当前位置:文档之家› 外贸函电


二1、we have got your name from business bulletin ,Businessmen ,as manufacturers of microwave ovens.


2.we have been suggested by one of our business partners to have your help.


3、we have come learn your name through the US Embassy in Beijing as importers of plastic products.


4、you are introduced to us by Johnson Co.,Ltd.as one of the leading importers of electronic products.


5、We are indebted to Mr.Jones Smith of ABC Co.,Ltd for your name


6、We have seen your advertisement in South China Morning Post.


7、we have heard your name from Mr.Henry Smith,one of our business friends.


8、your name has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce of your help.



We hope that you will do your best to promote business as well as friendship.


We are a trading company doing import and export business all over the world.


The attached pamphlet will give you complete information on our vacuum cleaners.


We have sent you under separate cover a complete list of our products.


One of our clients is in the market for Chinese black tea.


Your name has been recommended to us by Chinese Consulate in New York as a large importer of woolen goods.


In order to give you a general ideal of our various textiles available for export, we are enclosing herewith a sample book and a copy of price list for your information.


The overseas Department of local Bank of China recommended that you are interested in establishing business relations with a company in China to promote your light industry products.

三、1、we shall be glad to put in hand your order of July 4 for immediate shipment if you will send us the customary trade references


2、To enable us to get the usual references,we should be glad if you would send us the names and

addresses of two firms with which you have had regular dealings.


3、we are able to fill your order at once,since the information in the statement is entirely satisfactory.


4、We regret our inability to inform you anything positive concerning the firm mentioned很抱歉


5、We hardly need to say that any information you give us will be used in complete confidence


6、Johnson Co.has given us your names as a reference ,and we should be very much obliged if

you would advise us whether they are of good reputation.


7、In the local business community he is regarded as a substantial trader with a clean record.在当


8、The foregoing information is given in confidence and for your private us only and this ban or

its officials are free from any responsibility,上述信息严格保密,仅供贵方使用,本银行及职员概不负责。

9、In reply to your inquiry of October 9 concerning the firm in question ,we would recommend a

policy of caution.兹回复贵方10月9号来信,我们建议谨慎对待该公司。

10、we do not know much about this firm and therefore cannot give satisfactory answers to your inquiry我们对此行不了解,因此无法给予贵方满意的答复。


Any information you may be able to give us will be treated in strict confidence.


As the firm is inexperienced in trading business, we advise caution in transaction with them.


We have received a large order from New York Trading Co. and should be grateful for any information you can give us concerning the firm’s reliability.


Since this is the first transaction between us, we would like to ask you to inform us of the name and address of your bank so as to enable us to apply for references.


The firm you inquired about has always met its commitments satisfactorily.


Your price is in line with the prevailing market price here.

7、该商行在付款方面给我们造成了很大的麻烦。The firm has caused us considerable trouble in its payment.

四、1、we are interested in your “Haier”washing machines and should be glad if you would send us your catalog.


2、we should appreciate further information about your “Strauss”violins advertised by AOB TV Station.


3、so long as you can maintain moderate prices ,your products should have a ready sale here


4、if you can guarantee regular supplies,we may place considerable orders with you.


5、if your quality is good and the price is reasonable ,we will do our utmost in this market.


6、if your prices are competitive ,we will place a larger order with you.


7、if you can supply goods of the type and quality required,we may place regular orders for large quantities.如能按照我们要求的型号和质量供货,我们将向贵方长期大量订购。

8、in reply to your letter ,we enclose our latest illustrated catalog for your references,



We are interested in your Model 586 computers and should be glad if you would send us by return prices of computers available from stock.


If your first order turns out to be satisfying, large repeat orders will follow.


As soon as we receive your specific inquires, we will make you best offer on CIF Lagos basis. 4、关于支付条件,我们需要不可撤销的凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

As for terms of payment, we need irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.


The articles we require should be durable in quality, bright and attractive in color.


As the flour mill is a regular buyer of wheat, we can assure you of their repeat orders in future if your price and quality are acceptable.


We enclose a quotation sheet a gainst your Inquiry No.20 and look forward to your confirmation.


We used to import computers from the US, but now we divert our purchases to other countries.

We feel sure that you will be interested in the new electric heater which is very shortly to be placed on the market.


Have you ever felt anything quite as soft and quite as strong?


When you have compared our prices with those of the other firms, we are confident that you will appreciate the exceptional values we offer .



In addition to the quantity discount stated, we would grant you an initial order discount of 3%. 4.除了前面的数量折扣外,我们将给予首次订单3%的折扣。

Here is a chance to show how handsome you are by wearing our new style dress,


The moderate price and the superior quality of the goods will surely induce you to pass us orders, 6.低廉的价格和卓越的品质必将使您向我们发出订单。

1、Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if there are any other ways in which we can be of

service to you.


2 、We are sorry to notice that we had no orders from you since last April.


3、All the items listed in the catalog are now available from stock.


4、We think you will be interested in the new cosmetic products we have just introduced to the



5、We allow special terms to customers who place trial orders before the end of the current month. 对于本月底前订购试销产品的顾客,我们给与优惠。

6、You will be interested in the up-to-date shoes we are offering at extremely moderate prices.


7、In order to popularize these products, all the catalog prices are subject to a special discount of

5% during December.


8、We feel sure you will find a ready sale for this excellent material and that your customers will

be well satisfied with it.


9、We are most anxious to serve you and hope to hear from you very soon.


10We guarantee that the silk garments are made of the best materials with the first class workmanship and comply in all respects with the high standards of fashion.


We an exporter of household electrical appliances and would take the liberty to send you our quotation sheet for your reference.


All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation.


We note with regret that our earlier offers in respect of wooden toys have not interested you, but we venture to hope that you will be ready to consider an offer of plush toys.



The offer will remain firm until March31,beyond which date the terms and prices should be discussed anew.


It is quite some time since we sent you our Quotation No.202.As our goods are in great demand at present, it would be advisable if you could make an early decision on the matter.



Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape recorder, FOB Tianjin.


We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton FOB London.


In view of the brisk demand for this commodity, we advise you to work fast and place the order with us as soon as possible.


You will see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.


This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.

10 此报盘着眼于扩大销路,很有竞争力。

1.This offer is firm for five days.


2.Our offer is subject to change without notice.


3.If you think this offer is acceptable, please cable us in order that we can confirm it.


4.With reference to our cable of May 5,we confirm having offered you are following.


5.In order to start the concrete business between us,we are glad to make you a special

offer,subject to our final confirmation.


6.If you insist on your price,we cannot make you a suitable offer.


7.If you reduce by 3% the price of quotation sheet dated September 3,we are desirous of

accepting your offer.

如果你方将9月3日的报价单上的价格降低百分之三,我公司将乐意接受你们的报价。8.The price list you sent on 21 is found in order,but the listed terms of payment donot conform

to our trade practice.


9.We very much regret that we are unable to satisfy your special requirements for the items of

packing in our quotation sheet dated 30.


10.Although we are not in a position to satisfy your special requirements, we still send you

another copy of our price list.


Please deliver the following goods according to your quotations and samples sent us on June 10.


The parts supplied must be absolutely airtight, and we place this order subject to this guarantee. 2、所提供的部件必须绝对密封,我们的订购以此项保证为前提。

The recent exceptional demand for our fax machines makes it impossible to promise delivery of

any further orders before November30.


We confirm our telephone conversation this morning and are pleased to enclose our official order form for your cotton.


We place this order on the clear understanding that the consignment is dispatched in time to reach us by May31,and reserve the right to cancel it and to refuse delivery after this date.



We have a waiting list of several hundred for these ladies’ umbrellas and can give no guarantee of delivery this month,


As supplies of the item are becoming difficult to obtain, we have no alternative but to decline your order.


As we are unable to promise delivery before the end of September, we feel must return your order, with our apologies and best thanks.

8、我们无法保证在9月底前交货,因此只得退还贵方的订单,并表示我们的歉意和感谢。As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have to cancel our order.


The order must be strictly in accordance with the enclosed specifications.


1、If your goods are satisfactory,we hope to place substantial orders.


2、We are pleased to receive your order of July 4 for cotton prints and welcome you as one of our


3、Our earliest date of delivery is May20, as we find it very difficult to keep pace with rush orders

in this season .我们最早的交货期是5月20日因为我们发现难以跟上这段时期加急订购的需求

4、Although we would like to do business with you ,we are sorry that it is difficult for us to

manufacture the perfume atomizers at the price you ask.

尽管我们原与你方进行业务往来,但遗憾的是我们难以按你方的价格生产喷雾香水瓶。5、We hope that you will understand the circumstances which make us decline your order this



6、We hope that this first transaction will be the beginning of a long and happy association .You

can be sure that we shall do our best to satisfy you.我们希望这次首宗交易将是我们之间长久而愉快合作的开始,请相信,我们将竭尽全力使贵方满意

7、As our factory is now fully occupied with contract orders ,we regret to have to decline your



8、We trust that this trial order will be the beginning of a close business relation between us in



1、As clearly stipulated in the Sales contract No.A-1140,the commission for this transaction is

3%,but we find your L/C No.GF-1004 demands a commission of 5% which is obviously not in line with the contract stipulations.Therefore,please amend the L/C to read”commission 3% “第A-1104号销售合同明确规定,这笔交易的佣金为3%,但我们发现你方第GF-1004号信用证要求支付5%的佣金,这显然与合同不符。因此,请将信用证改为“佣金3%”。

2、We have to remind you again of our overdue account and must request you to let us have your

payment without further delay.


3、Unless we receive your check full payment by the end of March ,we shall be compelled to

take steps to enforce paymen.


4、We would advise you that we have drawn on you at 45 days through the Ban of China .Please

give our draft your kind protection.


5、In order to cover this order,we have established an irrevocable and confirmed L/C in your

favor through Barclays Bank.


6、As we have had no reply to our previous requests for payment of our invoice dated August 10,

we must now ask you to remit the account dueby the end of this mouth.


7、We enclose this statement of your account showing a balance of US$3,450


8、Please advise the beneficiaries that we shall amend the Credit No.CB828 to read 1,000 boxes

of articles instead of 500 boxes.


9、We find that the L/C stipulates for the invoice to be certified by your consul,which is

unacceptable to us as there is no consulate your country here.

我们发现信用证规定发票要由你们领事证明,这无法接受,因为你们国家在此并无领事馆。10.we have opened an irrevocable letter of credit No.GB418我们已通过纽约花旗银行开出第through the Citibank,New York ,under which you may drawn on us at 30 days after sight,


1、The request for easier payment terms is compelled by their funds being tied up in numerous



2、We regret that we cannot accept D/A after the goods arrive the port of destination.


3、If you agree to pay by sight L/C,we might come to terms.


4、In view of the long standing friendly relations,we exceptionally accept D/P at 60 days’ si、ght.


5、In no case will the middleman purchase the goods on his own account.


6、An importer from Sweden requests us to ship a parcel of shipment for trial on D/A terms.


7、In order to ensure immediate shipment,we enclose herewith a bank draft for the amount of



8、Today we have informed our bank to send you all the amount by T/T,upon receipt of which

please reply.我们今日已通知我方银行电汇给你放全部金额,收到后请回信。

9、Please credit the amount to our Account No.1008 after deducting the commissions payable to



10、Your draft of March 12 has been accepted an will be honored at maturity.


1、We are pleased to inform you that your goods will be shipped by M.VMorning from Shanghai

to Manila on April 20.


2、Sellers must notify the buyer ,without delay ,that the goods have been delivered on board

the vessel.


3、All export orders will be delivered in wooden cases,securely wire strapped.Solid stuffing

inside the cases is free from vibration and jarring.


4、To save freight we recommend overall waterproof wrapping,packed in a crate with reinforced



5、Partial strapping of the carton will not only save freight ,but given full protection to the



6、If cartons are used,please contain each chemical in strong polyethylene bags to make

protection from damp.


7、We enclose a list of marks and numbers for our packages.Please be careful about clear and

correct marking.


8、We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking .These must be

strictly observed.


9、As the boxes are likely to receive rough handing at this end,you must see to it that packing

should be strong enough to protect goods.


10 for your order under Contract No.A-233,we have booked space on M.V Maria,which is due to

arrive in Los Angeles around July 27.


1、We hope the goods will reach you in safety and come up to your expectation.


2、All the sacks have interior waterproof linings to protect goods.


3、Crates must not exceed an overall length of four feet.


4、As the goods will be checked up at the customs,the cases must be of a type which can be easily

opened and fastened at once after check.


5、We will duly pass your comments on packing on to the manufacturers concerned for their



6、We are confident that you will have no difficulty in shipping the goods in four lots.


7、May shipment is the best we can get,for the manufactures have a heavy backlog on hand.


8、Our warehouse was burnt down yesterday an we are unable to make shipment during April.


9、Please makes two equal monthly shipments during May and June.


10.Please notify us as soon as the goods are ready for shipment.、


1.We regret that the goods should be repacked in small bags,say,half a pound and one pound,in order that we can push the sales of it.


2.The packing of the goods must be improved in order to fit for seaworthy condition,


3.We may see our way to advance time of shipment to July after checking the stocks,


4.Small case are light and compact,easy to be stored and to be sold.


5.Please mark the case as per the drawing given.


6.Please draw on us a draft against the invoice value before shipping the goods.


7.We hereby inform you that you should be held responsible for any losses arising from late delivery and improper packing.


8.Please inform us 10 days prior to the shipment of the name of steamer, estimated time of arrival, loading capacity, contract number and fording agent.

You are requested to act according to the buyer’s shipping instructions in order to go though the customs smoothly.


9.Please inform us 10 days prior to the shipment of the name of steamer, estimated time of arrival, loading capacity, contract number and fording agent.


1、Please hold shipment pending our instructions.


2、We ship most of our oil in bulk.


3、The facilities for shipping goods to Southeast Aisan countries have improved a lot.


4、The Order No.105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.


5、We can effect shipment in Decenber or early next year at the latest.


6、We would like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area. 我们希望把上海定为装运港,因为它离货物产地比较近。

7、We do not think it proper to unload the Chinese tea ai London.


8、Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong?


9、We have been able to transship Southeast Asian-bound cargoe from rail to ship at Hong Kong

without mishap.我们在香港把运往东南亚的货物由铁路运输转为海运,途中未曾遇到麻烦事

10 All transshipment charges will be included in the CIF price.


1.Chamber of commerce 商行 1.quarterly settlement 每季度结账一次

2.be in line with 与~~相一致 2.bank’s reference 银行证明

3.take the liberty of 冒昧地3trade reference 业务证明

4.adhere to 坚持 4.as a reference 证明人

5.get in touch with 与···相联系 5.as a rule 作为准则

6.business partner 业务伙伴 6.be bound to不得不,必须

7.acquaint sb.with 使某人熟悉7.meet commitments 履行承诺

8.inquire for 询购,询问8.standing credit 定额贷款

9. a reliable business concern.一家可靠的商行9.the initial order 初次订购

10.open an account.开立账户10.the firm in question 征询的公司

1.regular supply 定期供应 1 take advantage of 利用

1.trade regulation 贸易条例

2.avail oneself of 利用

2.state-operated 国营的 3 proven record经验实的记录

3.special discount 特殊折扣 4 rising costs of labor 日益增加的劳动力成本

4.on the high side (价格)偏高 5 clear a residue stock清除剩余的存货

5.keen competition 激烈的竞争 6 be well acquainted with 熟悉,了解

6.under separate cover 单独邮寄7 under the circumstances在这种情况下

7.packing list 装箱单8 to one’s advantage某人有利

8.by request 按照请求

9.fair average quality质量一般的产品

1.make a concession to sb 向某人让步 1.reserve the right of cancelleation保留取消的权利

1.effect shipment 发货,出运

2.captioned item 标题货物

2. a firm offer 实盘

3.be occupied with orders 订单太多

3.at one’s earliest convenience 尽早

4.the next newest to the latest model仅次于最新的型号

4. a non-firm offer 虚盘

5.such being the case 既然如此

5.extend offer 展证

6.keep pace with 与···保持一致

6.in line with 与···一致

7.coutract order 合同订单

7.upon receipt of 一收到···就8.on the understanding that 在···的前提下

8.brisk demand 旺盛的需求

9.in compliance with 与···相一致

1.telegraphic transfer 电汇 1.waterproof wrapping防水包装

2.statement of account 计算表2rough handing 粗鲁装卸

3.accepted draft 已承兑的汇票 3.direct steamer 直达船

4.draw on 向···开出汇票 4.material handing 原材料短缺

5.prohibit transshipment 禁止转船 5.transport documents 运输单据

6.in payment of 支付···的款项 6.in the event of 万一,如果

7.n one’s own account 为了自己的利益,自负盈亏7.stipulated time 规定时间

8.edit standing 资信状况8. shipping instructions装运要求

9.en account terms 赊账交易条件

10.one’s figure 按某人的价格

1.in question 正在讨论的,有待解决的

2.make compensation for 对···作出补偿

3.tinned goods 灌装货

4.in good condition 完好无缺

5.shipping company 船务公司

6.expiry date 到期日

7.freight space 舱位

8.unloading port 卸货港

9.dispatch money 速遣费

10.estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间

1.as one _____the leading importers and wholesalers ``````````````````````

答案:1-10 of ,of ,in ,in ,for, of, for, from ,with , to

2.____reference _____your letter_____December 5,2006``````````````````````

答案:1-10 With, to , of ,into ,with ,in ,In ,with ,under, with

11-20 for ,of ,in, upon ,without , In ,of , to, of , between.

3.we thank you___your inquiry___June 18````````````

1-10 for ,of , for , of ,to ,by ,at ,of .for ,within.

11-20 for ,of ,at ,On ,for, of ,for ,by ,of ,to

4 Do you know how much your trees are worth?`````````````````

1-10 purchaser , investment, periodic ,against, healthy, crews, latest, service, prove, convenience 5.we are pleased to learn ____your letter of April 5_____you have````````````

1-10 form ,that , place, order ,in ,in ,have ,sold ,be , before ,

11-20 you ,of ,is ,of ,are, in ,are ,popular ,them ,at

6.we_____received and checked your satatement __the quarter```````````

1-10 have, for ,be ,had , in ,settled ,with ,have ,an , whose .

11-20 are, be , be ,if ,allow ,to ,receiving ,request, have , in

7. _____confirm our cable just dispatched information you ___we shipped````````````````

1-10We ,that ,leaving ,for ,drawn ,at , amount , which ,upon ,enclosing

11-15 goods ,in ,order/condition, you ,them ,

8(1).we will now very much appreciate receiving ______the earliest possible moment ~~~~~~~~~ 答案:at , for ,in

(2) we shall be glad to receive an offer `````````````` from, for .

(3) we offer firm CIF, Lagos , shipment_______````````` for, to ,by

(4) we offer firm the following _____the same ````````` on ,within ,from

(5) Owing ______unuaual shortage _____stock ,````` to ,of

(6) Black tea ,first grade,is ```` of

(7)we have ______present only 50 tons Bitter Apricot Kernels```` at, in

(8) we can supply walnuts ````from

(9) we will make contact```` with ,in

(10) you may avail yourselves ````` of ,in ,

(11)If your commodity meets the requirements ````` in ,of

(12) _____reply ___your letter ____March 20.``` In ,to ,of

(13)______separate cover , we have already sent you ```` Under ,of

(14)the buyer made a bid ___``` at ,for

(15) we are receipt of your L/C No ``` for

(1)we shall appreciate it if you will inform us ```` of , at

(2)please mark the bales ``` with , in

(3)this is to apply ___all order ``` to

(4)owing ______the delay ___the part of ``` to, on , to

(5)we wish to draw your attention ___the fact ``` to ,of ,up to, from

(6)as the manufacturers cannot get all ````as to

(7)as the only direct steamer which calls``` at

(8)today we shipped the above ````on ,for

(9)we could not deliver the total quanlity```` in

(10)s hipment is ____ ____made _____```to be ,from ,in


at which we have done business with many other clients

2.说明最早装船期和付款条件stating the earliest time of shipment and terms of payment

3.说明所需数量the quantity required

4.五天内回复有效subject to your reply reaching here within five days

5.由于市场价格波动频繁because of the frequent fluctuations of the market prive

6.接受你方9月10 日的还价to accept your counter-offer dated September 10

7.你所处市场的货物需求情况the demand in your market


that the goods you ordered will be transshipped punctually according to the contract stipulations

9.我们会把一切必要的事办好that we will arrange for everything necessary

10.脱离我出的市场行情out of line with market in our place

11.以便我们办理海关手续in order that we may handle customs formalities


the buyer must finish shipping the goods within September

13.装直达轮,而不是在新加坡转船ship the goods by direct steamer ,transship it via Singapore

14.货物必须在十月底前装船the goods must be loaded before the end of October



一、开发新客户 Dear XXX, We have learned from our old client that you are one of the leading XXX importers in Italy. Therefore, we do hope there is a chance for us to cooperate with each other in the near future. (表明合作意向) We are one of the biggest XXX manufactures in China.(介绍自己的身份)All our products are manufactured strictly and provided to over 30 countries already. Attached please find our latest catalogue and quotation.(直接给出报价单) We look forward to your trial order. Yours faithfully, XXX 二、样品寄送通知 Dear XXX, I’m now writing to inform you that the samples that you requested were sent by Federal Express today. (告知客户寄送时间及方式) In the mail, I’ve also enclosed a quotation.(附上最新的报价 单)Please let me know at your earliest conveniences as soon as they arrive. Thanks a lot! I’m looking forward to your earliest response. Yours sincerely, XXX 三、拒绝临时取消订单 Dear Sir,


12种外贸英语函电范文 导语:外贸行业总要写一些外贸函电,以下是人才小网搜集整理的外贸函电范文,欢迎阅读! 1. 主动联系采购商 Dear Sirs: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure. Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sirs: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon.. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Gentlemen: June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you. 4. 如何讨价还价


外贸函电订单范文(共18篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


外贸函电询盘和回复范文 第一篇:关于外贸函电初步询盘和回复 在外贸业务中,函电是非常重要的交流工具,在外贸函电中询盘和回复是非常常见的函电类型。下面是一篇关于外贸函电初步询盘和回复的范文,希望能为大家提供一些参考。 一、外贸函电初步询盘 Dear Sirs/Madam, We have learned from the internet that you are one of the leading exporters of T-shirts in China, and we are interested in importing your products to our country. In order to give you a better understanding of our company, we would like to provide you with some basic information about us. We are a medium-sized company with a strong presence in the retail market. We specialize in men's and women's casual wear and sportswear, and have a network of over 200 retail outlets throughout our country. We would like to request a catalogue and price list of your T-shirts, along with information regarding minimum order quantities and delivery times. Please quote FOB Shanghai and CIF our port of destination, and kindly indicate your payment terms. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


27种外贸函电格式(一) 大耳朵英语 2008-02-19 09:01:30 【打印】 1、请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本 公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2、回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。 款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼 3、请求担任独家代理 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. ` 本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司 向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。盼望能成为贵公司独家 代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。此致敬礼 4、拒绝对方担任独家代理 Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our


外贸英语函电范文大全 外贸函电包括许多种格式,外贸工作的人们写好一封好的外语函电很重要。接下来小编为大家整理了外贸英语函电范文大全,欢迎大家阅读。 外贸英语函电范文:运输篇 INDIGO CMPANY LIMITED 85 Victory Street, Manila The Philippiness Tel: 63-2-68000 Fax: 63-2-580001 13 June 200# Mr. Li Mingyang Export Manager Unitech M & T Co. Ltd 963 Tianmu Road, 14th Floor Shanghai 200070 China Dear Mr. Li: Our order No.3979: 50 Electric Drills As it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Sincerely. Marco Fillmore Managing Director 外贸英语函电范文:包装篇 Forward Bicycle Co. Ltd 987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China Tel: (0520) 500000 Fax : (0520) 500001 Zip Code: 215300


外贸英语函电范文(推荐十篇) 外贸英语函电范文(篇一) Exporter Writes to Importer 出口商给进口商的信 (1)Dear Sirs, Your firm has been recommended to us by John Morris&Co., with whom we have done business for many years. We specialize in the exportation of Chinese Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. We enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you. We hope you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully, Notes in 专门(从事),专门(经营) We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts. 我们专门经营工艺品的进出口。 n. 常用复数,化工产品、化学制品 (=chemical products) n. 药品,药剂,成药 great popularity 享有盛誉 类似的表达方法有: The goods are most popular with our customers. The goods have commanded a good market. The goods are selling fast (or enjoy fast sales). The goods are universally acknowledged. The goods are unanimously acclaimed by our customers. “畅销品〞有如下表达法: ready seller;quick seller;quick-selling product.


外贸英语函电写作范文 外贸函电是商务英语专业的学生必学的一门课程,对于我们以后从事外贸会起到作用。下面是店铺给大家整理的外贸英语函电写作范文,供大家参阅! 外贸英语函电写作范文1 今天的题目是: Self-introduction 例文如下: Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Richard 函电 (1) ------ 注解 A 1. owe ...... to ...... 把.....归功于......


外贸函电建交函范文(7篇) 从大学校门跨入到国际贸易实务岗位工作岗位,一开始我难以适应角色的转变,不能发现问题,从而解决问题,认为没有多少事情可以做,我就有一点失望,开始的热情有点消退,完全找不到方向。但我还是尽量保持当初的`那份热情,想干有用的事的态度,不断的做好一些杂事,同时也勇于协助同事做好各项工作,慢慢的就找到了自己的角色,明白自己该干什么,这就是一个热情的问题,只要我保持极大的热情,相信自己一定会得到认可,没有不会做,没有做不好,只有你愿不愿意做。转变自己的角色,从一位学生到一位工作人员的转变,不仅仅是角色的变化,更是思想观念的转变。 外贸函电建交函范文第2篇 由于函的类型较多,从制作格式到内容表述均有一定灵活性,兹不一一列述,仅就规范性公函的写作模式作一介绍。其他类型的函均可以比照来写。 公函一般由标题、发文字号、主送机关、正文、落款等布分构成。 ◇标题 公函的标题有两种形式:一种是由发文机关、事由和文种(函或复函)构成,如《××省糖烟酒公司关于一九九×年×产啤酒分县调入计划的函》。另一种是由事由和文种(函或复函)构成,如《关于同意注销皮鞋购销合同的复函》。 ◇发文字号

与一般公文相同,即由发文机关代字、年份和序号组成。但_和_办公厅的公函常在机关代字后、年份前加“函”字,如“国办i函[t9993 5号”. ◇主送机关 其写法也与一般公文相同,即在正文之前顶格写明受文单位,要写全称,以示尊重 ◇正文 函的正文主要包括缘由、事项和结语三项内容 ・缘由布分,主要写明发函的理由、根据、目的或内容的概况等。如果是复函,则首先引叙来函标题、文号或主要内容,然后再交代根据,以说明发文缘由;并用“现将有关问题答复如下”或“现将有关问题函复如下”等过渡语转入下文 ・事项布分是函的主要内容布分。函的种类很多,所以函的内容表述也应因种类不同而各有侧重。比如,商洽函一般先写明自己对商洽事项的看法和打算,供对方答复时参考;必要时,还可以写出几种打算,以供对方选择。询问函在简述起因或发函目的后,应当写清所要询问的具体事项。告知函,可直接写明所要告知对方的具体事项。复函则应针对来函所提问题明确作出答复;如有不同意见,应简要说明理由;一时难以答复的,也应予以说明或解释。事项布分的`结构形式一般有两种:一种是内容单一的函,行文可用篇段合一式,将所要告诉对方的问题、事项、意见等叙写清楚;一种是内容较多的函,()则可采用分条列项式进行表述。


外贸函电常用范文外贸英语函电范文 外贸函电常用范文篇1:外贸函电常用范文 外贸函电常用范文 Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,比如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。 Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on Alibaba. that you are in the market for textiles. We 本文档由实惠网()编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网()would like to take this opportunity to introduce our pany and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our pany in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website ,which includes


外贸函电acceptance范文(25篇) 敬启者; 我们从阿里巴巴得知贵公司的名称。 我们公司是一个专营纺织品的大规模的公司,在世界市场上享有良好的声誉。现在,我方公司将会每月为贵公司能提供新的设计。 我方公司将写信与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。 如果贵公司想要下订单,请告知,如按贵公司的有需要我们将很乐意求提供我们的.设计样本册,为了更好的准备货物如有现货订单,我方在收到你方订单之后三天之内装运。 我们期待你的回复。 敬上, 范文二: Dear Sirs; The Bbank of Cchina Shanghai Branch has informed us that your company is a large importer of textiles products. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you ,our company is as a local the largest textile manufactures in our area. Enclosed please find varies pictures of a variety of our quality textiles picture products. Besides, we are desirous of the details of your requirement, so as to provide better service. 1 Your specialized in market/

2 Categories of your specialized products We are looking forward to establishing long-term business relations. Best regards 范文三: March 7, Dear sirs, We have your name from Messrs. Smith Co. Our company is a large leading cooperation specializing in textiles items. We have been engaged in this line for 20 years, ()and have business relations with many countries in Southeast Asia. We are writing you to enter into direct business relations with you. We hope you can send us the latest product catalog and pricelist. We are looking forward to your inquiry. Yours Sincerely, Jone Smith Manager of Import Department 范文四: Dear sirs, Thank for your letter of March 7th, informing us of your interest in our product. We look forward to establishing positive business relationship with your corporation. We are mainly dealing in the export of Chinese light industrial


外贸函电格式范文 外贸函电范文包括询盘、发盘、换盘、接受 1. Dear Mr. Li, Your firm has been remended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list. Yours sincerely, Susan Block Manager A Reply Dear Ms Block, We wele you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our modities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for. We trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to 4 the most selective buyer. And we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered. Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured 6 that it will receive our prompt and careful attention. Yours truly 2. Dear Mr. Lu, We have noticed from your advertisement 1 in 2 that you export large quantities of cushions 3 to European market. Being specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with 4 many customers in our country. At present, we are interested in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. It will be highly appreciated if you could send us some brochures and samples for our reference and quote 5 your lowest price on CIF basis including our


争取与对方合作的外贸函电范文外贸函电范文包括询盘、发盘、换盘、接受 1. Dear Mr. Li, Your firm has been remended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list. Yours sincerely, Susan Block Manager A Reply Dear Ms Block, We wele you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our modities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for. We trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to 4 the most selective buyer. And we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered. Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured 6 that it will receive our prompt and careful attention. Yours truly 2. Dear Mr. Lu, We have noticed from your advertisement 1 in 2 that you export large quantities of cushions 3 to European market. Being specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with 4 many customers in our country. At present, we are interested in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. It will be highly appreciated if you could send us some brochures and samples for our reference and quote 5 your lowest price on CIF basis including our


进出口英语外贸函电的范文 1. 主动联系采购商 Dear Sirs: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure. Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sirs: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Gentlemen: June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you. 4. 如何讨价还价 Gentlemen: June 8, 2001 We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly 5-1 同意进口商的还价 Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down. Sincerely


外贸函电确认订单范文(通用15篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


外贸函电作文 【篇一:外贸函电作文】 1 dear sirs; we have obtained your company information on the internet and take, the liberty of writing to you with the hope of establishing business relations with you. we are the desun trading co, ltd, found in 1987, a foreign trade corporation who has rights to import and export in china. we can offer a wide range of services; have fixed business relationship with many suppliers and a good reputation. at the same time, we pay attention to development of new products, the dr series of chinaware, our new products, which is very competitive with the exquisite packaging and high quality, was made from first-class porcelain in 2014. we have obtained that you are on the look-out for the chinaware on the internet; we hope that you would contact us if our new products could be of interest to you. yours faithfully, minghua zhao 【篇二:外贸函电作文和翻译】 1.阁下: 特别感谢收到你方9 月 20 日询盘,现向你方发盘以下,以你方10 月 9 日下午 5 点以前答复为条件 .品名 :女士皮靴 .式样新奇 ,有 20 余种 , 颜色有黑棕及大红色 (详见目录 ).资料采用高级牛皮 .价钱 :cif 广州 ,依据不一样款式 ,每双由 95 美元至 300 美元不等 .支付 :由装船前 30 天开立的保兑的 ,不行取消的即期信誉证支付 .包装方式由买方决定 .装运日期在 10 月.致谢 . dear sirs, we were very grateful to receive your offer of september 20,now we are giving you an offer , subject to your reply here by 5:00 p.m. our time ,october 8, as follows; commodity : woman shoes color: black, brown, red(refer to catalogue in details more than 20 kinds) style : new and original material : high-level shin of cattle price : cif guangzhou ,per pair from us#95 to us #300,according to different patterns.

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