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qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq


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M=The Old Man

(M walks in an empty street with a photo of his wife in hand)

M:(softly and deeply)Thirty years. You have left me for thirty years, my dear. I can’t stop thinking of you even a moment…

(A paper is thrown to M. M catches it.)

M: T ime traveler… (lost in thought)

M=The Old Man T=The Manager of Time Traveler

(M walks into the office of the time traveler)

T:(smiles very warmly)May I do something for you, sir?

M:(hesitates)Err…Yes, I’m coming for what is called Time-traveling.

T:(smiles more warmly)This is the new flagship of our agency. We will offer you the best service of travelling from one period to another to meet your curiosity and find out what you need.

M:(interrupting eagerly)Means, I can travel back to the past and do something?

T:(hesitates, but keep smiling)Well, sir, there’s time limitation due to the technical problems. If you need to travel back to very early times, it can be as short as seconds. But that would be enough for getting some truth.

M: No, not that early. Thirty years is enough.

T: I’m sorry, but we could only offer you five minutes’ staying there if you plan to go back to thirty years ago.

M: That’s enough. I just need to find a person and tell him something. T: And I have to remind you about the cost. For a trip like yours, the cost is about twenty thousand.

M:(determined)I’m going back, regardless the cost.

(M writes the check, signs agreements and takes the notifications)

M=The old man P=Paul

(It is raining hard and P is walking alone in an empty street)

P:(annoying)What poor weather! Even rains at noon!

(M appears behind P)

M:(eagerly)Paul, I have one thing serious to tell you.

P:(scared and turns back)Who’s there?(gazing at M, confused)And you seem familiar… Who are you? Where do you come from? How do you know me?

M: I am from the future. We are a same person, in fact. I come back especially to warn you something about your wife. But I only have 5 minutes here due to the limitation of the technology

P: (doubtfully) So what do you want to say?

M:(sad and low)In one day or two, a traffic acci dent will claim your wife’s life. That would throw you into the deepest depression.

P:(completely shocked and unbelievable)What?! How can I believe you?! M:(ignoring his suspicion)You must do everything you can to prevent this catastrophe. But pay attention that you can never tell it to anyone, even your wife.

P:(still a little distrust)I know. I will do my utmost.

M:(with hope)I leave that all to you. Please.

(Then M disappeared with a flash)

P:(shocked)Incredible…(lost in thought)Maybe he’s right…Anyway, it’s better to do something.

(P goes back home, thinking about M’s words)

P=Paul W=Paul’s Wife

(W sits in an armchair, reading a book)

P:(takes a long, deep breath and puts on a smile)Hey daring, I’m home. W:(smiles and stands up, putting away the book)Hey honey. So nice to see you back. I’ve prepared you some coffee…(gazing P with concern)Dear, what’s up? You look a bit down.

P:(paltering)Err…(gets an inspiration)Yes daring, I’ve been feeling ill all morning… I don’t think I can still manage to work this afternoon and even tomorrow.

W:(worried)I’d better phone our doctor. Have something first anyway.

Lunch is ready.

P:(eagerly)No, there’s no need to call the doctor. It’s just some common stomachache. Some rest and all will be okay. I just need your company.

W:(hesitate for a while)Well…

P:(very eagerly)Please daring. I feel really bad.

W:(smiles)Rest assured, honey. I’ll phone my boss and have two days off.

Let’s enjoy our meal first. Do you want something soft? Like some porridge?

P:(lol)No, thanks. I prefer your dishes even at a stomachache.

W:(shy)Wait me at the table.(highers the voice, calling upwards)Sweet!

Time for lunch!

(P’s cell phone rings)

P:Hello…Yes, this is Paul speaking…Okay, I’ll go out now.(to W)You two can enjoy the meal first. I’ve got a parcel at the post office.

W:(worriedly)But you’re not feeling well. Let me go instead of you.

P:(nervous)No, no, daring. You have to stay here…I’ll be back very soon.

Never go out today and tomorrow. I have my own reasons for that. W:(confused)Be carefully anyway. We’ll wait you for lunch.

P:(smiles)Everything will be fine, daring. Love you so much.

(Out P goes)

L=Lucy W=Paul’s Wife

L:(running down happily)Mum, Peter has invited me to his birthday party! W:(smiles)T hat’s great, sweet. How’s the time?

L:Well, I’ll set off at 3 this afternoon and be back at 11 about at night. I’m planning to get some fresh flowers for him, so I have to leave early. W:(worried)That’s nearly midnight when you come back. Why not a little earlier?

L:But the party ends at 10, and I do not want to leave early.(Turn to W) Please, please mommy! Don’t worry about the time, Mary will be with me. I really wanna go! I’ve been longing for this quite long!

W:(still worried)But you two are both girls. It’s really dangerous for girls to stay out at night these days. You can tell this to Peter, he’ll understand.

L:(annoying)Girls, girls, you are always regarding me as so-called girls!

Mom, I’m already 18, why cannot you trust me even one time? I can make it!

W:(sad)Lucy, I’m just concerned. I would like to respect your own choices, but it’s really too dangerous. I really cannot agree.

L:(angry)No, mom. I just like to stay longer with him. That’s important to me. Why can’t you understand me a bit? Look at dad!

W:(gradually lose patience)Your dad won’t agree either if he was here.

Listen, come back earlier, or stay at home. I CANNOT let you stay out late at night!

L:(cries out)I choose neither! No matter you agree it or not, I’ll go and stay there! Never can you think for me! Your adults! I just shouldn’t tell you that!

(L rushes out)

W:(angry and worried)Back! Lucy! Where’re you going?!

(P comes back)

P:(surprised)What’s wrong, dear? Why are you crying? And where’s Lucy?

Why aren’t you having lunch?

W:(sobbing)I’m all right, honey. Lucy and I just quarreled. She rushed out minutes ago. I think she must go to Mary’s.

P:(comforting her)Girls will finally grow up. They will have their own thoughts. Just let her go. That’s part of what we call grow-up. Be at ease, daring. She’ll be fine.

W:(sobbing)But daring, how can I be at ease?(standing up)I have to find her. Mary’s telephone is under reparation. I’ll go on my own.

P:(nervous, stops her)Let me go for you. You stay here, remember not to go out. Remember.

(P goes out again)

L=Lucy M=Mary

(Lucy rushes out of home to her good friend Mary's door.)

(Mary is watching TV in the living room.)

M:(hears the knock)Coming!(gets up to open the door)(surprised)Hi, Lucy. What’s up? You look so hurt.

L:(burst out crying)Mary, I cannot bear my mom anymore.

M:Oh sweet, claim down first. You know adults are always like this. Tell me what has happened. Let me see if I can help.

L:(sobbing)Pete invited us to his party, you know, but she just won’t let me go. We quarreled bitterly because of this. I really want to go. You know how important this is to me. How can she do that?

M:(surprised again)What? But why she wanted to keep you at home? L:(gradually stops sobbing)Pete’s party end s at 10 o'clock. She thinks that is too late.

M:(trying to comfort her)I have to say maybe your mom is right. I know most of the time that sounds annoying, but that’s only because she is really concerned about your safety, because she really loves you…

L: (interrupting)I know that. But I’m no more a child. I don’t think I’ll encounter any kind of trouble that so bad. I just cannot accept that I’ll miss his party. How would he think of me if I’m absent? Maybe I won’t have another chance.

M:Things are not that bad, Lucy. Cheer up. Pete is not that kind of selfish

guy. He’ll understand. Let me be here with you.

L(sobs again)I’m so sorry Mary. But I think you can go there alone.

M:I prefer staying here. Anyway, never let those things bug you. Have you got your lunch? My mom baked some cookies this morning. And would you like some milk as well? Then we may watch some soap operas; they’ll pull you together, I believe.

L:(forces out a smile)That would be great.

(M goes into the kitchen. L picks out the handkerchief and wipes her eyes) (Two girls enjoy cookies and milk while watching TV, finally fall asleep, and as a result, neither of them hears P knocking at the door)

P:(worried)Maybe she is at Betty’s? Anyway I have to find her, or my daring will…(signs)Oh……

(P goes away)

W=Paul’s Wife N=Paul’s Neighbor

(The neighbor knocks at the door)

W:(stops sobbing and forces a smile, opens the door)Hey! How’re you today?

N:(very happy)Great! Why haven’t you set off?

W:(confused)But to where?

N:(surprised)Haven’t you read the newspaper?(looks at confusing W)Listen, you won’t believe what good news I’m telling you. The nearby mall will offer a big discount on all of the goods to celebrate its tenth anniversary. It will start in 10 minutes and last just an hour. We’d better go now. You know how elusive the chance is!

W:(hesitating)I do wish I could, but my husband has urged me to stay at home today. And Lucy is still out. I have to wait for her.

N:(unbelievable)Oh, come on. I know you want to go. What’s the meaningful reason for him to fetter you here? Forget your husband’s words. We’ll be back very soon. He won’t find it.

W:But Lucy…(hesitate)

N:And about Lucy, Paul has been out for her, so what on earth are you worrying about? Helen is always staying out, I allow her to do that! Girls have all grown up, you’re just thinking too much about them.


N:(keep prodding)Well, since you prefer to stay at home ,I’ll go there on

my own now.(pretending to leave) W:Wait for me! Let’s go together. (Away they went.)

M=The Old Man T=The Manager of Time Traveler

M:(rushed in angrily)You cheated me! Why my wife is still dead! Just at another occasion?!

T:Sir, please claim down first…

M:(roars)Claim?! How would you make me claim?! Where’s my wife?! T:Sir, if things can be changed, the history would become a complete mess. You should understand that…

M:So you mean, I could do nothing?! Just vain?

T:Time traveler just offer you a chance to know about the past, to find out the truths, but never can anyone change even a small part of history. Process may be different, but the result is sole. It is eternal. M:(slumps into the chair)The result is eternal… And I have to lose my wife forever…(silent tears)

(Back ground music rises(Cloud Atlas)with the line: These forces that often remake time and space, they can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin long before we are born, and continue after we perish. Our lives and our choices like quantum trajectories are understood moment to moment at each point of intersection, each encounter, suggest a new potential direction.)

戏剧策略和习式(Drama Strategies and Conventions)

戲劇策略和習式(Drama Strategies and Conventions) 下面舉出一些教案中羅列的教學策略。除此之外,Jonothan Neelands和Tony Goode 還有專書介紹其定義的眾多「習式」。1 1.講故事(Narration) 教師敘述劇情,以介紹戲劇情境或把劇情推進。透過恰當的語氣和表情製造氣氛,能認領學生投入劇情。 2.教師入戲(Teacher-in-Role) 教師按戲劇的需要扮演角色,與學生一同演戲,直接對話。這個習式的好處是教師可以透過話語、表情、肢體語言,更立體地交代資料,向學生提問,甚至質疑學生某些既有觀念。以這種形式教學,教師可以在「戲劇中」控制意念的發展。「教師入戲」要求全組一同參與戲劇,可說是「焦點人物」(見下)的複雜版本,因為連學生都要進入角色才可跟入了戲成為焦點人物的教師交流。 3.焦點人物(Hot-Seating) 某學生或教師以角色身份接受眾人(通常以自己的身份)提問。教師在有需要的情況下,可能會把正在進行的戲劇暫停,讓其他人向角色提問以取得進一步資料。教師亦可以讓一個戲劇角色成為「焦點人物」以開展戲劇,請學生盡量找出關於角色的資料,從而引入課題或故事,甚至發展劇情;教師可以自己扮演這個角色,支援學生,引導探索。 有時,請學生扮演一般性的角色如記者、村民、社會工作者等進行提問以獲取資訊,亦是一個好策略。 4.定格形象(Still-Image) 這可以是一個小組、全組或個人活動,把某個意念或事件某一刻的影像呈現出來。「定格形象」的英文有不同稱謂,如Frozen Moment、Still Picture、Tableau、Freeze-Frame等。採用「定格形象」來表達意念的好處,是學生能把意念的精粹表達出來,而且在定鏡時,動作和關係都比較清晰易見,容易集中焦點。 1「習式」,即「習慣模式」的意思。Goode, T. & Neelands, J. (2000). Structuring Drama W ork: a Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.一書提及超過90種習式,是一本實用的教師手冊。(中譯本:舒志義,李慧心譯(2005),《建構戲劇──戲劇教學策略70式》,台北:成長基金會。)

english drama

英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money Characters: Narrator(N张一平), Salesman(S李沛), Dad(D侯登才), Maggie(M 王博洋), Alice(A胡兆元), Candy(C张一平), Policeman(P吴旭东) Preparation: 学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景(每个场景都要用一个ppt显示),各种道具等 Scene 1(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why. The foolish students always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money…… Oops! It’s time to make candies now.(看表) First, put the flour on the table. Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press, press…… Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces! One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀) Wow, everything is ready! 糖果钻出来(跳舞),跳完后,非常难过地说:Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly! What can I do? The students will eat me! And they will be ill! Wuwuwu… S: Mmmm…It looks dirty, let me give you a nice coat! (给它穿上) Wow! Now it’s so beautiful! Haha…… C: Oh, no! Don’t sell me! I’m dirty!(拖糖果下场) Scene2(At the school gate) N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual. (Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩) (小贩拉着糖上场,吆喝):Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! …… M: Oh, Alice! Look! Candies! A: Yeah! I think they are yummy! M: Let’s ask him. A: OK! C: Don’t buy me!(非常焦急) M&A: Why? C: I’m dirty! M: No, you look nice!


戏剧(drama) [drama;play] 旧时专指戏曲,后用为戏曲、话剧、歌剧、舞剧、诗剧等的总称。 希腊戏剧 戏剧,指以语言、动作,舞蹈,音乐,木偶等形式达到叙事目的的舞台表演艺术的总称。文学上的戏剧概念是指为戏剧表演所创作的脚本,即剧本。戏剧的表演形式多种多样,常见的包括话剧、歌剧、舞剧、音乐剧、木偶戏等 具体含义】 综合艺术的一种。有两种含义:狭义专指以古希腊悲剧和喜剧为开端,首先在欧洲各国发展起来继而在世界广泛流行的舞台演出形式,英文为drama ,中国称之为话剧。广义还包括东方一些国家、民族的传统舞台演出形式,如中国的戏曲、日本的歌舞伎、印度的古典戏剧、朝鲜的唱剧等。 【戏剧本质】 公元前4世纪,亚里士多德在《诗学》中已经表述了对戏剧本质的认识。他认为:一切艺术都是模仿,戏剧是对人的行动的模仿。2个世纪以后,印度的第一部戏剧理论著作《舞论》也指明:“戏剧就是模仿。”19世纪以后,对戏剧本质的研讨出现了众说纷纭的局面,主要有观众说,冲突说,激变说,情境、实验室说等。

观众说:认定观众是戏剧的必要条件,也是戏剧的本质所在。法国戏剧理论家F.萨赛是这种观念的代表,他断言:不管是什么样的戏剧作品,都是为了给观众看的。“没有观众,就没有戏剧”,因而,戏剧的一切器官都必须与观众的欣赏相适应。 冲突说:以法国戏剧理论家布伦退尔为代表。19世纪末,布伦退尔指出:舞台乃是人的自觉意志发挥的场所,人物的自觉意志的发挥必定会遇到阻碍,主体为克服阻碍就要与之斗争,这就构成“意志冲突”,戏剧的本质就在于此。美国戏剧理论家J.H.劳森则把戏剧的本质归之为“自觉意志在其中发挥作用的社会性冲突”。他认为:由于戏剧是处理社会关系的,而人的自觉意志又必须受社会必然性的制约,因而,真正的戏剧性冲突必须是社会性冲突。这种观念可以一句话来表述:“没有冲突就没有戏剧。” 激变说:英国戏剧理论家W.阿契尔否定布伦退尔的“冲突”说,他把小说与戏剧相比较,认为小说是“渐变”的艺术,而戏剧是“激变”( crisis ,又译危机 )的艺术,戏剧所处理的是人的命运和环境的一次激变,这就是戏剧本质的所在。 情境、实验室说:早在18世纪,法国哲学家D.狄德罗就曾把“情境”看作戏剧作品的基础。黑格尔在谈到戏剧的特性时,也曾把“情境”


戏剧(Drama) There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The on most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world-even the seasonal changes-as unpredictable, and they sought through various means to control these unknown and feared powers. Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals. Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths,

Chinese Drama

I T is the opinion of modern scholars that drama was not native to China, but was introduced, probably in rather an advanced state, by the Mongols in the thirteenth century. During the one-hundred and sixty-eight years of the Kin and Yuen dynasties the most celebrated plays were written. A famous collection known as the Hundred Plays of the Yuen Dynasty is preserved, and the titles of about six-hundred others are known, as well as the names of eighty-five playwrights. Three of these authors were women belonging to a class similar to the Greek heter?. During this period (1200-1368) the style of acting, the subjects to be treated, and the general conduct of the theater were determined. The Chinese stage at the beginning of the twentieth century was practically the same as that of seven hundred years ago. Theory of Chinese drama. The ideal of the Chinese stage was that every play should have a moral. An article in the penal code of the Empire requires every dramatist to have "a virtuous aim." Both prose and verse are often used in the same play. The best plots satisfy the rule regarding unity of action, and many of them also observe the unities of time and place, although the Chinese knew nothing of Aristotle's theories concerning the elements of structure. Many of the plays are short, a half-hour or so in length; and the longer ones are divided into acts and scenes. It is the custom in many places to give a series of short plays without any intermission, so that a performance sometimes lasts for several hours. In such a case of course there is no attempt at maintaining a single unified action. The second play may take up the career of a new hero after the first one has been killed or defeated, thus carrying the spectator over long distances and through many years. In order to keep the thread of the action clear, each important character pauses occasionally to announce his name and lineage, and perhaps to rehearse the course of the plot. A singular feature of the Chinese play is the singing actor, to whom are given the most poetic and beautiful passages. Like the Greek


常用戏剧术语 1. Drama–The form of composition designed for performance in the theater, in which act0rs take the roles of the characters, perform the indicated action, and utter the written dialogue. The common alternative name for a dramatic composition is a play. A person who writes a play is a dramatist/playwright剧作家The first dramas to be written for the express purpose of being performed were created by the Greeks. Many modern drama terms derive from Greek origins. (1) Forms of drama: Poetic drama - written in verse诗剧 Closet drama - plays initially meant to be performed or recited at small gatherings or read in private. Example: Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound ( 1820 ) 文房剧 Screenplay电影剧本, for movies, have more complex and strict rules for formatting. (2) Types of drama: Comedy–In the Greek sense, a play that doesn’t end in death. In modern usage, refers to a play that is humorous. 喜剧 Tragedy–In the Greek sense, a play that ends with the death of at least one of the main characters. In modern usage, refers to a play that doesn’t have a happy ending. 悲剧Tragicomedy - the term used to describe a drama that incorporates both tragic and comedic elements. This hybrid form was popularized in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Plays written in this mode often featured tragic conflicts that resolve happily through unexpected--sometimes improbable--plot twists. Example: Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice悲喜剧 2. Script– the written text of a play. Usually includes a list of characters that appear in the play with a brief description of what the character is like (Dramatis Personae剧中人物表), brief descriptions of the sets or setting背景/布景, and the lines台词the characters will speak. 剧本Act– A major section of a play, similar to a chapter in a book; an act is usually made up of several scenes. The five-act structure was originally introduced in Roman times and became the convention in Shakespeare’s period. In the 19th century this was reduced to four acts and 20th century drama tends to favor three acts. 幕 Scene–a subdivision of an act; usually, a scene indicates a specific location or time, and changes if another location or time is supposed to be presented. 场 Stage direction– a description (as of a character or setting) or direction (as to indicate stage business) provided in the text of a play, usually indicated with italics and/or parentheses. It may indicate where the scene takes place, what a character is supposed to do, or how a character should deliver certain lines. 舞台指示 Enter– A stage direction –tells the character(s) to come onto the stage. Often includes a direction (left or right) or additional information about how characters are to enter the scene. 登场Exit/Exeunt (pl.)– A stage direction – tells the character(s) to leave the stage and the scene. Often includes a direction (left or right) or additional information about how characters are to leave the scene. Example: Exeunt soldiers and townspeople. 退场 3. Character- An imaginary person that inhabits a literary work. Dramatic characters may be major主要or minor次要, static (unchanging静态) or dynamic (capable of change动态), round (with psychological depth丰满的) or flat (a stock character模式化人物or simplified stereotype


迷失中的隐秘之星~心驰神往的呼唤 鹈饲裕太:啊!!真的!连汉字都是一样的呢!“鹈饲”先生。 鹈饲大叔:就是啊!!我看到事务所招牌和我的名字相同,就决定来委托给你了,“鹈饲”小哥! 鹈饲裕太&鵜飼大叔:哈哈哈哈哈! 近道直纯:喂,鹈饲,没有茶叶了,咖啡可以不可…… 鹈饲裕太&鵜飼大叔:嗯? 鹈饲裕太:啊,是我,他跟我说。 鵜飼大叔:哈哈哈哈,是的呢。 鹈饲裕太&鵜飼大叔:哈哈哈哈。 鹈饲裕太:哎呀,总觉得非常有趣儿呢。 鵜飼大叔:真的。 花笼:怎么这么热闹? 近道直纯:(他们究竟在玩儿个什么劲儿啊……)那么……裕太。 鹈饲裕太:呃!!!啊? 近道直纯:嗯,在这个案子期间我就这么叫你。 鹈饲大叔:哎呀,名字不一样呢,太可惜了啊!!那么,就请多多担待了。 鹈饲裕太:啊,好的。 近道直纯:请交给我们吧。 鹈饲裕太:呜呜!!你会好好地叫我“鹈饲”吧? 近道直纯:会让客户弄混的吧? 鹈饲裕太:很奇怪啊!我习惯不了!啊!对了,叫我“鹈饲社长”吧!这样的话……近道直纯:说起来我也是,第一次被叫名字的时候,还是特殊点儿的称呼更好呢。鹈饲裕太:你是笨蛋吗? 近道直纯:哼哼。 花笼:得得,我回去了。 鹈饲裕太:(那之后……) 近道直纯:裕太~~~~ 近道直纯:下午会有客户过来吧?你打扫了吗,裕太? 鹈饲裕太:(不管我说了多少次让他闭嘴……) 近道直纯:裕太,晚饭叫外卖吗?我要吃“天荞麦面”[※注:天そば,因为对日本食物不了解,只能字面翻译了。] 鹈饲裕太:呃!!!(近道叫了我的名字……)

近道直纯:裕太,喂,裕太~~ 鹈饲裕太:啊啊啊啊!给我见好就收啊!!!我都说了多少次让你闭嘴了!!!为什么净是做些我不喜欢的事儿啊?!你这个品行低劣的渣渣!! 近道直纯:因为…你不是真的不喜欢吧?我只是想看鹈饲羞涩难当的样子而已。鹈饲裕太:“鹈饲”和“近道”就像是组合名字一样,我很喜欢啦! 近道直纯:嗯。 鹈饲裕太:总觉得叫我名字的话,那个组合名字就消失了,我不喜欢。 近道直纯:唔……时常叫叫名字可以吗? 鹈饲裕太:如果是偶尔的话…… 近道直纯:偶尔啊,了解。 [KISS] 鹈饲裕太:我肚子饿了,还想去洗澡。 近道直纯:当然,吃完饭再去洗澡吧,在“那个”完了之后。 鹈饲裕太:(“那个”……完了之后。)嗯啊……不要一直吸那里啊…… 近道直纯:为什么?你喜欢我舔你的乳首吧? 鹈饲裕太:啊啊……我可不想它很奇怪地变黑或者变大!我可是个男人。 近道直纯:我只要鹈饲,什么都不管。没关系的,它本来就颜色白皙浅淡,虽然很小很可爱,却非常的色情。 鹈饲裕太:呜呜…… 近道直纯:不过,和刚开始比起来颜色的确变深了呢。 鹈饲裕太:唔!!啊啊啊!不要!以后不准碰乳首了!! 近道直纯:等等!!这里呢?这里的颜色也很浅淡,我可以挊它吗? 鹈饲裕太:嗯啊…… 近道直纯:泥泞一片呢。 鹈饲裕太:啊……嗯……鸡鸡还是又大又黑的更帅气吧?所以不管怎么挊都没关系。 近道直纯:(我真想吐一大把的槽啊!!)唔!你没预备让除我之外的第二个人看它吧? 鹈饲裕太:唔……温泉什么的? 近道直纯:温泉,你想去吧? 鹈饲裕太:对了!去我的老家嚒?给你免费哦!你想啊,我家是旅馆。 近道直纯:你……(要怎么介绍我呢……) 鹈饲裕太:嗯? 近道直纯:(妈蛋!)唔!!


戏剧的基本常识 戏剧动作:(Action Of Drama)戏剧艺术基本表现手段,在表演艺术中,又称舞台动作。 H.贝克把动作分为外部动作与内心活动两大类,进而又把它分为以下五种:1、纯粹外部动作;2、性格化动作; 3、帮助剧情发展和说明剧情的动作; 4、内心动作; 5、静止动作。 J.H.劳森认为:在戏剧中,说话(台词)也是动作的一种形式。 也有人认为:把戏剧动作的实际完成方式,把它分为:外部形体动作、言语动作、静止动作等。 外部形体动作指的是观众可以直接看到的动作方式;言语动作指的是对话、独白、旁白等等;静止动作又称停顿、沉默等等,指的是剧中人物既没有明显的形体动作,又没有台词,从表面看处于静止状态。之所以把它看作是动作的一种方式,是因为人物在静止不动的瞬间都有丰富的内心活动,通过演员的姿态、表情将内心活动传达给观众。 一个完整的戏剧动作可以分解为:做什么、为什么做、怎么样做。做什么是指动作的内容;为什么做,指动作的心理动机;怎么样做,指具体的动作方式。其中,为什么做与怎么样做,是紧密联系的,前者制约着后者。在剧本中,剧作家的提示一般只是做什么,演员要完成动作,首先应搞清楚为什么做(具体的心理动机),然后才能确立具体的动作方式。同样,人物的每句台词(言语动作)也可以分解为说什么、为什么说以及怎么样说。 每一个戏剧动作都有内因和外因。动作的内因是动作者的心理动机;动作的外因则是客观的情境,情境影像人物,促使他(或她)产生特定的心理内容,才能发出动作。因此,每一个完整的戏剧动作都包括外——内——外的过程。只有把动作的内因和外因展现出来。观众才会了解动作的意义。 劳森说过:“流动性”是戏剧动作的一个重要特征。所谓“流动性”,指的是它的因果连续性,一个动作由别的动作生发出来,同时又引起别的动作。每一个戏剧场面都是由一个因果相承、持续发展的动作体系构成的。 现代戏剧提供了一些新的动作成分,最有表现力的是音响。音响在戏剧中本来是动作的辅助成分,或用以再现动作的环境,或用以烘托人物的内心情绪;但也可以成为动作的成分;或作为冲突的象征性表现手段,或作为人物内心活动的直观外观方式。 戏剧情节:(Plot Of Play)戏剧作品的构成因素之一。一般是指作品中人物与人物、人物与环境的各种关系所组成的生活事件、矛盾冲突的发展过程。 戏剧情节是由一个个场面连贯而成的。场面是情节发展的基本单位,情节随着场面的次第转移而不断发展。 戏剧情节是由一条条线索铺设而成的。线索是情节发展过程的头绪、脉络,故亦称情节线。情节简单的作品,可以单线发展;情节复杂的作品,可以双线或多线发展。后者的线索又有主、次之分,其中伴随着主要人物活动而展开的、贯穿全局的情节线称为主线;伴随其他人物活动而展开的、枝蔓性的情节线称为副线。副线需与主线形成有机联系,并为突出主线服务。线索还有明暗之分,通过人物本身的动作在舞台上直接呈现出来的情节线是明线;通过人物间接介绍、交代出来的幕后活动的情节线则为暗线。主线通常是明显,但也有将暗线作为主线的。 人物的行动及其发展,是戏剧情节的外在构成形式;促成人物行动的动机及其发展变化,则是戏剧情节潜在的动力。因此,有人认为戏剧情节是由意图、达到意图的手段以及这些手段的结局网织而成的。在不同风格种类的戏剧作品中,有的注重于行动外在的力度(如情节剧),有的则注重于心理(动机)的深细度(如心理剧)。 戏剧情节在作品中最重要的作用是为展示人物性格服务。同时,戏剧情节本身具有相对独立的艺术效能和美学价值,能对观众产生吸引力和愉悦作用。在戏剧创作中,既不能忽视情节,使作品缺乏扣人心弦的艺术力量,又不能单纯地追求情节,从而淹没人物形象,使作品缺乏思想深度。 戏剧情境:(Situation Of Play)戏剧作品的构成要素之一。戏剧情境作为戏剧作品的基础,由三种因素构成:剧中人物活动的具体的时空环境;对人物发生影响的具体的情况——事件;有定性的人物关系。一般地说,在诸种因素中,最重要的、最有活力的因素是人物关系。 在戏剧作品中,戏剧情境的重要性主要表现为:1、情境作为一种客观的推动力,促使人物的心理活动凝结成具体的动机,并导致具体的行动,是人物行动的外因;2、是戏剧中冲突爆发和发展的基础和条件,所谓“基础”,指的是情境中包含的人物之间的矛盾关系,所谓“条件”,指的是各种事件;3、是戏剧情节的基础,事件与人物关系的相互作用推动人物的行动,从而构成情节的发展;4、是人物性格展现的条件,在戏剧作品中,展现人物性格的基本方式是:把人物投入到具体的情境中去,为人物提供足够的条件和刺激力,促使他(或她)通过行动进行性格的自我展现。 戏剧性:(Theatricality)戏剧的特性在作品中的具体体现。主要指在假定情境中人物心理的直观外现。从广义的角度讲,它是美学的一般范畴。 人们在谈到戏剧性的时候,还常常涉及偶然性、巧合、聚变等现象,特别是当人们把这一概念作为生活用语时,


星期五论坛翻译 翻译:kazehime 夜の蘭 校对:火焰鸢尾 無威望限制,在线翻译于翻译发布一周后开放转载,转载时只需保留制作人員名单和論壇信息。 和谐网络需大家共同维护,谢谢!(≧?≦) DISC 01 Track01 regret-悔恨- 造成这种结局的 正是我自己…… 但是…… 已经再也见不到你了 睦:为什么会这样啊!? 蓉司:冷静一下,发生什么事了? 睦:为什么不行啊! 蓉司:啊! 睦:你说啊,到底为什么! 蓉司:睦…总之你先冷静一下… 睦:啊……我……抱歉…但是为什么我就不行呢…为什么…… 蓉司:…… 睦:抱歉……我回去了…… [在大雨中行走] 睦:呜……(齿轮究竟是从什么时候开始错乱的呢?究竟发生了什么,才会变成这样的呢?我不知道……但是,我却束手无策。因为,我以为只有我才能支撑蓉司,蓉司需他要的…只有我一个人而已。我明明一直……这么认为……)可恶!…可恶!! 睦:嘿咻~ 衣服换好了~嗯?咦?崎山,下节是体育课,你不换衣服吗? 蓉司:从早上开始就觉得有点不太舒服。 睦:不会吧!?你有好好吃饭吗?昨天也是,结果汉堡包什么的一点儿都没吃。今天早上呢? 蓉司:今天早上…也没有吃… 睦:[叹]我就知道。我不是跟你说过不好好吃饭身体会撑不住的吗?脸色也这么难看…… 蓉司:可是我没胃口…… 睦:啊,你去哪? 蓉司:我去跟老师说,下节课只能在旁边看大家上课了。 睦:你没事吧? 蓉司:不要紧,[晃]啊……

睦:[扶住]这哪里是…不要紧?啊!来,振作一点啦~ 蓉司:抱歉,刚刚有点头晕。 睦:真是的,拿你没办法呢~ 我跟你一起去啦,要是你半路晕倒了就糟糕了。 蓉司:啊…谢谢。 睦:不是一直都这样嘛~ 好了,我们走吧。[两人出教室](一直不怎么跟班上的同学搭话,人也是轻飘飘的,毫无实感,感觉被风一吹就不知道会飞到哪里去的家伙。这就是崎山蓉司给我留下的印象。虽然刚刚升上新的年级,班里的全体同学间都飘荡着一股生疏感,即便如此只有蓉司一个被群体所疏离,也许他比大家大一岁是造成这种情况的原因也说不定。当然事实也不一定是如此,但是总让我无法对他置之不理。) 睦:不知道崎山在睡觉吗~[推开门]老师,崎山他……咦?老师不在?唉,外出去哪里了吗?崎山?在睡觉吗? 蓉司:嗯… 睦:啊!不好意思,把你吵醒了吗? 蓉司:不,没事。 睦:因为到了午休时间也没见你回来,所以我过来看看。 蓉司:是吗?抱歉。 睦:觉得身体怎么样? 蓉司:躺了一会儿,所以好多了。 睦:是吗~ 我想你大概肚子饿了所以帮你买了午饭过来哟。嗯,首先是…梅干饭团,然后是鲑鱼的,还有这是干鲣鱼的,这是高菜昆布的,还有夹烤五花肉的呢。 蓉司:呃,买的是不是有点多了… 睦:是吗?如果不吃光这些的话,没到下午或者晚饭前就会觉得肚子饿了吧。 蓉司:是这样吗……三田你午饭已经吃了吗? 睦:嗯吃了点。不过荞麦炒蛋面包卖光了,所以感觉上只有八分饱。 蓉司:那么,三田要是不介意的话,我们一起吃吧? 睦:咦?可以吗? 蓉司:反正我一个人吃不完,难得你特地给我买的,我也会觉得不好意思。 睦:没关系~没关系啦~ 那我就毫不客气地开动咯~ [嚼]好吃~!果然饭团就得吃鲑鱼的~ 蓉司:呵呵…… 睦:嗯?什么?怎么了吗? 蓉司:没什么……总觉得三田吃东西时候的看起来真的很幸福。 睦:那当然非常幸福啦~幸福到让我都想分一点给崎山呢。[咬] 蓉司:啊,脸上沾了饭粒。[伸手] 睦:唔…… 蓉司:拿掉了哦。 睦:唔… 谢谢。对了! 蓉司:嗯? 睦:叫名字就好了。 蓉司:什么名字? 睦:不要叫我三田,叫我“睦”听得比较习惯啦~ 叫姓的话总觉得很难为情。 蓉司:…… 睦:M—U—(睦)来吧1 2 3来~ 蓉司:啊…啊,睦?

drama series

电视剧drama series “Ode to Joy” is a 2016 Chinese drama series directed by Sheng Kong. It is based on a novel by the same name. Can five single, independent career women who live in the Ode to Joy apartment building find fulfillment on their own terms? 2016年上映的国产电视剧《欢乐颂》由孔笙执导,基于同名小说改编。同住在一个叫做“欢乐颂”公寓的5个单身独立的职业女性能否实现各自的追求? 剧中的“欢乐颂”(Ode to Joy)指的是一幢名为“欢乐颂”的公寓楼。我们提到“欢乐颂”首先想到的一般是在1785年由德国诗人席勒所写的诗歌。贝多芬为之谱曲。 An Di (Liu Tao) is a successful business woman who has returned to China after studying in New York to find her younger brother. 安迪(刘涛饰)是一位成功的商界女性,她在纽约学成后归国寻找弟弟。 Qi Dian (Zu Feng) is the stoic businessman. 魏渭(在剧中网名“奇点”,祖峰饰)是个恬淡寡欲的商人。 stoic,坚忍的,苦修的,做名词指的是恬淡寡欲的人,不以苦乐为意的人。例如: I tried to mask my disappointment while at the same time, appear stoic. 我试图掩饰自己的失望,希望看上去不动声色。 Tan Zong Ming (Jin Dong) is An Di's boss. 谭宗明(靳东饰)是安迪的顶头上司。 Qu Xiao Xiao (Wang Zi Wen) is only 25 but already owns her own small business. 曲筱绡(王子文饰)只有25岁,但已经拥有自己的小生意。 Dr. Zhao (Wang Kai) is a flirtatious, handsome doctor. 医生赵启平(王凯饰)是一个帅气的情场高手。

About drama intervention-毕业论文翻译

About drama intervention Papers: Abstract: Non-professional theater education has a very high value of education, but it is still in the field of higher education in the early exploration stage in ordinary colleges and universities in implementing the non-professional theater education disciplines from drama class, drama law courses penetration and dramatic activities carried out three aspects of manpower, thereby construct non-professional theater education in colleges and universities, the implementation of the framework for its development inquire practical way. Keywords: non-professional theater education, higher education, the implementation of ideas Drama is actor playing the role as a means to express the life of the comprehensive art, it is closest to human life primitive appearance, most likely inspire people to the reality of the association, but also the most able man understood and accepted as a unique forms of education, drama and theater education means can


qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg English Drama Finance, Class Two, Group Five 2013/3/30 张旭 史博昊 李琰 陈慧臻 胡晓琳 董力 葛萦晗

M=The Old Man (M walks in an empty street with a photo of his wife in hand) M:(softly and deeply)Thirty years. You have left me for thirty years, my dear. I can’t stop thinking of you even a moment… (A paper is thrown to M. M catches it.) M: T ime traveler… (lost in thought)

目的论与戏剧翻译 _ 浅析莎士比亚名剧Measure for Measure的三个中文译本

目的论与戏剧翻译 _ 浅析莎士比亚名剧Measure for Measure的三个中文译本 提要 众所周知,戏剧作为一种特殊的文学体裁,还同时具有舞台表演的特性,这导致 了戏剧翻译中的一对矛盾:是将源文本的文化特征淋漓尽致地表达出来,还是为舞台 表演牺牲部分文化因素?研究并解决这一矛盾成为当前戏剧翻译研究的重中之重。而 纵观中外翻译史,翻译界对戏剧翻译所作的研究为数并不多,且缺乏系统的理论指导, 对戏剧中这一矛盾的关注更是不够。本文尝试从目的论出发来审视这一矛盾,以目的 论为研究的理论框架,试图证明目的论对研究和解决戏剧翻译中的矛盾行之有效,在 戏剧翻译中意义重大。 作为文学艺术和舞台艺术的结合体,戏剧具有双重性。这种双重性使得传统翻译 理论难以指导或评估戏剧翻译。而目的论主张翻译目的为翻译活动中的首要决定因

素,这为翻译研究,特别是戏剧翻译研究开拓了新的视野。只要译文实现了既定翻译 目的,那么该译本就算是成功的译本。为验证目的论在戏剧翻译中的可行性,本文运 用该理论评价莎士比亚“Measure for Measure”的三个中文译本,以期从成功的翻 译实践中找到有益启示。 全文由五个章节构成。第一章对戏剧进行全面介绍,总结戏剧语言的特性,进一 步指出戏剧翻译中的矛盾,并回顾了翻译界的相关研究。第二章引进目的论的理论框 架,阐明其主要概念及其对戏剧翻译的特殊意义。第三章从目的论影响译者翻译方法 的四个因素出发,介绍原作者莎士比亚、译者梁实秋、朱生豪和英若诚的相关信息。 第四章从目的论的角度,对三个译本进行了详尽分析,进一步验证目的论在戏剧翻译 中的可行性。第五章总结目的论在戏剧翻译中的重要意义及深远影响。 关键词:戏剧翻译,目的论,文学性,舞台表演 ivTABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I General Introduction to Drama and Drama Translation. 1 1.1 Definition of Drama: Literary Art & Theatrical Art1 1.2 Features of Dramatic Language: Speakability & Individuality.2

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