当前位置:文档之家› 2021-2022学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题



1. The 21st-century doctor now carries a whole set of diagnostic tools in his briefcase, and yes, unfortunately, the iconic stethoscope (听诊器) is now a little outdated! So, exactly what are all these necessary devices for the 21st century doctor?

The stethoscope goes digital. The Eko Core is the new revolution of stethoscopes. It can amplify the sounds of the heart by 40 times when in digital mode. It can also stream the heartbeat data to the cloud, allowing the physician to see the heartbeat in wave form on a mobile device as well as hear the sound at an amplified level.

A palm-sized ECG device. If someone asks you to think about the electrocardiogram (心电图) device, you will probably imagine a huge machine with many wires that are connected to a screen giving someone’s heart activity. In today’s digital health era, this machine has been down-sized so it can fit in the palm of your hand. The KardiaMobile 6L is a 6-lead medical-grade pocket-sized ECG machine. It will send the readings directly to your smartphone.

High-tech eye tech. The Personal Vision Tracker and the EyeQue Insight are light, accurate, and inexpensive devices. They allow for eye tests to be performed remotely.

Ear tech in your pocket. Ear examination can be uncomfortable for the patient and challenging for physicians in case of small or partially obstructed ear canals. The pocketable WiscMed otoscope aims to overcome these issues with its built-in nano camera which gives clear images of the eardrum.

1. What is a feature of the Eko Core?

A.It is a palm-sized machine.

B.It can greatly amplify the heart.

C.It allows doctors to check data by cell phone.

D.It can show clearly the image of the ear drum.

2. Supported by the high-tech device, eye examination can be conducted ________.

D.from a distance A.randomly B.automatically C.through mobile


3. What do the four medical devices have in common?

A.Updated. B.Cheap. C.Wireless. D.Pocketable.

2. China’s newest online hit is a pink fox called LinaBell, who resides in Shanghai Disneyland Resort. After making her first public appearance on September 29, the life-size plush animal has taken the Chinese social media. On Weibo, the hashtag (话题标签) of LinaBell had amounted to over 430 million views by November 19.

Unlike other Disney characters, LinaBell has never been on the big or small screen. She’s not in any cartoon series or movie and doesn’t have a full back story. All we know is that she met Duffy,

Mickey Mouse’s teddy bear, in the forest and helped him find his way home, according to Disney’s introduction video of the character. Despite her confusing history, she has gone to conquer the hearts of many Chinese. But why?

A lot is w orking for LinaBell. Disney says she’s “a fox with an curious mind and the intelligence that supports it,” but those who’ve come to know her say they were swooned by her unique personality and adorable appearance.

Videos of meet-and-greets with the pink fox are all over the internet and LinaBell can be seen communicating with every visitor through expressive body language. She corrects those who mispronounce her name, shows love for those queuing up for hours to meet her and hands out free candy. She’s been called witty, sharp and fun-loving. “I feel cured by LinaBell, I watch her videos every night before bed. I even got an annual pass to Disney just for her,” wrote a blogger called “Dobby.” She posted a video of her talking to LinaBell on her account on so cial media platform “Little Red Book” and received 15,000 likes.

As a “locally born and bred” Chinese fox, LinaBell can understand different Chinese dialects beyond that of Shanghai, and can communicate with visitors from different parts of China. “With or without her fans waiting in line, LinaBell is delivering love and warmth, she made me forget all the displeasure of real life,” reads one popular comment by Miss Luo. “Maybe this is the power of magic.”

1. Which of the following sets LinaBell apart from other Disney characters?

A.She loves helping animals in the forest.

B.She is not a character in a movie or TV series.

C.She keeps updating her everyday life by posting videos online.

D.She first appeared on Disney’s introduction video on September 29.

2. What does the underlined word “swooned” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Trapped. B.Infected. C.Astonished. D.Attracted.

3. What can best describe LinaBell?

A.Friendly and sensitive. B.Humorous and adorable.

C.Cute and ignorant. D.Intelligent and tricky.

4. What is the best title for the article?

A.The mystery of LinaBell. B.The attraction of Shanghai Disneyland.

C.The popularity of Disney’s pink fox.D.The birth of a new cartoon character.

3. We arrived here to find everything was in chaos. The whole island is flooded. Many people have fled to mountains to escape. The hospital is badly damaged and in a mess; it cannot be used at the moment.

My colleagues on the medical team and I are going to set up a temporary clinic on the north side of the town. Medical supplies are now on their way from abroad. One of the health problems is that people who need to take medicines regularly cannot get hold of them in a disaster such as this. The majority of wounds are from walls and roofs that have fallen on people. The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to get better and easy for bacteria to spread. Meanwhile, shelter and access to food and clean water are big problems.

One good thing here is that many people can speak English or French. This makes it easier to communicate and find out about people’s problems. It seems that many people here just need to talk, so I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse. It is also being a person who can listen to and comfort others.

It is quite horrible to imagine losing everything including some of your family. Our first job here was to try to organize a place to bury the people who were killed. We needed to do this as soon as possible to stop disease spreading. That was really a horrible job and I felt so sorry for their relatives.

When I think back to all the experiences that I have been around the world since joining Doctors without Borders, I felt that I have been very lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile. Now I must thi nk about tomorrow. We hope the clinic will be open and 1 won’t have any time to write my diary. This experience makes me appreciate all the things I have and gives me the chance to see things from another angle. I know I can’t change the whole world, but I’m proud that I can help here and there, and make a difference to people’s lives.

1. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the island. B.To express an opinion.

C.To highlight the situation. D.To describe local life.

2. What problem did the author and her colleagues face when arriving at the island?

A.They didn’t have enough food.

B.They found the hospital gone.

C.They were in need of financial support.

D.They got infected due to the polluted water.

3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A.The author found it important to offer sympathy to those in need.

B.The author was not only a nurse but also worked as an interpreter.

C.People on the island were quite talkative and many enjoyed chatting.

D.There was no language barrier between the medical workers and the residents.

4. What can we learn about Doctors without Borders?

A.It is horrible and adventurous. B.It is meaningful and helpful.

C.It requires nothing but courage. D.It promises better job opportunities.

4. It is a commonly held belief that smiling takes years off your appearance by conveying a youthful joie de vive (生活之乐). Yet a study has found that smiling actually makes people look older, unless they are over 60, in which case the wrinkles have set in and it makes little difference.

Researchers showed participants hundreds of photographs of faces of people aged between 20 and 80, either smiling or with a neutral expression, and were asked to estimate their age. The faces of younger people in their twenties and thir ties were “strongly” and “reliably” identified as looking older when they were smiling. However, smiling had little or no effect on the perceived age of those over the age of 60.

The study found that for middle-aged people between the ages of 40 and 60, gender played a role in whether smiling altered the perceived age. Men in this age category appeared older when they smiled but for their female counterparts, smiling had no effect.

Researchers also suggested that it could be down to the gender differences in lifestyle and skin care that could affect facial wrinkling. Mr. Goodale, the lead researcher, said: “Not only do middle-aged men have more wrinkles than middle-aged women — the wrinkles around the eyes increases more when middle-aged men smile than it does when middle-aged women smile.”

The study follows a similar one undertaken in 2018 which also disproved the theory that smiling can take years off your appearance. The same scientists published a paper saying that the belief “well-rooted in media” was “a complete misconception”. They said the misplaced belief was causing social media users to post ageing photos of themselves online.

1. According to the passage, what is commonly believed about smiling?

A.Smiling can fill people with energy. B.Smiling is beneficial to our health.

C.Smiling quickens the ageing process. D.Smiling can make one appear younger. 2. The following factors are responsible for face wrinkling except ________.

A.Lifestyle B.skin care C.profession D.gender

3. Which of the following will the researchers probably agree with?

A.For the middle-aged, smiling affects males more than females.

B.For those of advanced age, smiling makes them look younger.

C.To avoid looking old, you’d better not smile when taking photos.

D.Smiling has the same effect on both young adults and the elderly.

4. What is the text type?

A.A medical leaflet. B.A science report. C.An encyclopedia. D.A biology


5. The tomato is definitely one of the most popular of all home grown vegetables and for good reason. 1 They can be grown in garden beds, grow bags, potted vegetable gardens or even hanging

baskets. Though buying commercially grown plants from a garden center or online is quite handy, some just prefer growing tomatoes the other way.

2 The trick is to start your seed raising early either in a green house or indoors,especially in colder climates.

SOW your seeds about four weeks before the last expected frost. Fill some seed trays or small pots with a good quality potting soil. 3 Actually even some soil from the garden will work. After anywhere from 3-15 days you should start to see little shoots sprouting out of the soil.

TRANSPLANT your seedlings once two true leaves have formed. Gently take out your seedling and plant it into the new pot but plant it up to just below its first leaves. 4

WATER your plants frequently enough when required to try and keep the soil evenly moist.

FEED your tomato plants with a good quality tomato feed every 10-14 days. 5

HARVEST your tomatoes when they are fully ripened on the vine and enjoy what your hard work has provided you with.

6. Whether or not we care to admit it, we’re all familiar with procrastination:waiting until the last minute to catch up with pressing tasks. The antidote (矫正方法) — while easier said than done — is ________ to start on your assignments sooner. But in your pursuit of ________procrastination, is it possible to go too far?

David Rosenbaum, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, certainly thinks so. His research ________ on the dangers of “precrastination”, the ________ to rush too quickly into tasks.

As ________ to a procrastinator, who might leave an inbox full of emails untouched until the next day, a precrastinator would read and ________ to each of them first thing in the morning. This can mean reducing a lot of amount of the precious energy they might need for a more urgent ________ later on.

So why do people precrastinate? Rosenbaum says that for most, it’s tough to ________ reaching for low-hanging fruit. When you complete simple short-term tasks, you have one fewer thing to think about —“I can wrap this up in five minutes. Why not ________ it now?”

The real ________ of precrastination comes when, in your rush to finish, you encounter the naturally higher chance of doing your work incompletely or inaccurately. In the ________ of emails, sometimes waiting to respond can show respect for ________ thought over expediency (权宜之计).

Of course, precrastination is not without its benefits, but it’s ________ to do so only when it makes sense. Chronic precrastinators must also realise that it’s OK to set unimportant t hings aside, because they will not require huge mental ________ later in the day, Rosenbaum says. Besides, it should be agreed in our society that it’s OK to be allowed to ________.


A.entirely B.simply C.totally D.roughly


A.beating B.improving C.achieving D.blaming


A.calls B.relies C.focuses D.agrees


A.attitude B.tendency C.solution D.answer


A.devoted B.related C.regarded D.opposed


A.apply B.appeal C.respond D.refer


A.task B.appointment C.message D.talk


A.keep B.resist C.practise D.start


A.get hold of B.make use of C.make sense of D.take care of


A.disadvantage B.struggle C.benefit D.reason


A.face B.control C.case D.name


A.ideal B.sudden C.efficient D.careful


A.critical B.relevant C.objective D.ambitious


A.health B.process C.development D.energy


A.speed up B.slow down C.show up D.fade away

7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Around the world, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is 1 hot topic. It seems that most health food stores have a section with TCM herbal remedies, and many cities have at least one acupuncture (针灸) clinic. What’s more, some Western doctors recommend TCM for certain illnesses. Within China, TCM is 2 (wide) used. All in all, 28% of drug sales in China are made up 3 medicinal herbs, and there are over 4,000 TCM hospitals in China. Let 4 (we) take a look at how TCM started.

In ancient times, many people around the world thought that illnesses 5 (cause) by evil spirits, and so spells and prayers were used to get rid of the spirits and thus bring relief. At the same time, some doctors in China recognized that many illnesses had 6 (vary) possible natural causes. The doctors believed that since illnesses were natural in origin, they could be cured through natural remedies. Perhaps the most important of these early doctors was Qin Yueren, who wandered from place to place, 7 (provide) medical care to those in need. He was so respected 8 people called him Bian Que.

Much of what has been passed down through history about Bian Que has a legendary quality. However, Bian Que sought 9 (set) the medical profession on a firm basis of preventative treatment, observing symptoms, and offering natural 10 (cure) without resorting to spells.

8. 你参加了学校的成人节活动,校英语俱乐部正在举办以“Being An Adult, Being Responsible”为主题的成人节(coming-of-age ceremony)征文,请你写一篇文章投稿,内容包括:

1. 成人节的活动时间和主要过程:

2. 你的感想和对未来高中生活的规划。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Being An Adult, Being Responsible

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I eventually managed to persuade my parents to buy me a new football shirt for the school matches. My old shirt had worn out and made me depressed every time I put it on. But now I had a brand new shirt! I was so excited. I decided to wear it today for the first time during a kick about in our street. I wish I hadn’t! As soon as we had been playing for ten minutes, the shirt sleeve ripped when I made a turn.

I didn’t pay much attention to it at first. “I’ll sew it back together after the match”, I th ought. But then I noticed that actually the whole sleeve was torn. Only a professional can mend it now. I couldn’t tell my mum and dad that my new football shirt was ruined. They would feel sad and they might not allow me to play football any longer. As I walked home, feeling totally at a loss what to do, I was astonished to suddenly come across a shop sign “All kinds of repairs and services!”

I went inside immediately. A man with white bushy hair said “Welcome!” I looked around the shop.

I saw an iron, bro ken toys and a broken chair. “I guess this is the wrong place. What I really need is

a tailor’s”, I thought to myself. But as I started to leave, I noticed a photo of a football team next to the sewing machine. I couldn’t make out which team it was. “Maybe the owner also liked playing football.” Thinking of this, I decided to have a try: “Excuse me, this tear needs repairing. I need it to take part in the school match.”


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“I’ve been waiting a long, long time to repair a football shirt,” said the man.

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

I felt so relieved but began to worry about the charge.

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


2021-2022学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题 1. The 21st-century doctor now carries a whole set of diagnostic tools in his briefcase, and yes, unfortunately, the iconic stethoscope (听诊器) is now a little outdated! So, exactly what are all these necessary devices for the 21st century doctor? The stethoscope goes digital. The Eko Core is the new revolution of stethoscopes. It can amplify the sounds of the heart by 40 times when in digital mode. It can also stream the heartbeat data to the cloud, allowing the physician to see the heartbeat in wave form on a mobile device as well as hear the sound at an amplified level. A palm-sized ECG device. If someone asks you to think about the electrocardiogram (心电图) device, you will probably imagine a huge machine with many wires that are connected to a screen giving someone’s heart activity. In today’s digital health era, this machine has been down-sized so it can fit in the palm of your hand. The KardiaMobile 6L is a 6-lead medical-grade pocket-sized ECG machine. It will send the readings directly to your smartphone. High-tech eye tech. The Personal Vision Tracker and the EyeQue Insight are light, accurate, and inexpensive devices. They allow for eye tests to be performed remotely. Ear tech in your pocket. Ear examination can be uncomfortable for the patient and challenging for physicians in case of small or partially obstructed ear canals. The pocketable WiscMed otoscope aims to overcome these issues with its built-in nano camera which gives clear images of the eardrum. 1. What is a feature of the Eko Core? A.It is a palm-sized machine. B.It can greatly amplify the heart. C.It allows doctors to check data by cell phone. D.It can show clearly the image of the ear drum. 2. Supported by the high-tech device, eye examination can be conducted ________. D.from a distance A.randomly B.automatically C.through mobile phone 3. What do the four medical devices have in common? A.Updated. B.Cheap. C.Wireless. D.Pocketable. 2. China’s newest online hit is a pink fox called LinaBell, who resides in Shanghai Disneyland Resort. After making her first public appearance on September 29, the life-size plush animal has taken the Chinese social media. On Weibo, the hashtag (话题标签) of LinaBell had amounted to over 430 million views by November 19. Unlike other Disney characters, LinaBell has never been on the big or small screen. She’s not in any cartoon series or movie and doesn’t have a full back story. All we know is that she met Duffy,


2022-2023学年度第二学期3月份第一次质检考 高二级英语科试卷 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A If you find yourself lonely on Feb.14,it's technically possible to be happy when you have Netflix. Clueless(1995) When it came out in 1995,“Clueless”was a modern movie on the classic Jane Austen novel “Emma.”Today,it's a sad,somewhat retro(怀旧的)story about a high school girl(Alicia Silver stone)who finds joy in bringing together couples around her,while remaining single and particular about who she chooses to date. She soon finds love in an unexpected place. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) As a journalist,Andie (Hudson)in the film is assigned a special task where she has to write about her experience trying to make a man fall in love with her,followed by making him want to break up with her. The assignment goes to unexpected places when Ben(McConaughey)enters the picture. The Imitation Game(2014) Strange things happen when people fall in love with machines;it's actually happening with today’s technology. In“The Imitation Game”,which is set in the 1940s,tells the true story of Alan Turing and his team to break the German secret codes to win World War II. Although the film is largely about code breaking efforts,it also delivers on some love,both machine,and human. Frances Ha (2013) Filmed in black and white,“Frances Ha”begins with a bad breakup and is followed by the journey of Frances Halladay(Greta Gerwig)to become a professional dancer. It's a touching adventure with plenty of love along the way. 1. What do we do with Netflix A. To find friends. B. To see films. C. To surf the Internet. D. To shop online. 2. If you are interested in wars,which film do you think is your favourite A. Clueless. B. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. C. The Imitation Game. D. Frances Ha. 3. Whose story do you think is the most inspiring in the passage A. Alicia Silver stone's story. B. Alan Turing's story. C. Andie's story. D. Frances Halladay's story. B An afternoon nap(午睡)is one of the joys of life,although too much napping could signal all is not well. In some cultures,people will have a daily nap—this is fine. The warning comes when people start sleeping during the daytime,when they did not sleep before. There is certainly a good reason to believe that daytime sleepiness—as in the Alzheimer's disease study—can be a marker of an underlying condition.


广东省汕头市下厝初级中学2021-2022学年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析 一、选择题 1. — Do you still remember how we first met? — Yes, you ________ to my office and ran into me on the way. A. were walking B. walked C. had walked D. walks 参考答案: A 略 2. What great trouble the boy _____his father to give up smoking! A. had to persuade B. had persuaded C. had persuading D. had persuade 参考答案: C 3. When he came in, he found that his son was at the desk, completely_______ a magazine. A. absorbed in B. absorbing to C. absorbed to D. absorbing in 参考答案: A 4. The murderer was brought in, with his hands______ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 参考答案: D 5. —May I use your cellphone? —Sorry. It’s out of order and it ______. A. is repaired B. is under repairing C. has been repaired D. is being repaired 参考答案: D 6. —I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. — ! A. Come on B. Cheers C. Congratulations D. Good luck 参考答案: D 略 7. When I got home, the clock was _______ seven. A. strike B. striking. C. hit D. hitting 参考答案: B 略 8. “______ at the last moment, I might have died.” said Wu Jianqiang, who was the first person to call the police after the ship sank on Monday. A. My wife didn’t let go of my hands B. My wife hadn’t let go of my hands C. Did my wife not let go of my hands D. Had my wife not let go of my hands 参考答案: D 9. (原创)_______ number of students applying for Tanghu Middle School, one of the Top 100 Middle Schools in China, is on _______ increase. A. A; the B. A; an C. The; the D. The; an 参考答案: 10. If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, ______ difficulty it is. A. what B. how C. whatever D. however 参考答案:


2022-2023学年广东省汕头市高二下学期7月期末英语试题 1. Best Books Of All Time If you want to fill your shelves with the best books of all time, you’re in the right place. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein(1974) The imagination of Shel Silverstein is on full display in this classic collection of short stories and poems. Where the Sidewalk Ends is truly one of the best poetry books of all time because of its staying power for children The stories of this American poet, author, singer, and folk artist have something for everyone. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy(1878) Most critics regard it as one of most iconic literary love stories. Leo Tolstoy’s Russian tale of unfortunate lovers is filled w ith fascinating quotes like, “He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” Described by Fyodor Dostoevsky as “flawless”, this one belongs on any book collector’s shelf. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery(1943) The Little Prince is a timeless tale of a prince’s journey from planet to planet in search of adventure. What he finds, however, are interactions with adults who leave him frustrated. In the Sahara Desert, he runs into the books narrator, and the two start an eight-day journey filled with lessons. It’s one of the most fascinating short books we’ve ever read. It’s also one of the most widely read children’s classics all over the world. The Shining by Stephen King(1977) The maser of suspense(悬念) must be included in any lit of books you should read in a lifetime. That’s why you’ll find Stephen King’s The Shining here. Jack Torrance is a middle-aged man looking for a fresh start. He thinks he’s found it when he lands a job as the caretaker at an old hotel. But as snow piles higher outside, the hotel begins to feel more evil and dangerous, less freeing. Fans take note: This is one of the scariest and best Stephen King books of all time. 1. In which book can we read about lovers? A.Anna Karenina.B.The Shining. C.The Little Prince.D.Where the Sidewalk Ends. 2. What do Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Little Prince have in common? A.They are both love stories. B.They both talk about adults. C.They are both for children. D.They were both written in 1940s. 3. Which of the following writes is good at telling horror stories? A.Stephen King. B.Leo Tolstoy.


2021-2022学年广东省佛山市高二下学期教学质量检测英语试题 1. Sophia Sullivan put in the call for a late dinner on February 11, and DoorDash driver Grace Furtado brought the order to an address in a small community. When Grace got to the house around 10 p.m. she saw Sophia lying on the ground outside, bleeding from her head. Her eyes kept rolling to the back of her head. Sophia, who had a previous arm injury and a bad knee, recalled that she had been waiting outside for the delivery. As she turned, she fell and hit her head and lost consciousness. Sophia’s husband Robert had been asleep inside the house, but awoke to Grace’s calls for help. Grace told him to get some supplies to stop the bleeding as she called 911. Officer Jodoin was on duty that night and he asked Grace if it was possible for her to keep stabilizing Sophia's neck to keep her spine (脊柱) safe. “I’m not going anywhere.” Grace answered at once. Soon after, officers and doctors began arriving. Grace stayed with her, until Sophia was transported to the hospital. Sophia, who suffered from two severe brain bleeds, was in the hospital for three weeks following the incident. After that, she arrived home in March. Despite the frightening experience, Sophia and Grace gained friendship. “I am so thankful for her. She’s my guardian angel,” said Sophia, “If she wasn’t there, I’d be dead.” Grace was awarded $1,000 at a ceremony. “We are grateful to Ms. Furtado for stepping in during a critical moment and are relieved that the customer has safely recovered.” A DoorDash spokesperson told the public, “Ms. Furtado’s care and quick response were nothing short of heroic and we are pleased to have been able to show our appreciation for her great efforts.” The recogni tion came as a surprise to Grace. “I was not expecting it at all,” She said, “I would’ve done that for anyone.” She and Sophia have decided they will continue to stay in touch and plan to meet up again. 1. What did Grace find about Sophia when arriving at her house? A.She was calling for help. B.She was weak with hunger. C.She was in critical condition. D.She was suffering an arm injury. 2. What did Grace do after calling the emergency number? A.Giving Sophia first-aid. B.Comforting Sophia. C.Taking Sophia to the hospital. D.Looking for supplies for Sophia. 3. Why did DoorDash hold the ceremony? A.To advertise the company. B.To inspire devotion to work. C.To improve its customer service. D.To recognise the act of kindness.


2021-2022学年广东省汕尾市高二下学期全市期末教学质量监测英语试题 1. What is the best place to visit in Canada from March to May? We show you how and when to enjoy the typical Canadian travel adventures. March: Traverse Ice Roads in the Arctic Circle Where: Northwest Territories On the edge of the Arctic Ocean in early March, the temperature in Inuvik remains below zero. Cars and trucks ease their way along the 185 km ice road to Tuktoyaktuk as it’s known to loca ls. The treeline disappears as you head north, the blue ice solid beneath your wheels. The ice road is open from late December to late April. But March is the best time for the trip because the road is still solid and the weather isn’t as bad. April: Surf Chilly Waters off Vancouver Island Where: Vancouver Island, British Columbia It might surprise you to learn that Tofino, British Columbia has been regarded as one of the best surf towns in North America. While this laid-back rainforest community on Vancouv er Island’s west coast doesn’t boast(夸耀) the bronzed bodies of California’s Huntington Beach, Tofino gets big and amazingly consistent waves. Water temperatures hold steady year-round at 10 degrees Celsius along 35 km of coastline. Surfing in April on spacious Long Beach or underrated Cox Bay lets you beat the high-season tourists. May: See the Canadian Rockies Where: Throughout British Columbia and Alberta In mid-May, as the landscape of western Canada emerges from its wintry cover of snow, the world-renowned Rocky Mountaineer train begins operation for the season, running along captivating routes between Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies. It’s one of the world’s best journeys by rail, and the luxury train’s glass-domed cars allow passengers to fully appreciate the mountains, lakes, and rivers scrolling by. The undisputed highlights: Banff, Jasper, and Lake Louise. 1. When can you explore the ice roads in the Arctic Circle? A.In May. B.In June. C.In January. D.In August. 2. What is special about Tofino for surfers? A.Its bronzed bodies of beach. B.Its continuous and big waves. C.The crowded tourists. D.The changeable water temperatures. 3. Which is the best transportation to travel around the Canadian Rockies? A.By train. B.By car. C.By ship. D.By air.


2021-2022学年广东省茂名市高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题 1. Spring is finally around the corner, and if you’re not planning on making the most of the great weather, then you’re seriously missing out. Staying in the UK is an option but, with the chances of rain hardly getting any lower, who would really want to? There are some great spring trips abroad below, offering excitement and relaxation. Generator Dublin Thinking of celebrating St Patrick’s Day at the source? If you’re heading to Ireland’s capital, check out fashionable hotel Generator Dublin, which will be getting into the spirit with drinks deals, great room rates and a performance from First Day Lions. Located in the center of the city, it’s cl ose to everything from Dublin Castle to the Guinness Storehouse. The Living Project Time spent in nature can help relax body and mind, and The Living Project is launching a series of new mindful activities. With locations in Dartmoor and the Knoydart islands, it lets you choose from a range of shared experiences ranging from yoga (瑜伽) to guided breath work. Valiant Lady Virgin Voyages Virgin Voyages has launched its second ship. Valiant Lady, which will sail Europe while her sister ship, Scarlet Lady, takes care of the Caribbean. Equipped with 1,330 impressive rooms and 78 “RockStar Quarters”, she also has two “Massive Suites” with their own private hot tub (浴缸). You can also expect first-class entertainment and dining experiences organized by Michelin-starred cooks. Lonely Planet’s Guide As we become aware of how to cut down our carbon footprint, train travel becomes popular. Not only is it better for the planet, it can also take you through less frequented landscapes at a slower pace. Lonely Planet has highlighted dozens of routes which cross the European continent. 1. What makes people take spring trips abroad instead of staying in the UK? A.Weather. B.Entertainment. C.Food. D.Accommodation. 2. Which trip best suits people who enjoy nature? A.Generator Dublin. B.The Living Project. C.Valiant Lady Virgin Voyages. D.Lonely Planet’s Guide. 3. What can people do in Lonely Planet’s Guide?


2021-2022学年广东省广州市七区高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题 1. HOW TO FIND WATER IN THE WILD Getting lost in the wild is something that could happen to just anyone. The single most important thing you need to live is water. If you’re resourceful and know where to look, you can find or collect good drinking water in just about any environment on earth. Here are four top tips: Find a muddy area Dig a hole about a foot deep and one foot in diameter(直径) and wait. You may be surprised to find that the hole is soon filled with water, which will be muddy, but straining it through some cloth will clean it up, and it will get you by in the short term. It’s crucial to remember that any time you drink found water withou t purifying it, you’re taking a risk. Look for plants In a desert, look for where plants are growing, as they need water. Try to get up high and look downwards, as water is often found in low shaded areas. Desalinate seawater On an island you’re surrounded by undrinkable water. You can boil it and capture the steam in a cloth. When it’s soaking wet, you can wring out pure water. Cut the ice If you are in Arctic, eating snow doesn’t actually get you much water. And melting ice needs lots of fuel. One good way to get water is cutting through a frozen lake or river surface. Warning: Beware of bad water Never drink from water that has dead animals or animal remains in it. The water probably has lots of minerals in it and has become toxic. You have the same problem with seawater—it’s too salty to be healthy to drink. Sadly, birds and animals can sometimes drink water that’s unsafe for people, so you can’t ignore other clues if they’re drinking water that looks bad. 1. How do people get water in the muddy area? A.Capture the steam in a cloth. B.Look for some plants. C.Dig a hole about a foot deep. D.Cut through a frozen lake. 2. What is probably the major concern of water seekers after finding water? A.How to store. B.How to purify. C.How to boil. D.How to melt. 3. Water will be badly harmful to human health if it contains ________. A.living creatures B.few minerals C.salty elements D.poisonous materials


广东省部分市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末解析版英语试卷分类汇编 七选五专题 广东省中山市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 二、七选五 Regardless of how old you are, where you live, or what your career goals are, your final goals in life are likely to be happy and successful. ___16___ It means following your passions, living purposefully, and enjoying the present moment. The followings may help you. Live purposefully. In order to achieve your dreams and be the person you want to be, you will have to start paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, “Is what I'm doing going to lead me to where I want to be in life?” You may find yourself constantly bored in your fre e time, daydreaming about the future or past or counting down the minutes until the day ends. ___17___ Identify your passions. Before you can achieve success, you will have to define what success means to you. ___18___. Identifying your passions, interests, and values will help you set goals and give your life a sense of meaning. If you have trouble identifying these things, then ask a friend or family member to help you. ___19___. Be sure to address both short-term and long-term goals. You should try to think beyond financial and career goals, such as relationship goals, personal goals for bettering yourself, things you would like to experience, or things you want to lean. And then, draw up a timeline that says when you want to achieve each part. Stick to your promises. Planning is not sufficient and it is also important to keep your word. If you tell someone you will do something, do it. Similarly, don't tell someone you will do something if you're not sure you can. ___20___. Don't promise anyone what you can't do. A.You should be honest about your limits B.Try to set some long-term goals and reach them C.There are some tips to help you achieve your goals D.It may take several years to realize what your passions are E.Try to spend your free time doing things that you enjoy doing F.Make a list of your goals and what you might do to achieve them G.To be successful means more than just having money and making your mark 广东省茂名市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题 二、七选五 Frustration (挫败感) usually occurs when you feel stuck or trapped, or unable to move forward in some way. It could be caused by a coworker blocking your favorite project, a boss who is too disorganized to get to your meeting on time, or simply holding on the phone for a long time. ____16____, because they can easily lead to more negative emotions, such as anger. Here are

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