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2017高考英语复习 阅读理解汇编(28)

2017高考英语复习 阅读理解汇编(28)
2017高考英语复习 阅读理解汇编(28)



People in several American states may be surprised to see cars in city streets without a driver. Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida, Nevada and California. They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road. The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars, Which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August. Volvo is among the companies dong road tests and says in plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.

In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state. “Today we’re looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow′s reality—the driverless car.” The systems been improved through competitions sponsored by the U. S. government agency DARPA. Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.

Cars have become much more fuel-efficient, and new electronic features are making Hondas safer, said Angie Nucci of Honda America. “A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes.”Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars. The syatems help drivers, but don′t replace them. Curatou Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer. “By taking out drivers, you also remove most risks of an accident,” Kendall said, you also remove most risks of an accident,” Kend all said. He said consumers, however, may be unwilling to lose control. “It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable, but it will have to prove itself first”, Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable. He said this will happen as the technology is improved.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.Driverless vehicles are now legal in the whole USA.

B.Volvo will be the first to sell driverless cars.

C.Google′s self-driving cars have covered a long distance.

D.Driverless cars are pointing us a faraway future.

2.We learn that Governor of California Jerry Brown.

A.Helped design self-driving cars.

B.Supports self-driving cars on roads.

C.Considers self-driving cars science fiction.

D.Improved the self-driving car systems

3.According to Richard Mason. What is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?

A.They are now too expensive for consumers.

B.Their technical problems remain to be solved.

C.They are not allowed to run on the road.

D.They are more dangerous for people on the street.

4.What`s the best title of the passage?

A . the benefits of the self-driving v cars

B . the biggest challenge of the self-driving cars

C. self-driving cars: science fiction future is near

D. safer of more dangerous—self-driving cars.

语篇解读本文主要讲述了无人驾驶车正在进入我们的生活。Richard Mason 认为无人驾驶汽车最大的挑战是对于消费者来说太贵了。

1. C 推理判断题。根据Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida, Nevada and California.可知,谷歌的无人驾驶汽车走了很长的距离。

2. B 推理判断题。根据In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state. 可知,加州的州长Jerry Brown 支持无人驾驶汽车上路。

3. A 细节理解题,根据Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable. 可知,Richard Mason认为无人


4. C 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了无人驾驶汽车正在进入我们的生活。


Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:

·Visit art museums. They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings(签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

·Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past fro m dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

·Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area art ists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

·Try hands-on_science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the co untry. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit ________. A.a Youtheater B.an art museum

C.a natural history museum D.a hands-on science museum

2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

A.Look at rock collections. B.See dinosaur models.

C.Watch puppet making. D.Give performances.

3.What does “hands-on science” mean in the last paragraph?

A.Science games designed by kids. B.Learning science by doing things. C.A show of kids' science work. D.Reading science books.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A science textbook. B.A tourist map.

C.A museum guide. D.A news report.


1.C 细节理解题。如果孩子对宇宙感兴趣,那你就得带孩子去“自然历史博物馆”。宇宙的内容是自然历史博物馆的一部分。根据第二则广告中的“This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky.”可知C正确。

2. C 细节理解题。根据第三则广告中的“Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just

a couple of the s pecial offerings you might find.”可知C正确。

3. B 词义猜测题。根据文章中最后一则广告中的“They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building.”可知在这种博物馆中,孩子们通过按按钮、做实验和建东西去体验。所以B正确。

4. C 推理判断题。根据文章的第一句话“Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:”和四则广告全是有关博物馆的内容可知,这是一则博物馆广告介绍,所以这取材于博物馆指南。


The word proactivity is fairly common in management literature, but you won`t find it in the dictionary. It means that as a human being you take responsibility for

your own life.

Look at the word responsibility: ability to choose your response, response-ability. Effective people are proactive because they take responsibility. Their behavior is a product of their own decisions, based on values, rather than being a product of their own conditions, based on feelings. For instance, you are planning a picnic with your family. You`re excited. You have all the preparations, You've decided where to go, and then it becomes stormy, killing your plan. Proactive people carry weather within them. They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if it's in their own basement with some special games, and make the best of that situation. The opposite of being proactive is to be reactive. Reactive people would say, “What's the use?””We can't do anything.” “Oh this is so upsetting after all of our pre parations and arrangements.” They try to persuade the people around them and usually the picnic will be cancelled.

Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. Your basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. That's true, despite widely accepted theories of determinism used to explain human nature. Determinism says that you don't really choose anything and that what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.

The language of reactive people is l ie:”I can't .” “Don't have time.”” I have to .” I must.” The whole spirit of that language is the transfer of responsibility. They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. Psychologically, people who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief, and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control. They're not in charge of their life at all.

On the contrary, a proactive person exercises free will, the freedom to choose the response that best applies to his values. In that way, he gains control over the

circumstances, rather than being controlled by them.

1.According to the passage, a proactive person's behavior can result from .

A.The environment

B. an inner belief

C. the genetic makeup

D. a temporary feeling

2. When a picnic plan is threatened by a sudden storm, reactive people will probably .

A. have the picnic as planned

B. make the best of the picnic

C. complain and give up the picnic

D. find somewhere else for the picnic

3. What does” carry weather within them” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A. Manage to improve the weather.

B. Give in to the weather passively.

C. Stress the influence of the weather.

D. Find a solution to the weather problems.

4. It can be concluded from the passage that determinists(宿命论者) .

A. accept things passively

B. are in charge of themselves

C. are similar to proactive people

D. respond to outside conditions actively


1. B 细节理解题。根据第三段Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. You basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. 可知,积极主动是按照天性来做最真正的自己。人的本性是行动,而不是任人摆布。可知一个积极的人,他的行动源于他的内心和本性。故选B。

2. C 细节理解题。根据第二段They try to persuade the people around them and usually

the picnic will be cancelled. 可知,消极的人会试图说服他们周围的人并最后取消野餐。

3. D 推理判断题。根据下文They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if it's in their own basement with some special games 可知,当环境不得于计划的时候,积极的人会创造性的想出解决方法,达到目的。

4. A 推理判断题。根据第四段They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. 可知,消极的人认为事情是由环境决定的。又根据第二段野餐的例子可知,消极的人在面对计划不得不改变时,他们会抱怨但接受现实,而不会想办法去创造机会实现目标。


B“I can't tell you how pleased I am to be here. I haven't seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies. I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students. Although I haven't appeared in person, I have attended your college graduations, weddings and even the births of your children, in my imagination.”Ms. Yates paused and started crying a bit. Then she continued:

“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others would succeed to annoy me. Regardless of our motives, I can see that you have all been succes sful in your chosen path.”

“There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work. You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love you all from the bottom of my heart.”

There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping. The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar(呼喊). Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all because of the words from a long forgotten English teacher from their hometown. 1.What activity was organized for the school reunion?

A.Sightseeing in the park. B.A picnic on the school playground. C.Telling stories about past events. D.Graduates' reports in the old building.

2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Some graduates were too busy to listen to Ms. Yates' speech.

B. Many graduates disliked Ms. Yates' ways of teaching.

C. Some people got tired from the reunion activities.

D. Most people had little interest in the reunion.

3. We can learn from Ms. Yates' speech that she________.

A. kept track of her students' progress

B. gave her students advice on their careers

C. attended her students' college graduations

D. went to her students' wedding ceremonies

4. What was Ms. Yates' belief in teaching teenagers?

A. Teachers' knowledge is the key to students' achievements.

B. Pressure on students from teachers should be reduced.

C. Hard-pushed students are more likely to succeed.

D. Students' respect is the best reward for teachers.

5. Which of the following can best describe Ms. Yates?

A. Reliable and devoted.

B. Tough and generous.

C. Proud but patient.

D. Strict but caring.

【要点综述】Barditch High School组织学生、教师重聚。在聚会上Ms. Yates的一席发言打动了所有的人。

1. C 信息理解题。根据第一段中的“Several former teachers were on hand to tell stories about the old days.”可知答案。

2. B 推理判断题。根据第二段描述在Ms. Yates要开始讲话时学生们的表现可知,学生们对老师过去对他们的种种教学方式是有些反感的。

3. A 信息理解题。通读Ms. Yates的发言,特别是从“…but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies. I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students.”中可知答案。

4. C 信息理解题。根据“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others wo uld succeed to annoy me”可


5. D 推理判断题。从第二段最后一句“…made them work harder than all the other teachers combined”以及“…I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students”可知答案。


Harriet Tubman was an African-American woman who fought against slavery. She was born in 1820. She helped many people escape from slavery through the Underground Railroad. It was an organized effort to help slaves from the southern states to areas that banned slavery.

Slaves could be sold freely. Families were often separated. Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman in 1844, yet she remained a slave. In 1849, the farmer who owned her died. Then she ran to the home of a white woman who had offered to help her.

This woman told her how to reach another home where she could hide. Harriet Tubman want from place to place in this way. This was how the Underground Railroad operated. Finally, she went into the northern state of Pennsylvania. During the next ten years, she led an expanded Underground Railroad, and helped 300 slaves escape.

Harriet Tubman found another way to fight against slavery during the civil War. She went into the southern states to spy(做间谍) for the North. After the Civil War, Harriet Tubman settled in New York State. She gave speeches to raise money for better education for black Americans, worked for women's rights and sought help for older adults who had been slaves.

Harriet Tubman died in 1913. By that time, she had been recognized as an American heroine(女英雄).

1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The Underground Railroad.

B.The history of American slavery.

C.Harriet's hard life and bravery.

D.Harriet's fight against slavery.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The Underground Railroad was a way to freedom.

B.Everyone knew that there was a way to free land.

C.Black people were cared about by many white people.

D.Black people looked down upon white people.

3.From Paragraph 4, we learn that when the Civil War broke out, Harriet .

A.Worked for the South

B.Did a lot of work for the patients as a doctor

C.Helped everyone to go to school

D.Got secret information for the North

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Harriet was recognized as a heroine.

B.Harriet fought against slavery in many ways.

C.Harriet helped only black people in her life.

D.Harriet helped black people to get better education.


1. D 主旨大意题。第一段第一句是本文谈论的主题,即哈丽特·塔布曼是个美籍非洲人,她与奴录制度勇敢作斗争。

2. A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,黑人奴录通过这条地下通道可以到达没有奴录制度的北方,成为自由人。C 项容易错选,第二段提到了一个白人妇女对塔布曼的帮助,但这并不能说有很多白人关心黑人。

3. D 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句话“… spy(做间谍)for the North.”为北方当间谍可得出答案。

4. C 细节理解题。根据第四段第四句话“.. worked for women's rights… ”可知,她也为女权工作,因此她不仅帮助黑人。


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Gemini Man Gemini Man is a big-budget Hollywood sci-fi-action movie based on an original concept, rather than on a superhero comic or an old TV series, even though this particular original concept is more 20 years old. In it a government assassin (杀手)is being hunted down by his own clone The original script was sold by Darren Lemke to a studio in 1997, and since then almost every male A-listener has been attached as a potential star. Now, at long last, Ang Lee has directed Gemini Man, and Will Smith plays both the veteran assassin and his much younger doppelganger (分身). Jojo Rabbit During World War Two, a 10-year-old German boy (Roman Griffin David) is desperate to be a dutiful Nazi, only to discover that his mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding, a Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) in their house. It may not sound like the stuff of a big-hearted comedy but Taika Waititi can make anything warm and funny. As well as writing and directing Jojo Rabbit, Waititi co-stars as the boy's imaginary friend,a nitwitted Adolf Hitler. Doctor Sleep Mike Flanag's new film is adapted from Stephen King, novel, Doctor Sleep, which was a sequel (续集) to The Shining. You can expect to see blood flowing out of lifts in a rapid stream, ghostly twin girls and headache-including carpet patterns. Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance, the boy with psychic powers m 1980 film. Now, he is a middle-aged hospital counsellor. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Here's another chance to see Angelina Jolie. In 2014 she starred in Maleficent, Disney's live-action remake of the Sleeping Beauty cartoon from 1959. The twist was that the eponymous wicked fairy wasn't so wicked, after all, and that the real villain was the father of Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning). The sequel's subtitle promises that Maleficent will actually be evil this time around, her change of heart prompted by Aurora's engagement to handsome prince (Harris Dickinson).(1)What can we learn from this passage? A. Ewan McGregor plays a role in Doctor Sleep. B. Taika Waititi is the main character in Jojo Rabbit. C. Gemini Man is adapted from a 20-yem--old TV series. D. The real wicked character in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is Aurora. (2)If your friend wants to see a horror movie, which one will you recommend? A. Gemini Man B. Jojo Babbit C. Doctor Sleep D. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 【答案】(1)A (2)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四部电影。 (1)考查细节理解。根据Doctor Sleep部分中的“Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance, the boy w ith psychic powers in 1980 film.”可知Ewan McGregor在电影Doctor Sleep扮演Danny Torrance的角色。故选A。


话题七:生态环保类 (一 The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world's supply of water. With 97% of the world's water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺 seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfall country, many of the world's agricultural industries experience constant water shortages. Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配 are very high. Not only is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷 are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water may flow easily through pipes to fields, but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. This is particularly troubling for countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation (灌溉 . In Texas, farmers' overuse of irrigation water has resulted in a 25% reduction of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of southwestern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry valleys, but much of the water use has been poorly managed. Saudi Arabia's attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have seen the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. 1. From the first two paragraphs we learn that________.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A To American visitors, Iceland is a very interesting country, partly because it is different in so many ways from what he or she is used to seeing at home. There are quite a few things that are not done, or that do not exist on the island —quite a few "No's". There is no pollution, for instance. No dogs are permitted in Reykjavik, the capital. There is no television on Thursdays or during the entire month of July, and only three hours of black-and-white TV the rest of the time. There is no hard liquor on Wednesdays and no beer at any time. There are no handguns; only one jail of thirty-five cells in the entire land —an admirable figure, even for a small country of 313,376 people. There is no army, air force or navy. There is no tipping for anything. There are no large stores open on Saturdays or Sundays. Since Iceland is situated just under the Arctic Circle, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter. But thanks to Gulf Stream, the climate is rather mild, with temperatures ranging from 34 degrees Fahrenheit to 52 degrees in July. The rules on television, liquor, and guns are the result of governmental decision. But the absence of pollution is due in great part to the fact that Iceland gets its power from the enormous geyser(间歇泉and the thousands of hot springs that come out of the ground. They provide all the energy needed by the country. In fact, Iceland uses only 3 percent of all its available power. Iceland has been described as a democratic independent country where more fish are caught and more books published per person than anywhere else in the world. The Icelanders have always felt a particular love for literature. They composed their first works in the ninth and tenth centuries AD. These works were poems and tales about the kings, heroes, and heroines of Iceland and Norway. At first the stories were memorized

2017年高考英语全国1卷真题及答案(word版) (1)

绝密★启封前试卷类型A 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国1卷)

英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Pacific Science Center Guide ◆Visit Pacific S cience Center’s Store Don’t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome. ◆Hungry Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caféis located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes. ◆Rental Information Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required. ◆S upport Pacific Science Center Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we connot achieve without generous support


高考英语阅读理解真题汇编(含答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Mexico sites on an island plateau (高原) surrounded by volcanic peaks, which makes air quality a constant concern for people who live there. In April, the country took a decisive step toward improving air quality by enacting a temporary ban on private and Federal vehicles in the city. The rule forbids people from driving in the city one day each week and one Saturday each month. Electric vehicles, government service vehicles, public transport options and school buses are not included in the ban. Mexico City isn't the first urban center to be involved in car-free living. But the ban is more than an awareness-raiser. It was enacted with the direct aim of solving air pollution. In March, the city sank into a deep brown haze of smog when the pollution levels passed the 200 mark. The city ordered some 1.1m of the area's 4.7m cars off the streets and also offered free bus and subway rides. Mexico City's temporary vehicle ban raises questions about the best ways to improve urban air quality. India, whose citizens breathe some of the world's dirtiest air, has tried a variety of solutions. Earlier this year, the Indian government started a 4% sales tax on new-car purchases. Beijing also has experience with cleaning the air. The city introduced alternate-day rules in advance of the 2008 Olympic Games, which produced good results. And then there is the London congestion (拥挤) charge, introduced in 2003. The charge has had a measurable effect on air quality. For now, Mexico City — named by the United Nations as the most polluted city on the planet in 1992 — can look forward to the start of the region's rainy season, when daily showers will help lo clean the air. (1)How did Mexico ban vehicles in the city? A. By banning private and Federal vehicles one day a week. B. By forbidding private and public vehicles every Saturday. C. By limiting the number of new cars. D. By prohibiting the vehicles except public ones.(2)What did the government of Mexico do when carrying out the ban on vehicles? A. Raised the number of public vehicles. B. Offered free bus and subway rides. C. Introduced more travel options. D. Encouraged citizens to leave the city. (3)What may contribute to improving the air quality in Mexico? A. Alternate-day rules. B. Tax rises. C. Congestion charge. D. The rainy season.(4)What's the best title for the passage? A. Mexico —an Island Plateau B. A Variety of Bans on Vehicles in Mexico C. Should Cities Be Car-free Zones D. How to Improve Air Quality 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)D (4)C


2017年高考英语阅读题 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Attending college can be expensive, and applying to college can be costly as well. With today’s college application fees averaging around $ 80, you can expect to spend hundreds of dollars on college before you are even accepted into a school. One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. To save money, try to limit the schools to which you apply to about 2- reach schools and 2- safety schools. At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. If you are applying to a school where one of your parents or grandparents is a former graduate, check to see if you’re qualified for it. Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Some schools offer free online applications, yet charge a fee for paper submissions. This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the application information. Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Be sure to contact the schools to I j which you are applying to see if they participate in College Application Week and when the program takes place in that state. Apply for early admission. If you have already decided on which college is your top choice, consider applying under an Early Action or Early Decision admission program. If you are accepted, you won’t have to submit application fees to other schools. For more information regarding college applications and the fees associated with them, contact your high I school advisor or the admissions department at your school(s) of interest. 21.The passage is mainly written to______. A.introduce famous universities in the United Stales B.show some practical ways to apply an ideal college C.advertise for successful applications and advisors D.offer tips to save money on college application fees


第二节(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)61 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62(effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 63(process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 66 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 67(be) full of fat and salt; by 68 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 69 (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health. 翻译:最近,在食品服务业方面有一种朝着低脂肪和少盐的趋势。这种趋势最初是由医学界发起,用来作为防御心脏病的一种方式,已经产生一些意料之外的副作用,例如,肥胖 和心脏病,这正好是医学界致力去防御的疾病。 脂肪和盐分是每日膳食中的重要部分。我们需要他们去加工处理摄入的食物、有助于伤病的恢复和满足几项人体正常的运作。当脂肪和盐分从食物当中被去除了,食物尝起来 好像有所缺失。结果,人们会吃更多的食物来补偿缺失的东西。甚至更糟糕的是,人们吃 了更多的快餐食品。快餐中脂肪和盐的含量很高;由于吃了更多的快餐,人们会摄入比他 们在饮食中所需要的更多的盐分和脂肪。 通过每日饮食摄入足够的脂肪和盐分会减少在两餐之间吃点心的欲望,而且会提高你的食物的味道。然而,要注意不要摄入过量。跟其他食物一样,我们也有可能会吃太多, 这一点是对我们的健康不利。 61.as 考查介词。根据句意“这一趋势最开始被医学界作为一种治疗心脏病方法”可知这里 表达“作为”之意,所以答案填as。 62.effects 考查名词单复数。有前面的修饰短语some可知这里的side effects应该用复数,所以答案填effects。 63.to process 考查非谓语动词。根据固定短语be required to do sth.“被要求做某事”可知此处答案填to process。


2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(70) 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 “Experience may possibly be the best teacher,but it is not a particularly good teacher.” You might think that Winston Churchill or perhaps Mark Twain spoke those words,but they actually come from James March,a professor at Stanford University and a pioneer in the field of organizational decision making. For years March(possibly the wisest philosopher of management)has studied how humans think and act,and he continues to do so in his new bookThe Ambiguities of Experience. He begins by reminding us of just how firmly we have been sticking to the idea of experiential learning:“Experience is respected;experience is sought;experience is explained.” The problem is that learning from experience involves(涉及)serious complications(复杂化),ones that are part of the nature of experience itself and which March discusses in the body of this book. In one interesting part of the book,for example,he turns a doubtful eye toward the use of stories as the most effective way of experiential learning. In our efforts to make stories interesting,he argues,we lose part of the complicated truth of things. He says “The more accurately(精确地)reality is presented,the less understandable the story,and the more understandable the stor y,the less realistic it is.” Besides being a broadly knowledgeable researcher,March is also a poet,and his gift shines through in the depth of views he offers and the simple language he uses. Though the book is short,it is demanding:Don’t pick it up lookin g for quick,easy lessons. Rather,be ready to think deeply about learning from experience in work and life. 1. According to the text,James March is. A. a poet who uses experience in his writing B. a teacher who teaches story writing in university C. a researcher who studies the way humans think and act D. a professor who helps organizations make important decisions 2. According to James March,experience. A. is overvalued B. is easy to explain C. should be actively sought D. should be highly respected



高考英语阅读 文体类型及阅读理解答题技巧 一、英语阅读文体类型简析 高考英语阅读常见的文体类型有:记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文。 1、记叙文 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程。特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 2、议论文 英语议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 3、说明文 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 4、应用文


2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(1)英语试卷SYS201708100601 一、阅读理解 详细信息 1. 难度:中等 阅读理解。 Many of us still tend to think that emotions can affect reasonable thought,and sometimes land us in trouble. But in recent years psychologists have taken quite a different view. Keith Oatley,Professor of Psychology at Glasgow University,is involved in the research which shows the fundamental importance of emotions. He believes we are very ambivalent about them:we think of our emotions as being unreasonable,but we also consider them as essential to being human.For example,Mr Spock,a character in the television series Star Trek,is superintelligent and he has no emotions at all.However,he is never made captain of the spaceship.Maybe,this is because Mr Spock is not the kind of person you can share your feelings with—a person who shows his emotions. As Professor Oatley points out,our emotions have very important functions,for example,fear.If we cross the road and a car approaches,we usually stop moving or step back.We stop what we are doing,check what we have done and pay very careful attention to the environment.The emotion of fear makes us take this small series of actions which,on average,help preserve our safety. On the other hand,if things are going well and small problems come up,we find we can solve them with the resources we have to hand.As a consequence,we tend to feel happy and usually continue doing the job. Anger is an emotion that tends to occur when someone is preventing us from doing something.Then this small “kit” of reactions enables us to prepare ourselves to be quite aggressive to that person,or to try harder,and so on. Professor Oatley believes emotions generally occur at these important moments in actions.With fear and anger our emotions make us decide to start doing something else,while with happiness they “suggest” we continue what we are already doing. 1.What’s Keith Oatley’s opinion about emotions? A.They affect reasonable thought. B.They get us into trouble. C.They are helpful to us. D.They are reasonable. 2.What does the underlined part “we are very ambivalent about them”in Paragraph 2 mean? A.We have contradictory feelings towards emotions. B.We have similar ideas of emotions.

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