当前位置:文档之家› 外贸英语函电第三版易露露刘洁课后答案



一、阅读下列句子, 从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案(每题2分,共30分)

1. The fact remains we are behind many others. () [单选题] *

A. that(正确答案)

B. why

C. where

D. how

2. How can you keep the machine when you are away? () [单选题] *

A. run

B. to run

C. running(正确答案)

D. being run

3. Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word .() [单选题] *

A. speak

B. to speak

C. spoke

D. spoken(正确答案)

4. What next will be discussed at the next meeting. () [单选题] *

A. to do(正确答案)

B. is doing

C. will do

D. shall we do

5. Please write a report the above subjects are to be covered.() [单选题] *

A. which

B. in which(正确答案)

C. that

D. in that

6. The shop offers almost everything ranges from inexpensive to very expensive. ()[单选题] *

A. that(正确答案)

B. which

C. who

D. in which

7. Your proposal by the committee soon. () [单选题] *

A. is discussed

B. has been discussed

C. is going to be discussed(正确答案)

D. will have been discussed

8. The children many times not to play with fire. () [单选题] *

A. told

B. have told

C. have been told(正确答案)

D. are being told

9. If one by vanity, he will be very particular about other’s clothing and appearance. ()[单选题] *

A. overcomes

B. is overcome(正确答案)

C. overcame

D. has been overcame

10. Buses go to the airport _______ . () [单选题] *

A. every ten minute

B. every ten minutes(正确答案)

C. each tenth minutes

D. each tenth minute

11. He saw three _____ in the field. () [单选题] *

A. fox

B. mouse

C. sheep(正确答案)

D. goose

12. There was ______ old car outside the door. () [单选题] *

A. any

B. some

C. an(正确答案)

D. X

13. Japan and the United States are separated by _____Pacific Ocean.() [单选题] *

A. one

B. a

C. this

D. the(正确答案)

14. I don’t expect to see ______ of them at the meeting. () [单选题] *

A. somebody

B. some

C. anybody

D. any(正确答案)

15. Try to do your work ______ next time. () [单选题] *

A. more carefully(正确答案)

B. more quick

C. more fast

D. more well


A .resulted B.Equipped C.Expensive

D.lie E.made F.development

G.what H.which I.including



Heavy use of the highways in the United States has(16)_________ in the rapid(17)_________ of(18)_________ is called roadside business of various kinds,(19)

_________ drive-ins and motels. Both outdoor drive-ins and motels(20)_________ on main roads near cities and at seaside and other places of interest. Motels are usually (21)_________ up of bedroom and bath units and(22)_________ parking spaces. Many of the units are(23)_________ with television and air-conditioners. Restaurants and swimming pools are available at most of the large motels,(24)_________ are less (25)_________ than hotels. [填空题] *












Passage 1

I love traveling in the countryside, but I don’t like losing my way. I went on a trip recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.

“I’m going to Woodford Green,” I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, “but I don’t know where it is.”

“I’ll tell you where to get off,” answer the conductor.

I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.

“You’ll have to get off there,” the conductor said. “This is as far as we go.”

“Is this Woodford Green?” I asked.

“Oh,dear,” said the conductor suddenly. “I forgot to put you off.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’ll get off here.”

“We are going back now,” said the conductor.

“Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus,” I answered.

26. The author likes traveling ______________.() [单选题] *

A. Abroad

B. in the city

C. in the countryside(正确答案)

D. in other cities

27. The author finally ____________. () [单选题] *

A. reached his destination

B. missed his destination(正确答案)

C. enjoyed himself

D. got very angry

28. He _____________ when the bus stopped. () [单选题] *

A. was the only passenger(正确答案)

B. was overjoyed

C. was sleeping

D. was getting bored

29. When he heard the bus was going back, the author decided to _______.() [单选题] *

A. get off the bus

B. remain on the bus

C. give up his trip

D. return to the starting place(正确答案)

30. The author sat in the front of the bus because he _______________.() [单选题] *

A. didn’t know where his destination was

B. wanted to see where he should get off the bus.

C. wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery.(正确答案)

D. always sat there when he traveled.

Passage 2

Why play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following rules…planning your next move…acting as a team member…these are all “game” ideas

that you will come across throughout your life.

Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they

will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating(合作).

Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which sharpens the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in hunting.

Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.

Sports are also an event that unites(团结) people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it—some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He created a

foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future. Next time you play your favorite game of sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life.

31.Through playing hide-and-seek, children are expected to learn to (). [单选题] *

A. be a team leader

B. obey the basic rules(正确答案)

C. act as a grown-up

D. predict possible danger

32. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can (). [单选题] *

A. describe life in an exciting way(正确答案)

B. change your life experiences

C. make learning life skills more interesting

D. change people’s views of sporting events.

33. According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging? () [单选题] *

A. It inspires people’s deep love for the country.(正确答案)

B. It proves the exceptional skills of the winners.

C. It helps the country out of natural disasters.

D. It earns the winners fame and fortune.

34. Iribarne’s goal of forming the foundation is to .() [单选题] *

A. bring fun to poor kids

B. provide soccer balls for children

C. give poor kids a chance for a better life(正确答案)

D. appeal to soccer players to help poor kids

35. What can be inferred from the passage? () [单选题] *

A. Games benefit people all their lives.(正确答案)

B. Sports can get all athletes together.

C. People are advised to play games for fun.

D. Sports increase a country’s competitiveness.

Passage 3

Maintaining your Automobile

The average North American driver travels 12,000 miles per year.In order to get the maximum life out of an automobile, you must provide it with pro per maintenance.Proper maintenance can reduce air pollution, extend the value of the vehicle, save on fuel bills, prevent breakdowns, and lead to better performance.

You should change the oil in all of your vehicles every 3,000 miles.Whenever you change the oil you can also change the oil filter.Oil filters remove dirt and debris(废物,垃圾)from oil.As the car runs the oil filter will become clogged with excess debris from the oil.In order for an engine to run, it also requires air.This air must be filtered to stop dirt from damaging the engine.Every time you change the vehicle’s oil you should inspect the car for any unexpected wear and tear.

Due to the performance and sheer heat of combustion car engines become very hot.Antifreeze(防冻剂,抗凝剂)is used as a coolant for your vehicle system.This coolant should be replaced every two years.By doing this you extend the life of your radiator(散热器).Other fluids that require maintenance at 60,000 miles include brake fluid, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid.

The use of properly inflated and well maintained tires is critical.The tire that holds the car to the road is your first line of safety.Tires usually have a life expectancy(寿命) dictated by the manufacturer.It is recommended that you follow this life expectancy which usually averages 30,000 miles.

A vehicle should be driven properly by not exerting extra stress.Extra stress can lead to overheating.Overheating is the prime cause of premature life of belts,

gaskets(密封垫),hoses, and seals.If any of these parts become a problem it is a much better idea to replace the part than to repair it.

36.On average, how many times a year should a North American dicer change their oil? () [单选题] *





37.How often should you inspect your car for internal damage? () [单选题] *

A.Once a year.

B.Twice a year.

C.Four times a year.(正确答案)

D.Three times a year.

38.What fluid helps stabilize the temperature of your car? () [单选题] * A.Brake fluid.

B.Power steering fluid.

C.Transmission fluid.


39.How can driving excessive speeds damage your automobile internally? () [单选题] *

A.They premature life of automobile parts and devices.(正确答案)

B.They burn the tires.

C.They extend the life expectancy of radiator.

D.They clog the oil filter.

40.Following manufacturers guidelines, after how many oil changes would you expect that the basic tire needs to be replaced?() [单选题] *






41. We started the attack when the enemy (cross)___________ the river. [填空题] *

空1答案:were crossing

42. My suggestion is that we (send) ____________a few people to help the other groups. [填空题] *

空1答案:should send

43. I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve) _________on the design at all. [填空题] *


44. I prefer (live) ___________in the country rather than in a city. [填空题] *

空1答案:to live

45. We had difficulty (carry)_________ out the plan. [填空题] *


46. Not(know) _____________her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. [填空题] *空1答案:knowing

47. Do you know the (high)__________ of St. Paul's Cathedral. [填空题] *


48. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) __________the need for careful driving. [填空题] *


49. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) _____________temperature control system. [填空题] *


50. That one is no good; this one is even (bad) __________. [填空题] *



Unit 2 1.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建 立贸易关系。 We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations. 2.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。 We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。 We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. 4.我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。我们有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航 寄目前所能供之货的目录及价格表,我们将不胜感激。 We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 5.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。 For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Unit 3 1.请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%佣金。 Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission. 2.如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们打算订购30万码棉布。 Should your price be found competitive,we would intend to place with you an order for 300000 yards of Cotton Cloth. 3.我方有一家客户对贵国琴岛海尔电冰箱感兴趣,请电开400台伦敦到岸价4月船期的报盘。One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April. 4.为了便于你方了解我方的产品,我们立即航寄样品书两份。 To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you 2 sample books by air. 5.为答复你方4月28日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。


Unit 1 一、英译汉 1.It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 2nd and to learn that you are making plans for your Mr.Chadwik to visit our country in October. 有幸收到阁下5月2日来函,得悉阁下正计划安排维克先生于10月访问我国。 2.If Mr.Mike so wishes we can also introduce him to some of our sister corporations with whom you may like to do business. 要是迈克先生想同我们兄弟公司洽谈业务,我们也可为他引见。 3.Please let us know the time of your arrival. We will then arrange to meet you at the airport and drive you to your hotel. 请告诉我们你到达的时间,届时安排去机场迎接并驾车送你到宾馆。 4.We used to import machines from England but now we wish to establish business relations with you. 我们过去通常从英国进口机器,但现在想同你们建立业务关系。 5.I am making for Mr.Brown to have a discussion with Director Wang. 我即将安排布朗先生和我公司的王经理会谈。 6.It gives us a great pleasure to introduce to you by this letter Mr.Ma,a manager of HongKong Huarun company. 我们十分高兴地通过刺心向你介绍香港华润公司的马经理。 7.We should regard it as a personal favor if you would give him some beneficial advice and experience,and will be always happy to reciprocate. 如蒙你给他提供一些有益的建议和经验,我们当将感同身受,并将给予报答。 8.Our handicrafts have met with a favorable reception in the USA and Canada. 我们的手工艺品在美国和加拿大深受欢迎。 9.Please accept our thanks for the very pleasant time we spent during the weekend at your home. 上周末我们在你处度过了愉快的周末,请接收我们的谢意。 10.For your information,in our trade with customers,we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.


Chapter Two 1. 我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商 We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo . They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances . 2. 我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣 One of our customers is interested in your new production. 3. 我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶 One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea. 4. 如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意 As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit . 5. 我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。 We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship. 6. 谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。 Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade. 7. 我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你 We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft. 8. 我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing . 9. 你方2 月15 日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围 Your letter of Feb 15th addressed to us has been passed on to our Shanghai Branch Office for attention and reply , as the goods you inquired is within the range of their business activities . 10. 我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司 We are a trading company handling the import and export business around world. 1、经你方商会的介绍,我方欣悉贵公司的行名和地址。 On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your company. 2、我公司专门经营中国纺织品出口,并愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 We are specializing in the export of Chinese textiles and glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit . 3、为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解,我方另函寄去一本目录册及一套小册子以供参考。To make you know well of our products, we are separately sending you a catalogue together with a set of brochure for your reference . 4、如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方将立即报价。 Please specific inquire if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue . We will quote promptly. 5、望尽快答复。We look forward to your early reply.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/e719041628.html,plete the following sentences in English: 1)We are given to understand that you are a state operated corporation handling chemical products. 2)We approach you today in the hope of establishing mutually beneficial business relations with you. 3)We would like to inform you that we are at present in a position to supply you with various kinds of men’s leather shoes. 4)We have established business relations with the firms of more than 100 countries in the world on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 5)As you know, a large number of overseas merchants are anxious to do business with us. 6)We are interested in these aritcles. Please let us have all the necessary information. 7)We are glad that in the past few years we have greatly promoted by our joint efforts both trade and friendship. 8)Please inform us whether you are interested in our men’s leather shoes. 2.Translate the following sentences into English: 1)We are indebted to the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Tanzanian Embassy in Beijing for the name and address of your firm. 2)It is for the export of our chemical products that we approach you. 3)We hope you will do your best to promote friendship as well as business. 4)One of our customers is interested in your new products. 5) A customer of ours is in the market for Chinese Black Tea. 6)Please let us know in which lines you are interested at present. 7)It requires mutual efforts to promote trade. 8)As you know, it is our foreign trade policy to do business with people of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 9)We are sending you one copy each of our catalogue and pricelist of our chemical products. 10)Our customers are not interested in your chemical products for the time being. 3.fill in appropriate word or words from the list and then translate the sentences: 1)buy 星期天你准备买一支自来水笔吗? 2)inform, are in the market for 我们愿告知你方,我们的许多客户想要买中国核桃仁。 3)advise 请告知按什么价格你方客户将向我方订购 4)appreciate it 如承航寄目录本,不胜感激 5)mutually 我们深盼建立互利的贸易关系。 6)meet, requirements 我们将尽力满足你们的要求。 7)trade with, basis我国对外贸易政策是在平等互利的基础上与外国进行贸易。 8)handles我公司独家经营轻工业品的进出口业务。 9)cover 另邮寄去我们化工产品的目录本两本和价目单一份。 10)appreciate 我们感谢你方给我们一个核桃仁的特别报盘。


外贸英语函电第三版易露露刘洁课后答案 一、阅读下列句子, 从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案(每题2分,共30分) 1. The fact remains we are behind many others. () [单选题] * A. that(正确答案) B. why C. where D. how 2. How can you keep the machine when you are away? () [单选题] * A. run B. to run C. running(正确答案) D. being run 3. Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word .() [单选题] * A. speak B. to speak C. spoke D. spoken(正确答案)

4. What next will be discussed at the next meeting. () [单选题] * A. to do(正确答案) B. is doing C. will do D. shall we do 5. Please write a report the above subjects are to be covered.() [单选题] * A. which B. in which(正确答案) C. that D. in that 6. The shop offers almost everything ranges from inexpensive to very expensive. ()[单选题] * A. that(正确答案) B. which C. who D. in which 7. Your proposal by the committee soon. () [单选题] * A. is discussed B. has been discussed C. is going to be discussed(正确答案) D. will have been discussed


外贸英语函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案 外贸英语函电 Business English Correspondence ---商务英语应用文写作 Review Subject 一.单词互译 二.汉译英(句子—课后练习)Unit2-Unit8 1.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希 望与贵方建立贸易关系。 My company is the one of the leading importers of electronic products, we would like to take this opportunity to consult with you, hope to establish business relation with you. 2.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛 誉。 My company has been running the imports and exports of machinery and equipment for many years, our products had enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称和地址。Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counsellor of my Embassy in Beijing,we come to know your name and address. 4.我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。我们有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品, 如能立即航寄目前所能供之货的目录及价格表,我们将不胜感激。 We understand that you are the manufacturer of Daily Chemical . One of our customers is in the market for cosmetics in your


外贸函电试题(三) I.Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa. (10%) 1. non-negotiable bill of lading 2. in triplicate 3. commercial invoice 4. give sb. a general idea of 5. illustrated catalogue 6. 以某人为受益人 7. 不可撤销的跟单信用证8. 交货日期 9. 装运指示10. 水渍险 II.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (20%) 1.Your payment terms by L/C at sight are to us. A. acceptance B. accepted C. acceptable D. in acceptance 2. In case the said goods are not available stock, please keep us informed at an early date. A. in B. by C. from D. out of 3. Please see to that the are established with the least possible delay. A. it, letters of credit B. it, letter of credits C. them, letters of credit D. them, letter of credits 4. I’m sure that this quality is superior that. A. from B. to C. than D. for 5. We assure you our best service any time. A. for…in B. at…on C. of…at D. with…at 6. the recommendation of ABC Co,. we have learned that you are the market “Meiling” brand canned goods. A. At…on…of B. Upon…in…of C. On…in…for D. In…at…for 7. We are well connected with major dealers the line of chemicals. A. on B. into C. of D. in 8. Your early reply . A. will be highly appreciated B. will be thanked C. is to be thanked D. is appreciated high 9. please find a price list of our new products. A. Enclosing B. Enclose C. Enclosed D. Enclosure 10. The first shipment of pens has turned out to the of the users. A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfactory 11. We trust you will do your best this matter settled at once. A. to put B. to have C. to make D. to be responsible 12. We wish to offer you any of our typewriters on approval, our own expense. A. by B. with C. at D. from 13. Please quote us your best prices for the machine tools below. A. listing B. being listed C. listed D. to list


Situation1 Introduction Remarks Task 1 Form of Business Letters Practicing 1.Translate the following from English to Chinese form of business letters商务信函格式 layout of business letter商务信函布局 three main layouts of the business letter 商务信函的三大版面/三种格式indented style缩进式;渐缩式 blocked style 齐头式;平头式 combined style组合式 traditional British practice英国传统惯例 in the middle在中间 on the right-hand side在右手边 in the center在中央; 当中; 在中心 commence at the center point在中心点开始 the first line of each paragraph在每一个自然段的第一行 the most popular practice最流行的做法 displaying business communications显示业务通信 remarkable feature 显著特点 all typing lines所有打字线 begin at the left-hand margin 从左手边开始 combined style is the mixture of the above two styles组合式是上述两种风格的混合体 the first line of a paragraph is lined up with the left margin段落的第一行是用左边缘排成一行的 date, closing and signature 日期、结束语和签字 envelop addressing信封寻址


Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing Section Nine Exercises 练习 I. Translate the following expressions into English: Keys: Councilor and export list 4. enquiry 6. price list 8. Chamber of Commerce 9. market price 10. agreement customers 12. commodities fair 13. competitive price 14. EMPEuropean Main ports 15. deal exclusively 16. manufacturer 17. article number 18. delivery 19. specification 20. trial order II. Please improve the following sentence to them more idiamotic Keys: 1. We are sending you the information you asked for in your letter of June 4. 2. We have received your letter of May 10. 3. We are pleased to tell you that your Order 167 was dispatched yesterday. 4. We sent you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of May 5. 5. We hope you will consider our proposals. 6. We hope to hear from you soon. informed us in your letter that you could not offer us Gallnuts as they were out of stock. 8. In reply to your letter of the 23red last month, we are pleased to confirm the following order. 9. Please take note of the Lot Number of bales so that the parcel may not be mixed up on landing. 10. Samples will be sent and offer made upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 11. In reply to your letter 23rd May, we regret to inform you that we are now not in a position to offer you the quantity as required. 12. Thank you for your quotation dated September 5, 2010. We intend to place a trial order with you. 13. You will no doubt open the relevant L/C at the end of May. 14. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. 15. Will you please send us your latest catalogue and pricelist 16. We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC. 17. Please send me a copy of the agreement.


一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 1-5ABBDB 6-10DBACA 二、填空题(本大题共15小题,每空1分,共15分) 11 with, to 12 at 13 by, for 14 against/ with, for 15 by 16 to 17 in 18 with, upon/on 19 on, for 20 on, in 21 to, as 22 On, to 23 with, for 24 by, by 25 by 三、英汉翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 26 请在你方所开立的汇票上,务必附上提单、海运保险凭证等运输单据。 27 任何仲裁条款都不排除任何一方要求法院采取临时措施或保全措施。 28 你们的价格在本地市场的竞争力并不够,我们希望你们明了,减价的损失将可以通过增加交易来弥补。 29 我们确认由“东风”号轮装运你方的订货,该船已于九月十五日驶往你处港口。 30 你们要的那种老式花样已没有库存,我们想用我们的新式样作为替代,替代品的质量很好而且价格优惠。 31 编号为HA178的销售确认书一式两份已随信寄给你们,请签退其中一份供我方存档。 32 我们不知道你方能否按我要求包装,即每块台布装一个纸袋,然后每5块不同颜色的台布装一个盒子。 33 如前封信所说该批货物质极为低劣,我方顾客不愿提货。 34 我们是一家经营纺织品出口的国营公司,可按顾客的特殊需要接受订货。 35 请向你们的顾客解释我们的处境,并尽量得到他们的同意把信用证的到期日延至11月底。 四、汉英翻译(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分) 36 Payment is made by a Confirmed Irrevocable letter of credit issued (opened/established) by a reputable bank acceptable by the seller.


一、单选Unit8 P130 1.我们另由航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。该品种价格公道,品质极好,我们认为及早推销对你们有利。 Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date. 2. 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方 利益的。Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the undermentioned products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties. 3. 你11月15日来信收到,谢谢。货号2112电扇我们歉难推销,因为你方价格太高,买方无意还盘。 While thank you for your letter of Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art. 2112, we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest buyers to make a counter-off. 4.关于申请参加广州交易会一事,我们正与有关当局联系。一等到申请批准,当即通知你方。 With regard to your application for attending the Guangzhou Fair, we are contacting the relevant authorities and shall inform you as soon as the application is approved. 5.为了支持你们推销,我们特地准备了一些府绸样品连同价格单随函附上,供您考虑。我们府绸品质优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家欢迎,销售很快。我们认为订购我们的府绸在你市场销售是有利的。 With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our poplin together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration. Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our poplin has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries. We think it is to your advantage to buy this item for the sale in your market. Unit9 P147 1. 你公司19**年9月20日来函内附1000台缝纫机定单一纸已收到。兹附寄第346号销售确认书一 式二份,请签回一份以便存档。 We have received your letter of September 20, 19… together with an order for 1,000 Sewing Machines. Enclosed is our Sales Confirmation No. 346 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us for our file. 2. 我已接受你方85号定单订购货号1002号印花布十万码。请告颜色搭配并按合同规定的条款开立以 我方为抬头的有关信用证。 Your Order No. 85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art No. 1002 has been booked. Please let us know the colour assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favour according to the terms contracted. 3.我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。请放心,一等到收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘 可以订得舱位的轮船装运。 We learn that an L/C covering the above-mentioned goods will be established immediately. You may rest assured that we will arrange for despatch by the first available steamer with the least possible delay upon receipt of your L/C. 4.请你方注意,信用证的条款必须与我方售货确认书的条款完全相符,以免日后修改。 Please note that the stipulations in the relevant credit should fully conform with the terms as stated in our S/C in order to avoid subsequent amendments. Unit10 P163 1. 请注意,付款是以保兑的、不可撤消的、允许分装和转船、见票即付的信用证支付。 Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partial shipment(s) and transshipment, available by draft at sight. 2.我们的付款方式,一般是以保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的,按发票金额见票即付的信用 证支付。该信用证应该通过我们认可的银行开出。 Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight for the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to us.


外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案 (For Reference Only) Chapter 1 Business Letter I.Answer the following questions. 1.How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they? Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are the letter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); the complimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best? There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventional indented style; the modern block style and the modified block style. I like the modern block style, since it is simple and we can save much time. 3. What is P.S.? It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of the letter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, where there is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph. II.Choose the best answer 1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B B III. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation ( in modern block style) CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd 66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou 213164, P.R. China July 3, 2007 Mr. John Martin Sales Manager Lake Circles Inc. 56 Y ork Road, Chicago Illinois, USA Dear Sir, Yours sincerely, IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be set out in a letter. (ommitted)

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