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3M TM Attest TM 1264/1264P

Biological Indicator


Product description: The 3M Attest 1264 Biological Indicator (green cap) is designed for monitoring of EO sterilization process.

The presence of Bacillus atrophaeus spores is detected by a visual color change (media turns yellow). The yellow color change indicates a sterilization process failure. The final readout of a negative result (media remains green) is made after 48 hours of incubation.

产品描述:3M Attest 1264生物指示剂(绿帽)用来监测环氧乙烷灭菌过程。


Monitoring frequency: Attest biological indicators should be placed in an appropriate test tray or package, and be used to monitor every load. This presents an appropriate challenge and improves the performance of the sterilization process.



Use the Attest 1264 Biological Indicator to monitor:

1.All ethylene oxide sterilization cycles.


使用Attest 1264生物指示剂监测:

1. 所有环氧乙烷灭菌的循环过程。

Contraindications: None.



●There is a glass ampule inside the plastic vial of the biological indicator.

●Crushing or excessive handling of the biological indicator before cooling may cause the glass

ampule to burst.

●Wear safety glasses and gloves when removing the biological indicator from the sterilizer.

●Wear safety glasses when crushing the biological indicator.

●Handle the biological indicator by the cap when crushing and tapping.

●Do not use your fingers to crush the glass ampule.

●Do not roll the biological indicator between fingers to wet the spore strip.










Do not use the Attest 1264 Biological Indicator to monitor:

1.Steam sterilization cycles.

2.Dry heat, chemical vapor, or other low temperature sterilization process.


禁止使用Attest 1264生物指示剂监测:



Directions for use:

1.Identify the Attest biological indicators by writing the sterilizer, load number, and processing date

on the indicator label.

2.Place an Attest biological indicator in an appropriate test tray or package according to

recommended practices. Appropriate test trays or packages for loads containing:

Wrapped telescopic instruments, plastic, rubber, metal instruments, and equipment.

●Attest 1264 Biological Indicator in an AAMI syringe pack.

Container systems

●Attest 1264 Biological Indicator in the areas determined by product testing to be the most


3.Place the test tray or package in a full load in the most challenging area for the sterilant. This is

generally in the center of the road.

4.Process the load as usual.

5.After sterilization two options exist:

A. Open the sterilizer door according to the man ufacturer’s instructions; transfer the load to the

aerator and retrieve the test pack.(If a sterilizer with aeration capability is used, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for opening the door and remove the test pack prior to the aeration cycle.)Removethe biological and chemicalindicator from the test pack. Return the remainder of the test pack to the load for aeration according to the healthcare facility’s policy.

B. Aeration of test pack prior to incubation

Aerate the other packs from the load for the same amount of time as the test pack. At the end of the aeration cycle, remove the biologicaland chemicalindicator from the test pack.Dispose of the remaining test pack components according to the healthcare facility’s policy.

6.Check the chemical indicator on the label of the biological indicator. A color change to green

confirms that thebiological indicatorhas been exposed to the EO sterilization process.Thecolor change does not indicate that the process was sufficient to achieve sterility. If the chemical indicator is unchanged, check the sterilization process.

7.Incubate the biological indicator at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F).

Attest Incubator

120 volt (North American Usage) 240 volt (International Usage)

Model 117 (14 indicators) Model 117 (14 indicators)

Model 127 (28 indicators) Model 127 (28 indicators)

Bottom tier of Model 130 (14 indicators) Bottom tier of Model 131 (14 indicators)

A. Position indicator in metal block (see Figure 1). Place bottom of the indicator into the

incubator’s metal heating bl ock so that the indicator is atan angle of approximately 45°.

B. Push the indicator straight back (see Figure 2). This crushes the media ampule and activates

the indicator. Be sure that the cap will remainabove the metal block when the indicator is pushed back.

C. Push the activated indicator down to seat it in the metalheating block. (See Figure 3). Be sure

that the cap remainsabove the metal block when seated in the incubator.

8.Incubate at least one non-processed Attest biological indicator (positive control) each day a

processed indicator is incubated. The positive control indicator should be from the same manufacturing date and lot number as the processed indicator in the incubator.

9.Write a “C” and a date on the label o f the positive control indicator. Crush and incubate the

control at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F).

The purpose of the positive control is to ensure:

●correct incubation conditions

●viability of indicators (incorrect storage conditions could adversely affect even those

indicators which are within their stated shelf life)

●capability of media to promote rapid growth

10.Incubate the processed and control biological indicators for 48 hours at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F).

Incubation times:

Early detection 12 hours

18 hours

24 hours

Final detection 48 hours

The appearance of a yellow color in the processed indicator demonstrates bacterial growth and a sterilization process failure. No color change indicates an adequate sterilization process. A final negative result is made after 48 hours of incubation. The positive control indicator should show a yellow color change for the processed indicator results to be valid.

11.Record the processed and control biological indicator results. Act on any positive test as soon as

the first evidence of growth is noted. Always retest the sterilizer and do not use the sterilizer until the biological indicator test results are negative.






●在一个AAMI注射器里的Attest 1264生物指示剂


●Attest 1264生物指示剂置于测试产品最难测的区域。




A. 根据制造商说明书打开灭菌器柜门;转移负载到曝气装置并取回测试包。(如果使用有曝


B. 保温前测试包的曝气




7.生物指示剂保温温度为37 ± 2°C。






A. 在金属块中的指示剂位置(见图1)。将该指示剂底部放置在保温箱的金属加热座上,使


B. 将指示剂向后径直推(见图2)。这将压碎其中的安瓿并激活指示剂。当指示剂向后推时,


C. 向下按压已被激活的指示剂,使其稳固于金属加热区。(见图3)。当指示剂向下按压时,


8.每天至少培养一个未处理的Attest 生物指示剂(阳性对照)。在保温器中,阳性对照指示剂










18 小时






Dispose of used Attest biological indicators according to your healthcare facility’s policy. You may wish to autoclave any positive biological indicators at 250°F/121°C for at least15 minutes, or at 270°F/132°C for 10 minutes in a gravity displacement steam sterilizer, or at 270°F/132°C for 4 minutes in a vacuum assisted steam sterilizer.



Storage and Shelf Life:

A.Store Attest biological indicators under normal room conditions: 59-86°F (15-30°C), 35-60%

relative humidity.

B. Do not store these biological indicators near sterilants or other chemicals.

C. Attest biological indicators have a 24 month shelf life.







中英对照药品说明书 药品说明书是药品使用说明的书面文件,是药品使用过程中重要的参考依据。以下是一份中英对照的药品说明书,供大家参考。 【药品名称】 中文名称: 英文名称: 【成分】 本品主要成分为,辅料为。 【性状】 本品为剂型,外观呈色,有气味,味。 【适应症】 用于治疗疾病,缓解症状。 【用法用量】 成人:一次片,一日次。

儿童:请遵医嘱。 【不良反应】 部分患者可能出现不良反应,如等。如出现严重不良反应,请立即停药并就医。 【禁忌】 对本品成分过敏者禁用。孕妇、哺乳期妇女慎用。 【注意事项】 1、本品不能替代其他药品。 2、请遵医嘱,不可自行增减剂量或延长疗程。 3、治疗期间请避免食用辛辣、刺激性食物,并保持充足睡眠。 4、如服用本品后症状未缓解或出现不良反应,请及时就医。 5、请妥善保存药品说明书以备查阅。 【药物相互作用】 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或

药师。 【贮藏】 密封,置于阴凉干燥处(不超过30℃)。 【包装】 铝塑包装,每盒片。 【有效期】 36个月 【生产厂家】 制药有限公司 中英对照文件控制程序 随着全球化的深入发展,多语言环境下的文件控制和管理显得尤为重

要。本文将介绍一种中英对照文件控制程序,以确保在多语言环境下,文件的准确性和一致性得到有效管理。 一、背景 在全球化的背景下,企业需要处理大量的多语言文件,其中涉及的敏感信息和重要数据需要进行有效的管理和控制。同时,随着信息技术的快速发展,文件的电子化管理已成为主流。然而,电子文件的存储和管理面临着易篡改、易删除、版本混乱等问题,因此,建立一套有效的文件控制程序至关重要。 二、中英对照文件控制程序 中英对照文件控制程序是一种针对中英文文件的对照和控制方法。其主要思想是将同一份文件的中英文版本进行比对,确保两者内容一致,以避免误解和错误。 1、文件标识与版本控制 在电子文件中,为每一份文件分配一个唯一的标识符,并明确其版本号。对于同一份文件的中文和英文版本,它们应具有相同的标识符和版本号。这样,无论在哪个语言环境下,只要使用正确的标识符和版本号,就能找到正确的文件。


重要产品 信息指南 iPad 本《重要产品信息指南》包含安全、操作、处理及回收、监管和软件许可证信息,以及 iPad的一年有限保修。 请在《iPad使用手册》中查找其他环境信息,该手册的网址为: https://www.doczj.com/doc/de19188739.html,/zh_CN/manuals/iPad ±请在使用 iPad之前先阅读下列所有安全信息和 操作说明,以避免受伤。有关详细的操作说明, 请访问 https://www.doczj.com/doc/de19188739.html,/iPad或者使用 Safari 中的 “iPad使用手册 ”书签,在 iPad上阅读 《iPad使用手册》。若要获得《iPad使用手

册》的可下载版本以及本《重要产品信息指南》 的最新版本,请访问: https://www.doczj.com/doc/de19188739.html,/ zh_CN/manuals/iPad 重要的安全和操作信息 警告:不遵循这些安全性说明,可能会导致火灾、触电 或其他伤害,还可能损坏 iPad或其他财物。 携带和操作 iPad iPad包含敏感部件。切勿使 iPad跌落、 弯曲、变形;切勿将其拆卸、打开、挤压、刺破、毁掉、使用微波炉烘烤、焚烧;切勿给其涂抹油漆或将异物插入其内。 避免放在有水或潮湿的地方请勿在雨中、洗脸池附近或 其他潮湿的地方使用 iPad。小心不要将食物或液体泼洒在 iPad上。万一 iPad进水,请在清洁前先拔掉所有电缆,并

关闭 iPad(按住睡眠 /唤醒按钮,然后移动屏幕上的滑块), 待 iPad彻底晾干后再重新开机。切勿尝试使用外部热源(如微波炉或吹风机)烘干 iPad。因液体渗入而损坏的 iPad将 无法维修。 维修或改造 iPad请勿尝试自行维修或改造 iPad。拆卸 iPad可能会导致不在保修范围内的机身损坏。 iPad不包含 任何可由用户自行维修的部件, iPad Wi-Fi + 3G中的 SIM 卡和 SIM卡托架除外。维修服务只能由 Apple授权服务商 来提供。如果


商品说明书中英文翻译对照 【药物名】对乙酰氨基酚 【其他名称】乙酰氨基酚;扑热息痛;退热净;醋氨酚;Acetaminophen;N-acetyl-P-aminophenol 【英文名称】Paracetamol 【适应症】用于感冒及流感,发热,减轻中度疼痛如关节痛、神经痛、肌肉痛、头痛、偏头痛、痛经、牙痛等症状。对阿司匹林过敏或不适应的患者应用本品尤为适宜。 【用法与用量】口服:成人每次300-500毫克,日2-3次。儿童每日2-3次,每次2-3岁50-100毫克;4-6岁100-150毫克;7-9岁150-200毫克;10-12岁200-250毫克;12岁以上250-500毫克;1岁以下儿童避免使用。 【注意事项】 (1)对阿司匹林过敏者一般对本品不发生过敏,但也有因对阿司匹林过敏而发生哮喘的病人中,少部分人在服用本品后发生轻度支气管痉挛性反应,因此,对阿司匹林过敏者慎用。 (2)孕妇和哺乳期妇女慎用。 (3)服用本品后如出现红斑或水肿症状,应立即停药。 【不良反应】一般剂量较少引起不良反应,对胃肠道刺激小,不会引起胃肠道出血。但也偶可引起恶心、呕吐、出汗、腹泻及面色苍白等不良反应。长期大量用药,对肝、肾均有损害,尤其是肾功能低下者,可能出现肾绞痛或急性肾功能衰竭。另外还可发生高铁血红蛋白血症。 【禁忌症】 (1)对本品过敏者禁用。

(2)1岁以下儿童及新生儿因肝、肾功能发育不全,应避免使用。 (3)酒精中毒、患肝病或病毒性肝炎时,本品有增加肝脏毒性作用的危险,应禁用。 (4)肾功能不全者禁用。 【限定剂型】片剂,咀嚼片,缓释片,泡腾片,分散片,胶囊剂,口服溶液剂,滴剂,糖浆剂,颗粒剂,泡腾颗粒剂,栓剂。 【药物贮藏】应在阴凉干燥处密闭保存。 【药物配伍】1、长期饮酒或正在应用其他肝酶诱导剂时,尤其是巴比妥类或其他抗痉挛药的患者,连续使用本品,有发生肝脏毒性反应的危险。 2、长期大量与阿司匹林、其他水酸盐制剂或其他非甾体抗炎药合用时(如每年累积用量达1000克,应用3年以上),可明显增加肾毒性的危险。 3、与抗病毒药剂多夫定合用时,会增加毒性,应避免同时应用。 4、与抗凝血药合用时可增加抗凝血作用,故要调整抗凝血药的用量。Paracetamol Main Use :Pain, fever Active Ingredient :Paracetamol Manufacturer :Non-proprietary How does it work? This medicine contains the active ingredient paracetamol, which is a medicine used to relieve mild to moderate pain. It is also useful for reducing fever. It is not fully understood how paracetamol produces these effects. Paracetamol can be used to relieve mild to moderate aches and pains associated with conditions such as headaches, migraine, toothache, teething, colds and flu. It is also useful for reducing fever and discomfort associated with colds and flu and following vaccinations.


呼吸机说明书的中英文对照表 Volume Control 容量控制,简称VC基础通气模式之一,预设潮气量,呼吸频率,通气效率保证,气道压力可变IPPV Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation 间歇气道正压通气Drager产的呼吸机上的叫法,其实就是容量控制通气Pressure Control 压力控制,简称PC基础通气模式之一,预设吸气压力,呼吸频率,气道压力固定,潮气量可变A/C Assist/ Control 辅助/控制通气基础通气模式之一,允许患者自主触发辅助通气,目前的呼吸机上的容量控制和压力控制通气都有A/C的含义SIMV Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation 同步间歇指令通气混合模式,同步给予强制或辅助通气,间歇期允许患者自主呼吸或触发支持通气PSV Pressure Support Ventilation 压力支持通气支持模式,所有呼吸均由患者触发,呼吸机给予正压支持ASB Assisted Spontaneous Breathing 辅助自主呼吸Drager呼吸机上的叫法,其实就是PSVBIPAP Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure 双水平气道正压Drager呼吸机首创模式,两个气道正压周期性转换,产生潮气量,同时允许患者在两个压力水平上自主呼吸BiPAP Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure 双相气道正压伟康无创呼吸机专有模式,吸气相和呼气相交替切换两个压力水平,无创通气模式注:目前对于BIPAP和BiPAP的中文译名存在一定混乱,这里采用Drager呼吸机说明书上的说法,可能有的文献命名方法完全相反,个人感觉搞清楚两者的区别比纠缠名字更有意义APRV Airway Pressure Release Ventilation 气道压力释放通气BIPAP的一种形式,低压相时间特别短,欧洲也把APRV与BIPAP通用CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure 持续气道正压自主呼吸模式,呼吸机只给予一个持续的正压,患者自主完成呼吸过程PRVC Pressure Regulated Volume Control 压力调节容量控制双重控制模式,MAQUET Servo呼吸机首创,预设潮气量,呼吸机自动调节吸气压力,保证以最低的压力输送预设潮气量APV Adaptive Pressure Ventilation 适应性压力通气Hamilton呼吸机上的叫法,与PRVC相似VTPC Volume Target Pressure Control 容量目标压力通气Newport呼吸机上的叫法,与PRVC相似VAPS Volume Assured Pressure Support 容量保障压力支持鸟牌呼吸机上的双控模式,在一次呼吸内,如果指定时间内未输送完预设潮气量,即转为压力支持直至潮气量完成Paug 压力扩增熊牌呼吸机上的双控模式,与VAPS相似VSV Volume Support Ventilation 容量支持通气双重控制模式,与PRVC 不同处在于所有的呼吸必须由患者自己触发MMV Minute Mandatory Ventilation 分钟指令通气预设目标分钟通气量,当实际通气量不足时呼吸机给予指令通气,保证达到预设通气量目标ASV Adaptive Support Ventilation 适应性支持通气闭合环通气模式,呼吸机自动调节支持水平,使得患者处在预设的“理想通气范围”内PAV Proportional Assist Ventilation 成比例辅助通气PB以及Stephanie呼吸机上的一种模式,呼吸机监测气道阻力和顺应性变化,间接判断患者吸气努力大小,并成比例的给予通气辅助PPS Proportional Pressure Support 成比例压力支持Drager呼吸机上的特有模式,与PAV相似 accumulator贮气箱(装置)adap ter接合器,接口adjusting tap 调节柄air inlet filter空气输入滤过器airway p ressure 呼吸道压alarm indicator报警显示alveolar p ressure肺泡内压amp lifier增幅唇apnea呼吸暂停apnea indicator呼吸暂停显示装置assembly装置、组合assist/controlmode,A /C辅助/控制通气back - up ventilation备用通气bacterial filter细菌滤过器bag 囊ballon valve球囊式活瓣bellows风箱bleed regulator排气调节器blower鼓风机calibration校准、定标chamber腔check valve 单向阀compensator代偿装置comp ressor压缩器、压缩装置continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)持续呼吸道正压continuous flow持续气流control knob调节炳cooling fan冷却扇corrugated hose螺纹管、呼吸管道crossover soleniod交通电磁阀delay dial 廷迟设定demand flow按需气流demand valve按需供气阀diaphragm 隔膜digital amp lifer数字型增幅器drive system驱动系统electrical switch电子开关electrodynamic valve电动阀exhaled gas呼出气exhalation time呼出时间exhalation valve呼出阀exhaust valve气体排出活瓣(阀)exp ired minute volume呼气分钟通气量feed back servocontrol反馈伺服控制filling solenoid 充气电磁阀(气流开关)filter滤过器flap valve平行阀flow control valve流量控制(调节)阀flowrate流速flow transducer流量传感器flow trigger流量触发(器)flush knob冲洗按键gas outlet气体出口gas samp ing pump 气体采样泵gas supp ly气体供应generated p ressure驱动压 SPONT = CPAPPSV = CPAP + 吸气压力支持(举例来说,CPAP=5cm H2O,那么患者在吸气和呼气的时候,气道内的压力都是5cm H2O;PSV模式下,如果PS=5,PEEP=5cm H2O,那么在呼气相的时候气道内的压力为5cm H2O,吸气相的时候气道内的压力为10cm H2O,也就是患者在吸气的时候得到了5cm H2O的压力支持。所以在PSV模式下,如果把PS设置为零,那也就成了CPAP或者SPONT 。)


中英文对照说明书 【篇一:中英文对照说明书】 前言 preface 感谢您使 用徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司生产的就地点火控制柜装置。本公司的就地点火控制柜装置是徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司自主开发生产的高品质就地控制装置,在使用系列本程控装置之前请您仔细阅读该手册以保证正确使用并充分发挥其优越性。 本说明书对就地控制柜(以下简称控制柜)的操作和安装方法等做了详细的介绍。使用控制柜以前,在阅读本说明书的基础上,进行安全正确使用。 thank you for choosing the local ignition control cabinet designed by our company. the local ignition control device is explored by our company for the ignition control of boiler. this manual describes installation and operation of the cabinet clearly, please read this manual before using. 内容介绍brief introduction 本手册介绍了点火控制柜的组成、安装、配线、功能参数、日常使用维护及对故障的处理 the manual includes the cabinet’s components, installation, wiring, data, maintenance, and troubleshooting. 读者对象applicable readers 本书适合下列人员阅读this manual is applicable for 设备安装人员、维护人员、设计人员 installer, maintenance man, and designer 本书约定stipulation 符号约定symbol stipulations 说明提醒操作者需重点关注的地方 points operator should pay attention to 由于没有按要求操作可能造成死亡或重伤的场合危险! this symbol indicates death or gbh that may occur as a result of improper operation 由于没有按要求操作可能造成中等程度伤害或轻伤或造成物质


说明书英文 【篇一:打印机产品说明书(英文版)】 【篇二:中英文对照说明书】 前言 preface 感谢您使用徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司生产的就地点火控制柜装置。本公司的就地点火控制柜装置是徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司自主开发生产的高品质就地控制装置,在使用系列本程控装置之前请您仔细阅读该手册以保证正确使用并充分发挥其优越性。 本说明书对就地控制柜(以下简称控制柜)的操作和安装方法等做了详细的介绍。使用控制柜以前,在阅读本说明书的基础上,进行安全正确使用。 thank you for choosing the local ignition control cabinet designed by our company. the local ignition control device is explored by our company for the ignition control of boiler. this manual describes installation and operation of the cabinet clearly, please read this manual before using. 内容介绍brief introduction 本手册介绍了点火控制柜的组成、安装、配线、功能参数、日常使用维护及对故障的处理 the manual includes the cabinet’s components, installation, wiring, data, maintenance, and troubleshooting. 读者对象applicable readers 本书适合下列人员阅读this manual is applicable for 设备安装人员、维护人员、设计人员 installer, maintenance man, and designer 本书约定stipulation 符号约定symbol stipulations 说明提醒操作者需重点关注的地方 points operator should pay attention to 由于没有按要求操作可能造成死亡或重伤的场合危险! this symbol indicates death or gbh that may occur as a result of improper operation


CS49H 疏水阀 Steam Trap Valve 说明书 (Instructions) 南通市力沛流体阀业有限公司Nantong Lipei Fluid Valves Co., Ltd.

疏水阀( Steam Trap Valve) 一、产品概述(product description) CS49H型圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀依靠液体的热动力学性质的变化而动作。由于在相同的压力下,液体与气体的流速不同,所产生的不同的动、静压力,驱使圆盘形阀片动作。 The CS49H disc steam trap operates on the change of the thermodynamic properties of the liquid. Because the flow rates of liquid and gas are different under the same pressure, the different dynamic and static pressures generated drive the disc-shaped valve plate to move. 二、主要特点(main feature): 1、结构简单,价格低,动作可靠。 1. The structure is simple, the price is low, and the action is reliable. 2、漏汽率极低,不受压力波动的影响。 2. The steam leakage rate is extremely low and is not affected by pressure fluctuations. 3、带蒸汽或空气保温装置,不受环境温度影响,减少动作频率,延长寿命。3. With steam or air thermal insulation device, it is not affected by the ambient temperature, reducing the operating frequency and extending the life. 4、具有过滤器和排污功能。 4. With filter and sewage function. 5、该阀动作灵敏可靠,排水量大,压力范围大。 5. The valve has sensitive and reliable action, large displacement and large pressure range.


YE2系列三相异步电动机 YE2 Series Three-phase Asynchronous Motors 使用说明书 Instruction for Use 生产商:***股份有限公司 Manufacturer: ***CO.,LTD 地址:***开发区 Address: ***Hunan 电话(Phone):0*** 传真(Fax):0***

概述Brief Introduction YE2系列三相异步电动机是在原Y系列电动机基础上更新设计的一般用途笼式全封闭自扇冷式三相异步电动机。其能效等级符合GB18613-2012的3级标准,属节能产品。 YE2 series three-phase asynchronous motor is a general purpose cage type fully enclosed self fan cooling three-phase asynchronous motor based on the original Y series motor. Its energy efficiency grade is in line with the grade 3 standard of GB 18613-2012, which is an energy-saving product. 使用条件Regular service condition 电动机宜在下列条件下保证稳定运行: Please use the series YX3 three-phase asynchronous motors under following conditions: 海拔高度:不超过1000米 Above sea level: Less than 1000 meters 环境温度:不超过40℃,不低于-15℃ Ambient temperature: More than -15℃ and less than 40℃ 频率:50Hz Frequency: 50Hz 电压:按铭牌订单 Voltage: In accordance with the brand of the logo or customer orders 接线方式:3kW以下为Y形接法,4kW以上为△形接法 Mode of connection: Its output is less than 3kW for star-connection method, more than 4kW for delta- connection method. 绝缘等级:F级 Class of insulation: Class F insulation 定子绕组温升极限:80K(电阻法) Limit temperature rise of the stator winding: Less than 80K using in Resistance method. 外壳防护等级:IP55 The protective class is IP55 冷却方式:IC411 Cooling method: IC411


篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译 产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。 产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。 产品特点:质地清透幼滑,迅速渗透,持续给予肌肤充分滋养,让干燥粗糙的肌肤变得明亮润滑,显著改善肤色,用后肌肤清透柔亮,犹如出水芙蓉般水润透白。 蕴含蚕丝蛋白、洛神花和透明质酸,深层保湿,并在肌肤表明形成锁水保湿保护薄膜,增添肌肤活力,持续改善暗沉黑黄肌肤,另肌肤光彩动人。 active white liquid foundation product characteristics:being easy to apply to the skin evenly,it unblocks the pores,shades the blemishes on the fae and increases the brightness and transparency of the skin. containing rich fibroin extract and extract and valued herbal essences,it strenghens the whitening funtion as well as moisturizes the skin ripidly and creates a water -locking membrance to keep the skin tender and smooth with natural white radiance. 肌活盈白粉底液 产品特点:自由顺畅延展,改善毛孔堵塞,有效修饰和淡化面部瑕疵,提升肌肤亮度和透明质感; 富含蚕丝蛋白及多种名贵草木萃取精华,能提升肌肤美白原动力,快速滋润肌肤,给予肌肤持续保湿,并形成锁水薄膜,令肌肤水润柔滑,时刻呈现自然盈白光彩。 篇二:女性化妆品中英文说明书 herborist(草药医生,佰草集) purifying(使洁净) facial wash(洁面乳) function:specially formulated(构想出,制定,配制) with herbal(草本的,草药的) essences(精华液) from glycyrrhiza uralensis, dlanthus superbus, lonicera japanica and mosla chinensis. it features fine and elastic(有弹力的) foam , which can gently cleanse facial dirt and excess(多余的) sebum, leaving your skin pure and refreshing.(蕴含甘草,瞿麦,金银花,石竹中草药精华,泡沫细腻富有弹性,能温和清洁面部尘垢和多余油脂,令肌肤回归水油平衡状态) attentions: please do not use on wound skin areas. please discontinue use and consult a dermatologist or a staff at herborist counter if allergy or irritation develops.(皮肤破损时慎用。使用后如有不适,请停止使用,并咨询购买柜台人员 或皮肤科医生) 篇三:化妆品英文说明书上的单词大多是大同词汇 “化妆品英文说明书上的单词大多是大同词汇(比较书面化的语言),日常生活中一般不常见。”helen老师说,化妆品英文说明书的翻译是非常专业的,即使你能认识那些瓶瓶罐罐上标注的英文单词,你也不一定能准确把它翻译出来,因为化妆品说明书翻译还涵盖语言学、文化学、社会心理学、广告学、美学等诸多学科知识,这主要与化妆品这种产品的特性有关。因此,对于只是消费者的白领来说,想读懂手中的宝贝,只能尽量多认识一些常见的化妆品单词,并结合日常的化妆常识,揣摩整个句子的意思。 helen老师介绍说,化妆品英文说明书上一般会有产品名、产品功效、使用方法等三类,其中产品功效方面的词汇,读者可以利用一些前缀来认识。例如,repair、anti-age是修复,抗衰的意思。那anti-oxidant就是抗氧化,anti- wrinkle就是抗老防皱。还有hydratant、hydra、moisturize是保湿的意思,那我们看到“hydra-move”或“hydra-balance”字样


EFFECT: DEEP CLEANZER FOR REMOVING MAKEUP Containing the essence of olive and mild ingredients for cleansing, dissolve溶解the oil and remnant残余部分in the pores which makeup on your face,,cleanse the skin deeply. Gentle massage your face,deeply cleanse your skin,and moisture it,make your skin tender,delicate and silky. IT IS MILDY ,NOT OIL,easily clean,good results remove color which make up your face. 2. OLIVE BB cream,moisture,isolate,block-flaw,whitening,nourish,repair,block-pore,foundation many effects into one,make particularity tender refresh skin.水嫩,隔离,遮瑕,修护,控油,隐形毛孔,粉底九效合一,打造细致粉嫩,清新自然的裸妆美人。 SUPPLY WATER AND NUTRIENTS INTO SKIN,let you have hydrating and whitening skin,deduct演绎natural skin. It has a thin and refresh texture,can make upflaw,polish skin color ,easily let you have crystal skin 3.A′Gensn安安金纯OLIVE HYDRATING&WHITEING ISOLATION LOTION Olive essence and whitening protection factor,adjust skin color,let your skin becoming whitening,protect the skin from the external damage,let your skin have protect layer which can not see.(蕴含橄榄油精华和美白隔离成分,巧妙调整肤色,呈现自然白皙的肌肤,美白的同时,发挥出特有的隔离效果,阻隔粉尘,尼古丁等不良物质对肌肤的伤害,给肌肤一层看不见的保护层) Deeply hydrating,let your skin gained mildness nourish.深层补水,系统润泽肌肤,位肌肤提供隔离保护的同时让肌肤享受温和和滋养 It has a light and softness texture ,easily absorbed by skin,not oil ,make up natural and permanence.质地轻柔薄和,容易被肌肤吸收,无油腻感觉,打造完美肤色,上妆服帖持久 4.Lilium Essential Hydrating Moisturizer 百合高保湿润养水 The delicate and silky toner can provide adequate nutrition and water while effectively softening the cuticle甲小皮,leaving skin soft,moist and contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes ,keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better (浓稠质地,供给肌肤丰沛水分和养分,帮助保持天然水脂滋润度。蕴含百合,玉竹等本草滋养精华,由表及里层层渗透,柔软肌表,养润肌底,令肌肤细嫩幼滑,水润通透) 5.Lilium Essential Hydrating Toner 百合高保湿柔肤水 The refreshing and absorbable toner can improve the skin surface water content ,leaving skin plump饱满,丰腴&moist .It contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes ,keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products


一、药品英文说明书的结构简介 “药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructons,Directions,Descriiption 现在多用Package Insert,或简称Insert,也有用Leeflet或Data Sheets.Insert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的一份用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。 进口药的英文说明书随药品来源的不同,有以英语为母语的国家,也有以英语为外语的国家。说明书繁简难易不同。短者仅百余词,长者可达上万词。较简单的悦明书仅介绍成分、适应症、禁忌症、用法与用量等内容;较详尽的说明书中除上述内容外还包括:药品性状、药理作用、临床药理、临床前动物试验、临床经验、药代动力学、庄意事项、不良反应或副作用、用药过量、药物的相互作用、警告、有效期、包装、贮存条件、患者须知及参考文献等诸多项目。 为了顺利阅读和正确翻译进口药英文说明书,读者除应具备较好的英语基础,掌握一定的专业知识(如医学、化学、药剂学、药理学、药物代谢动力学等)外,还应熟悉英文药品说明书的结构及语言待点等。大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容;①药品名称(Drug NameS),②性状(Descriiption),③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),④适应症(Indications),⑤禁忌证(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(DOsage and Administration).⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。⑧注意事项(Precautions),⑨包装(Package),⑩贮存(Storage),⑾其他项目(Others)。 现将各项专题的表述方法与翻译、结构特点、常用词语及阅读技巧等分述如下。 二、药品名称 英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名(Trade Name或Proprietary Name),通用名(Generic Name)和化学名(Chemical Name),其中最常见的是商品名。例如,日本田边有限公司生产的熊去氧胆酸片,其商品名为Ursosan(Tablets):通用名为Ursodesoxycholic Acid(熊去氧胆酸);化学名为3a,7p dihydroxy-5p-Cholanoic acid(3a,7p二羟基5p胆烷酸)。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。 药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(R)标记,例如ADRIBLASTNA(R)(阿霉素),TEGRETOL(痛痉宁)。“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,(R)表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准.取得了此项专用的注册商标(Registered Trade Mark)。有时在商品名之下(或后)又列有通用名或化学名.例如:Rulide(罗力得)之下列有(Roxithromycin,罗红霉素):Minipress(脉宁平)之后列有(Praxosin HCI,盐酸哌唑嗪);Nitro-Dur(护心贴片〕之下又列有(Nitroglycerin,硝酸甘油)。 药品名称的翻译可采用音译、意译、音意合译及谐音译意等方法。 1、音译:按英文药品名歌的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。如:Tamoxitn它莫西芬,Ritalin 利他林,Am-acin 阿米卡星。音译较为方便,但不能表意。


3M TM Attest TM 1264/1264P Biological Indicator 生物指示剂 Product description: The 3M Attest 1264 Biological Indicator (green cap) is designed for monitoring of EO sterilization process. The presence of Bacillus atrophaeus spores is detected by a visual color change (media turns yellow). The yellow color change indicates a sterilization process failure. The final readout of a negative result (media remains green) is made after 48 hours of incubation. 产品描述:3M Attest 1264生物指示剂(绿帽)用来监测环氧乙烷灭菌过程。 可通过视觉上的颜色变化(培养基变成黄色)来检测枯草杆菌芽孢是否存在。如果培养基变成黄色,则表明灭菌过程失败;如果培养基保持绿色不变,经48小时潜伏期后,最终得到阴性结果。 Monitoring frequency: Attest biological indicators should be placed in an appropriate test tray or package, and be used to monitor every load. This presents an appropriate challenge and improves the performance of the sterilization process. 监测频率:Attest生物指示剂应放置在适当的测试盘或包装内,以便监测每一个负载。此方法对灭菌过程来说是一个挑战,它提高了灭菌过程的成效。 Indications: Use the Attest 1264 Biological Indicator to monitor: 1.All ethylene oxide sterilization cycles. 说明: 使用Attest 1264生物指示剂监测: 1. 所有环氧乙烷灭菌的循环过程。 Contraindications: None. 禁忌:无。 Warning: ●There is a glass ampule inside the plastic vial of the biological indicator. ●Crushing or excessive handling of the biological indicator before cooling may cause the glass ampule to burst. ●Wear safety glasses and gloves when removing the biological indicator from the sterilizer. ●Wear safety glasses when crushing the biological indicator. ●Handle the biological indicator by the cap when crushing and tapping. ●Do not use your fingers to crush the glass ampule. ●Do not roll the biological indicator between fingers to wet the spore strip. 警告:


Creto TopSeal® Product Description: Creto Top Seal is a non-toxic, non-flammable, water based, penetrating surface sealer that completely seals, waterproofs and protects most materials, alkaline and non-alkaline, porous and non-porous. It is a one coat easy clean up clear non glossy surface sealant that stops pitting, rutting, dusting and the formation of mold on cementitious and other surfaces. Top seal is effective as a sealer for stone, cured asphalt, concrete, brick, and many other surfaces, whether applied on surfaces which will be above or below grade. Composition: Creto TopSeal is a proprietary formula Packaging: 5 gallon pails 55 gallon drums Color: Clear Application: Surface Prep: Previously non-treated, or bare, new concrete needs no prior preparation. Any existing paint or surface treatment (other than Creto DPS) must be removed for Creto Top Seal to be effective. In problem areas where foreign matter such as grease or oil have penetrated below the surface, apply an appropriate cleaning agent. Flush off this foreign matter with water and allow to dry thoroughly. Several applications may be needed in some cases in order to flush all such foreign matter to the surface. Note: While oil, for example, will be removed, stains from used motor oil may not. Prior to applying Top Seal, cracks must be repaired and sealed with a cement based repair, patching and overlay mortar. A patch or overlay using Creto RMO might be appropriate. For concrete surfaces only we recommend that Creto DPS (Deep Penetrating Sealer) be applied after the repair, patching and overlay mortar to ensure the monolithic bonding of the Top Seal to the substrate. Application Equipment: Brush, Mop, Roller, Low Pressure (max. 20-30 psi) Sprayer Field tests have shown that the most effective way to apply TopSeal is to use a low pressure Pump Sprayer (CHAPIN) Mixing Creto TopSeal is pre-mixed at the factory, but, shake it well before using it, this agitation will ensure the maximum effectiveness. The particular viscosity of TopSeal has been developed to allow the applicator to successfully complete most applications to most substrate, in the shortest possible application time, usually with one coat. Do not dilute or mix Creto TopSeal with water or any other liquid. Use only as supplied.

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