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Open Journal of Fisheries Research 水产研究, 2015, 2(3), 31-41 Published Online September 2015 in Hans. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html,/journal/ojfr https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html,/10.12677/ojfr.2015.23004 文章引用: 武祥伟, 李光华, 毕保良, 于虹漫, 孔令富, 冷云, 张宇, 姜志武 (2015) 秀丽高原鳅种群生存力初步分析. A Preliminary Analysis on Population Viability for Triplophysa venusta Xiangwei Wu 1, Guanghua Li 2, Baoliang Bi 1, Hongman Yu 3, Lingfu Kong 1*, Yun Leng 2*, Yu Zhang 4, Zhiwu Jiang 4 1 College of Animal Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming Yunnan 2Yunnan Academy of Fisheries Science, Kunming Yunnan 3 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming Yunnan 4 Yunnan Huadian Ludila Hydropower Co., Ltd., Kunming Yunnan Email: xwwu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html, , *wzlklf@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html, , * lengyun871@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html, Received: Aug. 28th , 2015; accepted: Sep. 27th , 2015; published: Sep. 30th , 2015 Copyright ? 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html,/licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Triplophysa venusta is one of the indigenous fish species in Yunnan province. As one of the main components of the fish fauna in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and playing an important role in the study of fish evolution, it has become the main protective fish in Yunnan province. However, its popula-tion had decreased dramatically in recent years caused by the hydropower station constructed on the Jinsha River and the continuous drought beginning in 2009 in Yunnan province. The popula-tion viability analyses were made by the vortex model, and consequently the population dynamics within the following 100 years were also predicted in T . venusta . Our results suggested that the population had a 54.8% extinct probability in the next 100 years, with an extinct time of 61.4 years under current conditions. The female fecundity, mortality of 0 - 1 age individuals, and catas-trophes were the key factor influencing the long-term population survival. The survival probabil-ity of T . venusta population could rise to 100% within the next 100 years when the current mor-tality of 0 - 1 age individuals decreased by 20% or the frequency and severity of catastrophes to survival decreased by 20%. The carrying capacity of the population habitats had almost no effect on the population survival, even by increasing 50% of the current carrying capacity. Altogether, our study displays that the most effective measures to protect T . venusta population from extinc-tion are enhancing the fishery management, protecting the population habitats, diminishing the occurrence of catastrophes, cutting the mortality of 0 - 1 age individuals, and rising the fecundity of mature individuals. Keywords Triplophysa venusta , Population Viability Analysis, Vortex Model, Indigenous Fish, * 通讯作者。

湘西州花垣县大龙洞红盲高原鳅 (Triplophysa erythraea)种群数量与栖息环境初步调查

International Journal of Ecology 世界生态学, 2019, 8(4), 278-282 Published Online November 2019 in Hans. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html,/journal/ije https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/b1955844.html,/10.12677/ije.2019.84037 Preliminary Investigation into the Population Size and Habitat Characteristics of Triplophysa erythraea in the Dalong Cave, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Prefecture, China Sisi Yan1, Taifu Huang1,2, Peiling Zhang1, Lingyu Feng1, Yong Qu1, Tao Wu1, Zhixiao Liu1* 1College of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Jishou University, Jishou Hunan 2Hunan Hupingshan National Nature Reserve Administration, Shimen Hunan Received: Oct. 9th, 2019; accepted: Oct. 24th, 2019; published: Oct. 31st, 2019 Abstract Triplophysa erythraea is a new species of blind fish discovered in Dalong Cave (28?16'25.11''N, 109?28'57.18''E, 563 m ASL), Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, China. It belongs to the typical cave animals (troglobites) and is of very important eco-biological significance and sci-research value. Recently, we carried out a preliminary investi-gation into its population size and habitat. The results showed that the population was extremely small (only 15 individuals found in the field surveys of five times) with relatively peculiar habitat, and that it was overly endangered and needed to be conserved. Keywords Dalong Cave, Blind Fish, Triplophysa erythraea, Troglobites, Population Conservation, Xiangxi Prefecture 湘西州花垣县大龙洞红盲高原鳅 (Triplophysa erythraea)种群数量 与栖息环境初步调查 严思思1,黄太福1,2,张佩玲1,奉伶谕1,瞿勇1,吴涛1,刘志霄1* 1吉首大学生物资源与环境科学学院,湖南吉首 *通讯作者。

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