the meeting. 3、When would the meeting be held then? A. Tuesday afternoon. B. Thursday afternoon. C. Friday afternoon. 听下面一段对话,回答第4~6三个小题。 4、Where does the young girl want to go with her father? A. To the park. B. To the movies. C. To the swimming pool. 5、Who are they going with? A. The girl’s mother. B. The girl’s uncle. C. The girl’s best friend. 6、What does the girl want to do later? A. She wants to walk to the ice cream store. B. She wants to swim at the park. C. She wants to go down to the beach. 听下面一段独白,回答第7~9三个小题。 7、How many tickets does the want? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 8、When will the man and his family fly? A. On the morning of Oct. 1st. B. On the morning of Sept. 30th.


2019学年第二学期期末考试 高二英语试卷 (考试时间:100分钟试卷满分:120分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Welcome to our website. Here are some magazines to recommend this week. A. reviews of novels B. simple humorous stories C. serious writings on music D. stories written by famous artists

2. What discount can you get if you buy Alternative Press on the website? A. About 38% B. About 55% C. About 70% D. About 75% 3. Which magazine will suit a hip-hop fan? A. Complex. B. Alarm. C. Alternative Press. D. Sound & Vision. B I dropped out of college after my freshman year. Three years later, I quit a dead-end job and returned college. I saw school as my way out. But I quickly found myself facing the same roadblocks that had caused me to quit before: I was confused with college-level algebra and a heavy workload of reading and writing assignment. Moreover, I was unsure of my career direction. I was ready to drop out again. Then a smartly-dressed woman walked confidently to the front of my English composition class. “Look at you! Look at each and every one of you,” she said. “You’re here to change your lives for the better. And you’re going to make it!” I can’t remember the rest of the speech, but it changed the course of my college career and my life. Mrs. Smith didn’t know me from any of the other 40 faces in her classroom, but I felt she speaking directly to me. Having trouble keeping up with the workload? Break it down into small pieces, and set up a schedule that suits you. If college algebra is too difficult, drop back to introductory college math. As for English composit ion, she gave us writing assignments we could relate to. “Go for the best, kid. You’re worth it,” she’d say. I graduated from that college and went on to get my bachelor’s degrees. Today, as a college instructor, each fall when I stand in front of a new class, I think of Mrs. Smith and how much teachers can affect their students. She couldn’t have known it when she gave that pep talk, but she made a huge difference in my life. 4. Why did the author want to quit school again? A. He wanted to return to hid former job. B. He decided on his future career. C. The academic pressure seemed unbearable. D. Many changes took place in his life. 5. How did Mrs. Smith help the author? A. She made him feel relaxed. B. She helped him with algebra. C. She talked to him directly. D. She brought him courage and faith. 6. What can we infer about the author?

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