当前位置:文档之家› 015《经济学家》读译参考之十五:每天一条短信-手机对健康有重点




A text a day...

Mar 24th 2006

From The Economist print edition

The medical uses of mobile phones show they can be good for your health ill




of £



patients to take their medicine at the right time, or to encourage compliance with exercise regimes or efforts to stop smoking. (2The evidence for the effectiveness of such schemes is generally ★anecdotal[4], however, notes Dr Rifat. More quantitative research is needed—which is why his team also published three papers this week (E the use of mobile phones in health care in more detail. One of these papers, written in conjunction with Victoria Franklin and Stephen Greene of the University of Dundee, in Scotland, reports the results of a trial in which diabetic teenagers' treatment was (F with text messaging.

Diabetes needs constant management, and requires patients to take an active role in their treatment by measuring blood-sugar levels and administering insulin injections.

(3The most effective form of therapy is an intensive

regime in which patients adjust the dose of insulin depending on what they eat. This is more ★onerous[5] for the patient, but (G a greater dietary variety. Previous studies have shown that intensive treatment is effective only with close supervision by doctors. Dr Franklin and her colleagues devised a system called Sweet Talk, which sends patients personalised text messages reminding them of the treatment goals they have set themselves, and allowing them to send questions to doctors. The Sweet Talk system was tested over a period of 18 months with teenage patients receiving both conventional and intensive diabetes treatment. A control group received conventional treatment and no text messages.

The researchers found that the use of text-messaging significantly increased “self-efficacy”3 (the effectiveness of

those in in

__ (I _ costs, ( [QUIZ]

①⑨fall into,











2. Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.


1. round up v.(赶往监狱,围捕;归拢,聚集;五入以成整数

1if police or soldiers round up a particular group of people, they find them and force them to go to prison

e.g. Thousands of men were rounded up and jailed. 数以千计的人被围捕并关进监狱。

2to find and gather together a group of people, animals or things

e.g. See if you can round up a few friends to help you!我倒要看看你能找着几个朋友帮你。

His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.他的狗奈尔开始把羊朝一起赶。

3to increase an exact figure to the nearest whole number (+to

e.g. A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3. 把

1.90 英镑的费用上调为整数2 英镑, 把 3.10 英镑下调为整数3 英镑.

2.text v.发送短信to send someone a written message on a mobile phone

3.roll out v.推出,推开;发行,启动to make a new product available for people to buy or use;=launch

e.g. The company expects to roll out the new software in September.公司计划在9月份推出这款新软件。

4.anecdotal adj.趣闻轶事的,个人见闻的consisting of short stories based on someone’s personal experience

e.g. His findings are based on anecdotal evidence rather than serious research.他的发现都是基于传闻证据而非认真研究。(anecdotal evidence在心理学上称为“轶事证据”,即粗浅的证据,经常以故事形式出现:比如“我记得那时……”,“我听说……”。轶事是出了名的不准确。也有人译为“传闻证据”、“观察证据”、“轶闻证据”等。

5.onerous adj.(正式(工作或责任困难且令人焦虑的;累人的work or a responsibility that is onerous is difficult and worrying or makes you tired.


1. 基站(Base station:是指采用蜂窝方式组网的GSM移动通信系统、CDMA移动通信系统、数字集群通信系统、PHS无线接入系统以及采用其他技术体制的无线电通信系统的基站及其室外直放站。基站所使用的频率必须已经国家或省级无线电管理机构批准;使用的发射设备必须具有国家无线电管理机构核发的《无线电发射设备型号核准证》。

2. 沃达丰(Vodafone:是跨国性的移动电话营办商。总部设在英国波克夏郡的纽布利(Newbury及德国的杜塞尔多夫。现时为世界上最大的流动通讯网络公司之一,在全球27个国家均有投资。在另外14个国家则与当地的移动电话营办商合作,联营移动电话网络。截至2004年12月31日,沃达丰在全球拥有大约一亿五千一百八十万名用户。沃达丰使用沃达丰集团作为名称,分别于伦敦证券交易所(代号VOD.L 及纽约证券交易所(代号VOD上市。沃达丰(V odafone的名称结合了Voice(语音-Data (数据-Fone(电话三个意思。

3. 自我效能感(self-efficacy:即一个人对自己成功地完成某种任务、达到既定水平的确信程度。

4. 糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c:是血红蛋白A组分的某些特殊分子部位和葡萄糖经过缓慢而不可逆的非酶促反应结合而形成的,当血液中葡萄糖浓度较高时,人体所形成的糖化血红蛋白含量也会相对较高。人体内红细胞的寿命一般为120天,在红细胞死亡前,血液中糖化血红蛋白含量也会保持相对不变。因此糖化血红蛋白水平反映的是在检测前120天内的平均血糖水平,而与抽血时间,病人是否空腹,是否使用胰岛素等因素无关,是判定糖尿病长期控制的良好指标。它反映4~8周的体内血糖的平均水平,并可能是造成糖尿病并发症的一个重要原因。

5. 依从性(compliance:是指患者执行医疗措施的程度,亦即患者执行医嘱的程度。患者能完全按医嘱要求执行者称为依从性好,否则称为不依从性。














A.worry about

B.carried out

C.fall into 分成,变成(如:The lecture series falls naturally into three parts. 该系列讲座可自然分作三部分。

D.translate into 转化为(如:I wonder how your religious belief will translate into political action. 我不知道你的宗教信仰如何转化为政治行动。

E.looking at 考虑(如:That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。

F.backed up 支持,援助(如:He drought along a file of document to back up his claim. 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。

G.allows for 考虑到(如:In calculating profit, retailers must allow for breakage and spoilage. 计算利润时,零售商们必须考虑到破碎和损坏情况。

H.associated with

I.subjected to

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MTK平台手机指令大全 设置指令:*#66*# 中文语言:*#0086# + send 查看版本:*#8375# 软件版本:*#8882# 测试:*#87# 调试:*#8899# (?) 默认语言:*#0000#+通话键 设置英文:*#0044#+通话键 繁体中文:*#0886#+通话键 简体中文:*#0086#+通话键 串号查询:*#06# 原厂设置:*#66*# 查看版本:*#8375# 工厂指令:*#3646633# 自动测试:*#87# 软件版本:*#8882# *#035670766*001# *#035670766*002# 有一些机器开机输入*#66*#不进测试的。可以在开机瞬间,在按键灯亮和开机音乐响的时候快速按*#*#............*#就可进入测试 科达Q191(MT6228平台)有些好象不支持,可惜啊.......... 诺基亚是国际知名手机品牌,它在中国市场上一直占据着很大一部分销售份额。诺基亚手机拥有着时尚的外观和强大的功能,尤其是它出色的性能,经久耐用。是赢得很多消费者喜爱的主要原因。不少消费者在购买诺基亚手机之后,都会拿着说明书仔细阅读使用说明。然而,不管是什么牌子的手机除了说明书上的那些说明文字之外,都还有很多用户并不知晓的操作命令!而这些使用命令却能够给我们的使用上提供很大的帮助。 1 输入*#06#:显示IMEI码 2 输入*#0000#:显示软件版本(部分型号如果不起作用,可按*#型号代码#,如*#6110#) 第一行--软件版本; 第二行--软件发布日期; 第三行--手机型号 3 输入*#92702689#查询更多的手机信息。有五个选项(可用上下方向键选择): ①Serial No.:手机的IMEI码。


TEXT 19 Fair enough Mar 30th 2006 | MEXICO CITY AND SAN JOSé From The Economist print edition MAKING good coffee is not a simple business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade—neither too much, nor too little. A hillside is best—but it mustn't be too s______ ①. After three years, the bushes will start to produce bright-red coffee “cherries”, which are picked, processed to remove the pulp, and spread out to dry for days, ideally on concrete. They are m_______②again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months. (1)Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed into the stuff that dreams are ★quelled with[1]. In Mexico and parts of Central America, as in Colombia and Peru further south but not in Brazil, most coffee farmers are smallholders. (2)They found it especially hard to deal with the recent ★slump[2] in the coffee price. The price has since recovered: the benchmark price applied to m________③coffee now ranges from $1.11 to $1.14 per pound. That is roughly double its ★rock-bottom[3] level of August 2002. But the v_________④of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to sustain their crop, says Fernando Celis of the Mexican National Organisation of Coffee Growers. The slump forced many small farmers to switch to other crops, or migrate to cities. Mexico's exports of coffee are less than half of what they were six years ago. (3)For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets. This is the a_______⑤of Fairtrade, a London-based organisation which certifies products as “responsibly” sourced. Fairtrade determines at what price farmers make what it considers a reasonable profit. Its current calculation is that the appropriate figure is 10% above the market price. W________⑥, sales of Fairtrade-certified coffee have increased from $22.5m per year to $87m per year since 1998. This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade, worth $10 billion annually. But there are plenty of other ★niche markets[4] for high-quality coffee. Some small producers can c_________⑦more by marketing their coffee as organic—a switch which takes five years or so—or “bird-friendly” (4)because, unlike large, mechanised plantations, they have retained shade trees. Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee-bar c________⑧, says it uses a similar formula to that of Fairtrade in buying its coffee. All is bought at a “fair price”, says Peter Torrebiarte, who manages Starbucks' buying operation in Costa Rica. (5)Some niches can be large. Only 6% of world o________⑨is of top quality, but in Costa Rica and Guatemala the figure rises to 60%, says Mr Torrebiarte. Starbucks bought 37% of Costa Rica's entire coffee crop in the 2004-05 season, according to Adolfo Lizano of the country's coffee institute. Mexico lags behind its neighbours in extracting higher prices. But 95% of the coffee in Mexico is arabica—the


[综合] 官方版的联通短信营业厅的操作指令大全 短信, 营业厅, 联通, 指令, 大全短信, 营业厅, 联通, 指令, 大全 系统返回短信营业厅的主导航菜单,根据提示回复相应的菜单编号(指令编码)到10010,进行下一步操作。 注:收发10010的短信均免费 0.3G专区 1.话费及积分 2.帐户查询 3.充值 4.客户服务 6.增值业务 7.省分专区 9.热点促销 001、3G正式商用 3GZSSY 中国联通公司3G业务已于2009年10月1日正式商用。3G试商用套餐将于2009年10月1日00:00停用,试商用套餐通信费减半优惠的政策同步停止,详情请登录https://www.doczj.com/doc/f212468328.html,/查询。 002、3G业务 0021、无线上网卡 3GWXSWK 无线上网卡业务是基于移动通信网络,为计算机用户提供在3G移动通信网络覆盖范围内任何地点高速无线上网的服务。 0022、手机上网 3GSJSW 手机上网业务是指用户采用手机终端通过移动网络接入互联网获得音乐、资讯、娱乐、商务、生活等信息服务。 0023、手机搜索 3GSJSS 手机搜索通过移动通信网络和移动终端,利用中国联通3G门户内的搜索引擎入口,为移动用户提供所需信息的服务,可搜索站内和站外信息。 0024、手机音乐 3GSJYY 手机音乐是为用户提供的一项综合音乐服务,用户可以通过音乐手机客户端或音乐门户(WEB、WAP、IVR等)使用音乐俱乐部、榜单查询、振铃、整曲、MV、在线收听、炫铃、音乐搜索、音乐社区、音乐资讯等丰富多彩的音乐服务。 0025、手机电视 3GSJDS 手机电视是通过手机电视的手机客户端或门户(WEB、WAP),基于移动网络,利用流媒体、视频IVR等技术在移动终端上观看视频节目的业务。


TEXT 80 Salty tales 咸话地中海(陈继龙编译) Nov 16th 2006 From The Economist print edition JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara, Mount Athos② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires. (1)Yet even his immense knowledge is not enough to keep his latest chronicle —of 5,000 years of Mediterranean history—from appearing somewhat lopsided[1]. 约翰?朱利叶斯?诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山以及威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。然而,尽管知识渊博,他最近一部记述地中海沿岸五千年历史的编年体著作仍免不了有失偏颇。 Lord Norwich's first test, he notes in his introduction to “The Middle Sea”, was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain. He records that he was fortuitously invited to dinner by “my dear friend” the Spanish ambassador to London and “a few weeks later there came an invitation for my wife and me to spend ten days in Spain.” (2)It is hard to believe that was all the effort he made, for he acquits himself well, even in the convoluted[2] diplomacy that ended in the war of the Spanish succession. 诺威奇勋爵在《中央之海》一书序言中指出,他的首要任务就是让人们了解西班牙的一些不为人知之处。书中写道,他幸运地被他“亲爱的朋友”——西班牙驻伦敦大使邀请参加晚宴,并“在几个星期之后收到了邀请他及其夫人到西班牙度假十天的请


中国移动指定代码大全(发送至 10086) 以下是各项业务开通和取消方式: 类别发送代码 HF业务功能 实时话费查询 HF# YYYMM往月帐单查询 话费积分查询JF YECX LS#mm CXZD KTFX KTL CXP 热点业务办理KTGJHY KTCXTC#1 KTSWTC#5 KTHBGJ KTYYTH KTL QXL

KTDXTC#积分查询 套餐使用额度查询缴费历史查询 话费提醒(帐单)定制开通飞信开通来电提醒开通手机报无线音乐俱乐部高级会员开通彩信1 元套餐 开通GPRS5元套餐 号薄管家 开通125 93一元特惠包来电提醒 来电提醒取消 5 元短信套餐开通 KTDXTC#101元短信套餐开通 KTDXTC#151元短信套餐开通 新业务办理QXDXTC KTCLTC#5 KTCLTC#10 QXCLTC KTCXTC#1 KTCXTC#3 KTCXTC#短信套餐取消 彩铃5元套餐开通彩铃10 元套餐开通彩铃套餐取消 彩信1 元套餐开通 彩信3 元套餐开通

彩信5元套餐开通 QXCXTC KTSWTC QXSWTC QXYDMS KTYYTH QXYYTH KTCHYH QXCHYH KTMYYH QXMYYH MWDG MWCX MMGL 客户服务XXCX HM 彩信套餐取消 5元GPRS套餐开通 GPRS套餐取消取消移动秘书 12593 一元特惠包开通 12593 一元特惠包取消国内9 元长话优惠包开通国内9 元长话优惠包取消区内9 元漫游优惠包开通区内9 元漫游优惠包



TEXT 51 The seven-year itch 七年之痒(陈继龙编译) Jul 27th 2006 | MACAU From The Economist print edition THE army of workers operating along what used to be Macau's waterfront is conducting “land reclamation[1]”: dumping sand into the water to create more land on which to build ever more casinos, resorts and hotels in the formerly Portuguese playground. Cranes and bulldozers beaver away[2] throughout the territory, building new high-rises. Like most of China's booming conurbations[3], Macau is paying an environmental price; the air is thick with smog and dust, and the Pearl River has transferred some of its p_______①to Macau's seas. (1)But the damage pales when set against[4] the promise of growth, and billboards proudly herald the coming of “the Las Vegas of Asia”. 在过去曾是澳门码头的沿线地区,成群结队的工人们正在“填海造田”:把沙子倒进水中以形成更多的陆地,从而在这片曾经是葡萄牙人的一亩三分地上建造更多的赌场、度假村和饭店。起重机和推土机无处不在,全力以赴地建造着新的高楼大厦。同中国大多数飞速发展的大都市一样,澳门正在为此付出环境上的代价。空气中弥漫着烟雾和灰尘,一些来自珠江的污染物也流入了澳门附近海域。但是,展望未来发展,这种损失算不了什么。一张张广告牌自豪地昭示着“亚洲的拉斯维加斯”即将来临。(译注:pale指“逊色、失色”,此处的when set against可以用“before”或“beside”来代替,意为“相比……”) Amid all the buzz, the music from a boat docked at the inner harbour sounds a strange note. The red-robed musicians and their audience are Taoists engaged in a religious ceremony. As the musicians play their instruments, the believers on board burn incense and e_______②scraps of food into the water as an offering to the gods. (2)The contrast of ancient ritual with feverish modernisation is the story of modern Macau: the story of development transforming a once-sheltered nook[5]. 内港码头边停靠的一艘小船上传来的音乐夹杂在一切喧嚣之中,调子听上去怪怪的。身着红袍的乐师及其听众们都是一些道教信徒,他们正在举行一个宗教仪式。乐师们演奏着乐器,船上的信徒们一边烧香,一边将供品倒进水中。古老的仪式与狂热的现代化之间的这种反差诉说着这样一个关于现代澳门的故事——让一个曾经偏僻的小地方面貌一新的发展故事。 Macau's stunning economic boom—2004 saw its GDP grow by 28%—has been powered by gambling, tourism and the construction necessary to support such endeavours. Since Stanley Ho, Macau's most famous casino mogul[6], found his monopoly on the gambling industry broken in 2001, American firms such as Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands Corporation have stepped in to build impressive new f_______③. (3)Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore. 赌博、旅游以及相关的支撑性建设推动澳门经济发生了令人瞠目结舌的增长——2004年其GDP增长28%。自从澳门最有名的赌场大亨何鸿燊对博采业的垄断在2001年被打破以来,永利度假村有限公司和拉斯维加斯金沙公司(注:建造了金沙会展中心)之类的美国公司逐步登陆澳门,建造了许多面目一新的设施。参观者中包括有钱有势的中国人,他们希望在赌博中碰碰运气,而赌博在内地是非法的。此外,还有来自邻近国家如韩国和新加坡的旅游观光者。 There has been a price. Construction firms are eager to hire immigrants from Fujian, Guangdong and even Shanghai who are willing to work for lower wages than the local Macanese. (4)The ill-will thus created was evident last May 1st, when locals (quite a few of whom were also illegal immigrants when they first arrived) rioted.They protest that outsiders are finding jobs in the new economy while many middle-aged Macanese remain j_______④. 增长是有代价的。建筑公司都迫切希望雇用来自福建、广东甚至上海的移民,这些人要求的薪水要比澳门


1.发送CXBX到10086,查询当月套餐剩余短信条数。 2.发送CXGFX到10086,查询当月飞信GPRS套餐剩余流量。 3.发送CXGTC到10086,查询当月GPRS套餐剩余流量。 4.发送CXCCT到10086,查询当月超级畅听套餐剩余流量。 5.发送CXGLL到10086,查询当月已使用的GPRS流量总和。 6.发送CXDX120,查询当月可选计划“短信120”剩余短信条数。 7.发送CXDX500,查询当月可选计划“短信500”剩余短信条数。 8.发送CXCXB,查询当月可选计划“彩信包”剩余彩信条数。 9.发送CXIP1000,查询当月可选计划“IP1000”剩余通话时长。 10.发送CXMDX,查询M计划兑换的“短信包(50条/月)”当月剩余短信条数。 11.发送CXMCX,查询M计划兑换的“彩信包(10条/月)”当月剩余彩信条数。 12.发送CXMG,查询M计划兑换的“10M/月的GPRS流量”剩余流量。 信指令短信发送端口办理业务 YE/CXYE 10086 余额查询 KTFX 10086 开通飞信

QXFX 10086 取消飞信 BLHZ 10086 开通短信回执 QXHZ 10086 取消短信回执 BLYY19 10086 办理19元音乐卡套餐BLYY29 10086 ....办理29元音乐卡套餐BLYY39 10086 办理39元音乐卡套餐BLYY59 10086 办理59元音乐卡套餐GPRS5 . 10086 办理GPRS5元套餐GPRS20 10086 办理GPRS20元套餐GPRS50 10086 办理GPRS50元套餐GPRS100 .10086 办理GPRS100元套餐GPRS200 .10086 办理GPRS200元套餐 信指令短信发送端口办理业务 CXGPRS5 .10086 查询GPRS5元套餐CXGPRS20 10086 查询GPRS20元套餐CXGPRS50 10086 查询GPRS50元套餐CXGPRS100 10086 ....查询GPRS100元套餐CXGPRS200 10086 ....查询GPRS200元套餐


TEXT 97 Health consumerism 保护消费者健康权益 The wellness boom 健康产业飞速发展(陈继龙编译) Jan 4th 2007 | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles is becoming a big business 引导消费者健康生活潮流的行业越做越大。 BACK in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property developer, Mel Zuckerman, and his exercise-fanatic wife, Enid, opened Canyon Ranch, “America's first total vacation/fitness resort”, on an old dude[1]ranch in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, their outdoorsy, new age-ish venture seemed highly eccentric. Today Canyon Ranch is arguably the premium health-spa brand of choice for the super-rich. It is growing fast and now operates in several places, including the Queen Mary 2. It is also one of the leading lights in “wellness”, an increasingly mainstream—and profitable—business. 事情要追溯到1979年,身胖体虚的房地产开发商梅尔?扎克尔曼和他喜欢运动的妻子艾妮德开办了Canyon Ranch。这是“美国首个纯粹的度假和健身胜地”,位于亚利桑那州图森的一个老的度假农场上。那时,他们冒险投资这一具有新时代特征、倡导户外活动的行业似乎非常不合正轨。照现在看来,Canyon Ranch已经成为那些富豪们温泉疗养的首选去处。它发展迅速,现已在好几个地方开展业务,其中包括“玛丽皇后二世”。它也是“健康产业”的领跑者之一,而后者正日益成为一个有利可图的主流

中国移动 短信营业厅功能代码一览表 (代码发10086)

短信营业厅功能代码一览表:业务类型及数字代码拼音指令1.话费、优惠及月账单查询101查询当前话费总额/余额CXHF或CXYE 102查询上月账单CXSYZD 103查询当月及历史帐单CXZD#yymm 104查询已用优惠1041查询已用优惠金额CXYH#1 1042查询已用优惠时长、短信及V网时长CXYH#2 105查询已用移动数据流量CXYYSJLL 106余额提醒1061开通余额提醒KTYETX#xx.xx(金额) 1062取消余额提醒QXYETX 1063介绍余额提醒JSYETX 1064状态查询CXYETX 107定制电子账单1071定制短信账单DZZD 1072取消短信账单QXZD 1073定制彩信账单DZCXZD 1074取消彩信账单QXCXZD 1075介绍电子账单JSDZZD 1076状态查询CXDZZD 108查询缴费历史CXJFLS 2.查询已开通业务及服务密码办理201查询本机资费产品CXCP 202查询已开通业务CXYW 203服务密码2031密码申请SQMM#[身份证号码] 2032密码修改BGMM#[原密码]#[新密码] 2033密码重置CZMM#[身份证号码] 2034介绍服务密码JSMM 204查询有效期CXYXQ 205查询信誉度CXXYD 206查询归属地CXGSD#[手机号码] 207查询积分CXJF 210我的10086个性化菜单功能2101开通我的10086KT10086

2102取消我的10086QX10086 2103介绍我的10086JS10086 3.来电显示、彩玲、GPRS等业务办理301来电显示3011开通来电显示KTLDXS 3012取消来电显示QXLDXS 3013介绍来电显示JSLDXS 3014状态查询CXLDXS 302彩铃3021开通彩铃KTCL 3022取消彩铃QXCL 3023介绍彩铃JSCL 3024状态查询CXCL 303移动数据流量套餐3031开通移动数据流量标准资费KTSJLL#BZ 3032开通移动数据流量5元资费KTSJLL#5 3033开通移动数据流量20元资费KTSJLL#20 3034开通移动数据流量50元资费KTSJLL#50 3035开通移动数据流量100元资费KTSJLL#100 3036开通移动数据流量200元资费KTSJLL#200 3037取消移动数据流量套餐QXSJLL 3038移动数据流量套餐资费介绍30381介绍移动数据流量标准资费JSSJLLBZ 30382介绍移动数据流量5元资费JSSJLL5 30383介绍移动数据流量20元资费JSSJLL20 30384介绍移动数据流量50元资费JSSJLL50 30385介绍移动数据流量100元资费JSSJLL100 30386介绍移动数据流量200元资费JSSJLL200 3039状态查询CXSJLL 304来电提醒3041开通来电提醒KTLDTX 3042取消来电提醒3042取消来电提醒QXLDTX 3043介绍来电提醒JSLDTX 3044状态查询3044状态查询CXLDTX 305飞信3051开通飞信KTFX 3052取消飞信3052取消飞信QXFX


TEXT 85 Chinese capital markets中国资本市场 Out of the shadows 正大光明(陈继龙编译) Dec 13th 2006 | HONG KONG From The Economist print edition New ways to recycle fat profits 重复利用丰厚利润有新招 (1)COMMERCIAL bankers, nostalgic[1] for the days when corporate customers still belonged to them rather than the capital markets, have for some time gazed longingly at China. Under sanction from regulators, Chinese banks pay 2% for deposits, lend at a bit more than 6%, and that is that. Loan losses are high, but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits. It is rather like what was once fondly referred to in New York as 3-3-3 banking: pay 3%, charge 3% more, and get out of the office (and on the golf course) by 3pm. 曾几何时,各公司都是商业银行家的客户,并没有进入资本市场。一段时间以来,念念不忘那段时光的商业银行家们纷纷把热切的目光投向中国。经监管部门批准,中国的银行存款利率为2%,贷款利率为6%多一点,这是不容改变的事实。虽然存在大量的呆账,但存贷利率差价如此之大,给任何表面上守信用的银行都提供了盈利空间。这很像曾经被亲切地称为3-3-3制的纽约银行业,即存款给3%的利率,放贷时再加3%,然后下午3点下班(去打高尔夫球)。 Change, however, is on its way. (2)Capital-markets activity is growing and,


TEXT 37 Brothers in arms 袍泽之情(陈继龙编译) Jun 29th 2006 | TORONTO From The Economist print edition RAY BLANCHARD, a researcher at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, was reviewing some data a few years ago when he noticed something odd: gay men seemed to have more older brothers than straight men. 几年前,多伦多毒瘾与心理健康中心研究员雷·布朗夏尔在回顾一些数据时注意到一个奇怪的现象——同性恋男子的哥哥似乎比异性恋男子多。 Intrigued—and sceptical—he decided to investigate. He recruited 302 gay men and the same number of heterosexual controls and inquired about their families. How many siblings[1] did they have, _______①what sex, and how had the births been spaced? How old had their parents been when they had had them? Dr Blanchard found that only one detail seemed to predict sexual orientation: the more elder brothers a man had, the more likely he was to be gay. (1)Neither elder sisters nor younger siblings of either sex had any effect, but each additional elder brother increased his chance of being gay by about 33% from the population average of one man in 50. 由于对此感到好奇和怀疑,他决定做个调查。他招募了302名同性恋男子和一样多的异性恋男子,并问及一些与家庭有关的问题:有几个兄弟,几个姐妹,前后出生间隔多长时间?出生时父母多大年龄?布朗夏尔博士发现,预示性取向的似乎只有一个细节:哥哥越多,成为同性恋的可能性就越大。姐姐以及弟妹的数量对某人的性取向没有任何影响。一般而言,平均50个男人中就有1人可能成为同性恋,每多一位哥哥,此人成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%左右。(译者注:这句有些费解,我的理解是:from the population average of one man in 50中的“from”与前面的“increase”相对应,也就是在此基础上增加了33%。这个基础就是指“平均每50个男人中就有一个人可能成为同性恋”,这是一般而言的,如果这“一个”人多一位哥哥,他成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%,也就是这个“50分之一”发生的可能性增加33%。有点乱,仅供参考。) It was a rather perplexing discovery. It implied either that being brought _______②with a lot of elder brothers affects a boy's sexual orientation, or that a mother's body is somehow able to keep count of how many sons she has conceived, and that this count affects the orientation of future children. (2)Hard as it was to explain, though, the finding was replicated again and again, across different cultures, eras and even psychiatric groups. 这一发现很是令人费解。它意味着和许多哥哥一起成长会影响某个男孩的性取向,抑或是指母体有可能计下了其曾经孕育的男孩数,而这一计数过程则会影响后出生男孩的性取向。这一现象虽难解释,但是在不同文化、不同时期甚至不同心理状况的人身上都得到了反复再现。 Those who argued for a social explanation suggested that having lots of elder brothers makes a boy more likely to engage _______③same-sex play, and might also increase the chance he is a victim of sexual abuse. But, regardless of whether either of these conjectures[2] is true, neither playing with other boys nor sexual abuse has been scientifically linked to homosexuality. 那些认为应该从社会学角度解释这一现象的人指出,哥哥多会使得一个男孩与同性别的人在一起玩耍的可能性加大,也更有可能使之成为不正当性行为的受害者。不过,不管这两个猜测哪一个正确,从科学的角度看,同别的男孩一起玩耍或者不正当性行为都与同性恋毫无关联。


TEXT 95 Entrepreneurship in Shanghai 外国企业家在上海 Mandarin mogul 老牌中国通(陈继龙编译) Jan 18th 2007 From The Economist print edition NO MATTER what you may be selling, your business in China would be enormous if the Chinese who are meant to buy your goods would only do so. (1)This observation about the perils of doing business in China should be uppermost in the thoughts of every hopeful foreign executive whose plane touches down on the mainland today. Yet it was first made 70 years ago, by Carl Crow, perhaps the orig inal “old China hand” and author of one of the most influential and amusing books on how to sell to the Chinese—his 1937 bestseller, “Four Hundred Million Customers”. 如果那些能买你东西的中国人真的买了的话,那么不管你是卖什么的,你在中国的业务都将是巨大的。这句话描述了在中国经商的危险性,对于今天每一位满怀期望来到中国内地的外国经理主管人员而言,这可能是他们最先想到的一句话。首次发此感言的人是70年前的卡尔?克罗,他大概是最早的“老中国通”,其所著《4亿消费者》也是关于如何在中国经商的最具有影响力和最有意思的作品之一,并成为1937年的畅销书。 The lessons Crow drew from observing Western companies in China, first as a journalist and newspaper publisher and then as an advertising executive in


《经济学家》读译参考(99):印度经济过热-欲赶超中国必先深化 The world economy 世界经济 India overheats 印度经济过热(陈继龙编译) Feb 1st 2007 From The Economist print edition India cannot run as fast as China without further reform 不深化改革,印度就无法赶上中国 THE Indian tiger is on the prowl[1].(1)This week, in an apt piece of symbolism, Tata Steel, which dates back to the days of the Raj, leapt into the league of top producers when it bought Britain's Corus, which includes the steelmaking remnants of the old imperial power. Nor is Tata alone: younger Indian companies such as Infosys and Wipro are storming international markets.Meanwhile, the world's business people and investors queue up to lavish money on India's talented engineers and computer scientists, 印度这只老虎正在四处觅食(寻找投资机会)。本周,塔塔钢铁集团(Tata Steel)收购了英国科鲁斯(Corus)集团,一跃成为世界最大钢铁制造商之一。塔塔创立于英帝国殖民统治时代(Raj),而科鲁斯又是古老的英帝国钢铁制造业历史的仅存见证,因而这次并购案具有很好的象征意义。塔塔公司并非特例——印度新生代企业如Infosys和Wipro都在抢占国际市场。与此同时,世界企业人和投资者也纷纷把钱“砸”在才华横溢的印度工程师和计算机专家身上。 The roar from Delhi is echoing across Asia. After peevish[2] years cast as China's underperforming neighbour, the huntress is now in hot pursuit. Over the past year the Indian economy has grown by an impressive 9.2%, not far behind China's 10.4%. At some point this year India's growth rate could even outpace China's; and if you measure things by purchasing power parity, India should soon overtake Japan and become the third-biggest economy, behind only America and China. 德里的热闹传遍了亚洲。印度这个“捕猎者”作为中国的近邻,多年来一直表现不佳,心情急躁,如今正奋起直追。过去一年印度经济显著增长,达9.2%,接近于中国的10.4%。在一定的时期内印度今年的增长速度甚至可能超过中国;如果按购买力平价(purchasing power parity, PPP)计算,印度很快就会超过日本,成为仅次于美国和中国的世界第三大经济体。 (2)No wonder an increasing number of Indian businessmen, policymakers and economists are basking[3] in the belief that their country is burning bright having at last broken free of its bureaucratic cage. An economy once famous for the “Hindu rate of growth”, of 3% a year, was opened up by the reforms of the 1990s, many of them pushed through by the man who is now prime minister, Manmohan Singh. His government's latest five-year plan assumes that India can sustain average growth of 9%. Who can doubt “Incredible India”, to borrow the slogan of its tourism campaign? 很显然,印度越来越多的商人、决策人士和经济学家满以为他们国家彻底摆脱了官僚主义的束缚,形势一片大好。这个曾经以“印度式发展速度”(即每年3%)著称的经济体,从上世纪90年代开始进行改革开放,其中很多改革

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